Swiss Air Flight 111 CVR Recorder

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SWR111 = Radio transmission from Swissair 111. QM = Moncton High Level Controller HZ =Halifax erminal Controller !"W#1$ = !

ritish "irwa%s &light S'eed(ird #1$ !"W1)*+ = !ritish "irwa%s &light S'eed(ird 1)*+ ,-. = Word or words /nintelligi(le , . = Q/estiona(le text ... = 0a/se 1 2 = 3ditorial comment 4 = 5nidentified s'ea6er Source Time SWR111 QM


*7)871).8 Moncton Centre9 Swissair one eleven heav% good /h evening level three three :ero. *7)87#*.$ Swissair one eleven heav% Moncton Centre. ;ood evening re'orts of /h occasional light t/r(/lence at all levels. *7)87#+.1 Moncton Swissair. *7)87#+.# 1Extensive communications between Moncton Centre and other aircraft 2 171$7*<.=

SWR111 Comment SWR1114 QM

[Unintelligible squelch covered by United 920]

171$71#.* 5nited nine two :ero heav% Moncton Centre good evening occasional light t/r(/lence re'orted at all levels. >ther aircraft calling sa% again. 171$7??.# @ g/ess !oston ... we need first the weather so /h we start a right t/rn here. Swissair one one one Heav%. 171$7$).# Swissair one eleven roger and a descent to flight level three one :ero. @s that o6a%4 171$7)*.? hree one :ero 1Unintelligible words obscured by a noise. Possibly the noise associated with donning oxygen masks2 hree one :ero --- one one heav%.

SWR111 QM SWR111

QM SWR111 QM SWR111 Airgin 1# QM SWR111 QM SWR111 !"W#1$ SWR111

171)7*?.1 Swissair one eleven Centre. 171)7*+.+ Swissair one eleven heav% go ahead. 171)7*8.+ 5h Wo/ld %o/ 'refer to go into Halifax4 171)711.+ 5h Stand(% 171)71).* Moncton Airgin twelve will (e standing (%. 171)71<.? Airgin twelve roger stand(%. 171)7?8.$ "ffirmative for Swissair one eleven heav%. We 'refer Halifax from o/r 'osition. 171)7$?.8 Swissair one eleven roger9 'roceed direct to Halifax9 descend now to flight level two niner :ero. 171)7$8.< Level two niner :ero to Halifax9 Swissair one eleven heav%. 171)7)8.? "nd /h Swissair one eleven heav% from S'eed(ird two one fo/r @ can give %o/ the Halifax weather if %o/ li6e4 171+7*$.1 Swissair one eleven heav% we have the /h the ox%gen mas6 o (ro6en at two five :ero9 'l/s seventeen9 'l/s twelve9 two niner eight :ero9 over. 171+7#=.+ Roger Swissair one eleven heav% we co'% the ah altimeter is two niner eight :ero. 171+7?+.) Swissair one eleven9 %o/Bre cleared to ten tho/sand feet and the Hal...altimeter is two nine eight :ero.


SWR111 QM SWR111 !"W1)*+ QM QM SWR111 QM SWR111


wo niner eight :ero9 ten tho/sand feet9 Swissair one eleven heav%

171+7)#.) "nd Swissair one eleven /h can %o/ tell me what %o/r f/el on (oard is and the n/m(er of 'assengers4 171+7)8.? 5h roger stand(% for this. 171<71).) S'eed(ird one five :ero six is at /s6% listening o/t. 171<71=.? S'eed(ird one five :ero six9 roger 171871=.? Swissair one eleven %o/ can contact Moncton Centre now one one niner decimal two. 17187#$.$ >ne one niner 'oint two for the Swissair one one one heav%. 17187?1.* Roger 17187?$.? Moncton Centre good evening. Swissair one eleven heav% flight level two five fo/r descending flight level two five :ero on co/rse Halifax. We are fl%ing at the time on trac6 :ero five :ero. 17187$+.8 Swissair one eleven good evening descend to three tho/sand9 the altimeter is two nine seven nine. 17187)1.8 "h we wo/ld 'refer at the time aro/nd /h eight tho/sand feet9 two nine eight :ero9 /ntil the ca(in is read% for the landing.SWR111 171=7*<.# Roger. "t the time we descend to eight tho/sand feet. We are an%time clear to three tho/sand. @ 6ee' %o/ advised.



171=71$.) >6a%. Can @ vector %o/ /h to set /' for r/nwa% :ero six at Halifax4 171=71=.$ "h sa% again latest wind9 'lease. 171=7##.1 >6a%9 active r/nwa% Halifax :ero six. Sho/ld @ start %o/ on a vector for six4 171=7#+.? Ces9 /h vectors for six will (e fine Swissair one eleven heav%. 171=7?1.* Swissair one eleven roger9 t/rn left heading of ah :ero three :ero. 171=7?).1 Left ah heading :ero three :ero for the Swissair one eleven. 171=7?=.) >6a%9 itBs a (ac6 co/rse a''roach for r/nwa% :ero six. he locali:er freD/enc% one :ero niner decimal niner. Co/Bve got thirt% miles to fl% to the threshold. 171=7)?.? 5h we need more than thirt% miles9 'lease ah sa% me again the freD/enc% of the (ac6 (eam. 171=7)=.) Swissair one eleven roger9 %o/ can t/rn left heading three six :ero to lose some altit/de9 the freD/enc% is one :ero niner decimal niner for the locali:er9 itBs a (ac6 co/rse a''roach. 17#*7*=.) >ne :ero niner 'oint niner roger9 and we are t/rning left



to heading ah north. Swissair one eleven heav%. HZ 17#17#?.1 Swissair one eleven when %o/ have time co/ld @ have the n/m(er of so/ls on (oard and %o/r f/el on(oard 'lease for emergenc% services. 17#17?*.1 Roger9 5h o6a%9 @ am going to ta6e %o/... "re %o/ a(le to ta6e a t/rn (ac6 to the so/th or do %o/ want to sta% closer to the air'ort4


SWR111 SWR111 HZ

17#17$<.* 5h9 stand(% short9 stand(% short. 17#17)=.1 >6a% we are a(le for a left or right t/rn towards the so/th to d/m'. 17##7*$.# Swissair oneEeleven /h roger9 /h t/rn to the ah left heading of ah two :ero :ero degrees and ah advise me when %o/ are read% to d/m'. @t will (e a(o/t ten miles (efore %o/ are off the coast. Co/ are still within a(o/t twent% five miles of the air'ort. 17##7#*.? Roger9 we are t/rning left and ah in that case weBre descending at the time onl% to ten tho/sand feet to d/m' the f/el. 17##7#=.+ >6a%9 maintain one :ero tho/sand. @Bll advise %o/ when %o/ are over the water. @t will (e ver% shortl%. 17##7?$.$ Roger 17##7?+.#


HZ SWR111 SWR111

(Du bisch i dr) emergency checklist (fr) air conditioning smoke? [Translation: (You are in the) emergency checklist for air conditioning smoke ]

HZ SWR111 HZ HZ SWR111 HZairport

17##7$#.= 5h Swissair one eleven sa% again 'lease. 17##7$).? "h9 sorr% it was not for %o/ Swissair one eleven was as6ing internall%. @t was m% fa/lt9 sorr% a(o/t. 17##7)*.8 >6a% 17#?7??.1 Swissair oneEeleven contin/e left heading oneEeight :ero %o/Bll (e ah off the coast in a(o/t ah fifteen miles. 17#?7?=.# Roger9 left heading one eight :ero. Swissair one eleven ah and maintaining at ten tho/sand feet.

if you have to get to the airport in a hurry.

SWR111 HZ SWR111 17#$7*?.= >6a%9 thatBs fine for /s. 0lease tell me when we can start ah to d/m' the f/el. 17#$7*8.8 >6a%. 17#$7#8.1 1Background tone2 "h Swissair one eleven. "t the time

we m/st fl% ah man/all%. "re we cleared to fl% (etween ah ten tho/..eleven tho/sand and niner tho/sand feet4 1Sound of uto!ilot disconnect warbler2 HZ SWR111 17#$7?8.< Swissair one eleven %o/ can (loc6 (etween ah five tho/sand and twelve tho/sand if %o/ wish. 17#$7$).1

%&issair one eleven heavy is declaring emergency

!"#!#$.# [!econd voice overla"] ('oger) &e are bet&een uh t&elve and five thousand feet &e are declaring emergency no& at ah time ah (ero one t&o four. [#ossible intercom sound to$ard the end of the transmission%]
HZ SWR111 HZ SWR111 SWR111 HZ HZ 17#$7)+.* Roger. 17#$7)+.) 3leven heav% we starting d/m' now we have to land immediate. 17#)7**.< Swissair one eleven F/st a co/'le of miles @Bll (e right with %o/. 17#)7*$.1 Roger. 1Sound " Probable uto!ilot disconnect warbler2 17#)7*).$ "nd we are declaring emergenc% now Swissair one eleven. 17#)7*8.+ Co'% that. 17#)71=.# Swissair one eleven %o/ are cleared to ah commence %o/r f/el d/m' on that trac6 and advise me ah when the d/m' is com'lete. 17#)7$?.*


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