Teacher Recruitment Policies cl0016 2008

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9epart"ent of Education and Science$ :ost :ri"ary *eachers Section$ Corna"addy$ Athlone$ Co/ ?

est"eath/ *el% 050 6,8 600 0a;% 050 6,8,06

An -oinn =ideachais a)us Eola@ochta -annA) MBinteoir@ 8arbhunoideachais Cor na Madadh$ 1aile Ctha Luain$ Co/ na hDar"h@$ *el% 050 6,8 600 0a;% 050 6,8,06

Circular 0016/2008

To: The Management Authorities of Secondary, Community and Comprehensive Schools and the Chief Executive Officers of Vocational Education Committees

Teacher ecruitment !olicies at !ost !rimary "evel#

As outlined in previous Circular Letters the Minister of Education and Science directed by Circular 0101/2006 Circular 0102/2006 and Circular 010 /2006 that school authorities and !ocational Education Co""ittees ensure that their individual schools# policy on teacher recruit"ent have been revised$ as appropriate in each sector$ by reference to % Section & A 'b( of the Articles of Mana)e"ent of Co""unity and Co"prehensive schools *he re+uire"ents of Me"o !& and A"ended rule 1',( of the -ules for the pay"ent of Secondary *eachers$ and that% A candidate proposed for appointment to their teaching staff shall be registered in accordance with section 31 of the Teaching Council Act, 2001. Each candidate for appoint"ent to a teachin) post shall have +ualifications$ includin) teacher education$ suited to the purpose of the post for .hich s/he is proposed/ 0urther infor"ation in relation to re)istration and reco)nition "atters "ay be obtained fro" the Council#s office at *he *eachin) Council$ 1loc2 A$ Maynooth 1usiness Ca"pus$ Maynooth$ Co/ 3ildare/ *elephone % 01 641&500/ E"ail% info6teachin)council/ie Any offer of e"ploy"ent "ust be conditional on%7 a. the production of a current -e)istration Certificate or confir"ation of re)istration fro" the *eachin) Council of 8reland1 and

b/ the teacher bein) co"pliant .ith all other re+uire"ents of appoint"ent in relation to probation and "edical fitness etc/ *he vettin) of teachin) staff shall be in accordance the ter"s of Circular 005,/2006 and the *eachin) Council cannot issue a certified state"ent of re)istration until the vettin) process is co"plete/ Any co""unication .ith the 9epart"ent in relation to the content of this letter should be addressed by e"ail to% ::*Appoint"ents6education/)ov/ie or 0a; to% 050 6,8,06 / <ou are re+uested to ensure that copies of this circular are provided to the appropriate representatives of parents and teachers for trans"ission to individual parents and teachers/ *his circular$ and an 8rish translation$ can be accessed on the 9epart"ent#s .ebsite .../education/ie/ Anne 3illian/ :rincipal =fficer March 2008/

*he *eachin) Council has indicated that Confir"ation of -e)istration .ill be issued to ne.ly +ualified teachers by annually .here such teachers have applied for and "et the re+uire"ents for re)istration by the precedin) >uly/

0 Septe"ber

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