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,racle de'elo.

Narasimha.N +91-9964128201
Email :

Pro)essio"al S mmar5
Total 3.4 Years of IT Experience as an Oracle Developer and PL !"L developer in #lient !erver
applications $sing Oracle %i &'g.

Developed PL !"L pac(ages) proced$res) fonctions and triggers. *es$lt oriented team player +it, good comm$nication and presentation s(ills and ,as t,e drive to learn
and implement t,e latest tec,nologies.

-ery flexi.le and can +or( independently as +ell as in a team environment. !trong in Data.ase concepts li(es SQL, PL/SQL) Proced res, ! "c#io"s, $ri%%ers, &d'a"ced PL/SQL

Excellent (no+ledge in advance Data.ase Programming in implements #ollections) UTL_FILE, (e)

Cursors and Bulk Collect etc.

/n excellent team +it, an a.ility to perform individ$ally) good interpersonal relations) strong
comm$nication s(ills) ,ard +or(ing and ,ig, level of motivation. / 0$ic( learner +it, an aptit$de for ta(ing responsi.ilities.

Loo(ing a,ead for great career in a fair +or(ing environment +it, opport$nities to gro+. Excellent 1noeledge in SQL*LOADER.

*or+ E:.erie"ce
*or+i"% as ,racle -e' )or /acs 0")o$ech ,1a"%alore 23ar-2010 #o #ill da#e4 . . Graduation from Sri Venkateswara University, Thirupathi. Intermediate from Board of Intermediate Education, Hyderabad. S.S.C from State Board of Secondary Education, Hyderabad.


,.era#i"% S5s#ems : 2indo+s flavors) 34I5. La"% a%es : 6++, 6,(E 7&/&, !"L) PL !"L (-13S : Oracle %i &'g. $,,LS 89$0L0$0ES : !"L6Pl$s) !"L6Loader) PL !"L Developer

P(,7E6$ 2
Project #2

Project lient (ole

: Merchant Information System (Jan 2012 Till date) : ITI!"#$% I#&I"' : )racle P*+S,* &'


: P*+S,*% )racle 0i% T)"&'

Description: This .roject deals /ith the .rocessin1 of the merchant a..lications and maintenance of all the details .ertainin1 to a merchant' "ccordin1ly merchant administration mod2le can 3e 3roadly classified into three s23 mod2les' Merchant information maintenance handles the maintenance of the master details% /hich incl2des the address details% acco2nt le-el details% etc' Merchant terminal maintenance handles the maintenance of all the details of the terminals that merchant is ha-in1 at his o2tlet' Transaction disco2nt maintenance handles the maintenance of the commission details that a merchant is s2..osed to 1i-e to the 3an4 for the transactions at the o2tlet'

(oles8 (es.o"se;ili#ies

odin1 of "..lication Pro1ram from S.ecifications 2sin1 )racle P*+S,*' "naly5e 32siness re62irements and create .roject s.ecifications' In-ol-ed in /ritin1 Proced2res% f2nctions% tri11ers and .ac4a1es for ne/ re62irements' In-ol-ed in /ritin1 collections% (ef c2rsors for ne/ re62irements Im.lementin1 in !2l4 ollect cla2se and !2l4 !ind Process'
Used S !"!oader to #oad bu#k data from various E$terna# Source fi#es.

7rote S,* ,2eries for data -alidation% e8traction and loadin1' Designed and maintained user interfaces Forms Developer 6i Worked on property classes and visual attributes, object libraries, plsql libraries.

Proecc# 1
Project #1

Project lient (ole Soft/are


: !illin1 "2tomatic

onfi12ration 9n-ironment'

: !ritish Telecom% :'$' : )racle P*+S,* &' : S,*% P*+S,*% )racle 0i% S,* #a-i1ator% :ni8;<P'

The !illin1 "2tomatic onfi12ration 9n-ironment /ill f2lfil the strate1ic re62irement of 3rin1in1 a2tomated .ortfolio confi12ration to the !illin1 and Payments .latform' The interface /ill acce.t messa1es that detail .rod2ct and .ricin1 confi12rations from e8ternal systems and /ill create the re62ired model on the 3illin1 system to re.resent the .rod2cts and char1es' !" 9 interface /ill consists of follo/in1 main com.onents:

M, (eader: 98ternal system /ill .2t the messa1e in the M, and M, (eader .rocess (real time) /ill read the 62e2e and load the messa1e into the =/or4 2nit control> ta3le' ?alidator: This real time .rocess /ill read the messa1es from the =/or4 2nit control> ta3le and -alidate the messa1es and accordin1ly the =/or4 2nit instance control> ta3le' Parser: This 3atch .rocess /ill read all the -alidated messa1es from the =/or4 2nit control> and con-ert them into the set of the "PI calls' *oader: This .rocess /ill e8tract the information if re62ired from the @9#9?" data3ase and ma4e the "PI calls and 2.dates 3illin1 entities information in the @ene-a &ata3ase'

(oles8 (es.o"se;ili#ies
odin1 of "..lication Pro1ram from S.ecifications 2sin1 P*+S,*' "naly5e 32siness re62irements and create .roject s.ecifications' In-ol-ed in /ritin1 .roced2res% collections% f2nctions% c2rsors% tri11ers and .ac4a1es for ne/ re62irements
Developed, modified, and optimized complex queries for data retrieval and modification.

In-ol-ed in .re.arin1 lo/ le-el desi1n doc2ments 3ased on hi1h le-el desi1n doc2ments' 7rote S,* ,2eries for data -alidation% e8traction and loadin1'

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