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theSun | TUESDAY AUGUST 11 2009 3

news without borders

Nothing to rejoice, much more to do

tary evidence. This means, the job ies. Who is this someone, or many of offer any comment will only lead to vigilant, and perhaps unearth more
of the police, the Attorney-General’s them, whose hands are tainted and further speculation of hidden hands wrongdoings in other projects under-
Comment Chambers and other law enforcement yet to be identified? No, pointing the at work and selective prosecution. taken by the board. Were tenders and
by R. Nadeswaran agencies becomes easier. fingers at the previous directors of the But his boss, the transport minister, contracts awarded properly or did one Instead of seeking evidence and PKA board will only result in unison is not likely to condone Lee’s selec- person rule the roost making all the
documents – like looking for a needle cries of “we did not know a damn tive or progressive release of the decisions without consultation? Were
THE good news is that the Port Klang in a haystack – they now have before thing that was happening”. names – whatever he chooses – as procedures followed and were Treas-
Authority (PKA) has made the coura- them a comprehensive outline of the But then PKA chairman Datuk Lee it has been the stand of the former ury directives followed to the book?
geous step of making a police report so-called offences and the like. But Hwa Beng, in his statement to the that nothing will be swept under the Lee has a big task ahead of him and
on the humongous amount of money the allegations against the turnkey media, makes no mention of the other carpet. And Lee should also realise nobody will envy the position he is in,
that has gone down the drain or ended contractor, Kuala Dimensi Sdn Bhd, parties involved in this massive abuse that by making the police report, but heavy is the head that wears the
up in people’s pockets in the name of are serious indeed and related to of public funds. It is as if this whole he can’t wash his hands and walk crown. And remember, it ain’t over
the Port Klang Free Zone (PKFZ). The cheating, deceit, over-payments and scam could have been perpetrated away. until the Fat Lady sings!
bad news is that the contents of the non-existent claims. without the abetment of people from The book on the PKFZ fiasco isn’t
report will remain mere allegations For all these to have happened, within. His silence is indeed deafening. closed yet and has that of the PKA.
unless they are proven in a court of there must be someone (within PKA) But, as we say, it takes two hands to As chairman, he must take the lead R. Nadeswaran was the first to break
law. The better news is that the task who must have vetted the claims, clap and, going through the docu- in continuing to push for more ac- the PKFZ story and has pursued it
force that prepared the report which certified that the work had been ments with a fine-toothed comb, no countability and transparency in the relentlessly for more than four years.
contained claims of irregularities has carried out and, to stretch it further, one would have been spared. management of our biggest port. He He says there’s little to celebrate until
provided PKA with enough documen- approved the payment of the mon- For Lee to remain silent and not and the board must continue to be taxpayers’ money is accounted for.


2,718 EPF
Suhakam seeks details
PETALING JAYA: The Human Rights
Commission of Malaysia (Suhakam) said
it would write to Chief Secretary to the
Government Tan Sri Mohd Sidek Hassan for
Early tests show
to court
by Hemananthani Sivanandam


ees Provident Fund (EPF) has
further details of the Royal Commission of
Inquiry on the death of political aide Teoh
Beng Hock.
In a statement yesterday, Suhakam vice
chairman Tan Sri Simon Sipaun said it will
ask for details on the Royal Commission
and its terms of reference .
stains not blood
by Tan Yi Liang and
S. Tamarai Chelvi
things that we had hoped would be
done earlier were not done, but we
“Upon receiving a response from the
hauled 2,718 employers to court chief secretary, Suhakam will determine its will take up these issues in the course
from April to June for failing to next course of action at its next meeting of the inquest when these witnesses
remit the EPF contributions of soon,” he said. SHAH ALAM: Preliminary tests are called.”
their employees. on stains found on the emergency Gobind also said fibres found
The EPF filed 2,598 criminal stairway between the 14th and 15th on the fifth floor of Plaza Masalam,
cases and 120 civil cases, and 147 floor of Plaza Masalam show they are where Teoh’s body was discovered,
errant employers were slapped not blood but a form of could have been
with fines totalling RM397,235 anti-rust paint. from Teoh’s pants.
during the period. Gobind Singh Deo, “At the scene,
During the first quarter from the lawyer for Teoh TEOH we found certain
January to March, the EPF filed
1,849 criminal cases and 170
Beng Hock’s family,
told this to reporters
BENG fibres which we
believe were from
civil cases against defaulters, who yesterday after forensic HOCK (Teoh’s) trousers
were slapped with fines totalling experts tested samples but the chemists
RM254,640. of the stains. inquest will have to assist
The fines, ranging from Earlier, Azmil us there and they
RM1,000 to RM7,000, were for of- Mustapha Abas, acting will inform us once
fences under Section 43(2) of the as the coroner, had allowed an ap- they have examined the fibres
EPF Act 1991. plication by Gobind for the forensic and the trousers,” he said.
According to an EPF statement, experts to carry out tests on four He said the tests on the fibres,
Poi Huat Machine Tools Sdn Bhd stains found during the coroner’s which could give an indication of
and Caidmark Automation Sdn visit to the building on Friday. how Teoh fell, were expected to be
Bhd, both of Selangor, received Among those who conducted completed today.
the highest fines of RM7,000 and the tests were chemist Dr Seah Lay Malik Imtiaz Sarwar, a lawyer for
RM6,500, respectively. Hong – who testified at the inquest the Selangor government, also said
Precint Development Sdn Bhd last week – a police forensic team many people would have passed
and Tricubes Berhad were fined and another forensic team from the through the Selangor offices of the
RM6,000 and RM5,900, respec- Chemistry Department. Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commis-
tively, and Knowledgegenius Sdn “They have told us there is a high sion (MACC) on the 14th floor.
Bhd and Kim Guan Fatt Sdn Bhd possibility that it is a form of anti-rust “I think it is important to note that
were fined RM4,000 each. paint which looks quite similar to the significant delay in the tests today,
EPF general manager for pub- blood, but this is subject to confirma- and also considering that the MACC
lic relations Nik Affendi Jaafar tion after laboratory tests,” Gobind, is a public office, a lot of traffic goes
said the number of defaulting who brought in independent experts through the office and that would
employers showed a drop – from Somchai Chailermsook Sant and have had an impact, so it would be a
2.16% of the total number of Amidon Anan to conduct their own bit of a miracle to find anything new
employers in the first quarter to tests, said. at this stage,” he said.
1.91% in the second quarter. “We are satisfied with what Azmil Muntapha fixed today for
“This indicates that more em- has happened today but you must the presentation of the test results.
ployers are conscious of their role remember that today is nearly three- He also said he would make a ruling
in their employees’ retirement and-a-half weeks after the incident, so on the relevency of the presence of
well-being,” he said. Malik Imtiaz, Somchai and Gobind at Plaza Masalam yesterday. time has taken its effect, and certain certain witnesses in the court.
However, while the majority
of the employers are attentive in
carrying out their responsibilities,
some continue to disregard their
obligations by withholding their
Probe alleged seditious statement, says Najib
employees’ EPF contribution. KUALA LUMPUR: Prime Minister Datuk Najib, who had earlier chaired a Ba- “We hope for moderation in our ap- the circulation of SMSes claiming that
Under the EPF Act 1991, all Seri Najib Razak asked the authorities risan Nasional Supreme Council meeting, proaches, and we hope all concerned I have insulted Islam and the Sultan of
employers are required to submit yesterday to investigate the alleged was asked to comment on statements would lean towards that (moderation). Perak in an article in a weblog,” he said.
their monthly contributions on seditious statement made against a seen as anti-Islamic made by certain “And we cannot say that only one “Neither Dapsy (DAP Youth) nor I have
behalf of their employees before freelance religious speaker by an op- individuals of late. party has made extreme statements but ever issued any statement that insults
or on the 15th day of every month position Youth leader. Last week, DAP Youth chief Loke Siew we see others are also doing the same Islam and the Perak royalty. Being an MP,
or risk facing legal action. He said if the statement was found Fook had issued a statement hitting out and which have hurt feelings.” it would be stupid of me to do so.These
Nik Affendi also said the to be seditious, the offender could be at freelance religious speaker Dr Mohd Charles Ramendran reports: Loke, are lies spread by certain irresponsible
names of 326 company direc- charged under the Sedition Act 1948, as Ridhuan Tee Abdullah, in which he called who is also the Rasah MP, lodged a parties out to tarnish the image of the
tors have been submitted to the such a statement could cause tension Mohd Ridhuan a racist. police report yesterday against several DAP and paint the DAP as anti-Islam and
Immigration Department under among the different races, Bernama Loke criticised Mohd Ridhuan for his weblogs for allegedly accusing him of anti-Malay.”
Section 39 of the EPF Act to pre- reported. statement on the status of the unborn insulting Islam and the Perak royalty. Loke said the article appeared in a
vent them from leaving Malaysia “The Sedition Act not only can be child of political aide Teoh Beng Hock Loke, accompanied by Teratai as- blog called
without settling their outstanding applied in cases of seditious statements and fiancee as a child out of wedlock. semblyman Jenice Lee and Shah Alam which he did not even know existed.
contributions. made against Islam, but against other Loke said the statement had emotionally MP Khalid Abd Samad, lodged his report “Following this, there have also been
He said errant employers are religions and races, too,” Najib said. hurt Teoh’s family. at the Dang Wangi district police head- calls by certain individuals that action
usually given a maximum of six “If we insult someone and the insult Najib said all parties must take a quarters at about 2pm. be taken by invoking the ISA against
instalments by the courts to settle can cause friction (among the people), moderate stance in discussing issues “I deny these unfounded allegations me. I hope the police will thoroughly
their arrears. action can be taken under the law.” which touched on race and religion. and lies spread by certain blogs and in investigate my report,” he said.

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