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Align ent Algorith for the !

esti"ular #rosthesis


Brian Hensley Seattle University Through University of California, Irvine

Mentors: Dr. A. Shkel University of California, Irvine Ilya Chepurko

Table of Contents
Table of Contents....................................................................................................... 2 Introduction................................................................................................................ 3 Motivation................................................................................................................ 4 Problem Statement.................................................................................................. 4 The Vestibular Organs............................................................................................. The Vestibular!Ocular "es#onse..............................................................................$ The Vestibular Prosthesis........................................................................................ $ Transfer %unction.................................................................................................... & Methods and Materials............................................................................................... ' "otational (lgorithm................................................................................................ ' Tests...................................................................................................................... )* +lectric Simulation.............................................................................................. )* "esults............................................................................................................... )) "otation of a Single ,-rosco#e..........................................................................)2 "esults............................................................................................................... )3 Inclined "ate Table Test..................................................................................... )3 "esults .............................................................................................................. )4 Strength of .atches............................................................................................... )$ Comsol Model..................................................................................................... )$ "esults............................................................................................................... )& 2/ /is#lacement Test........................................................................................ )' "esults............................................................................................................... )0 /iscussion................................................................................................................. )0 %uture Tests.......................................................................................................... 2* (c1no2ledgements.................................................................................................. 2* 3ibliogra#h-............................................................................................................. 2)


$oreseea"le surgi%al i ple entation pro%e&ures for the vesti"ular prosthesis '!#( are %o ple) an& algorith ay not al*ays "e a"le align the !# perfe%tly &ue to health %on%erns. So an

*as &erive& to %o pensate for the &ifferen%e "et*een the a%tual rate of angular easure& rate of angular rotation of the gyros%ope in the !# to ake

rotation of the person an&

the surgi%al pro%e&ure for i ple entation of the !# re+uire less pre%ision. The algorith %hange& the output fre+uen%y of the pro%essor &epen&ing on angle of in%line of the gyros%ope. A soft*are i ple entation 'alteration of the !# %o&e( *ill "e easier to a&,ust than a har&*are one, *hi%h *oul& re+uire ore surgery to physi%ally ove the !#. $irst the single a)is gyros%ope

*as teste&, first "y ele%tri% si ulation an& then a%tual rotation using a rate ta"le. The algorith *as teste& "y o&ifying the %o&e, putting the gyros%ope at an in%line on the rate ta"le an& o&el

onitoring the output an& %he%king it against the previous e)peri ental values an& the values. The o&ifie& output of the gyros%ope i i%ke& those of the

o&el sho*ing that the there the

rotational a)is algorith rotational a)is algorith

su%%essfully a%%ounts for gyros%opes at an angle. $ro %an then "e applie& to the !# as a

eans of a)is %o pensation.

Key Terms
-otational Algorith , -otational A)is, Se i%ir%ular Canals, !esti"ular #rosthesis, !esti"ular./%ular -esponse

The vesti"ular prosthesis is eant to i itate the natural vesti"ular organs. To "etter is un&erstan& *hy an& ho* the vesti"ular prosthesis *orks "a%kgroun& on the vesti"ular syste nee&e&.

Although not te%hni%ally a sense, one0s "alan%e is as i portant as the five senses. -arely noti%e&, it allo*s one to a%t an& &o ost physi%al a%tivities. 1hen so eone is &iagnose& *ith a to return to the life they ha& ore than t*o illion

vesti"ular &isor&er it is very &e"ilitating an& &oes not allo* for the previously le&. 2very year

ore than one "illion &ollars 'USD( is spent on

A eri%ans *ho are plague& "y "alan%e &isor&ers 345. Balan%e &isor&ers are the el&erly, *ho are at a higher risk for serious fra%tures fro %oul& help to lo*er the a ount of prevent

ore &angerous for

falling. A vesti"ular prosthesis

oney spent for treat ent of vesti"ular &isor&ers an& help to

ore serious in,uries to people. During surgery, pro"le s %oul& arise *hi%h *oul& not let the surgeon i ple ent the

vesti"ular prosthesis *ith the %orre%t a)is of orientation. Another pro"le

*ith an i planta"le isaligne&. To fi)

vesti"ular prosthesis is that it %oul& shift, %ausing the sensing a)is to "e%o e

either of these pro"le s another surgery *oul& "e re+uire&, *hi%h *oul& "e %ostly, possi"ly painful, an& risk infe%tion. But *ith a rotational a)is algorith , only the %o&e of the vesti"ular prosthesis *oul& have to "e %hange&. This pro%ess *oul& not "e %ostly nor *oul& it re+uire surgery.

Problem Statement
Using the *ork *hi%h has "een previously &one on the !esti"ular #rosthesis '!#( '%reating a test single a)is gyros%ope, not to s%ale( *e *ant to alter the output of the i%ro%hip

so that it *ill a%%ount for the %hange in in%line. After this is &one *ith one gyros%ope it nee&s to "e applie& to three single.a)is gyros%opes. Also, the final &esign of the !# nee&s to "e teste& "y %on&u%ting si ulate& strength tests.

T e !estibular "r#ans

$i#ure %& T e !estibular "r#ans and Coc lea '2(

A person0s sense of "alan%e %o es fro There are three

the vesti"ular organs lo%ate& in their inner ear.

a,or parts to the vesti"ular organs, the se i%ir%ular %anals, utri%le, an& sa%%ule.

The se i%ir%ular %anals are responsi"le for giving a person a sense of their angular a%%eleration6 the utri%le an& se%ular are the organs &ete%ting linear a%%eleration 375. There are three se i%ir%ular %anals, the hori8ontal, posterior an& the superior 'so eti es referre& to as the anterior( %anals. They start fro the inner ear an& "en& out ea%h aking roughly t*o thir&s of a

%o plete %ir%le 395. The %anals are roughly orthogonal to ea%h other. The superior an& posterior %anals have an average angle of :7 to :; &egrees "et*een the 395. 1hen they eet "a%k up

*ith the inner ear there is a large hollo* "u p %alle& the a pulla. Insi&e of the a pulla there is a flap %alle& the %upula. Insi&e of the %upula there are sensory hair %ells, *hi%h "e%o e e)%ite& "ase& on the ove ent of the %upula. The hair %ells are on a ri&ge kno*n as the %rista 395.

Aroun& the %upula, an& insi&e of the se i%ir%ular %anals, there is flui& %alle& en&oly ph. 1hen a rotation in the plane on *hi%h the %anal is situate& o%%urs, the flui& starts to rotate insi&e of the hollo* "one stru%ture. As this flui& fro oves, it pushes up against the %upula, *hi%h it &efle%ts

its original position. This &efle%tion %auses the sensory hair %ells insi&e of the %upula to

"e%o e e)%ite& an& they relay their signal to the "rain. Defle%tion in one &ire%tion %auses an in%rease in the rate of signal an& in the opposite &ire%tion a &e%rease in the rate of the signal 395. 1hen no rotation is o%%urring there is still a signal "eing pro&u%e& "y the vesti"ular nerves6 this is referre& to as the stea&y state signal 395.

T e !estibular)"cular *es+onse
1hen you turn your hea& an& look ra&ially out*ar&, the vesti"ular.o%ular response '!/-( is evoke&. 1hile the hea& is still rotating, the eyes ove 4< &egrees in the opposite

&ire%tion of rotation to sta"ili8e an i age on the "a%k of the retina. This response is not sense&, "ut is in%re&i"ly useful. If the rotation %ontinues for an e)ten&e& perio& of ti e '= 7<s( an& then %eases, the en&oly ph flui& *ill have a&,uste& to the rotation an& %ontinue to spin. This %auses the !/- to %ontinue %ausing te porary &isorientation. The %upula *ill slo*ly return to its nor al position an& the sensation *ill %ease. This e)plains *hy after spinning aroun& an& su&&enly stopping, your vision %ontinues to spin.

T e !estibular Prost esis

The !esti"ular #rosthesis '!#( &oes not rely on the "o&y0s organs to &ete%t ove ent. Instea& it is fashione& *ith three M2MS linear a%%elero eters an& three M2MS single a)is gyros%opes. Having one sensor on three orthogonal planes allo*s easure ent in any &ire%tion.

A %u"e is therefore an i&eal shape for the !# "e%ause the gyros%opes an& linear a%%elerators "oth have three orthogonal surfa%es to atta%h to. /n%e rotation o%%urs an& is sense& "y one of the gyros%opes, a voltage is output to the pro%essor. The pro%essor easures the fre+uen%y of the

voltage pro&u%e& "y the gyros%ope an& uses this as the input to the transfer fun%tions.

Transfer $unction
Transfer fun%tions &efine the flo* of the en&oly ph *ithin the se i%ir%ular %anals as *ell as the nerve pulse output 3;5. The fun%tion that relates the shift in fre+uen%y to the angular rotation in the !esti"ular #rosthesis is
H ' s( = f =

A s 4 +L s 4 +A s '4 + 4 s ( '4 + > s (


*here ?f is the shift in fre+uen%y, @ is the angular a%%eleration, an& AA,AB,A4,A> are ti e %onstants. The ti e %onstants have an asy ptoti% effe%t on the graph %ausing it level into t*o plateaus an& slant "et*een the . These %onstants are slightly &ifferent for every person6 for this e)peri ent the values are the ean values fro s+uirrel onkeys as foun& in $ernan&e8 an& Col&"erg,

4DE4. The e+uation pro&u%es the follo*ing graph:

$i#ure 2& Model of $ernande, and -oldber# Transfer function

The transfer fun%tion takes the analog signal fro

the gyros%ope an& uses the initial transfer

fun%tion *hi%h %onverts it to the s &o ain. Then using the "ilinear transfer fun%tion,



1here f is the Fy+uist fre+uen%y an& 8 is the varia"le of the &igital &o ain, the e+uation fro


the s.&o ain into the 8.&o ain so that it %an "e interprete& "y the &igital pro%essor. The

voltage is then %onverte& to "iphasi% %urrent pulses, *hi%h are passe& along the nerves until they are re%eive& an& interprete& "y the "rain.

Met ods and Materials

*otational Al#orit m
A gyros%ope %an only &ete%t rotation a"out its a)is of orientation. So if the !# *ere i plante& so that its a)es &i& not at%h up *ith those of the patient, the per%eive& &ire%tion an& %hanges the sense& rotation

agnitu&e of rotation *oul& "e &ifferent. A rotational a)is algorith

"y the gyros%ope an& %onverts it to the rotation that shoul& "e sense& "y the patient. The rotational algorith use& in this gyros%ope relies on the i&ea of ve%tor pro,e%tion. Consi&ering

the i&ea of t*o ve%tors in a single plant at an angle G D<H:

$i#ure .& 2/ !ector Pro0ection '1(

The * ve%tor *as pro,e%te& onto the v ve%tor to %reate the u ve%tor in the &ire%tion of the v ve%tor. The length of the u ve%tor is: IuI J * %os 'K( '7(


1here * is the length of the * ve%tor an& K is the angle "et*een the v an& * ve%tor. This i&ea *as i ple ente& into the !#0s %o&e. 2a%h gyros%ope %an only sense rotational %hange in one &ire%tion. This &ire%tion %an "e thought of as a ve%tor, an& the rotation a"out this a)is is *hat is sense&. The pro%essor takes the sense& rotation an& perfor s the transfer fun%tion on the signal. Another rotational algorith *as teste&. This approa%h %hanges the output signal of the

gyros%ope "efore it is %hange& "y the transfer fun%tion. The gyros%ope *as teste& at various in%lines *ithout %hanging the %o&e. As the in%line in%rease& the output signal of the gyros%ope &e%rease&, as seen in $igure 9.

$i#ure 2& -ra+ of An#le of Incline of -yrosco+e vs3 -ryosco+e "ut+ut

This graph *as %hara%teri8e& using the %urve fitting tool in MATBAB. The e+uation *as e)pe%te& to "e a %osine e+uation "e%ause of ho* the signal &e%reases &ue to s%alar pro,e%tion. The e+uation pro&u%e& *as: '9(

1here a J .7:74, " J .<4EED, an& % J 4.;74. The e+uation is a %osine e+uation *ithout the phase shift varia"le, %. $ro e+uation 9, the response of the gyros%ope is kno*n for any angle '<H.D<H(.

So, if the gyros%ope is at a kno*n elevation, the response is an& *hat it shoul& "e are kno*n. $ro this *e %an use a generali8e& %osine e+uation:



is the gyros%ope0s response for any given angle,

is the

a)i u


response, an&

is the &egree of in%line. The gyros%ope0s output is &ivi&e& "y the %osine of the

angle of in%line. This raises the signal to the full output.

4lectric Simulation

Before any tests %oul& "e &one *ith the !#, the

i%ro%hips ha& to "e teste& to ensure that i%ro%hip *as %reate& *ithout an

the %o&e an& pro%essor *ere fun%tioning properly. A !# test atta%he& gyros%ope 'other*ise, the

i%ro%hip *as e)a%tly the sa e to the !# gyros%ope

i%ro%hips use& later in the e)peri ent(. In its pla%e there *ere t*o *ires, *hi%h allo*e& for DC an& AC voltage 'the DC voltage *as nee&e& to %reate the >.;! offset to rea%h the stea&y state voltage of the !esti"ular /rgans( to "e %onne%te&6 these *oul& take the pla%e of the gyros%ope0s output. The AC voltage i i%ke& %onstantly %hanging angular rotation. Another

t*o *ires *here atta%he& to the output of the pro%essor. This *as &one so the output of the !# %oul& "e onitore&. The output *ires *ere %onne%te& to a Digital Signal Analy8er, *hi%h agnitu&e of the

allo*e& the AC voltage generator to run through various fre+uen%ies *hile the


output *as MATBAB.


onitore& an& re%or&e&. The &ata ha& to "e %onverte& into a rea&a"le for at for

$igure ; sho*s the graph of the

o&el an& the e)peri ental &ata to sho* ho* the t*o graphs are agnitu&e of the *ave on a Bo&e plot using

si ilar. The fre+uen%y *as graphe& versus the MATBAB. The results "elo*.

at%he& the shape of the transfer fun%tion0s graph as seen in the figure

$i#ure 5&46+erimental $re7uency res+onse #ra+ #enerated from t e electrical simulation test

Ho*ever, it &oes not line e)a%tly up *ith the

o&el transfer fun%tion. The

o&el an& the

e)peri ental are graphe& together in figure L. There are t*o regions *here the graphs &o not line up6 they are title& regions one an& t*o, respe%tively. In region one, the &eviation fro the o&el

is &ue to the fre+uen%y0s "eing s aller than the noise pro&u%e& "y the ele%troni%s. This is unavoi&a"le at fre+uen%ies of this agnitu&e. In region t*o, the fre+uen%y approa%hes the

Fy+uist fre+uen%y '*hi%h is half the sa pling fre+uen%y, in this %ase >99 H8(.


$i#ure 1&Model 89lue: and 46+erimental 8*ed: fre7uency res+onse #ra+ s from electrical simulation test

*otation of a Sin#le -yrosco+e

After the %o&e of the !# *as verifie& using a set voltage, an a%tual rotation test ha& to "e prefor e& to see if the output of gyros%ope *oul& at%h up to the kno*n voltage. A range of

fre+uen%ies *as teste& '.4 M >; H8( "ut ha& to "e li ite& &ue to li itations of the rate ta"le. The !# i%ro%hip *as put onto a level rate ta"le *hile *ires *ere atta%he& to the output of the

gyros%ope an& the output of the pro%essor. The *ires *ere e)ten&e& up so they *oul& not get %aught or *oun& up %ausing the gyros%ope to give in%orre%t &ata. These *ires *ere then %onne%te& to a &igital os%illos%ope so the &ata %oul& "e o"serve& an& re%or&e&. The output of the gyros%ope an& the output of the pro%essor %oul& "e onitore& in&epen&ently. The &ata *as save& a)i u an& ini u points of ea%h

in a for at *hi%h %oul& "e opene& "y MATBAB. The

*ave *ere re%or&e& after they *ere vie*e& using the plot %o

an& 'a filter *as also use& *hen these

vie*ing the outputs6 this *as &esigne& spe%ifi%ally for this &ata using MATBAB(. $ro points the "aseline of the *ave %an "e foun& "y taking an average of the t*o points. The a plitu&e of the *ave is then foun& "y su"tra%ting the height of the "aseline fro a)i u

that of the

point. /n%e the a plitu&e of ea%h *ave *as %al%ulate& for ea%h of the outputs, a ratio

of the output of the transfer fun%tion 'pro%essor( over the output of the gyros%ope *as o"taine&. These points *ere then put onto the theoreti%al graph to see ho* they line& up *ith the graph. /nly si) &ata points *ere taken "e%ause the rate ta"le %oul& only generate sele%t range of fre+uen%ies.

ove ent along a

All of the points are %lose to the

o&el result, sho*ing that the rotational algorith o&el to try an& i itate for the

*orks for a rotation test *ithout any in%line. This then "e%a e a in%line rotational tests.

$i#ure 7&$re7uency *es+onse #ra+ ;it data +oints from sin#le a6is #yrosco+e rotation e6+eriment

Inclined *ate Table Test

$i#ure 8&46am+le of an inclined #yrosco+e 8#reen:


$or the in%line& tests, one en& of the gyros%ope *as proppe& up *hile the other re aine& on the surfa%e of the rate ta"le. Using %alipers to easure the height an& the length of the

gyros%ope0s %ir%uit "oar& gives the ne%essary infor ation to solve for the angle of in%line. Civen a height of N, a %ir%uit "oar& length of O, an& an angle "et*een the rate ta"le an& the of K, the
sin ( ) =


ath is :
Y Y sin 4 X X =


/n%e the angle *as kno*n, the %o&e *as up&ate& using the i&ea of ve%tor pro,e%tion to a%%ount for the ne* angle. $our angles *ere %hosen to fre+uen%ies *ere teste&, ranging fro o&el this feature. $or ea%h angle, the 4< &ifferent easure& using the sa e

.4 to >; H8. The &ata points *ere

etho& as &es%ri"e& for the single a)is gyros%ope at no in%line in the previous e)peri ent.

The &ata points *ere plotte& on the fre+uen%y response graph. They line& up very %lose to the o&el fre+uen%y response graph for every fre+uen%y. This is sho*n in figure D6 the easure& are sho*n in Appen&i) A.

fre+uen%y response graphs for all the in%lines


$i#ure <& $re7uency res+onse #ra+ ;it all incline data +oints +lotted

The results fro a%%urately

the single a)is in%line test sho* that the rotational a)is algorith

o&ifies the signal of the gyros%ope "a%k to <H 'flat( orientation. *as also teste&. The gyros%ope *as put at a kno*n an& *as teste& *ith the sa e

The se%on& rotational algorith in%line in the sa e fre+uen%ies.

anner as the first rotational algorith

$i#ure %0& $re7uency *es+onse #ra+ on incline usin# Alternative *otational Al#orit m

The results are not as %on%lusive as *ith the first rotational algorith . More tests nee& to "e &one to prefe%t the algorith . A si ple translation to a&,ust the fre+uen%ies ay "e all that is re+uire&.

Stren#t of =atc es

$i#ure %%&T;o vie;s of vestibular +rost esis bo6& folded 8ri# t: and unfolded 8left:3 '7(

1ith asse "ly of the %urrent vesti"ular prosthesis "o) &esign, the lat%hes that hol& the "o) together so eti es "reak. To i prove the lat%h &esign, their strength ha& to "e teste&.
Comsol Model

The initial &esign of the vesti"ular prosthesis *as &one "y Monty -ivers. The shape pi%ke& *as a %u"e, *hi%h is "est suite& for the vesti"ular prosthesis "e%ause it has si) orthogonal si&es. The single a)is gyros%opes an& the linear a%%elerators "oth nee& three orthogonal planes to sense ove ent in any &ire%tion. The %u"e is a&e of sili%on, an& a&e "y using a pro%ess

kno*n as Deep -ea%tive Ion 2t%hing. This pro%ess involves taking a sili%on *afer an& %utting nearly verti%al *alls in it to %reate the &esire& shape. Hol&ing the si) si&es together are hinges an& lat%hes. The lat%hes are a&e of sili%on an& are an e)tension of the *all. They are eant to

"e interlo%king an& %o e together to fit e)a%tly. The &esign of the "o) *as Multiphysi%s 'the %u"e &esign *as o&ele& using the 7.D testing progra C/MS/B

a&e using Soli&*orks an& i porte& into C/MS/B(. Using

the Multiphysi%s progra , &ispla%e ent of the lat%h %oul& "e si ulate& an& the stress %oul& "e


easure& throughout the %u"e. The lat%hes *ere &ispla%e& slightly to see *here the highest %on%entration of stress *as.

$i#ure %2& Stress concentrations in t e latc es due to dis+lacement at to+ of latc


the previous pi%ture, the stress "uil&s up *here the lat%h

eets the *all of the %u"e. this *as to

This is "e%ause it

eets the *all at a right angle. /ne &esign i prove ent fro

%hange the e&ge *here the lat%h

eets the *all to a fillete& e&ge. This allo*s for the von Mises u%h.

stress to not %on%entrate at the e&ge as


2/ /is+lacement Test

$i#ure %.& 2)/ sim+lified silicon beam dis+lacement test

Another fa%tor that %an help re&u%e stress is the *i&th of the lat%hes. If the lat%hes are thinner they *ill "en& ore6 ho*ever, they *ill also "e a"le to *ithstan& for%e. If the lat%hes are D<

thi%ker, the *ill "e less fle)i"le. Seven &ifferent thi%knesses *ere teste&, ranging fro i%rons to 4;< i%rons. Be%ause &ispla%e ent an& relevant stresses *ere only in t*o

&i ensions, a >.D

o&el *as use&. $urther si plifi%ation of the lat%h o%%urre& *hen it *as *ith the length an& *i&th of the lat%h. /ne en& of the the given &ispla%e ent the stress in u%h &ispla%e ent they

generali8e& to "e a straight sili%on "ea "ea

*as %onstraine& *hile the other *as &ispla%e&. $ro %oul& then "e

the "ea

easure&. The "ea s *ere teste& to see ho*

%oul& un&ergo "efore the stresses rea%he& the "reaking point of sili%on 'P E<<< M#a(. Fe)t the "ea 0s &ispla%e ents *ere teste& over a range that is ore pro"a"le for the to e)perien%e.

These results *ere graphe& against Safety $a%tors of >, 7, an& 9.



$i#ure %2& /ifferent ;idt of Silicon beam vs3 Stress in 9eam due to dis+lacement

Base& on the &esire& fa%tor of safety, the *i&th of the lat%h %an "e &eter ine& "y ho* u%h &ispla%e ent is *ante&. The thinner "ea s &efle%t ore *ith less stress, "ut %an also is 44<

*ithstan& less for%e. $or a safety fa%tor of >, the i&eal thi%kness of the sili%on "ea i%rons. $or a &ispla%e ent of ;<

i%rons, the stress in&u%e& is al ost e)a%tly e+ual to the *ith the greatest &ispla%e ent for the allo*a"le

fa%tor of safety. This gives us the thi%kest "ea stress.

The ele%tri%al si ulation an& single a)is gyros%ope rotation *ithout in%line tests help to give a %hara%teri8ation of the i%ro%hip *hile it is not at an in%line. These "e%a e the "ar *hi%h eet. 1hen the results of the in%line tests *orke&. This is the

the tests of *hen the gyros%ope is put at in%line ha& to

at%he& those *ithout in%line, it sho*e& that the rotational a)is algorith first step to*ar& aking the rotational a)is algorith

apply to the !# as a *hole. It provi&es a *oul& *ork in the three a)is

goo& "asis for &eter ining ho* the rotational a)is algorith


gyros%ope. The strength of the %asing is also an issue that is "eing refor e&. More *ork put into resolving these issues no* *ill %o plete sensory su"stitution. ake the final version of the !# *ork "etter to*ar& provi&ing

$uture Tests
The !# is a *ork in progress. The tests &one are "eginning to %hara%teri8e it. The rate ta"le tests prove that "oth rotational a)is algorith s *ork. This provi&es another step to*ar& the i ple entation of the !#. To i prove upon this step, ore &ire%te& tests nee& to easure *hi%h

etho& re+uires the least of ti e for the pro%essor to perfor . Also, the %urrent rotational a)is algorith nee&s to "e e)ten&e& to a syste of three a)es. $urther stu&ies %an "e &one to i prove

the lat%hes0 &esign an& re&u%e stress on asse "ly. An i&ea *hi%h %oul& "e looke& into is roun&ing the tips of the lat%hes to re&u%e the a ount the lat%hes tou%h. Another involves the transfer fun%tion &evelope& "y $ernan&e8 an& Col&"erg6 "y &oing instea& of spi&er onkeys, ore testing on hu ans

ore a%%urate ti e %onstants for the e+uation %an "e foun&. The %o&e

on *hi%h the pro%essor runs on %an "e %leane& up an& %onverte& to fi)e& point arith eti% so that ore %al%ulations %an "e &one faster. This *ill ensure that *hen the !# is i plante& it *ill not give a &elaye& signal.

I *oul& like to thank Dr. Shkel, FS$, the Mi%rosyste s Ba", Ilya Chepurko, IM.SU-2, U-/#, an& Sai& Shokair for helping like to thank e. e along the *ay an& to %o plete the pro,e%t. I *oul& also

y parents, "rother, %ousin 'A an&a( an& all of the IM.SU-2 fello*s for helping


9iblio#ra+ y
345 ***.vesti" 3>5 http:QQ***.neuroanato y.*is%.e&uQvirtual"rainQBrainSte Q47! l 375 R. Biu. A M2MS."ase& 2le%troni% #rosthesis Mi i%king the Dyna i% !esti"ular $un%tion. Masters Thesis, UC Irvine, ><<7. 395 -. A. #eters. Dyna i%s of the !esti"ular Syste an& Their -elation to Motion #er%eption,

Spatial Disorientation, an& Illusion. NASA Technical Report No. !"# 3;5 C. $ernan&e8, R. M. Col&"erg. #hysiology of #eripheral Feurons Innervating Se i%ir%ular Canals of the S+uirrel Monkey. II. -esponse to Sinusoi&al Sti ulation an& Dyna i%s of #eripheral !esti"ular Syste . 3L5 http:QQ***.ni)files.%o Q%rittersQproposal.sli& l 3E5 Design "y Monty -ivers

A++endi6 A) $re7uency *es+onse -ra+ s of all inclines

This se%tion %ontains the fre+uen%y response graphs for all of the elevations.


$i#ure %5& $re7uency res+onse #ra+ for elevation of 8325 de#rees

$i#ure %1& $re7uency res+onse #ra+ for elevation of 283.8 de#rees

$i#ure %7& $re7uency res+onse #ra+ for elevation of 503.% de#rees


$i#ure %8& $re7uency res+onse #ra+ for elevation of 5<3.2 de#rees


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