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What can be done about obesity?

All too often, obesity prompts a strenuous diet in the hopes of reaching the "ideal body weight." Some amount of weight loss may be accomplished, but the lost weight usually quickly returns. More than 95% of the people who lose weight regain the weight within five years. It is clear that a more effective, long-lasting treatment for obesity must be found. We need to learn more about the causes of obesity, and then we need to change the ways we treat it. When obesity is accepted as a chronic disease, it will be treated like other chronic diseases such as diabetes and high blood pressure. The treatment of obesity cannot be a short-term "fix" but has to be an ongoing lifelong process. Obesity treatment must acknowledge that even modest weight loss can be beneficial. For example, a modest weight loss of 5%-10% of the initial weight and long-term maintenance of that weight loss can bring significant health gains, including lowered blood pressure, reduced blood levels of cholesterol, and reduced risk of diabetes. According to the Nurses Health Study, women who lost 5 kilograms (11 pounds) of weight reduced their risk of diabetes by 50% or more. It will also lower the chance of getting stroke, reduced the risk of getting complications of heart disease and decreased the overall mortality. It is not necessary to achieve an "ideal weight" to derive health benefits from obesity treatment. Instead, the goal of treatment should be to reach and hold to a "healthier weight." The emphasis of treatment should be to commit to the process of lifelong healthy living including eating more wisely and increasing physical activity. In sum, the goal in dealing with obesity is to achieve and maintain a "healthier weight." Reviewed by Melissa Conrad Stppler, MD on 7/18/2012


1. To achieve and maintain a

"healthier weight."


1. Practice lifelong healthy

living including eating more wisely and increasing physical activity

1. Lowered blood pressure, 2. Reduced blood levels of cholesterol, 3. Reduced risk of diabetes 4. It will also lower the chance of getting stroke, 5. Reduced the risk of getting complications of heart disease 6. Decreased the overall mortality.

Read carefully and fill in the blanks with the correct answer.

Lucy Mendoza is a nurse. She is never bored because she always busy. She usually 1) works in a hospital, but sometimes she 2) works in a special home for old people. Lucy 3) enjoys her work every day, and she never 4) takes a day off. For Lucy, even though this work is 5) tiring but she never 6) complains She is always happy. She is never sad. Today, she 7) doesnt work in the hospital. She 8) is working in a home for old people. Right now she 9) is talking to a woman. They are 10) sharing their story. The woman is very lonely because her children never 11) visit.

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