Python - Its Functuns and Syntax

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As programs grow, the code often becomes more comp e!" How to cope #p $


Dont duplicate your data instead REUSE it using FUN TIONS

%hat &s a f#nct&on $

A na!ed se"uence o# state!ents t$at per#or!s so!e use#ul operation%

For e%g% & >>> type(32) < type int > 'ere( Function na!e& type Argu!ent passed& )*

Anot$er e.a!ple
For e%g% & val=50 >>> type(val) < type int > 'ere( Function name& type Argument passed& +al ,parameter-

T'pe con(ers&ons
/yt$on pro+ides 0uilt1in #unctions t$at con+ert +alues #ro! one type to anot$er% For e%g% & >>> int(3. ) 3 !!output



T$e int #unction ta2es any +alue and converts it to an integer( i# it can( or complains ot$er3ise& For e%g% & >>> int("#ello") $alue%rror& invalid literal 'or int()& #ello

T$ere are * types o# #unctions & 4% In0uilt types *% User1de#ined

/yt$on $as modules t$at pro+ide !ost o# t$e #a!iliar #unctions% A module is a 5le t$at contains a collection o# related #unctions% For e%g% & Mat$ !odule

How to access f#nct&ons from mod# es$

speci#y t$e na!e o# t$e !odule and t$e na!e o# t$e #unction( separated 0y a dot% T$is #or!at is called dot notation% For e%g% & >>> radians = 0.( >>> )eig)t = mat).sin(radians)

User def&ned F#nct&ons

Functions de#ined 0y t$e user as per $is re"uire!ents are called user de#ined #unctions%

,ef&n&ng a f#nct&on
def twice(number): Finds the twice of the number . int answer answer=2*number return answer

A ternat&(e
>>>def twice(number): Finds the twice of the number . int answer answer=2*number return answer

>>>def twice(number): Finds the twice of the number . int answer answer=2*number return answer

def de#ines a #unction numbers is a para!eter & a +aria0le used to $old an argu!ent T$is doc string tells 3$at t$e #unction does A #unction t$at co!putes a +alue !ust return it twice(101) 3ill return *6*%


So!e o# t$e #unctions yield results 3$ile so!e not%

For e%g% & 777 type,)*8 type 9 int 9 7

*)is is a void 'unction as it not return any value.

For e. . : def twice(number): Finds the twice of the number int answer answer=2*number return answer

!his function returns a "a#ue bac$ to the main. %o this a fruitfu# function.

E!ec#t&on of f#nct&ons
A #unction call is li2e a detour in t$e :o3 o# e.ecution% Instead o# going to t$e ne.t state1 !ent( t$e :o3 ;u!ps to t$e 0ody o# t$e #unction( e.ecutes all t$e state!ents t$ere( and t$en co!es 0ac2 to pic2 up 3$ere it le#t o##%

%h' f#nct&ons$
< =e can na!e a group o# state!ents( 3$ic$ !a2es our progra! easier to read and de+ug% Functions can !a2e a program smaller 0y eli!inating repetiti+e code% >ater( i# you !a2e a c$ange( you only $a+e to !a2e it in one place% =ell1designed #unctions are o#ten use#ul #or !any progra!s% Once you 3rite and de0ug one( you can reuse it%

Nested F#nct&ons

=$en a #unction calls anot$er #unction%

For e. . : def twice(number): Finds the twice of the number int answer answer=2*number return answer def twice&s'uare(number): Finds the s'uare of twice of the number int t int answer t=twice(number) answer=t*t return answer
777t3ice?s"uare,* 64@66

*)e a+ility o' a 'unction to call itsel' is called ,%-.,/012.

For e"g" . def co#ntdown/n0. &f n 12 3. pr&nt 4* astoff54 e se. pr&nt n co#ntdown/n670

) * 4 Blasto##A

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