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Building Standards in Educational and Professional Testing



Building Standards in Educational and Professional Testing

ENGLISH Complete the sentences by choosing the most appropriate option from the given lettered choices (A to D) below each.
1. Almost everyone h s tro!"le ###### A. B. C. D. slee%$n& 'or slee%$n& slee% sle%t t one t$me or nother.

Each question below consists of a related pair of words, followed by four lettered pairs of words. elect the lettered pair that best e!presses a relationship similar to that e!pressed in the original pair.
(. CARPEN)ER* SA+** A. B. C. D. steno&r %her* ty%e,r$ter % $nter* "r!sh l ,yer* "r$e' t $lor* s-$ssors

.. ME)APHOR* LI)ERAL** A. B. C. D. "$o&r %hy* --!r te melo/y* s%o0en %oem* rhythm$nthem* % tr$ot$-

Choose the lettered word or phrase that is most nearly opposite in meaning to the word in capital letters.
1. E2AGGERA)ION* A. B. C. D. str n&e /$re-t ro!te m%l$'$- t$on !n/erst tement


Building Standards in Educational and Professional Testing

"uestions #$% are based on the following passage.

A &re t s-hol r re-o&n$3e/ th t4 ,h$le ll men sho!l/ h ve e5! l o%%ort!n$ty4 ll /$/ not h ve the s me - % -$ty. Some h / the "$l$ty to e rn more th n others. B!t he "el$eve/ th t those ,ho h / t lent ,o!l/ "e %er'orm$n& the ,or0 o' so-$ety $' they !se/ the$r t lent ,$sely n/ ,ell. He s $/ th t he ,o!l/ llo, m n o' $ntelle-t to e rn more n/ not s!%%ress h$s t lent. B!t $t , s h$s v$e, th t the "!l0 o' h$s l r&er e rn$n&s sho!l/ &o to the -ommon '!n/. )hose ,$th t lent n/ o%%ort!n$ty ,o!l/ '$n/ the$r '!l'$llment s tr!stees. He e6ten/e/ th$s -on-e%t o' tr!steesh$% to -over ll '$el/s o' l$'e. 7. )he s-hol r ment$one/ $n the % ss &e never "el$eve/ $n A. B. C. D. so-$ l e5! l$ty e5! l$ty o' o%%ort!n$t$es %ol$t$- l e5! l$ty -om%lete e5! l$ty $n ll res%e-ts

8. )he s-hol r9s tr!steesh$% -on-e%t $s A. B. C. D. %h$loso%hy %%l$- "le to so-$ l l$'e only %%l$- "le to ll '$el/s o' l$'e $rrelev nt to/ y

:. A--or/$n& to h$m4 one - n serve the so-$ety A. B. C. D. $' $' $' $' one one one one $s t lente/ !se/ h$s t lent ,$sely e rne/ ,ell ,or0e/ honestly

;. )he % ss &e %r$m r$ly /$s-!sses the s-hol r9s A. B. C. D. Ch r -ter <$e,s Serv$-es Person l$ty m n o' $ntelle-t sho!l/

=. He "el$eve/ th t A. B. C. D.

e rn s m!-h s he nee/s e rn 'or others4 not 'or h$msel' e rn more n/ not s!%%ress h$s t lent l$ve on -h r$ty


Building Standards in Educational and Professional Testing

ANAL>)ICAL REASONING "uestions &'$&(

An e/$tor m!st -hoose '$ve rt$-les to "e %!"l$she/ $n the !%-om$n& $ss!e o' n rts rev$e,. )he only rt$-les v $l "le 'or %!"l$- t$on re the ter rt$-les ?4 G4 H n/ @4 n/ / n-e rt$-les A4 L4 M n/ O. At le st three o' the '$ve %!"l$she/ rt$-les m!st "e / n-e I' @ $s -hosen4 then M - nnot "e. I' ? $s -hosen4 then @ m!st lso "e -hosen. A. B. C. D. E. A. B. C. D. E. A. B. C. D. E. A. B. C. D. E. ? G H @ A --e%t "le &ro!%$n&s o' rt$-les $n-l!/e @C One ),o )hree ?o!r ?$ve rt$-le m 0es only one &ro!% o' rt$-les --e%t "leC ? G @ L M @ $s not -hosen E6 -tly three / n-e rt$-les re -hosen H $s not -hosen All 'o!r o' the / n-e rt$-les re -hosen ? $s not -hosen rt$-les.

1B.I' M $s not -hosen 'or the $ss!e4 ,h$-h o' the 'ollo,$n& m!st "e -hosenC

11.Ho, m ny

1(.)he -ho$-e o' ,h$-h

1..I' G $s -hosen 'or the $ss!e4 ,h$-h o' the 'ollo,$n& m!st "e tr!eC

)r velers m y enter n/ rem $n $n the Re%!"l$- 'or !% to 7= / ys. I' tr veler $s to st y 'or more th n seven / ys4 ho,ever4 s%e-$ l v$s $s re5!$re/. 11.I' the st tements tr!eC A. B. C. D. E. "ove re tr!e4 ,h$-h o' the 'ollo,$n& m!st lso "e

A tr veler ,ho $s st y$n& $n the Re%!"l$- 'or 11 / ys m!st h ve s%e-$ l v$s M ny tr velers ,ho st y $n the Re%!"l$- /o not nee/ v$s s Some tr velers ,ho st y $n the Re%!"l$- 'or more th n seven / ys /o not h ve the %%ro%r$ te v$s s )r velers ,ho st y less th n seven / ys $n the Re%!"l$- /o not nee/ v$s s )r velers ,ho merely % ss thro!&h the Re%!"l$- ,h$le th$s ro!te to other /est$n t$ons /o not nee/ v$s s 4


Building Standards in Educational and Professional Testing

17.R / r - nnot /eterm$ne* A. B. C. D. 18.Es m A. B. C. D. S$3e o' o"De-t S%ee/ o' o"De-t D$st n-e o' o"De-t D$re-t$on o' mot$on o' o"De-t "$n L /$n , s A'&h n$st n L$"y Ir 5 S !/$ Ar "$ -$t$3en o'*


Building Standards in Educational and Professional Testing

1:.)he & !ss $s A. B. C. D. !n$t o'*

Over ll m &net$- '$el/ stren&th Am%ereFt!rns M &net$- 'l!6 /ens$ty M &net$- %o,er

1;.R te o' /o$n& ,or0 $s - lle/* A. B. C. D. Ener&y Po,er ?or-e None o' the

"ove -om%!ter %ro&r m $s*

1=.A %erson ,ho /es$&ns A. B. C. D.

A /es$&ner An n lyst A %ro&r mmer None o' the "ove mon&

(B.A ##### $s -om%!ter net,or0 !se/ 'or -omm!n$- t$on -om%!ter /ev$-es -lose to one %erson. A. B. C. D. Person l re net,or0 LAN +AN All o' the "ove


Building Standards in Educational and Professional Testing

Ans,er AE>S
G H. 1 ( . 1 7 8 : ; = 1B 11 1( 1. 11 17 18 1: 1; 1= (B R$&ht Cho$-e A D B E D C B B B E C A E A A D C B C A


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