Junta Paper 11.

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8 THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Tuesday, 11 August, 2009

Visualize, ponder over and do good

Ko Thaya
Now, is a critical moment in the transitional nation, taking into consideration all forms of possible Now, it is eyeing Myanmar which is geographi-
period from old system into democracy to satisfy the harms in order to ensure enduing democracy. Demo- cally strategic in Asia, and it is anxious to install a
wishes of the entire people. The improvement in cratic process calls for good foundations in all sectors. puppet government in Myanmar in order to expand its
fundamental requirements such as State stability Despite a large range of destructive activities, democ- military power in Asia. If the people carry on work-
and peace, security, transport, education, health ratization has been completed nearly cent per cent. ing together, Myanmar will soon see a democratic
care, and economy is sufficient enough for demo- However, certain politicians are claiming that the government that is well resistant to alien interfer-
cratic transition. In addition, the State constitution, upcoming election will be a fair one only if their party ence. Then, things will go against what it has
which is a must for the drive, has been approved with comes to power, their leader is the leader of the State intended, and it cannot let such conditions come
the support of the great majority of the voters. There and their party forms a governing body. Actually, their into force. Therefore, it is using all possible ways
is only one thing to be realized to complete the behaviours serve as a great hindrance to the national and means to disrupt the 2010 election. In collu-
process—to keep on marching in harmony along the goal. If a person wants to practise politics, he should sion with destructive elements outside the nation,
paved way to democracy which is the most appropri- focus on long-term, rather than short-term interest of it is deceiving the people into staging mass pro-
ate and safest one for the nation and the people. the nation. He should stand for objective conditions in tests. It is aiding and abetting anti-government
The government is working hard to complete the interest of the nation and the people. He should groups. It is generating popular outrage in order
the transition to democracy as soon as possible, and understand and respect the public desire. that the people will take wrong way and divert
the people cannot wait to build a democratic nation, Their mistakes will go further if they continue themselves from the correct path.
making good use of peace and stability. The entire to act to the liking of certain powerful countries, They are provoking riots, destabilizing the coun-
people are looking forward to the multiparty democ- placing reliance on external elements. They should try, sowing hatred among the people, making good
racy election due to be held in 2010 and the new have taken lessons from the past historic events. things happen in reverse, destroying national achieve-
government to be formed democratically. The ulti- What is the real attitude of the foreign countries ments, and troubling the people. Only then will it be
mate goal is now within the touching distance, so the they rely on, and what have they done in the interest possible for it to deepen the poverty of the people. If
people cannot let any forms of situations that can of the motherland? Frankly, they are trying to so things will favour it to intrude on the nation and it
disrupt the proceedings. The real desire of the make our country a neo-colony. All they are doing will never withdraw from Myanmar.
people is that the democratic process goes smoothly in complicity is none other than to help the person, So, it is high time the entire people remained
and steadily, while they are leading a peaceful life who will dance to their tune, come to power. Falling united and warded off various types of dangers
and getting on with their businesses. The people who to alien subjugation is not the only way of being and made preparations for a proserous future of
favour democracy do not want to see riots and enslaved. The people can also be slaves if any person the nation. If the people let themselves to be swayed
protests that can harm their goal. who complies with their instructions comes to power. by their instigation and peace and stability are
Nevertheless, some persons who do not want That is a point worthy of serious consideration. deteriorating, democratic process will be far be-
national interest are resorting to a variety of means All persons wishing to rule the nation should hind the goal. Besides, the future of the nation and
to disrupt the national goal, taking full advantage of notice such a small point. Article (59) of the State the people will be uncertain.
the trial against Daw Aung San Suu Kyi. The case Constitution adopted in the National Convention by The government will never let disappear the
will be pronounced according to the law. Anti- people’s representatives says “The President and Vice- democratic transition from sight. It will never let the
government groups inside and outside the nation Presidents shall be well acquainted with the affairs of national goal divert from its course. It will continue to
and the US are accusing the government of deterring the Union such as political, administrative, economic see to the national goal, wiping out all forms of
Daw Aung San Suu Kyi from standing for election. and military”. Without these qualifications, any person destructive acts. And it will never let the mother
Personally, I do not think they are right. The ap- should not enter into politics. Otherwise, Myanmar country see 1988 unrest-like affairs, nor will the
proved constitution and the forthcoming election will follow Iraq and Afghanistan. people. The people wish to see further peace and
law will decide who will be entitled and who will not The super power is meddling in the world affairs in stability.
be entitled to stand for election. order that no other country will be able to vie with it. It So, they should have stopped creating public
Certain power countries, organizations and is also attempting to oppress the countries that are outrage that can grow into mass demonstrations. The
subversives are demanding that Daw Aung San Suu making themselves stronger, as testified by its stance people do not want the situations that force the nation
Kyi should be released unconditionally and should and attitude towards Asian giants. It is claiming peace, to restart the democratic process from the beginning.
have the right to stand for election. A so-called freedom and human rights, but its real intention is to Their incitements will never benefit the people, but
veteran local politician once made a comment that it strengthen its hegemony over the whole world. The trouble those who believe the incitements hopefully.
was needed to have dialogue with Daw Aung San country that commits human right violation is the They should have given up their campaigns that have
Suu Kyi and she be released sooner for the purpose. major power itself. It is committing human right viola- adverse effects on the people. I would like to suggest
In order to defend himself against possible criticism, tion variously such as invading Iraq, torturing and that every politician visualize the future of the nation,
he also said that his words were not associated with killing innocent people in Iraq, Afghanistan, and ponder over and serve the interest of the nation.
personality cult, but my feeling is that his words Guantanamo prison. Translation: MS
were somewhat extreme.
Since Daw Aung San Suu Kyi’s case was put
off, internal and external organizations and some
The government will never let the demo-
persons have been generating public outrage and
persuading the people to take to the streets on the day cratic transition disappear from sight. It will
the court delivers the final judgment if she faces a
punishment. What is their motive? Is it good or bad?
The nation’s future will be good only if the people never let the national goal divert from its
are capable enough of assessing their motive.
Today, the government is implementing demo-
cratic process step by step in compliance with the
course. It will continue to see to the national
desire of the people. In that regard, the government
has to take time and great care because it is not a goal, wiping out all forms of destructive acts.
small matter. It prioritizes a brighter future of the

11-8-09 NL 8 8/3/18, 10:50 PM

6th Waning of Wagaung 1371 ME Tuesday, 11 August, 2009

★ Only with stability and peace will the nation develop

★ Only with stability and peace will democratization process be successful

★ Anarchy begets anarchy, not democracy

★ Riots beget riots, not democracy
★ Democracy can be introduced only through constitution

People’s Desire ■ VOA, BBC - sowing hatred among

the people
■ We favour peace and stability ■ RFA, DVB - generating public
■ We favour development outrage
■ We oppose unrest and violence ■ Do not allow ourselves to be
■ Wipe out those inciting unrest ■ By broadcasts designed to cause
and violence troubles
Kachin State enjoys smooth transportation thanks to Warazwut Bridge No. 2
Article: Tin
Mar Win and
Aye Thanda
Myanma Alin
Warazwut Bridge
No. 2
(See page 11)

Visualize, ponder over Three more patients infected with New

Influenza discharged from hospital,
and do good remaining four getting better
I Falling to alien subjugation is not the NAY PYI TAW, 10 Aug—Out of 17 patients found to have been infected with
New Influenza A (H1N1) virus, 10 had been discharged from hospital earlier as they
N only way of being enslaved. The people had fully recovered and there are still three patients in Wabagi Specialist Hospital,
one in Yangon People’s Hospital, one in Yangon Children’s Hospital, one in Insein
S can also be slaves if any person who General Hospital and one in Yangon East District Hospital under treatment.
Out of the seven patients, a man aged 26, a man aged 25 and a man aged
I complies with their instructions comes to 29 were discharged from respective hospitals today since they recovered from the
D power. That is a point worthy of serious
flu and home quarantine measures for family members who came into contact
with the patients were also stopped. There are two left in Wabagi Specialist
E Hospital, one in Yangon Children’s Hospital, and one in Yangon East District
consideration. Hospital who are kept in separate rooms for treatment and are improving their
PAGE 8 KO THAYA health conditions.—MNA

11-8-09 NL 16 8/3/18, 10:50 PM

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