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List of grape varieties

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Jump to: navigation, search This is a list of varieties of cultivated grapes, whether used for wine, or eating as a Table grape, fresh or dried (raisin, currant, sultana)


# $ingle species grapes o # # %itis vinifera grapes (wine) # # # &ed grapes # # ' White grapes # # ( %itis vinifera (wine and table) o # ' %itis labrusca (wine and table) # ' # Wine grapes # ' ' Table grapes # ' ' # )reen table grapes # ' ' ' &ed table grapes # ' ' ( *urple table grapes # ' ' + %aried,-ther o # ( %itis riparia (wine grape rootstock and hybridi.ation source) o # + %itis rotundifolia (table and wine) o # / %itis aestivalis (wine) ' 0ultispecies hybrid grapes o ' # %inifera hybrids (wine) o ' ' 1on2vinifera hybrids (table) o ' ( 1on2vinifera hybrids (rootstock) ( Further reading + 34ternal links

[edit] Single species grapes

While some of the grapes in this section are hybrids, they are hybridi.ed within a single species (for e4ample, 1iagara) For those grapes hybridi.ed across species, see below

[edit] Vitis vinifera grapes (wine)

[edit] Red grapes

5bouriou 5colon 5giorgitiko 5glianico 5le4sandrouli 5licante 6ouschet 5lvarelh7o 5ncellotta 6arbera 6astardo , Trousseau 6lauer *ortugieser , 89koport: 6laufr;nkisch , <emberger , 89kfrankos , )am9 6onarda 6ondola 6ual , 6oal =abernet Franc =abernet $auvignon =anaiolo =arignan , =arignane , =ari>ena , =arignano =armen?re =arnelian =harbono =insaut ,=insault =orvina @olcetto @ornfelder @urif , *etite $yrah Freisa )amay , )amay 1oir )arnat4a , )renache , )arnacha , =annanou )raciano )ropello )rignolino 8adarka 8ratosiAa <agrein <ambrusco 0acabeo 0albec , 5u4errois , =Bt 0alvasia 1era 0ammolino 0andolari 0ar.emino 0avro

0avrodafni 0avrud 0encia 0erlot 0illot 0ission 0olinara 0ontepulciano 0ourv?dre , 0onastrell , 0ataro 1ebbiolo 19grette 1egroamara 1ero dC5vola -ku.go.u -Aaleshi *edro Dimene. *etit %erdot *inot 0eunier , $chwar.riesling , 0Ellerebe *inot 1oir , $p;tburgunder , 6lauburgunder , *inot 1ero *inotage *oulsard &efosco , &efoFk &ivaner &ondinella &ori. &otberger &uby =abernet &ubired &uch9 &ufete , Tinta *inheira , Tinta =arvalha , &ufeta $agrantino $angiovese , 6runello $aperavi $chiava , Trollinger $ercial $hira. , $yrah $ous7o $t <aurent Taminga Tannat Tarrango Tempranillo , Tinta &ori. , Gll de <lebre , =encibel , Tinta del *ais Teroldego Terret 1oir Tinta 6arroca

Tinta =ao Touriga Franca , Touriga Francesa Touriga 1acional , 3spanhol , *reto de 0ortHgua %aldigui9 %ranac Dynomavro Iinfandel , =rlAenak 8aFtelanski , *rimitivo Iweigelt , Iweigeltrebe , &otburger

[edit] White grapes

5ir9n 5lbari>o , 5lvarinho 5ligot9 5rneis 5u4errois 5ssyrtiko 6acchus =atarratto =hardonnay =hasselas , )utedel 22 oldest known grape variety =henin 6lanc =lairette 6lanc =olombard =ortese =ourtiller 0usJue =rouchen @oradillo Fiano Flora Folle 6lanche Furmint Fromenteau )arganega )ewEr.traminer )oldriesling )reco )rEner %eltliner KHrslevelL Juhfark 8erner 8rstaM 0acabeo , 0acabeu 0alvasia, includes several sub2varieties 0arsanne 0elon de 6ourgogne 0oscato , 0oscatell , 0oscatel , 0uscat 0oschofilero 0tsvane 0Eller2Thurgau 0uscadelle , Tokay -ndenc *alomino , *alomino Fino *arellada *ecorino *edro Dim9ne. *inot 6lanc , *inot 6ianco , Weissburgunder *inot )rigio , *inot )ris *rosecco &iesling , Johannisberg &iesling , &heinriesling , 8lingelberger &ieslaner &katsiteli &oussanne $auvignon 6lanc $auvignon %ert $cheurebe $9millon $ilvaner , $ylvaner , -esterreicher $mederevka $ultana $ymphony Tocai Friulano (will be renamed to Aust Friulano by 'NNO, may be same variety as $auvignon %ert) Torrontes Traminer , $avagnin 6lanc , $avagnin &os9 Trebbiano , Ggni 6lanc Trollinger Trousseau )ris , )rey &iesling %erdelho %erdicchio %ermentino %ernaccia %iognier Welschriesling , &iesling Ptalico DarelQlo , Darello Dynisteri

[edit] Vitis vinifera (wine and table)

6lack &ose 0uscat $ultana , Thompson $eedless %alencia

[edit] Vitis labrusca (wine and table)

[edit] Wine grapes

=atawba =oncord @elaware 1iagara Pvy

[edit] Table grapes

[edit] Green table grapes

*erlette $ugarone =almeria $uperior $eedless (0enindee $eedless)

[edit] Red table grapes

Flame $eedless &ed )lobe &uby $eedless =hristmas &ose 3mperor &ouge =rimson $eedless Tudor *remium &ed $wenson &ed =anadice

[edit] !rple table grapes

6eauty $eedless 5utumn &oyal &ibier Fantasy $eedless 0arroo 1iabell 6luebell


[edit] Varied"#ther

Kimrod (white)

[edit] Vitis riparia (wine grape rootstoc$ and h%bridi&ation so!rce)

&iparia )loire &iparia )rand )labre &iparia $cribner &iparia 0artin

[edit] Vitis rotundifolia (table and wine)

0uscadine $cuppernong

[edit] Vitis aestivalis (wine)

1orton , =ynthiana

[edit] '!ltispecies h%brid grapes

[edit] Vinifera h%brids (wine)
(%brid grape varieties (see Kybrid grapes) or RhybridsR is, in fact, the popular term for a subset of what are properly known as hybrids, specifically crossings between one species of the genus vitis and another The scientific definition of a hybrid grape is any crossing (intra2 or inter2specific) of two grape varieties Pn keeping with the popular definition, however, the ones listed below are inter2specific hybrids where one parent is a 3uropean grape

5gawam, Vitis labrusca 4 Vitis vinifera 5urora 5urore 6aco ''5 (6aco blanc) 6aco noir (6aco #) =ayuga White =hambourcin =hancellor =hardonel =helois =ouderc 1oir @e =haunac

3delweiss 3lvira 3sprit 8ay )ray <C5mbertille <a =rosse <9on 0illot 0arechal Foch 0elody &avat &ayon dC-r &egent &ondo &ougeon $t =roi4 $t *epin $eyval 6lanc Traminette %idal 6lanc %ignoles , &avat /# %illard 6lanc

[edit] )on*vinifera h%brids (table)

6eta, Vitis labrusca D Vitis riparia

[edit] )on*vinifera h%brids (rootstoc$)


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