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Assisting the Patient with Oral Care

Name of Student: ___________________________ ___________________________ Year & Section: ____________________________ ____________________________ Goal: To assist with mechanical cleaning of oral cavity. Procedure Date: C.I.:

A le to !erfor m

A le to !erform with assistance

"na le to !erform

1. Explain procedure to patient. 2. Perform hand hygiene. Don disposa le gloves if assisting with oral care. !. "ssem le e#uipment on over ed ta le within patient$s reach. %. Provide privacy for patient. &. 'ower side rail and assist patient to sitting position( if permitted( or turn patient onto the side. Place towel across patient$s chest. )aise ed to a comforta le wor*ing position. +. Encourage patient to rush own teeth or assist if necessary. a. ,oisten tooth rush and apply toothpaste to ristles. . Place rush at a %&- angle to gum line and rush from gum line to crown of each tooth. .rush outer and inner surfaces. .rush ac* and forth across iting surface of each tooth. c. .rush tongue gently with tooth rush. d. /ave patient rinse vigorously with water and spit into emesis asin. )epeat until clear. 0uction may e used as an alternative for removing fluid and secretions from mouth. e. "ssist patient to floss teeth( if necessary. f. 1ffer mouthwash if patient prefers. 2. "ssist the patient with removal and cleansing of dentures if necessary. a. "pply gentle pressure with % x % gau3e to grasp and remove upper denture plate. Place it immediately in denture cup. 'ift lower denture using slight roc*ing motion( remove( and place in denture cup. . 4f patient prefers( add denture cleanser with water in a cup and follow preparation directions or rush all areas thoroughly with tooth rush and paste. Place paper towels or washcloth in sin* while rushing. c. )inse thoroughly with water and return dentures to patient. d. 1ffer mouthwash so patient can rinse mouth efore replacing dentures. e. "pply petroleum 5elly to lips if necessary. 6. )emove e#uipment and assist patient to a position of comfort. )ecord any unusual leeding or inflammation. )aise side rail and lower ed. 7. )emove disposa le gloves from inside out and discard appropriately. Perform hand hygiene. #O#A$ SCO%& 'INA$ %A#IN( 'egend: 2 8 " le to perform 1 8 " le to perform with assistance 9 8 :na le to perform

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