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Lauren Ibarra October 17, 2013 4th grade - Math Title of Lesson Plan: Equivalent Fractions Focus: Students

will begin to understand how to identify equivalent fractions by using manipulatives to create examples. Objective: TEK 4.2 Number, operation, and quantitative reasoning. The student describes and compares fractional parts of whole objects or sets of objects. The student is expected to: (A) use concrete objects and pictorial models to generate equivalent fractions; Core Knowledge II. Fractions and Decimals A. Fractions 4. Recognize equivalent fractions. The student should be able to: - Identify equivalent fractions. - Use fraction sticks (manipulatives) to create equivalent fractions. Format and Procedures of Instruction: Begin this lesson by introducing equivalent fractions with an anchor chart to explain what equivalent fractions are. Then have students watch the BrainPop video about equivalent fractions. Explain to students that they will learn strategies that will help them to recognize equivalent fractions as well as create models by using fraction sticks (manipulatives). Guided Practice: After watching the video, turn the students attention to the Elmo projector. During this time you will model a strategy on how to identify equivalent fractions by working through math problems on the projector. Students will follow along and work the problems out together. During this time (and all of the time), encourage students to ask questions to help clarify. After students have seen and worked out a few strategies, call students up (choose name sticks) and have students model their strategies over the projector for all of the class to see. This will help check for understanding and will help continue to model strategies for students. Independent Practice: Students will then work in partners and will work out a sheet of problems using their fraction sticks and then will create their own equivalent fractions. When this is complete and work has been turned in, have students offer help to students who may need extra help. Closure: Students will work through this activity for the remainder of math time. When they are finished working, they can help their peers or sit and read quietly waiting for further instructions. This is simply the beginning of the equivalent fraction lesson and more practice will continue further into the week.

Materials: BrainPop video Equivalent Fractions Guided Practice worksheet Make-Your-Own Equivalent Fraction worksheet Fraction Sticks (for each student)

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