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Online Dispute Resolution (O.D.R.

) system in Research Paper ,' published in ,International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications, olume !, Issue "", #o$ember %&"! ", ISS# %%'&(!"'!' )itle of paper * Need of Expert Determination before A.D.R.(Lok Adalat) in Land Encroachment Civil Suit Revie! "#$ %u. &ohini 'remkumar %an(le Education $ &.C.A.()inal *ear)+ Dr. ".N.C.'.E. Colle(e+ *avatmal (&ahara htra) email$mohinikan(le, (Suggested Method) by Shri.Salkute

Introduction *
- remember 'eter Drucker .uote+

The best way to predict the future is to create it

A ori(inal tud# carried out b# author for court mana(ement !herein he tudied need of expert determination in Land Encroachment ca e in ADR ( Lok Adalat). /he author ha identified need to u e technolo(# (0.D.R.) in Lok Adalat in conflict related to Land Encroachment Ca e . /hou(h the land encroachment i old concept + but the vi ion of author i that+ in future !e !ill re1uire ne! tool for ne! la! + acceptable b# liti(ant .


At pre ent+ the Lok Adalat i off2line proce . 3e are a!are about Lok Aadalat. /he # tem it i nece ar# to tud# cultural factor Due to online facilitie + more

u((e ted 0DR i complementar# # tem . -n thi

includin( cu tomar# root + data collection+ data anal# i .

participation i po ible o that more intere t of concern can be ettled. -t i al o po ible to take opinion of third per on !ho ma# be expert in that field. 'artie ma# con ult to their relative and other per on . &o t of the di cu ed example for land encroachment are from villa(e level. 4e ha di cu ed cultural environment . Durin( m# revie! tud# + - think that+ the one of the panel member hould be cultivator b# profe ion !ho could under tand uch di pute ea il# .

/he re earch paper ho! that+ the author ha adopted combination (4#brid) of Expert determination+ conciliation and court mana(ement in 0.D.R.. /he ADR # tem i (ro!n but it i nece ar# to turn to!ard 0DR throu(h e2court. /he example di cu ed in the paper + covered conflict for partition + famil# partition and contract !herein intere t and (oal a !ell a po ible outcome in a di ciplinar# !a# are indicated. 0n careful readin( for the tep (iven for the u((e ted method it ho! that+ 5ideoconferencin( at Lok Adalat. -t i not a imple tatement made in the aid tep. /he -ndian 6udiciar# ha launched e2court pro7ect. /he ob7ect for e2court pro7ect ho! to create information (ate!a# bet!een court and public a(encie 8 department . E copie of entire eca e file per onnel. /he author ha !ould al o be made available online to the partie or authori9ed u((e ted in the pre ent paper that+ the e2court and 0DR (0nline

Di pute Re olution) are the t!o mo t important u e of technolo(# for di pute re olution and reducin( backlo(. /he author ha taken care for the liti(ant live in villa(e and uch initiation of 0DR in Lok Adalat it nothin( but makin( pecific platform for 0DR in -ndian Court at root level . /he 0DR include the u e of information technolo(# to facilitate the traditional ADR # tem in c#ber pace. "ut uch 0DR ha to face ome Le(al Challen(e . /he author i !ell a!are about aid challen(e o for the limited purpo e onl# he ha u((e ted videoconferencin( before the Lok Adalat proce . -n fact the di cu ion !ould be before Lok Adalat 'anel but part# ma# take part or ma# take opinion of their famil# member+ friend etc b# the u e of videoconferencin(. -n fact the di cu ion before Lok Adalat i open di cu ion therefore there !ould be no 1ue tion of an# breach of confidentialit#. No doubt+ the videoconferencin( or technolo(# re1uire i(nificant amount of mone# and time. 5ideoconferencin( machine are provided under the e2court pro7ect .Android /echnolo(# for mobile application ha provided video call. /hi mi(ht be the rea on to u((e t videoconferencin( b# the author. Even if ome point mi(ht not have been explained b# author+ but it can not den# that+ b# uch re earch paper + the author ha re1ue ted to cholar to make more re earch to make the old ADR # tem into to ne! 0DR # tem. /he di cu ion in paper i a eparate tud# !herein the example ho! that+ after expert determination + a complex point doe not remain o if an# one of the part# de ire to participate throu(h 5ideoconferencin( o there !ould not be a chance to mi under tandin(. /he author did not u((e t for exchan(e of document . "ut it ho! that+ to u e the 5ideoconferencin(+ the con ent of partie are re1uired.

0n dated :;2:<2;::< + di(ital Lok Adalat held in Delhi !herein Liti(ant !ere able to acce data throu(h the private bank= centrali9ed databa e b# 7u t mentionin( the credit card number+ hou in( and auto loan number and uni1ue -D number of the ca e. -n that di(ital Lok Adalat near about >;::: ca e relatin( to -C-C- "ank !ere ucce full# ettled+ o !e could expect more re pon e to online 0DR # tem al o. /he u((e ted # tem ma# be helpful for pre2liti(ation ca e . A relevant document are to be upplied to both partie prior to eatin( of Lok Adalat o that+ other part# !ill co2operate in ri(ht !a#. ?ltimatel#+ the u((e ted # tem !ith 0DR can increa e the u er= acce to 7u tice. -t could encoura(e each individual part# to focu purel# on the relevant fact and i ue 2 devoid of an# irrelevant debate+ emotion or per onalit# cla he . -n all circum tance the efficienc# of 0DR hould not be compromi e for 7u tice. Electronic communication i no ub titute for face2to2face conver ation . /he 1ualit# of video call ma# not be better but i olve purpo e + if the partie de ire to make contact !ith hi u((e ted uch video call for friend@relative etc to take opinion for an# ettlement term. Author ha

limited purpo e it can be u ed until videoconferencin( technolo(# become commonplace. /he partie ma# u e telephonic call+ video call till the development of efficient 0DR # tem. /he -ndian are !ell a!are about = Phone a ,riend = facilitie due to = -rorepati = and like other video call pre entation @ intervie! /elevi ion pro(ram and like other . Social -oncept*2 Some example indicate that the# aro e due to mi under tandin(@ improper pronunciation or improper under tandin( to the pronunciation of En(li h lan(ua(e . -t u((e t that + in addition to En(li h lan(ua(e+ u e of local lan(ua(e i nece ar# o that there !ould not be an# ambi(uit#. -n evidence recordin( before at court + the court u ed to record evidence in local lan(ua(e and En(li h lan(ua(e + !hen ambi(uit# aro e then local lan(ua(e prevail . /he example al o peak that+ it i nece ar# to keep peace and relation nei(hborl#. hould be (ood

-onclusion *Author did not decorate uch eriou 1ue tion to rationali9e or ti make trate(ie to protect it. 4e ha u((e ted a (ood method. Actuall# there i fe! tud# material available on !eb for court mana(ement. /he article b# author i not theoretical tud# + he ha explained in practical !a# . 4e ha not di cu ed !hat to do A 4e ha explained + 4o! to do A. /he u((e ted ne! # tem in the re earch paper i a combination (h#brid) of ADR ( Lok Adalat) + Expert determination+ mana(ement

and 0.D.R. -t !ill be definitel# beneficial to liti(ant at remote place b# the u e ne! technolo(#. /he re earch paper reflect the concept of amicable di pute ettlement dream b# our father of nation &ahatma Bandhi. Compromi e make a (ood umbrella and 4indu Rama#ana 8 &ahabharata ho! incidence of makin( compromi e. No! the -ndian 6udiciar# ha arran(ed National Lok Adalat. /hi mi(ht be the intention of the Author to encoura(e u to think to put our matter before Lok Adalat . - hope that + our -ndian !ill accept uch u((e ted # tem + if implemented .

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