FAO-Farm Ponds For Water Fish and Aquaculture

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F a r m p o n d s f o r w a t e r,

f i s h a n d l i v e l i h o ods
FAO Diversification booklet 13
Diversification booklet number 13

Farm ponds
f o r w a t e r, f i s h
and livelihoods

James W. Miller

Rural Infrastructure and Agro-Industries Division

Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
Rome 2009
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Table of contents
Preface v
Acknowledgements vii

Servicing smallholders 1
Lessons from the past 1
Understanding the situation and context of smallholders 2
Returns from improved services 4
Purpose of the booklet 4

Farm ponds and livelihoods 5

Benefits to the household 5
Benefits to the community 6

The contribution of fish and other aquatic organisms

to livelihoods 9
Farming strategies 10
Market potential 11

Smallholder fish production systems 13

Types of farm pond systems 13

Integrated farm pond management

and fish production systems 23
Water management 23
Obtaining seed 24
Stocking 26
Fertilization 27
Harvesting 28
Processing 28
Marketing 29
Supporting fish ponds as a diversification enterprise 31
Feasibility 32
Practical training 33
Farmer groups 35
Gender 36
Role definition 38
Enabling environment 41

Opportunities and challenges 45

Annexes 47
Selected further reading 51
Sources of further information and support 61

Table of contents

The purpose of the FAO Diversification booklets is to raise awareness and

provide decision support information about opportunities at farm and local
community level to increase the incomes of small-scale farmers.
Each booklet focuses on a farm or non-farm enterprise that can be integrated

Farm ponds for water, fish and livelihoods

into small farms to increase incomes and enhance livelihoods. The enterprises
profiled in the FAO Diversification booklets are suitable for smallholder
farmers in terms of resource requirements, additional costs, exposure to risk
and complexity. The products or services generated by the enterprises are
suitable for meeting demand on a growing, or already strong, local market and
are not dependent on an export market.
The main target audience for these booklets are people and organizations
that provide advisory, business and technical support services to resource-
poor small-scale farmers and local communities in low- and middle-income
countries. It is hoped that enough information is given to help these support
service providers to consider new income-generating opportunities and how
these might enable small-scale farmers to take action. What are the potential
benefits? What are farmer requirements and constraints? What are critical
‘success factors’?
The FAO Diversification booklets are also targeted to policy-makers and
programme managers in government and non-governmental organizations.
What actions might policy-makers take to create enabling environments for
small-scale farmers to diversify into new income-generating activities?
The FAO Diversification booklets are not intended to be technical ‘how
to do it’ guidelines. Readers will need to seek more information or technical
support, so as to provide farmer advisory and support activities relating to
the introduction of new income-generating activities. To assist in this respect,

each booklet identifies additional sources of information, technical support and
website addresses.
A CD has been prepared with a full series of FAO Diversification booklets
and FAO technical guides, together with complementary guides on market
research, financing, business planning, etc. Copies of the CD are available on
request from FAO. FAO Diversification booklets can also be downloaded from
the FAO Internet site.
If you find this booklet of value, we would like to hear from you. Tell
your colleagues and friends about it. FAO would welcome suggestions about
possible changes for enhancing our next edition or regarding relevant topics
for other booklets. By sharing your views and ideas with us we can provide
better services to you.


Gratitude is owed to Matthias Halwart, Fisheries Resource Officer,

Aquaculture Management and Conservation Service (FIMA), FAO. His
precious time, support and endurance, enabled this booklet to be within the
FAO Diversification series. He successfully managed the entire production

Farm ponds for water, fish and livelihoods

process for this booklet, coordinating with the author and internal reviewers
in FIMA, as well as Drs Mark Prein and Rohana Subasinghe, and also liaising
with the Rural Infrastructure and Agro-Industries (AGS) Division of FAO.
Special thanks are also owed to Dr. John Moehl, Aquaculture Officer, Regional
Office for Africa, FAO, for his support and contributions to the writing of this
booklet. Further, a particular mention and a big thank you is owed to Pedro
Bueno, formerly Director General of the Network of Aquaculture Centres in
Asia-Pacific, for his reviews, contributions and writing.

Acknowledgements for the series

Gratitude is owed to Doyle Baker, Chief, Rural Infrastructure and Agro-
Industries Division (AGS), FAO, for his vision, encouragement and constant
support in the development of the FAO Diversification booklet series. Thanks
are also due to Josef Kienzle, Agro-Industries Officer, AGS, FAO, for his
patience, commitment, and contributions to the production and post-production
of the series. Clare Bishop-Sambrook, principal editor of the series, provided
technical support and guidance, both during the development and finalization
of the booklets. Martin Hilmi provided both technical and editorial inputs and
managed the post-production phase of the series. Fabio Ricci undertook the
design and layout of the booklets and desktop publishing.

Servicing smallholders

Smallholder farmers make up 70 Farm ponds can provide for a

percent of the population of many number of benefits that can help
developing countries. With limited smallholders in their quest for
resources, they manage multiple development. They provide for
activities in crop and animal water storage, can be used to rear

Farm ponds for water, fish and livelihoods

production to spread risk and sustain fish and other aquatic organisms like
their households. However, they crustaceans, molluscs and plants, be
are overlooked in public assistance integrated with other farm enterprises
programmes and services, which are and improve and vary farm family
often biased towards the bigger and diets. Further and importantly farm
better organized farmers. Numerous ponds can contribute to income and
smallholders have less influence employment.
on policy, poor access to support
services and technical inputs. They Lessons from the past
are generally seen to have a lower Early efforts to promote farm ponds
contribution to national food supply, were aimed at having large numbers
and the cost of servicing them is of small ponds. Numerous small
considered as disproportionately ponds were built with little attention
high. to quality and availability of fish
Small rural producers, particularly seed, nutrient inputs, extension
in remote areas, face difficulties in support, capital, and market. National
physical access to markets, placing programmes seemed to have been
constraints on the volumes and types influenced more by a political agenda
of products they can produce, and rather than a purely rural development
restricting their potential to benefit agenda. This resulted in too many
from the growing demand in farm ponds being dug, many of which
products. These problems are made were poorly sited and constructed,
worse by the lack of post-harvest with insufficient technical support.
facilities for highly perishable Members of these early
products, such as fish, and weak links programmes were mostly subsistence
to markets. farmers with limited land and few

other resources. Some of the farmers in not foster direct dependence.
these programmes saw opportunities
to earn profits and their farming Understanding the situation
models became the forerunner of and context of smallholders
more recent systems that combined Aquaculture has been recognized
the objectives of producing fish for as an important component of
home consumption as well as for rural development strategies aimed
the market. The few viable farms at improving food supply and
that survived now serve as a positive generating more income for poor
lesson in sustainable smallholder farming households. To understand
farming systems. However, the their circumstances better, the
majority that failed, caused by pitfalls categorization ‘commercial’ and
in programmes, lack of planning, and ‘non-commercial’ has been devised.
badly targeted technical support have To clearly define the target group for
also provided instructive lessons on support programmes, it is necessary
rural development strategies: they to understand non-commercial and
in particular taught the lesson that commercial fish farming. Experience
projects need to be sustainable and over the past decades has shown that

FIGURE 1 Fish ponds in the People’s Republic of China

(Photo: © FAO/20044/H. Zhang)

few farmers make the transformation Smallholder farmers have a
from non-commercial to commercial poorly developed non-commercial,
farming. Those who do, expand or non-market oriented value chain. In
intensify their operations and their contrast, commercial fish farmers
experiences, and the drivers that made require and usually have extensive
them undertake the transition need to and generally reliable support
be examined and promoted. Figure from upstream input suppliers and
2 illustrates the value chains of each downstream handlers, processors and
category. marketers.

Farm ponds for water, fish and livelihoods

FIGURE 2 Value chains of smallholder fish farmers and commercial fish farmers

Smallholder fish farmer value chain

showing self-reliance and independence Commercial fish farmers value chain

Inital fish seed purchased from public or Suppliers Suppliers

private farm or fished from the wild of fish seed of fish feeds

Fish seed produced by

smallholder farmer or Handling of fish
exchanged with other Fish feeds produced from and feeds for
farmer agri wastes and on-farm transport and Technical
Suppliers of logistics
production with integration assistance
gear, nets, etc.
pond in cluster
of farmers with
small ponds Commercial
fish production
Some gear through clusters
needed mostly Technical of farmers for
made by assistance maximized
smallholder from NGO & competitiveness
farmer with a Farmer Field Schools
few purchases Auto
Direct sales to
Harvest of fish

Transport of live
A few fish are & dead fish
Live fish Dead fish
Barter of fish in processed
markets markets
informal market by drying
saving cash to be or smoking
Fish processing,
used elsewhere,
drying, smoking
hence indirect
income Consumers
Auto consumption

Returns from improved services smallholder farm ponds. Its aim is to
Appropriately targeted assistance to promote ponds as a diversification
smallholder farmers can provide high enterprise. It describes what should be
returns. Planned and implemented considered to make pond-based farm
interventions can facilitate assistance enterprises successful and sustainable
that, above all outcomes, makes as a business. Information is provided
farmers self-reliant rather than on the role of organizations, public,
dependent on the public sector, NGOs private and donor, in promoting farm
and donors. The ultimate pay-off can ponds, opportunities for and pitfalls
be: organized and better informed to providing assistance, direct and
farmers; progressive farms that are not indirect support required, and the
abandoned when grants or external strategic and technical challenges
assistance terminate; higher and of making farmers self-reliant or at
sustained productivity; marketable least less dependent. It suggests ways
surpluses; and higher family earnings. by which smallholder farmers can
Desirable effects of these gains participate in the market economy
would be the private sector seeking through better market access and
profitable business opportunities outlines strategies to attract the private
with smallholders and the public sector to do business with them.
sector providing better services and This Diversification booklet is
capital goods such as roads and not a ‘how to’ manual, numerous
energy supply. Smallholders, then, publications are available providing
could contribute more, rather than detailed farm pond rearing
being seen as a hindrance, to national techniques, many of which are
development. cited in the further reading section.
This booklet is based on and is a
Purpose of the booklet continuation of the FAO publication
This booklet provides basic and ‘Small ponds make a big difference’,
practical information on multiple-use published in the year 2000.

Farm ponds
and livelihoods

Ponds add value to other farming family diet, as well as other aquatic
activities: water from ponds can serve organisms. Fish is an important
domestic and livestock water supplies source of protein for the family.
as well as irrigation for high-value Fish alleviates protein deficiency
crops and vegetables. Farm ponds contributing to improved growth

Farm ponds for water, fish and livelihoods

typically range from 30 m2 to 500 m2; in children and helps them in their
size depends on the resources of the learning abilities, and fosters better
farmer and larger natural ‘small water health and less disease in the family.
bodies’, like small lakes, can also be Although fish production from farm
considered as farm ponds. Proximity ponds may be limited, the ready
of ponds to the farmer’s house is vital availability of fish in small quantities
for management and those which are allows families to easily catch a fish
fully integrated contribute most to the for a meal. With stocking of different
overall operation of the farm. Ponds sizes of fish and/or use of different
offer the opportunity to rear fish and traditional fishing gear, harvests can
other aquatic organisms providing be fairly regular and consequently
for diversification of farm enterprises provide for a regular source of food.
and reduction of risk.
Benefits to the household Although smallholders may not
produce huge quantities of fish, yields
Nutrition are manageable and harvests are
Water from ponds can provide easy to process and store. However,
irrigation for crops and water for smallholders rarely participate in
livestock. This can have a positive formal markets and often barter
effect on family nutrition, making their fish for other household needs.
crop and livestock production less Barter, in effect, releases cash for
risky and allowing families to have other purchases.
more farm products to consume. Fish Improved production techniques
can also be produced, providing for and better management practice can
yet another important ‘nutrient’ in the increase the production of fish from

small farm ponds. With higher yields, 1
supply to local markets can become It can draw more support
an income generating activity for the from public agencies for rural
household. infrastructure and services
Improved, as well as more efficient
Added value and sustainable, water use is one
A well-managed integrated of the most important impacts of
farm system comprising several programmes promoting farm ponds.
enterprises including fish culture Improved smallholder livelihoods
in ponds produces more products. can lead to an increased pressure
The pond serves as a water storage on public agencies to increase their
structure and, as such, becomes support. Infrastructure development
a key asset of smallholder farms, in these areas has generally been
supplying water to crops and very slow. Participation in decision-
animals. Crops can be integrated making by the rural poor has been
with the ponds in a multiple use limited and local governments have
system. Wastes accumulated in pond been slow to improve infrastructure.
muds can be spread over gardens. However, when smallholders have
Fish ponds in irrigation schemes a voice, and their farm production
add value to the scheme and serve brings increased revenues to the
as a back-up source of water when communities, the people can begin
water shortage occurs or supply is to demand greater investments in
temporarily cut off. There are mutual infrastructure and services.
benefits to integrated and associated
farming systems, such as wastes 2
from gardens being fed to fish and It can lead to
water from ponds for irrigating the farmer empowerment
crops. Annex 1 provides examples of There is need for political processes
integration in Nigeria and Viet Nam that ensure access and resolution
and Figure 3 shows illustrations of land tenure, property rights and
of upland and lowland models of water use issues. Resource use
integrated farming systems. is a good introduction to a more
active participation of people in
Benefits to the community the processes of policy formulation
The community can benefit from the and development planning for rural
promotion of farm ponds in three areas. To better participate and have
ways: a stronger voice in these processes,

farmers need to be organized and direct impact on formal employment
the association needs to be run is small. However, as production
professionally. increases and farmers begin to link
3 to markets and require more inputs
It generates employment than are available from the farm,
Smallholder fish production and more economic activities and jobs
related activities are carried out by are generated in the community.
family members using a largely These would range from production
non-cash system in which there and supply of seed and feed and the
is little need for capital. Thus the processing and marketing of fish.

Farm ponds for water, fish and livelihoods

FIGURE 3 Integrated smallholder farming systems in lowland and upland environments
illustrating the synergies among the different enterprises and the flow of materials and energy
Integrated farming system

Integrated farming system


Source FAO, ICLARM & IIRR.2001. Integrated agriculture-aquaculture: a primer,

FAO Fisheries Technical Paper No.407, Rome.

The contribution of fish
and other aquatic organisms to livelihoods

Raising fish is an obvious use for a pond management.

farm pond; fish adds value to the Edible aquatic plants can also be
water. From a farming systems grown on the edges of the pond. In
standpoint, fish converts otherwise East and Southeast Asia, probably
agricultural and household waste the most popular edible aquatic

Farm ponds for water, fish and livelihoods

into food when used as feed. To the plant is Ipomoea aquatica, a semi-
household, fish adds to the basket aquatic tropical plant grown as a leaf
of goods produced on the farm. It vegetable. Common names include
diversifies the livelihood options and, water spinach, swamp cabbage,
as an additional enterprise, serves as water convolvulus, water morning-
a fallback – for food or for cash – if glory, kangkung in Indonesian, pak
other enterprises provide low yields boong in Thailand. It flourishes in
or fail. However, it does add to the waterways and hardly requires care. It
complexity of farm management and is used in Malay and Chinese cuisine,
therefore can increase risks. especially in rural areas. It has also
Other than finfish, farm ponds been introduced to the United States
can be stocked with the high value of America where its high growth rate
freshwater prawn (Macrobrachium caused it to become an environmental
spp). Seed can be taken from the problem. The plant is similar to
wild. But if common carps or catfish, spinach in its nutritional benefits. It
which can prey on small crustaceans, is not known if this plant has been
are also grown, the prawn seed would introduced in Africa but there might
have to be stocked ahead and allowed be some equivalent plants that can be
to grow bigger before carps or catfish grown in ponds or other species such
are stocked. But freshwater prawn is a as water chestnut.
carnivore and, as in Bangladesh, they The long experience from
are fed with snails. They are grown aquaculture in Asia offers models in
in rice paddies. In Thailand, they are small-scale fish husbandry practices
raised in monoculture and fed with for other regions. An important
formulated feed. It can be a difficult lesson from the Asian models is that
crop to grow and can complicate fish farming is effectively integrated

with surrounding activities and can assistance can thus expand to include
be seen as one of several part-time enabling smallholder farmers to
occupations that are undertaken with access markets and adopt more
little dependence from government productive and sustainable farming
support, as noted by the United practices.
Nations Development Programme
(UNDP) in 1987: “Traditional Asian Farming strategies
aquaculture is self-reliant and low cost, A number of farming systems have
representing an ideal for aquaculture been developed to enable smallholder
elsewhere in the developing world”. farmers to make optimum use of
Previously in Asia, with the many their limited resources and be more
rivers, lakes, irrigation channels, productive. Some farmers can
man-made reservoirs and often the integrate fish farming with other
proximity of a sea, people needed on-farm activities such as crops and
only to catch fish for the family’s animal husbandries. This integration
lunch or dinner; they did not have involves cost savings through use of
to dig ponds or set up cages and resources over several enterprises not
pens to produce fish for home to mention the advantage of having
consumption. Subsequently, with the multiple-use, water-harvesting and
marked reduction of these natural storage facilities on a farm that
resources and population growth, improve returns to land and labour.
Asian small farms were driven by the Beneficial associations are another
desire to earn income: they produce possibility with small ponds linked
fish for the household and for sale. to the raising of vegetables and/or
This commercial orientation of livestock. On-farm water reservoirs
smallholder farms raises another set are important to soil conservation
of issues. Most smallholder farmers and in sustaining other agricultural
have a poor understanding of the activities. In this regard, small ponds
market; lack the collective strength can play a major role.
for more bargaining power; and have Integrated small-scale fish farming
limited awareness of modern food creates value in the market chain.
safety and production standards. An example of a self-reliant and
With little experience, information sustainable model that highlights the
and organization, they have no basis central role of a small farm pond in
on which to access modern market integrated farming is the VAC system
chains for their products. in Viet Nam. It is a commercially
The opportunity for development oriented enterprise; the objective of

Farm ponds for water, fish and livelihoods
FIGURE 4 A fish farm in Lao PDR with integrated rice and fish culture that shows animal
pens built over the water in order that ducks will fertilize the ponds
(Photo: © FAO/20910/K. Pratt)

the farm family is to earn income training and building on local

on top of producing its own food, traditions can be an effective way of
particularly rice and fish which are reducing post-harvest losses.
Asian staples (see Annex 1). Population growth in general and
the rapid growth of urban centres,
Market potential coupled with the decline of capture
Post-harvest loss of fish is a major fisheries have increased demand for
concern; it can be 30 percent or farmed fish. In a number of countries,
higher. Solutions to this have always demand is often met by imports.
been difficult given the warm This approach harms the domestic
climate, shortage of ice or lack of economy by virtually paying for
cold storage facilities, and poor foreign labour encapsulated into
handling and processing techniques the imported goods and spending
found in many countries. Promoting foreign exchange, which could
good post-harvest practices through very well be spent for improved

FIGURE 5 A group of farmers dividing their fish harvest; some to be sold in the market
and some for processing
(Photo: © FAO/22325/A. Proto)

rural infrastructure and services to of marketable fish. This implies

smallholder farmers. It is advisable forming a cluster of small farmers
thus to promote fish farming. who are able to harvest regularly
A crucial requirement for being a volume of marketable fish that
able to sell fish, other than easy buyers find worthwhile to collect or
access to a market through proximity which farmers themselves can bring
or a good transport system, is the to market.
volume and reliability of supply

Smallholder fish
production systems

Good fish production in farm ponds 6 rice paddies, 7 ponds integrated in

begins with the selection of type of irrigation schemes and 8 small water
pond system that is most compatible bodies.
with prevailing conditions. It Ponds may vary in depth, but
is necessary to be aware of the better production is obtained in ponds

Farm ponds for water, fish and livelihoods

local traditional and agricultural having a depth of at least 1.2 m and
calendars in order to organize farm shallows at 0.3 m. This helps limit
pond labour as well as harvests. As encroachment of aquatic vegetation
populations grow, pressure on land as ponds with greater shallows may
and water resources increase and suffer from uncontrollable weed
conflicts regarding access to and problems, which actually limit fish
use of resources occur. These issues production.
may also relate to the proximity of
the farm pond to the farmer’s core 1 Runoff ponds
farm activities. Legal and social Runoff ponds are built in the
issues regarding small ponds include watershed and receive water from
property rights, water rights and crop rainfall, thus being entirely controlled
losses from poaching. Farm ponds by climate. These ponds are often
isolated from the core farm often have located near the top of watersheds,
unclear property rights and poaching where the water catchment area is
can be a problem. Clearly it is easier limited, as they could be washed out
to assist farmers having all activities when there are heavy rains if located
in one location. low in the watershed. Sites for the
dam should be chosen at the head of a
Types of farm pond systems shallow valley or between two small
Fish farming at the smallholder level hills. Such ponds receive varying
could involve eight different types of quantities of runoff depending on
farm pond systems: 1 runoff ponds, the ground cover. Forests have lower
2 ground-water ponds, 3 borrow pit runoff than open areas or farmed
ponds, 4 derivation ponds, 5 ponds fields. Such ponds play multiple roles
using siphoned or pumped water, in soil conservation, water harvesting

and food production. Runoff ponds Advantages
require a spillway or overflow system. Runoff ponds take advantage of
Information is available to determine rainfall that otherwise would flow as
the watershed-pond ratio, the size of runoff water.
overflow systems based on watershed
ground cover and surface area. Disadvantages
Siphons may be used in some of these Water supply can be erratic. These
ponds to draw water for irrigation or ponds may dry up in the dry season
for additional ponds at the base of the and thus require close management
dam. Since they rely on rainfall and to produce a crop of fish. During a
lack a permanent water source, runoff heavy rain there is risk of dams being
ponds may need to be harvested flooded and washed out if spillways
before the water level drops so low or overflows are insufficient in size
as to allow heavy predation by birds for the area of the watershed. Runoff
and animals. ponds may suffer high loss of fish

FIGURE 6 Ground water ponds

(Photo: © FAO/20903/K. Pratt)

from poaching and have unclear water in these ponds. In such cases,
land tenure issues. They are prone to if the owner has no possibility of
siltation. topping up the water from a stream
or a pump, he or she may have to fish
Management out the pond before it dries up.
Since the cropping cycle is short,
runoff ponds should be stocked with Advantages
large juvenile fish if a large size fish is Ground water ponds take advantage
desired at harvest. Nutrients added to of low-lying areas having ‘high’
these ponds become concentrated as water tables just beneath the ground
water volume decreases, but this may surface.

Farm ponds for water, fish and livelihoods

enhance fish production. Nutrients
may be lost when the dams spill. Disadvantages
The ground water level may fluctuate
2 Ground water ponds during the year causing ponds to flood
These are dug in low-lying areas or dry up. These ponds require close
where the water table is near the management to produce a crop of fish
surface. Flooding is a threat and can in such conditions. Often ground water
be avoided by building a canal around ponds cannot be drained, although
the pond to divert water. Control of families have been seen to empty the
these ponds is difficult, as their water water with buckets. As noted above,
volume is dictated by the ground- farmers may prefer to maintain the
water level. It may not be possible pond water for its multiple use on
to drain such ponds, and complete the farm. Since such ponds can be
harvest of the fish is difficult unless isolated, marshy or swampy areas,
the water is pumped out. The bottom they may be difficult to access, have
of the pond cannot be dried. However, limited agricultural use and can be
fish can be harvested by hook and subject to poaching and predation.
line on a regular basis or by the use If the ponds have frequent water
of other common fishing gear. It is exchange, it may not be possible to
not always necessary to drain a pond increase water productivity through
for harvesting as fish can be caught fertilization. Unclear land tenure
by other means and the storage of issues complicate use of such ponds.
water may be more important to the
whole farm than the value of the fish. Management
During droughts, the level of ground Ground water ponds that have big
water may drop, lowering the level of fluctuations in water level as the dry

season advances, may need to be Advantages
stocked with large juvenile fish if a Borrow-pit ponds take advantage of
large size fish is desired at harvest. holes made in the ground as a by-
Nutrients added to these ponds may product of other activities. Turning
become concentrated as water volume them into fish ponds makes them
decreases, but this may enhance fish valuable.
production. Care is taken not to make
the water eutrophic (excessive algal Disadvantages
bloom from too much fertility, which Water supply may vary considerably
then exhausts the oxygen) with an in pits, with water loss in dry periods.
overload of nutrient. These may dry up entirely in the
dry season and thus require close
3 Borrow-pit ponds management to produce a crop of
Borrow-pit ponds are created fish. Land tenure may be a problem
through road construction, from the and pit ponds may need to be operated
holes dug in making mud bricks, or by a group when perceived as having
in other circumstances when the by- common ownership.
product of an activity is a hole in
the ground. These ponds may have Management
uneven bottoms and rough shapes Borrow-pit ponds may only be
and require some work to make seasonal and could hold water four
them more manageable for fish to six months of the year. Therefore,
production. Some borrow-pits may they may need to be stocked with
be very shallow while others may be larger fish. Nutrients added to these
very deep and hazardous to children ponds may become concentrated as
and others who may not know how to water volume decreases, but this may
swim. Such ponds may be managed also enhance fish production. Care is
by individuals or as groups, these taken not to make the water eutrophic
ponds being labour intensive. These (excessive algal bloom from too
ponds may be filled with water much fertility, which then exhausts
through runoff or through ground the oxygen) with an overload of
water, or both. Borrow-pit ponds may nutrients.
be seasonal. If an alternative source
of water is not available, such ponds 4 Derivation ponds
must be monitored closely to arrange Ponds supplied with water by
a harvest of the fish before the water derivation canal are perhaps the
level drops too low. easiest to manage. These can be filled

Farm ponds for water, fish and livelihoods
FIGURE 7 Ponds supplied with water through a derivation canal
(Photo: © FAO/12738/E. Errath)

or drained at any time. Such ponds ‘cut equals fill’ ponds. For example,
are built near a stream or other source a 100 m2 dug pond would require
of water, out of a flood zone. A water 70 m3 or more of earth work assuming
supply canal is dug or a structure is put a sloping bottom, whereas a ‘cut
in place to bring water to the ponds. equals fill’ pond would require half
Water conveyance structures can be or less the earthwork, depending on
made of bamboo, roofing sheets, tiles, the slope of the land. In open areas, a
stones or a variety of other readily labourer can usually dig 1 m3 of earth
available materials. This type of pond a day.
can be built by hand labour in areas
with gentle slopes. It is best to select Advantages
sites where ‘cut equals fill’; where Derivation ponds take advantage
the earth to be dug equals the fill dirt of the presence of streams which,
required to build the dikes. Obviously because of their fall in elevation
this results in cost savings as ponds of (topography), can be diverted into a
the same area that are entirely ‘dug’ canal which can supply water to fish
require roughly double the labour of ponds out of a flood zone. Such ponds

are usually the most efficient and least canals to the fields. Likewise siphons
costly to build as their topography can be used between ponds built in
lends itself to earth work where ‘cut tandem down small valleys. But if
equals fill’. the farmer has ponds on the lower
elevations of the farm, pumping would
Disadvantages be required for irrigation. Waters
Water canals require an understanding from these low-lying ponds can be
of topography and some skill in pumped up to the top of the farm for
construction. It is necessary to follow reuse in conservation management.
a ‘contour line’ at the same elevation, Treadle pumps could be used for this
allowing for a slight slope for the purpose.
water to slowly move through the
canal. Sometimes the soils along the Advantages
area of the canal are porous and not Ponds filled with siphoned or pumped
water-retaining, leading to some loss water take advantage of waters that
of water. otherwise would not be recycled
without use of siphons or pumps.
Management Siphons are cheap and many farmers
Derivation ponds are usually fully use plastic pipes in moving water
controllable by the farmer who may from one place to another. With a
fill or drain such a pond anytime. centrally located pond, a siphon or
Nutrients added to these ponds treadle pump can be used to fill it
are usually well-exploited for fish anytime of the day.
5 Siphon or pump filled ponds Siphoned or pumped waters require
Smallholders use water from their effort to manage and close supervision
ponds to support the entire farm. If to maintain desirable water levels. It
a farmer has land with a topography is necessary to invest in siphons and
suitable for having pond(s) at higher a treadle or mechanical pump. Motor
elevations on the farm, water can be pumps may not be economical as
siphoned from the pond to irrigate they require fuel and maintenance not
lower-level crops. Such strategically to mention the initial cash outlay.
located ponds provide a farmer with a
convenient farm layout. Siphons are Management
commonly used in irrigation schemes Siphon or pumped water ponds can be
to move water from the water supply filled or drained anytime. Nutrients

added to these ponds are usually Africa, except in Madagascar where
well-exploited for fish production. it has met with success. The longer-
Ponds filled via siphon or pump, stemmed rice, with longer growing
take advantage of the presence of season, is more suitable for rice-cum-
other ponds, water bodies or streams fish production as it allows deeper
located beside the farm pond. water in the paddy and a growing
period that produces larger size fish.
6 Rice paddies This is the case in many areas of
Rice paddies may also produce fish Madagascar as they grow only one
and have been shown to produce crop of rice a year. Elsewhere, short-
10 percent higher rice yields and as stemmed rice with a shorter growing

Farm ponds for water, fish and livelihoods

much as 50 percent increased income period is used to harvest two or more
through sale of fish in comparison to crops a year. This allows a three- to
a mono crop of rice. Fish integrated four-month growing season for fish
with rice farming has helped many and may only produce small fish.
farmers in Asia greatly increase their This does allow for rice paddies to be
income; however adoption of this used for fingerling production for sale
rice-fish integration has been slow in or exchange with other farmers. This

FIGURE 8 A rice paddy with fish farming

(Photo: © FAO/20905/K. Pratt)

may satisfy the needs of smallholder integrate rice with fish. Short stemmed
farmers, but other farmers who prefer rice and the improved varieties of rice
larger fish would want to plant a with short growing periods call for
rice variety with a longer maturity shallow waters and a short growing
period. season of only 3 to 4 months.
Additionally, use of pesticides and
Advantages herbicides is not favourable for fish
Rice paddy ponds produce a production. Poaching is sometimes a
‘balanced meal of rice and fish’. It problem.
has a high production and returns
per unit area. Rice paddies modified Management
for rearing fish have stronger dikes Rice paddy ponds require close
as a result of digging ‘refuge canals’ management as regards the timing
for the fish. Long-stemmed rice with of stocking of juvenile fish. Water
longer growing season (i.e. more than management is crucial so that the fish
five months) favours integration with can grow to a good size.
7 Integrated irrigation
Disadvantages aquaculture ponds
Rice paddies must be modified to Some smallholder farmers may
provide a deeper ‘refuge canal’ to have ponds located within irrigation
protect fish from predation and high schemes. They can benefit from
water temperatures. Most rice farmers the system of water supply canals.
prefer to grow rice only rather than Most irrigation schemes target a

CASE STUDY 1 Raising fish in rice paddies in Nigeria

Rice-cum-fish farming has been exploited for many years in Asia and now this
integrated farming is starting to be practiced by smallholder farmers in Africa. Nigeria’s
Government has expressed a lot of interest in rice/fish farming as it offers a way to
reduce imports of rice (1.8 metric tonnes(MT)/year) and fish (700 000 MT/year). This
could also create employment in rural areas and reduce poverty. Research in Nigeria at
the National Cereals Research Institute (NCRI) has shown an increase of 54 percent in
revenues with rice/fish production as compared to rice production only. Presence of fish
in rice paddies adapted with a refuge canal yielded up to a 15 percent increase in rice
production. In small plots, Nigerian smallholder farmers have produced up to 3.2 tonnes
of rice per hectare and as much as 480 kilograms of fish per hectare. Rice farmers in
the flood zone, in the south eastern part of the country, borrowed fish nets to fence off
their rice paddies before harvest and were able to harvest up to 90 kilograms of wild
fish that grew in the rice paddy.

particular crop and some areas within otherwise a pump would be needed.
the scheme may not be suitable for Ponds built close to crop fields may
crop production. These areas maybe receive pesticides and herbicides
suited for building ponds. Fish ponds indirectly through wind movements,
increase the efficiency of land use which could be detrimental to fish.
within the irrigation domain and
the presence of fish ponds adds Management
to the variety of crops produced. Irrigation ponds can be filled or
Use of irrigation aquaculture could drained by the farmer. Nutrients added
include rice-fish farming, rotation to these ponds are well-exploited for
of crops with fish, as well as ponds fish production.

Farm ponds for water, fish and livelihoods

integrated with gardens. Ponds could
be built uphill from crops and provide 8 Small water bodies
siphoned water to irrigate the crops, Some smallholders may have access
or ponds could be downhill from the to natural or man-made small
irrigated crops, which would require water-bodies. These small water-
pumping back the water to the crest bodies have multiple uses requiring
of the system for multiple water use. multiple-use management that have
to deal with common property and
Advantages access rights. They are difficult to
Ponds integrated in irrigation schemes manage in traditional communities
add value to the irrigation water. They where contracts may be established
diversify production in irrigation by community leaders with nomadic
schemes, which often are constructed fishermen who have little interest
at high cost to produce only one crop. in sustaining its productivity.
Such ponds can be built in areas This can create conflicts with the
within the irrigation scheme that are resident fishermen and farmers. The
unsuitable for crops. Ponds could also community leaders should manage the
produce fish which prey on the snails use of these waters for the common
that in some places serve as vectors good including small-scale irrigation,
for bilharzia, the parasite frequently water harvesting and fishing.
associated with irrigation schemes. Access to the fishery resource of
small water bodies should be managed
Disadvantages by the resident community members.
Ponds need to be deeper than fields Small water-bodies are usually
for crop production, so they can be sources of irrigation for nearby
drained completely by gravity flow, farm plots, and water for domestic

FIGURE 9 A small water body with a Peking duck enterprise, Zambia
(Photo: © FAO/14282/W. Gartung)

and livestock needs. Care must be or cage culture of fish, as in Asia. This
made to avoid polluting the waters. would need training to make people
A community management scheme, aware of the importance of managing
where responsibility of control and this resource. Training and awareness-
management rests with the members raising should aim at providing the
of the community should be agreed. co-management skills, culture-based
The management arrangement would fishery techniques and, probably the
include stocking of fish, regulating most important objective, instilling in
fishing activities, enhancing its the community a sense of collective
productivity and even using it for pen ownership of the water body.

Integrated farm pond management
and fish production systems

Water management may encroach into the shallower

All farm ponds serve as water storage parts. Ponds can become choked by
for the farm. The pond site depends aquatic plants such as water hyacinth.
on a good water supply. Consideration These plants, though, may have some
needs to be taken on how the water use such as animal feed or organic

Farm ponds for water, fish and livelihoods

enters the pond, how it is managed fertilizer.
for fish production and used for Some smallholder farmers may
maximum benefit to the farm. siphon water into the pond. Farmers
The advantages of multiple use may have access to treadle or
have already been described. To mechanical pumps. Treadle pumps
benefit from these advantages, the rely on foot power and cost much less
pond system must be planned and to operate than mechanical pumps.
built well. Pond systems generally Since treadle pumps are commonly
have an inlet and an outlet structure used to irrigate gardens early and late
including a spillway or overflow for in the day, a centrally located pond,
excess water. These structures can filled by pumping could be used to
be of various designs and materials. store and hold water, allowing farmers
They can be made from materials to share pumps.
available on the farm or locally and Most smallholders do not install
should require no or very minimal drain pipes in their ponds, nor do they
cash outlay. use pipes for entry of water, as they
Ponds must be built from lack access to such resources. Instead
compacted soils with a proper of passing through an inlet pipe,
design to avoid erosion, minimize water flows into the pond through
maintenance and extend its life. The an open canal. To drain ponds and
initial labour requirement to build harvest fish, most small pond owners
a proper pond may be high, but a simply dig a hole in the dike for the
well-built pond will last a long time. water to flow out. A filtering device
A well-built pond for water storage is installed at the hole to hold the fish.
would still require good maintenance; It can be a basket, piece of netting or
silt accumulates and vascular plants some fish-trap made of bamboo or

raffia. This allows the farmer to dry a neighbour for the first stocking or
the pond and carry out maintenance from government or private suppliers.
before refilling. After the first stocking, the fish will
Water management involves spawn in the pond and the farmers can
user management. If the water have a lot of small fish available for
comes from a common source, the restocking after harvesting. However,
community can ration water use to as it is a very prolific fish, tilapia could
individual farms and farm ponds. If over-populate a fishpond, producing
the farm pond systems are communal progressively smaller fish if the pond
property, as with a small water is not drained and restocked. To help
body, communal management is overcome this constraint, tilapias can
necessary. Community, group or joint be raised with a predator, such as
management can be complicated. catfish, to reduce the reproduction
levels and further have catfish as a
Obtaining seed ‘second crop’.
Farm ponds used for raising fish While tilapias remain popular
may be stocked with a wide variety among smallholder farmers,
of fish or other aquatic organisms. catfish farming has considerably
Farm ponds, even if not used for increased, either in polyculture with
managed fish production, should be tilapia or as a single crop. Seed are
stocked with fish anyway. Fish help usually juvenile fish caught in the
control water-borne diseases, prey on wild. Catfish tend to have specific
mosquito larvae and some help control spawning seasons linked to the rainy
snails, which spread bilharzia. season when juveniles school and are
Most farmers raise one or more of easy to capture. Women and youth
the many varieties of tilapias. Tilapias groups often catch juvenile catfish
are indigenous in many parts of and tilapias for sale or barter to pond
Africa and raised in most parts of the owners. Catfish are hardier than
world. A major advantage of tilapias many of the species of farmed fish
is that generally their seed is readily and can be stocked at higher densities
available, albeit of variable quality. than the tilapia. The decision as to
Tilapias can spawn year round when which fish species to raise, depends
conditions are suitable. Small adults on availability of fingerlings and
or juveniles may be captured in the the market. Because of the variable
wild for stocking ponds. As tilapias quality of seed, farmers should be
spawn readily (usually after four trained to distinguish the good from
months), seed may be obtained from the poor quality seed. This is a crucial

Farm ponds for water, fish and livelihoods
FIGURE 10 Farmer in Honduras checking up on his brood fish
(Photo: © FAO/18891/G. Bizzarri)

skill and should be an opportunity for integrated farms because they breed
farmers’ training programmes. At the well naturally. Brood stock can be
same time, efforts should be made to collected from the wild or developed
assist hatcheries, if seed supplies are in the ponds. Common carp breeding
from hatcheries, to produce quality can be carried out in hapas (inverted
seed. fine mesh nets) set in a pond. Other
Carps are another popular species species such as the Indian major
for integrated or mono-culture in carps and Chinese carps would
small farm ponds. They are hardy need a full hatchery facility, which
and prolific and grow fast with good requires a high capital investment. (A
feeding. There are several species full hatchery consists of an elevated
(Chinese carps, Indian major carps, water tank, a source of good quality
and common carps which includes the freshwater such as a tube well or
European carps). The common carps a stream, circular spawning and
(Cyprinus carpio) would probably breeding tank, hatching jar, holding
be the most suitable for small tank, a shed for the whole structure

except the elevated water tank, and own fingerlings, barter seed from
brood fish tanks or pond). neighbour farmers, or catch from the
This is an opportunity for assistance wild. In choosing seed their needs
to small farmers. The expertise on to be a preference to use local and
brood stock rearing, breeding and indigenous species.
hatchery acquired from working Small ponds (of about 4 m2 water
on common carps could be applied surface area) are built beside the
subsequently to other carp species or grow out ponds to hold small fish
other freshwater fish species. It is also while pond preparation and cleaning
the foundation for improving quality is carried out. Once the main or grow-
of fish seed for small farms. out pond is cleaned and refilled, these
fish are transferred to it.
Stocking Organizations can play a role in
Smallholders may obtain their initial identifying sources of reliable quality
fish seed from government or private seed or securing initial seed as an
fish hatcheries or other suppliers. entry point to supporting smallholder
But they may also produce their pond development. Care must be

FIGURE 11 When they reach the required size, small fish are transferred to larger ponds
through sluices, Republic of Congo
(Photo: © FAO/11572/N. Brodeur)

taken in handling and stocking fish to be made aware of the rules on
fingerlings. Transport and stocking movement and introduction of live
must be done early in the day when fish. Development organizations can
the water is coolest. Fish should be help farmers with compliance and
counted at stocking. Poor handling assist governments in recording these
and transport techniques stress the movements.
small fish and result in a lot of dead
fish after stocking. Appropriate Fertilization
skills in these techniques need to be Smallholders have limited resources,
learned. but most try to add nutrients to their
Where species are available, it ponds, such as farm and household

Farm ponds for water, fish and livelihoods

may be good to raise two species of by-products and some vegetable items
fish together in a pond. As mentioned for feed. The unrefined nature of
above, a polyculture of the forage fish these products causes them to serve
such as tilapia with the predator such more as fertilizers to enhance natural
as catfish can help produce larger productivity, rather than as feed. Most
fish, transforming many small tilapias of these items may be found near
into more desirable catfish. In such the ponds if the ponds are near the
a polyculture, the forage fish (i.e. farm compound or farm plots. These
tilapia), is stocked ahead and allowed materials tend to give a low fish yield.
to grow a month or so, or when it To compensate, subsistence farmers
starts reproducing, before stocking the practice organic fertilization (with
predator. Small catfish are commonly compost) to improve productivity.
stocked with tilapia in integrated Dried grass and other plant material
poultry-cum-fish or pig-cum-fish along with manure and other wastes
farming systems resulting in higher are piled in a corner of the pond
productivity. Such integrated systems to dissolve and enhance natural
can only be done where there is good productivity.
security and full-time surveillance is The effects of composting are
possible. As noted, it is best to have manifested by green water colour
all smallholder farm activities at one indicating a ‘bloom’, dominated by
core location. phytoplankton. This provides natural
Movement of live fish are subject fish food to filter feeding fishes such
to controls. There are regulations and as tilapia. Farmers may also apply
protocols to comply with in moving inorganic fertilizers and lime, but not
fish between watersheds and across all smallholders have the knowledge
national borders. Farmers need to calculate optimal applications.

Ponds that leak or have high flow- water availability will, of course,
through may not be able to maintain have considerably lower yields.
a bloom and in such conditions,
fish have little supplementary food. Processing
Farmers should learn to observe and On-farm or backyard fish processing
interpret the behaviour of fish such is an opportunity for improving
as how they swim and respond to income by adding value to the fish as
nutrient additions, on normal days, well as reducing wastage. As such, it
cloudy days, rainy days, cool days, is a good opportunity for introducing
and hot days. Careful observation low-cost and easy to operate smoking,
can help farmers detect poor water salting and drying techniques and
quality, diseases and predation. training women in such techniques.
Most traditional smoking methods
Harvesting usually rely on high temperatures
Smallholder fish production is over a short smoking time, producing
variable and unpredictable. Most poor quality fish charred on the
farm ponds however are likely to outside and half-cooked inside. Such
have yields that are twice the natural fish spoil easily.
fish production in a natural water A variety of fish smoking
body. Production can range from methods are available to small-scale
700 kg to 1 200 kg/ha/year. The rural farmers, from traditional ‘alter
quality and quantity of the harvest smokers’ to heavy smoking chambers
will depend on the farm system used made of welded metal. The output
and the management techniques from traditional methods is small
employed. Regular cycles of stocking but uses a lot of fuel wood. It also
and harvesting; with harvesting carries a high risk of fire outbreak
accompanied by a complete draining and may pose a health hazard, mainly
and re-filling of the pond, often to women and their children, who are
provide the highest yields. However, typically responsible for processing.
farmers with a ‘water-first’ set of Some farmers may salt and dry fish.
priorities may be reluctant to drain Chorkor (oven with trays) smoking
ponds, while some farm ponds are kilns, designed in Ghana, have a high
difficult or impossible to drain. Thus, smoking capacity and are very well
the decision of having complete or suited for backyard operation. The
partial harvest is important. Farm kiln can be made and easily repaired
ponds that are empty during certain with locally available and low-cost
periods of the year caused by seasonal materials.

Farm ponds for water, fish and livelihoods
FIGURE 12 Fish is smoked on a Chorkor
(Photo: © FAO/18298/P. Cenini)

In Asia, fish processing at the Marketing

village level is either done by Smallholders usually market their
the farm household or a group of own fish on the pond bank through
women who have acquired their own barter or with sales to community
processing equipment. Ikan kayu members. Such farmers operate in an
(literally wooden fish because of its informal market system. Marketing
hard consistency) in Indonesia is a of pond raised fish in a densely
popular product form produced by populated area may not be a problem.
women groups. It keeps well and It would be more difficult if there is
fetches a good price. In Cambodia, not much volume because farms are
drying and salting surplus freshwater far and in between, harvests are not
fish is a backyard activity. Women synchronized, and of course physical
have been taught by organizations, access to market is difficult. The
such as NGOs, improved techniques market chain of smallholder farmers is
that preserve quality to assure a good much shorter than that of commercial
product and do not involve the use of farmers (refer back to Figure 2) and
substances to ensure product safety. therefore the logistics may not be as

difficult or costly. But if the objective
is to enable small farmers to market in
distant urban centres, then the value
chain becomes longer and costs and
risks increase.
The size of fish for market is
also important. The preference of
consumers is obviously the most
important criterion. However, often it
can be more profitable to sell smaller
size fish on a per kilogram basis
because the growing period is shorter
and therefore turnover is faster. Even
with the extra cost of seed for growing
more than one crop, the annual return FIGURE 13 Choosing the right fish for
would still be higher. Generally, fish marketing and fish to leave for further
use feed more efficiently at the earlier (Photo: © FAO/22248/A. Proto)
stages of their growth.

Supporting fish ponds
as a diversification enterprise

Within the fisheries or agriculture Collaboration

sector, the role and contribution Organizations need to link together
of farm ponds remain ill-defined. with programmes in research and
Few countries have aquaculture or extension, so that technology
agriculture strategies that specifically provision and extension services will

Farm ponds for water, fish and livelihoods

address the needs and define continue once development projects
the impacts of farming systems have finished. Extension materials
that integrate small farm ponds; such as newsletters, technical
smallholders require interventions notes, brief fact sheets and radio
to respond to their long-term needs. programmes may already exist, but if
Development of skills and changes they do not they should be developed.
in attitudes will usually require NGOs could work with government
a few years. This situation sets researchers and extension workers
the stage for the involvement of to produce credible and easy to
organizations, public, private and understand extension materials. It
donor, for development assistance. may be necessary to help build local
An organization providing technical government capacity for outreach,
assistance to smallholder farmers which could include training of field
needs to consider: personnel.

Assessment Training
of potentials and advice Among smallholders, management
Farmers that have ponds need an practices and techniques of
assessment of their pond’s production integrated farming can be the core
history, present status and potentials. subjects of training and study visits
Some may only need short-term programmes. Integrated farming is
support, and follow-up for monitoring more complicated than mono crop
production. Farmers who would like to farming so that hands-on training
build new ponds need more long-term combined with demonstration would
input for assessing their conditions be effective approaches. Farmer field
and the potential for farm ponds. schools (FFSs) are cost effective,

provide training based on ‘learning by Organizations could structure their
doing’, follow the seasonal schedule, inputs around a core framework for
bring farmers together in groups and assisting farm pond programmes
encourage them to learn from each through the following activities:
Helping farmers organize Past programmes tended to promote
properly and for the right reasons the construction of ponds without
When efforts are clearly rewarded proper assessment of site and area
it is easier to promote the adoption suitability. To avoid repeating this
of a new technology or practice. A mistake, it would be useful to run a
community management approach checklist of questions. The answers
in effect pools and shares resources would provide information on
for collective benefit. But there whether it is an appropriate project
will always be some free riders, or and if so how to promote, develop,
individuals who would want to benefit and possibly upgrade farm ponds and
from the results without contributing smallholder fish farming in an area. A
much or at all to the effort. Individual checklist of questions is provided.
farm operations of organized farmers
would likely be a better approach than 1 Are there farm ponds in the area
communal or group management. of interest?
Organized farmers individually 2 Is there a desire by the people
operating their own farms would to use these and/or build new
still have the combined strength of ponds?
transacting with suppliers or buyers, 3 What are the resources available
helping each other, or pooling their locally?
harvest for more cost-effective 4 Are there available local skills
marketing without the burden of in fish farming?
suspecting who might be gaining 5 What is needed to put farm ponds
benefits that are disproportionate to to sustainable use?
his/her contribution to the pooled 6 Are there means to realistically
effort. Communal and cooperative and sustainability meet these
management would apply better to needs?
small water bodies with no individual
ownership. If the answer to either question 2, 4
Specific assistance and or 6 are ‘No’, there is no sufficient
interventions are described next. justification to promote farm ponds

in the area. Otherwise, proceed with water-retaining soils. Climate plays
the next set of questions: a role in management of ponds
as cool temperatures, flooding or
7 What types of small ponds are drought pose risks that need to be
found in the area? mitigated by good management. Pond
8 Who owns the small ponds? construction requires skilled labour.
Describe the typical farmer Seasonal availability of labour is a
owning the ponds? consideration because construction
9 Where are small ponds likely to of ponds needs to be done during the
be located? off season for major crops to avoid
10 What interventions can an competition; more skilled labour for

Farm ponds for water, fish and livelihoods

organization provide to best pond management is also required.
assist smallholder farmers with Management and security of the crop
ponds? becomes critical if the pond is far
11 How would an organization’s from the family compound. Access
assistance to smallholder and a secured entitlement to the land
farmers with ponds impact the and water resources are essential
community? conditions.
12 What types of training are
needed for small farmers to Practical training
effectively manage small ponds? Farmers that already have farm
13 How are inputs provided and ponds and those who would like to
products marketed? What does build ponds require different types
the value chain look like for of training. A number of those with
smallholder farmers with ponds? ponds may be too isolated or in
14 What species and volume of situations where it is difficult to help
production are possible with the them technically. Poorly located and
small ponds? poorly built ponds are perhaps beyond
15 What are the nearby sources of help. It would be cheaper to build a
information, technology and new pond than to rehabilitate one that
advice available for farmers? has been badly built. Organizations
need to carefully determine the kind of
A more extensive checklist is provided assistance to farmers having old farm
in annex 2. ponds. These ponds may be expensive
Suitable conditions for farm or nearly impossible to renovate. On
ponds include an adequate quantity the other hand, farmers, in the absence
of good quality water and land with of any external assistance, may have

FIGURE 14 A fish culture extension agent introducing the basics of fish farming in a village
(Photo: © FAO/14929/R. Cannarsa)

FIGURE 15 A practical fish farming demonstration

(Photo: © FAO/16162/U. Nermark)

developed ‘management’ practices service or partner with other public
to make the pond fit into the farming institutions in the service area. Rural
system so that that new inputs might smallholder farmers need trainers
upset this equilibrium. experienced in fish culture. Staff in
A geographic concentration of some countries are gaining practical
older ponds can be better managed experience and greatly increasing
and assisted, if not by improving the their capacity to serve as facilitators
structures by improving the access in Farmer Field Schools (FFSs).
to inputs including information and Programmes can be established for
market. Training of groups should training fisheries graduates at private
be conducted at a smallholder farm fish farms.

Farm ponds for water, fish and livelihoods

under actual conditions. This training
can be short- or medium-term Farmer groups
with modest financial investment. Some smallholders participate in
Support to new entrants requires a organizations which seek to support
more comprehensive approach for improved services for farmers. At the
both pond construction and fish smallholder level, such organizations
production. Ponds are more complex may be traditional farmers’
than holes in the ground; they consist organizations and can be a voice
of dikes, a filtered water entry and a for improved government extension
drain. Training and support activities support. In most cases, smallholders
aimed at this group require more are often too poor or isolated to join
money and time as well as a high associations. Still, such groups could
level of technical skill on the part of help develop smallholder farms.
the service provider. Training of groups on technical
Short-term training can target and management matters can help
a specific area where there is smallholder farmers. Further grouping
considerable value-added for farm farmers together may provide a
pond operators. Such short-courses forum for ‘voicing’ issues, such as
could deal with: procurement, improved infrastructure. Associating
handling and transport of fish seed; farmers into groups can be a catalyst
water harvesting technologies; fish for fishpond development and local
harvesting techniques; crop storage; community development .
control and use of aquatic vegetation. There are pitfalls to organizing
Longer-term interventions provide or promoting the organization of
support to strengthen extension farmers. The first is associating or
services. NGOs could provide this joining a group for the wrong reason.

CASE STUDY 2 Small ponds for irrigation in Villa Manica, Mozambique

Farmers in this hilly area on the Zimbabwe border requested the ALCOM programme for
training in fish farming. Their fish farming activities were more oriented to water storage
than fish husbandry. In this area the principal cash crops are ginger and maize grown
under gravity-flow irrigation, the water coming from a network of canals that traverses
the community. As this is a high population density area, where most of the people are
smallholder farmers, there is a higher demand on water than the mountain springs can
provide. Consequently, there is a community-managed rationing programme. Water
flows through specific canals on specific days; most farmers having access to water
twice a week. Hence, the farmers saw ponds as a way to store water when their canals
were ‘open’, using the water to irrigate crops when their canals were dry. The farmers
typically built very small ponds; 30–100 m2. These ‘mini-impoundments’ were often built
in the family compound. The farmers used integrated irrigation practices to fertilize the
ponds with small animal husbandry units for chickens, ducks and/or rabbits located
next to the ponds. The ponds, once stocked, were managed more as a capture than a
culture fishery; the farmers catching fish with nets or hook-and-line whenever the family
needed fish to eat and rarely draining the impounded water. The water was siphoned
from the ponds through plastic hosepipes and applied through fixed sprinklers to the
downhill maize and ginger crops. This area of Mozambique is far from supply routes
for marine fishes and these very small ponds provide the major source of fish that is an
integral part of their diet.

Farmers have formed associations hasten the transfer of technology.

not from a desire to join together for An association or group with a few
fish production but to get a loan or progressive members would likely
some gratuity from the government function more effectively. The
or assistance organization (Moehl progressive members could serve as
et al., 2006). On the other hand, a examples or even advisers to others.
functional grouping of farmers can Farmer-to-farmer training is not
serve valuable purposes. But farmers only inexpensive; it is usually more
need to be helped to organize only effective because of the credibility
when they see the need and decide of a fellow farmer who is clearly
on it for their own reasons rather successful.
than be told to do so. If and when
they do, assistance could be provided Gender
to improve their knowledge and Women have always played a
skill to professionally manage the prominent role in farming. Training
association. Working with organized programmes for women and projects
farmers will make it easier and promoting them as equal partners in
cheaper to provide services and development that include health care

Farm ponds for water, fish and livelihoods
FIGURE 16 A Farmer group harvesting fish and sorting by size for marketing
(Photo: © FAO/14929/R. Cannarsa)

FIGURE 17 Women feeding fish for market in a small water body

(Photo: © FAO/21697/A. Proto)

FIGURE 18 Transporting fish in ice boxes to market
(Photo: © FAO/21194/A. Proto)

issues have proven their value with Organizations, like NGOs, too often
relatively quick implementation of have pursued their own programmes
innovations. without meshing them with that of
the government and others. Resources
Role definition are thus wasted from redundancy
A strategic plan to develop the of efforts and farmers get confused
smallholder fish farming sector from a multiplicity of programmes.
includes a clearer definition of the A national strategy can clearly define
roles of government, NGOs and the interventions and assure that all
private sector. This would avoid areas of need are being addressed.
inefficiencies and duplication of An overview of broad and specific
efforts, which usually happen when services and responsibilities between
responsibilities are ill-defined, the public and private sectors is
roles are unclear and objectives are provided in Table 1.
ambiguous. With limited resources, In a multi-stakeholder participation
there is general consensus on the need and democratic environment,
to define the roles and responsibilities government is only one of the
of different development partners. stakeholders in decision-making. The

Farm ponds for water, fish and livelihoods
FIGURE 19 Woman selling fish from her own market stall
(Photo: © FAO/21190/A. Proto)

increasing shift towards a market partner of government instead of

economy can enable governments being perennially dependent on
to lighten themselves of the burden government assistance.
of providing public employment to Governments are increasingly
focus more effectively on its role as aware of the advantages of national
a regulator, promoter of development and intra-regional networking
initiatives, and facilitator of activities for information exchange and the
for the private sector. Development introduction of proven technologies
agencies can contribute to these from other sectors and countries. This
by, on the one hand, partnering the avoids having to spend unnecessarily
government in performing these for research and technology
roles and, on the other hand, helping development on something already
the farmers gain strength and the available. Development assistance
ability to demand that these roles be organizations, sometimes with their
indeed performed by government. own contacts and networking, can
Strengthening of farmer groups help strengthen and widen the linkages
should also make them more formed by governments with external
responsible farmers and a strong sources of expertise and information.

TABLE 1 Overview of services and responsibilities from the public and private sector in assisting smallholder farmers

Service provision Responsibilities Funding Oversight Comments

1 Broodfish
Public Public Public/private Possibility of using public facilities.
Quality seed starting to be available to some farm
pond operators; segmentation of operations into
2 Fish seed Private Private Public/private
hatchery, nursery and grow-out increases technical
efficiencies and creates more employment.
Farm pond operators most often source own feeds.
Farmers and feed
3 Fish feeds Private Private Quality improvement needed. Advice based on
economics of feeding needed.
4 Advisory services Public/private Public/private
professional Some group could certify qualifications of advisors.
(outreach) partnership partnership
5 Fish processing
Public/private Control and monitor both input/output quality
& marketing Public/private Public/private
partnership & food safety
6 Environmental and Public/private Few exist or are applied. Much improvement
Public Public/private
quality monitoring partnership needed.
Public/private Relevance of research enhanced with government-
7 Research Public Public/private
partnership private sector-farmer group dialogues
8 Education Public/private
Public/private Public/private Government improves standards and capacities
& training partnership
9 Infrastructure Public/some private Public Roads & market infrastructures
Public/private Private with public Quality & safety assurance; advice on cost-
10 Input supplies Private
partnership monitoring effective use of inputs
Enabling environment cooperative and statistics agencies.
An important role of government is They can propose or develop
to improve the enabling environment assistance for farm ponds in line with
for the development of smallholder their institutional mandates, as for
farming. The principal instrument instance, flood and erosion control,
to achieve this aim is a strategic training and education, water supply
plan for the sector. The major regulations, farm-to-market roads,
components of the plan that would market infrastructures, environmental
provide a favourable environment for safeguards, and health and welfare.
development includes: Their roles and services will need to
be synchronized, which underlines

Farm ponds for water, fish and livelihoods

Public investment the importance of a strategic plan for
Investments into the sector would the development of the smallholder
be helped by a higher profile, but farming sector. The strategy would
information is very limited or serve to provide coherence to the
totally lacking on smallholders and policies and activities of the different
their output. Generally statistical government agencies involved in rural
services have not been able to gather development. There is an obvious
accurate data on fish production need to have one harmonized farm
from smallholders because of pond programme, with government
various constraints and the fact playing a coordinating role with
that smallholder farmers’ economic development partners.
outputs are hardly accounted for. With Government can organize support
the lack of, or limited information to smallholders through meetings
available on rural smallholder farm with stakeholders and organizations
ponds, their contribution is under- to reach consensus on areas of
reported and their potential for intervention; this needs to be closely
business and government investment monitored by government. There is
not known. need for government to create links
There are many public agencies between research, education and
and institutions other than the advisory services. Government can
ministry responsible for fisheries or bring the stakeholders to agreement
aquaculture that should be involved in to avoid duplicating efforts. This
farm pond development programmes. coordination task can be facilitated
These include environmental, by establishing a national aquaculture
water affairs, research, education, task force, composed of all stakeholder
health, social affairs, public works, group representatives.

Financial services regulatory mainstream, the situation
While some smallholder farmers is changing. Some governments are
can benefit from credit schemes, proposing the need for licenses for
they generally are so isolated farm ponds and water uptake and
they lack access to microcredit. discharge. Others are suggesting
Nevertheless, recent years have seen the need for environmental impact
impressive growth in the provision assessments (EIAs) for structures such
of microcredit. Organizations could as farm ponds. There are related and
facilitate access for smallholder farm potentially regulated concerns such as
pond programmes. Microcredit funds watershed management, water-borne
would be most appropriate for one- disease control, conservation areas,
off expenditures such as purchasing and other concerns. Organizations
the initial stock of fish or employing can serve as an interface for the
additional labour to complete pond smallholder and regulatory agencies,
facilities. There is a variety of provide awareness training and
community institutions that have prepare simple booklets to advise on
traditionally assisted in providing cash compliance with various regulations.
and other resources to members, often Similar processes also help farmers
on a rotational basis. These structures contribute to policy and regulation
should, as appropriate, be mobilized activities by seeking their feedback
to assist farm pond programmes. and assessment of what works and
It is important to differentiate what is counterproductive.
loans from grants. Decades of Participation of all stakeholders
experience have demonstrated that would go a long way in enabling policy
gratuities are counter-productive; they and regulations on rural agriculture
foster dependence. The past decades and fish production. Crucial issues
of neglect have demonstrated that that policy and regulations need
smallholders can build and keep farm to address include licensing, water
ponds with no external support and no use rights, land tenure, movement
gifts. Improvements can be achieved of products, biodiversity and
with the provision of high quality environmental concerns.
technical support and not by free By working with farmers’
wheelbarrows, seed, feed or fertilizer. associations it is possible to enforce
some regulations through members
Policy and regulations and to protect their growing industry.
Although smallholders have long Through such a mechanism, the
been outside the main policy and public sector can play a role in

enforcement via community-based receive training where they are
programmes. With reasonable shown the need to embrace such
government regulations developed regulations and thus become partners
through inclusive participation of with government in enforcement.
stakeholders, farmer groups can

Farm ponds for water, fish and livelihoods

Opportunities and challenges

Aquaculture has been a rapidly are involved in farming is increasing.

growing economic activity and Training can be developed to suit
smallholder farmers can benefit their needs and adjusted to their
from this momentum with improved circumstances. Opportunities exist to
services. As the momentum builds, promote the organization of farmers

Farm ponds for water, fish and livelihoods

institutions and organizations can and strengthen their capacity to
use these forces to ensure that farm manage the association and manage
pond programmes are catered for and community development projects.
receive increased support. All these would open further
Diversification of livelihoods for opportunities to the entire farming
smallholders that includes farm community such as attracting business
ponds involves a process, which investments and more government
should include: integration of water support. In summary, development
supply to the farm, understanding of farm ponds has the potential to
local knowledge of integrated improve economic growth in rural
farming with several farm enterprises, areas through increased on-farm
and understanding the farmer’s employment, increased agricultural
circumstances and capabilities in production, provision of quality food,
order for him or her to get the highest generating more household income,
possible benefit from the integration, and improved food security.
while minimizing the risks of failure. However, providing assistance
The multiple use of water from to smallholders with ponds is
ponds needs to be well understood fraught with many constraints. The
in order that it can be optimally used basic farmer capacity and resource
to produce farm products and meet constraints can be dealt with through:
domestic needs. The benefits from the
presence of water could exceed the • improved understanding of the
benefits from fish production alone. possible contributions of farm
Organizations should also try to ponds, including when they are
collaborate and work with women appropriate and when they are
farmers. The number of women who not;

• advice on more effective use of • improved transport and post-
resources of smallholder farms; harvest handling for fish;
• guidance for maximizing • research that is demand-driven;
production from input of nutrients • articulation of a National
to the ponds; Aquaculture Development
• strategies and techniques to Strategy that includes support to
optimize overall farm production; small farmers.
• training programmes for both
technical and management Organizations should seek balance
support; between promoting smallholder
• training to improve the capacities fish production and attaining food
of farmer organizations; security and improved livelihoods.
• improved rural outreach; Many opportunities exist for helping
• improved institutional support smallholder farmers achieve higher
services, access to inputs and to harvests and better economic returns
markets; from the integration of farm ponds.

Annex 1
Examples of integrated fish farming: Nigeria and Viet Nam

Integrated fish farming in Nigeria

An inventory of 2 600 private fish farms in Nigeria revealed that 50 percent of
fish farmers integrate poultry, piggery or livestock with their fish production;
additionally integrated crop farming and rice/fish farming is also on the increase.

Farm ponds for water, fish and livelihoods

Fish farming integrated with other animal production was adapted in Nigeria
to reduce feeding and labour costs and began perhaps with the difficulties in
finding fish feeds by smallholder farmers. Integrated fish farming involves
planting shallow-rooted crops on dikes or rearing animals in pens beside
or over the fishponds where the wastes are allowed to enter the pond to be
recycled as organic fertilization for increased production of natural fish foods.
This method has been used in Asia for centuries.
Smallholder fish farmers have relied on integrated fish farming for supply
of feed inputs to their fish for many years. Through diversification of farm
enterprises such as field crops, vegetable gardens, poultry and some small
ruminant livestock as well as one or more fishponds to sustain their families,
farmers spread out their risk, lower costs, and increase income spread out over
the year.

VAC or ‘garden-fishpond-livestock’ integration in Viet Nam

Integrated farming in a relatively small plot of farm land is a traditional
approach to family food production in the poor, rural regions of Viet Nam.
The integration of the home lot, garden, livestock and fishpond is called the
VAC system (VAC in Vietnamese is vuon, ao, chuong which means garden/
pond/livestock pen). The widespread promotion of the VAC system known as
the VAC movement began in the early 1980s. The objective of the movement
was to increase and stabilize the nutritional standard of the rural poor.
This farming system is family-managed, with practically all labour coming
from the household. VAC farms can be found in various agro-ecological
conditions, including irrigated lowlands, rainfed uplands and peri-urban areas.
Ponds are usually constructed when the farmer needs to fill up an area of

the homestead for the home and garden. The excavation becomes the pond.
Traditionally, the water collected in the de facto pond is used for domestic
purposes and to produce aquatic weeds for pigs. Most pig and other manures
are used on field crops, especially rice. As fish production grows in importance,
more of the manure is diverted to fertilize the pond.
It is estimated that 85 to 90 percent of the rural families maintain
a garden and livestock pen, with 30 to 35 percent of these having
fishponds. In many villages, 50 to 80 percent of families have the full
VAC system. Around 30 to 60 percent of income of most village families
may come from the system; in many cases, it may be 100 percent.
Most families keep various animals on the farm, including one or more water
buffaloes and cattle, one or more pigs, and several ducks and chickens. The large
ruminant animals are allowed to graze or are fed farm by-products. The swine and
poultry are usually fed with kitchen wastes, as well as other farm by-products,
such as cassava, rice bran, sweet potato, banana trunks and water hyacinth.
A portion of the livestock manure is used to fertilize fruit trees and
vegetables. Trees are applied with manure once or twice a year; vegetables are
manured according to their needs. Pond silt is removed every 3 to 4 years and
used as fertilizer.
The fishpond is usually allocated a more central part of the farm for better
management. Pond area ranges from 100 to 1 500 m2, with a pond depth of
about 1 m. Ponds are often drained after the final harvest, usually in February.
The bottom of the pond is kept dry for 1 to 3 weeks; after which it is cleaned,
limed, manured and then filled up with water for restocking. Domestic
washings and kitchen wastes are channeled into the pond daily. Animal manure
is also applied twice a month at the rate of 0.05 to 0.15 kg/m2. Three months
after stocking, farmers begin to harvest on a weekly basis using small nets and
continuously restock and harvest the pond.

(Source: Le Thanh Luu, in FAO, ICLARM & IIRR 2001)

Annex 2
A checklist for decision and planning

The following checklist list can help organizations decide and develop plans
for interventions about choosing small ponds as an option in rural development
and livelihood diversification programmes.

Farm ponds for water, fish and livelihoods

1 Do farm ponds already exist in the target community?
2 Do community members like fish?
3 What are the community’s priorities and the farmers’
4 Can viable ponds be built in the community?
5 Are water and water-retaining soils present?
6 Which types of farm ponds would best suit a given area?
7 Are there farmers who wish to diversify their activities into
farm ponds?
8 Is there sufficient desire and labour among the farmers to
build ponds?
9 What are the traditional and agricultural calendars in the
10 During which months could farm ponds be built? Is there
sufficient time in the ‘off season’ to build ponds?
11 Where can fish seed be sourced in the area to initially stock
12 How will the changing seasons affect fish production?
13 How can the farmers be best organized in groups?
14 Are agricultural by- products available in the area to serve as
nutrients to the pond?
15 Is there a source of manures and materials for composting in
ponds in the area?
16 Are there rules or regulations governing the building of farm
ponds, movement of fish seed or the commerce in farm pond

17 Is land tenure to the farm pond site(s) secure and
18 Are water rights secure and documented?
19 What is the potential for expansion of farm ponds in the area?
Land area, water supply, labour?
20 Are there irrigation schemes in the area where ponds could be
21 Are there schools in the area where a farm pond could be built
as a practical teaching tool?
22 How can available resources best be used for farm ponds and
fish production?
23 Is there a market for fish in the area?
24 Which species of fish is most preferred in the area?
25 Are fish processed in the area? If so, how are they processed
and by whom? What is the shelf-life of such fish?
26 Would it be feasible to integrate small livestock and/or crops
with ponds? Are there examples of integrated small farms in
the area where training could be done?
27 Does the organization have sufficient human and financial
resources to support the farm pond programme?
28 Does the organization have the resources to adequately
provide this support until it can be taken over by the
smallholder organization?
29 Who are the other actors that could benefit from intervention
(e.g., government agents, researchers, etc.)?
30 Is there an extension service or other body already supporting
the community to develop farm ponds?

Selected further reading

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Sources of further information
and support

Aquaculture Network of Africa (ANAF)


Aquaculture Association of Southern Africa (AASA)

Farm ponds for water, fish and livelihoods


Aquaculture Network Information Center


FAO – Fisheries and Aquaculture Division


International Livestock Research Institute


International Institute of Tropical Agriculture


International Water Management Institute


International Rice Research Institute


Network of Aquaculture Centers in Asia


Sustainable Aquaculture Research Networks in sub-Saharan Africa


World Aquaculture Society

WorldFish Center

FARMING HOUSEHOLDS. Ponds add value to farming activities:
water from ponds can serve domestic and livestock water
supplies as well as irrigation for crops. Raising fish is an obvious
use for a farm pond; it adds value to the water and provides
improved nutrition for farm families.

This booklet provides basic and practical information on multiple-

use smallholder farm ponds. Information is provided on the role
of development organizations, opportunities for and pitfalls
of providing assistance, direct and indirect support required,
and the strategic and technical challenges of making farmers
self-reliant. It suggests ways by which smallholder farmers
can participate in the market economy through better market
access and outlines strategies to attract the private sector to do
business with smallholders.

Photo: M. Halwart

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