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Features of a companys operations, processes, activities, products, or services that can have an impact (good or bad) on the environment Examples
!use of resources !discharges to "ater, air, or land !#pills, lea$s, splashes !energy emissions !%oxicity, reactivity, flammability, explosibility

What are Environmental Aspects?

ISO 14001 Training Material by A N Nachar

What is an Environmental &mpact?

A change (negative or positive) in the environment caused by an environmental aspect %he environment includes
! ! ! ! air, "ater, land Flora ' fauna (animals, plants, humans) natural resources and ra" materials interactions bet"een any of these

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"e do (())


! Feature associated with activity (Aspect)

Influence on environment


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Air Emissions (+,, -,x) Energy .sage (/as and 0iesel) .sed ,il 1ecycling #olid Waste /eneration

0egradation of Air 3uality 1eduction in -atural 1esources +onservation of -atural 1esources 1eduction in 4andfill #pace

ISO 14001 Training Material by A N Nachar

&#, 56775 Environmental Aspects says

%he organisation shall establish and maintain procedures to identify the environmental aspects of activities, products, or services that it can control and over "hich it can be expected to have an influence, to determine those "hich have, or can have, significant impacts on the environment
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Establish and 2aintain a *rocedure

.sed fre8uently in the &#, 56775 #tandard Establish 9 develop ' implement 2aintain 9 $eep up:to:date ' accurate *rocedure 9 se8uence of actions re8uired to carry out a tas$

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Key: Identify the environmental aspects that your organization

- Can control, and - Over which it can have an influence

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Aspects 0efinitions
What is meant by ;it can control<?

,perations that company management can directly affect by its decisions, such as
! product and process design ! e8uipment selection ! ra" material use ! emissions to the environment ! "aste minimi=ation practices

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Aspects 0efinitions


What is meant by ;and have influence over<? 1e8uirements and expectations management can place on contractors and suppliers, such as
! use more environmentally:friendly materials ! reduce amount of pac$aging ! re8uire supplier to ta$e bac$ empty containers for re:use or recycle ! cover road and rail bul$ shipments to prevent material blo":off

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&#, 56775 Environmental Aspects also says

Ensure that environmental aspects related to significant impacts are considered "hen setting environmental ob>ectives ?eep the information up to date

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/enerate inventory of aspects ' impacts

4ist all your activities, products ' services 4ist their environmental aspects 4ist the environmental impacts of these aspects Evaluate the aspects (8uantify them) #elect the significant aspects (use a criteria) 0efine E2*s for the significant aspects) 1evie" your ;Aspect &mpact 1egister< periodically ' before adding of an activity, product or service to your operation)

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0o not forget #upporting #ervices

Environmental aspects relate not only to manufacturing processes, but also to activities by support services such as ! research and development
! design and engineering ! transport and storage of ra" materials ! storage and transport of product ! pac$aging
ISO 14001 Training Material by A N Nachar 13

#upporting #ervices
! ! ! ! ! !


! construction and maintenance

office "or$ laboratory cafeteria security and emergency response clean:up services purchasing, shipping@ receiving, stores ! contractor and supplier activities
ISO 14001 Training Material by A N Nachar 14

Aspects &dentification

Form a small team of interdisciplinary personnel Aave the list of activities, products ' services "ith you .se a ;process approach< to identify aspects ' impacts A plant round before this exercise helps) 1eferring to 2#0# during the exercise helps

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!w d! I rec!"ni#e an a$%ect&
Air Emissions

Dirty Parts Solvents

Solvent Cleaning Process

Clean Parts

Dirty Solvent Waste

ISO 14001 Training Material by A N Nachar

Solvent Contaminated Rags


I w!r' in an O((ice, !w d!e$ thi$ a%%)* t! +e&

Re"#ests Office Work Electricity, Paper, Heating Cooling


!oner Cartridges

Waste Paper, Solid Waste


ISO 14001 Training Material by A N Nachar

Pr!ce$$ a%%r!ach
Performance indicators O%ners&ip






ISO 14001 Training Material by A N Nachar


Aspects &dentification


&n practice, each operation "ill have a more detailed brea$do"n of tas$s, for each of "hich there "ill be environmental aspects and impacts Environmental impacts need to be more detailed than illustrated here, e)g), specify type of "ater contamination (B,0, suspended solids, pA, toxic organics, metals, etc)), and air (carbon dioxide, sulphur or nitrogen oxides, particulate, etc))

ISO 14001 Training Material by A N Nachar


What is a #ignificant Example only Environmental &mpact?

,ne "here the ris$ to the environment is above a threshold level Define a criteria for the threshold level

1is$ 9 *robability x #everity "here

! probability reflects fre8uency @ li$elihood ! #everity reflects both magnitude and public perception

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ISO 14001 Training Material by A N Nachar


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ISO 14001 Training Material by A N Nachar


&mpacts on

4and, "ater, air Flora fauna #ociety (local community) &nterested parties *olitical climate Foreign perspectives

ISO 14001 Training Material by A N Nachar

Factors to +onsider

Environmental +oncerns such as

! ! ! ! The scale of the impact The severity of impact The probability of impact Duration of impact Potential regulatory and legal e posure Technology and cost of changing the impact !ffect of change on other activities and processes "oncerns of interested parties !ffect on the public image of the organi#ation

Business +oncerns such as

! ! ! ! !

ISO 14001 Training Material by A N Nachar


Assessment *rocedure

Brain:storming method is best,

! Assemble a group of $no"ledgeable individuals ! Brainstorm ideas on each criterion for conse8uence and fre8uency ! *ut each idea on a blac$board ! +onsolidate ideas on each topic ! Each person assigns a score (5:C) ! .se mean score of the group in significance table

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+oncluding %houghts
&mportant points to remember are

Aave a systematic process for identifying all environmental aspects and impacts +learly assign responsibility, authority, and accountability for the process &nclude
! start:up and shut:do"n conditions ! emergency situations ! other types of potential abnormal conditions ! previous activities at the site

ISO 14001 Training Material by A N Nachar


+oncluding %houghts


Additional points to remember are %hen assess ris$s to identify "hich are significant impacts and aspects

0efine criteria for assessing significance 0efine fre8uency "ith "hich environmental aspects "ill be revie"ed (i)e), $eep them up to date)

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+oncluding %houghts


2ore points to remember are 1evie" environmental aspects "henever there is a change to any ra" material, process, product, or activity &#, 56775 does not specify documenting environmental aspects and impacts, but in practice it must be done
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