Galactocele Is A Benign Breast Tumor of The Mammary Gland Which Is More Prevalent During Pregnancy or Lactation

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Galactocele is a benign breast tumor of the mammary gland which is more prevalent during pregnancy or lactation.

Get detailed information about the disease, including its causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment.

Galactocele Definition
It is a type of cyst which affects the mammary glands. This kind of breast lesion is most commonly found in women during lactation or who have completed breast feeding. Such disorders are generally benign in nature and manifest as a cystic mass filled with fluid, pseudolipoma or pseudohamartoma. This condition is also known as Lactocele.

Galactocele ICD9 Code

The IC ! code for this medical condition is "##.$.

Galactocele Incidence
It is a rare disorder, as listed by %& ' %ffice of &are iseases of (I)' (ational Institute of )ealth.

These painless breast lumps do not affect more than *+++++ inhabitants in the ,S and are either unilateral or bilateral.

Galactocele Causes
Such breast lumps can arise at any time during lactation due to blockage in the mammary glands which produce milk. Lactocele generally develops after the breast feeding is complete and the milk is allowed to settle in the glands.

Galactocele Symptoms
The classic signs and symptoms of the disorder may include-

Picture 1 ' Galactocele .reast lump .reast pain Soreness

Galactocele Diagnosis
The diagnosis of this disorder helps doctors to determine the intensity of the disease and prescribe effective medicines for the same. The diagnosis of Lactocele begins with-

Breast ultrasound
,ltrasound images can vary from one patient to another. /ccording to medical researchers, the sonographic features of patients affected with Lactocele may include 0i1ed 2cystic 3 solid4 - 567 Cystic 8 multicystic - $+7 Solid - #57

This disorder is often pro9ected as a single or multiple nodulated abrasion, having a density e:uivalent to fibroepithelial tissue of the breast. This diagnostic procedure helps to determine the nodules which contain the fat fluid levels.

Colour Doppler Interrogation

This interrogagtion process helps to confirm the occurrence of the disorder by determining the lack of blood flow in the tissues of the breast.

Galactoceles Differential Diagnosis

The differential diagnosis of this disorder involves distinguishing the disease from conditions that give rise to similar signs and symptoms. These include-

Picture 2 ' Galactocele Image Carcinoma ;ibroadenoma Lactating adenoma

Galactoceles Treatment
These breast lumps are not harmful in nature. )owever, they can be highly uncomfortable. Like all other cysts, the basic treatment for such disorders is to avoid any form of medication. This medical condition generally arises due to the hormonal changes related with lactation and pregnancy. <hen such hormonal changes cease to e1ist, the cyst resolves eventually. In rare cases, when the cyst causes discomfort, doctors attempt to drain out the lump via fine needle aspiration.

Galactoceles is a benign disorder. It is like a lump in the breast which can often cause e1treme discomfort. If you e1perience any such discomfort or mild pain in the breast, consult your health care provider immediately. eferences! http-88www.ehow.com8about=""5***!=galactocele'breast=.html

http-88breast'cancer.ca8miscellaneous'breast'lesions8galactocele.htm http-88www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov8pubmed8##>+6>$+ http-88www.wisegeek.com8what'is'a'galactocele.htm

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