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Creating outstanding customer experience in shopping centres


Creating outstanding customer experience in shopping centres is BCSCs thought-leadership document on how retail property delivers customer experience and care to its customers whether these are shoppers, retailers or other stakeholders.
standards in customer care in shopping centres and retail destinations look and feel. The case studies show what steps can and are being taken by the best in the industry to ensure that they deliver a fantastic customer experience. Ultimately this is about giving the public safe, secure and enjoyable places to work, shop and take their leisure.

With the Mary Portas Review into the future of our high streets still fresh in our minds, there has never been a better time to reexamine the role that customer service has to play in shaping our towns and cities and perhaps more crucially, contributing to their economic survival and to the wellbeing of their residents. This new edition brings to life through a series of current, best practice case studies and revised checklists, how the highest

Customer expectations have also moved on during this period. The success of the ACE Awards is proof that shopping centres have embraced the power of customer service and the benefits it can bring.

The world has changed enormously since the first edition of this guide. The worst economic recession since the 1920s, an explosion in online shopping and rapid rise in the use of social media and new technology, has had a profound impact on retailing businesses.

When the guide was first written in 2005, it focused attention on the role that customer service has to play in our shopping centres, high streets and retail parks. It was a precursor to the BCSC Achieving Customer Excellence Award programme (ACE), which has proven to be an important catalyst for improvement within our industry.

I would like to thank members of the BCSCs Customer Experience Committee, ACE Awards judges and BCSC members from across our industry for their time and expertise in assisting RealService in putting this invaluable guide together.

This guide also challenges us to think ahead about the way service will evolve as our industry responds to the fast-moving economic, social and technological changes taking place. It is a crucial read for everyone working in our field.

Peter Drummond BCSC President BDP , Chief Executive

Creating outstanding customer experience in shopping centres

Researched and written by: Howard Morgan Heather Purchase Sue Flatto Danielle Sanderson RealService Kingsbridge House 130 Marsh Road Pinner Middlesex HA5 5LX

w: www.real-service.co.uk t: 020 3393 9603 ISBN: 1 897958 54 4 RealService 2012

RealService would like to thank the following members of the project steering group for their support throughout this study: Lance Stanbury, Mall Management Solutions / Andrew McMillan, Engaging Service / Davinder Jhamat, BCSC.


RealService would also like to thank the BCSC Educational Trust for its contribution to the study and to Dan Innes of Innesco for his involvement on its behalf.

The text of this publication may not be reproduced nor may talks or lectures based on material contained within the document be given without the written consent of RealService. No responsibility for loss occasioned to any person acting or refraining from action as a result of the material included in this publication can be accepted by the authors or the publishers.


INTRODUCTION 1 CREATING A SERVICE CULTURE Are you all singing from the same song sheet?

1 6



British Land: Personality makeover Service culture: Scorecard 9

2 UNDERSTANDING YOUR CUSTOMERS Mindreading for beginners

Research methods Gunwharf Quays: Getting to know you Understanding customers: Scorecard 14

Retailer relationships PRUPIM: Strengthening ties Supplier relationships Jackson Square: Keeping you security team secure The Mall Pavilions: Cleaners are key staff Community relationships The Kingdom shopping centre: Inspiring the community Retailer relationships: Scorecard Supplier relationships: Scorecard Community relationships: Scorecard 38

3 PEOPLE AND MANAGEMENT Power to the people

6 PERFORMANCE MEASUREMENT What gets measured gets improved

Hammerson: Motivating retailers People and management: Scorecard 18

Capital shopping centres: Improvement by measurement Performance measurement: Scorecard What is your total score? 41

4 THE CUSTOMER EXPERIENCE The journey is the treasure

The customer journey ACE Awards The Oracle: How to be a Top Ace Kingfisher Shopping Centre: Leading by example Westfield Derby: Ensuring happy families Communication: Scorecard Journey: Scorecard Facilities: Scorecard Experience: Scorecard


The Brewery: The Facebook revolution CrownGate: Quick Response Discounting that engages retailers 46



This update of the 2005 BCSC Customer Care Guide re-examines the research conducted by Industry Forum Service. The 2005 research programme identified elements of customer care best practice in shopping centres which companies and employees could embrace in order to improve their performance. The guide has been updated now to take account of the dramatic changes that have taken place in the world and in the shopping centre industry since the first edition was published. For example, recession combined with an explosion in online shopping and increase in the use of social media and new technology, has had a profound impact on retailing businesses across the board. The role that the high street has to play in shaping our society has been heavily scrutinised. As an industry we have become more knowledgeable and experienced about the power of customer service and the benefits it can bring. The 2005 research included interviews with retailers, shopping centre managers, property companies, town centre managers, consumers and customer service experts within the sector. In addition a number of structured visits to shopping centres were carried out to develop the customer journey approach. The majority of the original research focused on the aspects of the shopping experience beyond the retail stores themselves. This update continues the approach outlined above. While this guide recognises the importance that aspects such as shopping centre design and retailer mix have on the customer experience, we continue to focus on the elements that shopping centre management are able to directly influence.

The examination has involved:

exploring perspectives on best practice with shopping centre management teams, industry experts and consultants drawing on the extensive customer research conducted by RealService on behalf of shopping centre owners and managers, and lessons from members of the RealService Best Practice Group. expert contributions from the BCSC Customer Experience Committee members

conducting interviews with BCSC ACE Awards winners and judges


(A list of contributors is shown in the Acknowledgements section at the back of this guide.) APPROACH The underlying principle of this guide can be summarised by this simple formula;

In other words, great customer service is the output of clarity of understanding about customers needs and the ability to respond and deliver a responsive service every time.

Customer = service

customer focus + operational excellence

Creating outstanding customer experience in shopping centres


Take a moment to think about the organisations that have the best reputation for customer service. Have you noticed that they seem to be one step ahead of you and have just the right product or service when you need it (customer focus)? They also seem to deliver the product with great skill and if things do go wrong, they put it right quickly and without fuss (operational excellence). Together that makes customer service. Research by the Institute of Customer Service shows that the top 10 companies rated by the general public for great customer service are:
Amazon (92) Marks & Spencer (food) (87) Ambulance Service (87) First Direct (86) John Lewis (86) Fire Service (86) Boots (85)

Companies like John Lewis and others renowned for their service culture, like Pret A Manger and Apple have the following characteristics in common: they are led by visionary, inspiring leaders who promote change. These people communicate a clear vision and operate by a strong set of values that they share with their staff

have values that appeal to customers and staff. They focus on meeting customer needs, operating in a way that lets staff take pride in their business and makes customers happy to buy from them unlock the potential of their people. The best businesses develop their employees, making them feel valued and encouraging them to contribute to the business

Virgin Holidays (85) SAGA Holidays (85) Marks & Spencer (non-food) (85)

promote new ideas and ways of working. They see that future success depends on constant improvement and innovation

Source: 2012 UK Customer Satisfaction Index in brackets max 100

know their customers. They are always looking to learn from their customers and try to anticipate and respond to their changing demands, and try to exceed their customers expectations. They place great emphasis on continually improving the quality of the products and services they provide.

Underpinning each of these organisations whether they be in the public or private sector, traditional or online retailers is an obsessional focus on the customer and operational excellence. It is fascinating to see the fire and ambulance services listed alongside retailers such as Amazon and John Lewis. For the shopping centre industry, retailers like Amazon have raised the bar of what customers expect in terms of speed, choice, value for money and service.

The chapters in this guide reflect these common characteristics and follow the structure of the 2005 guide. We illustrate with case studies and practical checklists the areas that customer focused organisations typically excel at.

Creating outstanding customer experience in shopping centres

The areas covered are:

1. Creating a service culture Are you all singing from the same song sheet? 2. Understanding your customers Mindreading for beginners 4. The customer experience The journey is the treasure 6. Performance measurement What gets measured gets improved 8. The future 3. People and management Power to the people 5. Stakeholder relationships Do unto others 7. Social media and technology Watch the birdie Each section is supported with a scorecard/s enabling you to rate your customer service.

meeting expectations meeting expectations creates customer satisfaction but this in itself does not develop customer loyalty recovering when expectations are not met people and processes must be in place to collect feedback when expectations are not met. Recovered customers have been shown to have more loyalty, once recovered. exceeding expectations consistently exceeding expectations develops loyalty, and

understanding expectations take time to research and explore your customers expectations of your company and your shopping centre. Some customer expectations may be unrealistic and you will need to manage expectations to prevent dissatisfaction


CUSTOMER SERVICE BASICS Before we explore these areas in detail, it is worth reflecting on some basics about what makes and breaks the customer relationship. MEETING CONSUMER EXPECTATIONS Figure 1 illustrates the consumer reaction to met and unmet expectations. Key to delivering customer expectations is: Figure 1

CUSTOMER EXPERIENCE The focus of attention among the leading thinkers on the subject of customer service is towards what creates a great customer experience. Christopher Meyer and Andr Schwager define customer experience as the internal and subjective response customers have to any direct or indirect contact with a company.1

Figure 2 demonstrates the recall of a consumer to their experience. There are sometimes mistakes or failures in a service which lead to a

Consumer reaction Unmet Dissatisfaction



Neutral Surprise




The diagram illustrates graphically the consumer reaction to not-meeting, meeting and exceeding expectations. Considering how to establish expectations which are not met and where expectations can be exceeded is fundamental in establishing key action points.

1 Meyer, C. and Schwager, A. Understanding Customer Experience, Harvard Business Review, 85, (2007), pp. 116-126.

Creating outstanding customer experience in shopping centres


bad customer experience. Best practice seeks to identify these early by getting the customer to provide feedback in order that changes can be made. The graph shows the recall to an event relative to the nature of the experience. A strong recall of a bad experience creates an unhappy customer and one who is likely to spread his/her dissatisfaction to colleagues, friends and family (the negative multiplier affect). OUCH! A strong recall of a very good experience is often caused by a delighter, sometimes called the WOW factor. A very happy customer is similarly likely to spread the message to his/her colleagues. In the middle, there is little recall of an average satisfactory experience. The challenge in the shopping centre industry today is how to deliver a customer experience that is not just better than the shopping centre in the next town or city but how to compete, or at least co-exist, with the best online retailers.

HOW TO USE THIS GUIDE This guide has been written with the specific needs of shopping centre management teams in mind. We hope this will be a practical guide for you. We also believe that it has wider value and will serve to help all those involved in the management of our towns and cities. We have responded to feedback from these audiences about the first edition of the guide by introducing:

1. More case studies from within the shopping centre industry for readers to learn and be inspired by. 2. A scoring system with more detailed and action oriented checklists, so that you can measure how well your centre or your company is performing: Fully achieved score 2 points if the best practice is already in place and fully implemented

Partially achieved Not started

score 1 point if the best practice is being implemented but still work in progress

score 0 points if this is a new best practice to you and you have not started to implement it.

Implementing best practice Unhappy Customer

Figure 2



Emotional attachment OUCH! WOW!

Forget Bad


Creating outstanding customer experience in shopping centres


As with all self-assessment toolkits it is better to be honest with yourself. These self-assessment scorecards are designed to get you thinking about the way you implement best practice in your shopping centre or portfolio. To download the full suite of scorecards, please visit www.bcsc.org.uk/research WHAT DO I DO NEXT? We suggest that you use the guide in the following ways:

Conduct research to find out how the customers (consumers, retailers and other stakeholders) perceive the product/service offer of your shopping centre.

Study the case studies and discuss these with your teams what can you learn and apply in your own centre or town? Compare and score your processes and best practices using the self-evaluation checklist provided.

Use the guide as part of a training programme to create and motivate customer champions and to energise the process of continuous improvement in customer care.

Identify the key elements of customer care on which to focus your business in the next 12 months.

Carry out an audit process and mystery shopping exercise to test the physical attributes of your shopping centre and the performance levels of your staff using the BCSC Customer Experience Committees Audit Questionnaire as used in the judging process for the ACE Awards. www.bcsc.org.uk/ACEAwards/

Creating outstanding customer experience in shopping centres

Chapter Creating a service culture

Are you all singing from the same song sheet?
Great service flows from culture. If you do not have a customer-focused culture you cannot provide great service. Culture, however, cannot be turned on like a tap whereas you can copy a great product you cannot copy a great service culture. To achieve consistently high and enduring service standards, a service culture has to be built through leadership and to permeate an entire organisation.
As previously highlighted, organisations that score highest for customer satisfaction are also recognised for having service cultures which are alive within the organisation. Their people live, breathe and act in accordance with the service culture every moment of every day. John Lewis and Apple are great examples of this in the world of retailing. Having a shared and clearly understood culture in your organisation will enable your staff to know exactly what is expected of them how they should look, speak and behave. It will also reassure your customers who will know exactly what they can expect from your organisation.

The following British Land case study details its transformation from a traditional to customerfocused landlord following a determined shift in culture over a number of years. In 2005, just 42% of top retailers rated British Lands overall performance as good or excellent. By 2009 this had risen to 73% with the company being recognised as Landlord of the Year by the Property Managers Association (PMA).

Our research for this guide has reaffirmed that developing a service culture is not just about the language you use for example, whether you describe your retailers as tenants or customers. It is about defining what your service culture looks and feels like. While this does not have to be written down, it is frequently captured by means of a service strategy, core values and mission statement. It is also about measuring the success of your culture for example, do your customers feel you are living up to your values? Are the performance targets set out in your service strategy being met?

The case study in Chapter 4 shows how a complete change in culture turned The Oracle, Reading, from a mere also-ran in the ACE Awards in 2008 to overall winner three years later. Adopting a service culture, however, does not stand on its own it is part of a wider strategy which embraces corporate responsibility and sustainability. For example, British Land takes its corporate responsibility and sustainability agenda very seriously, stating that it creates competitive advantage by ensuring that the company and the individuals within it do the right thing enhancing its reputation and making it a partner of choice for occupiers. Managing Director, Chris Grigg, says: Managing our environmental, economic and social impacts is central to the way we do business and to delivering value for our shareholders.

Creating outstanding customer experience in shopping centres


British Lands transformation from traditional to customer-focused landlord can be traced back to 2005 with the arrival of Stephen Hester as the new chief executive. Hester took the view that no business could be successful financially long term without listening to its customers and understanding their needs, particularly in identifying business opportunities and understanding when an occupier needed more space. Cultural change was needed at British Land with Justin Snoxall, Head of the Business Group, to instil a customer focused ethos throughout the organisation.

British Land Personality makeover

The feedback prompted British Land to strengthen its relationship management programme by introducing account holders whose role was to develop relationships with key retailers, understand their issues and identify opportunities.

Creating a service culture

The first job was to draw up a Service Commitment, which set out British Lands performance requirements in areas such as response levels, transparency and value for money. Around the same time, British Land started to reduce the number of managing agents it used. This coincided with the acquisition of Pillar Property, which had already undergone a process of agent consolidation. Snoxall says: We needed to consolidate so that we could better manage our agents performance and provide consistency of service standards across our portfolio. We introduced Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) for our agents in areas such as responsiveness, service charge management and agent licence for alterations. We started to issue British Land statements for service charges prior to that the agents had all issued their own and brought standards in line with the RICS Service Charge Code. At the start only half of agents were delivering budgets on time. Within a year, through careful monitoring, this had risen to 100%.

A repeat retailer survey in 2007 revealed that British Land had made big strides in improving customer satisfaction with 70% of retailers giving a rating of good or excellent. They spoke of good working relationships and how they appreciated British Lands commitment to transparency. Retailers, however, felt that British Land was not putting the same effort into property management as it was lettings. As a result, the property management team on the retail side was expanded. British Land also began to engage more with the PMA to understand retailer issues. The 2009 retailer survey showed that retailer satisfaction with British Land had risen again to 73%. Retailers valued British Lands efforts to provide service charge transparency, however what they really wanted was a reduction in service charge costs.

Before the cultural change British Land would have deflected their call to its managing agents and avoided the issue, hoping it would go away. Its response in 2009 was to listen and try to solve the problem, providing support for its managing agents.

In 2005 British Land also conducted a customer satisfaction survey of its top retail directors which showed that only 42% rated British Lands overall performance as good or excellent. The perception was that British Land was operating in a bubble, protected by its managing agents.

Over the following 12-18 months British Land was being told by its retailers that they wanted better value for money from the service charge and other occupancy costs. As a result British Land worked with a number of other big landlords and retailers in a scheme spearheaded by Arcadia boss Sir Philip Green to reduce service charge costs. This resulted in a reduction of service charge costs of 18% at flagship centre Meadowhall, Sheffield, and a decrease of 13% across the portfolio. The upshot was that we became very focused on providing value for money, adds Snoxall.

Creating outstanding customer experience in shopping centres

Service culture Scorecard


The improvement of customer satisfaction is set as a priority and led from the top of the organisation



Find out who is responsible for customer service strategy in your organisation

Customer care objectives are Make yourself familiar with the customer service goals of your company and/or shopping centre clearly communicated to all members of staff and suppliers Create a communication plan to share your goals and targets The organisation has identified who are its stakeholders and why they matter to the business Are you clear about whom your stakeholders are? Prepare a stakeholder map or chart which shows how each of these relate to your business Find out the mission statement and values of your organisation

Obtain a copy of the strategy and think what this means for your part of the organisation

The organisation has a mission statement that emphasises the importance of customer service and has identified the values it wants to live by The organisation is a responsible corporate citizen The organisation is environmentally responsible

Prepare an action plan showing how you aim to maximise stakeholder satisfaction

Is the mission statement clear about the importance of customer service? Have the mission and values been effectively communicated to your stakeholders including retailers, suppliers and the wider community? Find out whether you have a corporate responsibility policy Make yourself familiar with its goals and targets

Have the mission and values been effectively communicated to you and your colleagues?

Draw up and implement an action plan to help achieve these goals

Do you have a published environmental policy with clear standards, guidelines and targets for energy use, waste management, water use, travel and sustainability? Do you help and encourage centre staff, retailers and shoppers to contribute to reducing the carbon footprint of the centre? Do you make use of technology to improve sustainability, for example sensor-lighting, automatic taps, water-harvesting and half-flush options for toilets?

Do you provide recycling facilities and encourage retailers and customers to make use of them?

Do you have an electric car-charging point?

Total points score Total score

Creating outstanding customer experience in shopping centres

Chapter Understanding your customers

At the heart of any successful strategy to manage satisfaction is the ability to listen and respond to the customer which earlier we called customer focus . But who is the customer?
When creating a service strategy for your organisation, this is the first and most important question to ask. Without a clear answer, your service strategy is likely to lack focus and could fail to deliver as different parts of your organisation strive to satisfy different customers. Industry best practice has moved on since the 2005 edition and it is now widely recognised that for shopping centres, the customer does not just mean

Mindreading for beginners

shopper; it is also retailer, investor, staff member, supplier, contractor, local community and one of many special interest groups. Together these are often referred to as stakeholders.

Understanding the needs of each stakeholder or customer group is vital as each plays an important part in the success of your shopping centre. An example of best practice is British Lands stakeholder map as follows:

Cen tra lG ov

t en m n er
People who live near to our assets, local government, community groups, and other local partners

Peer s an dI
Investors and Analysts
From individual shareholders to major corporate investors and analysts

nd us t

s tion cia so As

Retail and office occupiers and prospective occupiers plus our customers customers and employees

We employ a relatively small team of around 200 people


Including our property management teams around the UK (managing agents) and project teams (e.g. architects, engineers, building contractors and trade contractors)

e es


Source: www.britishland.com/647-stakeholder-engagement


Pa r




Creating outstanding customer experience in shopping centres

Understanding your customers

RESEARCH METHODS Focusing on the customers needs is a prerequisite for delivering customer satisfaction and creating loyalty. There are a number of approaches that companies can use to listen to their customers. Most successful companies employ some or all of them. Average or poor performers either use very few or, may do a poor job of turning feedback into action. The research methods that we describe below complement the many day-to-day conversations that a good centre manager and their team will have with retailers and other customers. There is nothing better than taking time out from behind your desk to walk the floor and find out what is working well and not so well at your centre and town. Quantitative: What gets measured gets improved. Good quantitative research will give you and your management team hard numbers that measure where you stand now and how you compare with your peers. These enable you to set clear, measurable targets for the future. Examples of such measures are customer satisfaction, willingness to recommend, dwell time, average spend, frequency of visit, etc. Qualitative: Qualitative feedback puts the voice of the customer into your organisation, giving you a real feel for what your customers are saying about you and how they are expressing it. Qualitative feedback is critical to understanding emotional responses, perceptions and expectations. Methods for understanding your customers include: personal face to face interviews personal telephone interviews mystery shopper surveys web surveys panels and focus groups comment forms third party review websites, and social media monitoring

Below are examples of some of the most common approaches used by shopping centres to understand their customers needs. Mystery shopping: Research indicates that the most important aspect of the service provided by a company is how much the customer values the human contact they receive from members of your team. Seen through the eyes of the customer, mystery shopping can be used to accurately examine the level of customer service your business is providing. A variety of different techniques can be used including video, telephone, on-site and web enquiries. Mystery shopping is the judging method used in the BCSC ACE Awards. An independent mystery shopping company visits each shopping centre and works through a series of detailed checklists following the customer journey. Shortlisted centres scoring highest are mystery shopped again by members of the ACE Awards judges panel.

In the case study in Chapter 3 mystery shopping is the method used at Brent Cross shopping centre to determine its Sales Assistant of the Year and by owners Hammerson, for its We Love Retail Awards. Market research: Shopping centre management teams must undertake regular research to understand consumers. Research will enable you to understand how your customers, prospective customers and competitors customers are thinking and behaving so that you can tailor your offer and marketing activities accordingly.

An understanding of how and why customers are gained as well as lost is crucial, both in attracting new customers and in retaining the existing customer base. New methods, such as pedestrian path tracking using mobile phone technology and more traditional methods like footfall monitoring can also help to measure consumer behaviour.

The Gunwharf Quays case study that follows details how exit polls provide invaluable information about the demographics of its shoppers, distance travelled and reasons for coming.


Creating outstanding customer experience in shopping centres

Retailer satisfaction studies: Feedback from PMA members indicates that retailers highly value the opportunity to give feedback about their level of customer satisfaction, as long as there is clear follow up by the sponsor of the research. PMA members value the opportunity to give feedback about how their shopping centres are run including areas such as service charges, marketing and communication, says PMA spokesperson, John Gray. Typically research interviews with retailers will take place at a shopping centre, estates surveyor and property director level. Studies are often repeated annually as a means of monitoring and measuring progress as well as making portfolio comparisons between shopping centres and business units. For example, in order to encourage and enable comparisons, members of the benchmarking club the RealService Best Practice Group, some of whom feature in the case studies in this guide, have identified seven core questions that should appear in retailer surveys. These are: satisfaction with communication with property management satisfaction with responsiveness to requests overall satisfaction as an occupier overall satisfaction with property management understanding of business needs value for money received for service charge and/or rent, and willingness to recommend.

Retailer forums: Regular retailer forums, hosted by centre management, provide retailers with an opportunity to air their views, wants and needs and to find out vital centre communications. Minutes and action points should be circulated to every retailer after every meeting. In-built feedback and mechanisms: Best practice companies ensure that customer comments, complaints, and questions are collated, analysed and acted upon. A shopping centre cannot implement a recovery strategy a plan for making amends when something has gone wrong if it does not know who has had a problem and what the problem is. Methods for obtaining customer comments include feedback forms at the customer service desk, feedback section on the website, social media and consumer panels. Staff surveys and suggestions: A staff survey is a positive way to engage with your team members including contract staff giving them the opportunity to comment, in confidence, about working at the centre and inviting suggestions for improvement. It shows that you value their opinion and are willing to listen and act upon their suggestions. Findings should be fed back to staff and suggestions acknowledged and rewarded when acted upon. Steve Belam, General Manager at The Oracle, Reading, introduced a staff survey en route to winning the title Top ACE in the 2011 ACE Awards. (See case study in Chapter 4.)

Understanding your customers

Creating outstanding customer experience in shopping centres


Understanding your customers


Land Securities Gunwharf Quays is a large mixed use scheme sandwiched between Portsmouth Historic Dockyard and Spinnaker Tower on the Portsmouth waterfront. Due to the centres prime quayside location, customers expect service standards that are more akin to a top tourist destination than an outlet shopping centre, says Marketing Manager Elisa Linley. In order to meet these high expectations, the team at Gunwharf Quays goes to great lengths to understand what their customers are really thinking and feeling about their experience at the shopping centre and what drives them to keep coming back. 1. Mystery shopping: An independent mystery shopping company is used to gauge the customer journey from beginning to end. The survey covers everything from website ease of use and experience of travelling to the centre, through to cleanliness of toilets, helpfulness of staff (on the phone and in person) and usefulness of signage in and around the centre. The results provide the centre with a list of improvement opportunities. 2. Annual exit poll: Between 750-1,000 people are questioned about their customer experience. The aim is to find out who is using the centre, where they are travelling from, purpose of visit and overall impressions about the facilities, staff and customer service in the centre and stores. Linley adds: The exit poll provides us with a really good check and balance as to whether our perceptions of the site match those of our customers, and whether they are satisfied with a visit here. 3. Independent retailer satisfaction study: Every year, a sample of Gunwharf Quays 130 store and restaurant managers are questioned about their level of customer satisfaction.

Gunwharf Quays Getting to know you

Interviewees are asked about centre managements performance in a number of key areas including marketing, communication, responsiveness and understanding needs. Linley says: The feedback enables us to take steps to ensure the centre is working as efficiently and successfully as possible. The results are benchmarked, enabling the centre to measure its own performance over time and to make comparisons with other shopping centres in Land Securities portfolio. 4. Path Intelligence: An evolutionary system that uses mobile phone tracking technology to show how customers are using the centre, e.g. where they go when it rains, which toilets are used most and at what times, the combination of shops customers are visiting, which events are attracting customers and increasing dwell time. The information helps centre management make better decisions about, for example, whether the right facilities are in place, if the occupier mix is working, the best times and locations to deploy cleaning and maintenance staff, and where and when to stage events to maximum advantage. 5. Social media: Facebook and Twitter are used to communicate with customers. It gives us immediate feedback about events and gives Gunwharf Quays personality. says Linley. The effort that Gunwharf Quays puts into understanding its customers so that it can provide the best possible customer service is reaping rewards. Named Customer Service Team of the Year in the Sceptre Awards, Gunwharf Quays was praised for outstanding 94% customer satisfaction rates, 8% year-on-year sales increases despite the economic downturn and an increase in dwell time from 111 to 121 minutes.


Creating outstanding customer experience in shopping centres

Understanding customers Scorecard


The organisation actively works to identify the needs of all customers shoppers, retailers staff, suppliers and the local community



Do you undertake regular research to understand the needs of your customers? Do you actively seek customer feedback about your service? Do you share the findings of customer research with colleagues and suppliers and take steps to eliminate the cause of complaints? Are suggestions evaluated and/or trialled?

Is there an effective process in place to encourage staff suggestions? Are staff members and suppliers rewarded for successful suggestions?


Shoppers (consumers)

Have you measured how well retailers perceive that you communicate and understand their needs? Does the shopping centre management team record and analyse customer complaints and compliments? Do you have a research programme to make sure you understand the changing needs of consumers?

Are issues identified through contact with retailers recorded, and then solutions identified and systematically followed through?

Do you have an effective retailer communication strategy so that you understand their priorities and expectations?

Are the research methods that you use (e.g. focus group, exit interview, mystery shopping, social media, mobile phone tracking, etc.) producing valuable and actionable insights into consumer behaviour and aspirations? Suppliers Other stakeholders and groups Do you actively involve your suppliers (e.g. security and cleaning, service desk, etc.) in suggesting ways to improve customer satisfaction? How well can you measure whether the action you take is improving shopper satisfaction?

Do you actively research and support the needs of the wider community and special interest groups within it? For example, the elderly, families, the disabled, tourists, non-English speakers, etc.

Total points score Total score

Creating outstanding customer experience in shopping centres


Chapter People and management

Power to the people
The culture of an organisation needs to be supported by the recruitment and retention of management and staff, with the right attitude and personality profile.
An effective recruitment process needs to be in place to find them and once found, a formal induction process implemented to enable new recruits to understand and embrace the organisations culture. Customer service and any other relevant job training should be provided so that people have the skills and knowledge to fully meet the requirements of their role. Customer service achievement goals should be set, progress monitored and success rewarded. THE RIGHT PEOPLE Employees can be trained in the technical process of their jobs but attitudes and personality are difficult to change. People with a positive, flexible attitude and friendly, open disposition are often best suited to the role. When, for example, Andrew Davy, General Manager at The Mall Pavilions, Uxbridge, is recruiting cleaners, he looks for what he calls meerkats people who will not hide behind a cleaning trolley but will instead hold their heads up, make eye contact and interact with customers. He believes that anyone can be taught to do a task like clean a floor but you cannot teach somebody personality or how to smile. (See case study in Chapter 5.) RECRUITMENT PROCESS Using a careful and extensive selection programme to recruit the most suitable people can reap substantial financial benefits in terms of staff retention, reduced absenteeism and improved customer service.

En route to winning the title Top ACE in the 2011 Ace Awards, The Oracle, Reading, changed its recruitment policy by actively looking for gregarious types who enjoyed talking to customers and had the ability to think for themselves. The centre also introduced a role-play style second interview to single out those with a real flair for customer service. (See case study in Chapter 4.) Restaurant chain Wagamama, Customer Service Champion of the Year in Hammersons inaugural We Love Retail Awards, places enormous emphasis on the types of people it recruits. A spokesperson says: Wagamama prides itself on customer service and we always want to be as friendly and helpful as possible. The diversity of experiences, different ways of thinking and individuality expressed among the Wagamama staff is part of what makes the teams unique all over the UK. (See the following case study.) INDUCTION AND TRAINING Once recruited, all staff, whether employed or subcontracted, should have the training and knowledge to fully meet the requirements of their role. This should include an induction and customer care training programme which is updated annually. At Jackson Square, Bishops Stortford, General Manager Grace Bagster gives members of her subcontracted security team time off work to attend training courses, which she feels makes them better and more interested in their jobs and reduces staff turnover. (See case study in Chapter 5.)


Creating outstanding customer experience in shopping centres

People and management

Wagamama views staff training as a key part of its success. A spokesperson says: During training Wagamama teaches employees more than just the basics it aims to promote an understanding that all customers are different as are all members of staff, therefore adapting training to each individual. Once initial training has been completed Wagamama continues to develop its staff with further training courses and management opportunities to further their growth. EMPOWERMENT Customer service should be embedded within each role and delegated authority given to all staff members so that they are empowered to resolve customer issues immediately. An efficient, effective and immediate response to a customer issue, are key to keeping the customer satisfied. For example, at The Oracle, Reading, a process of multi-skilling staff was introduced, which involved security staff and managers being trained to run the Information Desk. The aim was to break down barriers and give people a better feel and understanding for one anothers roles. Crucially, it also meant that if a job needed doing, more people could step in and get it done, improving customer service delivery. (See case study in Chapter 4.)

CUSTOMER SERVICE GOALS Great customer service produces positive customer experiences, which drive sales and profitability. Achieving customer service goals should be set by management and rewarded either through regular awards or through formal objectives, using performance measurement and an appraisal process which supports and monitors progress. For example, Westfield Derbys ten-strong concierge team provides events and promotional campaign support to the marketing team. The ultimate aim is to drive footfall and increase dwell time. Stretching KPIs were set for the team in 2011, all of which were met or exceeded including, for example, being 8% over target in gaining Westfield Kids Club sign-ups. Footfall of 25 million was maintained with dwell time up by 17.5%. (See case study in Chapter 4.) REWARDS AND AWARDS Rewards encourage changes in behaviour. Immediate small rewards create a more dynamic culture. Awards for the highest achievers motivate and inspire others to do the same. For example, Brent Cross Shopping Centres Sales Assistant of the Year Award is always eagerly anticipated by staff and retailers as is Hammersons We Love Retail Awards. (See the following case study.)

Creating outstanding customer experience in shopping centres


People and management


The Sales Assistant of the Year prize-giving ceremony is always one of the most eagerly awaited events among workers at Hammersons Brent Cross shopping centre in North London. The anticipation starts in June when nominations are invited and builds to a crescendo of excitement in September when a first prize of 1,000, trophy and certificate is awarded to the individual judged top for outstanding customer service. There are usually around 40 nominations, which are reduced to ten finalists by the centres Customer Service Working Party, a sub group of the Retailer Board. Each finalist is then independently assessed by a mystery shopping company. The top ten finalists are invited onto stage during a champagne breakfast attended by retailers, family members, local media and dignitaries as well as any passing shoppers. Every finalist receives a minimum of 100, with the top three winning more money and other prizes. A host of other awards are handed out at the same time including Retailer of the Year and Environmental Retailer of the Year.

Hammerson - Motivating retailers

Centre manager Tom Nathan says: The awards reward great customer service performance in a highly competitive environment. They celebrate the best, providing public recognition for the hard work winners and finalists have put in. At portfolio level, Hammersons We Love Retail Awards celebrates the best in customer service from across its 10 UK shopping centres. Eighteen winners are recognised for exceptional customer service. David Atkins, Hammerson CEO adds: We work with the best retail, catering and leisure brands in the UK and there is tough competition for each award. The winners continually deliver first class customer service and are willing to make the in-store experience special for our shoppers. This plays a large part in the success of our centres and we are delighted to recognise the dedication of these teams. A spokesperson for restaurant chain Wagamama, winner of the prestigious Customer Service Champion of the Year Award, says: The Customer Service Champion of the Year Award is a benchmark for all of our staff to work towards and a great point of reference for what can be achieved with training and hard work.


Creating outstanding customer experience in shopping centres

People and management Scorecard


Ethical issues are discussed and there are clear guidelines to help resolve conflicts The organisation reinforces customer service through a systematic approach to employee recruitment, retention and management

Senior managers demonstrate strong personal leadership in customer service


Does your organisation have an ethical policy and are you, and your staff, familiar with it?

Do you have a customer service award scheme for staff and suppliers? Do you have a confidential process for resolving ethical issues at work? Do you place emphasis on customer service skills, including a strong ability to relate to customers, when recruiting staff? Is customer service written into each job description and area of responsibility?

Do you personally encourage, recognise and reward customer service excellence?


The organisation supports and trains staff in the delivery of customer service

Do customer service targets feature in personal development plans for every staff member? Is there an effective induction programme for all staff and contract partners to ensure that your customer service ethos is understood? Do you give regular training and updates to staff and contract partners in customer service skills?

Senior management promotes a culture of empowerment and taking personal responsibility for service

Is the training programme reviewed and updated annually?

Do staff and contract partners have the opportunity to acquire a formal qualification or accreditation in customer service? Do your staff and suppliers have the personal and financial authority to solve a customer issue quickly?

The views of staff and suppliers Do you measure staff and supplier satisfaction (e.g. through staff are regularly canvassed and surveys), communicate and act upon the findings? periodically measured

Total points score Total score

Creating outstanding customer experience in shopping centres


Chapter The customer experience

The journey is the treasure
Customer experience is a hot topic in business today. Companies now recognise the huge difference that a great customer experience can have on increasing revenue, driving profit margins and generating loyal customers who recommend your products and services to others.

Customer experience can be viewed as the successful outcome of a customer journey which makes the customer feel happy, satisfied and justified by their decision to use a specific product or service. Customers should feel a sense of being respected, served and cared for according to their expectations of your brand. The journey spans the whole relationship with your brand. It starts from awareness, discovery and attraction through to interaction, purchase, use and personal recommendation.

It is worth noting that there are several critical times during a customers relationship with your business where a decision is made by the customer to continue or discontinue interacting with your brand. This may be arrival in the car park, a visit to the toilet, an encounter with a sales assistant in a shop or an attempt to find information on your website any event in fact that helps to clarify the relationship with a particular brand, product, or service. These are often referred to as moments of truth and how your business interacts with the customer at these critical moments can significantly increase (or decrease) the long-term viability of that relationship. Identifying and anticipating those key points of clarification is critical to maintaining and growing a profitable customer relationship. The customer journey described below is laden with potential moments of truth, which is why close attention should be paid to each and every one.

In this chapter we focus on the shopper customer experience. Todays shoppers are faced with the option to research, price compare, purchase, take delivery and receive after sales support without leaving their homes. Shopping centres therefore need to compete and ensure that the customer experience is as good, if not better than the online option. With Amazon being effectively the worlds largest online shopping centre, selling nearly 500,000 items every single day, the challenge is a big one.


Creating outstanding customer experience in shopping centres

THE CUSTOMER JOURNEY This section is based on a detailed analysis of the customer journey. There are a number of stages to the journey, which include: Getting there Deciding to go

3. Facilities Recycling

Cleanliness and standards Disabled Families

The customer experience

Arrival car park and pedestrian entry Entering the shopping centre Food and drink experience The shopping centre experience Facilities

4. Experience

Food and drink Interaction with shopping centre staff Cleanliness and standards Safety and security

Communication and interaction with the shopping centre staff Signage Leaving the centre

We have grouped the customer journey into four areas: Website 1. Communication

ACE AWARDS The ACE Awards founded in 2007 aim to promote best practice across the industry and reward the highest standards and innovations in customer service, as well as provide a platform to celebrate the best examples of customer care. The checklists in this section broadly mirror those used in the judging for the ACE Awards which reward the highest scorers in the following categories: 40,000 sqm under 40,000 sqm over 80,000 sqm

Telephone, email, social media Help desk 2. Journey

Getting there

Arrival and car park entry Signage

Entering the shopping centre Leaving the centre

The judging process includes mystery-shopper audits of shopping centres, details of which can be found at: www.bcsc.org.uk/ACEAwards/

ACE Star an individual member of staff who has given exceptional customer service.

retail/shopping park

Creating outstanding customer experience in shopping centres


The people on the Information Desk were fantastic. They looked up and smiled straightaway they were so spontaneous and friendly. The cleaners were exactly the same.

The customer experience


Since 2008, Hammerson-owned The Oracle in Reading has undergone a cultural and customer service revolution that has seen it be transformed from an also-ran in the ACE Awards to winner of the highest accolade, Top Ace. The Oracles incredible journey started with entry into the 2008 Awards. We took the feedback from the judges to draw up an action list for improvements, explains General Manager, Steve Belam. We regarded these as the foundations from which to build. The first job was to give the centres customer service staff NVQ Level 2 and 3 customer service training. It took six months to complete but everyone bought into it, adds Belam. This prompted a shift in recruitment policy. We actively started to look for people with a more open personality, gregarious types who enjoyed talking to customers and could think on their feet and for themselves. The security team, referred to as Duty Assistants, and cleaners were also given NVQ training in recognition that everyone who works at the centre has an important role to play in delivering great customer service. We wanted to instil a one team policy where everyone was equal and treated the same, says Belam. A number of important aesthetic changes were also made. The shopmobility area was given a revamp to create a more conducive environment. The staff uniform was also given a dramatic makeover with the colour pink introduced and a more tailored and flattering look achieved. Another important step was the introduction of an annual staff survey giving staff the opportunity to feedback, in confidence, about working at the centre. Feedback from the ACE Awards judges in 2009 created yet another list of action points for Belam and his team. This resulted in the introduction of a role-play style second interview

The Oracle How to be a Top Ace

in the staff recruitment process to single out those with a real flair for customer service. At the same time staff rotas were re-organised to create more shift overlap at key times and team meetings were held more frequently with KPIs set for individuals and financial incentives introduced. A process of multi-skilling staff was also introduced, which involved security staff and managers being trained to run the Information Desk. The aim was to break down barriers and give people a better feel and understanding for one anothers roles. Crucially, it also meant that if a job needed doing, more people could step in and get it done, improving customer service delivery. A mystery shopping programme was introduced, revealing further opportunities for improvement. The Oracle was also instrumental in the launch of the Reading Retail Awards, culminating in an annual black tie dinner. By the time of the judging for the 2011 ACE Awards, The Oracles transformation was complete. Judge Andrew McMillan says: The people on the Information Desk were fantastic. They looked up and smiled straightaway they were so spontaneous and friendly. The cleaners were exactly the same. While it is helpful that The Oracle is in a lovely location next to the river and is of great design, whats more important is the way it conveys through its people that they will look after you. Belam concludes: It took us three years to be capable of winning an award because it required a complete change of culture, which is not something you can turn on like a light switch. Whether we won an ACE Award or not, customer service has become an important and integral aspect of our business. It just goes to show that you can run a programme of constant improvement if you listen and act on the judges feedback. They only see what the customer sees and that is the part we have to get right.


Creating outstanding customer experience in shopping centres


When the ACE Awards judges mystery shopped Capital & Regionals Kingfisher Shopping Centre at Redditch for the first time, they were bowled over by the helpfulness of security controller, Jim Nicholls. When they returned for a second visit, they made a beeline for Jim to see if their first impressions had been right. They were not disappointed. The judges were so impressed with Jim's work in the centre, that they created an entirely new award to commend him with the ACE Award for Customer Excellence. Jim, 39, had only been working at the centre for two years when he won the award. He started as a security officer having had no previous experience in the field. According to General Manager Perminder Dhillon, Jims qualities were quickly recognised and he progressed quickly up the ranks to team leader and onto security controller. Dhillon says: Jim stands out because he works to high standards and leads by example. Jim goes out of his way to help other people colleagues and members of the public alike. Our standard of customer service is vital to the service we provide as a shopping centre and I am very proud we have members of staff such as Jim to look after our customers in the manner they deserve.

Kingfisher Shopping Centre Leading by example

The customer experience

Jim has undergone customer service, management, and major incident training in his rise to taking charge of the control room. He is also a volunteer Community First Responder for West Midlands Ambulance Service, which means he is trained in the use of automated external defibrillators and the treatment and control of a wide range of potentially life threatening conditions should anyone suddenly fall ill. Jims Emergency First Response skills and his calm and collected attitude in an emergency have enabled him to help save the lives of several shoppers who have suffered heart attacks whilst in the shopping centre. Jims ability to respond in those first few crucial seconds made all the difference, adds Dhillon.

Creating outstanding customer experience in shopping centres


The customer experience


Westfield Derby was the first new Westfield designed and managed shopping centre to open in the UK in 2007. One of the primary aims then which remains today is to create a relaxed, family destination. A winner in the 2010 BCSC Ace Awards, Westfield Derby was commended by the judges for the considerable amount of thought that had been put into the overall shoppers experience including the outstanding parent child facilities. There are four parent rooms in the centre, each providing a range of first class facilities including toddler and parent rooms, private breast feeding areas, toilets of differing heights, baby changing facilities, microwave and bottle warmer plus a TV with a kids DVD running continuously. Part of the Concierge Teams role is to inspect the malls, including the parent rooms, five times a day to make sure the facilities are clean and in working order, says Alison Burdis, Senior Team Leader for Westfield Derbys multi-award winning Concierge Team. Westfields red kiddy cars are a huge attraction for families, with the introduction of a nominal hire charge having had minimal impact on demand. Some people come to the centre just to let their kids ride on the cars, adds Burdis. We encourage kids to have their own kiddy car licence complete with photo to save a lot of form filling every time they hire a car. They simply give us their licence for safe keeping until the car is returned.

Westfield Derby Ensuring happy families

Once a month, the centre runs a Crafty Kids session, which attracts 40-60 children plus their parents and grandparents for a few hours of creative fun. Sessions are often run in association with retailers. These kinds of sessions help to drive footfall back to the retailers plus the kids love them and want to come back. Other events organised to create a relaxed, family atmosphere include Build-A-Bear workshops, character meet and greets with the likes of Raa Raa - the Noisy Lion and Rosie & Raggles as well as entertainers in the malls during school holidays. Children are actively encouraged to join Westfield Kids Club, which entitles them to a range of benefits including free gifts, store discounts and two for one offers on entry to attractions such as Drayton Manor, the National Ice Centre and Legoland. Members also receive regular events updates, newsletter and birthday cards as well as an online discount on Christmas Grotto bookings. Burdis says: We want to reach as many people as we can, so that they become loyal to us rather than go to another destination.


Creating outstanding customer experience in shopping centres

The customer experience Scorecard

The shopping centre website gives comprehensive information about the shopping centre

Does the website give clear directions to the centre?


Are all stores, services, facilities and events mentioned on the website? Does the website list centre and store opening times? Is the website kept up-to-date? Is there a Contact us facility on the centres website?

Communication is effective: Telephone/Email/ Social media

Do you have target response times for dealing with telephone, email and social media queries? Is the style and tone of communication defined, well understood and followed?

Is website use monitored (site and page hits) and information used to improve website design and ease of use?

Shoppers can easily obtain help and information

Do you have a strategy for maximising the potential and effectiveness of social media? (e.g. Facebook, Twitter, etc.) Are shopping centre staff easily recognisable and smartly attired? Can customer service staff summon back-up help if necessary? Do you provide up-to-date directories and/or mall guides?

When needing assistance can customers easily find a member of centre staff to help them? Where present, is the customer service desk staffed at all times during opening hours?

Total points score Total score

A first-time visitor can easily find their way to and around the centre

Are there clear signs to the centre from surrounding roads? Is there easy access to and from the centre for pedestrians and those arriving by public transport? Are all entrances to the centre easy to find? Are the surroundings maintained to a standard befitting the shopping centre? Is the car park easy to find? Is there a good public transport service to the centre?



Car parking is straightforward

Is signage within the centre clear, consistent and comprehensive? Are there sufficient parking spaces, even during peak times?

Have efforts been made to make it easy for shoppers to remember where they parked by zoning, colour-coding or numbering?

Are sufficient parent and child spaces available and are their locations clearly signed? Is the car park well lit throughout? Is there a car parking attendant?

Are sufficient disabled spaces available, and are their locations clearly signed? Is the car park kept clean and tidy?

Creating outstanding customer experience in shopping centres


The customer experience Scorecard

Car parking is straightforward (continued)


Is help quickly available to customers who experience difficulties in the car park? Are payment machines well located? Can customers pay for parking using a credit/debit card?

Does the centre offer valet parking, car cleaning and other services to car parkers?

When leaving the car park, is the exit route clearly marked?

Total points score Total score

The facilities in the centre meet the needs of shoppers


Do you offer free Wi-Fi?


Do you have a free ATM?

Do you have lockers which customers can use?

Is there a post box or post-office service available?

Are there toilets within an acceptable walking distance throughout the centre? Are the toilets cleaned often enough to keep them free from unpleasant odours? Are all cubicles kept clean and free from graffiti? Are there hooks on the back of cubicle doors? If a toilet is broken, is it signed clearly as out of order? Are sinks checked regularly to ensure they are clean and free from excess water? Is the floor kept clean and free from litter and toilet tissue? Do you have energy-efficient hand-dryers? The centre caters well for visitors with disabilities

Are disabled toilets clearly marked on centre maps? Are they clean and free from unpleasant odours?

Are all hand dryers in working order or are there sufficient disposable towels?

Can the disabled toilets be accessed easily and without problems?

Does the website tell customers about the centres disabled access features? Are all parts of the centre accessible to wheelchair users with ease? Is information available in alternative formats such as Braille? The centre considers the needs of families Is there a comfortable place where babies can be fed? Do you have a child-safety scheme? Can shoppers hire wheelchairs or mobility scooters? Is access into the centre from the car park easy for wheelchair users?

Is there a facility for warming food and milk for babies? Is there a crche where shoppers can leave their children?

Have consumers been surveyed to check the crche is reasonably priced and conveniently located?


Creating outstanding customer experience in shopping centres


The centre considers the needs of families (continued)

Are the baby-changing facilities checked frequently to ensure they are clean and fresh smelling? Is there a play area for children?



Has a mystery shopper surveyed the baby changing facilities for comfort and practicality? Are there TV or plasma screens available in seated areas playing a selection of entertainment for all ages?

The centre caters for customers food and drink requirements

Do you monitor customer satisfaction with the availability, quality, accuracy of order and value-for-money of the food and drink at the centre?

Are customer service and hygiene levels audited to check they meet or exceed customer expectations?

Does the range and quality of food and drink available meet customer expectations?

Total points score Total score


Are all centre staff actively made aware of the need to behave in a All staff (whether front or back of house) understand and friendly and courteous manner at all times? share the responsibility for customer service The shopping centre environment is actively managed to enhance the shopper experience If an enclosed centre, is the mall at a comfortable temperature in summer and winter? Are all aspects of the centre well-maintained?



Is the retail strategy regularly updated having regard to the changing needs of consumers and other stakeholders? If an enclosed centre, is the mall well lit and pleasantly bright throughout? Are there notices where there is an equipment failure or maintenance requirement which apologise, explain the problem and advise where an alternative can be found? Are there sufficient litter bins and recycling facilities for shoppers? Is the area around all bins clean and free from overflowing litter? Are there enough cleaners in the centre at all times? Are there enough seats throughout the mall?

There is a secure environment for customers

Do shoppers feel safe and secure? Are security guards easy to find?

If the centre is on multiple floors, are there sufficient lifts and escalators in operation?

Does security staff wear a distinctive and appropriate uniform?

Is technology well used to support the security operation? e.g. CCTV, mobile radio networks, etc.

Total points score Total score

Customer experience total

Creating outstanding customer experience in shopping centres


Chapter Stakeholder relationships

In previous chapters we have looked at how the customers who visit regularly, spend money and make positive recommendations are vital to the success of your shopping centre and also the importance of management and staff as stakeholders.
We now explore the other stakeholders with whom developing relationships is vital as these play a vital role in shaping and delivering the customer experience. These include: 1. retailers and leisure operators 2. suppliers e.g. cleaning, security and maintenance contractors, and 3. the wider community and special interest groups.

Do unto others

The shopping centre needs to deliver an improved customer experience and an experience which includes the total customer journey.


Creating outstanding customer experience in shopping centres

5.1 RETAILER RELATIONSHIPS Difficult trading conditions and the boom in online shopping have heightened the need for continuous, open dialogue between retailers and shopping centre management teams and owners to ensure operational efficiencies and mutual prosperity, says John Gray of the PMA. Retail competition continues to increase, with retailers facing an increasing choice of retail space at the same time as intense competition for their share of the consumers purse. The shopping environment is also changing, with consumers demanding more and spending less. Therefore, in order to compete, the shopping centre needs to consider a broader and more comprehensive product/service offer. To support the retailer, the shopping centre needs to deliver an improved customer experience and an experience which includes the total customer journey. In order to work with retailers in this highly competitive environment, communication skills and an indepth understanding of the retailer and the consumer are increasingly important. This section looks at the relationship between retail store managers and the shopping centre as well as that of the retail property manager and property developer/owner. The role of the shopping centre in galvanising retailers to work to the common goal of serving the consumer cannot be understated. Similarly the shopping centres ability to understand demand at a local level is an important facility to be shared with retailers. This guide recognises but does not explore best practice in the critical area of shopping centre marketing and promotion. This is covered by the BCSC Purple Apple Awards case studies. http://purpleapple.bcsc.org.uk/

RETAILER LIAISON The role of Retail Liaison Manager as part of the shopping centre management team has developed since the first edition of the guide. A specific person in the shopping centre management team should take responsibility for liaising with retailers in order to understand their drivers and KPIs and to develop empathy and understanding of their business needs. For example, describing her role, Jemma Fern, Retail Liaison Manager at Land Securities Gunwharf Quays, says: I form part of the senior management team, overseeing more than 130 occupiers, working with managers, area managers and head offices to drive sales and awareness of individual units. The role involves weekly analysis of occupier sales data, communicating areas of growth and risk and implementation of any assistance packages to those areas of risk. I also develop training programmes for occupiers to ensure they support the growth of the business and the development of the individual. In a parallel move, a number of shopping centre owners, including PRUPIM in the following case study and British Land in Chapter 1, operate a key retailer relationship management programme. They appoint account holders within their head office team to develop relationships with key retail property directors to understand their issues and identify opportunities. RETAILER FORUMS Regular retailer forums provide retailers with an opportunity to air their views, wants and needs and to find out vital centre communications. These meetings are a good time to share local market knowledge collected by the shopping centre and to disclose footfall and sales figures.

Stakeholder relationships

Creating outstanding customer experience in shopping centres


Stakeholder relationships

RETAILER SERVICES The shopping centre management should provide an induction course for retailers, which includes customer care. There should be space set aside for retail staff to sit and eat during breaks with sufficient and convenient car parking made available. RETAILER PERCEPTIONS SHOPPING CENTRE LEVEL Independent annual retailer satisfaction studies are an opportunity to find out what your retailers really think about the way the centre is run, what matters most to them, where they think you should be putting your effort and what they would be willing to pay for. Retailers really value the chance to give their views with participation rates in studies typically high. Results from such studies and proposed actions should be fed back to the retailers, which they also value. The results enable centre managers to operate with their eyes wide open because they have knowledge and information with which to operate more efficiently and effectively. Retailer surveys empower centre managers; they keep them challenged and stop them becoming complacent. For example, Capital Shopping Centres (CSC) has conducted an annual survey of its shopping centres since 2008, enabling it to identify whether service is being provided to retailers in a consistent way across the portfolio, and to spot high achievers and to share best practice throughout the organisation. Centre management teams use the results to produce customised action plans to improve their service to retailers, the success of which are measured in the following years survey. (See full case study in Chapter 6.)

RETAILER PERCEPTIONS RETAIL PROPERTY DIRECTOR LEVEL A number of leading owners also conduct regular independent retail property director studies to gain a measure of customer satisfaction at a more strategic level. British Land, for example, has used the results of its retail property director studies to implement a programme of cultural change, focusing on initiatives that matter most to retailers including a dramatic reduction in service charge costs. KEY EVENTS Invaluable insights into retailer satisfaction can be gained by surveying retailers at key events including post occupation, post refurbishment, lease review, lease break and lease expiry. For example, Hammerson conducts independent post occupation surveys with occupiers covering their perceptions of the performance of Hammerson including its lawyers and building contractors, from first inquiry through the negotiation and legal process and onto the move-in and post move-in stage. The information is used to drive improvements.


Creating outstanding customer experience in shopping centres


New life has been breathed into PRUPIMs Key Occupier Relationship Management (KORM) programme after an independent retailer satisfaction study confirmed how much occupiers valued the opportunity to have a direct relationship with their landlord. PRUPIM, a top 20 global real estate fund manager and part of the M&G Group, has over 51% of its interests in retail. In 2011, the company outsourced its property management, prompting concern among some retailers that the appointment might lead to a loss of direct contact. Rather than cut ties with retailers, PRUPIM strengthened them by widening the reach of its KORM programme. Each of the retailers on the programme has been assigned their own relationship manager with meetings scheduled throughout the year. Minutes are shared and feedback is used to create specific business actions, which can be viewed and tracked via a shared portal. We now have a structured programme rather than just a series of meetings, explains David Woodman, PRUPIM Customer Relationship Manager. The most important aspect is that we are taking retailers feedback and turning these into business actions. When we say we are going to do something, theres a process in place to ensure it is actively followed through.

PRUPIM Strengthening ties

Woodman adds: The KORM programme is about maintaining a proactive, positive dialogue with retailers. Before the programme was launched, engagement focused heavily on areas such as lease and rent review negotiation or disputes over service charge and other occupational costs. With some retailers the dialogue was often negative. PRUPIM is in the throes of adding a new dimension to the KORM programme, which will involve another layer of meetings with the likes of PMA representatives and estates surveyors to discuss operational issues. In the future, the KORM programme is going to be split in two, explains Woodman. The existing programme will focus on asset management, leasing and strategy, while the new programme will focus on operational issues including service charges and operational delivery. These new KORM meetings will be delivered in partnership with our property management service partner and will enable us to drill down and talk about ground level issues which retailers have raised. PRUPIMs 2011 Retail Directors Study showed that 70% of retailers rated the level of quality of communication with the company as good or excellent. A key contributor to these results was the KORM programme, which was described as a good initiative that made tenants feel that PRUPIM regarded them as a valued customer and tenant rather than someone who just pays the rent.

Stakeholder relationships

Creating outstanding customer experience in shopping centres


The quality of customer service can never exceed the quality of those who provide it.

Stakeholder relationships

5.2 SUPPLIER RELATIONSHIPS Although staff such as cleaners, security officers and maintenance staff are increasingly not being employed in-house, they do play a critical role in delivering customer service within the shopping centre. In fact, they are often the first person a shopper comes into contact with when entering the centre and it is vital that they are able to engage, provide assistance and represent the centre in accordance with your culture and values. Turnover among cleaners and security officers is a problem at some centres but can be minimised if contracted staff are treated well and shown respect. For example, staff turnover is not an issue at Jackson Square, Bishops Stortford, where General Manager Grace Bagster treats her security team as she would employees. She instils in them that they are her eyes and ears and play a vital role in the smooth running of the centre. Please see the following case study. Lance Stanbury, ACE Awards judge and mall management consultant agrees with this approach, saying: You should spend time with your security staff and on their pay the quality of customer service can never exceed the quality of those who provide it. You should also

incentivise performance through a reward structure, including promotion. It is important to set aside a budget for customer service training and any other relevant training for your contracted staff to enable them to perform in their roles and feel that they are developing and progressing. Stanbury adds: With regard to security, you need to budget for regular customer service training over and above what they receive in their Security Industry Authority training. Its also important that they are trained as facility supervisors its their daily job. For example, the security team and cleaners at The Oracle, Reading (see case study in Chapter 4), receive NVQ training in recognition that everyone who works at the centre has an important role to play in delivering great customer service. We aim to instil a one team policy where everyone is equal and treated the same, says General Manager, Steve Belam.


Creating outstanding customer experience in shopping centres


A lot of shopping centres have difficulty retaining security guards but not at Jackson Square in Bishops Stortford where the current seven-strong team have been in place for between 5 and 17 years. New recruits arrive with a poor impression of security, thinking they will only stay for a year or so - but they never go! says general manager, Grace Bagster. The reason for such dedication and loyalty has a good deal to do with treatment and expectations of the team. Bagster treats her security team like members of her in-house staff to avoid an us and them situation. Ive known shopping centres where you have security people in a room at one end of the centre and the management team at the other its so fractured, says Bagster. Bagster adds: New security staff come here with the attitude its not my job but are then amazed by what their role actually entails. Theres a multitude of things they do on site from assisting tenants to health and safety inspections, recycling and directing shoppers. I also instil in them that they are my eyes and ears and that they play a vital role in the smooth running of the centre. Once they have grasped this, they are happy people. Bagster is a big believer in giving her security staff extra responsibility and investing in training. As well as undertaking day-to-day duties, every member of the security team is given a particular area of responsibility for which they receive time

Jackson Square Keeping your security team secure

off work for special training. One person is responsible for hot water testing, anothers area is fire risk assessments while someone else is in charge of sprinkler pumps, explains Bagster. Everyone has something that is their baby, which makes their jobs more interesting and makes them feel more valued. Security staff is also given the opportunity to undertake basic computer training at the local adult education college despite the fact that they rarely use a computer in the course of their daily work. It doesnt matter that they do not use a computer at work, says Bagster. If it helps them at home and in life generally, it fills them with confidence, which they bring to the workplace. She speaks of one security guard, who joined the team ten years ago, thinking he could do nothing. He reluctantly went on a computer course after which there was no stopping him. He now holds dozens of computer certificates as well as a health and safety qualification, which has led to him to become a volunteer Community First Responder for the Ambulance Service. He is a new man, full of confidence, says Bagster proudly. Bagster insists that one or all of the security team attend meetings as appropriate to ensure information is best used. She has also had installed a dry wiper board, to keep everyone in the loop about day to day issues.

Stakeholder relationships

Creating outstanding customer experience in shopping centres


Stakeholder relationships


When Andrew Davy, General Manager at The Mall Pavilions, Uxbridge, is looking to recruit cleaners and team leaders, its simples! He works alongside his cleaning supplier to find what he calls meerkats people who wont hide behind a cleaning trolley but will instead hold their heads up, make eye contact and interact with customers. Davy says: Interpersonal skills and high personal standards are vital because cleaners are dealing with the public all the time. When a person comes into a shopping centre, the only person they may see is a cleaner and so that first impression really matters. People with a good knowledge of the local environment where the bus station is, for example is also important, says Davy, adding: Once the right people are recruited, its vital that they are treated properly. New cleaners at Davys centre attend a one-day WorldHost customer service training course alongside other suppliers including security, mall and maintenance staff. Davy adds: The course covers basics like creating a good first impression and techniques for overcoming barriers. For example, if a customer is asking for directions and you dont speak their language its tempting just to speak louder whereas a more sensible solution would be to draw a diagram or even to take them there yourself! Cleaners performance is constantly monitored and appraised in a positive way with management continually looking for good examples of customer

The Mall Pavilions Cleaners are key staff

service and ensuring that when this occurs it is rewarded. It is important that we recognise their good work and good customer service, says Davy. Its about management looking and listening all the time and leading by example. Its also about showing respect. We strive to treat everybody the same. If you treat people with respect by for example acknowledging them saying good morning they will respect you and the work they do for you. Every quarter, all the supplier staff cleaners, maintenance, mall and security are invited to a meeting when financial information about the centre is shared including footfall and retailer comings and goings. Davy says: This is so that they feel part of the centre and understand what their part in its success is. Another purpose of these meetings is to explain why they are asked to perform certain tasks. For example, cleaners are helped to understand why they have to clean up spillages without delay and the possible legal and financial implications for the centre if anyone slips and hurts themselves. Suppliers performance is constantly monitored using a monthly scorecard. Davy says: Our suppliers have to understand our philosophy that their role is not just about cleaning or security but there is a customer care element to what they do, which is an important part of their monthly score. They all have KPIs for customer interaction, which is constantly high on our agenda.


Creating outstanding customer experience in shopping centres

5.3 COMMUNITY RELATIONSHIPS A shopping centre does not sit in isolation. It lies within a community and there are important synergies to be understood and gained by an active involvement in community life. Community involvement through specific events generates footfall, interest and loyalty. Events can be tailored for specific groups including, for example, students, families, older and disabled people. For example, Land Securities owned St Davids, Cardiff, regularly plays host to a Student Lock-In event, the likes of which are held at shopping centres across the country. Billed as the UKs Biggest Student Shopping Event, students are given exclusive evening entry to the shopping centre where they benefit from the likes of double student discounts, giveaways and promotions. Theres also entertainment, refreshments and goody bags on offer to add to the experience. Another example is Westfield Derby, where every month the centre runs a Crafty Kids session, which attracts 40-60 children plus their parents and grandparents for a few hours of creative fun. Sessions are often run in association with retailers, helping to drive footfall back to the retailers. (See the case study in Chapter 4.) Broader community involvement with local organisations including council, town centre, police, business and arts groups and educational institutions can also provide enormous mutual benefits. For example, Capital Shopping Centres owned Chapelfield, Norwich, aims to play an active and responsible role in its community while making a significant economic contribution. Nearby is HMP Norwich, a prison made up largely of offenders from Norfolk, meaning that those who re-offend on release are likely to do so in Chapelfields community.

Rather than dealing with the symptoms of crime, Chapelfield decided to use its skills, experience and resources to help break the cycle of re-offending by providing work experience and employment for offenders to the benefit of offenders, Chapelfield businesses and customers as well as the wider community. After 30 months, 99 serving prisoners had completed the programme with 79% having gained employment in 32 separate businesses. Only two reoffended on release dramatically lower than typical reoffending rates. Chapelfield's Custody & Community Project was a winner in the Community Relations category of the BCSC Purple Apple Awards 2012.2 The Kingdom Shopping Centre at Glenrothes is a good example of a shopping centre that is fully integrated into community life see the following case study. The centre pays the salary of an additional police officer, which has resulted in a dramatic reduction in crime at the centre. It also gives mall space to the local Crime Prevention Panel every month for crime prevention and public safety promotions and demonstrations. The centre also hosts a monthly forum for local councillors, MPs and business leaders to discuss the centres involvement in the community and opportunities for growth and improvement throughout the area. It is represented on Take a Pride in Glenrothes group that has been successfully involved in many environmental and community projects in and around the area over the years. Many of the centres events raise money for charity including a catwalk show in aid of Help Fife Animals and the 2012 Great Glenrothes Hippo Parade for Children's Hospice Association Scotland (CHAS).

Stakeholder relationships

2 http://purpleapple.bcsc. org.uk/winners/2012/ details.asp?type=3&category =0&seq=0

Creating outstanding customer experience in shopping centres


Stakeholder relationships


The Kingdom Shopping Centre lies at the heart of Glenrothes, one of Scotlands official new towns that was built in the 1960s. As there is no high street, the Kingdom Shopping Centre serves as the town centre and is the prime retailing location for the area. Having strong community links is key not only because of the centres central position but also because of the emphasis placed by its owners, Co-operative Insurance Society (CIS), on corporate social responsibility initiatives. One of the shopping centres most impressive community projects in recent times has been The Great Glenrothes Hippo Parade. This unusual yet enormously successful community arts project was inspired by one of the towns most loved and iconic artworks a series of concrete hippos. Eighteen life-size hippos made from fibreglass were created and decorated by each of the towns local primary schools and displayed throughout the centre during the summer of 2011 with the public voting for their favourite. Hippopotamania swept through Glenrothes and across the land. It even went as far afield as Germany with the project used to celebrate the 40th anniversary of Glenrothes twinning with Boblingen, which was presented with a special commemorative hippo, decorated by local college students. Strategic partnerships were established with Fife Council and Glenrothes Twin Town Association. As a result of these alliances local links were strengthened further, making the project eligible for grant funding, minimising impact on service charge costs to retailers.

The Kingdom Shopping Centre Inspiring the community

At the end of the competition Glenrothes MSP and Presiding Officer (Speaker) of the Scottish Parliament, Tricia Marwick, was invited by the Kingdom Shopping Centre to announce Collydean Primary's win. The Great Glenrothes Hippo Parade helped to put the Kingdom Shopping Centre firmly on the map and in peoples consciousness with a total of 8,000 votes cast, 52,000 of media coverage achieved and 236% increase in Facebook likes attained. Anna Bluman, Associate director of Retail Marketing at Capita Symonds, says: The Great Glenrothes Hippo Parade is an excellent example of a highly relevant local community arts project that had a real impact. The 2011 hippos were stripped back ready for use in future competitions, but were not to be forgotten; they were immortalised in a calendar showing them all in a variety of seasonal poses. The calendar was on sale at the centre and local libraries with profits helping fund future hippo projects. In 2012, the original hippos were given another makeover before being back on parade with the accompaniment of 16 baby hippos decorated by local nurseries. A charity link was also added to raise funds for the Children's Hospice Association Scotland (CHAS). Such was the success of the Great Glenrothes Hippo Parade that it was a winner in the BCSC Purple Apple Marketing Awards 2012 for community relations.


Creating outstanding customer experience in shopping centres

Stakeholder relationships Scorecard

There is effective two-way communication with retailers

Do you have a retailer communication strategy? Do you have a retailers forum?


Do you have a member of staff responsible for retailer liaison? Do you take account of each retailers preferred means of communication? Have you taken active steps to reduce operating costs for retailers? Do you help retailers with environmental initiatives (such as recycling) and minimising consumption of resources?

The centre helps retailers to manage their costs

Do you share information on footfall and trading performance?

Do you involve retailers in decision-making when setting service charge budgets?

Are service charge budgets and accounts clear, concise and transparent? The organisation complies with the RICS Code of Practice Do the accounts show the contribution of the retailer towards marketing for Service Charges in and promotional expenditure? Commercial Properties Is there a clear statement of policy on how and where costs/income generated from commercialisation services and activities in the centre are allocated? Is income derived from promotional activity credited to the marketing expenditure budget? Do retailers say they are satisfied with the level of security provided by the centre? Are all retailers aware of the procedures for summoning assistance in an emergency?

Is income derived from the provision of a service or activity, the cost of which is included in the service charge, treated as a service charge credit?

Retailers feel secure at the centre Retailers service requests are dealt with promptly and effectively

Do you have well-defined procedures for dealing efficiently with requests from retailers? Do retailers know who to contact when they have a request? Do you have targets for response times?

Is the process for approving shop fit-outs simple and efficient? Property management processes are straightforward, Do you have a policy for dealing with retailers in financial difficulty? timely and cost-effective Is the lease documentation clear and concise? The centre gives top priority to risk management and health and safety

Are any fees charged to retailers fair and proportionate (e.g. shop fit licences)? Are risk management procedures regularly reviewed, tested and updated? Are disaster-recovery procedures in place, and periodically tested? Do you provide an induction course for retailers which include health and safety, security and customer care?

Facilities for retailer staff are appropriate to the type of centre

Is sufficient provision made for public and private transport for retail staff? Is there somewhere for retail staff to sit and eat during breaks? Do you provide a job vacancy board/website or employment service?

Do you have procedures to ensure all retailers are aware of the health and safety procedures and their own responsibility?

Do you provide training courses and facilities to assist retailers to induct, train and retain store staff?

Total points score Total score

Creating outstanding customer experience in shopping centres


Stakeholder relationships Scorecard

The centre selects and retains suppliers for compatibility with its service ethos The centre works in partnership with suppliers

Are prospective suppliers screened to ensure they share the centres customer service ethos? Do you ensure you pay suppliers on time?


Is the performance of suppliers monitored using strict criteria including customer service delivery?

Are supplier contracts structured to encourage staff retention, loyalty and investment in the contract? Do you involve the contractor supervisor(s) in your regular weekly operational management meetings? Do you have a member of staff in charge of liaison with suppliers? Do you encourage a one-team approach? For example, by encouraging staff to feel they work for the centre (as well as their employer).

There is effective two-way communication with suppliers

Do you check whether suppliers are clear about who to speak with if they have a query?

The centre gives suppliers training and information to help them do their job and make them feel part of the shopping centre

Do you give cleaners, security guards and maintenance staff training in customer service?

Do you keep contract partner staff informed by cascading all relevant information to ensure they understand what you require from them?

Does the uniform worn by security staff and other contract partners convey the appropriate image and branding? Do you give information cards to staff to help them answer customers queries, such as contact details, trading hours, directions, and details of forthcoming events promotions?

The centre targets the performance of suppliers effectively and rewards it appropriately

Do you give staff the tools and the authority to offer more than expected to shoppers and retailers? Have you agreed well-defined service performance targets (service level agreements) with suppliers? Do you incentivise performance through a reward structure? Do you have a system for managing under-performance?

Do you recognise and celebrate exemplary service performance by suppliers and their staff?

Total points score Total score


Creating outstanding customer experience in shopping centres


The centre is part of the local community

Does the shopping centre management team take an active role within the local community? Are clear links fostered between the shopping centre and the town centre (high street)? Is the shopping centre an active member of a town centre partnership or Town Team? Is there collaboration between the local police and centre security?



Is there clear signage between the shopping centre and the rest of the town? The centre takes part in charitable initiatives The centre supports local education Do you support local charities and allow fund-raising within the centre? Do you get involved with local schools? Do you permit local charities to use space in the centre for meetings or activities? Do you advertise and participate in local events and community activities?

Do you encourage older children and students to carry out educational and research projects in the centre?

Total points score Stakeholder total Total score

Creating outstanding customer experience in shopping centres


Chapter Performance measurement

What gets measured gets improved
Have you ever thought why top performing athletes and their coaches are so obsessed with measuring performance?
The answer is simple: without regular measurement and analysis performance cannot be maximised and could drift down. Using performance measurement is as important in the world of customer experience as it is in the world of sport. Traditionally the focus of the real estate industry has been on financial metrics like rental growth, income returns and vacancy rates but increasingly, forward thinking owners and managers, are adopting service performance measures alongside. CUSTOMER SATISFACTION The ability of a shopping centre and shopping centre owners to track changes in customer satisfaction which includes shoppers, retailers, staff and other stakeholders is an essential part of any management programme to improve business relationships, service standards and business performance. Organisations that introduce and run annual programmes to measure customer satisfaction are able to drive their business performance, keep focused and motivate their staff. Those that do not have accurate service performance measures are flying blind and without accurate feedback they cannot track progress and drive improvement. For example, when Land Securities conducted a second independent retail property directors study three years after the first, it found that the action it had taken was having a measurable impact on retailer satisfaction. This was evidenced by increasing levels of satisfaction in the important areas of communication, understanding retailers needs and overall performance as a landlord. This gave them confidence that the methods adopted delivered results. A third study in April 2011 showed that Land Securities had established a market-leading position in terms of satisfaction among retail property directors.

In 2011 British Land conducted its fourth independent UK retailer survey3 resulting in detailed plans for improvement based on the retailer feedback given. An overview of the survey results is shown below:





In 2011, we carried out our fourth independent UK retailer survey. We aim to be the partner of choice for retailers, understanding and anticipating their needs and helping them to achieve their objectives by providing modern accommodation in prime locations, adaptable to changing formats.
Retail occupiers rating as good or excellent (%)
100 90
80 88 78 74 66 59 67 64 63

37 31 21




70 60 50 40
33 35 31

30 20 10 0









Home and garden retailer





Industry average
(Occupier Satisfaction Survey 2011 where comparable and otherwise Occupier Satisfaction Index 2009)

RealService carried out 236 telephone interviews with property directors, store managers and estate surveyors. The overall satisfaction as a retailer question was new in 2011 and so does not feature in the above chart.

I think that British Land is a model landlord, as you can go and talk to them and they will listen. It seems that other landlords are seeing the benet of this and are starting to copy them. Estates Surveyor, fashion retailer



Based on retailer feedback, we will: - Reinvigorate our key account programme to understand and support our retailers in a difcult economic climate. - Develop a new Retailer Charter to drive service excellence throughout our supply chain. - Enhance the transparency of our midyear reviews and forecasts, year-end statements and insurance renewal reports. - Continue to actively manage costs whilst maintaining high standards, through smart procurement, efcient management and creative thinking.


britishland.com/retailsurvey | 2

3 www.britishland.com/files/pdf/bl_retail_survey_2011.pdf


Creating outstanding customer experience in shopping centres

Capital Shopping Centres (CSC) has been measuring retailer satisfaction across its shopping centre portfolio since 2008. Commercial Director Trevor Pereira says: The annual retailer satisfaction survey has helped us to drive our customer service agenda and ensure our activities are targeted towards the changes that our customers most value. We look forward to re-measuring our performance every year and seeing how our programme to raise service standards is working. (See the following case study.) CSC, British Land and Land Securities use the results of their retailer satisfaction studies to benchmark their service performance at shopping centre and portfolio level. KEY PERFORMANCE INDICATORS (KPIs) KPIs are a small number of agreed-upon measurements that reflect your organisations critical goals for success. They are measurable, objective, and actionable. You can measure anything your shopping centre cares about. For example, percentage of staff ideas that are turned into actions; number of community events the centre is involved in, number of customer email addresses collected monthly for marketing purposes, etc. However, the real value is in the discussion of results with your team, not the numbers themselves. Remember: Everything that can be counted does not necessarily count; everything that counts cannot necessarily be counted Albert Einstein.


On arrival at CSC, Commercial Director Trevor Pereira reviewed the way the companys existing approach to customer feedback and identified the opportunity to introduce a more objective measure. In 2008, CSC commissioned a pilot independent survey of retailer satisfaction at one shopping centre, which proved the effectiveness of the methodology chosen and reporting required. The programme was rolled out during autumn 2008 across the portfolio which includes MetroCentre, Gateshead and Lakeside, West Thurrock. Over the years, the annual survey programme has enabled CSC to identify whether service is being provided to retailers in a consistent way across the portfolio, to spot high achievers and to share best practice throughout the organisation. Centre management teams use the results to produce customised action plans to improve their service to retailers, the success of which are measured in the following years survey. Pereira says: The annual retailer satisfaction survey has helped us to drive our customer service agenda and ensure our activities are targeted towards the changes that our customers most value. We look forward to re-measuring our performance every year and seeing how our programme to raise service standards is working. Paul Francis, General Manager at The Potteries, Stoke on Trent, adds: We really appreciate the tangible measured feedback the study gives us. It tells us where we are doing well and where we need to work harder. The report is a massive tool for the management team to use to improve performance. Its also helpful that we can make year on year comparisons.

Capital Shopping Centres Improvement by measurement

Performance measurement

Creating outstanding customer experience in shopping centres


Performance measurement Scorecard


Monitor and report on corporate Do you set clear corporate responsibility targets and report your progress responsibility (CR) activities to your stakeholders? Monitor and reports on its environmental performance The organisation measures customer satisfaction Good customer service is rewarded Do you set clear environmental targets and report your progress to your stakeholders? (e.g. carbon footprint) Do you measure retailer and shopper satisfaction in a systematic way? Do you have a reward system which encourages the achievement of customer satisfaction targets? Do you publish your customer service performance to staff, suppliers, retailers and shoppers? Do you monitor consumption of utilities and recycling rates and set targets for waste-reduction?



External recognition is actively Have you entered the BCSC ACE Awards or other programmes that sought e.g. through entering recognise customer service excellence? award schemes

The organisation analyses, shares and uses statistics to drive improvements

Do you share footfall and sales figures with store managers?

Do you analyse footfall into the centre and into key stores?

The organisation demonstrates Do you use mystery shoppers to independently monitor the customer experience? that it understands the needs Do you set targets for improvements in mystery shopper feedback? of its customers Do you monitor customer satisfaction with the availability, quality and accuracy of order and value-for-money of the food and drink offer at the centre? The centre measures retailer satisfaction Do you check retailers satisfaction with communication and set targets for improvement? Do you monitor how well requests for service are handled? Do you check retailers satisfaction with the centres responsiveness to their requests?

Do you measure retailers satisfaction with the centre management team? The centre uses benchmarking Do you benchmark customer satisfaction with other shopping centres, and to improve service set targets for improvement? Do you compare footfall data and sales performance with other shopping centres? Does the clarity of information published improve each year? Do you measure the overall satisfaction level of retailers, and set targets for improvement?

Do you benchmark retailer satisfaction levels with other shopping centres? Do you publish your service performance to internal and external stakeholders? Total points score Total score

The organisation provides regular and transparent reporting on customer service


Service culture Understanding customers People and management

Customer experience: - Communication - Journey - Facilities - Experience Total customer experience


38 30 26


28 38 66 30 162

Stakeholder relationships: - Retailer relationships - Supplier relationships - Community relationships Total stakeholder relationships Performance measurement Total score

60 34 20 114 44


Creating outstanding customer experience in shopping centres

Chapter Social media and technology

Watch the birdie
Shoppers are embracing technology and social media and changing the way they shop. They are researching, reserving and making purchases on line in ever increasing numbers alongside the traditional shopping trip. Retailers are responding with a multichannel approach.
Shopping centre managers have for a long time also used a multichannel approach to communicating with customers. The last five years has however seen a radical change in the way that shoppers and other stakeholders want to receive information and to communicate. This presents both a challenge and opportunity for shopping centre managers. Customers, retailers and shopping centres are now using a variety of social media platforms to communicate, promote and share their shopping experiences, including for example: tweeting blogging posting reviews on websites posting videos on YouTube liking and sharing things on Facebook

Although social media platforms and the use of mobile phone and digital technologies are relatively recent forms of marketing and communication and there is still a lot to learn about their best use, there is a clear opportunity for shopping centres to engage with customers using these methods with a view to creating another positive dimension to the customer experience. A clear strategy is crucial in determining how, when and what methods are best used. Your shopping centre can be greatly enhanced or irrefutably damaged by pleasing or offending your customers and it is not difficult to offend and alienate your customers through an unstructured, poorly thought-through communications campaign. For example, if you are using social media primarily as a sales tool, bombarding them with information that is not relevant or helpful will just annoy. However, shopping centres should also see this is as a customer services tool, which can provide assistance when shoppers have queries. Social media in particular is a great way to find out what is on your customers minds, to invite responses, listen to their opinions and put your own thoughts forwards to enhance your businesss reputation and brand. If there is an element of fun in the communications it also helps to create a positive and memorable experience.

Shopping centres and retailers are embracing rapid advancements in technological innovation to enhance the customer experience including, for example:

mobile phone apps offers sent directly to customers phones interactive shop windows digital signage customised to each shopper interactive touch screens mobile phone enabled websites. (See the CrownGate case study that follows.)

Creating outstanding customer experience in shopping centres


Social media and technology

This section draws on research undertaken on behalf of BCSC about the role of social media in shopping centres. Social Media: Do We Really Know What We Are Doing? 4 explores the benefits for shopping centres in engaging through social media and how its value can be measured. It looks at whether those centres that are engaging in social media activity are doing it well and positioning themselves as brands in their own right, creating bespoke platforms for dialogue with consumers and the wider community, rather than simply supporting their occupiers product promotions. Our aim in this section is to set out the thinking required to develop a social media and technology strategy that will enhance the customer experience. STRATEGY Your social media and technology strategy should tie in with your strategies for marketing and customer service. For example, CrownGate QR (short for Quick Response) is a bespoke code based offers system that enables retailers to upload offers themselves in real-time and in direct response to trading conditions through CrownGates website. It was introduced as part of a marketing review that involved moving centre communications online in light of diminished effectiveness and fragmentation of traditional medial channels. (See the following case study.) Your strategy should have clear objectives and systems in place for monitoring and measurement and provide answers to the following questions: What do you want to use social media and technology for? How exactly will the experience of the customer be improved? What will be the impact and outcomes from its use at each stage of the customer journey?

How will social media and technological activities help improve the centres relationship and role within the community? How will suppliers be involved? What will be the role of consultants and other experts?

Shoppers like to receive information that is relevant to their lives and interests, and to receive news quickly, for example, details about new offers at their favourite shops and events such as fashion shows, kids entertainment and music performances. Customers should be segmented so that they receive targeted and relevant information. It is important to be aware that social media has created the expectation of a personal, almost instant response. How shopping centres provide one-to-one customer service via social media to hundreds or even thousands of people each week remains a challenge. BUDGETING AND OPERATIONS Budgets: There are costs involved in developing and implementing a social media and technology strategy including:

In-house staff Suppliers

Technology hardware and software Specialist consultants These need to be clearly set out in the strategy along with clarification about financing and where the budget sits.

4 Social Media: Do We Really Know What We Are Doing?, 2011, www.bcsc.org.uk/ publication.asp?pub_id=450


Creating outstanding customer experience in shopping centres

Operations: You should be clear about who is responsible for what areas in your use of social media and technology. There should be:

a clear line of management responsibility for approving activities and documents

clear guidelines on application, which sets out processes such as how to deal with customer comments and complaints

EVALUATION AND MONITORING The outcomes of any social media and technological activity should be evaluated by setting and measuring objectives, which should include service performance and financial measures. You should ask: Is the activity adding value to the customer? If so, how?

Social media and technology

PEOPLE AND RESOURCE Social media and technological activities should be properly managed and controlled by those involved who are technically competent and up to speed. The likely cross-over between marketing and customer service activity means that thought needs to be given as to where the management responsibility for social media and technology should sit.

control of content in line with culture and core values, and when and where the content appears such as a media map.

a formal agreement with retailer partners on redistributing their social media and digital content duplicate information being sent out should be avoided, and

What are people saying on each platform (e.g. Twitter, Facebook, YouTube) about the shopping centre?

Can new social media applications be identified which are interesting customers? (e.g. Pinterest, a photo sharing website).

What information has been gathered that you can use to enhance the customer experience further? (e.g. by monitoring redemption of vouchers you can determine which offers are of most value to customers).

A resource plan should be made which considers how many people and how much time needs to be allocated to deliver the objectives for social media and technological activity, including whether any expert partners are required to help implement the strategy. The skills required for the management roles and delivery roles need to be identified before individuals are appointed. Where individuals do not possess the skills to the levels required, a training plan should be set out and implemented. Other people who are not directly involved may also need to be trained so that they know how to deal with issues that may arise as a result of social media and technological activities.

Creating outstanding customer experience in shopping centres


Social media and technology


Three years ago the management team at The Brewery, Romford, was looking for a quick, simple and cost-effective way to provide its customers with information. Crucially, it needed to be delivered in a way that customers wished to receive it. The solution was to develop the centres social media activity, starting with Facebook. Since then Facebook and other forms of social media including Twitter and Pinterest (a pinboard-style social photo sharing website that allows users to create and manage theme-based image collections such as events, interests, hobbies, and more) have become a key element of The Brewerys annual marketing strategy. KPIs are set at the start of each year including, for example, the number of Facebook and Twitter followers they wish to achieve, and progress is monitored throughout. Centre Director Rubie Charalambous, says: It needs to be really specific right down to the last detail before I start the programme. We set really SMART (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, Timescales) objectives and KPIs for everything we do. To ensure clarity of message, one person at communications company Key Lime is dedicated to managing The Brewerys social media activity. Key Lime Director Karen Brooks explains: Social media management is a 24/7 role. Users dont restrict their usage to office hours and so we cant restrict our management either. Timely responses, whatever day it is, are imperative. As part of the process, retailers are consulted on the programme at dedicated meetings and have opportunities to contribute to content. For example, many retailers contribute to the

The Brewery The Facebook revolution

centres so called After School Club, offering discounts to families to boost trade during a quiet period of the day. Online mechanisms including, Twitter, Facebook and database marketing are used to engage parents. Brooks says that social media should not be used to bombard people with sales messages. Its about engaging with customers, having a conversation with them and ensuring that any information we do send out benefits them and improves their experience of the scheme. The Brewery has been able to breakdown its digital database into different audiences, ensuring that its offers and messages are relevant, targeted and valued. Linking with matters of social interest such as TV programme The Only Way is Essex expands the audience and encourages customer interaction. Brooks adds: Social media activity isnt just about the scheme its a great way to find out whats on customers minds be it TV, the weather or the latest sporting achievement. When West Ham went back to the Premiership this year, we had some great interactions through picking up on the local online buzz. It is also proving a useful tool in promoting events at The Brewery. For example, the annual talent search aimed at young musicians is marketed and executed predominately as a digital exercise with potential entrants sought via a dedicated page on Facebook that links to the website where they can sign up. Links to blogs and fansites are used to develop the viral message. Brooks concludes: Social media provides an instant, direct connection to your customers. We are always looking at how we can grow the conversation, increase our followers and deliver benefits to our shoppers and our tenants.


Creating outstanding customer experience in shopping centres

The level of retailer engagement that we now have following CrownGate QR is outstanding. It has removed any barriers that existed before.


When The Crown Estate-owned CrownGate shopping centre, Worcester, recognised it needed to add value to the shopping experience while at the same time engage better with retailers, CrownGate QR was the perfect solution. CrownGate QR (short for Quick Response) is a bespoke code based offers system that enables retailers to upload offers themselves in real-time and in direct response to trading conditions through CrownGates website. Using the power of rapidly-advancing mobile technologies, shoppers can scan codes to access the offers using smartphones. Offers can also be printed from the website. Believed to be the first such system used by any shopping centre in the UK, CrownGate QR was developed with specialist marketing agency, Severn Communications. It was part of a process to move centre Communications online in light of diminished effectiveness and fragmentation of traditional media channels. A major overhaul of the centres Facebook page, now a key focus of centre communications, was delivered in tandem with the launch of CrownGate QR, to capitalise on enhanced levels of shopper engagement. A new interactive website akin to a media channel was also developed for the centre, enabling retailers to upload offers themselves in real-time, as well as providing shoppers with enhanced fashion-led content and regular day-today shopping centre information. Free Wi-Fi was installed across the centre so that shoppers could use their smartphones at every turn quite a challenge at a two site centre!

CrownGate Quick Response Discounting that engages retailers

A key part of the implementation strategy was a pro-active engagement programme with retailers involving a series of regular one-to-one and technical help sessions, empowering them use the system themselves. As a result retailers imaginations were fired with attendance at retailer meetings up from half a dozen to 28, which had never happened before. Erica Burlace, General Manager of CrownGate, says: Occupier education was critical to the success of CrownGate QR as it enabled them to take responsibility for their businesses and empower then to communicate with their customers. The mobile-enabled, style-focused website behind QR also delivered additional online engagement opportunities with website hits up by 50% and 14.3% Facebook virality way above the worldwide median rate of 1.9%. CrownGate QR was launched with great fanfare at the Great Big Value Event, featuring promotions, music and live QR demonstrations. Almost half of the centres 70 retailers participated from the start, generating more than 100 offers in just eight weeks reinvigorating the customer experience and increasing football by 13% in the process. Burlace says: The growth of smartphone use and apps meant that CrownGate QR was something we had to do. Most satisfying is that we are now communicating with the right audience at the right level. Sue Bown, Director at Severn Communications, concludes: CrownGate QR allows all retailers from major multiples to small independents to compete more effectively in a growing culture of aggressive discounting. In addition, the level of retailer engagement that we now have across all aspects of the marketing mix following CrownGate QR is outstanding. It has removed any barriers that existed before.

Social media and technology

Creating outstanding customer experience in shopping centres


Chapter The future

The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others Mahatma Gandhi
Consumers no longer have to go to the trouble of shopping at a shopping centre or on the high street because they can purchase what they want often for less money and considerably less effort whenever they want from their desktop, iPad or smartphone.

Items are delivered to their home or place of work the very next day or people simply click-and-collect if they live life on the move. One of the ways that shopping centres can rival online shopping is to exploit the basic human need for social interaction by ensuring that every time a person ventures to a shopping centre they enjoy a truly great customer experience.

A holistic approach to customer care is required, embracing everything from the quality of public transport and ease of parking to signage, entertainment and cleanliness to the delivery of great, personalised customer service in centres and individual stores. The centres and organisations featured as case studies in this guide are already creating a point of difference for their businesses around customer experience, recognising the huge financial and reputational benefits it can bring. Ultimately this will bring benefits for the society in which we live more choice, more jobs and improved wellbeing. We hope you will be inspired by the case studies and other materials in this guide to make your mark on society by improving the service that you deliver to your customers and stakeholders.

To give people good reason to switch their computers and phones off and physically take themselves to a shopping centre, requires a highly strategic and cohesive approach to customer service and the overall customer experience. It requires commitment from everyone involved in the future prosperity of our shopping centres including centre management teams, retailers, owners, developers, politicians, town centre managers, shoppers and community leaders.


Creating outstanding customer experience in shopping centres


We would like to thank the following for their participation and support in this study: Grace Bagster Steve Belam Anna Bluman Sue Bown Karen Brooks Alison Burdis Erica Burlace Rubie Charalambous Andrew Davy John Gray Perminder Dhillon Jemma Fern Louise Freethy Rose Hobson Sean Kelly Elisa Linley Andrew McMillan Tom Nathan Deborah Owen-Ellis Clark Sandra Parr Trevor Pereira Nigel Sarbutts Justin Snoxall Lance Stanbury David Tudor Morgan David Woodman Jackson Square The Oracle Capita Symonds Severn Communications Key Lime PR & Marketing Westfield Derby CrownGate The Brewery The Mall Pavilions John Gray Service Charges Ltd Kingfisher Shopping Centre Gunwharf Quays RealService Best Practice Group Kazoo pr4property Gunwharf Quays Engaging Service Brent Cross Shopping Centre The Bee Group GBM Support Services Capital Shopping Centres Brand Alert British Land Mall Management Solutions British Land PRUPIM

Creating outstanding customer experience in shopping centres A BEST PRACTICE GUIDE

BCSC Educational Trust, 1 Queen Annes Gate, Westminster, London, SW1H 9BT t: 0207 222 1122 e: trust@bcsc.org.uk w: www.bcsc.org.uk RealService, Kingsbridge House, 130 Marsh Road, Pinner, Middlesex, HA5 5LX t: 020 3393 9603 w: www.real-service.co.uk ISBN number: 1 897958 54 4

Designed and produced by FourthQuarter.co.uk

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