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Name: __________________________________________________________ Date: ________________________

The Giver Project

Choose one of the following for your final Giver project: ________ Family Interview Interview someone in your family about a family story that has been passed down at least two generations (from your grandparents or earlier). Record the story in any of the following formats: videotape, digital audio, digital video, or type out the interview. Then, write 3-5 paragraphs or make a presentation about the experience. What did you learn from this interview? Do you view the family member or your family differently now? Why is this story significant to your family? ________ Visualize Jonass World Share your mental images of a scene in the novel with the class by doing one of the following: create a fully descriptive diorama of one particular scene in The Giver; draw a poster or picture that accurately represents one particular scene in The Giver; create digital art (using Powerpoint or other graphic software) that describes and accurately represents a scene from The Giver. ________ Persuasive Essay Jonass world is very different from the world in which you live. It is difficult, however, to decide whose world is the better world. The following statement outlines a characteristic of Jonass community. Brainstorm ideas that support the statement and write a five-paragraph persuasive essay on the topic. Each member of society should be assigned an occupation consistent with his or her individual skills to prevent unemployment, job dissatisfaction, and inefficiency. ________ Movie Project ***Parental permission needed for this choice! Rent/watch with an adult one of the following future films: FutureWorld, Brave New Word, Fahrenheit 451, The Matrix, I Am Legend, or a film recommended by the adult. (Please tell Ms. Mack which movie youve chosen prior to completing the assignment!) After watching the movie, discuss it with the adult and write one to two pages about the vision of the future shown in the film. Describe the future world as represented in the movie (1-2 paragraphs). How believable is the future presented? Explain your answer. Do not just summarize the movie! ________ You are an Elder Imagine that you are an Elder, but in our world (not the community of The Giver). Youve been watching your classmates for a while now, and tried to figure out their talents, their interests, and their personalities. Now, assign each person in your class a career or job that fits him or her best. Be sure to include a job for yourself and Ms. Mack (not a teacher!). Remember: think of careers/jobs from our own modern world (psychiatrist, rock star, news reporter, doctor, architect, etc.), not the Assignments from the novel. For each person and their assigned job, write 2-3 sentences per person explaining why you chose that career for that person. You may present your assignments on a poster, in a graph or chart, or in a report. ________ Infancy vs. Elderly Study the treatment of the very young (age 2 and under) and the very old. Through your research and at least two interviews (one to cover each age group), compare the novels concepts of how the young and old are treated to how each group is treated in our world. You may present your findings in the following format(s): written report (minimum one page), audio and video.

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