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Intelligent US diplomacy for a change

prospect of what it calls “unexpected
reunification”, meaning the titanic cost
of feeding 23.4 million starving North
Koreans and rebuilding that dirt-poor
nation. Japan is not anxious to see a
united Korea. China does not want to see
a US-dominated united Korea that would
by Eric S. Margolis Pyongyang and began beating the and South Korea, where nearly 100,000 relieved. North Korea is a bomb waiting threaten its sensitive northeast industrial
war drums. North Korea was high US military personnel are based. Wash- to go off. The US is the only nation that and military region.
TALK about unexpected conse- on the neocons’ hit list because ington’s recent threats to stop and board seems capable of keeping some sort Those two amateur reporters did
quences. Two American female they believed it threatened Israel North Korean merchantmen on the high of order in the region and even helping everyone a favour by allowing Wash-
journalists foolishly entered forbid- by selling missile technology to Iran seas brought the two nations to the North Korea achieve an orderly post-Kim ington to reconnect to Pyongyang. This
den North Korea last March. They and the Arabs. The neocons are brink of hostilities. succession. The US also plays a key role process must not be allowed to stop.
were sentenced to 12 years hard now spreading the scare story that Add to the tensions a looming suc- in keeping Japan and Korea from each Washington should join South Korea,
labour. North Korea is selling bankrupt My- cession struggle in North Korea. During others throats, and modulating Japa- Japan, China and Russia in preparing for
This set off a remarkable chain anmar a reactor to make nuclear Clinton’s visit, the reclusive, ailing North nese-Chinese tensions. the post-Kim era by opening wider talks
of diplomatic events, culminating weapons. Korean “Dear Leader”, Kim Jong-il looked Japan, South Korea and even China with Pyongyang, discreetly assure North
in former US President Bill Clin- The captives are home. But was wizened, frail, and old. No one is certain mightily fear North Korea will implode Korea it will not be attacked, and relax-
ton’s triumphant rescue mission it right to give in to North Korea’s who will take charge after the “Beloved when the “Beloved Leader” is no more. ing sanctions in exchange for important
last week. He conducted himself obvious diplomatic blackmail? What Leader”. Ugly and brutal as his regime is, this devil concessions from Pyongyang.
with dignity and gravitas, making about abducted South Koreans and Clinton and the Obama administra- we know may be better than what could This is intelligent diplomacy. Kudos
sure never to smile at the North Japanese being held under horrible tion made the right move at the right come next. to Bill Clinton.
Koreans. After months of secret conditions in North Korea? time. Clinton’s visit may thaw frozen North Korea’s collapse could send
negotiations, the North Koreans Morality says no, but common negotiations over North Korea’s nuclear millions of starving refugees into South
made clear they would release sense says yes. This case was weapons. Kim’s nukes are not designed Korea, China, and across the narrow sea Eric S. Margolis is a contributing editor
the captives if Clinton came to get too important to ignore. Isolated, to attack the US but to deter the US from to Japan. This column hears talk that to the Toronto Sun chain of newspapers,
them. During his presidency, the threadbare North Korea desperately using its nuclear weapons against North China has a contingency plan to send its writing mainly about the Middle East
US and North Korea came close to craves recognition by the US and Korea. army into North Korea if it collapses. and South Asia. Comments: letters@
burying the hatchet and ending the an end to punishing sanctions. The Everyone in tense North Asia will be South Korea is terrified by the
North’s nuclear programme. US refuses both, treating Stalinist
But when the Bush neocons North Korea as a pariah state.
came to power, they quickly North Korea has at least six
sabotaged Clinton’s deal with nuclear weapons aimed at Japan


Limit housemanship
to one year
THE report, “Longer training fair to the patients when choosing
– Housemanship for medical grads medicine as their career.
doubled to two years” (Aug 4), re- It is timely for the ministry
vealed a number of rather intriguing to select medical students who
facts regarding the training of our have the right aptitude. It may be
medical house officers. difficult but it must come up with
First, it was surprising that about some guiding principles so that the
4,000 new doctors are recruited right people get selected. Although
into the Health Ministry every year. academic credentials are important
This is indeed a very large number, the system of selection must give
to be adequately trained in all the equal importance to the overall at-
major disciplines before being sent titude and aptitude of the individual
to hospitals. The job is a formidable to take up medicine. The least we
one considering the number and could do is to avoid choosing the
the ministry must be commended. wrong individual for the job.
However, despite the addition of Providing a more comprehen-
this many doctors every year, we are sive training to include all six major
told to be acutely short of doctors disciplines is good but has this to
and specialists. It takes weeks, even be done by doubling the duration
months for patients to be seen by a of housemanship? Medicine is a
specialist in government hospitals. rapidly developing field and we
Where do all these doctors go on cannot keep increasing the period
completion of their training? If they of housemanship to cope with the
are leaving the government service, increasing influx of new knowledge
why are they doing so in droves? and technology. What is important
It is alarming that the recent is to provide the basic training in the
study in 28 general hospitals re- important disciplines to make them
vealed that 67.8% of trainee doctors caring and safe doctors.
found their training stressful, 53% They should be given their due
had thought of quitting due to the promotion after a year of houseman-
stress, 21.8% required counselling, ship and may be retained slightly
5.8% needed specific treatment. longer in the major hospitals for
This is an unsatisfactory state of training in other critical disciplines
affairs that needs further scrutiny as needed. After five to six years of
to prevent any repercussions on strenuous undergraduate training it
our health care. would be unfair to maintain them as
How can we expect to have house officers for another two long
committed, dedicated and capable years as that would only exaggerate
doctors and specialists when more the already severe stress they are
than half of them had chosen the being subjected to.
wrong profession and considered The director general of health,
quitting in the first place? Tan Sri Mohd Ismail Merican, should
The high “morbidity” of our be commended for directing his
trainee doctors is an indication specialists to be more professional
that most of them have wrongly and train and teach their housemen
chosen their career in medicine. with extra care and civility. Stress
Many of them opted because of is not only inevitable but neces-
the perceived glamour, the respect sary in medical training especially
it commanded in society and the when treating the critically ill but
material gains that it could bring. it could be greatly alleviated if the
Others chose medicine due to specialists training them are con-
parental pressure although they siderate, humane and fair to those
did not have much interest in the under their care. They should not
job. I am surprised to know of just impart knowledge and skills
many medical students who don’t unselfishly but also instill the right
like the sight of sick people let attitude towards the patients by
alone deal with them. How can you their own exemplary and caring
expect to become a good doctor behaviour.
when you don’t like the company
of patients? Parents and students Dr Chris Anthony
must be truthful to themselves and Butterworth

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