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In the year 476, the Roman Empire, which had unified much of Europe, collapsed.

The lack of a strong stabilizing authority led people to seek protection in whatever way possible.

Think-pair-share: Predict what people might do to seek protection and make sure they are safe? In order to ensure their safety, I predict that people

EQ: What caused the European Dark Ages and how was society impacted?

Around 1300, the climate began to cool several degrees. This led to:
Several years of severe

weather Crop loss, drought, and famine (people go hungry)

Think-pair-share: Predict how this might have affected society. As a result of climate change, society...
EQ: What caused the European Dark Ages and how was society impacted?

The Plague was a deadly disease that caused fever, rash, and a painful death. People did not understand how it infected humans.
No one figured out how to

stop its spread.

During one ten-year span in the 1300s, the plague killed Think-write-share: Evaluate the 1/3 of Europes population. causes of the Dark Ages. Which
25 million people
event do you think was most significant in leading to the regression of Europe?

Because the Roman empire collapsed and people needed protection for themselves and their families, a system called feudalism (0-5) developed.
System where farmers gave up

their land and part of their crop to powerful individuals called lords who would in turn protect them.
Lived on the lords property.

Think-pair-share: How much power do you think farmers had in this system? Justify your answer.

EQ: What caused the European Dark Ages and how was society impacted?

As a result of the devastation of the plague and weakened immune systems due to climate change, people were dying more frequently and at much younger ages.
Drove people to only worry

about survival. And drove people away from focusing on education.

Think-write-share: Analyze Do you think that people still move away from education when they are sick or threatened? I believe that when people feel sick or threatened

EQ: What caused the European Dark Ages and how was society impacted?

The misery of life at the time drove people to the (Catholic) church.
Provided comfort during

difficult times. Provided an explanation when there was no scientific one for what was happening.

As a result, the church became very powerful.

CFU: Think-pair-share: Predict: What might be some of the negative consequences of the church becoming so powerful?

EQ: What caused the European Dark Ages and how was society impacted?

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