Thesun 2009-08-11 Page06 BKT Gasing Temple Works A Risk To Public Ikram

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6 theSun | TUESDAY AUGUST 11 2009

news without borders

Press Digest
by Kong See Hoh

Bkt Gasing temple works

Jui Meng: I’m no

a risk to public: Ikram opportunist
FORMER MCA vice-president
Datuk Chua Jui Meng, who
prime minister Datuk Seri Abdul-
lah Ahmad Badawi’s son-in-law
by Llew-Ann Phang also looking into Ikram expanding its 36 meditation huts, among other at- crossed over to Parti Rakyat Khairy Jamaluddin for a TV debate investigations into the second area to tractions. Keadilan (PKR) last month, says on the NEP, and he spoke up for
look into land stability and the stabili- MBPJ issued a stop-work order he is no opportunist. the Chinese and Indians.
PETALING JAYA: The Public Works sation methods,” he said. the following day after the landslide, In an interview with Sin Chew “Did any other Chinese politi-
Institute (Ikram) has found the Sivan “The costs for further investiga- ordering the demolition of the exten- Daily published yesterday, he said cian in the country dare to utter
Temple development on Bukit Gasing tions, however, would have to be sion of the construction but the order he had put forward many propos- what Chua Jui Meng said? Did
to be a risk to public safety and repair borne by the temple authorities,” was ignored. als that raised the ire of Umno anyone dare to debate with Khairy
works are being carried out on its added Fernandez. On Oct 18 last year, MBPJ issued when he was still with MCA but then?”
foundation. MBPJ and the temple authorities yet another stop-work order on the no one from the party dared to Chua disclosed that he was
The temple grounds is divided into are still discussing the next course of renovation and extension work after back him up. invited to join PKR before the last
two major areas of concern and Ikram action. councillors Fernandez and A. Thiru- “If I am an opportunist, who general election and given an offer
has only completed its report on the The Sivan Temple was first thrust venggadam voiced their concern isn’t?” he asked. to contest a seat of his choice but
first area. into the limelight after a landslide on about the development. Chua, 65, took exception for he opted to stay with MCA despite
Petaling Jaya City (MBPJ) council- March 21, 2007. Amid their cries of concern for being labelled an opportunist for the knowledge that he would not
lor Derek Fernandez said after Ikram’s The 40-year-old site where renova- public safety, there were also ques- crossing over to PKR, and gave be nominated by the party to
findings and recommendations, the tion works were being carried out was tions on the land ownership and it was examples to show that he is not contest the election because he
developer has begun work to stabilise once a shrine and it expanded into a revealed that the land belonged to the opportunistic, including his pro- was hoping that the leadership
the grounds, including correcting the moderate temple to an even larger state government. posal for the abolition of the New would reform the party.
erosion. temple complex. Subsequently, MBPJ and the state Economic Policy (NEP); his pro- “If I were an opportunist, would
“The MBPJ’s engineering depart- The complex had originally been government, particularly Selangor posal for MCA to withdraw from I have done so?” he asked.
ment is heading this task to ensure that planned to occupy 1,400 sq m but the Health, Estates Workers, Poverty and the Barisan Nasional (BN) to break Chua, who made two unsuc-
the people involved in the construc- new site is estimated to be about four Caring Government Committee chair- away from Umno’s control; and cessful bids for the party top post
tion abide by the repair works and all times, at 5,700 sq m. man Dr A. Xavier Jeyakumar, who is turning down Datuk Seri Anwar in the later part of his 33 years with
that is necessary to ensure safety are The three-storey project, when also part of the state’s committee for Ibrahim’s invitation to join PKR MCA, could have chosen to retire
completed accordingly. completed, would accommodate non-Muslim religious affairs, have prior to the last general election quietly and be “a well-respected
“It’s on-going but it’s slow. We’re 8,000 people and the construction of been working to resolve the issue. even though he knew MCA would party veteran” but opted to em-
not let him contest the election. bark on a new political journey
He said he openly stated eve- with the Opposition to realise his
rything. “Did anyone (from MCA) ambition to seek reforms.
dare to say it? They did not even Asked if it is not too late for
dare to support me. Why wasn’t I him to make such a decision,
labelled an opportunist then?” he said: “In everyone’s life, there
Chua said he first proposed exists an opportune time for one
the scrapping of NEP while he to do a certain thing. And this is
was a minister and he would not the most opportune moment for
have done so to jeopardise his me”.
government post if he was an He explained that this is the
opportunist. best time to form the two-party
He said when he proposed system and the most opportune
the scrapping of the NEP, no one time to reform (the country).
from MCA, Chinese organisations Chua also said because he
or Chinese business groups dared had proposed the abolition of
to back him up, and nobody said NEP, Umno had regarded him
he was opportunistic. as a thorn in the flesh and tried
He also pointed out that in to prevent him from becoming
2005, while he was still MCA MCA president in the last party
vice-president, he took on then election.

Fight for Najib’s time

sparked groups’ split
A SCRAMBLE for a more promi- tee meeting in which Ong was
nent position on the programme not present, it was found that the
agenda for a dinner hosted by order between Cheng and Lim
MCA in Kuantan to celebrate was reversed.
Datuk Seri Najib Abdul Razak’s An argument also broke out
appointment as the sixth prime over who should be seated next to
minister of Malaysia is said to Najib along with Ong at the dinner.
be the last straw that caused ACCCIM was said to be displeased
the split between Hua Zong and when it later discovered that Hua
Associated Chinese Chambers Zong had a hand in changing the
of Commerce and Industry of order for the speakers to deliver
Malaysia (ACCCIM). their speeches.
This, coupled with the subse- The matter was eventually
quent squabble between Penang resolved when the order was re-
Chinese Town Hall and Penang verted to the original arrangement
Chinese Chamber of Commerce but the incident fuelled the split
and Industry, led to ACCCIM’s between the two groups.
decision to part ways with Hua On Aug 2, ACCCIM’s execu-
Zong (Federation of Chinese As- tive council passed a resolution
sociations of Malaysia) last week. for seven Chinese chambers of
According to a report in commerce and industry which are
Nanyang Siang Pau yesterday, it still members of their respective
was learnt that the organisers of state Chinese assembly halls to
the June 27 dinner had originally withdraw their membership.
obtained the consensus from all Malacca Chinese Chamber of
parties involved to arrange for Commerce and Industry took the
Hua Zong president Tan Sri Lim lead to heed ACCCIM’s call with
Gait Tong to deliver his speech an announcement on Sunday that
before ACCCIM president Tan Sri it is pulling out of the Malacca
William Cheng, followed by MCA Chinese Assembly Hall.
president Datuk Seri Ong Tee Keat The other Chinese chambers of
and Najib. commerce and industry which still
This order, which accorded maintain their Chinese assembly
more importance to Cheng than hall membership are Selangor/
Lim, was approved by Ong but at Kuala Lumpur, Klang, Perak, Perlis,
a subsequent organising commit- Kelantan and Kluang.

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