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Faculty: Prof. B. Muralidhara Rao 94904 18939 Term: II

Credits: 3

Sessions: 20+ (90 minutes each)


Course Objective The objective of this course (along with Principles of Marketing I, which was offered in the first trimester) is to develop the student's conceptual knowledge and basic analytical skills in the area of marketing. Thorough a thorough understanding of different marketing concepts and good management practices, students would develop the ability to diagnose marketing problems, analyze alternatives and arrive at decisions, using information/ data. This course is also intended to be a foundation course in marketing, for those who would do study specialized, advanced topics of marketing in subsequent trimesters.


Learning outcomes Upon successful completion of this course, students would be prepared to demonstrate the following competencies: Possess a thorough understanding of the basic concepts and processes of marketing and be able to relate them to marketing situations of varying complexities in real life. Able to analyze the environment (including behaviour of consumers and other players) in so far as it has a bearing on marketing decisions. Able to segment and target the markets and develop positioning statements based on appropriate differentiation. Begin to demonstrate the ability to translate a positioning statement into an actionable marketing mix.


Generall ly able to structure s ma arketing pro oblems, gen nerate and e evaluate alt ternative solutions s and formu ulate action plans etc.


L Learning ob bjectives Pedagogical methods chosen c for the cours se are aime ed at creat ting the fo ollowing ca apabilities in you, in lin ne with Blo ooms taxon nomy of edu ucational obj bjectives. 6.Evaluati ion 5.Synthes sis 4.Applicat tion 3.Analysis s 2.Compre ehension 1.Knowledge

Knowled dge and Co omprehensio on: Learnin ng and reme embering sp pecific facts s, terms, methods s, principles s, concepts and generalizations. When W requir red, you are e able to recall th he right ma aterial from m memory. You are al lso able to express what w you recall, in n your ow wn language e, with clar rity. You are a also ab ble to draw w simple inferences and conc clusions. tion and An nalysis: In application a , you learn to t apply your prior kno owledge Applicat to new situations (i.e. ( situatio ons not pre eviously lea arned). In a analysis, yo ou break down complex information into its se eparate par rts, are ab ble to expl lain the relations ship between individua al parts and the whole. Synthesi is and Eval luation: In synthesis s , you y combin ne of two or r more con ncepts or methods s to create a complex framework k or method dology. Thu us, you are e able to create new plans s and meth hods, arrive e at multip ple solution ns/ alternat tives. In evaluatio on, you are able to jud dge the plan ns, alternativ ves and solutions again nst a set of appro opriate criter ria or standa ards.

You need to Y o gradually develop th he above sk kills, one af fter another r, starting from f the bo ottom of the e pyramid (shown abov ve) and mov ving to the top. t


evaluation C Continuous n In n keeping with learn ning object tives ment tioned abov ve, continu uous learni ing and co ontinuous evaluation go g hand-in-h hand in this course. The e goal is to provide con ntinuous fe eedback on your perfo ormance, thu us giving you y an oppo ortunity for self reflect tion and se elf correctio on. Advance pre A eparation fo or the class is a must in n this cours se. It is exp pected that you y will at ttend the cla ass only after thorough hly reading the prescrib bed reading material, which, w to


be very fair, will be limited to a reasonable number of pages per day/ session. Class room engagement is primarily to clarify issues and to build your capabilities (in the areas of knowledge, comprehension, application, analysis, synthesis and evaluation) as defined above. YOU MUST CLEARLY NOTE THAT THE CLASSROOM ENGAGEMENT IS NOT A SUBSTITUTE FOR PRE-READING. Knowledge and comprehension would be achieved through prescribed reading, classroom discussion and appropriate assignments. Skills of application, analysis, synthesis and evaluation would be fostered mainly through case studies and also to some extent through appropriate assignments. Evaluationcomponent Quizzes&Assignments Attendance MaximumMarks(Internal evaluation) Marks 45 05 50

Quizzes having descriptive questions will be evaluated on the following basis:

Evaluation metric Comprehensiveness of points/ contents covered. Language Unacceptable Covers less than 50% of possible points/ ideas/points of view. Uses words that are unclear, sentence structures inadequate for clarity, errors are seriously distracting. Acceptable Covers 50% of possible points/ ideas/points of view. Word forms are correct, sentence structure is effective. Presence of a few errors is not distracting. Exemplary Covers 75% of possible points/ ideas/points of view. Develops concise standard English sentences, balances a variety of sentence structures effectively.

Spelling and Grammar

While there may be The writing is minor errors, the essentially error-free in writing follows normal terms of spelling and conventions of spelling grammar. and grammar throughout. Students are encouraged to consult their English language & Business communications instructors to improve their writing & communication skills.

Writing contains frequent spelling and grammar errors which interfere with comprehension.


Text Book and books for reference 1. Kotler & Armstrong - Principles of Marketing, Pearson - 13th edition, 2011. [Primary text book for this term] 2. Rajan Saxena - Marketing Management, Tata McGraw-Hill - 4th edition, 2010. [Secondary text book for this term] 3. Stanton and Pandit - Fundamentals of Marketing, Management - Concepts and Cases, TMH Publications. [Further reference source]



Session Plan
Session 1: Introduction to POM 2, ground rules, evaluation, reading and daily tests.

I. PRICING DECISIONS (4 sessions) Session 2: What is price? What is the importance of understanding Customer Value perceptions while setting price?. o Background Reading: Pricing: Understanding and Capturing Customer Value (Pages 246-256) Kotler, Ch 10) Session 3: Importance of company and product costs in setting prices; identifying and defining the other important external and internal factors affecting firms pricing decisions. o Background Reading: Pricing: Understanding and Capturing Customer Value (Pages 246-265) Kotler, Ch 10) Session 4: Describing the major strategies for pricing imitative and new products; Explain how companies find a set of prices that maximizes the profits from the total product-mix. o Background Reading: Pricing Strategies (Pages 266-279 Kotler, Ch 11). Session 5: Discuss how companies adjust their prices to take into account different types of customers and situations; discuss the key issues related to initiating and responding to price changes. o Background Reading: Pricing Strategies (Pages 266-287 Kotler, Ch 11) II. DISTRIBUTION (PLACE) DECISIONS (4 decisions) Session 6: Explain how companies use marketing channels, functions that channels perform, how channel members organize to perform the functions and explain how companies select, motivate, and evaluate channel members. o Background Reading: Marketing Channels: Delivering customer value (Pages 288304Kotler, Ch 12) Session 7: Discuss the nature and importance of marketing logistics and integrated supply chain management. o Background Reading: Marketing Channels: Delivering customer value (Pages 288313Kotler, Ch 12) Session 8: Explain the role of retailers in the distribution channel and describe the major types of retailers; Describe the major retailer marketing decisions. o Background Reading: Retailing and Wholesaling (Pages 314-328 Kotler, Ch13) Session 9: Discuss the future of retailing; Explain the major types of wholesalers and their marketing decisions. o Background Reading: Retailing and Wholesaling (Pages 314-339 Kotler, Ch13)). III. COMMUNICATION (PROMOTION) DECISIONS (5 sessions) Session 10: Define the five promotion-mix tools for communicating customer value; changing communication landscape and need for integrated marketing communications; outline the communication process and the steps in developing effective marketing communications . o Background Reading: Communicating Customer Value: Integrated Marketing Communications strategy (Pages 340-354 Kotler, Ch14) Session 11: Explain the methods for setting the promotion budget and factors that affect the design of the promotion mix. o Background Reading: Communicating Customer Value: Integrated Marketing Communications strategy (Pages 340-361 Kotler, Ch14 Session 12: Define the role of advertising in the promotion mix; Major decisions involved in developing and advertising program.


Background Reading: Advertising and Public Relations (Pages 362-376 Kotler, Ch15). Session 13: Discuss the role of a companys salespeople in creating value for customers and building customer relationships; identify and explain the six major sales force management steps. Discuss the personal selling process, distinguishing between transaction-oriented marketing and relationship marketing; explain how sales promotion campaigns are developed and implemented. o Background Reading: Personal selling and Sales Promotion (Pages 386-411 Kotler, Ch16). Session 14: Define direct marketing and discuss its benefits to customers and companies; identify and discuss the major forms of direct marketing. Explain how companies have responded to the internet and other powerful new technologies with online marketing strategies; discuss how companies go about conducting online marketing to profitably deliver more value to customers; overview the public policy and ethical issues presented by direct marketing. o Background Reading: Direct and online marketing: Building direct customer relationships (Pages 412-441 Kotler, Ch17). o

IV. COMPETITIVE STRATEGIES (2 sessions) Session 15: Discuss the need to understand competitors as well as customers through competitor analysis. o Background Reading: Creating Competitive Advantage (Pages 442-452 Kotler, Ch18) Session 16: Explain the fundamentals of competitive marketing strategies based on creating value for customers; Illustrate the need for balancing customer and competitor orientations in becoming a truly market-centered organization. o Background Reading: Creating Competitive Advantage (Pages 442-463 Kotler, Ch18)

V. EXTENDING MARKETING Session 17: Define sustainable marketing and discuss its importance; Identify the major social criticisms of marketing; define consumerism and environmentalism and explain how they affect marketing strategies. Define the principles of sustainable marketing; explain the role of ethics in marketing. o Background Reading: Sustainable Marketing: Social Responsibility and Ethics (Pages 490-514 Kotler, Ch20). Session 18: Marketing Simulation Session 19: Case study on Pricing. Session 20: Case study on Distribution. Session 21: Case Study on Sales Promotion. Session 22: Case study on Competitive strategy.


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