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Happiness comes from two sources One, is internal, from within and the other is external, from outside

e of self. 18Th of August would be remembered for a long time to come because some of us were blessed with Happiness, Peace and o!e" #f at least for a while$. At the age of %, &ou pla& around, at 1% &ou begin to see the world, at around '% &ou are introduced to &our ()permanent life partner))"Professional wor*$ which ma& not lea!e &ou until &ou are forced to retire when &ou are about +, and then, &ou contemplate on how &ou should li!e the rest of the da&s, hoping for a peaceful, happ& lifeAnd at .. / am sorr&0 1hat did &ou 2ust sa&.. .. &ears is it000 1ell, at .. &ou ha!e the energ&, the will, the sheer pleasure in tra!elling half wa& across the world to gi!e a tal* so &ou can inspire a bunch of people and after ha!ing done that, 3ou ha!e the immense humilit& and gratitude to than* 4od for ha!ing gi!en an opportunit& to do so- 3ou can do this onl& if &ou are 5rs. Ph&llis 6r&stal-# had the great fortune of ser!ing water to 5rs. Ph&llis after she had the Tra&ee 7arshan and came for a small brea* to the 6al&ana 5antapam. 1e ser!ed Ph&llis and the gentleman who had accompanied her Peter, some 8anana and 9a*e. # watched her, as she partoo* the banana, she was so child li*e, so simple, so composed and her e&es alwa&s *ept telling something, something # could not understand but something that made me feel nice. As we were en:uiring if she wanted something more, Ph&llis in her gentle soothing !oice said something that stunned me, () 9an # ha!e one more round of the 7arshan we 2ust had, it was so charging and connecting)). # *new, mortals li*e me ob!iousl& thin* of food, nothing wrong with that, but then certain indi!iduals belie!e in the greater ()food)), the food that energi;es their 8od&,5ind and <ouladies and 4entlemen 1elcome to the world of Ph&llis 6r&stalPhyllis Talk: <ome of us helped Ph&llis on to the stage and she then commenced her tal* with an incident that brought her to <wami. 7uring the 1.%,=+,s Ph&llis along with a friend carried in depth research into the human mind and came up with a concept called the Hi,9 "Higher 9onsciousness$ and when Ph&llis came to Puttaparthi in the &ear 1.>? and sat in the line for 7arshan, <wami in his usual pla& of sorts went past her and then came bac* and said () <o 3ou ha!e come / At ast-)). @rom then on till date Ph&llis sa&s, <he has alwa&s been in touch with <wami through her HeartPh&llis time and again said that what she was to sa& to us all sitting was <wami)s message and that she was 2ust the #nstrument, the message is summari;ed in these linesA

<wami has done e!er&thing he needed to and left as per his willB don)t mourn the absence of <wami for too long, mo!e on. 4et along with ife and 7o what &ou ha!e to 7o, HC is e!er&where7o not worr& if &ou do not get the message from <wami immediatel&, it would ta*e time and the message would be clear too 3ou need not search to find <wami an&where else, <wami sa&s = Find My counterpart in Your own Heart "Dow this was a re!elation-$ Turn &ou attention from one particular place "read ParthiE8rinda!an etc$ to e!er&where, for <wami is e!er&where now unli*e before when he was bound b& his form to be in 2ust one place at a time "o 1hat Ph&llis reall& meant wasB it was us who limited Him to the formB the form was a distractionB now that the form is not there, we ha!e to and are beginning to loo* for Him e!er&where $ Ph&llis herself belie!es that she is more in contact with <wami now more than e!erTwo important things @irst, 5a*e contact with H#5 in &our heart and then, Fadiate H#< lo!e from &our heart to e!er&where around. 1e are all wal*ing Temples<top being critical of others and focus on &our shortcomings to impro!ise The onl& one &ou can change in the world is &ourselfB &ou can change the world b& first changing &ourself The onl& thing that would *eep us from ad!ancing towards 4od is desire <he spo*e for some time on <wami)s command on 9eiling on 7esires = <a!e on 5one&, @ood, Time and Cnerg& and contribute these sa!ings towards <e!a, its fine if we can start with at least one of these. <he also spo*e on an instance when a group of 7e!otees continued the program "1hich <wami had earlier imparted$ without seriousl& following the ceiling part and sent some contribution to <wami. <wami was furious and returned the amount telling that He can get an& amount He wants

and the reason he as*ed them to practice Ceiling on Desires is to ma*e them better. There is a significance and result when we do it as guided b& <wami#t)s a wonderful opportunit& to spread H#< message and be H#< #nstruments "Ph&llis stressed a lot on the fact that we should pra& to <wami to allow us to be H#< #nstruments$. #t)s an enormous responsibilit& to be H#< #nstruments and it)s tough for it could in!ol!e in us gi!ing up some things we li*e Pra&er, 8ha2ans are all fine, but more important is the practice of his teachings and to do 4ood. 5an& of us heard <wami telling man& teachings directl& G through discourses. Practice at least One or Two of them and it would ma*e Him happ&7on)t get pumped up b& <uccess and punctured b& @ailure, *eep a balanced mind in both circumstances #f e!er &ou "1e$ wish to gi!e an&thing bac* to <wami for all that &ou "1e$ ha!e got, to gi!e an&thing as a Gift to Hi , then the wa& &ou "1e$ can do is to put his teachings in !ction " Ph&llis repeated this at least % times, to m& *nowledge$ 1hat ama;ed me was the composed manner in which she expressed the message <wami is no longer in his form, the mourning done b& all of us is enough, it)s time to mo!e on and ahead.#t)s time to go out and put his preaching)s into Action- Ph&llis related her own incidents in her life when <wami consoled and ad!ised her to mo!e on with ife when she lost her near and dear ones. 5& mind raced bac* to the past, at the time <wami mo!ed out of his mortal form man& of us felt li*e we lost our footing, li*e we lost the !er& pillar that held our foundations and fundamentals intact. And it was !er& human of us to feel so for we ha!e had so much of his presence, his touch and his lo!e that it was impossible to be able to thin* past these. As time mo!ed ahead,b& his grace we had come to terms with the fact and now, we are going on about with our li!es. 1hile some of us still ponder and pine for his ph&sical presence others ha!e started to belie!e in his omnipresence, both !iews are correct. The :uestion here is Are we going to li!e our li!es in the memories of those sweet innocent da&s spent at his otus feet onl& or Are we, along with cherishing those memories, going to start out and la& foundation to the ()action part)) of his teachings. One thing is certain, we were blessed, !er& much so, he chose us o!er man& and man& more, he had his reasons, but then we got luc*& too and spent man& a seasons in his presence, what next.. 000 9an we pla& a part in his mission, 9an we ma*e a difference, 9an we bring some change, and as Ph&llis said 9an we oursel!es change first without expectations, 7o we wish to 9hange in the first place000 These were the :uestions # was left with as # sat listening to her. An ama;ing woman, so blessed and so deser!ing of his 4race, she no doubt made her point clean and clear ()If at all You wish to give anything back to Swami for all that you have got, to give anything as a Gift to Hi , then the way you can do is the put into practice his teachings and act on them!! <he added ()<wami said H#< 5ission will ne!er @ail, so it)s up to us now to either ta*e part in it or not)) "eing the Messenger # $nstru ent: Ph&llis stressed !er& much on being the #nstrument of <wami and the reason she belie!es that <wami chose her to be an instrument is because she fit the bill <he was reser!ed at the time she met <wami. <wami *new that one of the things that Ph&llis would ne!er be was a person with an #nflated Cgo- Cgo, Ph&llis said, is one thing, we should get rid of, because Cgo would bloc* us from becoming better and achie!ing what we are capable of. "<he was not 2ust reser!ed but had a total lac* of self= esteem and self=respect. The point was that <wami pic*ed her to demonstrate that an&one could achie!e greater things 2ust b& being hollow, surrendering to Him and becoming an instrument in His hands. Total <urrender is what one should do to get be H#< #nstrument $ Towards the end of her tal* Ph&llis said that if we deepl& belie!e in and connect with <wami through the heart, we can ta*e o!er and do what he needs us to do at different le!els and that we ha!e to help Him in his 5ission as His #nstrumentsAnd soon after the short programEexercise she conducted on accepting and gi!ing out of unconditional o!e, she said =

()# can)t thin* of an&thing that would ma*e an&one more Happ& than the feeling of unconditional o!e from all around)) # loo*ed at her from far this time, the child in her remained, she seemed so innocent,so serene, and &et exhibited, a high le!el of thought process, the depth of *nowledge and the true meaning of being in touch with 4od. There is something about this ad& that 4od li*es so much for she capti!ates the people around with such ease and prompts us to o!e Her@riends, we had a lad&, all of .. &ears come wa& far from Hurich to spend two hours of her time with us and inspire us and guess what her parting remar* was00 = #t was that of immense gratitude to 8hagawan for ha!ing blessed her with an opportunit& to be here at 8rinda!an and gi!e a tal*, # am at a loss of words to express m& gratitude towards herAs we were helping her down from the stage, # folded m& hands, smiled and said ()1onderful tal*, Than* 3ou)), <he loo*ed, smiled and said () Than* <wami))- A ad&, who did not spend much time in the ph&sical presence of 8hagawan, who did not ha!e as man& 7arshans and witness as man& 5iracles, has wor*ed hard and is <T# wor*ing to bring about some 9hange, to spread his 5essage, to #nspire people to do good, to help others connect with 8hagawan through their Heart- That now, is a sign of a reali;ed soul, and # was con!inced that she indeed had the connect with <wami. @or Ph&llis and Peter, along with immense gratitude m& pra&ers to 4od are to gi!e them longer health& li!esB we need more such indi!iduals to ma*e this world a better place. At .. she is <T# going and going strong, a strong proponent of unconditional lo!e and a simple human e!er willing to be an #nstrument of 4od = And that m& friend, is 5rs. Ph&llis 6r&stal for &ou# was left wondering if we can as* for a more inspirational personalit& to help us do what we need to do to ma*e our <wami Happ&. Happiness most certainl& comes from two sources = Happiness toda&, came from 8hagawan through Ph&llis.. 9an we in the time to come, gi!e Happiness to H#5 though our Actions0 # pra& hard that HC gi!es us both the opportunit& and the strength to do soAt H#< otus @eet,

Than*s for sharing this. #nspiring.

8&A Fagha!endra A 11 da&s ago

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1elcome 8ro, it was a simple pleasure being there--8&A 6esha!a 7e!ananda Prasad > da&s ago

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@elt !er& nice reading this brother....<airam

8&A D. <ai <undar ' da&s ago

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Ph&llis will be in our dreams..........

8&A 7utt <at&a Ioruganti ' da&s ago

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