Women in 21

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Integral Institute Of Information Technology & Management


When you educate a man, you educate an individual, when you educate a woman you educate whole society, John Cole wisely stated. The 21st century emphasis on womens emancipation has caused increase in womens education independency and workforce integration. This shows that women have a future prospect of high degrees of education. There are still some parts which have remained unaffected by womens education. There are 57 million women aspirants who have no access to education without aspect to where they reside i.e. without considering the fact that area is remote or not. Here the world needs to honor the temerity of Pakistani girl Yousufzai Malala who had sparked the dialogue among more than 3 million people to stand together behind a common goal. Forbess magazine highlights and investigate the major stories through the lens of power of innovation, education, enlisting no.1 powerful woman German chancellor has been made seven times number one in this list. Merkel won the nomination as challenger to chancellor and won with 21 point lead over the national opinion polls. The united nations defines violence against women as any act of gender based violence that results in physical, sexual, or mental harm whether in public or in private life. These challenges are most likely to be faced in developing nations like India including issues like sexual brutality, physical violence, eve teasing, rise in dowry cases, female infanticide and last nut not the least of its kind, the increase in the cases of sexual assault of female tourists. Practices like child marriage are likely to be often in India. About 40% of worlds child brides in India, 23 million child brides, quite alarming!! About 46% of age group 18-29 said that they were married before 18 years of age where 50 percent of women who were married early before the age from several Indian states. In this hotspot, Bihar (64%) gains the topmost rank, leading behind Jharkhand (60%) and Rajasthan (58%).rape cases have increased but conviction remains low, 128 rape cases in 2012have rose to 231 in 2013 including minors. To be free from all odd social limitations and customs also allows women to attain independency. Women are now to be liberated such that she is able to uplift herself by pressing the button in every floor to reach new heights. Hillary Clintons CV is choke full of first only
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Integral Institute Of Information Technology & Management

lady to become US senator. Women has also involved the hands in technology market of Facebook belongs to Sheryl Sandberg. Women like Linda Hudson, is approaching towards the most powerful women in the defense industry heading 18 Billion US$ of British based military contractor BAE systems. From India who can forget, the legends like Mother Teresa, noble peace prize winner. Tessie Thomas who is nicknamed as Agniputri claims and project AGNI, developed one of the lethal armament in the world. There are endless examples which proved the world of their presence. On the basis of the reality casted the same valued coin can shine bright as well s can have no shine at all? Girls and women face a disproportionate number of discriminations and life sentences which reduce their ability to achieve their full potential. Gender discrimination is pervasive, while degrees and forms of inequalities may vary. Women deprived of equal access and opportunities that includes preference of sons over daughters, limited professional and personal choice for girls and women, the denial of basic human rights and outright gender based violence. Although many countries have banned prenatal test to identify sex of foetus, illegal tests are still available in south of Asia and African continent. Mahatma Gandhi stated woman is the companion of man with equal mental capacities. Countries facing malpractices against women should come up to educate and liberate people to eradicate the impoverished states faced by women. The ultimate panacea to state woman to know about her capabilities and ultimations.

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