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Salem Runs On Jaho

A Look Into Salems Favorite Coffee Shop

By: Briana Holland 1

have a very big role in Jaho. Anils parents who are from Albania a key helpers. A lot of the food items on the menu are recipes from his mother who, when Jaho first opened used to cook all the food. Anils father helps open in the morning and close at night. Anil says, they were skeptical about Jaho first, but they always have supported me. Anil takes pride in his stores saying that they are his pride and joy. There are two other Jaho locations, the Boston Jaho Coffee & Tea is a bit bigger and Jaho Coffee Roasters in Salem is located right around the corner from Jaho Coffee & Tea. In the mist of opening and managing stores Anil says, I enjoy the creation aspect more than managing.
(Title Page) Espresso beans (Above) A coffee sits on the counter (Top) Anil and Sydney share a laugh and pose (Bottom) Anil Mezini, owner of Jaho

nyone who has ever watched F.R.I.E.N.D.S has wanted to enjoy a coffee at Central Perk. Well look no further! Jaho Coffee & Tea is the Central Perk of Salem. With its retro vibe and comfortable atmosphere, it is the place where someone can share a pleasant conversation or write a mid-term paper in peace. Jaho is located in the heart of Salem right next to the water. During the spring and summer seasons there are tables and chairs outside where people can sit and enjoy the beautiful ocean breeze. Residence and visitors of Salem have loved having a lounging coffee shop. Alaina Blaine, a regular of Jaho said, Jaho has heart and soul. Blaine comes into Jaho every morning around 10a.m. And orders a Chai Tea with extra foam and sits in the back of the shop and reads the daily paper. I have been coming to Jaho since it opened. Its so convenient and it doesnt hurt that everyone is amazing. She said.

When I met with the owner of Jaho Anil Mezini, it was about 9:30p.m. and he was tinkering around the coffee shop cleaning things up after the last customer rush of the evening. Some customers were ushering out the door and others were nestling in the big coffee chairs to relax until the shop closed that evening. Anil a graduate of Salem State University opened Jaho in May 2009. When Anil was a student at Salem he realized that he did not want to work for someone for the rest of his life. So Anil decided he was going to run his own business. Anil studied abroad in Japan his sophomore year and it was during that time that he decided to open a coffee shop one day. After Anil graduated he worked at Starbucks just so that he could learn how to successfully run a coffee shop. But Starbucks was not the only contributor to the birth of Jaho, Anils parents

(Above) A Barista Preparing a Latte with a heart designed with foam (Below) The Zumex, an orange juice maker

Anil values his customers. He feels that each customer is important because, without their business he would not have any stores to manage. But Anil is most thankful for his dedicated employees. Each employee that I have hired is an upbeat and person. They are the main reason why people come in here everyday. My employees create connections with the customers. Anil explains that when his business took off he couldnt be in each store at once, so he had to put a great amount of responsibility into some of his employees. I have tried, and I cannot open all three store everyday. Anil says with a laugh. Anil has a manager and a Barista in each store open the stores.

Shannon Elaine is a 24 year old from western Massachusetts. Shannon has been working at Jaho for almost 2 years. When she is not working, she is with her band booking gigs around the North Shore and Boston area. I love working at Jaho because my schedule allows me to spend enough time rehearsing with my band. I am also allowed to promote us by putting up flyers every once in a while. When asked if she was team tea or team coffee, she quickly replied that she is an espresso junkie. I have about 2 cups of espresso a shift. I dilute the taste a bit with a few pumps of sweetener and some hot water. Ive made it my own. Shannon says, she loves to interact with regulars. They have become a part of my everyday life, Ive Sydney Rose learned about some customers families Sydney Rose is a 22-year Salem State and others hold great conversation. ShanUniversity student from Derry New Hamp- non shared with me a time when a customer brought her flowers on her birthday. shire. Rose has been working at Jaho for I was so overwhelmed and happy that I almost a year. At Salem State she is studyalmost cried after I hugged them. Shaning to become a teacher. Sydney says that teaching has always been a passion of hers non says, the day when she will no longer work at Jaho will be an ending to an amazand that she wants to teach children in grades 4 and 5. At Jaho Sydney is a Barista, ing journey filled with great people. The people her have become like family. a great one at that. She is able to do multiple designs like a tree, heart and infinity sign. Sydney says that her signature decoration is the tree and that she usually does other ones upon request. I enjoy working at Jaho because as a student my hours allow me to come in after class and work until close. When it is not busy Sydney is able to catch up on homework and studying. That has to be a big perk at Jaho. I usually get out quite late when I work, so appreciate the fact that I am allowed to study when the crowd is low and all maintenance things have been taken care of. Sydney says.
Shannon Elaine

Jackie Gomes

Jackie Gomes is a 21 year old native of South Shore. Jackie has been working at Jaho for almost 4 months. I am still not sure how to make every drink off the top of my head, but it is a constant working progress. Jackie says. I wanted to work at Jaho because it was convenient. But that is no longer the reason why I still want to work here, Jackie says that the people that she works with are incredibly sweet and patient when she does not always get an order correct. Jackie says, since working here I have learned a lot about coffee and how it is grown and what are the best kinds to buy. Nina says that the funniest part about working at Jaho is that she has to use a step stool to use the register. I can see over the counter its just easier with a step stool.

Courtney Duran China Lychee tea

Courtney Duran is a 19 year old Sociology student at Salem State University. I am a sophomore and Jaho was one of the places I loved in Salem when I came last year, Courtney says. Courtney says that the day she dreads is shipment day. It always seems like more customers come in as soon as shipment is delivered, or even when you are trying to put every thing away, she says with a smile. Courtney is a member of Amnesty International at Salem State and they often hold their group meetings at Jaho. This summer I am hoping to start a donation till to people effected by war. Some of the customers who come into Jaho love to talk to Courtney about her volunteering. Im always trying to make my community a better place, and Jaho allows me the freedom to do so.

Shots of espresso

Post-its are common at Jaho

A Chai Tea Latte

A collection of records that hang in the ceiling

Jaho is an amazing coffee shop that I had the pleasure of getting to know this semester. The people who work there are genuine and Anil is one of the most hard working, dedicated people I have ever met. To take an idea and create a store with it. Then to make that store into a chain is amazing. Everyone in the Salem area should check out Jaho. I recommend getting a Vanilla Bean Scone heated. It is amazing. It happens to be one of Anils favorite pastries on the menu. Now that summer is approaching, I am excited to see what new drinks will be arriving on the menu soon.

(Above) A Barista grabs tea from the stock in the back (Below) Pastry display case

Top Right: Barista Coffee Flavors, Bottom Right: No loitering dishes Bottom Left: Featured Tea

Jaho hot beverage sleeves


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