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ATM (Automated Teller Machine) is a great invention of modern technology, as we know that majority banks of our country are doing trading on-line basis. anks are !roviding debit and credit cards to the customers. "ith the hel! of those cards, customers can easily withdraw money from booths at any time. ATM booths are !laying a vital role in our modern e-banking system. They !rovide #$ hours service throughout the week. %ecently, there was wides!read allegation from the customers that they got fake notes from ATM booths. &f anyone gets fake notes from ATM, s'he can not !roduce any evidence of that. (o, banks should be more cautious regarding this issue. They should ensure that there will be no more fake notes in ATM. )therwise customers will reject this !o!ular service.
(o you thought that just because you got your currency notes from across a bank teller*s counter or an ATM, they were guaranteed to be the genuine item+

,ust one of many e!isodes - over %s$ crore worth of fake currency in an assortment of -.. and /,... ru!ee denominations, running into 01,/.2 currency notes, would take around 2. shoebo3es to fill. That is about 2-/. large steel trunks of the sort used by banks to move cash around. )ne could !robably understand if it was moving from one hoodlum to another, or a large city, or even in a medium or small town. ut as !art of an % & controlled cash chest at an ( & branch in an e3tremely small town in 4ttar 5radesh that does not even have a railway station+ 6omariganj, close to the &ndo-7e!al border, !robably doesn*t transact in lakhs !er day, but hey, that didn*t !revent the fine !eo!le at ( & from re!lacing %s$ crore worth of genuine money with some funny money made elsewhere - same series, everything.

This e!isode a cou!le of years ago was sought to be hushed u! by both % & and ( &. 8owever, the gra!evine is su!reme, and there is no smoke without fire - so the bu99 is that this currency was destined, via !rivate trans!orters, to the business of refilling ATM cartridges - which as of now is also !rivatised, and as !er information, is often still not re:uired to !rovide currency note checking facilities. Till March #.//, and that also only where branches have daily cash transactions e3ceeding %s-. lakh, you will continue to get currency notes that may not have been ;duly checked for authenticity'genuineness and fitness by machines.;
"ere those who were behind this crime !unished+ "e don*t know, but if you had found yourself with even one of those currency notes, and then tried to go back to ( & to argue about it, well, hey, they would have filed an <&% with the local !olice. Against you. That*s for sure. 8ow about that for a neat system to make sure that any fake notes in circulation will not be com!lained about+
The issue of fake notes has become a worrying issue lately. No corrective action from BNM, bank. No security scanner while depositing?

You can no longer blindly trust your bank ATM as a DNA staffer learnt to his utter shock when a machine presented him with a counterfeit 1,000 rupee note! The ATM belonged to a large reputed pri"ate bank that has its presence in #$0 %ndian towns and cities! &n Thursday, he punched his '%N into the ATM placed on the bank premises in (T Nagar and withdrew (s),000! *a"ing got a denomination of four 1,000

rupee notes and ten 100 rupee notes, he deposited the money in his wife+s account at the ,hi"a-inagar branch of a nationali.ed bank within /0 minutes! 0ut the cashier re-ected one (s1,000 note after checking the wad on a note sorting machine! The note bore No! 12* 1$1#33 and had the signature of (0% go"ernor Y4 (eddy! The clerk pointed out that she considered the note as fake as the watermark digits did not glow and the "ertical watermark showed two red glows on its security thread instead of all glowing green as on a genuine one! The left margin on the note, too, was a couple of millimetres narrower! 5hen the fake note was taken back to the bank owning the ATM, the manager promptly 6ueried7 8*ow do % know you got this note from our ATM9: 0ut when the withdrawal slip was produced, the manager bu..ed his senior who ad"ised him to note a complaint and take a photocopy of the note! The manager, after checking it on the machine, agreed it was an 8odd note: and noted a complaint, adding that management of the ATM was outsourced and the agency could not be contacted! A series of telephone calls followed from "arious bank officials, including the top corporate communication official in Mumbai! 0ut e;planations like 85e will in6uire into it:< 8Millions of notes are fed into the machines and it is not possible to record the serial number of e"ery note:< 8This occurrence is "ery, "ery rare:< 8%t may not be a fake note as (0% keeps changing designs and it could be one of the old designs: were gi"en! At the end of the day, seemingly tired of their own babble, they sent the bank manager with a genuine note and took away the fake one! ,o to a"oid this problem we de"eloped such system which will a"oid trouble for customer as well as to the bank !




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%n this system, microcontroller is used to recei"e and display the note serial number and amount of that note! 'c is connected to controller note serial number is read and process using matlab in pc and serial number and note amount

and total number is send serially to controller! 5ith help of controller note number and amount is display on the @2D And serially it is printed on page with help of printer! &ur system will able to make DD in the atm center only which will sa"e the use time!
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