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This is the feasibility report prepared with the objective of setting a new business unit of brass electronic components. This report includes all possible information which is necessary to submit to any financial institution at the time of procurement of loan. This is the report prepared which includes all kinds of surveys made like market analysis, financial analysis, technological analysis, ecological analysis, and economical analysis, etc. and it also includes the information relating the partners and all future prospects. This report is having every kind of detailed information about market demand and market trend and potential market share. This also includes information about raw materials, land & building, labour, machinery & equipment, tools & dies, etc. It also includes information relating to production process, production capacity in total and utilized currently, etc. This report also includes all kinds of projections like in financial aspects which help any banks or financial institution to give loan or have any details about the business unit. ll kinds of information relating to starting a business unit of brass electronic components is being mentioned in this report and which is sufficient enough for making a report for getting a loan. This report also includes environmental factor and also some areas of project clearances. This means that how this unit or industry affects environment and whether it makes pollution or not and what are suggested restoration measures for pollution done by this unit. !hat is the contribution of unit to economy as a whole is also included.

This is complete summary of what has been included in this report and how this unit works and how this will have future demand and it covers all aspects which are required to have in this report.


If any work is done, there lies some objective or purpose behind it. ny work is not done without any kind of objective or special purpose though it may be any but there has to be some reason behind any work done. In same way there is a specific purpose to prepare this report and that is to study the industry scenario whether that the project undertaken to start the new venture is feasible or not and whether this venture will work or not. To study the market feasibility or survey whether the venture will work or not, there are different criteria taken into consideration and through different angles the venture has been studied and this report is the just an overview or an glimpse of what will be structure of unit and how will be it work and what are the activities undertaken to develop the newly mentioned report. There is another objective of preparing this report and that is to submit this report to any financial institution or bank so as to get financial assistance in addition than what is available. Though if it is not available than also it will not create any problem but if assistance is available than business might run and develop more efficiently and smoothly.

There is continuous development and progress from %tone ge to present era of high technological development. &verything ' every field, every area, every business, and every industry is being developed. (ot a single field has remained idle as it was in the past while talking about industrialization. !e may be mistaken if we neglect those industries who are manufacturing highly sophisticated component for different products. &lectronic Technology has undergone rapid development and innovation and up gradation during last decade to meet the comple) needs of electronic equipments with modular form of constructions. %uch construction requires a wide variety of electronic components for inter connection of a number of electronic functions in equipments. !ith an advancement of technology the components have become a very vital and an important in forming of or making complete electronic system. In today*s electronic era components are not just a connecting hardware but important part of that complete electronic system. n important problem related to other problems of establishing a business unit is the problem of preparing a project report. project report is a picture of business venture, in writing wherein information about all matters of business is revealed in detail. +roject ,eport means a written account of all activities to be started by unit and their technical, financial, commercial, environmental and social feasibility. To what e)tent is business plan realistic, what will be form of the activities to put the plan in practice or realize it, estimates of financial requirement for the plan, various sources of finance and proportion of their use, profitability of plan and economic as well as environmental viability of the plan-

+roject ,eport will give details about the product and the process of its production to be used, necessary raw materials and its sources, the production cost, required employees, process and technology to be used, whether it fits the prevailing atmosphere or whether it is more risky or less risky. In present times, any harmful effect on environment by a business is there or not and if yes what are the measures to avoid or lesser the effect on environment are also to be mentioned in the report.

(ame of the 0nit 6ommunication ddress 1 ,23 4 ( &5&6T,I6 5% 1 ,23 4 ( &5&6T,I6 5% 7I26 +hase'I 0dyognagar, 8amnagar. +artnership 9irm :rass &lectronic 6omponents s 4entioned bove pplication made with 2I6 pplication made with 2I6 (irav %heth 2evang %heth The 1ardhman 6o';perative :ank 5td.

6onstitution +roposed +roduct 5ocation of 0nit %%I ,egistration (o. %ubsidy ,egistration (o. +artners of 0nit :ankers


Name & Address Nirav Sheth Sheth Fali, Sheth Nivas, Near Mahavir Dela, Jamnagar - 361 001. 22 Years %%A Fresh +0, Mar/eting & Finan#e De(artment Devang Sheth 0Mar!ti1 A((t. 1st Fl$$r +, 2atel )$l$n. Jamnagar 3 361 004 2+ Years %.&. 5&le#tr$ni#s6 2 Years +0, 2r$d!#ti$n & 2!r#hase De(artment

Age !ali"i#ati$n &'(erien#e )$ntri*!ti$n -es($nsi*ilit. Name & Address

Age !ali"i#ati$n &'(erien#e )$ntri*!ti$n -es($nsi*ilit.


The :rass &lectronic 6omponents have wide area of application and use in both professional and consumer grade electronic equipments. They are preferred over the other types of components due to inherent advantages. The demand of this item to a large e)tent depends on the growth or performance of electronic equipments industry in the country. 1ariety of components with several combination and functions are available in the international market at competitive prices. ,apid innovations are taking places in electronic components design. s there is a great demand of electronic components in areas like :angalore, 3yderabad, 4umbai, >olkata, +une, 6hennai, 2elhi, and some what in hmedabad, :aroda too as they are either developed or flourishing as industrial areas. %ome of the industry of cities like 8aipur, Indore, (oida, mbala, >ota, 1ijaywada, 6handigarh, Thane, nkleshwar, etc are also requiring this type of components we may establish our market there also if possible. Though there is tough competition in market but due to futuristic demand we will surely be successful to have a market there. s there is already our clients in some of our cities of :rass utomobile 6omponents we will surely get the market from those clients and those cities and for other cities we made a survey and result was that there was huge requirement in all the above mentioned cities. !e have some of the orders for samples and some confirmation orders also and so we can surely say that there is a requirement and demand of those components.

Two 6riteria*s which have been taken into consideration while selecting this industry is that 4arket +otential & 4arket %hare. Market Potential is good in sense that electronic industry is increasing at a very great e)tent and is also having some brass components which are only manufactured in 8amnagar and nowhere else in India e)cept 8amnagar. Market Share is another problem or criteria which are taken in mind. s there are number of units which are manufacturing components in 8amnagar already but than also they are not worth matching demand and there is great scope of developing that industry. The other reason is the competitors are only manufacturing some limited items and other is being imported from other countries. The scope is so more for some components which are used in testing instruments and analog instruments. If they are manufactured and matched the quality required by the companies then there will be less import and more foreign e)change savings and this will again also be used in further development of India. The companies or customers require these brass components in huge quantities and of good quality. !e will not have problems in launching and making a new brand as our auto components are there already in market and so our brand is there successful.

The important aspect of Technical nalysis to be taken into consideration is whether ,aw 4aterial is available in sufficient quantity and of good quality and also at cheaper rate. The raw material required for manufacturing brass electronic components are brass scrap and some plastic mouldings. :rass %crap is already available in good quantity and of good quality and a reasonable rate. :rass %crap can be converted into wires and bars and afterward they can be used. 9or :rass electronic components we require simple rods of brass and in some components we require e)truded rods and wires which are easily available in 8amnagar because this city is also known as a :rass 6ity. The other raw material required is plastic mouldings and which are easily available in city as there is plastic moulding powder from which the mouldings are made and they are further used in the components. %o the problem of availability of raw materials is not at all making a difficulty to start any unit of :rass +arts Industry in this area or city, as any unit can be developed. Thus in this way first problem of raw material availability is solved or it really does not e)ist at all.



s this is an industrial product and not on the basis of the single component a unit can run so a number of components are manufactured by the B1 ,23 4 ( &5&6T,I6 5%C. !e make generally 6able T.1. 6onnectors and 6omponents required for 2igital & nalog Testing Instruments. :ut if there will be huge requirement than we may proceed further. !e prefer Make on Order basis or principle. !hatever the customer requires or company requires we will surely manufacturing those components and if possible we may try to develop more and more items and not restrict ourselves to like our competitors. ;ne main limitations of our unit is that we will surely develop customized requirement but we will start with only high orders or high requirements only so that we can have cost benefit. ,ates of product differ from the size, quality, product, and quantity. 7enerally rates for smaller parts will be costing from ,s. $ to ,s. / per piece and some special parts even cost up to ,s. /A to ,s. =/ per piece. !e will be providing components if required by company either (ickel +lated or even 7old +lated. The rates will be charged as per the market and it will be again comparatively costlier but quality would be up to mark. &lectronic 6omponents are used in different products and have different uses in equipments. ny brass component for electronic equipments will be surely manufactured by us. The components are used in Television & 6able 6onnectors and Instruments like 2igital & nalog 4easuring Instruments.


The process of manufacturing electronic components differs from component to component. :ut generally it follows below mentioned procedureD Firstly, we have to purchase brass scrap and +16 grains and moulding powder. Than we give this to people who convert scrap into rods and bars. This rods and bars are firstly processed thoroughly through our drawing machines where it gets finishing. fter getting finishing rods and bars we put them into cutting machines where the rods are cut into required the components sizes and afterward they are send to turning machine and from there to other processing machines as required like slitting machines and threading and tapping machines. :rass +arts or 6omponents are halfway ready now and if it require any kind of polishing like (ickel +lating or 7old +lating than we send it there. !e procure moulded plastic parts after getting them processed to assemble it in the assembling section and get the electronic component completely ready to sell or send to the concerned party. :ut during the process we go through the quality check of the component during and at the end of processes. 9or checking and Inspection we have instruments like 1ernier, 4icrometer, 4ultimeter, 6ontinuity Tester, & 4eggar etc. in respect of its resistance and continuity. fter that packing is to be done in some plastic bags in quantity of "AA, #AA, /AA, "AAA, #AAA, /AAA etc., and than putting those bags into wooden bo)es. In addition to this if company wants in special packing than we also provide in that


form also. In this way we make as per the order and try to fulfill the requirement of the clients in every way.


s rule of thumb says that no industry or unit can start its unit with "AAE capacity at initial stage. !e are also following the same fact and we are having utilizing /AE to <AE capacity. The production capacity of our unit is given below in tabular formD Production Capacity (In %) Installed 6apacity F"AAEG 0tilized capacity F<AEG Capacity (In Quantity) "A,AA,AAA pieces per annum A<,AA,AAA pieces per annum

+roduction can be scheduled as per requirement and as per preferences and as situation prevails. Then also generally whatever order is first will be produced and if someone wants very urgently than cost might be high in comparison to normal timings. s e)tra timings are to be made for producing and workers are to be convinced in that way so the cost might be some what high or it might be e)pensive. !e will not give guarantee to company or customer about timings if they first agree late delivery and afterwards they want to break the contract due to timings. The work will be done as per schedule only and company must ensure that no delays will be there by us under normal conditions and little more timing should be given under abnormal or une)pected situations.

nother problem in technical analysis is of selecting appropriate location for the unit. The problem arises in everyone mind about where to locate or where to situate the unit or factory which is completely accurate, effective & efficient. 5ocation of the unit must be nearer to either raw material or to market or to any other influential factor. 5ocation should be chosen in such a way that it should be having facilities available nearer like water, electricity, banking, transportation, and last but not least workers also. There are number of reasons for selecting sight in 8amnagar and at 7I26 Industrial &state which are mentioned below and why this location is selected is justified by following pointsD 4achineries to manufacture components are manufactured in 8amnagar itself and are also maintained here properly. nother reason is ,aw 4aterial is also available in 8amnagar in adequate quantity and of good quality. The labour force is also available and is also aware of how to handle the brass component and both types of labour are available i.e. skilled and unskilled. In 7I26 8amnagar all infrastructure facilities like &lectricity, Transportation, :anking %ervices or ids to Trade are also available. 4arket here is also available as some of components are further to be used as component in other components. 7I26 is providing %hades at 6heaper rates and which is also the important factor that is being considered.



)hadra/ant 2r$d!#ts Near State %an/ $" Sa!rashtra Shan/ar 7e/ri, 8d.$gnagar Jamnagar -361 009. Sangam Metal )$r($rati$n Sha/ar 7e/ri, 8d.$gnagar Jamnagar - 361 009. Mahes:ari Metals Shan/ar 7e/ri, 8d.$gnagar Jamnagar 361 009. -a;shanti Metals )$r($rati$n Shan/ar 7e/ri, 8d.$gnagar Jamnagar 361 009. Sen$r Metals )$r($rati$n <=D) 2hase ==, Dared Jamnagar.



+anchasara &ngineering !orks (ear +olice %tation, 0dyognagar 8amnagar. 1H5 4achine Tools +vt. 5td %hakar Tekri, 0dyognagar 8amnagar. >eshavlal & %ons %hankar Tekri, 0dyognagar 8amnagar. (itin &ngineering !orks 2igvijay +lot 8amnagar.


9inance is key input of production, distribution, and development. Therefore it is defined as B5I9& :5;;2 Bof Industry. %ources of 9inance will depend upon the different factors like %ize of 9irm Type of 9irm +roduction +rocess

%ources of 9inance means from where the finance is procured or from where is the finance made available. In ;ur Industry i.e. 1ardhman &lectricals we are two partners and we are equally bringing finance in business which is as followsD Sr !o ". #. !a"e (irav %heth 2evang %heth $O$#% #"ount /,AA,AAA /,AA,AAA &'(''('''


6onceptually, 6ost of +roject is the sum total of all items of outlay associated with a project which are supported by long'term funds. 3ere +roject 6ost is being divided in two parts i.e. 2etails regarding land & building and regarding machinery & equipment and afterwards the 9i)ed 6apital in Total is being shown in following TablesD )etails re*ardin* Shed (%and + ,uildin*) Sr !o ". #. Particulars 9actory F#AAA sq.ft.G ;ffice F/AA sq.ft.G $O$#% (./'' s0 1t ) -ate "#AIsq.ft. "#AIsq.ft. #"ount #,.A,AAA <A,AAA 2(''('''

Sr !o " # $ . / < =

)etails re*ardin* Machinery + 30uip"ents Particulars Qty -ate #"ount MACHINERY 2rawing 4achine " "/,AAA "/,AAA Turning 4achine . A=,AAA #?,AAA %litting 4achine # A#,/AA A/,AAA Threading 4achine # A.,AAA A?,AAA 2rilling 4achine # A.,AAA A?,AAA +lastic 4ouliding " "/,/AA "/,/AA 4achine &lectric 4otors "" A",/AA "<,/AA $O$#% 45('''


" # $ .

INSPECTION EQUIPMENTS 4icro 4eter # A#,AAA 1ernier " A$,/AA 4ultimeter " A",AAA 6ontinuity Tester " /AA $O$#% Fi6ed Capital in $otal

A.,AAA A$,/AA A",AAA /AA '4('''

Sr !o " #

$ . /

Particulars #"ount %hed F5and & :uildingG $,AA,AAA 4achinery @<,AAA Inspection &quipments A@,AAA 6ost of +ower 6onnection ##,/AA &lectrification & Installation "=,/AA T;T 5 ",./,AAA 6ost of 2ies, Tools & 4oulds "/,AAA 6ost of ;ffice &quipments & "/,AAA 9urniture +re';perative &)penses /,AAA 7-#!) $O$#% 8(9'('''



!orking 6apital is lifeline of business. If it does not operate properly in cyclical form than there will be great disturbances. It has been divided into $ tables i.e. one of !ages & %alaries, second of ,aw 4aterials, third of 0tilities & 4iscellaneous &)penses and afterward there will be !orking 6apital %tatement belowD Calculation o1 :a*es + Salaries (Per Month) Sr !o " # $ . / < = ? )esi*nation 4anager ccountant 9oreman or %upervisor %killed !orkers %emiskilled !orkers 0nskilled !orkers !atchmen Typist T;T 5 J "/E +erquisites 7-#!) $O$#% !u"ber Salary " " " / < # " " $,/AA ",/AA $,AAA #,AAA ",=/A ",#/A ",AAA #,AAA $otal A$,/AA A",/AA A$,AAA "A,AAA "A,/AA A#,/AA A",AAA A#,AAA $.,AAA /,"AA 24(&''

-a; Materials (Per Month)


Sr !o Particulars " :rass %crap # +lastic 4ould +owder $ +acking 4aterial $O$#%

Quantity @AA >g "AA >g

-ate @AI>g ?AIkg

#"ount ?",AAA ?,AAA ",AAA 4'('''

<tilities + Miscellaneous 36penses (Per Month) Sr !o " # $ . / < = ? Particulars &lectricity +ostage & %tationery ,epairing & 4aintenance Telephone Transportation 6harges Insurance 4iscellaneous &)penses %ales &)penses $O$#% #"ount #,AAA <AA ",#AA @AA $AA $AA #AA /AA 5('''

:orkin* Capital State"ents (For Month + Quarter) Sr !o " # $ Particulars ,aw 4aterials !ages & %alaries 0tilities & 4isc. &)penses $O$#% Per Month @A,AAA $@,"AA <,AAA &(2/(&'' Quarter #,=A,AAA ","=,$AA "?,AAA 8('/(2''


:O-=I!7 C#PI$#% -3Q<I-3M3!$ !orking 6apital ,equirement for one month is ,s. ", $/,"AA !orking 6apital ,equirement for three months is ,s. ., A/,$AA. !orking 6apital ,equirement for one year is ,s. ",<#,"#AA

$O$#% C#PI$#% I!>3S$M3!$ Sr !o Particulars " 9i)ed 6apital Investment # !orking 6apital Investment for Kuarter $O$#% #"ount .,?A,AAA .,A/,$AA 9(9/(2''

COS$ OF P-O)<C$IO! Sr !o Particulars " Total !orking 6apital F+er LearG # 2ep. ;n 4achinery & &quipment M "AE $ 2ep. ;n Tools & 2ies M #AE . 2ep. ;n ;ffice &quipments M #AE / 2ep. ;n :uilding M /E < Int. on Total capital Investment M "/E $O$#% #"ount "<,#",#AA "#,#/A $,AAA $,AAA "/,AAA ",$#,=@/ &?(9?(.8/



There are different component produced in our unit and they are sold individually as well as in sets are also sold. 3ere the price mentioned is of one set of some components which are regular and not of those which are either very highly customized or is special component. This is again divided into three statements i.e. %ales analysis, +rofitability statement & +artner*s profit shareD S#%3S #!#%@SIS Particulars &lectronic 6omponents $O$#% Quantity -ate <,AA,AAA ,s. . #"ount #.,AA,AAA .8(''('''

P-OFI$#,I%I$@ S$#$3M3!$ Particulars Total %ales 5essD 6ost ;f +roduction ddD 2epreciation ddD Interest ;n Investment

#"ount #.,AA,AAA "=,?=,#./ <,"#,=// $$,#/A <,.<,AA/ ",$#,=@/

7ross +rofit 5essD $/E Ta) !et Pro1it

=,=?,?AA #,=#,/?A /('5(..'

P#-$!3-AS SB#-3 OF P-OFI$ (irav*s %hare of +rofit 2evang*s %hare of +rofit -#$IO #!#%@SIS 7-OSS P-OFI$ -#$IO N 7ross +rofit %ales N A=,=?,?AA #.,AA,AAA N A.$#./ N 2. 8/% N (et +rofit %ales N A/,A<,##A #.,AA,AAA N A.#"A@ N .& &% (et +rofit Total Investment N A/,A<,##A A?,?/,$AA #,/$,""A #,/$,""A

!3$ P-OFI$ -#$IO

-3$<-! O! I!>3S$M3!$ N


N A./="? N /? .%

:O-=I!7 C#PI$#% $<-!O>3- -#$IO N %ales !orking 6apital N #.,AA,AAA "<,#",#AA N "..? N &89%



:reak &ven nalysis is widely used technique to study cost volume profit relationship. :reak &ven +oint F:&+G means that level of output of sales at which no profit no loss is achieved. In short business is said to be break even when its income equals its e)penditure. %o the :&+ of >ardh"an 3lectricals is as under #!!<#% FIC3) COS$ Interest on Investment M "/E ddD 2epreciation ddD !age & %alary $O$#% #!!<#% >#-I#,%3 COS$ ,aw 4aterial 0tilities $O$#% Contribution D SalesEE>ariable cost N #.,AA,AAAO"",/#,AAA N &.(89(''' ,-3#= 3>3! POI!$ "A,?A,AAA =#,AAA &&(/.(''' ",$#,=@/ $$,#/A .,<@,#AA 5(2/(.8/


:&+ N 9i)ed 6ost 6ontribution N <,$/,#./ "#,.?,AAA N A./A@A N /' 4%


FO- &S$ @3#P-OFI$ + %OSS #CCO<!$ P#-$IC<%##M$ P#-$IC<%#,aw 4aterials "A,?A,AAA %ales #.,AA,AAA %alaries & !ages .,<@,#AA Depreciation 4achinery "#,#/A Tools $,AAA ;ffice &qi. $,AAA :uilding "/,AAA $$,#/A &lectricity #.,AAA +ostage & %tationary =,#AA ,epair & 4aintenance ".,.AA Telephone "A,?AA Transportation $,<AA Insurance +remium $,<AA %ales &)penses <,AAA Interest ;n Invest. ",$#,=@/ 4iscellaneous &)p. #,.AA !et Pro1it 5(&.(?// #M$



.8(''(''' $O$#%


,#%#!C3 SB33$ %I#,I%I$@ ;wner*s 9und 2rawings #,?/,AAA Interest ;n invests. 6reditors ","A,#/A (et +rofit #M$ #SS3$ #M$ "A,AA,AAA 5and & :uilding $,AA,AAA <#,=// 5essD 2ep. "/,AAA ",$#,=@/ 4achine /,.A,AAA 5essD 2ep. /,/A,AAA Tool & 2ie 5essD 2ep. ;ffice &quip. 5essD 2ep. ",##,/AA "#,#/A "/,AAA $,AAA "#,AAA "/,AAA $,AAA

"#,AAA +repaid &)penses /,AAA 2ebtors "#,AA,AAA 6ash in 3and <",$AA 6ash at :ank <,AA,AAA $O$#% ..(9/(//' ..(9/(//' $O$#%


FO- .!) @3#P-OFI$ #!) %OSS #CCO<!$ P#-$IC<%##M$ P#-$IC<%##M$ ,aw 4aterial "$,/A,AAA %ales %alaries & !ages /,AA,AAA Depreciation 4achine "#,#/A ;ffice &qu. $,AAA Tool & 2ie $,AAA :uilding "/,AAA $$,#/A &lectricity $A,AAA +ostage & %tationery ?,AAA ,epair & 4aintenance "<,AAA Telephone "#,AAA Transportation .,AAA Insurance +remium $,<AA



%ales &)penses Interest ;n Invest. 4isc. &)penses !et Pro1it $O$#% 2'(''('''

=,AAA ",$/,"/A $,AAA 9(99(''' 2'(''(''' $O$#%

,#%#!C3 SB33$ %I#,I%I$@ ;wners 9und 2rawings Int. on Invest. (et +rofit 6reditors #M$ "A,AA,AAA ??,AAA ",$/,"/A ?,AA,AAA <,=/,AAA #SS3$ #M$ :uilding #,?/,AAA 5essD 2ep. "/,AAA #,=A,AAA ;ffice &qi. "#,AAA 5essD 2ep. $,AAA "/,AAA 4achine ","A,#/A 5essD 2ep. "#,#/A @?,AAA Tools & 2ie "#,AAA 5essD 2ep. $,AAA +reoperative &)penses /,AAA 2ebtors "/,AA,AAA 6ash in 3and /=,"/A 6ash at bank =,/A,AAA $O$#% .5(49(&/' $O$#%



FO- 2-) @3#P-OFI$ and %OSS #CCO<!$ P#-$IC<%##M$ P#-$IC<%#,aw 4aterial "=,AA,AAA %ales %alaries & !ages /,/A,AAA Depreciation 4achine "#,#/A ;ffice &qi. $,AAA :uilding "/,AAA Tool & 2ie .,AAA $.,#/A &lectricity $/,AAA

#M$ $<,AA,AAA

+ostage & %tationery "A,AAA ,epair & 4aintenance #A,AAA Telephone "/,AAA Transportation /,AAA Insurance +remium $,<AA %ales &)penses "A,AAA Interest on Invest. ",.A,"/A 4isc. &)penses /,AAA !et Pro1it &'(?.(''' $O$#% 25(''(''' 25(''(''' $O$#%

,#%#!C3 SB33$ %I#,I%I$@ #M$ ;wners 9und #,=A,AAA 2rawings =#,AAA Interest on Invest. ",.A,"/A (et +rofit "A,=#,AAA 6reditors ?,AA,AAA #SS3$ "A,AA,AAA #M$ :uilding

5essD 2ep. "/,AAA #,//,AAA 4achine @?,AAA 5essD 2ep. "#,#/A ?/,=/A ;ffice &qui. @,AAA 5essD 2ep. $,AAA "#,AAA Tools & 2ies @,AAA ddD Tools /,AAA ".,AAA 5essD 2ep. .,AAA "A,AAA +reoperative &)penses 2ebtors "?,AA,AAA



6ash in 3and 6ash at :ank $O$#% 2'(&.(&/' $O$#%

/A,.AA ?,AA,AAA 2'(&.(&/'

&conomical nalysis is concerned with judging a project from the societal point of view. It is also referred as social cost benefit analysis. In such an evaluation the focus is on the social cost and benefit of project which may often be different from its monetary costs and benefits. 1 ,234 ( &5&T,I6 5% will give many indirect benefits to the overall society. It is not only the unit for me or for my partner but it is for the whole society. It provides raw material to the some of large scale industries and it also has on an average a quite a huge market.

The income or profit from business will be reinvested in the business and then again has a kind of development and this will create demand for the other required or concerned industries and than it will again also prove beneficial to the society in overall development. This project or this unit has a good scope of savings as this unit has many workers and profits are invested and so there is ample scope of investments also. This unit also provides employment to number of people which is also a good thing in today*s competitive world and this jobs are provided at reasonable wages and salaries. This unit will also contribute by providing employees with medical facilities and giving their e for the development of their employees children education facilities.

In recent years, environmental concerns have assumed a great deal of significance. &cological analysis should be done particularly for major projects which have significant ecological implications like power plants and irrigations schemes, and environmentalOpolluting industries like bulk drugs, chemicals, leather processing, etc., There are two aspects to be take into mind while planning for industry and they are what is the damage caused by the project on environment and other one is what restoration measures will be taken in the case there is a pollution or damage in the environment.


s this unit is not falling in any of such industry it does not only damage the environment and so there is no problem of pollution. :ut than also it is again the social requirement and responsibility of our unit that if there will be any kind of pollution than we will be surely see that there will be no problems arises for the society or public or for the employees. This unit does not have any kind of bad impact on the environment or it does not have its impact of pollution which will make the climate or atmosphere very bad so it doesn*t require any kind of restoration measure as no pollution only. This unit so doesn*t require any clearances from any pollution control board or any such department so it is very easy task to initiate the firm and due to this cost of production is also less as there are no machines or no restoration measures required.

+roject 6learances includes some of the clearances or permissions from different departments or different boards of governments for different reasons. In some industries some licenses are required to start the industry or to produce some products like chemicals or drugs or sugar industry. %o if we see in that sense we don*t require any kind of licenses to start the industry. %ome industries again requires some certificates from +ollution control board or some other state government or central government as they effect the atmosphere and they will have to go

for restoration measures also like cement industry, atomic unit, and some others also. :ut we in this unit don*t require any kind of such certificates and this again helps us to start this unit as early as possible with less difficulties. %ome of the industry requires clearing certificate or clearance letters from concerned ministry and then only they will have to start the unit or industry. In our case there is nothing sort of activities involved in starting this unit so it doesn*t create any problem or it doesn*t delay to start this unit. In some industry before the industry operations really are started they will have to go for insurance as there is high risk involved in its operations, like manufacturing arms & ammunitions, any oil e)tracting or petroleum industry etc. In our case there is not at all required in advance to insure any kind of materials or any people but for security purpose if we want than we can go for insurance at any time.


(aturally, where there is a management there will be plans for future. To have plans for future and to work for that is different things. ll will have plans for future. :ut only those will be getting success who will work for that plans. ccording to my opinion this small scale unit will have bright future only if it works with today*s speed. In today*s electronic and technological era this unit must have plans of first of all getting quality certificate. The demand of components will be always increasing and is also increasing at a rapid speed. The components will be more demanded as the technological and electronic era is bursting out.


2ue to diversity and high demand and changing need and high lifestyles we also have planned to electronic components which matches customized requirement for the customers for the convenience and safety needs of the customers. %o if required and if possible the production capacity would be increased and quality aspect would be under continuous improvement and observation so that it matches the time and requirement of the customers in future. These components will be having a great demand in future and so that also be having a bright future. To meet the customer requirement or need with good quality and reasonable profit with development must be future plan. >eeping in mind further prospects of development we have /AA sq feet land already in advance as for development and e)pansion plan The unit rather the electronic industry is booming to that e)tent that it will have bright future and this we can see from today*s requirement of any electronic instruments.

6onclusion means to bring an end to anything. Though this conclusion may be end of my project report but this project report or feasibility report has pushed and encouraged me to the real business life. ny self created thing will be the best thing for anyone*s life though he may be successful or failed. This kind of feasibility activity will help really anyone or everyone to become a successful entrepreneur, if a proper attention is paid to the project or business.


NEVER, NEVER, NEVER, NEVER, GIVE UP This is the saying that tells us to never demoralize ourselves by giving up anything or any project of any business. In today*s overpopulated unemployment is the biggest economic problem and so to avoid that self employment can be started through developing this kind of business and for that this kind of feasibility study is helpful. This is a way to success with some problems and some time failure but at last success will be there with self employment.


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