Zigbee Based Wireless Sensor Networks For Service Robot Intelligent Space PDF

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This paper is concerned with the implementation of Zigbee based wireless sensor networks, which has been applied in our service robot intelligent space successfully. A simplified Zigbee stack is proposed and the primitives of simplified Zigbee based wireless sensor networks are illustrated, which reduces the stack, thus the storage, size and cost of the nodes was brought down. To show the functionality of the Zigbee based wireless sensor networks in service robot intelligent space, we describe some of the components in detail, such as environmental sensors for environmental perception, home devices controllers for device control.

Existing system:
The current robots can only monitor the environmental details and they will not take decision to control the devices. To improve the intelligence of home service robots and expand their perception, intelligent space is proposed to help home service robots to solve their problems, which are difficult to be solved on their own.

Proposed system:
With the rapid development of society, the growth of elderly population is much faster than ever before. That is why the development of home service robots attracts more attention in the field of robotics. However, the current home service robots are equipped with all kinds of expensive equipments, but these robots can only achieve an extremely low-level intelligence. In our service robot intelligent space, wireless sensor networks is designed to gather and process sensor data from the environment in order to have a better understanding of the behavior of the monitored entities. In addition, the proper action, with control commands are issued by the wireless sensor networks, can be taken whenever necessary. The robot is interfaced with temperature and light sensor when temperature and light intensity goes beyond the set value the robot switches on the consecutive devices in the home.

The robot is controlled using keypad from control section and CCTV camera is used to monitor the surroundings.

Block diagram: Control Section:

Power supply

AT89C51 Keypad Microcontroller LCD

Robot Section:

Power Supply

UART Temperature Sensor

PIC16F877A Microcontroller

LDR Sensor
Relay with ULN 2003A



Relay with ULN 2003A


Home section:

Power supply

Driver Circuit AT89C51 Microcontroller Driver Circuit

Device 1

Device 2

Hardware Requirements:
8051 & PIC 16F877A microcontroller Zigbee Transceiver Temperature Sensor LDR Sensor LCD & Keypad CCTV camera Relay with ULN 2003A

Software Requirements:
Keil C compiler Embedded C MPLAB

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