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Year 8 Metaphorical Meaning Poetry Analysis Self Assessment

NAME: Gehna PREDI !ED "E#E" $% A &IE#EMEN! A $N!EN! '() *+8 , $RGANISA!I$N '() 8+"ANG.AGE AND S!Y"E '() 8+-

S!.DEN! $MMEN!: Include an explanation of your predicted level of achievement, as well as a reflection of your strengths and weaknesses in this assessment. Criteria A - I think that I will get a 7-8 on the content part of my poetry analysis ecause I have used a range of different ideas and I have also given a good explanation for the mood, organi!ation and the meaning of the poem. "he strength for this criterion was that I understood the metaphorical meaning of the poem from my perspective after I read it the first few times. #y weakness for this criterion was that I couldn$t really explain the metaphorical meaning of this poem. Criteria % & I think that I will get an 8-' on the organi!ation part of my poetry analysis ecause my interview was constantly well organi!ed and also and the ideas uild up through the interview. #y strength for this criterion was that I organi!ed and made my interview very understanda le and easy to follow. (ne of my weaknesses was that my analysis was not very clear and to the point. Criteria C & I think that I will get an 8-' for the language and style part of my poetry analysis ecause I used appropriate voca ulary words and there are also very infre)uent errors ased on voca ulary and grammar. #y strength for this criterion was that I used a range of different words and also my punctuation was )uite accurate. #y weakness was that sometimes didn$t really get the word in my mind that I wanted to use.

"E#E" $% A &IE#EMEN! A $N!EN! '()

, $RGANISA!I$N '()




Criterion A: Content

Criterion B: Organistion You do not reach a standard described by any of the descriptors given below.

Criterion C: Style and Language Mechanics

You de onstrate a very limited understanding of the poe !s eaning" organi#ation and ood as well as how this is achieved. You give few or no e$a ples and details to support your thin%ing. You are missing poetic ter inology&. You de onstrate a limited understanding of the poe !s eaning" organi#ation and ood as well as how this is achieved. You give some e$a ples and details" but they are insufficient to support your thin%ing. Your use of poetic ter inology& is sometimes accurate and appropriate.

You rarely e ploy the organi#ational organi#ational structures' of an interview. Your interview is disorganized, unclear" and(or incoherent. You e ploy the critical apparatus) inappropriately or not at all. You sometimes e ploy the organi#ational structures' of an interview. Your interview shows the beginnings of organization but lac%s coherence. You employ the critical apparatus3 with li ited success. You usually e ploy the organi#ational structures' of an interview. Your interview is generally organi#ed" clear" and coherent. You generally e ploy the critical apparatus correctly

You show little or no evidence of a register and style appropriate for an interview. You have very frequent errors in gra ar" punctuation and spelling that persistently hinder co unication.


You show some evidence of a register and style appropriate for an interview. You have frequent errors in gra spelling that hinders co ar" punctuation or unication.


You de onstrate a sufficient understanding of the poe !s eaning" organi#ation and ood as well as how this is achieved. You give adequate e$a ples and details" and they are sufficient to support your thin%ing Your use of poetic ter inology& is usually accurate and appropriate.

You often use a register and style appropriate for an interview. *ra ar" punctuation and spelling are generally accurate. Occasional errors sometimes hinder co unication.


You de onstrate a good understanding of the poe !s eaning" organi#ation and ood as well as how this is achieved. You give substantial e$a ples and details to support your thin%ing +you include the words(phrases fro the poe ,. Relevant poetic ter inology& is used accurately and appropriately.

You consistently e ploy the organi#ational structures' of an interview. Your interview is usually well-organized" clear" and coherent" and the ideas build on each other. You e ploy the critical apparatus) correctly.

You consistently use a register and style appropriate for an interview. *ra ar" punctuation and spelling are accurate. Occasional errors rarely hinder co unication.


You de onstrate a perceptive understanding of the poe !s eaning" organi#ation and ood as well as how this is achieved. You consistently use illustrative details an e$a ples to support your thin%ing +include the words(phrases fro the poe , You show a sophisticated command of relevant poetic ter inology&.

You a%e sophisticated use of the organi#ational structures' of an interview. Your interview is consistently well-organi#ed, clear, and coherent, and the ideas build on each other in a sophisticated manner. You integrate the critical apparatus3 correctly and effectively.

You de onstrate a mastery of a register and style appropriate for an interview. *ra ar" punctuation and spelling are accurate. ery infrequent errors do not hinder co unication.

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