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Donkey Kong Country: Bonus Item FAQ by Brother Reed Version 3, Last Updated 2001-11-10 View/Download Original File

Hosted by GameFAQs Return to Donkey Kong Country (SNES) FAQs & Guides Liked this FAQ? Click here to recommend this item to other users. 08007717960 ***** Brother Reed is proud to present ***** THE ____ ____ __ _ __ _ ____ __ ___ __ __ ____ __ _ ____ /| \/ \ \| || |/ / | \/ //| |/ // \ \| |/ __ \ | | |\ | /\ | || /| --|\ /| | /| /\ | | /__|_| | | |/ | \/ | || \| --|/| | | | \| \/ | | |__ | | |____/\____/_|\__||_|\_\____| |__| | |_|\_\\____/_|\__|\____/ |/____/\/___/__//_//_/|/_/___/|/__/ |/_/|/_//___//_//_/\/___/ __ __ __ _ __ _ _____ _____ __ __ / _\ / \ | | || \| ||_____|| _ \\ \/ / | |/ | /\ || | || | | | | |) | \ \/ | |_ | \/ || | || | | | | | / | | \__/ \__/ \_|/ |_|\__| |_| |_|\_\ |_| _ _ =_GUIDE TO FINDING EVERYTHING_= Version 3 November 10, 2001 Author: Brother Reed E-mail: Copyright: 2000, Brother Reed ======================================================================= TABLE OF CONTENTS ----------------I. Introduction to Guide II. Legal Stuff III. Where to Find Everything IV. Boss Guide V. Credits and Thanks VI. Contacting the Author ======================================================================= I. INTRODUCTION TO GUIDE ======================================================================= Welcome to Brother Reed's unofficial Donkey Kong Country Guide to finding everything. One of the greatest goals of one of the greatest games for Super Nintendo (that game being DKC), is to find all of the various bonus areas hidden throughout the stages. Many times these areas can be very obscure and hard to find, and only when you find them ALL will you truly complete the game, and only then will Cranky admit that you are really a capable game hero. This guide is primarily to help you find those areas and get 101% of the game. It will also tell you where to find the animal tokens which transport you to animal bonus games so you can score extra lives, and where to find the K, O, N, and G in each stage to earn yet another life. Also, a complementary boss guide has been added to complete the picture. Not that anyone really could have any trouble beating these oversized doofuses, since DKC is not exactly renowned for the difficulty of its bosses, but I think being tipped off to their strategy is the key to bashing their pitiful skulls, especially K. Rool. This has really been an interesting

experience, because it has caused me to fire up the old SNES again to play through the game while writing this guide. I can't remember where everything is without playing it (that would be one heck of a memory!), so I've been retracing my steps, so to speak. Here we go! Are you ready? ======================================================================= II. LEGAL STUFF ======================================================================= If you want to use this FAQ on your site, e-mail me and ask permission. I will probably say yes. Just make sure that you give the name and address of the site, because I want to have a list of all the sites where this is posted. By posting this FAQ, you affirm that all of the following conditions will be observed. 1. _ALL_ of this FAQ must be included in its original form. It must NOT be altered, changed, added to, subtracted from, or otherwise tampered with in any way, shape or form, electronically or otherwise. 2. My name, the version, and this fine print must be included. 3. This FAQ/walkthrough must not be posted with a banner add or anything similar. 4. I ask that you update this FAQ within a week of the time the update is sent to GameFAQs. If you do not want the responsibility of updating it, then don't post it. 5. You may convert this document to HTML, change the colors, add game pics, etc., as long as the content remains unchanged, and I am previously informed that the change shall take place, and give the ok. 6. YOU MUST NOT attempt to revise or update this FAQ apart from the updates that I make myself. If you think it needs updating, tell me about it. Don't take matters into your own hands. Al Amaloo (forgive me if I misspelled that) at, does not even have to ask permission this time around. He's EARNED the right to post if he wants by being faithful to update my FAQs, always asking permission with courtesy, and just generally running a great site. This FAQ is intended for individual use. It must not be used for financial purposes, i.e. buying, selling, bartering, etc. You may however, if the web site allows, print this document for personal use. This document may not be reproduced, in whole or in part, without the sole written permission of the author. All names, characters, etc., used in Donkey Kong Country are trademarks of their respective companies. I am in no way affiliated with Nintendo, Rareware, and/or any other persons/companies that are/were involved in the production and marketing of this game. All copyrights are acknowledged that are not specifically mentioned in this guide. This FAQ is copyrighted 2000, Daniel Stidham. ======================================================================= III. WHERE TO FIND EVERYTHING =======================================================================

This section makes up the meat of the FAQ. I guess there isn't a whole lot to say about it that hasn't already been said. But you don't really want to read my comments anyway, do you? You just want me to tell you where the bonus areas, goodie tokens, and/or KONG letters are. Or at least I would assume that much since you're reading this guide. If not, what are you doing here? Go do your homework. Kids today...

***** KONGO JUNGLE ***** JUNGLE HIJINXS -------------KONG Letters: All of the letters are right out in the open. You should have absolutely no trouble whatsoever in finding them. Expresso Token: Beneath the Necky that is raining coconuts. Bonus Area 1: Get Rambi out of his crate and charge straight ahead past the letter N and over the first gap. Don't go up the steps; instead, slam into the wall. Bonus Area 2: Break out of the first bonus area, and slam into the next wall directly below you. You can get any token of your choice here if you succeed at playing the game. ROPEY RAMPAGE ------------K - In the air near the start. Climb up where the critter is and jump down. Just watch out for the armys below. O - Just sitting above the treetops. Bonus Area 1: Immediately after the letter O, jump down between the tree tops. A barrel will catch you and take you to a bonus area. N - There are two ways to get this letter. If you do not get bonus area 1, you will catch it as you swing from vine to vine. Otherwise, it is at the end of the first bonus area. Winky Token: After swinging across the cliff where you must hop on the critters to reach the next vine, jump long off the last one and land on the weak spot on the ground to reveal a tire. Wheel it beneath the next tree and bounce up to the top. From this vintage point you can jump down on the weak spot to bring up a Winky token. Bonus Area 2: The bonus barrel is partially visible. Just fall down the gap before the red arrow sign and you're there. G - Atop the very last tree of the stage. REPTILE RUMBLE -------------KONG Letters: You can't miss 'em. Bonus Area 1: Get a barrel past the jumping critters and smash it into the wall directly to the right of the letter K.

Bonus Area 2: After you burst out of the first bonus area and bounce off the first tire, you will come to a second wheel. Bounce up and to your left into the automatic blast barrel that will transport you to the bonus area. Jump into the first barrel and go for a ride! Bonus Area 3: After the DK barrel you will see two snakes sliding around in a pit. Kill the Slippas and go back for the barrel. Brake it against the right-most wall of the aforementioned pit and in you go. Enguarde Token: Near the ceiling under the two jumping critters. Bounce off the fiends' heads to get it. CORAL CAPERS -----------No bonus areas. K - At the top of the first shaft O - At the continue barrel, swim up to the top to see the O in a crevice in the ceiling Expresso Token: In the final vertical shaft, go through the right wall next to the first chomps N - Swim ALL the way up the final shaft to the top and you will find your prize G - Easily spotted after the arrow sign between two rocks. Watch out for the Croctopus! BARREL CANNON CANYON -------------------K - Jump in the first barrel and blast upward to get it Winky Token: A your best bet. start and do a There you will little hard to get. Both Kongs can make it, but Diddy is Right after the DK barrel in the ground, get a running rolling super jump off the edge and to the other side. find the token above a blast barrel.

Rambi Token: Bounce off the purple Kritters onto the treetops and proceed until you get the token. O - Don't take the blast barrel beside the Rambi token. Instead, work your way normally through the second series of barrels. Bonus Area 1: This one is most likely to be found by accident. At the end of the second series of barrels, where you can fire yourself into the automatic blast barrel, don't. Shoot straight into the wall. Bonus Area 2: Kill the Kritters on both sides of the TNT barrel. Then take the barrel, go back over the last hump, and slam it into the wall on that side. Enguarde Token: Found in the second Bonus Area. Go up the left side. G - At the very end of the stage, bounce off the heads of the Kritters and up to the treetops to get the G.

VERY GNAWTY'S LAIR -----------------Boss: Very Gnawty (see boss guide)

***** MONKEY MINES ***** WINKY'S WALKWAY --------------K - Just bounce off the first Necky. O - Over a gap between the scaffolds just before the continue barrel Bonus Area 1: The only bonus in the stage, and it isn't even hidden. Just bounce off the Necky into the blast barrel. If you have Winky, he can get you there without the aid of that evil vulture. N - In the bonus area Expresso Token: Use Winky to knock out the Zinger and grab it. G - Floating in mid air and plain view. Have Winky supply the boing needed to get there. MINE CART CARNAGE ----------------There aren't any bonus areas here, but there is one deep, dark secret in the mine shaft at the beginning. I'll let you find it. All the letters are easy to find, but the N and G may be hard to get. The Enguarde token is right in your way. However, if you already have two Enguarde tokens, you may try to skip over this one, since playing the game will start you back at the beginning of the stage. BOUNCY BONANZA -------------Rambi Token: For the longest time I had no idea that this was here. Get the tire by the bee and roll it back to the start. Then bounce up as high as you can to snag the golden rhino. K - In the middle of where the two Kritters are jumping Bonus Area 1: Grab the barrel before the floating DK barrel with Diddy and take it to where the two Zingers are flying up and down. Being careful not to hit either of them, drop down beneath the wasps and slam the barrel into the right wall. O - On the ground, under the arc of a Zinger. N - Right after the O, push the tire into the place with the continue barrel and bounce up to get it. Then, slowly, push the tire under the next crawlspace and onto the moving platform. Jump off the tire when the platform is at it's highest point and press right through the wall! You will find the N along this upper route.

Bonus Area 2: From the top, drop down to the opening or bounce off the tire from the low route. The door is open; just go in and get Winky. G - Right above the arrow sign. Bonus Area 3: If you have Winky, you can jump right up to it, but if not you'll have to roll a tire. The barrel is floating at the top of the screen over a gap spanned by a horizontally moving platform. You must roll the tire onto the platform and bounce up. STOP AND GO STATION ------------------K - You'll see it, trust me. O - In the middle of a gap. Use the super jump technique to get it. Bonus Area 1: Grab the barrel after the O and take it to the next wall, next to which a rock Kremling is hiding. Diddy can just slam it in, but Donkey will have to set it down, bringing it into contact with the wall as he does. Bonus Area 2: Roll the tire back to spot with the three vertical bananas. Bounce up to enter a hidden blast barrel. Winky Token. In bonus area 2 on the right. N - Over a Klap Trap. G - At the very end. Warp: Go backwards at the start. MILLSTONE MAYHEM ---------------Bonus Area 1: Bounce backward from the tire to stand over where you entered. Jump up from there into a mostly hidden blast barrel. K - In the first bonus area on the right side. O - Near a bunch of blue, jumping Kritters. Bonus Area 2: Some time before the O you will see an indent in the ground across a thin gap. Jump into the gap and you will blast up high. Come down on the indent and a tire will pop out. Roll it to the edge of the pit over which the next millstone is rolling and jump from it into the mostly hidden barrel above the stone. Bonus Area 3: Donkey is best for this. Grab the TNT barrel and jump over the Krushas with it. When you get to the V-shaped nook under the next millstone, hurl the barrel at the right wall. N - Roll the tire to the moving platform and jump up above the millstone to the platforms overhead. From there you can release Winky. Jump down from the top at the end to get the N. G - Overtop of a coconut-spewing Necky.

NECKY'S NUTS -----------Boss: Master Necky (see boss guide)

***** VINE VALLEY ***** VULTURE CULTURE --------------K - You will notice a patch in the ground right before the first Necky, which is sitting on a tire. Kill the bird, and bounce from the tire back to the patch in the ground to reveal the letter. Bonus Area 1: Roll to the edge of the bananas. Bounce up barrel cannon. You the tire that you used to get the K carefully over platform until it is beneath the three vertical where those bananas are and you will enter a hidden can get an Expresso Token here.

Bonus Area 2: This is a little hard to put into words, but if you experiment I'm sure you'll find this with minimal trouble. After you blast from the barrel cannon and bounce off the two vertically flying Neckys, you should also bounce off of a Mini-necky when you reach the land and from there hit the weak patch of ground. That will reveal a barrel. Grab it, turn around, and bash it into the wall. You may even break it open with your body! O - Easily spotted, surrounded by bananas. Bonus Area 3: When you see a lone Necky positioned high in the air, raining nuts down, go up and smash him. From his vintage point, jump down on yet another weak patch of ground. This will give you a handy barrel. Can you guess what it's for? Grab it with Diddy and climb to the vulture's perch again. This time the barrel will break open a wall on the way. You can get it with Donkey, too. N - In the third bonus area. G - You can't miss it. It is between two Zingers and you will have to blast through it to continue. TREE TOP TOWN ------------Bonus Area 1: As soon as you start, you'll see a barrel behind you. Start walking, and a gnawty will approach. Let it come until it is almost under the barrel, and then bounce off of it into bonus land. K - This one's just a hangin' between platforms. O - Just after the continue barrel, there will be an auto-blast barrel between the platforms. Jump into it and blast up into the barrel floating above. When that barrel is over the O, blast out and you will collect it. Bonus Area 2: In the last barrel of a blast sequence, you will see a single banana hanging beneath a platform. Let the barrel go to it's lowest point, and blast out to collect the banana, AND land in a hidden bonus barrel.

N - At the very top of the second bonus area. G - After the final barrel cannon sequence, the G will be hanging in the air over the platform near a Necky. If you don't get it when you blast from the last barrel, just jump back up from the platform and try again. Expresso Token: Right before the exit, this token will be positioned over a threatening Zinger. Get it from the right by rolling off the platform and jumping back up just before you hit Zingy. WARNING: If you already have two tokens, you may want to pass this one up, as going into an Expresso game will put you back at the continue barrel when you finish. FOREST FRENZY ------------K - Over a chasm. Use the rolling super jump to bag the letter and span the gap. O - Right behind a Zinger. Ride the top of the rope and slide down as you past to get the letter and spare yourself a too-close encounter of the bee kind. N - When you jump on a certain in the shape of the right side the only one with this kind of the rope moves to get the N at rope, you will see bananas leading down of a V. How do you know which rope? It's banana formation. Follow the bananas as the bottom of the V.

G - During the onslaught of the red Zingers, the G will appear between two bees near the bottom of the rope. Bonus Area 1: Oh my gosh! I can't imagine anyone finding this without some sort of tip. In my opinion, it's gotta be the most missed bonus area in DKC. Hold on to the bottom of the rope when the Neckys appear. There will be two Neckys that will come and try to knock you off the bottom. Climb quickly up to avoid the first, and then back down. Just when it looks like you will collide with the second low Necky, press down and you will enter a completely hidden and inconspicuous bonus area. Bonus Area 2: When you see the barrel near the end, bring it up the steps by killing the Kritter, jumping up to the next step and setting the barrel down, then killing the NEXT Kritter, picking up the barrel again, taking it up the step, setting it get the idea? Do this all the way to the top and down the other side. When you get to the ground just before the exit, turn to your left and slam the barrel into the wall. TEMPLE TEMPEST -------------K - Hold on to the bottom of the first rope and bag the K. Bonus Area 1: Take the first DK barrel, preferably with Donkey Kong, and run with it, jumping over the beavers you come to. Throw it at the first slanted wall. Can you get the Rambi Token? O - Before the continue barrel, you will swing from one vine to the next. You get the O in the air between the two.

Bonus Area 2: This one's easy; just follow the arrow. N - When you exit from the second bonus area, you bounce up to a raised point. From there, jump as high as you can and land on the dip in the ground to bring up the letter. G - The last rope extends below the bottom of the screen. When it moves all the way over, slide all the way down. ORANG-UTAN GANG -------------K - You can ride the steel keg at the start all the way to the K that's floating near a Zinger, however it might be to your advantage to destroy all the jumping critters before and after the letter. O - Under where you get Expresso, at the very bottom is the O. You must come from the side and do rolling jumps to get it. N - After you travel the tree tops after the continue barrel, you come to a bit of ground on which you can take either the high road or the low road. Go low, watching out for Klap Traps and you will find the N. Bonus Area 2: Yes, I'm listing 2 first, because this is the first one you should get. Take Expresso to the point where you get the N, and then fly off the edge to the right. Don't fly TOO high or you will end up in the trees. Hover across and you should land on some ground down there. Get off Expresso when you get to the barrel, pick it up and hurl it at the wall, and then get back on your bird to enter. Bonus Area 1: From the exit of Bonus 2, take Expresso all the way back to the DK barrel near the start of the level, on the first bit of earth you came to. Getting back will be much easier if you cleared out the Kritters. Then, from the point of the DK barrel, jump as high as you can and fly over to the left. Keep going until you fly right into the entrance to the bonus area. You have the chance to get one of every animal token here. If you don't have Expresso, Diddy CAN make the jump from the edge to the platform with the banana bunch and from there to the bonus area, but you'd better jump far enough... Kids, don't try this with Donkey Kong. Enguarde Token: When you exit bonus area 1, you will be standing on a tire. Get off of Expresso and bounce from the tire to the weak patch of ground to your left. It is the token. Bonus Area 3: Travel right from where you got the Enguarde token and you will drop down to a barrel. From this point on you will not need Expresso, so you might as well leave him. Watch out for the barrels coming from your right. Grab the barrel and drop down between the ground and the tree. Drop into the "hole" with the tire and break the left wall with the barrel. Bonus Area 4: Take the same barrel you used to get into #3, since it is back, and go drop down to the same place again, only this time jump over the hole and slam the barrel into the right wall. It is not the taller one that goes up to the trees, but the smaller one that juts out beneath it. I realize that my depiction of how to get these last few areas has been a little sketchy, but I'm trying my best. Unless you are hopelessly inept, you should be able to find them with these hints.

G - In bonus area 4. Bonus Area 5: You should now be at the same barrel again. Make your way up to the Manky Kong that is hurling barrels at you and bop him off. Then return to get the barrel. Take it up the vine and then slam it into the last wall below the Kritter. CLAM CITY --------No bonus areas. K - Press along the left wall as you swim up the first vertical shaft and you will enter a hidden room with Enguarde and the K. O - In a little niche over top of the school of Bitesizes. N - Swim to the top left corner of the shaft where the Chompses are. Winky Token: After the N, a Clambo will be spitting FIVE pearls simultaneously. There is a little dip in the floor to its left side that holds the Winky token just out of sight. G - Under a clam right after the Croctopi. BUMBLE B RUMBLE --------------Boss: Queen B. (see boss guide)

***** GORILLA GLACIER ***** SNOW BARREL BLAST ----------------Bonus Area 1: At the very beginning of the stage. Wait for the slow vulture to come close to you, bounce from the igloo to the vulture to the hidden barrel in the upper left corner of the screen. Winky Token: Yours if you play your barrels right in the first bonus stage. K - Right before the first series of blast barrels. Bonus Area 2: As soon as you break the continue barrel, turn and head back to the left. Jump over the Krusha and down the cliff (following the bananas) into the barrel cannon. O - In Bonus Area 2; top center. Bonus Area 3: When you get to the second delayed blast barrel after the continue barrel (the one next to the red Zinger), shoot straight down and hop across the snow platforms into the blast barrel. N - You will automatically collect it on your way to Bonus Area 3. Rambi Token: Above a fast spinning barrel and between two Zingers, the Rambi Token should probably be left alone. It's not worth the gamble.

G - You will pick it up during the final series of barrel cannons, no matter which way you go. SLIPSLIDE RIDE -------------Bonus Area 1: At the start you will notice a blue rope hanging there just out of reach. Go slightly past it and you will see a blue jumping Kritter coming toward you. Let it come, and then bounce off of it to grab the rope. It will take you up, and then you should jump to the left, and heave the barrel you find into the wall. Expresso Token: Can be had in the first bonus area K - Go ALL the way up the rope after the first DK barrel and jump over to your right to snag it. Bonus Area 2: This one will take a little work. I would suggest using Diddy. Slide down the rope after the K, and jump between the Zingers to grab the barrel. Then, jump out of the alcove and down to the floor below, being careful not to hit a Zinger on your way out. Smash the barrel against the left wall at the bottom of the rope. O - Shortly after the continue barrel, you will see a blue rope hanging from the ceiling with a weak patch of ground positioned under it. Like before, jump on the head of a Kritter to get up the rope. Enguarde Token - Jump down from where you got the O without using the rope and land on the weak ground below. This will reveal the token. Bonus Area: These just keep getting harder and harder to explain. After the O, there will be four blue ropes to get you across the chasm. Each of the first three ropes has a Zinger just a short way up. Your jumps from rope to rope will have to be precise to reach the blast barrel above the third rope. Jump across the lowest parts of the first three ropes until you get to the fourth. Ride it up just high enough so that you can jump back to the third rope, this time ABOVE the Zinger. If you make it, you will slide up into a bonus barrel. This is easier if you have both Kongs so if you get hit, you can still make it into the blast barrel. N - After the third bonus area, there are two ropes leading upward. Go to the farthest rope, and try to get up without being skewered by the many Zingers. The N is on a ledge to the right with a barrel. Good luck getting out of here. G - Right before the finish at the top of a rope. ICE AGE ALLEY ------------K - From the start, kill the mini-necky and go left over the hump. There is a section over here that holds the K, and more importantly, Expresso. Guard Expresso with your life. You will need him badly. Bonus Area 1: Right after the blue Kritter and the swinging vine that follows him, stop. You can either bounce off the Neckys to the bonus barrel, or you can fly Expresso up. If you choose to do the latter, you will have to jump off him with A right before the platform to make it. Don't worry though, you can get him again in the bonus area.

Expresso Token: In the center of the first bonus area. O - The O is down over a cliff. You will easily see it. Jump off Expresso is you still have him and do a rolling super jump from the left with Donkey Kong to bag your prize. Bonus Area 2: When you see the steel keg on the ledge below you, stop. You will need to fly off the ledge above it to reach the bonus area. No choice here, only Expresso can get you there. N - You will get it at the entrance to the second bonus area. G - Up in the air near the end. CROCTOPUS CHASE --------------No bonus areas. K - Don't worry, you'll swim right through it. O - After you are shot through the first two barrels, check the wall to the right directly below the second barrel. You should be able to swim through the wall, and then up to your left to get the O. Winky Token: While being chased by the third Croctopus after the continue barrel, you come to an intersection at which you can go up, down, or keep going right. Go up momentarily, out of the range of the Croctopus that will swim right by you to the right. As soon as he does, follow him around the reef to pick up the token. This is one instance where you can turn the tables and chase a Croctopus! N - As you are fleeing from the second Croctopus after the last four blast barrels, you will bag the letter just like you did the K. G - You can't avoid getting this letter. TORCHLIGHT TROUBLE -----------------K - In the first gap you come to. Jump down to the second platform, kill the Klump, and roll back to the left to pick it up. O - Above the horizontally moving platform. Bonus Area 1: Right after the continue barrel, you go through a crawlspace. Immediately following is a bare wall with a barrel sitting atop it. This should tell you exactly what to do. Grab the barrel and smash it into the wall above which it sits. N - Beside a vertically moving platform. Jump at the platform's lowest point, and try to land back safely after getting the letter. Bonus Area 2: Grab the barrel before the last mincer, preferably with Donkey. Holding the barrel, hurtle the mincer and bash the barrel into the left wall at the bottom. G - In the bonus area in the top right corner. Bounce off the Klap Trap to snag it.

Rambi Token: Play the game to the finish? Here's your reward. ROPE BRIDGE RUMBLE -----------------Bonus Area 1: Jump straight down the center of the second gap to land in a completely obscure blast barrel. You can get Winky in this area, and he's a great companion to have. K - When you blast out of the first bonus stage, you'll see the K on a platform below, guarded by a Zinger. Hopefully you brought Winky so you can stamp out the evil bee and claim your prize. O - In a small gap with a Kritter jumping over it in an arcing pattern. Knock out the Kritter and do a rolling super jump to get the O. Donkey does this best since Diddy tends to roll too far. N - Above a horizonally moving platform with a tire. Bounce off the wheel to put yourself on level with the N. G - The G is in a position similar to that of the O, only this time TWO Kritters are bouncing over top of it. Bonus Area 2: After the G, you will board a moving platform tire. You should notice that at the top of the screen above platform there is a single banana. That means bonus area to from the second platform up to the bonus barrel hidden just sight above the banana. REALLY GNAWTY RAMPAGE --------------------Boss: Really Gnawty (see boss guide) with a the second me. Bounce out of

***** KREMKROC INDUSTRIES INC. ***** OIL DRUM ALLEY -------------Bonus Area 1: Jump up to the rope hanging from the top of the screen when you start. It will take you to the platform above where you started. From this point, jump down and break the TNT barrel out of the black square on the floor. Use this to blow open the first oil drum in the floor. Jump down into the space it creates. K - Easily found over a gap early in the stage. Bonus Area 2: DOUBLE BONUS AREA! This is an extremely unusual section of Donkey Kong Country, and a key point if you want to get 101%. After you go up the steps taking out the Gnawtys (shortly after the K), jump down and bust a barrel out of the black square. Turn around and break open the left wall. Inside, don't go for the 1up. Instead, try to get three single bananas, the smallest prize. If you do it, a barrel will drop down. Here comes the tricky part. If you throw the barrel at the right wall, a door will open, but you will not be able to walk through it. You will simply dance with glee, and be whisked out of the bonus area. What you want to do is, with the barrel in your grip, jump up against the top of the right wall, and then slide down the wall until

you get to the bottom, at which point the door will break open and CHACHING! A SECOND bonus area! Take note: for the entire game you can only enter this second area once. So if you mess up the first time, reset the game and come back. O - WAY up high over an oil drum. You can roll the tire to its location, or just bounce off a blue Kritter. Bonus Area 3: After the second Manky Kong you will see a lone oil drum sitting in the air. If you have Rambi, run under the barrel and bust through the wall. If you don't, you'll have to take the barrel from the first Manky to break open the wall. N - In bonus area 3. G - Stand on top of the very last oil drum in the level, and jump with ample force onto the black square to reveal the G. TRICK TRACK TREK ---------------K - Right below the first Necky that is raining nuts. Be careful as you get it. O - In the air above the track, right after a Mini-Necky. Bonus Area 1: Stand on the right side of the platform as you near the end of the first track. As the platform gets to the end, do a rolling super jump off the platform and under the scaffolding into a barrel cannon. Bonus Area 2: Shortly after the continue barrel, you will come to a yellow Zinger with three bananas above it. Jump over the Zinger, and prepare to jump over to the scaffolding to your right while you are still level with it. Clear the Gnawtys from the platform and jump into the barrel cannon to your right. N - A little while after you come out of the second bonus stage you'll see this letter elevated above the track under a platform. G - It won't be long after you get the N that the G will present itself. You will have to jump over the Zinger and land back on the platform again. Bonus Area 3: Right before the exit, you will see Manky Kong, hurling his barrels as usual. When he makes a pause in his barrel throwing, do a rolling attack right through him and off the scaffolding. You should land on another platform below. To the left is the barrel cannon. Winky Token: You can get this at the entrance to bonus area 3. ELEVATOR ANTICS --------------Bonus Area 1: From your starting platform, do a rolling super jump out to the right. You will grab onto a rope. Either Kong can make this jump. Climb up to find the bonus area ready and waiting. K - When you blast out of the first bonus area, move along the ground and you will quickly come upon a rope hanging from the ceiling. Jump up

onto it and then jump right from rope to rope to get the K over the third rope. Bonus Area 2: This one is a little difficult to get into. After you crawl under three crawlspaces, you will see three ropes spanning a chasm. A Zinger patrols each rope. Jump to the first one, and then get to the second when its Zinger is low. Climb quickly to the very top of the second rope so the evil bee won't hit you. Then jump to the top of the last rope and from there up to the right. You should now be walking over the ceiling and out of site. Keep moving right until you reach the barrel cannon. O - In the second bonus room. Expresso Token: Also in the second bonus room. N - Ride the second descending elevator down until you see the N on a small ledge to your left. G - Floating over the red arrow sign. Be careful! Don't try for it too hastily or the Mini-Necky just to the right will nail you with its nutty projectiles. Bonus Area 3: Ride the very last elevator, right before the exit, down all the way to the gaping door of a bonus area. POISON POND ----------No bonus areas. K - Straight up when you start. O - Impossible to miss. It's in a vertical shaft in the midst of squidge attack. Rambi Token - When you come to the first room with the three mincers that are spinning counterclockwise around the perimeter, you enter from below. Swim straight up to the top and you will see that part of the ceiling is higher than the rest. This is just right of center. Go up through the reef there to get the golden rhino. N - Just after the room where you got the Rambi token, the N is in a hole at the top of the tunnel. You will have to go into that whole to avoid the mincer that comes screaming in from the left, so you will inevitable pick up this letter. Expresso Token and shortcut: After the N you will enter another room with three spinning revolving mincers from the left. Swim straight across, being careful to avoid the mincers, and through the left wall. Here you will find a shortcut that saves you time and danger and awards you an Expresso token. G - Right out in the open; and right in middle of a piranha onslaught. MINE CART MADNESS ----------------Everything in this stage comes at you really fast, so you don't have a lot of time to consider your options. Consequently it is very hard to

get everything in one run. Don't worry if you miss something; you can always go back. K - After you jump over the second Necky, the K will be between two vultures. Make sure to jump OVER the first both Neckys and get the K that is in between. If you do not do it right, you may get neither the K nor the first bonus room. Bonus Area 1: Immediately after the K you will have to jump out of your cart and onto a rope that is hanging down into the screen. Climb up into the next cart. When you get to the break in the string of bananas, jump. You will land in a barrel cannon and be transported to bonus land. Rambi Token: In bonus area 1. O - Jump over the Zinger after coming out of the bonus area and over the Necky. After that, two more Neckys will be coming in from the right. Bounce off them to get up to the O. Enguarde Token: Everything is happening so fast! Right after you bag the letter O, DON'T jump to the next cart. Instead, fall through the broken track until you see ANOTHER cart on a set of tracks down below. Jump into that cart to snag the token. N - Shortly after the continue barrel, you will jump into a cart on a short piece of track. At the end of that, the N will be placed in the gap just below track level. Fall with the cart until you touch the golden letter and then jump up into the next cart. Bonus Area 2: As soon as you land in the cart after the N, you will go up a hill in the track. Above that there is a tire in the air. Jump at the apex of the hill (preferably with Diddy) and land on the tire. From there you can spring to the bonus barrel. G - The G will be above a small, Zinger guarded platform with a tire. It has a tire. Can you figure out how to get the G on a platform with a tire?? Hmmm...let me think... Bonus Area 3: You will see the entrance beneath the arrow sign as you come riding by. Just as you go down the hill, jump as you hit the bananas and you will land on the scaffolding. From here, jump back to the left and bounce off the tires to reach the blast barrel. BLACKOUT BASEMENT ----------------K - In the air over the first gap. Enguarde Token: On the second small platform of the stage, you will see an Enguarde token in the air below you and to your right. Roll off the platform and jump when you get the token. You can use this rolling super jump technique to grab the token and still make it to the platform right of it. Or if you already have two tokens, just jump down on top of it and you'll be transported to the game before you can fall down the cliff. O - Just before the continue barrel, there are three consecutive platforms with tires on them. Bounce high off the last one and land on the black square on the floor

Bonus Area 1: Near the end of the level there are four tin platforms in a row, all of which begin to fall when you step on them. Below the last one is a single banana. Is it there for a reason? You bet. Fall down where that banana is located and you will land in a barrel cannon. N - In the center of bonus area 1. Bonus Area 2: When you come blasting out of the first bonus area, you will land on a square on the floor and a steel keg will pop out. Grab the keg, jump down to the right, then turn and throw it against the left wall. When it bounces off, hitch a ride. Make sure that the lights will be on as you make this critical jump. Ride it until it breaks open a wall into the second bonus area. Don't jump off to get the G. G - After you come out of bonus 2, go back to your left and pick up the golden G before exiting. Boss Dumb Drum -------------Boss: Read the title. (see boss guide)

***** CHIMP CAVERNS ***** TANKED UP TROUBLE ----------------Bonus Area 1: Right after the first fuel canister, the track will take a vertical turn. Jump off the platform and fall in line with the vertical track piece. You should land in a hidden barrel cannon. K - Over top of the second Necky. Make sure you bounce high off of the bird so you won't miss the golden letter. O - You should see this above a Kritter to your right as you ride the vertical track. Jump over, knock off the reptile, and grab your prize. Make sure you do it in time so that you can get back to the platform. Enguarde Token: Easy to get, not always so easy to figure out how to get. There, I think I managed to thwart most of what I learned about sentence structure in that sentence. Before the continue barrel, the track comes to an end. You are tempted to jump off to the scaffolding in front of you. Don't. When the fuel-injected transport comes to a halt at the track's end, it will begin moving again momentarily. It will take you up and over the scaffolding and right into the golden fishy. N - At one point in the stage you come to a slanted platform atop which is a tire that you use to get an upcoming fuel keg. After that, you will come to a piece of scaffolding that looks much like the one where you got the tire. Instead of jumping onto it, keep riding underneath it to bag the N. G - Near the end of the stage, you come to a canister positioned below a small platform, above which is a blast barrel. Do not jump into that barrel cannon! Instead, ride past it and get the G over the Zingers.

MANIC MINCERS ------------K - If you can't find this under the third mincer, you're either blind, or way too stupid to be playing video games. O - Soon after you get Rambi, and hopefully before you lose him, the O will appear over a mincer. Another one is spinning up and down in the air where it is, so wait 'til it goes up to get through. Bonus Area 1: A Krusha is patrolling a small piece of ground in a "hole" between two walls. The barrel sitting right before this spot can be used to blow open the right wall if you've already lost Rambi. N - Over the second gap with a moving platform. Bonus Area 2: The entrance to this area is wide open; all you have to do is go in. It is located right after the fast moving mincer that is spinning about in an arcing pattern. You should have no trouble finding it. G - In bonus area 2. Winky Token: When you leave bonus 2, jump up to your left over the exit and go to the far left of the platform. From here do a rolling super jump up to the frog. After this jump you will have to go through Bonus Area 2 again, because you can't land back on the top. Bonus Area 3: When you come out of bonus area 2 the second time, grab one of the barrels you see and jump as far right off the ledge as you can. This is to ensure that you don't hit a beaver and lose your barrel. When you're clear, smash it into the first wall you come to. MISTY MINE ---------Rambi Token: This is probably the hardest thing in this stage to get. Fortunately it is also the least important. If you really want to get this token, you'll have to be good. It is under a Slippa-spewing barrel. You'll have to grab the TNT barrel, get it over the baddie barrel that follows and break the keg that's over Rambi without hitting any snakes. Good luck. You're gonna need it. Bonus Area 1: Right after the continue barrel is a large gap, which you can cross by riding a single rope. When you get to the other side, slide ALL the way down the rope and you will see an open bonus area below. KONG letters: ALL of the golden letters are found in this bonus area. Climb up to the top of the rope for the K, down to the bottom for the O, back up to the top again for the N, and down to the bottom once more for the G. Expresso Token: As soon as you blast out of the first bonus area, the token will be right above you. If you got Expresso out of the crate at the end of the area, you will be able to fly up and grab it. Bonus Area 2: This one will take some maneuvering to enter. Grab the TNT barrel after the Expresso token and make your way to the right, avoiding the Klap Traps and the barrel that is emitting them. Contrary to popular belief, Donkey Kong is best for getting this bonus area.

This is because he holds the barrel above his head and is less likely to break it on an enemy on the way. Drop into the narrow "hole" after the Klap Trap barrel and set the barrel down. As DK sets it down he will bring it into contact with the right wall, blowing it open. Animal Token: You can get the token of your choice in Bonus Area 2. LOOPY LIGHTS -----------Bonus Area 1: Almost as soon as you enter the stage, you'll come to a pit, over which are three bananas lined up vertically. Jump straight down the center of the gap and you will land in a barrel cannon. K - In bonus area 1. O - You will easily spot this letter down just below ground level over a gap. Do a rolling super jump to get it. Bonus Area 2: It would be good to have both Kongs for this. Stop when you see the Necky raining nuts from on top of a ON/OFF barrel. Kill the Necky either with a barrel you picked up before or with a jump, but DON'T USE THE BARREL SITTING UNDERNEATH HIM! You may get hit when you try to jump on him and will need the next Kong to finish him off. Then take the barrel from under him down the "steps" and jump over the small gap to where the next light barrel is. Then, immediately set the barrel down. Turn on the lights and bash the Klap Trap that is in your way. Now you can pick the barrel back up and smash it into the right wall. N - In bonus area 2. Expresso Token - In bonus area 2. G - Up in the air near the end of the Zinger pack. PLATFORM PERILS --------------Bonus Area 1: When the stage begins, you will see a barrel cannon under you. As soon as you land on the first tin platform, walk off of it on the left side. You will land on platform that you cannot see. It will take you over to the bonus area. K - Over the first platform after the three Klumps. Winky Token: When you land on the tin platform that had two bananas on it and is right before a Necky, stay on it. Ride it down until you see another platform to your right, below the scaffolding. Jump to that platform. The Winky token will then be on the next platform to the right. O - Fall with the platform that is right before the continue barrel until you see the O. Quickly roll off to get it and jump to land safely on the scaffolding. You can also jump to the scaffolds first and then get the letter from the right. N - Jump up to get it while riding the third platform after the continue barrel. G - You should easily find this during the final platform sequence.

Bonus Area 2: Jump onto the very last platform of the level and ride it down. Just before it falls, jump to your right and you will land on another piece of scaffolding. Next to it is the bonus barrel. NECKY'S REVENGE --------------Boss: Master Necky Sr. (see boss guide) ***** GANGPLANK GALLEON ***** Boss: King K. Rool (see boss guide) ======================================================================= IV. BOSS GUIDE ======================================================================= KONGO JUNGLE BOSS: Very Gnawty -----------------------------Very Gnawty is a gargantuan beaver that is guarding a portion of the stolen bananas. He is really EXTREMELY easy to beat. All you have to do is hit him on the head. Jump on his head to stun him. Then he will start moving again, this time a little faster than at first. Jump over him when he moves so you won't get hit, or better yet, just leap back up and bounce off his head again. Five knocks on the noggin will bring the animal down. MONKEY MINES BOSS: Master Necky ------------------------------Master Necky is a large vulture. Really large. So large only his head and neck will fit into the boss chamber. There is a tire in the center of the room when you fight him. That means you have to bounce off of it. Master Necky's head will appear on one side of the screen, and he will spit a nut at you. Stand to the side of the tire opposite the big lug. Hurtle the nut, land on the tire and bounce up to bash Necky on the head or beak. When you hit him (or even if you don't) he will pull his head back and then stick it out again on one side or the other and repeat the procedure. Bonk his beak five times to put him down for the count. VINE VALLEY BOSS: Queen B. -------------------------Queen B. is one of the more difficult bosses in the game. To beat her you must bash her five times with a barrel. Easier said than done. Barrels for will appear on the floor, ripe for the smashing. Pick one up and wait until Queenie swoops down to fly along the ground, then hit her with it. If you use Diddy, just stand in front of her with the barrel and she will fly right into it. Splinters in the eyes, ow! Upon impact the giant insect will turn red and become absolutely enraged, flying up and down in a fast, manic pattern. While she is red she is invulnerable. Run under her quickly as she lifts so you won't get a stinger in the head and get to the other side of the screen. When she calms down and returns to her normal color and pace, pick up a barrel and smash her again. The tantrum that she throws after getting a barrel in the peepers becomes more violent after each successive hit, and consequently you will have to work harder to escape her wrath. If the

fifth barrel hits its mark, Queen B.'s reign of destruction will end. GORILLA GLACIER BOSS: Really Gnawty ----------------------------------Really Gnawty is much like his relative, Very Gnawty, only he's got a tougher attack pattern. He jumps horizontally across the screen to hit you, using short hops at first. Hit him on the head and he will do one high jump in your direction. When he lands he will begin jumping again, with longer and faster leaps. Each time you hit him, the number of vertical jumps will increase by one, and the distance and speed of his regular jumps will also increase. The best way to beat him is to jump on his head, roll under him when he does his high jump(s), and then let him bounce away to the side of the screen. When he gets back to the middle hit him again. Five bumps to the brain and he's out. KREMKROC INDUSTRIES BOSS: Dumb Drum ----------------------------------Hmmm...this one took me by surprise. A metal boss? Not a beaver, a lizard or a vulture? No, it's...a metal oil drum with glowing red eyes. Dumb Drum tries to oust you by slamming himself down on your head. The bottom part of him will appear at the top of the screen where he will come down a fraction of a second before he makes his move. The first time he will try to land on you once. The second time twice, and so on. After he attacks, he will spit out two enemies that you must eliminate. Use Donkey Kong because he has an easier time abolishing the baddies. First time around Dumb Drum will emit Kritters, the Slippas, then Klap Traps, then Klumps, and lastly, Armys. When you avoid his last set of attacks, he'll find out that he's slammed one slam too many and blow up. CHIMP CAVERNS BOSS: Master Necky Sr. -----------------------------------Beating MN Sr. is just like beating his son. Bounce of the tire after his attack and land on his head. The one difference is that Master Necky Sr. has armed himself with a whole lotta nuts, and he's going to go overboard spitting them at you. The first round, MNS will spit out one nut. Jump it, land on the tire, and bounce up to hit him. The second time, he'll spit out TWO nuts, the third time three, the fourth time four, and the fifth, five. You should be able to jump all the nuts and put Necky out of his misery without too much trouble. GANGPLANK GALLEON BOSS: King K. Rool -----------------------------------Now, out on a ship off the coast of Donkey Kong island, is the final showdown between the apes and fat-bellied lard face, King K. Rool. He's got a shipload of attacks to unleash on you, so you'll have to be quick. First, K. Rool throws his crown at you. Jump over it and bash him on the head. You will then need to jump over him as he will run to the other side of the ship. Once there, he'll throw his crown again. Hit him another time. Now he'll run across the ship twice and throw his crown again. Jump on his head once more to end the first round. But another more dastardly attack is on its way. Upon taking that third blow to the head, K. Rool becomes a little crazed. He decided to take out those meddling chimps no matter what the cost, even if that means raining cannonballs down on his own ship! So that's what he does. K. Rool will take a flying leap to the other end

of the ship, and the clouds will start pouring lead. The balls drop one by one in close succession, bouncing off the deck before the fall off the screen. There isn't enough room to slide between them. You must stand close to one ball as it falls, and roll past it after it bounces to avoid the next one. K. Rool will then throw his crown so you can jump on his head. The he will repeat the cannonball attack, with balls falling across the screen to the other side of the ship and then coming back again. This means you will have to roll between the balls twice. After you hit him he'll do it a third time, with balls raining across the deck three fold. After the last wave of cannonballs K. Rool makes yet another effort to hit you with his crown, only to expose his head to a brutal bash that leaves him sprawled on the ground. THE END? I DON'T THINK SO! K. Rool is not to be defeated so easily. Now, in a final wave of desperation, the lizard king has a jumping attack for you. Roll under him to let him pass and then jump behind him until he stops to throw his crown at you. Once again, the magic number is three, as this will be the number of times he tries to get you with this jumping attack, the number of passes he'll make on the final assault, and the number of times you need to hit him to finally bring him down.

======================================================================= V. CREDITS AND THANKS ======================================================================= * Brother Reed for writing the FAQ, doing the original title art, finding the majority of the bonus areas, and formulating his own strategies. * The DKC Player's Guide for the remaining bonus areas that were just a little too hard to find without some help. * CjayC at GameFAQs for posting this FAQ, and having the best gaming site on the net. * Al Amaloo at Video Game Strategies for being as trustworthy as CJC and running a clean business. * Jesus Christ my Savior and Lord for giving me my talent and my salvation. I owe everything to Him. Other FAQs by Brother Reed: -------------------------Rogue Squadron Shadows of the Empire Shadows of the Empire Boss Guide Mega Man X Boss Guide Frogger Mario Paint ======================================================================= VI. CONTACTING THE AUTHOR ======================================================================= Hey! I love to get mail, and I can personally respond to any mail that I get, so don't be shy. Send all e-mail to the address at the bottom of this section. Below are guidelines for correspondence with the author of this FAQ (that'd be me).

MAIL I WILL ACCEPT -----------------This is the kind of mail that won't be deleted; in fact it will usually be replied to. Like I said, I love to get e-mail. QUESTIONS: I'd be happy to answer your questions about the game and FAQs in general. CORRECTIONS/ADDITIONS: If you want to add anything or show me one of the numerous mistakes I'm sure I've made, PLEASE do so. PRAISE/ADORATION: It really makes my day when someone tells me that my FAQ helped he or she out. That's what it's for, after all. If you wanna praise my FAQ, thank me for my help, adore me for my brilliance, or some combination of those, go right ahead and I will humbly accept. FLAMES/HATE MAIL: Sure, send it in. I won't reply to it (or maybe I will),but I'd love to post it on the GameFAQs message boards so everybody can have the pleasure of laughing at you. OTHER: Just feel like e-mailing someone? Drop me a line. MAIL I WILL NOT EXCEPT ---------------------Much of this falls into the category of quote unquote "junk mail". See it here? Don't send it. Period. I will delete it, so you'd be wasting your time. JUNK/CHAIN LETTERS: No, I don't need to get hit with a water balloon, and I don't think that I will suffer from 5 years bad luck if I don't send this to at least six people. Sheesh. This kind of mail will be instantly deleted. SALES PITCHES: I could not care less about joining your club, buying your product, making 300 dollars from my home in 2 months...forget it. UNREADABLE JARGON (i.e., anything that looks remotely like this): "Hay man cun you telme how to git the spesal hting in teh red staj thankz" I don't know what you're talking about. *hits delete button* QUESTIONS ALREADY ANSWERED IN THE FAQ: Do you know how irritating that is? If I have already answered the question, I'm not about to do so again, and you will not get a reply. You should have studied harder. ANYTHING LISTED IN EITHER SECTION WITH STRONG LANGUAGE IN IT: I don't care whether you're praising me or begging me, if you have cursed in the e-mail, I WILL DELETE YOUR MESSAGE AND BLOCK YOU FROM MY ACCOUNT! Got it? I don't want profanity. Don't do it. Before you write, make sure that you are reading the most recent version of this FAQ. It can be very annoying to get e-mailed questions that you've already answered in a newer update. The latest version of this FAQ can always be found at If you see this FAQ on another web site, and you believe that it has been tampered with, PLEASE e-mail me and let me know so I can check it out. Thank you. Brother Reed's e-mail address:

Donkey Kong Country: Bonus Item FAQ by Brother Reed Version 3, Last Updated 2001-11-10 View/Download Original File Hosted by GameFAQs Return to Donkey Kong Country (SNES) FAQs & Guides

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