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Live Fan Chat

Author Amy Harmon

Wednesday, November 13, 2013
9:00 PM – 10:30 PM EST

Lover Michelle: Hi ladies ~ this is an open forum for you to ask questions. If Amy misses your question,
please feel free to ask again. So welcome and thanks for joining us. The floor is all yours!

Cindy (CJ Wilkes): Are you taking a break after this book? Or do you have others in the woodwork?

Debbie: Carol you are too funny.... I can honestly say I am fangirling BIG TIME right now!

Amy Harmon: No break. I am working on another one right now. It's percolating in my brain.
Cheese: Do you have any other plans for a sequel/spinoff of Making Faces?

Amy Harmon: I don't do sequels very well. So no. No sequel in the mix.
MJ: Do you prefer standalones as opposed to series?

Amy Harmon: I prefer standalones...but I have to say I just read the Fever series and loved it.
Cindy (CJ Wilkes): Pace yourself girl! Don't burn out because I love your work!!!!

Carol: I am new to this and just loved Making Faces. I thought that you would refer back to the unmailed
letters later in the book. Any special reason why not?

Debbie: How did you come up with the ideas for A Different Blue and Making Faces?

Amy Harmon: I didn't ever have Fern reveal her letters - it just never felt pertinent.
Carol: ok

Debbie: I know who the inspiration for Baily is based on but are any of the other characters based on people
you know?

Crysti: I read somewhere that the covers of your books up to ADB were family members. Is this true for the
cover of ADB?

Amy Harmon: I can't really tell you how ideas come about. Mostly I start with a piece, and that piece
leads to another and another until I have a working scenario. I do the first month of "writing" in my head.

Amy Harmon: Fern and Ambrose aren't based on anyone in particular. But my little brother Joey went to
Iraq as a member of the National guard and he signed up and went with his friends, just like Ambrose. That
really got me thinking What if?

Amy Harmon: The cover of A Different Blue is my niece, Mallory.

Amy Harmon: She's gorgeous.

Debbie: Amy I see you did read the Fever series So glad you found that thread and took a chance on those
books. Can I just say Ambrose as I sigh and melt just a bit

Cheese: Thanks for answering my question!! I was also wondering how long it takes you total to write a
book? w/editing and all that?

Paula: I'm so glad that you liked the Fever series. I just bought the bundle this week!

Amy Harmon: My Purgatory books have Mallory's body and my nephew Ethan's body and his face on the
sequel. My book Running Barefoot has my niece Sophie on the cover. Making Faces is my lover, Jose.

Amy Harmon: Just kidding. I don't have a lover named Jose. The cover of Making Faces is random hot

Debbie: I really need to go back and check out the covers of my books again. - Where do you write?

Crysti: lol... The lover story is so much better.

Carol: I liked the easy meter of your writing.


Amy Harmon: It takes me a solid four or five months to write, another to go through the editing process.

Amy Harmon: Thank you, Carol. I write like I talk.

Lover Michelle: If your question is missed, please ask it again!

Debbie: Crysti I agree and Amy thanks for answering....

Autumn: Interesting... While reading this I thought of a man by the name of Kyle Carpenter whose face was
injured along with the right side of his body after covering his fellow marine when a grenade landed by them
in Afghanistan.. He was in my husband's unit and he lost his right eye and his face was severely damaged.. I
wondered if he was who you got inspiration from
Paula: What are you working on now? Can you give us a hint?

Amy Harmon: Debbie, I write anywhere, anytime. I have four kids, one who is three, so I can't be picky.
Carol: I could easily see the story as a movie in my head. Would be nice on the big screen

Autumn: He was all over the news that’s why I thought you might have*

Amy Harmon: Autumn, I read so much about facial injuries in Iraq trying to get a better feel, but didn't
base Ambrose's injuries on a particular soldier.

Cindy (CJ Wilkes): Of all your books and characters - who are you most emotionally attatched to and why?

Debbie: I agree Carol - the beauty and grace in which Amy tells a story would be amazing to see on the big

Amy Harmon: Carol, I would LOVE to see MF on the big screen, but I think ADB would be awesome

Crysti: Do you outline or just sit down and type away? Everything in Making Faces was tied up so nicely in
the end that I can't imagine it just "happened" that way. The way you make every story mean something, not
just filler, is amazing.

Lover Michelle: I agree Carol ~ would love to see a movie. I feel very strongly that Making Faces should be
required reading in High School---a new classic!

Amy Harmon: Crysti, I never outline. I write in scenes. My books are like puzzles that I piece together.
Carol: Debbie, you will have to catch me up on some of the previous....

Crysti: I'm even more amazed with your writing now.

Crysti: This book NEEDS to be a movie.

Amy Harmon: Cindy, I am equally attached. I love RB because it is set in my hometown filled with
characters very similar to the people I grew up with and love to this day.

Trisha: I agree I want to see MF on big screen!! <3 lol

Lover Michelle: Way to go Wen!!!! I knew you would find us.

Amy Harmon: My friend, Aaron Roos, who I based Bailey's character on, would be so excited if MF made
it to the big screen. I really want that for him.
Autumn: gotcha... I think this would make an AMAZING movie if it was done right

Amy Harmon: HI Wen.

Amy Harmon: So many people can relate to MF. I think it could be wonderful. Plus, I've already begged
Emma Watson to play Fern.

Paula: What did your friend, Aaron think of the book?

Crysti: What's your favorite book of all time - not written by you?

Amy Harmon: He loved it. But his mom, Angie (recognize the name) just brought me to tears. Her
reaction was the one I was most afraid of, and the one that brought me the most joy.

Carol: I recommended MF at lunch today to a friend.

Amy Harmon: Crysti...I really don't know. Really. I love all different kinds of books at different times.
Paula: That's wonderful! Bailey really stole the book for me. I just fell in love with him.

Trisha: Awww… I'm glad they did!

Debbie: What I find amazing about your puzzle answer is you cover not just one but a few topics in your
books and the topics just flow and they mean something not just fluff. After reading about Echo I had a
burning desire to go back to school - the way you quoted the classics just brought me to my knees and then in
MF your words just haunt me... You are a force and I for one will read anything you write... oh wait no
question.... sorry just had to put this out there

Amy Harmon: Debbie. Wow.

Lover Michelle:

Debbie: Carol I have recommend MF to everyone I know and as you know each and every one of them have
loved it. Amy will you be attending any author events?

Amy Harmon: I taught English and history. So I tend to enjoy creating layers of both in my books.
Crysti: Me too, Debbie.

Crysti: People probably get tired of hearing me talk about this book.

Trisha: Amy I keep going back to MF and ADB and they still bring tears to my eyes. Your words are so
powerful and touching.

Amy Harmon: I am going to NOLA and I'm looking at attending Book Bash in Florida in June and New
York in July.

Paula: Amy, I need to come see you in NY!! I love in PA.

Paula: LIVE

Amy Harmon: Paula, I want to come to PA. So bad.

Carol: I rarely tear up when reading a book, but found it happened several times. Bravo!!

Kelly: I can't think of any questions right now, but I just wanted to let you know that I love your writing
style. I literally finished reading Running Barefoot today. It was a beautiful story.

Lover Michelle: ICYMI, Amy posted this picture of Aaron (Bailey)

Cindy (CJ Wilkes): Amy - I am in single mom mode and have to run - but had to come support you! The
positive attention your work is getting is very much deserved! Talk with you soon <3

Amy Harmon: Aaron, is that you? Everyone is going to die!

Nelly: hello Amy!!!! Q: Do you believe that we are sent to live a life that will nurture our greatest virtues and
help others do the same or you believe that we get randomly picked for our fate?

Aaron: yes it's me

Paula: You really did a fantastic job of representing PA in MF!

Debbie: Crysti I have everyone I know reading this book. I agree with Michelle that MF should be required
reading for schools.

Autumn: hiiiiii AARON!!!!!!

Amy Harmon: Guys...don't freak. But Aaron Roos is in the house. Please don't go all Bailey fan girl on
him, okay?

Lover Michelle: Aaron, welcome to the chat!!!!!!!

MJ: THE Aaron? Welcome!!!

Aaron: lol

Paula: Hi Aaron!!!
Aaron: hey

Debbie: Welcome Aaron - It is an honor to have you with us!!!!!

Trisha: Hiiiiiiiii Aaron!!!!!

Crysti: Hi Aaron!!

Amy Harmon: I'm getting a little teary now.

Leslie: Loved Making Faces. Is there any chance we could get an extra extended epi in the future?

Lover Michelle:

Dyann: Hi Aaron!

Amy Harmon: Leslie. I really don't know. The story feels to complete to me. But maybe...

Amy Harmon: too

Aaron: I loved the book Amy!

Lover Michelle: I have to say that after reading it, I really wanted a book from Aaron's PO

Belen: Hi Amy, just want to say I loved Making Faces! It has left me with such a book Hangover!! Don't
know if it has been asked, but what inspired this story and these wonderful characters?

Lover Michelle: POV but with more of his life. I learned so much.

Amy Harmon: Aaron, you are so awesome for stopping in.

Aaron: Thank you

Nelly: Hi Aaron!!! You are a force of nature!!! Hugs!!

Carol: Can I be Bailey Fan Grandma?

Debbie: Did you ever expect to have MF wrap around your fans like it has? I know that the words haunt me
daily. Aaron what did you think of the book?

MJ: And Aaron you have the most magnificent smile

Amy Harmon: I don't want to speak for Aaron, but I think we both had the same goal with this story. We
really wanted to make people aware of what life is like with Duchenne MD. And I think we did that.
Aaron: Thank you MJ

Carol: Yes, great descriptives

Amy Harmon: Debbie. I was so terrified. I thought it was going to fail.

Amy Harmon: When the reviews started coming in, I just cried and cried.
Paula: What does your family think of your accomplishments as a writer?

Carol: You should be so proud of yourself...

Aaron: I have to say that it is an honor to have a character like Bailey I can relate to

Leslie: Do you have a story in mind that you are working on next?

Aaron: so thank you Amy

Wen: It's one of the best I've read!! Loved it Amy!

Autumn: I definitely learned a lot from this story and it was as amazing!! Definitely my favorite book of the
YEAR!! hands down!! A book this powerful and moving deserves great things!!

Dyann: I agree, I feel blessed to have read this book. Truly.

Amy Harmon: My mom read it and was kind of "meh". She told me the first half was young adult and the
second half adult. I told her that was because the story grew along with the characters. I did it on purpose.

Paula: It's my book of the year, too!

Aaron: Great idea Amy!

Paula: Gotta love Mom for laying it out there and being real. Sounds like my mom. Lol

Miranda Howard: hands down- best book of yhe year

Carol: Yes, I agree Amy. Development through aging was great!!

Miranda Howard: *the

MJ: Same here. It's just one of those books that stays with you long after you read it.

Crysti: Amen!
Amy Harmon: Leslie - one hint. Bonnie and Clyde. That's all I'm gonna say about the next book.
Miranda Howard: did you always want to be a writer?

Nelly: hello Amy!!!! Q: Do you believe that we are sent to live a life that will nurture our greatest virtues and
help others do the same or you believe that we get randomly picked for our fate?

Paula: that idea and clue!

Belen: I agree!! In my top three for this year!!

Crysti: Aaron, do you think Bailey's witty side was influenced by you as well? That Bailey was something

Amy Harmon: Nelly. I believe there is purpose in all things. And I believe there are blessings in tragedy.

Amy Harmon: I don't think very much is random.

Leslie: I can't wait!! Anything you write is an automatic one click for me!

Aaron: Yes I really do Chrysti

Amy Harmon: Aaron isn't as crude as Bailey, ha ha ha.

Crysti: I have the biggest smile on my face right now. My husband probably wonders what in the world I'm
grinning at! lol

Aaron: I believe Bailey influenced me because he is really positive

Tori Shriver: i am with you Dyann i feel honored grateful for you to have shared this story with us My heart
was broken uplifted and moved This book gave me the biggest Book Hangover ive ever experienced its been
two weeks and not a day goes by that i dont find myself thinking about your story

Cheese: Do you have a specific age range/group that you were trying to target with Making Faces? I'm in
high school and that might be pretty young for a New Adult book but the message feels so universal. I want
to go and tell my school library to buy a copy! Haha.

Debbie: Yes you did Amy and it is something I researched while reading and after I finished the book. Fail?
Have you read yourself Amy? You take these words and fill them with heartfelt, gut wrenching emotion and
add these characters that as we peel back the layers become almost real and you teach us about life and how
different things happen and the extreme effect they have on lives .. You have no idea the impact your stories
have on your readers. Fail not so much... NY Times Best Seller yep I see it.

Amy Harmon: Aaron is super positive and inspiring. Bailey got that from him. Plus Aaron was the one
who told me that in order to go to school he had to give up his pride and allow people to help him. That really
struck me.

Aaron: It was hard but you need to rely on others even though it was very uncomfortable for me

Dyann: Did you say if you got inspiration for Fern and Ambrose from anyone?

Amy Harmon: Tori, Debbie. I am so humbled by that.

Debbie: I adored Bailey and will admit though it is rare I cry over a book - I cried over Bailey and how cruel
life and people can be

Nelly: Amy: were did you have braces and wild curls through high school? Speaking as a high school skinny
nerd I loved that you didn't feel the need to make Fern a gorgeous model as an adult to make her the belle of
the ball

Carol: I agree with Debbie. I would read a passage and find myself relating it to some real-life people and

Dyann: Bailey is one of my favorite characters ever.

Belen: WOW!! Arron I admire you for influencing such a positive and wonderful character!!

Angie: I agree with Debbie, I think you, Amy, have some deep and profound insights about relationships, and

Amy Harmon: Dyann - not so much, although my youngest brother went to Iraq as a member of the guard
with a group of his friends, and it was that story that got me thinking about Ambrose.

Crysti: Same here, Belen.

Aaron: Thanks Belen

Tori Shriver: Aaron thank you for giving inspiration for Baileys character i am.awe of your wisdom your
courageous and optimistic perspective

Autumn: Amen Belen

Paula: That whole conversation between Bailey and Ambrose about pride and having to rely on others for
basic needs really struck a chord in me. Very touching and uplifting. It was one of my favorite parts of the

Lover Michelle: As a reminder, this is an open forum. If your question gets missed, please ask it again.

Aaron: thank you Tori

Amy Harmon: That is probably my favorite scene in the book, Paula

Amy Harmon: I also loved the scene in the wrestling room. Very steamy.
Lover Michelle: Paula, I agree with you, especially the whole part about having help going to bed. It's things
I take for granted, and I felt very convicted reading that.

Dyann: Paula I loved that too.

Miranda Howard: my favorite too Paula!

Rebecca: Did you ever consider having Bailey survive? If so, do

Amy Harmon: Angie. Thank you. XXOO

Autumn: I think anytime Bailey spoke people paid attention... Wisdom beyond his years

Dyann: I hated to see Bailey die but I loved that he died a hero.

Amy Harmon: I knew from the beginning Bailey wouldn't survive. But I wanted him to achieve something
no one expected him to achieve, even Bailey himself.

Rebecca: Sorry...wrong button?? Do you feel it woulf

Amy Harmon: His death actually propelled the other characters forward.
Aaron: The reality is Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy is a deadly disease

Aaron: I am still going strong at 24

Cheese: Did you have a specific age range/group that you were trying to target with Making Faces? I'm in
high school and that might be pretty young for a New Adult book but the message feels so universal. I want
to go and tell my school library to buy a copy! Haha. sorry for the repost!!

Kelly: That's awesome Aaron

Rebecca: Would have lessened the story?? Sorry my IPad keeps entering without my knowledge!

Paula: Aaron you are an inspiration!

Debbie: Bless your soul Aaron - I just want to meet you and hug you super tight!!!!

Aaron: Thanks
Amy Harmon: Aaron's breaking records.
Aaron: Yes indeed

Amy Harmon: Cheese - I really didn't. I want my books to be enjoyed by a broad range of people.
Miranda Howard: Bless you, Aaron. you are such an inspiration!

Carol: I loved how much Fern and Bailey loved each other and stood by each other through it all.....

Crysti: Aaron, you are such an inspiration. When I whine and complain about something trivial, I can
promise you that your smiling face and your positive words tonight will come to mind.

Holly Kelly: I don't like to see YA or NA assigned to this book. This book has such univeral appeal. And
Aaron, you just keep breaking those records.

Amy Harmon: And Cheese, please tell your library to buy a copy!!!
Aaron: thanks so much that means alot

Nelly: Amy: did you have braces and wild curls through high school? Speaking as a high school skinny nerd
I loved that you didn't feel the need to make Fern a gorgeous model as an adult to make her the belle of the

Paula: Amy, the ending of MK...just perfect!

Aaron: Life could always be worse

Angie: Oh I know its all you Amy. You have a profound way of expressing deep meanings. You understand
things without experiencing them. I'm impressed!!

Amy Harmon: Angie - is that you cuz?

Debbie: I think you hit that Amy - this book is for a wide range of ages -

Tori Shriver: Wow Aaron i am blown away by your strength like Amy portrayed Bailey you are a hero

Autumn: It's because he is so amazing! Thanks for being an inspiration to all of us! We are all better people
from having read MF and learning more about you in Bailey

MJ: I loved hearing how Bailey did in fact get his time in the sun with Rita. That made me smile hard!!!

Lover Michelle: Amy, I love that your books are impacting lives, changing people, breaking records, and
they are not like so many cookie cutter books out there. You are in a league of your own.
Rebecca: How do you come up with the "or" ideas in the letters?? I've been doing this with my students since
reading the book.

Holly Kelly: Amy, you have a way to taking what's in your heart and laying it out in a book. And it's

Belen: I just want to hug you through this chat I it was possible Aaron (sorry for misspelling your name
earlier)! This is a great story to bring awareness to this!! Hope you continue breaking records!!

Angie: I thought Fern was most like you Amy. But I can't imagine you ever being ugly or feeling inferior
physically, you're beautiful. Is Fern you?

Debbie: Great question Angie

Cheese: Thanks for the reply! I'll request MF for sure.

Carol: I find that the older I get, I am going back to ages past and finding new knowledge to continue to
guide me forward.

Amy Harmon: Fern felt like me.

Miranda Howard: I recommend Making Faces to everyone I know... is there a book that you always

Amy Harmon: I was a hopeless romantic and I hid my romance novels from my parents
Paula: I loved MF, but I did want to say that ADB was a beautiful book, too. I stayed up all night to read it
earlier this year. I fell so in love with the characters. Blue is one of my all time favorite female MC.

Aaron: hshs

Aaron: haha

Debbie: What was your favorite romance novel?

Amy Harmon: I was a pretty girl, I guess. But unlike Fern, I grew up so fast and I had boobs and hips at
ten (really) and always felt like a freak.

Belen: Amy, who were your inspirations for Ambrose and Fern? I loved that Fern was not your typical drop
dead gorgeous character.

Holly Kelly: Who are your favorite authors to read?

Miranda Howard: I agree Paula. ADB was amazing as well!

Amy Harmon: I wanted Fern to be unlike the other characters I'd written about. She was completely
different than Blue.

Debbie: I also loved that Fern grew into herself - such a refreshing and real change

Debbie: Aaron do you read? If so what authors do you enjoy?

Amy Harmon: Holly - I honestly don't have favorites. I have loved so many books by so many authors. I
really love Shannon Hale. Anyone ever read Shannon Hale?

Angie: For sure Debbie, and the romance was slow and natural. Believable!! Unlike the rush we see in
movies today.

Aaron: Yes I love to read! I really like JRR Tolkien Debbie

Paula: Fern was such a beautiful, selfless person. It's refreshing to read about someone like that.

Aaron: Also History

Amy Harmon: Debbie, Ugly Girl Syndrome is a real thing LOL. Don't we all have it??
Holly Kelly: No, but I will now. I love romance books. And like you, I hid them from my parents too.

Crysti: Fern is one of my favorite female characters.

Nelly: Amy: have you felt compelled to live your life in an "expected" way as Ambrose?

Debbie: Thanks Aaron - I will check out Shannon Hale Amy thank you - Well I know I have it Amy but
really I have seen your author pix

Carol: I used to crack up when I found my Gram's romance novels. Now I am the Gram and love them just
like she did.

Gladys Medina: That's one of the things I loved about Fern. I think every woman in the world no matter how
pretty has felt ugly at least once (if not a million times)

Crysti: Hey G.

Amy Harmon: I was an overachiever, big time. I graduated second in my class, sang, danced, was a
student-body officer and by the time I graduated I almost had an emotional breakdown.

Carol: Sounds like Ambrose

Aaron: Amy who are your heroes and why?

Amy Harmon: So yes, Nelly. I have had those pressures. I just wanted to escape. I got married way too
young. Luckily, I picked a good man. We're still together after twenty years.

Paula: I have let Amy know this through FB, but as someone who lives near Shanksville and the Flight 93
crash site, she captured the feel of the site perfectly. I had no idea that you had never been there before. You
wrote it perfectly in the book. It was a scene that really stood out for me. Well done.

Amy Harmon: Aaron. I love my mom and my dad. Both of them brilliant, different, exceptional,
marvelous people.

Aaron: That's awesome. Good parents are always a good thing

Crysti: Has your husband read your books?

Amy Harmon: Paula, I told you how nervous I was about that. I researched it as much as I could. I
planned on making a trip to the site, but time ran out and money did too.

Nelly: AMY: what is your secret for a long lasting marriage

Aaron: all I gotta say is hook me up with Taylor Swift. Only in dreams I guess

Amy Harmon: Crysti - my husband read Making Faces, but he hasn't read my other books. He loved MF.
And Nelly, for me the secret is never to rely on anyone else for my happiness. Happiness is a choice, and
when I figured that out, life and marriage became a whole lot easier.

Gladys Medina: LOL Aaron. You never know. Everything is possible

Amy Harmon: Aaron! ha ha. You can pretend Rita looked just like Taylor.
Aaron: ok awesome ha ha!

Debbie: Aaron you are just so darn cute! Words to live by Amy -

Angie: Aaron needs to write his own romance novel.

Carol: Is Taylor Swift your Rita?

Aaron: Yes I guess I do Mom!

Belen: Lol Aaron. Is there a Rita in your life Aaron?

Crysti: I've talked to you a lot about quotes lately. What are your favorite quotes from MF?

Aaron: Yes there is Belen. No GF yet but that will come

Miranda Howard: Amy where did you get the idea for ADB?

Nelly: AMY: What's your favorite guilty pleassure?

Amy Harmon: Angie is Aaron's mom. She's here too. Say hi to Angie everyone. She was a magnificent
source of help for this book.

MJ: You mentioned your singing in HS. I heard your song on Monday night...can you talk about that a little

Carol: Hi, Angie!

Gladys Medina: Hi Angie!

Crysti: Hi Angie! You've raised a remarkable son from what we've seen tonight.

Debbie: Hi Angie - Thank you for all you did to assist Amy with this amazing story!

Autumn: Hiiiiii Angie!! That's my sisters name too!!

Aaron: I love my Mom

Belen: Hello Angie!!

Paula: I also wanted to add that I loved that you incorporated 9/11 into your book. It had such a profound
effect on me (as most everyone) and I feel like you really captured the feel of what it was like that day,
watching the tv.

Miranda Howard: hi Angie!

Amy Harmon: Miranda - I have a thing for men with English accents. I just wanted to create a character I
could fall in love with. The nerdy professor with a heart of gold.

Autumn: You Rock Angie!!

Angie: Hi, Truth be know, it’s all Amy. I have stories, she puts real emotion and profound insights into them.
It's inspiring. I give Amy ALL the credit.

Paula: Hi Angie!

Nelly: Hello Angie!!! Great job on that son of yours. .. quite famous in here

Miranda Howard: haha. I have a thing too! I loved Wilson! I want one!

Autumn: She had to have great inspiration though!!

Lover Michelle:

Amy Harmon: Angie had to have a conversation with Aaron (or was it Cameron, Angie?) like the scene
on the porch. I was so incredibly moved by that.

Crysti: I keep finding myself wanting to "like" comments in here. LOL

Aaron: I could seriously see MF a major motion picture movie. Am I wrong?

MJ: Thanks for opening up your lives so we could get this book. And our own Bailey.

Debbie: See there it is Amy - you take all of these issues that at one time or another touch your readers lives
and you wrap the into these stories that just bleed into our souls.... I am in awe... Angie your son is an
amazing man - job well done

Autumn: nope you are not wrong I want to see that!!!

Aaron: I would too

Gladys Medina: OMG the porch scene *tears*

Angie: Amy made him famous. He's thrilled a few shadows of his story are immortalized in this book. We
look up to all of the characters and their courage.

Amy Harmon: Aaron - kind of like Blind Side, something people can put their arms around!
Belen: I sure hope so Aaron!

MJ: We all do too Aaron!!! It would be amazing

Miranda Howard: Making Faces needs to be a major motion picture movie. I agree Aaron!

Aaron: I will be Bailey

Lover Michelle: Haha!

Crysti: How awesome would that be?!?

Angie: Amy inspired us all to be courageous, not matter our circumstances.

Miranda Howard: this is an oscar worthy storyline!

Amy Harmon: We will have to teach you to swear, Aaron.

Aaron: ha ha noooooooooooooo

Debbie: I will be your date at the Acamdey Awards okay Aaron

Crysti: Voice over

Aaron: Taylor Swift as Rita

Lover Michelle: Amy, did Aaron read the finished book before you published it to see if you got it "right?"

Autumn: I will call Tswift for ya to play Rita haha I wish but maybe

Aaron: ok awesome! haha

Amy Harmon: Actually, Michelle. No. He didn't. Neither did Angie. I was really nervous. I wish they had,
because somehow, I spelled Duchenne wrong in the first print. I was horrified.

Belen: Aaron will you be to any book signings with Amy?

Aaron: I forgive you Amy

Aaron: everyone gets Duchenne wrong no worries

Amy Harmon: Good idea, Belen!! We need to do something locally and make that happen, Angie and
Aaron. There's a great book store in Cedar City - Brauns books...hmmm.

Nelly: AMY: Night or Day? Chocolate or Vanilla? Heat or Cold? Cats or Dogs? Peace or Happiness?

Aaron: I would love to be at a book signing

Debbie: So Amy you have a storyline form in your mind.... how long before you put pen to paper or fingers
to keys?

Aaron: count me in

Amy Harmon: But I had no excuse. I knew how to spell it. I don't really know what happened. I'm still
thinking it was a damn autofix thing.

Amy Harmon: Nelly - Night, chocolate, cold, neither (sorry animal lovers), happiness.
Gladys Medina: I want my book signed by Aaron too

Angie: For sure it was the autofix, there isn't one word processor, email, or fb program that knows how to
spell it right. You're not alone.
Aaron: Can I get Bailey's autograph?

Nelly: NOT EVEN A SPIDER!!!! kidding hehehe

Miranda Howard: Amy- so you will have a table in NOLA, correct?

Debbie: With a husband and family I am sure down time is rare - How do you like to spend your time alone?

Amy Harmon: Ha ha. Aaron. I will send you one signed, Bailey Sheen.
Aaron: YES!!!

Amy Harmon: Miranda, yes! NOLA!

Crysti: Aaron, do you have any siblings?

Debbie: Any other author events planned?

Aaron: Yes 2 brothers

Angie: What is NOLA?

Miranda Howard: Awesome! we should do a breakfast or something..

Aaron: One of them has Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy like me

Debbie: Older or younger Aaron?

Amy Harmon: Debbie - I stay up late sometimes and read or just sit in the quiet. Quiet is golden to me.
Nelly: NOLA baby!!!

Crysti: Agreed, Miranda!

Miranda Howard: just throwing it out there

Aaron: younger

Amy Harmon: Angie, Aaron's mom, had three boys, two with MD.

Amy Harmon: Miranda, totally!

Gladys Medina: Angie, you are a remarkable woman.
Crysti: Angie - New Orleans, LA

Lover Michelle: Sold Cameron (I think you said), how old is he?

Belen: Angie, NOLA is a book signing event in New Orleans

Miranda Howard: is Duchenne hereditary?

Belen: In February

Lover Michelle: So (not sold) GRRRR....

Amy Harmon: I really shouldn't leave out David, Aaron's dad. He and I had a very special chat right
before I left. He expressed to me how the hardest things turn out to be blessings. That really was the theme of
the book.

Miranda Howard: ♥

Aaron: I love the part in MF when Bailey says he is Spiderman and that somehow it would cure him of

Gladys Medina: You are making me cry again Amy!

Angie: Thank you Gladys. It's a blessing to be part of Aaron's life. I'm lucky to have him. He's so positive!

Amy Harmon: I will let Angie answer this if she is still here. Duchenne is passed through the mother to
her boys.

Lover Michelle: Am I the only one with goose bumps here????

Carol: It puts a lot of smaller problems into perspective.

Crysti: Michelle, I've been laughing then crying then smiling and crying again. So, you aren't alone.

Aaron: The way I look at things is it could always be a lot worse

Aaron: I am thankful for the life I have

Miranda Howard: MF touched me like no other book ever has. I feel blessed to have even read it.

Belen: This whole book and its message were absolutely wonderful!

Amy Harmon: Amen, bro. It always can.LOL

Paula: This is the best chat ever! I'm so happy to be a part of it.

Gladys Medina: seriously crying over here

Amy Harmon: Gladys. You're a sweetie.

Lover Michelle: Group hug!!!!!

Miranda Howard: (((hugs)))

Aaron: Can I have a hug?

Aaron: haha

Lover Michelle:

Paula: Virtual hugs all around!

Aaron: thanks

Amy Harmon: Okay. So I have a question. I thought the romance was kind of hot. But I have had a few
complaints. Let's talk romance for a minute.

Crysti: Aaron, how old is your brother who has Duchenne? Does he ask you a lot of questions or look up to
you as an inspiration? Does it make it easier for you to be positive knowing you have a brother who needs to
see your positive attitude?

Amy Harmon: Good question, Crysti.

Aaron: Ya I am sure he does

Amy Harmon: Cameron is eighteen and SUPER shy.

Aaron: It really does make it easier because I have been through the same thing he is going through

Aaron: so I know how frustrating it can be

Debbie: Michelle I thank you so much for introducing me to Amy's books and for this chat.... OMG the
romance.... you knock it out of the park... the perfect balance of words just to make the reader feel the desire

Nelly: Amy I really pray for your message to reach people all over the world and Aaron I pray for you to go
to sleep every night with a little bit of extra happiness every day. It was humbling to chat with you two

Lover Michelle: You're welcome Debbie.

Aaron: Thank you Nelly I appreciate that

Paula: I really thought the romance was honest. Didn't you get some complaints (I hate to say that, for lack
of a better word) about ADB, too? Because there wasn't an actual "love scene"?

Crysti: Amy - I don't know how anyone could complain about anything with MF.

Amy Harmon: Thank you, Debbie. I love actual romance, where you fall in love as the characters do. I
always feel cheated when I read books where the build is rushed.

Lover Michelle: So Amy, let's hear about the complaints.

Crysti: I was just thinking the same thing, Paula.

Angie: DMD is a genetic disorder but can happen spontaneously 1/9,000 births. Since I am not a carrier, I
thought Aaron was a spontaneous case. After genetic counseling I had become pregnant with my youngest,
Cameron. He also has DMD. To be a gonadal mosaic is rare.

MJ: I feel honored just to have been able to listen in. Many thanks to Aaron and his Mom both
are an inspiration. And Amy, well you are just the best

Amy Harmon: Yep. People wanted sex. Sorry AAron.

Aaron: It's ok haha

Debbie: Aaron are you such a positive person... I applaude the way you look at life...

Miranda Howard: lol

Aaron: Thanks so much

Lover Michelle: Amy, I loved your book because it's something I can share with my 18-year-old daughter
and my 15-year-old son. I love that we can share books.

Crysti: There are so many books out there with super smutty sex... I love how the progression was ....normal.
I can't think of a better word right now, but it wasn't so farfetched that the reader couldn't relate.

Nelly: Amy sex is overrated in books. Sorry sex fans hahaah

Amy Harmon: That's why there's no sex, Michelle. I have an 18 YO and a 14 YO, and they want to read
my books.

Angie: Nelly: Thank you, how sweet and tender. This is exactly what the book has done for Aaron. He is
thrilled a shadow of his story is in print. He is thrilled to get exposure to DMD. And we are has happy as ever
for Amy's success. She deserves all the credit.

Gladys Medina: I think sex was not needed. Romance was pure

Belen: It was perfect without the sex! It gave you those swoon worthy moments that still made your hands

Paula: Amy, I love how you didn't cave to those who demanded sex in your books. Don't ever change who
you are. The books are perfect. I will admit that I loved the extra epi that you added for ADB, but only
because I loved the characters, not because I needed them to have sex.

Autumn: I shared with my grandmother and the only part she cried was the porch scene and the hospital
scene at the end after Bailey's heroics

Aaron: I agree

Holly Kelly: I don't think it's the actual sex people want. They want the heat, the desire along with the love
story. No details required--in my opinion.

Jen: I've enjoyed the chat and seeing everyone's questions. Thanks to Amy, Angie, and Aaron for
participating Typing on my Kindle stinks so I haven't posted any. Just want to say your books are amazing
and to everyone else - if you haven’t read Running Barefoot you should soon! it's just as amazing as MF <3

Debbie: Belen exactly you swooned.... and it was magic - Aaron wanna know a secret... I fell hard and fast
for Bailey.... he had me from word one... he

Carol: My daughter-in-law in Denver teaches HS English. I will recommend MF to her.

Amy Harmon: I challenge myself to write without it (sex) not because I don't like it (ha ha) but because
it's harder to do and demands real character development.

Miranda Howard: I don't need sex in books as long as I get butterflies. Thanks for the butterflies!

Crysti: Jen, I still haven't read ANYTHING since MF. But, I have to read RB soon.

Amy Harmon: Thank you, Jen!

Aaron: I love the part when Bailey dances with Rita

Nelly: Angie as the mother of a 5-month-old boy I tell you I only wish I could be such a good mother and
such a wonderful support for my son. If mine grows to be half the man yours is I will consider my mission
here accomplished

Crysti: Me too, Aaron.

Amy Harmon: Aaron. I knew you would love that. I'm getting tears.
Paula: My all-time favorite books have little to no sex.

Debbie: I don't think any author could surpass the way you develop a character Amy so I am a bit baffled by
your statement - As for the sex - not needed the book was filled with intense love

Miranda Howard: Nelly :'( so true

Lover Michelle: Just a suggestion everyone ~ you can always purchase a paperback copy and donate it to
your local library or the school library!

Debbie: Me too Aaron

Amy Harmon: Ah ha! Then I have succeeded, Debbie.

Belen: I loved every part with Bailey!!

Aaron: I also love the fact that Rita sees past Bailey's wheelchair and realizes that he is perfect the way he is

Debbie: I already did that Michelle -

Paula: Amy, I don't know if you have read The Sea of Tranquility by Katja Milay, but after reading MF, I
described it as having a TSoT feel.

Miranda Howard: good idea. I think I may do that for my former high school!

Amy Harmon: And any library can order it if you request it!!
Angie: Thank you Nelly, I'm aspiring to be like the incredible characters in MF. Amy inspires us all to face
challenges with courage. Thank you Amy!

Lover Michelle: Absolutely! You can even call your libraries, request it, and see if they will buy it. If not,
then donate a copy. It's a great way to get the book out to the general public.

Amy Harmon: Rita was a sweet girl - I wanted to show her sweetness and that beautiful girls don't have it
easy either.

Miranda Howard: Paula when I finished MF I thought it is the only thing close to TSoT.. I actually thought
TSoT may be a close second to MF.

Amy Harmon: Thank you, Angie.

Debbie: I had my friend request if for the library she works for.... Everyone should have to read this story....
and the others you have written as well they are all just amazing

Aaron: I actually know a girl that is exactly like Rita she doesn't really care I am in a wheelchair it's like I
can walk it's awesome

Amy Harmon: I haven't read TSOT - but it is on my kindle waiting for me to have the attention span to
delve in.

Miranda Howard: Aaron- girlfriend?

Belen: So what's stopping you from making her your GF Aaron lol

Paula: It's a beautiful book, Amy, if you’re looking for a recommendation. I think you would really enjoy it.

Gladys Medina: good suggestion Michelle. I want the world to read MF

Aaron: Because she is on a two year lds mission

Lover Michelle: I think because that book changes us and we want everyone to experience what we felt.

Amy Harmon: Hey. Before we end I need to thank you. I found out I made the USA today Bestsellers list
this evening. Such a surprise and all due to you wonderful people spreading the word.

Aaron: I am single

Crysti: YAY!!!!!!!!!!!

Paula: Congrats, Amy!!!!

Crysti: Yay to USA today, not being single, Aaron. Sorry! lol

Debbie: Aaron I have a hard time wrapping my head around anyone caring if you are in a wheelchair - You
seem to be just well maybe a bit more amazing than Bailey

Nelly: Congrats AMY!!!!

Holly Kelly: Congratulations!!! I knew it would make it!

Carol: Congratulations, Amy!!!

Debbie: CONGRATS AMY!!!!!!!!!!!

Belen: Congrats Amy!! Well deserved!

Crysti: Amy: What's your favorite quote from MF?

Aaron: Amy you deserve it!!!

Miranda Howard: congrats!! You deserve it!!

Amy Harmon: Thank you. I also got a new agent this week. She just happens to represent a certain
Colleen Hoover...kind of stoked about it.

Angie: Awesome Amy!!

jbmcgee: sorry i'm late <3

Amy Harmon: Hi JB
Lover Michelle: )

Nelly: I’m so happy for you!!

Lover Michelle:

Paula: Wow, Amy! Great news and you are in good company. CH is amazing.

Gladys Medina: Congrats Amy. You wrote an outstanding story


Carol: This is the very first chat room I have ever participated in. It was informative and a lot of fun!!!
Thanks, Cuz Deb!!!

Aaron: hey Miranda

Lover Michelle: Carol, be sure and come back!!!!!!

Miranda Howard: thank you Amy for writing such a touching book. It’s not very often that I read a book
that makes me want to be a better person.

Paula: Thanks, Amy for doing this. I hope that I can get to NY and chat with you!

Carol: Thank you, Lover Michelle!!

jbmcgee: I hear Aaron is here. *waves* I have two boys with Mitochondrial Disease, which presents very
similarly. I intend on having them read this book when they are older.

Debbie: You bet Carol and this is my first as well and I am so happy it was on a Wednesday so I could talk
with you all Thank you Michelle, Amy, Aaron and Angie
Autumn: YAY!!! CONGRATS AMY!!!!!!!!

Belen: I second that Miranda!!

Amy Harmon: Crysti. My favorite quote is the one at the end of the book, where Fern's dad gives some
final remarks at the grave. About not getting all the answers, not understanding the whys, but that true beauty
comes from hardship and from enduring well.

Aaron: hey JB I enjoyed your radio show the other night

Miranda Howard: hey Aaron

jbmcgee: I didn't know you were listening - thank you so much!

Angie: Jbmcgee MF will inspire your children to be courageous and positive.

MandyL: super excited for you Amy and that quote is by far my favorite too

jbmcgee: Angie, I think so, too

Lover Michelle: Yes, I loved that quote---so many great quotes.

jbmcgee: They already are

Angie: A perfect quote that inspires us all.

Miranda Howard: love that quote

Crysti: I have many favorites: "Victory is in the Battle" and "Everybody is a main character to someone" are
two of my favs.

Miranda Howard: oh me too Chrysti!

Amy Harmon: I have to tell you about Victory is in the Battle before you all leave. Is that okay?
Lover Michelle: Absolutely, whatever you want to do Amy!

Autumn: yup!

Crysti: And the poem...

Debbie: Yes please!

Crysti: Yes!
Gladys Medina: Yes

Lover Michelle:

Nelly: We are still here

Amy Harmon: My son, Paulie (yep, that character was named for him) has really struggled with anxiety
and depression, to the point he was hospitalized many many times. Visiting your child in the psych ward is
terrible. He has always been an amazing wrestler.

Amy Harmon: And his junior year, limped through the season.
Aaron: That is horrible Amy! I struggle with Anxiety as well

Amy Harmon: He made it so state, and we were just happy that he was there. He went on to make it into
the State Championship match.

Amy Harmon: He lost by one point and took second. But when it was over, I told him Victory is in the
Battle, not in the result.

Belen: Is this the son that sings? I've stalked his page lol and he's really good

Amy Harmon: So he has a championship ring that has Victory is in the Battle engraved on the inside.
jbmcgee: I love Victory is in the Battle. So true.

Miranda Howard: so true

Aaron: agreed

Autumn: goose bumps!! Thanks for sharing that with us Amy

Paula: Amy, wow! That's beautiful. My son had

Holly Kelly: Love that!

Debbie: Thank you so much for sharing that with us...

Amy Harmon: Yep. This is Paul Travis who sings so beautifully. His page is Paul Travis singer songwriter
if you want to hear some of his stuff.

Paula: Has been diagnosed with an anxiety disorder, too.

Nelly: It’s a lovely story

Lover Michelle: OMG, I love it.

Gladys Medina: Oh my God! What a story

Crysti: LOVE!

Crysti: I just read it to my mom and husband.

Amy Harmon: Paula. It's awful. Hugs.

Lover Michelle: another group hug!!!!

Debbie: Thank you for sharing his page info

Gladys Medina: I see a tattoo in my future

Aaron: Yay group hug

Paula: He is only 5. We are in for a long road.

Crysti: You guys! This was just beyond words! Seriously. I'll go to bed tonight feeling uplifted and inspired

Autumn: Thanks for chatting Amy!! Group Hugs all around! this chat has been amazing

Crysti: Gladys-NOLA

Holly Kelly: ((hugs))

Debbie: Thank you Amy -

Amy Harmon: Gladys, ha ha! We must all get together at NOLA. Let's make it happen.
Gladys Medina: Crysti, I'm in!

Crysti: Thank you, Amy! <3 <3 <3

Paula: Thanks, Amy!

jbmcgee: Paula, my 6 year old has a conduct disorder, anxiety disorder, ADHD, and cerebral folate
deficiency - I can so relate. It's definitely going to be a long road. Hang in there.

Aaron: Don't leave me haha

Lover Michelle: I'll have the transcript of this chat posted within the next day and posted on Literati
Literature Lovers, Literati Book Reviews, and will forward the link to Amy as well. That way you can catch
up on anything you missed.

Crysti: Just make sure your tattoo artist can spell! I speak from experience here.

Amy Harmon: Paula. In some ways, he will be better off because you are on top of it. We just didn't know
what was wrong, and neither did Paulie. He suffered for way too long before we were able to help him.

Miranda Howard: thank you Amy and Aaron for sharing with us ♥

Lover Michelle: Oh no Crysti!!!!

Nelly: Thank you Amy

Belen: Amy, are you currently working on another book?

Carol: Amy, this was my first of your reads, but definitely not the last. I want them all.

Aaron: your welcome Miranda

Amy Harmon: Belen...yep! I'm excited about it. And Carol! Yay! That makes me so happy!
jbmcgee: Never thought of it that way, Amy.

Crysti: Yep, Michelle. It's quite ironic, too.

Paula: Thanks, JB

Nelly: Aaron, keep it up you gorgeous Taylor S will come

Debbie: Aaron - thank you - Angie thank you JB I just love you

Gladys Medina: LOL Crysti!

Lover Michelle: Well, Amy, you have been wonderful, and I know we are all grateful for your time and a
better person because of your amazing too Aaron and Angie!

Crysti: It's supposed to say "Sometimes you need to let things go" because of some things that were going on
when I got it. Instead, it says "Sometimes YOUR need to let things go".

Aaron: Ok I will Nelly! I sure hope so

Carol: My Cuz Debbie knows what I like to read and she suggests perfectly for me!!! Keep up the great
work, Deb
Amy Harmon: Oh no, Crysti! LoL
jbmcgee: I loved this book - I loved that it was about something I could relate to, and I'm sorry I wasn't
able to be here longer to support this chat. I will read back through later!

Crysti: We need to send this transcript to Taylor Swift!

Gladys Medina: Crysti, you need to let it go LOL

Debbie: Thanks Carol.... love ya

Aaron: Do it Crysti!!

Lover Michelle: Yes, who has connections to Taylor Swift????

Aaron: That would be awesome

Crysti: Have her kiss a copy of the book with her red lipstick and send it to Aaron.

Aaron: haha

Aaron: I wouldn't mind that

Amy Harmon: Thank you everyone!!

Lover Michelle: Why not send her a copy of the book with the transcript?????

jbmcgee: I love Tay Swift.

Belen: I hope I get to meet you in a book signing Amy and Aaron, what an inspiration you have been!

Holly Kelly: Amy and Aaron, thank you for giving us a piece of your lives. The world's a better place
because of both of you.

Carol: My grandson loves Taylor also

Aaron: I agree Michelle

Crysti: Thank you Amy, Aaron and Angie!

Debbie: I will contact my friends at Warner Michelle and see if we can get Aaron a little something

Amy Harmon: Holly - we forgot our lunch date. Soon!

Lover Michelle: Aaron, I can take care of the transcript part....

Aaron: Thank you Chrysti

Aaron: How Michelle?

jbmcgee: A Facebook page - let's get Aaron to Taylor Swift

Holly Kelly: Yes, soon. This month's been crazy!

Crysti: Ten degrees of Kevin Bacon.... or Taylor Swift. I bet we could find somebody who knows somebody.

Carol: He's only 17 Aaron so you have the experience going for you

Aaron: jb great idea

Lover Michelle: I'm running this chat so I can have the transcript done very quickly and easily!


Amy Harmon: Somehow we need to get a book to her, tell her about Aaron, and that rest will be history.
Aaron: Ok that would be great! Thank You Michelle

jbmcgee: Yep - I agree -

Aaron: Exactly Amy!

Aaron: It could work

Aaron: I have hope

Lover Michelle: Operation Aaron!!!!

Debbie: Never stop believing in your dreams Aaron - sometimes they come true....

jbmcgee: Aaron - Did you get a Make-A-Wish - if I got a Make-A-Wish as an adult, it'd be to meet her.

Belen: Yes! We need to have her meet the great Aaron!

Aaron: Ok I won't give up

Crysti: I have a friend in the country scene in Nashville. I'll ask him if he knows anybody who knows her
agent or something maybe. We can do this!!
Aaron: I wish there were a make a wish adult

Debbie: Amy thank you so much for your time.... It has been an absolute pleasure and honor to chat with you
and your extended family...

Aaron: I would seriously go on a date with Taylor

Lover Michelle: Well Taylor is on Twitter so we all need to tweet her and mention it too!!!

Crysti: We could tweet her every day.

Nelly: There is always Oprah

Crysti: ha!! Great minds!

Lover Michelle: See, great minds think a like!

Aaron: ha ha don't scare her

Lover Michelle: Haha ~ are we related????


Debbie: Oh Aaron - we are your adult Make A Wish don't ever underestimate the power of a group of
determined women

Gladys Medina: #taylormeetsaaron

Crysti: Who's your grandma? Maybe .... lol

jbmcgee: Yep. I don't know why there isn't a foundation for young adults. I guess too many or something?

Aaron: YES DO IT haha

Lover Michelle: We won't scare her, but if she hears it enough?

Amy Harmon: I'm having a little contest on my page tomorrow about chapter titles. Make sure you all stop
by. And I'm going to Nashville after I go to New Orleans...maybe I'll hunt Taylor down.

Nelly: Trending topic ladies

jbmcgee: Ah - Oprah!!! Aaron do you remember Mattie Stepanik?

Debbie: I do JB
Aaron: Nope JB

Lover Michelle: poems, I sure do.

jbmcgee: I am friends with his mom - he had Mitochondrial Disease.

jbmcgee: Aaron - it's your age - lol. Anyway, I'm friends with his mom. I'll send her Making Faces. Maybe
she'll get it to Oprah.

Aaron: Have Taylor Swift read MF

Crysti: What's our hashtag gonna be?

Belen: Your chapter titles killed me after I realized what they were!! Brilliant

Nelly: Does anyone know Oprah so we can have Aaron meet TS?

Amy Harmon: Belen - yay. Most people missed it.

Crysti: LOVED the chapter titles. Thank you, Gladys, for pointing them out to me.

Aaron: Sorry for stealing your thunder Amy

Miranda Howard: Nelly we'll have to ask Serena... she may have connections in Chicago!

Paula: I loved the chapter titles.

Amy Harmon: There's plenty of thunder to go around, Aaron.

Gladys Medina: Crysti, sure. After you blamed me for making you cry

Nelly: Yes Miranda!!!

Crysti: lol

Crysti: You did!

Lover Michelle: Okay, what did I miss on the chapter titles????

Lover Michelle: Or is that a secret?

Crysti: They were Bailey's bucket list.

Nelly: Its Baileys list

Amy Harmon: Michelle, the chapter titles are Bailey's list.
Lover Michelle: Now, why didn't I know that?

Nelly: I got it right away

Gladys Medina: Damn app! They are brilliant

Crysti: I totally missed it.

Amy Harmon: I'm going to run a contest tomorrow on the page for a signed copy - people will have to
message me the right answer to be entered.

Lover Michelle: haha

Belen: Aaron, after this book have you become a bit of a celebrity? And how are you liking it?

Aaron: I like it but it's not about me

Amy Harmon: Make friends with a monster. That one made me cry.
Crysti: I think a reread is in order.

Miranda Howard: me too Chysti!

Amy Harmon: It totally is about you, Aaron! You are the reason I hope this book does big things.
Miranda Howard: Crysti*

Gladys Medina: Agree!

Aaron: It's a shadow of my life

Debbie: Oh but Aaron that’s where you are wrong.... it’s the heart of who you are....

Aaron: Thank You Amy for including me

Lover Michelle: Crysti ~ we are related!

Crysti: We need to make sure it does big things. Don't let the buzz stop about this book.

Amy Harmon: Thank you for making it possible, Aaron.

Crysti: Is that you, Cousin Michelle?
Miranda Howard: Bailey was based off you & he is my favorite character of all time!

Nelly: Thank you both for including all of us!!!

Amy Harmon: Crysti. Thank you. I don't know how to get it beyond the circles it is in...but I'm doing my
best to just will it forward.

Aaron: I have enjoyed the ride Amy and I hope to continue

Miranda Howard: crysti we need to get this on the big screen!

Crysti: KB mission? lol

Amy Harmon: I really believe you will see it on the big screen some day, Aaron. We will go together to
the premier. It will happen.

Miranda Howard: for surr!

Aaron: I believe it can happen

Crysti: Just did, cuz!

Amy Harmon: Aaron Roos, Michelle.

Aaron: thank you everyone for your kindness

Debbie: Oh Amy - Word of mouth.... I have 32 women I knit with reading this.... I have friends that I buy
this for on a daily basis as gifts..... I can't stop talking about this book

Belen: Yes!! We definitely need to spread the word!!

Carol: It's as good as the Nicholas Sparks movies, for sure!!!!

Aaron: Spread the word!

Debbie: Aaron what name can I find you under on FB?

Miranda Howard: when it makes it to the big screen no one will believe that I chatted with the author of the
book! ha!

jbmcgee: Could totally see it on the big screen.

Amy Harmon: Miranda. I giggled. Making me feel cool. Thanks.


Miranda Howard:

Belen: Or that we chatted with who inspired Bailey!!

Crysti: I can say "I bugged the hell out of her" back in the day.

jbmcgee: be prepared aaron for the screaming girls who are about to fan you

Lover Michelle: Aaron, don't get freaked out thinking we are cougars!!!!!

Debbie: Thanks Aaron!!!!

Amy Harmon: Crysti, you are going to be hired as my personal assistant and we will be doing spa days by
that time.

Aaron: ok Michelle haha

Aaron: I sure hope so

Crysti: lol

Lover Michelle: Okay, well let's wrap this up.

Lover Michelle: Amy, we can always do another fan chat whenever you want!

Amy Harmon: Okay all. I am going to step out. My little boy just ran through the living room with no
pants on. Never a good thing.

Lover Michelle: We are here to support you 100%, and I feel like we are one big family!

Crysti: Good night all! This was fun!

Aaron: Thank you Amy!

Aaron: Good Night

jbmcgee: haha boys

Gladys Medina: I'll save this chat and sell it on eBay when Amy does Hollywood

Miranda Howard: Thank you Amy! I can't wait to meet you!

jbmcgee: Nice to meet you, Aaron - Amy always fun! <3

Aaron: God Bless you everyone

Amy Harmon: Thank you all. And thank you Aaron and Angie for making it special for me and everyone

Carol: Good Night! Such a good time spent.....

Miranda Howard: Thank you Aaron! ♥

Holly Kelly: Good night Amy, night Aaron..

Aaron: Yeah your welcome

Debbie: Thank you Amy, Aaron and Michelle and to all you who chatted tonight it was fantastic!

Aaron: Anytime!

Amy Harmon: Night John boy

Gladys Medina: Good night and thank you!

Amy Harmon: Night Mary Ellen

Lover Michelle:

Vee: Thank you Amy! This is my first book chat. Got too excited, didn't know what to say. LOL!

Lover Michelle: Night everyone!!!!

Nelly: Night!!

Amy Harmon: Thanks for coming VEE

Belen: Thank you!! This was a great chat

Vee: Have a good night Amy and to everyone.

Amy Harmon: Nobody watched the Waltons, apparently.

Vee: haha! Good night John boy.
Connect with the Author: Facebook | Goodreads | Twitter | Blog

Addendum added 11/14/13

Operation #aaronmeettaylor - Last night at our "fan chat with Amy Harmon" we had a special guest. Aaron Roos, my
inspiration for Bailey in MAKING FACES, stopped in to answer questions too. He confessed his desire to meet Taylor
Swift. So...we're going to try to make that happen. If you can, please help us! Please tweet using #aaronmeettaylor and
#makingfaces so that we can give her a copy of Making Faces and introduce her to Aaron Roos and Bailey Sheen. I'll be
tweeting throughout the day, so if you follow me @aharmon_author you can retweet my tweets and we will get this
operation underway.

Transcript provided by Literati Literature Lovers & Literati Book Reviews

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