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Mussels in Olive Oil

1 big onion, chopped 3 Tbsp olive oil 1 carrot, chopped - kg mussels 1-2 small potatoes 2 tomatoes c water 5 cloves garlic Tbsp sugar salt & pepper parsely chopped Saute the onions over medium heat with olive oil for 5 min. Add the carrots cut in cubes snd saute for 5 more min. Finally add the mussels, cubed potatoes, tomatoes, garlic, sugar, pepper, and water. Cook for 15-20 min over medium heat until the liquid of the veg. has boiled away. Serve w/ lemon slices and parsely on the side.

Poached Anchovy (med- sized fish in the Phil. w/ red spot by gills opening)
1 kg anchovies 2 med tomatoes 1 onion 2 green peppers 3 bay/laurel leaves 50 gms butter 1 lemon chopped parsely salt, pepper 1 c water Clean, wash , and drain the fish. Slice the onions, peel/remove the seeds/ slice into small cubes the tomatoes. Slice the peppers after removing the handle and the seeds. Melt the butter in the pan. Add the onions, tomatoes, and sweet peppers. Cook for 5 min, stirring. Add the 1 c water and boil. Season the fish w/ salt and pepper and then wrap them in banana leaves/aluminum foil. and add the juice of half a lemon. Put the bay leaves into the mixture (season w/ a little salt & pepper). Simmer for about 15 min, or just until the fish is done.

Chicken on Skewers
1 whole deboned chix breast w/ skin 1-2 onions - c milk 1 green sweet pepper - tsp pepper 1-2 tomatoes c olive oil 1 tsp thyme

Chop the chix meat into large cubes. Peel one onion and grate, keeping the juice. Mix the onion juice w/ the olive oil, milk, salt, black pepper, and thyme. Pour the marinade mix over the chix and rest for 24 hrs. Wash the tomatoes and green peppers. Chop into large pcs for skewering later w/ the chix. Alternate chix meat, onion, tomato, and green pepper on skewers and cahrcoal grill till done. Serve w/ pilaf/fried rice.

Sultans Delight (meat chunks in stew)

k meat chunks 1 Tbsp butter 1 onion 1 Tbsp tomato paste 1 tsp flour 1-2 tomatoes lit water for stewing salt 1 tsp thyme 2 bay/laurel leaves tsp whole black pepper 1 pinch parsely/kinchay Melt the butter in a saucepan. Add the meat chunks and roast for 8-10 min. Add the sliced onions and tomato paste. Roast for 2 more min and then gradually add the flour. Put in the thyme, garlic, bay/laurel leaves, whole pepper corns, and parsely in a fine muslin pouch and tie to seal. Add the salt & water to the meat an d place the pouch inside. Add the tomato chunks and cook for 10-15 min over low heat.

Roasted/Braised Meat

kg meat chunks

1 Tbsp butter

6 shallots

salt, pepper

1 tsp thyme

Melt the butter in a saucepan. Brown the meat and then add all the onions, salt, pepper, and thyme. Add just enough water to braise the meat until done. Close the lid. Over med heat, stir the ingred until boiled.

Olive Oil Pilaf w/ Eggplants (Fried rice variation)

1 c cold cooked rice 1-2 eggplants 1-2 onions olive oil mild chili peppers pinch of salt to taste -1 tsp sugar 1 tomato allspice powder mint (dried or fresh) Cut off the stalks and skin the eggplants in lengthwise strips (4 strips/eggplant). Then cut the strips into bitesized cubes. Immerse them into salted water to remove the bitter juice. Remove the eggplants from the water and dry w/ kitchen paper. Rub salt & sugar into the eggplants and fry in hot oil until golden brown. Drain in kitchen paper. Heat the olive oil in med sized saucepan and gently cook the chopped onions. Add the peeled & diced tomatoes. Stir until the juice has evaporated. Add the salt, sugar, and allspice. Add the cooked rice and mix in the mint. Pour in the cubed eggplants and gently stir into the rice mixture.

Spice Pilaf (Fried Rice variation w/ liver)

1 c rice 1 Tbsp nuts 1-2 Tbsp raisins 50 gms liver pate 1 onion 1/4 tsp pepper salt to taste 1/4 tsp allspice 1 1/4 c meat broth 1/4- tsp sugar sprinkling of dill/parsely/other herbs 50 gms butter

Peel and dice the onions. Soak the raisins in warm water until they swell, then drain. Melt the butter in a saucepan and stir in the nuts until they are lightly coloured. Add the chopped onion and the liver pate. Blend in the cooked rice, raisins, and spices. Add the stock/broth, salt & sugar. Sprinkle with herbs before serving.

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