Mobile Cord

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Executive Summary MobileCord provides enterprises software platform for unified mobile delivery of email, voice mail and

messaging. Our software enables the enterprise to deliver an employees most important communication channels on any Palm, WindowsCE, or !M devices. MobileCords value proposition is in the increased productivity of an enterprises employees and the increased manageability of multiple devices and the communication channels connected to these mobile devices. MobleCord ".# has eliminated the need of different ad hoc solutions for each type of devices. $ccording to !nternational %ata Corporation &!%C', the number of worldwide handheld shipments is e(pected to increase from )." million in *### to ").+ million in *##,. -he number of email messages sent annually will increase from *.. billion in *### to .., billion in *##,. -he growth in mobile devices and the increase in the amount of information flowing through an enterprises communication channels an opportunity for MobileCords software. MobileCords flagship product MobileCord ".# provides users with a unified view of their email, voicemail and other messaging channels on their mobile or remote device, which in/turn helps !- departments address the desire of mobile employees to have a unified view of all their communication channels, while allowing them to manage multiple types of devices. MobileCord truly provides a comprehensive solution to any enterprise. We have already implemented our solution in the Consulting, 0inancial, Manufacturing and -echnology e1uipment sectors and plan on offering our product to a variety of industry verticals. MobileCords strength is in its strong team, which has built flagship product in MobileCord ".#, which is already in production. MobileCord offers its product through a direct sales force and partnership with system integrators and device manufactures. -o further assist, we are also building partnerships with !- 2ervices and wireless service providers. !n the first 1uarter of *##*, we are releasing MobileCord *.#, which supports new convergent devices telephony and P%$ capabilities such as 2hort Message 2ervice &2M2' and the Wireless $pplication Protocol &W$P'. We are continuing to e(ecute on our business model with continued revenue growth and low operating e(penses. Our revenue is derived from license and implementation fees recogni3ed only after software implementation. !n addition, in our recurring revenue model, we charge a user subscription fee for its software. Our revenue models are tailored towards ma4ing financial results less volatile.

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