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Year 11 Lesson Plan for Tuesday 21 September Aims/objectives: debrief of skillscymru event/making pupils think about their post

16 plans Starter You just never know What jobs did these celebrities do previously? Here are a list of celebrities and previous jobs. Pupils could guess what they used to do. Tom Cruise - paperboy/was going to train as a priest! Pamela Anderson - fitness instructor Jennifer Aniston - waitress (Warren Beatty - rat catcher) Orlando Bloom - worked on a pigeon shooting range Boy George - Tescos (he was sacked for choosing to wear the stores carrier bags) Sean Connery - milkman Coolio - firefighter Simon Cowell - teaboy/worked in mail room (of EMI music)/had just two O levels!!! Cindy Crawford - studied chemical engineering Johnny Depp - pen salesman Danny Devito - hair stylist Walt Disney - ambulance driver Lady Gaga- worked in a greek restaurant Whoopi Goldberg - bricklayer/bank employee Mick Jagger - porter in a mental hospital/sold ice-cream Angelina Jolie - wanted to be a funeral director Matt Le Blanc - carpenter Madonna - worked in Dunkin Donuts Marilyn Monroe - worked on an assembly line - in a munitions factory (she was spotted there) Ozzy Osbourne - worked in a slaughterhouse Brad Pitt - drove limos/moved fridges Pink - flipped burgers and cleaned toilets at McDonalds Jo Brand - psychiatric nurse Elvis Presley - truck driver J K Rowling - researcher/school teacher Katherine Jenkins - primary school teacher Sting - labourer/tax officer and then became a teacher Steven Spielberg - kept insects from fruit trees Rod Stewart - grave digger

Quick discussion of event/positives/negatives Please ask pupils to fill in an evaluation form. All information is for this school only and is confidential.

Pupils have a number of choices to make about their future. They need to be thinking and planning this now. Whether to begin a new course at a sixth form or college, or enter employment and training, these options will give pupils a sound base on which to build a career.

Here are some suggestions for the Life Skills lesson.

Overview Write on the board Your career starts here! Students need to understand that in order to achieve their potential in life they should begin thinking about life goals and the future. It is only when they have clearly thought out goals that they can start working out a plan to help them reach their goal. Idea 1 setting life goals !plain the concept of a lifewrite to the students. "his is a written statement of where you want to be by the time you are a certain age. You could suggest #$ or %#. "he statement has to be written in the present tense& and reflect real aims. 'or e!ample I am #( and am starting an apprenticeship in construction or I am %# and am living in my own house with my own car. "ry writing your own version to use as an e!ample for the class. "ell the group that the goals need to be realistic& but can include pretty much anything. )nce they have produced a written statement& ask a number of students to share their aspirations with the rest of the class..& "hey can read them out& e!plain their aspirations as drawings& or act them out. Idea 2 - setting careers goals *s the students begin to plan realistically how to reach their goal& ask each student to focus on one goal that relates to their specific career. Idea 3 achieving career goals )nce each student has decided their chosen career goal& ask the students how they would research how to achieve their career goal+ 1,iscuss the advantages and disadvantages of each suggestion how useful did they find the different sources of information+ -careers advice& talking to parents& websites etc. what other sources could they use for their careers research+ Signpost contacts within and beyond school that can provide impartial careers advice and guidance. mma/0ulie 1 2areers *dvisers/in 2areer office/2areers 3ibrary Idea 4 sharing careers goals *sk the students to design a poster around their career goal and their statements. 4rovide maga5ines and drawing materials for them to use on their design. *lternatively set as a homework task the creation of a poster using I2" resources. "he ob6ective is to have a permanent visible reminder for the students of their goals and their planning ideas. ,edicate a space on the classroom wall for the students7 findings. Idea 5 - sharing careers goals 2reate a display using mind maps of key points to remind the students of their written goals and how they can go about reaching them Idea 6 finding your career aspirations *sk the students to suggest three 8uestions that they think might be asked at a 6ob interview. "ry to encourage open 8uestions like Why do you want to work here+ What skills do you have+ and Where do you want to be in 9 years time in your career+ Write the 8uestions on the board to act as a prompt for the interviewer.

Idea improve your interview s!ills !plain to the students that they will be role1playing a 6ob interview. Working in threes& ask the students to agree the 6ob that they will be interviewed for. )ne student will be the interviewer& one will be the interviewee and the final group member will be the observer who provides constructive feedback.

Idea " - #ersonal $evelopment %ollage ach student will need a piece of poster board or large sheet of construction paper& glue stick& scissors& a marker or crayons and maga5ines and/or newspapers to cut images and words from. :ave students fold their poster board or construction paper in half. ;e!t tell students to write on one side of the paper <:ow I See =yself ;ow.< )n the other half& instruct them to write <:ow I Would 3ike "o See =yself.< ;e!t have students cut images and words out of the maga5ines and newspapers to represent each side of their collage. ncourage them to write on their collage as well. *fter the collages are created and have had time to dry& set up classroom chairs in a circle and have students share their collage. ,iscuss ways each student can achieve personal goals of how they would like to see themselves in the future. #lenary If you had to choose one person in the class to be> a doctor a teacher a policeman a fireman a lawyer a pilot a banker a soldier who would it be+ Investigate why+ What skills/attributes has this person that led you to make that decision+

Please thank everyone for their (on the whole) excellent behaviour at the event.

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