Issues in Crime

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Summary The Interrupters The Violence Interrupters is a program designed to prevent violence among the streets of Chicago.

The members of this program have been former gang affiliates in their lifetime, due to the fact that they would be able to prevent violence more effectively since its second nature to them. The Violence Interrupters makes it their duty to speak out to members associated with violence in order to prevent them from inflicting harm within their community. Ameena Matthews was the daughter of Jeff Ford who was heavily influenced by gang violence. Ameena eventually followed in her fathers footsteps and became involved with drug dealing, hustling, and violence. She eventually got out of the gang lifestyle and used her experience to influence other people that are involved in gangs. Gary Slutkin, the founder of CeaseFire states that violence is like a disease, and the people of Chicago expect to die from it. He continues to say that Violence is a 2 step process, first gang members develop a grievance, and then that gang member uses that grievance to justify violence. Tio Hardiman was also affiliated with gang violence. He participated in selling fake hash, stealing smoke detectors, and playing women. He is also a part of the Violence Interrupters. A woman by the name of Caprysha Anderson had an unsteady lifestyle and was forced to sell drugs in order to fend for her family. All these incidents reflect how corrupted Chicago is, and how effective The Interrupters have been. The Panel Discussion Each member on the panel was given an opportunity to answer a question regarding CeaseFire and how effective it may be if it was implemented in Toronto. The audience was given an opportunity to speak out on the issue as well. Violence resolution was often brought

up within this discussion. Community programs have been put into place in order to prevent violence, but the proper funding hasnt been provided to carry out these programs. Its also important to involve yourself within these troubled families. A man mentioned that its important to visit the homes of these children, in order to develop trust within these families. Throughout the panel discussion, many ideas that contributed to violence were mentioned such as environmental factors and psychological issues. Commentary I strongly believe that the Interrupters campaign is an excellent way to get gang violence off the streets of Chicago. Not only did it reduce violence but it encourages the youth to have a different outlook on life. For example, a woman by the name of Caprysha Anderson was highly motivated by selling drugs in order to take care of her family. With the help of Ameena, a former Interrupter gave Caprysha the opportunity to feel like a woman by taking her out to get a manicure/pedicure. This allowed Caprysha to open her mind up, and understand that drug dealing isnt suitable for anyone. Without Ameena, Caprysha would not have experienced what it is to be a woman in her lifetime. She now has a goal to become a pediatrician, even though that goal may not be accomplished due to her record. The whole idea of Ameena reaching out to these troubled kids is a great idea because its the little things that contribute so much to a community. Ameena does an excellent job in helping these kids because shes been exposed to violence in her childhood, and shes aware of the consequences that she has to deal with. Its in her best interest to make sure that these kids dont regret the decisions they made in the past, to affect their future.

The Panel Discussion Commentary I thought it was a great idea for Cobe to be a part of the discussion because he gave meaningful information that will benefit people involved in Community programs, and concerned families. For example, Cobe stated that the most important thing to do in order to connect with these groups is to develop a relationship with them, and working together is also essential for making these community programs effective. Many ideas regarding violence prevention could be implemented in these community programs if the proper funding was provided. Its amazing to know that the Interrupters have took the initiative to spread their knowledge globally. They managed to train many people from the Juvenile Detention Center into becoming Interrupters in London. Hopefully the Interrupters will continue to spread worldwide in order to prevent violence.

Alan Young Summary Alan Young is a law professor, and a lawyer that specializes in criminal law. His main focus is directed to criminalizing consensual practices. Hes known for challenging acts such as gambling, obscenity and drug laws. In 1995 Alan Young was responsible for challenging the drug literature prohibition in our criminal code because he felt that it violated freedom of expression. Mr. Young has represented people with AIDS, MS, and Cancer that have associated themselves with marijuana. Alan Young states that a criminal is someone that breaches social order due to insecurity, and is worthy of punishment, not someone that lives their life different than you or disturbs the social order of a society. According to Young, Steven Harper isnt making communities a safer place by inputting more laws into the system. Alan Young personally despises Steven Harper because he feels that Harper is preventing him from achieving his goal for the community. Harper has been expanding the Criminal Justice system not realizing that there are limited resources from the government. By implementing a law that prevents people from using marijuana, it motivates people to commit that crime because it makes them feel cool. Studies from different countries such as Spain, Germany, and Italy show that Cannabis can reduce tumors in breasts, and in the brain. Alan believes that the more ambitious the Criminal Justice System is, the weaker it is. Also, the Criminal Justice System would work best if it had limited goals instead of expanding its goals. In 1970 the law emphasizes on having limited use of criminal law. Today, Steven Harper has blown Criminal Law out of proportion by adding many new laws into the system. This behavior explains why Alan believes that Harpers actions arent benefitting the citizens of the country.

Alan young Commentary I believe Alan Young has made fair statements to justify his opinion on legalizing marijuana within Canada. I strongly support the fact that he looks out for people that are often degraded in society, such as prostitutes. It would make sense to limit the use of criminal law because the Government wouldnt have to rely on other limited resources. In order to expand on law, the government would have to take money from these limited resources which wouldnt really benefit the government at all. It was interesting to learn that Marijuana leads to curing Tumors, and other medical conditions. This type of information isnt publicized because the media focuses on informing society on how bad this drug actually is. Citizens are under the impression that our community is safer because Harper introduces new actions that are against the law. Only the people that engage themselves into courses such as Issues in Crime are aware of what adding more laws does to a society. It will increase its inefficiency of a dysfunctional system which will only get worse once more laws are added to society. Czechoslovakia allows everyone to grow 15 plants which is an ideal law for Alan Young. This would allow marijuana users to use it in moderation and not overdue their drug usage since everyone has the same amount. Alan Young is confident that the sex trade will be legalized within 12 to 15 months. This would be highly beneficial to anyone partaking in the sex trade because they will finally be given the opportunity to practice their work legally. It isnt fair to restrict someone from doing what theyre interested in as long as its not hurting anyone or harming the economy in some way. The law allowed for prostitution to be legal, but they were unable to perform their practice anywhere which doesnt seem logical.

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