Wicker Park - Pilot

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Wicker Park "Pilot" by Elfi Martinez

(215) 292 - 9928 elfimartinez@yahoo.com

FADE IN: TEASER EXT. CHICAGO - EVERGREEN STREET - MORNING TITLE OVER: CHICAGO, 1985 ALEX, 11, skinny with big ears, perpetrates a California Raisins Raisin Hell T-shirt and a Chicago Cubs cap. He tries to balance an overstuffed bookbag as he reaches for a Sony Walkman. A SPIDER-MAN COMIC bulges out of the back pocket of his Bugle Boy jeans. Alex suddenly drops the bag, smiles and turns his Walkman way up. MUSIC OVER: SHOW ME BY THE COVERGIRLS As he dances and sings, a fat, dog-eared copy of LORD OF THE RINGS falls out of his bag. CLOSE on a hand picking up the book. Alex turns and sees DARWIN, 11, a doofy Filipino kid with a massive head and a perpetually runny nose that hes always wiping on his sleeve. DARWIN (Smiles) Have you gotten to the mines of Moria yet? I love the Balrog and the fire and -Alex snatches the book and shoves it back into the bookbag. He looks around. ALEX (Takes a deep breath) Dammit, Darwin. You cant go flashing that around here. Youre gonna get our asses kicked. DARWIN What? Why? ALEX This aint Mayberry, Opie. Alex spots two kids across the street. ALEX (CONTD) (Shouts after them) Yo, wait up!

Wicker Park - "Pilot" by Elfi Martinez


Alex swipes up the bag and runs after them. DARWIN Hey, Alex. (Chases after) Cmon, man. (Starts wheezing) My asthma. EXT. JOHNSON HOUSE - CONTINUOUS Alex catches LEERAY, 11, fat, present NEON-ORANGE BASEBALL, and catatonic until provoked. immaculately restored house thumb in working-class Wicker and pull-hugs. Leeray and Marcellus snicker. ALEX (Trying to distract) Man, can you believe summers already over? (Fakes it) School again, damn. Leeray stares a few seconds. Alex groans as Leeray slowly holds up the Vulcan Live long and prosper sign. CLOSE on Alexs big ears as he tugs on one. LEERAY Nanu Nanu, Yoda. ALEX That doesnt even make sense. (Off boys guffaws) Fuck you, Leeray. Alex pins his ears under his baseball cap as Leeray and Marcellus crack up. Darwin, wheezing and coughing, pulls up. He whips out his inhaler and takes a few puffs. LEERAY (Laughing again) Yo, Alex. Why are you hanging out with this dork, man? Youre killing your rep, son. The front door whips open and JABARI, 11, a black kid sporting a biffy private school uniform, pops out. He sees the other kids, freaks out and darts back into his house. sloppy and holding his everand MARCELLUS, 13, droopy-eyed They meet up in front of an which sticks out like a sore Park. They exchange hand daps

Wicker Park - "Pilot" by Elfi Martinez


ALEX Whats his problem? LEERAY (Tosses baseball between hands) Hes a Zippity-doo-da bitch. MARCELLUS Yup. Sorry ass white boy. ALEX (Nods at door) Uh... Jabaris black. LEERAY (Tosses ball faster) Dont be an asshole, okay. Just for five minutes. That Oreo aint black. MARCELLUS Word. The front door opens and JABARIS DAD, 37, a distinguished and refined black man, pops out. He glares at the boys as he escorts Jabari to a shiny Mercedes. LEERAY Fucking sellouts. MARCELLUS (To Jabaris Dad) Heathcliff Huxtable motherfucker. The car speeds off but Jabari peeks out the back window. Leeray and Marcellus flip him off. LEERAY (Flips Baseball faster) You better run, you bourgie bastards! MARCELLUS Gonna be a reckoning. ALEX Damn Leeray, what they ever do to you? LEERAY You saw that private school uniform? That fucking Uncle Tom thinks hes better than us.

Wicker Park - "Pilot" by Elfi Martinez


ALEX Maybe he just wants to learn stuff. Our school sucks -DARWIN Teachers who dont even care if we show up or not. ALEX Bunch of ratty-ass textbooks -LEERAY (Gets in Alexs face) What? You on that bitchs side now? Alexs face flashes anger. CLOSE on his fist clenching. But... he backs down. Shoulders slump and eyes to the earth. ALEX No. Of course not. LEERAY Good. (Points at Jabaris house) Anybody who puts on some uniform to spit in our face aint one of us! (Baseball flying between hands) But I got something for his ass. MARCELLUS Wannabe white boy. (Eyes suddenly pop open) The bourgeoisie maintain their power based not on merit, but rather inherited wealth and privilege. LEERAY Damn, Marcellus. Thats the most shit youve said in three years. MARCELLUS (Eyes bored again) Whatever. ALEX (TO CAMERA) So, there it is. If you wanna learn and be somebody, that means youre a sellout and you think youre better than everybody else. So lets just be a bunch of crabs at the bottom of a barrel instead. Fuck that.

Wicker Park - "Pilot" by Elfi Martinez


LEERAY One day daddy aint gonna be around to protect him. Hes gonna have to choose - them or us. Leeray chucks the baseball through Jabaris beautiful bay window. Alex shakes his head and freezes as he looks across the street. We follow his gaze to see -CUT TO: EXT. ACROSS THE STREET - CONTINUOUS PETIE , a huge, muscular gangbanger with a wicked scar across his right cheek. Hes flanked by a gaggle of tough-looking teens, THE DISCIPLES, sporting purple gear and PURPLE BANDANAS tied around their right biceps. Alex grimaces and takes off. Darwin, always a second late, belatedly follows. The Disciples cross the street and surround Leeray. Defiant, Leeray balls up his fists. Off Peties smile -EXT. WICKER PARK ELEMENTARY - MAIN ENTRANCE - DAY Alex blends with a raucous group of Minority Kids standing around and shooting the shit as they wait for the school bell. Alex looks towards the street, frowns and points. ALEX Whats that? The Kids turn and SEE -Several school buses invade from the horizon - a la Apocalypse Now. MUSIC OVER: RIDE OF THE VALKYRIES BY WAGNER The Kids wander over as the buses draw near. They start buzzing and pointing -The White Kids on the buses nervously peek heads out of windows. The buses stop and the doors hiss open. A gaggle of alabaster freaks and geeks in hideous UNIFORMS gingerly step off the bus and into a maelstrom of diversity. Alex and the Native Nerd Herd lean in for a closer look. The newbies scurry towards the entrance as minority students taunt, shout and point.

Wicker Park - "Pilot" by Elfi Martinez


ALEX (TO CAMERA) (CONTD) Watching these white kids scamper for safety is quite a mindfuck - a wacky, bizarro Little Rock 1957 kinda thing. (Shakes his head) I guess nobody bothered to tell them that our school is ninety-five percent minorities. SCHOOL P.A. (O.S.) Attention all students. Please report to the auditorium immediately. ALEX (TO CAMERA) Its gonna be a helluva school year. INT. WICKER PARK AUDITORIUM - DAY MISS HENSLEE, 37, sharply dressed, stands at a podium in front of a row of VIP Bluebloods. She addresses an audience of 300 fidgety kids. Thirty kids squirm onstage, including Alex and Darwin. Alex flosses a GUAYABERA (a patterned linen shirt), jeans and a baseball cap. Alex looks into the audience and sees -His cousin DAVID, 12 and GQ handsome. Davids obviously the alpha dog of a gaggle of Latino kids - all dressed just like David (guayaberas, pressed chinos, and shiny black shoes). ALEX(TO CAMERA) (Glares at David) I hate this fucking guy. (Getting pissed) Thats my perfect cousin David. Mr. Latino himself. Davids flirting with somebody onstage. Alex follows his gaze to -SHARLA, 11, pretty and confident. She smiles at David before looking over at Alex - he looks away, embarrassed. David smirks and shakes his head at Alex. Alex grimaces and looks back onstage - he SEES and pushes over to Marcellus and Leeray. ALEX (CONTD) Whats going on? Why did Henslee call us up here?

Wicker Park - "Pilot" by Elfi Martinez


LEERAY (Looks at Alexs shirt) Nice outfit, La Bamba. What the hell? Alex, embarrassed, hunches his shoulders and looks at his feet. ALEX You know, just trying to do my thing. LEERAY Whatever. (Bigger fish to fry) Look, were being set up, yo. I bet it was that stupid test we took. I knew that shit was shady. MARCELLUS True. Ales notices a purple bandana wrapped around Leerays right bicep. ALEX Weve been boys since kindergarten, Lee. Youre no banger. LEERAY Our dads aint all cops. Leeray nods into the audience. Alex sees several schoolmates sporting purple bandanas. Theyre all peeping Leeray. Darwin mugs and waves to the kids in the audience. He starts doing Hulk Hogan muscle poses. ALEX Dammit, Darwin. Get a hold of yourself. DARWIN (As Hulk Hogan) Eat your vitamins and say your prayers, brother! Oh,yeah! Miss Henslee taps on a mic. ALEX (TO CAMERA) Thats our principal, Miss Henslee the mayors niece. (MORE)

Wicker Park - "Pilot" by Elfi Martinez ALEX (TO CAMERA) (CONT'D) She using this job to rack up enough gold stars to make her uncle move her up the food chain.


Henslee signals and a slideshow starts up. MISS HENSLEE (Feeling the glory) So its with great honor that I announce today that Wicker Park Elementary will host Chicagos -(Slide of Albert Einstein) -- pilot Gifted Program -(Slide of white kids) -- where some of the brightest young minds in the city -(Slide of gleaming microscopes and computers) -- will study at our newly constructed state of the art science and art facilities -(Slide of dedicated teachers) -- and learn from the best teaching talent in the country. Alex stares at the slides lovingly. Miss Henslee smiles and waves toward the thirty students onstage. ALEX (Snaps out of it) Oh, crap. MISS HENSLEE These are our top thirty scorers from last years fifth grade state placement exam. Ten of them will be given the honor of joining the Gifted program when it launches next week. Henslee nods backstage and the White Kids from the buses emerge in those hideous uniforms. The audience starts buzzing in confusion - who the fuck are these guys! LEERAY Aw, hell to the no. MARCELLUS Scandalous.

Wicker Park - "Pilot" by Elfi Martinez


The kids in the audience laugh and point. Henslee looks confused. She looks back at her Latina Assistant, who just shakes her head. Darwin claps and jumps up and down. MUSIC OVER: WE GOTTA GET OUT OF THIS PLACE BY THE ANIMALS ALEX (Horrified) We gotta get out of here. Alex looks over at Sharla. She looks back and bites her lip. HENSLEE (Nods at VIPs) Er, these lucky students will interview with a blue-ribbon panel-MARCELLUS Not me! HENSLEE What! What do you mean? This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for disadvantaged kids to get a worldclass education. Why -MARCELLUS Suicide. HENSLEE (Annoyed) Any of you not interested in changing your life can leave -Half of the onstage kids, including Marcellus, flee past a shocked Henslee and bolt offstage. The survivors shuffle and squirm as the eyes and whispers of their schoolmates burn into them. Leeray rubs the bandana on his bicep. He looks over at Alex and then at the Bangers in the audience. He sadly shuffles off stage. HENSLEE (CONTD) (Pissed) The rest of you have a choice. If you want a chance to be the best and make something of yourself step forward. Right now! Darwin jumps forward. He giddily looks back and waves Alex over. Six other kids step forward together. The audience mocks and jeers. Alex looks around, panicked.

Wicker Park - "Pilot" by Elfi Martinez


Leeray, flanked by Bangers, yells about sellouts and even Marcellus is worked up and shouting. David and his boys hoot and holler. COREY, a budding cool-kid jock, takes off. Henslee looks back at her Latina Assistant. HENSLEE (CONTD) Why is this happening? Another kid steps forward and gets blasted by a wall of sound from the audience. LATINA ASSISTANT You get to go back to the burbs tonight, chica. These kids gotta live here. Sharla steps forward. Alex and the others wilt as their classmates whip into the crazed frenzy of a The Price is Right audience. Alex looks over at the slides - its all so wonderful. He starts freaking out. MISS HENSLEE One spot left. Whos it gonna be? ALEX (TO CAMERA) A few days ago I never would have seen a choice - a chance to rip free from the straightjacket of my neighborhood. But that all changed yesterday. Yesterday, I found my balls. Off Alexs torment -END TEASER

Wicker Park - "Pilot" by Elfi Martinez


ACT ONE EXT. FRONT YARD - DAY TITLE OVER: YESTERDAY Alex, hauling a sack of bread, pops open a gate with a faceplate reading 2122 West Evergreen and waves as he skirts past seven young GIRLS in zebra-print cheerleader costumes. The LEAD GIRL, pretty and confident, is just running shit. The other girls, including Alexs two sisters, LEDY, 8 pudgy and dark-skinned and NAICE, 9 - buck-toothed and porcelain-skinned, follow her commands. LEAD GIRL Okay, on three. One... Two... Three. The girls shimmy their hips through a funky routine and sing. GIRLS (Eye rolls) You can roll your eyes. (Stomp) You can stomp your feet. (Point at themselves) But this Puerto Rican -(Spin around) -- you just cant beat. Alex bounds up the porch stairs past a banner reading HAPPY 65TH BIRTHDAY MARCELO. Alex leans over the balcony and smiles as he sees some cousins playing football. But the smile fades as he sees that the path between him and pigskin nirvana is blocked by -A gauntlet of family members. ALEX (TO CAMERA) Okay, so for like two hours Ive been trying to play some football but somebody keeps making me go back to the damn corner store for more party shit. But not this time. I got a plan. (Takes deep breath) Okay, just gotta avoid eye contact and walk fast. Gotta keep moving. Alex gingerly turns the doorknob.

Wicker Park - "Pilot" by Elfi Martinez


INT. ALEXS HOUSE - CONTINUOUS Alex pops open the front door and is greeted by a sonic blast of salsa music. He takes off, power-walking towards the back door. MUSIC OVER: AZUQUITA PAL CAFE by EL GRAN COMBO Alex skirts past twirling Family Members. MAGGIE, 24, curlyhaired and big-boobed, cuts the rug with David. David sees Alex and unleashes some wicked moves. Maggie grabs Alex and tries to get him to dance. DAVID (Smirks at Alex) Youre wasting your time. That dork cant dance. ALEX (Pulling away) Cant talk. Football! MAGGIE Oh, please! Shutup and dance with me. What kind of Puerto Rican cant dance? Alex slips away and darts into the kitchen. INT. ALEXS HOUSE - KITCHEN - CONTINUOUS Alex drops the bread on the kitchen table. ALEX (TO CAMERA) These are the Normals. My Godfearing, good-girl titis. The NORMALS, in their sensible shoes and JC PENNEY clothes, grab the bag and pull out the loaves like swords from sheaths and start slicing. ALEX (TO CAMERA) (CONTD) Now for you espanol-impaired, titis are aunts. The titis whip around the stove as they check and taste rice, beans, and fried pork chops. A Normal leans over, gives Alex a kiss and musses his hair. NORMAL Thanks, baby. (Slaps forehead) Oh, no. We need some more Sazon. Hey Alex, you need to go back to -(MORE)

Wicker Park - "Pilot" by Elfi Martinez NORMAL (CONT'D) (Looks around) Alex?


But Alex is gone, baby, gone. He winks at the camera as he darts towards the back door. The Normals head snaps up as she hears a loud party whoop outside. She looks out the window and scowls as she sees -EXT. BACKYARD - CONTINUOUS Two Younger Latinas and Maggie, singing and yelling in a drunken haze. ALEX (TO CAMERA) And these are the Crazies, my black sheep titis, who much to the Normals horror, just dont give a shit. Alex squirts out the back door. The Crazies turn and see The Normals glaring from the window. They hold up their beers and uncork shit-eating grins. CRAZIES Wuz up! The Crazies form a sloppy Rockettes line. They start to kick and croak out their trademark drunky song-CRAZIES (CONTD) Pooper - Party pooper. If you have a party, dont be a pooper! The Crazies laugh as the Normals shudder. ALEX (TO CAMERA) They lack what you call... the social skills. SERIES OF SCENES 1) The Crazies uncork the Party Pooper song at a family wedding -2) And at a little league baseball game with Alex at the bat. The Normals avert their eyes in horror. 3) And in front of a church after Mass. The stupefied parishioners murmur and skirt away. A priest chucks some holy water at them and excorciates in Latin. END SERIES OF SCENES

Wicker Park - "Pilot" by Elfi Martinez


The Drunkettes finish their show and giggle. The Normals make The Stations of the Cross and drop the blinds. ALEX (TO CAMERA) (CONTD) And of course, every tribe of Crazies has to have a chief. MAGGIE This partys wickety - whack. Wheres Alvin? CUT TO: INT. ELEVATOR - DAY Four well-pressed People stare at the walls and ceilings avoiding at all costs eye contact with -ALVIN, 24, handsome and shining a Zorro mustache. Hes wearing a firemans helmet (Note: we only see him from the neck up). Alvin looks back and smiles at a PRETTY GIRL. She looks away. Alvin shrugs and rips a hellacious fart. Everybody stares at the elevator floor counter - begging it to move faster. INT. CHICAGO REGENCY TOWERS - LOBBY - MOMENTS LATER The doors ding open to reveal the opulent lobby of a condo high-rise. Everybody flees off the elevator like theyre in a Godzilla movie. Alvin - buck naked except for a pair of tighty whities, cowboy boots and his firemans helmet walks a few steps to a mailbox labelled Miranda Wrigley. He snatches a newspaper from the box, scratches his ass and struts back to the elevator - oblivious to ubiquitous looks of disdain. CUT TO: EXT. ALEXS BACKYARD - LATER Alex, eyes to the Earth, power-walks past Grandma, 63, who, as always - hums and sweeps the floor, and smacks into -PAPO, 42, bald with a ponytail, who operates a packed barbecue grill like a maestro. Alex makes a face. ALEX (TO CAMERA) Thats my uncle Papo. He pretty much runs the family garage and thinks you gotta work with your hands to be a real man. (Tries to slide past) (MORE)

Wicker Park - "Pilot" by Elfi Martinez ALEX (TO CAMERA) (CONT'D) So that means Im always number one on his shit list.


ALEX (CONTD) (Mumbles to himself) No talking. Keep moving. PAPO (Points spatula at Alex) Hey egghead, you dont say hello? ALEX Uh, Hi. (Points at game) Football. (Beat) Okay. Bye. Alex tries to take off but Papos too quick. PAPO (Grabs Alex and flips his palms over) Football? With those dainty ass hands. Not a hards day work your whole life. Right, Pointdexter? (Nods at cousins playing football) All of your cousins come by the garage after school to help out but I never see you. ALEX I got school -PAPO I dont give a shit about school, you dig? Its the family business. You need to help out. I want to see you tomorrow. We clear? Alex frowns and breaks away. ALEX (Mumbles to himself) Just keep moving. EXT. BACKYARD - DOMINOS TABLE - CONTINUOUS Alexs father, OSCAR, 33, rocking a vintage porn star moustache and a huge laugh, holds court and spits out an endless grab bag of stories and jokes in rapid-fire, perfect Spanish. Oscar taps and slaps the other players incessantly as he chatters.

Wicker Park - "Pilot" by Elfi Martinez


Alex looks over at ANGELA, 32, pretty and holding a toddler. ANGELA Hey. You do your homework yet? ALEX (Rolls his eyes) Geez, ma. School starts tomorrow! ANGELA What about that book I gave you. You like it? Alex looks over at some his hairier, shorter relatives. ALEX You know, I dont really need to read some book to find Hobbits and trolls. Im already surrounded by em. A drunky Crazy comes over and gives Alex a sloppy kiss on the cheek. CRAZY Hey, baby. Whasssssssup! (Off Oscars loud laugh) Your fathers a trip, kid. Hey, you gonna work at the garage with Papo or you gonna be a cop like your old man when you grow up? ALEX (Enthusiastic) A cop! Angela flinches. ANGELA (Nods at football game) I think your son just hurt himself. The Crazy looks over at the game field where one of the boys writhes on the ground. She marches off and yells at her kid. CRAZY Get up, you pussy! Walk it off! Alex smiles and starts towards the game. ALEX (To cousins) Hey, I want his spot!

Wicker Park - "Pilot" by Elfi Martinez


An arm shoots out and yanks Alex back. ALEX (CONTD) Ow, ma! That hurts. ANGELA (Furious whisper) You will never be a cop. (Angry tears) I know how you look at your father. You think hes some kind of superhero. (Bitter) So does he. But hes not, baby. Hes not. (Afraid) Im not holding my breath every night dreading a knock on the door for two of my boys. I dont care how many hours I have to spend with you on your homework or at the library. You will never be a cop. Never. Off Alexs shock -END OF ACT ONE

Wicker Park - "Pilot" by Elfi Martinez


ACT TWO EXT. BACKYARD - CONTINUOUS Alex slowly pulls his arm free. ALEX Yeah, ma. Okay. Angela spins at the sound of a yelp. She turns to see The Toddler yanking on the dogs tail and laughing. The dog yelps again and looks at Angela with a get this kid off of me or Im gonna eat him face. Angela wipes her tears and rushes over. Oscar slams down his dominos and giggles in triumph. Everybody looks over and Alex seizes his chance. He trucks towards the football game. ALEX (CONTD) (Mumbles to himself) Almost there. Cmon, baby. OSCAR (Nods at Alexs shirt) Marcelos going to be pissed. Its his birthday, you know. ALEX (Stops and points at a guayabera) Cmon, Pops. I cant wear that. Those shirts are corny. DAVID (O.S.) No, theyre not. Alex grits his teeth and look over at a third player, David, whos wearing his guayabera really well. Alexs eyes narrow as he glares at David. ALEX (Icy) I wasnt talking to you, David. DAVID You need to remember where you came from, cuz. Alex looks over as the older men all nod solemnly. Oscar smiles at David.

Wicker Park - "Pilot" by Elfi Martinez


ALEX Remember where I came from? We grew up two blocks apart, you moron. DAVID (Nods at Alexs ears) Whatever, Dumbo. Hey, I saw you checking Sharla out today. Shes way out of your league. Shes mine got it? David says something in rapid-fire Spanish and everybody laughs. DAVID (CONTD) (Sneers) Hey Alex, what did I just say? ALEX (Ice cold) Hmmmm, I think you were saying something about your moms new boyfriend. I heard hes getting really comfortable in your house. Let me ask you, when hes sitting on his fat ass watching TV - does he sit in your daddys chair? Davids grin wipes into fury. He jumps to his feet. Oscar looks at Alex - his eyes begging him to fight back. Alex balls up his fists. He steps forward. Hes gonna, oh, wait... nope. Hes still a wuss. The fists drop. OSCAR (Disappointed) Cool it, Dave. David winks and grins at Alex as he sits back down. OSCAR (CONTD) (Yells) Okay, viejo. Were ready. Oscar looks back over his shoulder to -EXT. BACKYARD - MARCELOS GARDEN - CONTINUOUS A garden brimming with tomatoes, corn, peas - the works. The birthday boy, MARCELO, 65, mercilessly tills the soil as the rest of his family parties. He wipes his sweaty brow and groans as he slowly stands. Hes wearing a guayabera, freshly pressed chinos and a fedora. Old school, baby, always.

Wicker Park - "Pilot" by Elfi Martinez


Marcelo looks at his huge brood. He frowns as he heads over to the domino table. Another DOMINO PLAYER notices. DOMINO PLAYER (Off Marcelos face) Whats the matter? MARCELO (Makes a face) Woolly bully. (Rubs his watch) You know this watch is broken. (Points at busted watch hands) I ask my father why he keeps a watch that always say six oclock. He told me, the sun goes up at 6 oclock, I go to work. It go down at 6 oclock, I go home. 6 oclock is all that matter. Forty five years he had that watch. When he die, its the only thing I want. (Rubs watch as he smiles at the memory) Youre a bunch of lazy asses. Everybody laughs. Marcelo palms his dominoes. He peeks over at Alex. MARCELO (CONTD) Wheres that guayabera I bought you? ALEX (Rolls his eyes) Fine, Geez. Ill go throw it on. DAVID (Sarcastic) What? With jeans and sneakers? ALEX Yeah. So? DAVID On the island, people wear it with chinos, nice shoes and a fedora. ALEX But this aint the island. Over here, people wear jeans, sneakers and ball caps. (Sighs) (MORE)

Wicker Park - "Pilot" by Elfi Martinez ALEX (CONT'D) You know what, forget it. Its football time.


Alex beelines towards the football game but Oscar grabs his arm. OSCAR Hey, go get Marcelo a beer. He needs to cool off. ALEX But I -Alex looks over at Marcelo - whos waving his hat at his neck to try to cool off. ALEX (CONTD) Fine! Alex stomps away to a massive cooler and shivers as his hands fish through the icy abyss. He looks around the yard and sees beer bottles and drunken family members littered everywhere. Alex lifts the cooler and smiles as he pours a dozen beers into a trash can. He tosses the cooler back. ALEX (CONTD) Theyre all gone. Weve only got pop left. OSCAR What? I bought two cases. Look again. Alex pretends to look again. His triumphant visage turns into panic as he realizes whats about to happen. ALEX (Panicking) No talking! Keep moving! Oh, please God! Not again! Alex tries to hoof it over to the football game. Only a few feet more... OSCAR Mijo. Go to the corner store and grab a couple of six-packs. Alexs shoulders slump. Busted.

Wicker Park - "Pilot" by Elfi Martinez


ALEX (Groans) No way, Pops. Ive already been to the store three times. I want to play football. OSCAR Well, hurry up then. ANGELA Hes eleven years old! Hes not getting beer. OSCAR Ive known Max since we were kids. Hell hook Alex up. Angela glares at Oscar and he bristles. OSCAR (CONTD) Cmon, Ang. Were playing here. Stop spoiling him. Thats why hes such a big baby. Alex flinches at the barb. Angela sees it and her eyes blaze at Oscar but before she can machine gun him -MARCELO Beer. Do I look like a gringo? Go get some Bacardi. OSCAR Thats cool. Hey, Alex -Oscar looks over at Angela and shuts up. He gets the famous Oscar face - his lips curled to his teeth - that everybody but Angela runs from. He slams down his dominoes. Alex grins and heads towards his pigskin holy grail. OSCAR (CONTD) Come on, mijo. Ill go with you. ALEX Oh, my God! Again. No way! (Looks at Angela) Cmon, ma. I cant go the store with Pops. Itll take fifty years. I just wanna play -Oscar grabs Alex by the collar and pulls him away. Alex longingly looks back towards the football game. His eyes brush over to the next yard where --

Wicker Park - "Pilot" by Elfi Martinez


A soccer-mom Neighbor peeks out from behind her curtains. She locks eyes with Alex. ALEX (TO CAMERA) (CONTD) Thats our Leave it to Beaver neighbor. I guess that face says it all. (Off her disapproving snarl) Youre not one of us. Alex looks back at his family of misfits. ALEX (TO CAMERA) (CONTD) But sometimes I dont feel like one of them, either. (Sighs) I was born here in Chicago. I pledge allegiance to the flag everyday but it aint easy to know who you are when youre stuck between two worlds. Alex trips and falls. ALEX (TO CAMERA) (CONTD) I mean, how can you be red, white and blue... when youre brown? He gets up and dusts himself off. He looks across the street and sees -EXT. ACROSS THE STREET - CONTINUOUS Petie and the Disciples strutting by. A Disciple runs up. DISCIPLE Theyre over at the playground. PETIE Get the crew there in ten minutes. The Disciple runs off as Oscar spots Petie. Oscars omnipresent smile dissolves into a scowl. He bolts towards Petie. OSCAR Take a walk. Right now. Petie spits on the ground before he and his boys swagger off. EXT. EVERGREEN STREET - LATER Alex and Oscar walk towards Max's. Alex looks miserable.

Wicker Park - "Pilot" by Elfi Martinez


OSCAR Whats with that face, mijo? ALEX Oh, please. This is gonna take two freakin hours. By the time we get home, the football games gonna be over. OSCAR What? Maxs Bodega is like ten minutes away. Alex and Oscar amble across -EXT. WICKER PARK PLAYGROUND - CONTINUOUS An old-school playground, all black asphalt and steel monkey bars - an orthopedists wet dream. Off to the right are the basketball courts (over a faded MURAL OF RAINBOW KIDS HOLDING HANDS) - steel-chain nets and the best athletes in the neighborhood. Serious ballers only. OSCAR (Eyeballs the Rainbow kids) Mijo, I ever tell you about that mural? ALEX Uh, yeah. Like a million times. OSCAR Damn right! (As Alex mimes word for word) Never give an inch. Off the glint in Oscars eye -FLASHBACK - EXT. WICKER PARK PLAYGROUND - DAY (1963) TITLE OVER: WICKER PARK, 1963. Four older TEENS toss around a brand new BASKETBALL during a pickup game as 10 year-old Oscar watches in tears. BRUNI, 14, pretty with long hair, milky skin, and fierce green eyes, drops her books and runs over. BRUNI Oscar, what happened! Wheres your basketball?

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Oscar sniffles and points at the teens. BRUNI (CONTD) These fucking Italians. Bruni turns back to the street and whistles loudly to -Papo, 17, even back then bald with a long ponytail, looks over and SEES -Bruni whipping her hair into a tight bun. PAPO Oh, shit! Papo rips a chain off of a chain link fence, wraps it around his fist and roadrunners down the street. He dashes into a building. EXT. WICKER PARK PLAYGROUND - MOMENTS LATER Bruni looks around. She darts over to the school and grabs an errant brick off the ground. She marches over to the Ballers, the brick tucked behind her back. OSCAR (Afraid) Bruni? Where are you going? BRUNI Tranquilo, baby bro. Who snatched your ball? Oscar points at the biggest baller. Hes huge, almost six feet, and sports an insanely PEARLY-WHITE set of teeth. Brunis five feet and change. Bruni marches right onto the court and tramples over a freshly-painted MURAL OF RAINBOW KIDS HOLDING HANDS. The Ballers stop short and start jawing at her. Pearly Whites freezes as he sees Bruni. He smiles - shes a knockout. PEARLY WHITES Hey, bella. I dont mind you takin a look and whatever but were playin here. BRUNI Thats my little brothers ball. PEARLY WHITES What? That little spic is your brother? Oh, shit!

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BRUNI Give it back right now. The teens snicker and Pearly Whites stops smiling. PEARLY WHITES (To teens) Shut the fuck up! (Towers over Bruni) Or What? What you gonna do? CRACK!!!! - brick, say hello to balls, balls... brick. Pearly Whites falls to his knees, his hands wrapped over his shattered jewels. Bruni swings the brick and -CRACK TWO, electric boogaloo - goodbye, Pearly Whites. Blood pours from his mouth. Teeth litter the asphalt and stain the Rainbow Kids. The Italian Teens freeze in shock for a few moments. TEEN #1 You crazy bitch. Ill fucking kill you. The Teens break towards Bruni but stop at the sight of -Papo and a dozen tawny Latinos wearing black leather vests emblazoned with a golden crown over the words LATIN KINGS. Theyre wielding baseball bats. ALEX (V.O.) So there you go. Italians on one side, Puerto Ricans on the other kinda' like West Side Story. Except there wasnt much dancing or singing... probably because of the blood and sobbing. The Italians take off. Bruni grabs the basketball and holds it up to a group of Italians gathering on the sidewalk. BRUNI (To crowd) This is our fucking basketball, You hear me! We aint going nowhere! Bruni stands tall as the Italians whisper and shuffle. Cop car sirens blare in the distance.

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PAPO (Grabs Brunis arm) Time to split, sis. Cops. Papo pulls her away. She rushes over to Oscar and hands him the ball. OSCAR Bruni, why did you do that? Its just a ball. BRUNI It aint about no fucking ball. (Pulls Oscar along) Its about respect. You let people start taking and theyll never stop. (Bends down to Oscar) Never give an inch, little brother, you hear me? Not a fucking inch. Oscar nods. Cop cars screech to a stop as Bruni pulls him off the playground. CLOSE on little Oscar, taking it in -BACK TO PRESENT Oscar crouches and brushes his hand along the edge of the mural - the colors. He breathes in deeply... smelling the memories. JIMMY (O.S.) Hey, Oscar! You got five bucks I can borrow? Oscar turns around and sees JIMMY, scruffy and hungover, in the distance. He rushes over. Oscar lets out his trademark guffaw. OSCAR Digamelo [Talk to me]! ALEX Here we go. Oscar and Joe start talking and tapping each other as they trade rapid fire Spanish. Its like a Telemundo kung-fu fight. Alex wanders back to the courts where b-ball schools in session - class is a cacophony of metallic nets clinking and awed shrieks from the crowd. DARWIN (0.S.) (Sniffling) Theyre pretty awesome, huh?

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Alex jumps and spins around. Darwin, quite nursing-home chic in a Hawaiian shirt and blue pants, smiles. If the meek ever do indeed inherit the earth, Darwin shall be their king. And right now his majestys sucking down a huge cherry Slurpee. ALEX Dammit, Darwin. I told you about sneaking up on me like that. DARWIN (Wipes his nose) Sorry. The game ends and two Ballers leave. Desperate for a five-onfive, another Baller looks over. BALLER (To Alex and Darwin) Yo, we need two more. Run with us. DARWIN Sorry, I cant play. I have brittle wrists. The Ballers laugh at Alex and Darwin. A few girls courtside snicker, whisper and point. ALEX (Humiliated) Just shutup, will ya? Youre making me look like a dork. DARWIN Thats ridiculous. Im not a dork. (Beat) I read the chess column in the SunTimes today. Im gonna finally whip you... son. ALEX Oh, please - The Sakorsky Gambit. What a joke. DARWIN No way. Its awesome. Ill take your queen and -ALEX Its a pyrrhic victory, Darwin. DARWIN Nuh-uh.

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ALEX (Sighs) Its simple game theory. Lookit, the moment you move your initial attack piece, all of your other pieces switch from independent to dependent variables. All I have to do is -(Realizes) Oh God. I am a dork. DARWIN You ready to start school tomorrow? ALEX No way. Another year of getting tortured by Leeray and them because were smart. Its gonna suck. DARWIN I hate it here. I wish I was Jabari - going to some fancy school, getting a chance to be somebody. Would you do it? ALEX (Beat) No. Its suicide. Everybody in the neighborhood would turn against us. And my uncle Papo and my cousins -(Cringes) -- It aint worth it. DARWIN Id do it. Im tired of always pretending, trying to fit in. (Jealous) I want what Jabaris got. (Off Alexs look) What? What do you want? ALEX We just need to survive until high school, man. Itll be different then. DARWIN What makes you think were gonna make it to high school? Darwins eyes plead for hope. Alex opens his mouth... nothing.

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SHOUTS ring out from behind Darwin as Petie and the Disciples roll up. They flash gang signs at the b-ballers. The bballers flash signs back. And just like that - its on like Donkey Kong. A flurry of punches and kicks as the teenagers rumble. Darwin grabs Alexs shoulder. DARWIN (CONTD) Lets get out of here before they see us! Alex raises his fists, steps forward and... starts to wimp out. Again. But this time when he looks down - he SEES the RAINBOW KIDS, and a surge rushes through him. Alex shrugs Darwin off. ALEX Never give an inch. Petie spots and breaks for Alex. Alex raises his fists. PETIE Daddy aint around now, bitch! Alex tries to hold his ground against the Goliath. Petie charges. Off Alexs gulp -END OF ACT TWO

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ACT THREE EXT. WICKER PARK PLAYGROUND - CONTINUOUS Petie unleashes several knockout blows. Alex, surprisingly quick, dodges them. Petie bum rushes Alex and slams him down Alex crashes on his shoulder. Petie squares up to smash Alexs face in when -A FIST -Erupts from nowhere and crushes Petie in the mouth. He flops backward. Alex catches a glimpse of Oscar pummeling Petie as Two Chicago police cars hop the curb and screech onto the playground. Over the cop car loudspeaker booms the voice of God, or maybe its just TOM HEAD RICETT, 40, who loves his job way, way too much -HEAD (Giggling) Warriors, come out to play-ayyy! Several Bangers break out, including a battered Petie. A few stragglers litter the ground. Oscar frantically checks Alex out. OSCAR Mijo, are you okay? ALEX (Rubs his shoulder) Never give an inch. Right, Pops? Oscar laughs and hugs Alex as the cops jump out of their cars and start cuffing Bangers. A cop grabs Oscars shoulder. Oscar shoves him off. Head rushes over and grabs the cop. HEAD Take it easy, rookie. Oscar reaches into his wallet. He flashes his badge to the rookie. HEAD (CONTD) I hate training day. (Nods at rookie) These newbie Dudley Do-right douchebags always wanna save the world before lunch. Hey, you working tomorrow?

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Oscar nods as Alex looks at Oscars CHICAGO POLICE BADGE in awe. ALEX Wow. The badge. (Covets it) Whenever Pops is in his uniform, he always looks like Superman to me. And his badge is just... the shit. SERIES OF SCENES 1) Alex watches as Oscar steps out of his squad car in full uniform. The badge shines and Oscar glows like a superhero. Oscar twirls his nightstick as Alex watches. 2) Alex wears Oscars police belt, badge and cap. He puffs his chest out so the badge shines and twirls the nightstick. It clocks him right between the eyes. Alex sees Green Clovers and Purple Horseshoes before falling over. END SERIES OF SCENES Head smirks at Alex. He flashes a Vulcan sign. ALEX (TO CAMERA) (CONTD) Ah shit, here it comes. HEAD How bout you, Dr. Spock? Head cackles and Oscar laughs. OSCAR Fuck you, Head. At least hes got hair. HEAD (Rubs his balding head) What? I got hair. Its just all on my nuts. Head frowns as he looks over at Darwin. HEAD (CONTD) Hey, Hawaii Five-0. What the hell happened to you? Alex and time, he down his front of Oscar turn to see Darwin, frozen solid. The whole hasnt moved an inch. The huge Slurpee is dripping arm, down, down, down to a huge wet spot on the his pants.

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DARWIN I think I peed my pants. (Smiles at Alex as he considers) Its still warm. Head shakes his head. HEAD Jesus, kid. (Into his shoulder radio) Im gonna need another squad car... and a box of Huggies. ALEX Damn it, Darwin. OSCAR Yo Head -(Nods at Darwin) -- give this kid a ride home, will ya? Head makes a face at Darwin, whos obliviously sucking on his slurpee. HEAD I guess. (To Darwin) You piss all over my car, dumbass, and Ill nightstick that humongous noggin of yours. We clear? Darwin nods and hops in the squad-car. He happily waves at Alex. A Magnum, P.I. Ferrari pulls up. Alvin, still wearing the firemans helmet, pops his head out. Alex grins like a groupie and runs over to the car. ALEX (TO CAMERA) My uncle Alvin is the essence of cool. Girls cant get enough of him. (Fawning) Hey tio. Whats up? ALVIN Just cruisin to your crib for Papis fiesta. Hows it hanging? ALEX (Doesnt get it) Hows what hanging?

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ALVIN (Shakes his head) Christ, nephew. Less protractors, more pussy. (Looks at Oscar) Yo Osc, whats shaking, baby? Oscar laughs at Alvins getup. OSCAR Same-old, same-old. Gangbanger bullshit. You steal that car? ALVIN Not this time. (Points at firehat) Miranda. Hey, that reminds me... can I borrow your riot helmet? (Off Oscars smirk) Man, I got a boner right now for some roast beef. Ride with me to Kowalskis? OSCAR Nah, I need to go get some booze. You know how mean and nasty your sisters get when they stop drinking. ALVIN Well swing by right after. Cmon I gotta show you this fucking monkey. The little bastards a pickpocket. ALEX No. No monkey! Football! Oscar laughs and hops in the Ferrari. Alex rolls his eyes, groans and gets in. Alvin sticks his head out of the drivers side window and screams at the top of his lungs as he peels away. INT. KOWOLSKIS DELI - DAY KOWOLSKI, 45, very scary hairy (even his hair has hair), slings hash from the front counter as Oscar, Alvin, and Alex slide past him to the back of the deli, where -JOJO - a cantankerous spider monkey, paces around a small cage. Alex makes a monkey face and Jojo looks away, offended. ALVIN Shit is crazy. Watch this.

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OSCAR Youre nuts, Al. Theres no way. ALVIN Just turn around. Oscar rolls his eyes and turns around. Jojo hesitates and sneaks to the front of his cage. A little monkey paw reaches out and -Slowly pulls Oscars wallet from his back pocket. Alex and Alvin laugh. OSCAR I cant believe this shit. Thievingass monkey. Oscar snatches his wallet back from the pilfering primate. Alvin peeks over at the counter - Kowolskis watching him like a hawk. KOWOLSKI No funny business, okay? ALVIN You know me, baby. KOWOLSKI Yeah, I know you. Thats why I say. ALVIN Christ, Kowalski. The only thing uglier than your face is your English. (Sings) Conjunction junction, whats your function? KOWOLSKI No funny business! Kowolski curses in Polish as he turns away to serve a pissy pair of POLES some bratwurst. Alvin scampers over to the cage and turns his back. He starts giggling. ALVIN Check this out.

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OSCAR Cool it, Al. That guy seems a little wacko about this damn monkey. Dont -Too late. Jojo reaches forward to grab Alvins wallet, but Alvin spins around and grabs Jojos paw. He smacks Jojos paw as he yells. ALVIN Bad monkey! (Smack) Dont -(Smack) -- steal -(Smack) -- my -(Smack) -- wallet! Alvin lets go and Jojo goes apeshit. He jumps up and down in his cage and screeches. Then - well, er - how do I put this? Jojo starts jerking off... vigorously. ALEX Oh, crap. He leans forward, fascinated. ALEX (CONTD) Look at his wiener. (Points) Its all red - like lipstick. Alex leans forward for a better look. SLO-MO AS: -- Jojo screeches --- Alex leans in --- Oscar yells Noooooooooooooooooooo --- Alvin giggles -END SLO-MO A white gush as Jojos jamba juice squirts out and nails Alex right between the eyes. Oh, the humanity! Alex screams as the monkey jizz hangs from his nose like glazed mistletoe.

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Kowolski storms over. KOWOLSKI Hey, little boy! What you do to my monkey, eh? Kowolski sees the monkey spunk. KOWOLSKI (CONTD) What the hell is this? Kowolski reaches forward to grab it but instead smears the monkey business on Alexs face. Alex screams louder and Kowolski jumps back. ALVIN Well... that was unexpected. Kowolski starts yelling as Oscar pulls up Alexs shirt and wipes his face but some monkey lovin plops on the crotchular region of Alexs shorts. Alvin laughs hysterically - wiping tears from his eyes as Oscar yanks him towards the door. Kowalski opens the cage and coos at his beloved. He cradles and kisses Jojos head as Jojo whimpers and squeaks. EXT. MAXS BODEGA - LATER Alvins Ferrari pulls up to the blaring sounds of merengue emanating from MAXS BODEGA. A loud whistle O.S. -JIMMY (O.S.) Yo, Oscar. Hey man, I was just telling everybody how you whipped Peties ass. Shit was crazy! (Sees Alvin) Wassup, Alvin. Hey - you got five bucks? ALVIN I got five bucks for that fine ass sister of yours. JIMMY You stay the fuck away from her! Alvin gives Jimmy a wink and a grin. Jimmy gives Alvin The Finger. Lifes all about communication, people. Oscar hands Alex a ten dollar bill.

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ALEX (Points at stained shirt) I cant go in there like this. Theyll laugh at me. OSCAR What? Youre fine. Hurry up. Oscar turns away and yaps with Jimmy. Alvin sees Alex and darts over. ALVIN (Serious) Hey, nephew. Never let nobody tell you that you aint somebody cause of how you look or what youre wearin. Lifes about the adventure, bro, not the uniform. ALEX Yeah but -ALVIN And when they give you shit -(Winks and grins) Just give em a wink and a big ol grin. Its a classy way to say go fuck yourself, bro. Im gonna do my thing. Alex nods and smiles at Alvin. He sees his crazy uncle as something more than that for the first time. Alvin cuts away to go break Jimmys balls. Off their yelling-CUT TO: EXT. DOWN THE BLOCK - CONTINUOUS Petie and a few FLUNKIES watch Oscar and Jimmy chat. FLUNKY #1 Yo, Petie. Aint that the cop that whupped your ass? A few snickers. Petie turns his battered face and snaps out an arm. The Flunky spits and gasps as his face turns purple from Peties vice-like grip. Petie pulls out a gun and sticks in the Flunkys face. PETIE You think Im soft now, that it? Think I wont put a bullet in your eye?

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Petie shoves the Flunky back. PETIE (CONTD) We let this shit slide and people gonna start disrespecting us. We need to handle this shit right now. Petie cocks his Glock. The Disciples pull out their handguns and start to cross the street towards Oscar when two Chicago squad cars pull up. Four cops, including Head and The Rookie pour out and head towards Maxs. Petie and the Disciples back off. DISCIPLE Yo, Petie. That hero cop comes by here all the time. Him and Max are boys. PETIE Well pay Max a little visit tomorrow. Off Peties psycho visage as he watches Alex march into the store -INT. MAXS BODEGA - MOMENTS LATER A huddle of middle-aged, rag-tag LATINOS shout and curse at a TV showing a prizefight. MAX, 55, gaunt and mean, shouts and takes money as the gamblers frantically place bets. A bell ding-a-ling-a-lings as Alex pops in. He hides behind his Spider-Man comic and sighs in relief at the sight of a distracted Max and his motley crew. Alex creeps to the counter, and with his eyes on Max, slaps down a quarter. ALEX Can I get some Jolly Ranchers and some Lemonheads and -Alex looks up and is struck stupid as he sees -Sharla behind the counter. ALEX (TO CAMERA) (CONTD) Who is this goddess before my eyes? She reaches towards Alexs hand and he turns bright red. ALEX (TO CAMERA) (CONTD) She loves me. She knows I got serious game. Thats right baby --

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Alex puffs out his scrawny chest and drops the comic on the counter. ALEX (CONTD) howyoudoin? Sharla takes the quarter and tosses over some candy. She plops back in her seat and picks up a copy of TIGER BEAT with a picture of a boy band on the cover. ALEX (CONTD) (Mutters at magazine) Fucking Menudo. Max sees Alex staring at Sharla and rushes over. MAX Stay away from my niece, okay. Shes not for you. (Points a finger at Alexs shirt and shorts) You think I dont know what you was doing, you little pervert. You cant just whack-off like that. You never heard of a sock? The men start laughing and Sharla flashes pity. ALEX (Horrified) What? No - its not mine. (Points at shirt) Its Jojo's! MAX (Stops laughing) Kowalskis monkey? What kinda sick little freak are you? Everbodys pissing their pants now - except Sharla. Shes distracted by the Spider-Man comic. ALEX (TO CAMERA) Well, at least it cant get any worse. ANGEL, 19, bursts into the store. Alex closes his eyes and groans. ALEX (TO CAMERA) (CONTD) Or maybe it can. (Takes deep breath) Thats Angel. (MORE)

Wicker Park - "Pilot" by Elfi Martinez ALEX (TO CAMERA) (CONTD) Hes got Downs Syndrome and a spectacular gift for popping up at exactly the wrong time and saying exactly the wrong thing.


Angel grins as the men yell greetings at him. ANGEL What are you guys talking about? I dont speak Puerto Rican. (Looks at Alex) Hey, Alex. What are these guys talking about? ALEX (Face turns red) Uhm, er -- you know whats up? Hows it going? Stuff like that. The men stop talking and look at each other as Alex searches for a hole to crawl into. Angel looks around, confused. ANGEL They said way more stuff than that. What else? ALEX You know, Angel I really need to get home. I -ANGEL Wait a minute! You dont know either. Youre fibbing, fibbing fibbing. (Dances and sings) Fibber fibberstein fibberpants! Angel stops and looks at Alex, confused. ANGEL (CONTD) I dont get it. (Cocks his head) What kind of Puerto Rican doesnt speak Puerto Rican? Alex looks at the disgusted faces of the throng. ALEX (TO CAMERA) I guess I aint one of them either. Oscar walks in and SEES the scowling men.

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MAX Yo, Oscar. What gives? Your kid too good to speak Spanish? Alex instinctively moves towards his father for protection. ALEX (TO CAMERA) Thank God my Pops showed up. I knew what he would do - hed crush Max, just like he did Miss Henslee when she tried to fail my sister. FLASHBACK - INT. WICKER PARK ELEMENTARY - CLASSROOM #105 Pencils scratch furiously as 25 nerdy kids (including Alex) scribble. After a few seconds, pencils drop and heads pop up and stare intently at -THE TEACHER, who looks like Mr. Whipples younger brother. He holds a fat, tattered dictionary and flips through some pages. TEACHER Okay, lets see here. Errrrrr Foreboding. Pencils scribble as The Teacher searches. Suddenly a sound echoes down the hall. FLIP-FLOP, WAAAAAH! FLIP-FLOP, WAAAAAH! The students look at each other. What the hell is that! TEACHER (CONTD) (Flips pages) Ominous. Nobodys writing. FLIP-FLOP, WAAAAAH! FLIP-FLOP, WAAAAAH! Nervous chatter. Its getting louder! TEACHER (CONTD) (Flips) Mortify. The Teacher notices the fidgeting kids and looks around as he hears it - FLIP-FLOP, WAAAAAH! FLIP-FLOP, WAAAAAH! He heads for the classroom door but freezes tattered Chicago Cubs shorts, a faded Blues shirt and flip-flops, storms by. He carries his hip - its face smeared in baby food and bib dangling from its neck. as Oscar, wearing Brothers teeThe Toddler on a Cookie Monster

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TEACHER (CONTD) (Looks at Alex) Isnt that your dad? Alex sinks in his chair as the classroom turns and stares. The Teacher motions Alex over. Alex slinks over to the door as Oscars flip-flops echo down the hallway. Oscar marches into the principals office. The Latina Assistant stops typing and tries to stop him. He hands her the baby and marches into the office. We hear Oscar yelling. ALEX (TO CAMERA) So my sister Naice bombed some standardized test and even though shes a B student, Miss Henslee decided to fail her. She called Pops with the bad news. (Beat) He didnt take it too well. Oscar pops out of the office and snatches Fabian The Toddler back. He slams open the door and sees Alex. ALEX (TO CAMERA) (CONTD) (Smiles) I knew right there that my Pops would run through a brick wall for us. That he would always protect us. (Puffs out his chest) My sister passed - and Mrs. Henslee didnt say boo to me for like... six months. Oscar smiles back and winks. He flip-flops down another hallway. Alex struts back to his seat and grabs his pencil. ALEX (TO CAMERA) (CONTD) Yeah, the old man is alright. BACK TO PRESENT Alex shrinks from the glares of the mob. He shoves his hands in his pockets and looks at his feet. Sharla grabs the comic. Oscar narrows his eyes at Max. Alex holds his breath. Oscar, looking embarrassed, quietly says something in Spanish and everybody laughs. Alex backs away.

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ALEX (TO CAMERA) (CONTD) So, its like that. Well, I guess if my Pops is Superman... then Im his kryptonite. Oscar turns back to Max and rips into him in angry Spanish but he stops as he hears the front-door bell twinkle. Its too late. Alex is already gone. OSCAR Ah, shit. Im sorry, mijo. Off Oscars guilt -END OF ACT THREE

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ACT FOUR EXT. ALEXS BACKYARD - LATER Alex storms past the revelers and disappears into the house. The Crazies cheer as Oscar and Alvin emerge with beer and rum. ALVIN Wuz up party people! The Crazies cheer even louder. INT. KITCHEN - MOMENTS LATER Alex, in tears, darts around his sweeping Grandma. She raises the broom, ninja style, but Alex leaps over her dirt pile she looks disappointed. Hes blocked again by his sisters, Naice & Ledy, as they watch the Miss America pageant on TV. They hold hands and pray to the screen as the Announcer fumbles with an envelope. Their eyes dart to a tinfoil tiara, the grand prize, gleaming on the kitchen table. NAICE Cmon Miss Delaware. Please, please, please, please, please. LEDY No,no, no - California. Oh my God, I cant take the pressure. The girls eyes dart from the screen to their brother. Ledy and Naice frown from behind their homemade sashes conjured up from birthday ribbons, pairs of moms high heels, and enough makeup to embarrass a rodeo clown. LEDY (CONTD) Oh, my God. Are you crying? NAICE Yeah, really. You look ridiculous. Alex pushes past the beauty queens and storms into his room. INT. ALEXS BEDROOM - CONTINUOUS Alex's walls and shelves are lined with Chicago Cubs gear, Star Wars toys and an L.A. Law poster of JIMMY SMITS (as Victor Sifuentes). Alex plops down on his bed in front of a huge CHICAGO BEARS CALENDAR pulled open to September.

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Red Xs cross out the days through Sept. 8th. The Sept. 9th box reads in bold letters - FIRST DAY OF SCHOOL. Alex squeezes his pillow over his face. TV ANNOUNCER (O.S.) Miss Delaware. Alex looks up and sees Naice scream in ecstasy as Ledy jealously watches. Naice swoops up the tiara and crowns herself. She sees roses in a vase and snatches them out. Water streams down her gown but she doesnt give a shit. Its her moment of glory. LEDY You dont have to be stupid about it. NAICE I won! Naice pageant walks to Alexs door. ALEX Shutup and get out of my room! Alex slams his door but Naice walks over a few feet to her left and walks into Alexs room through -A FUCKING GAPING HOLE IN THE WALL! ALEX (TO CAMERA) (CONTD) My mom moved the fridge and never blocked the hole. So I have a door but you could just walk through the hole. And everybody does - all the time. It drives me batshit crazy. Naice strikes poses at the magical hole with a megalomaniacal grin, a soaked gown, and the terrifying confidence of a thousand beauty queens. ALEX (CONTD) I said get out! NAICE (Smiles sweetly) Im not in your room. Alex throws a Luke Skywalker action figure at the reigning Miss America but she deftly dodges. The Force is strong in her.

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Alexs Grandma pops right into the room and sweeps. She stops and stares at Alexs stained shirt. GRANDMA What happened to your clothes, eh? (Wags finger) You spanky your monkey? ALEX Its not mine! Grandma chuckles and the broom starts scratching again. Alex rips the shirt off his bird-chest and slams it in the trash. LEDY (Getting agitated) You only won because your girl was blonde and had big boobs. My girl was prettier. ALEX Cant I have some freakin privacy for five minutes. Alex screams into his pillow. Naice practices her victory wave and Ledy snaps. She snatches at the tiara and Naice screams. The grapple and roll around the ground - locked in mortal combat. Grandma keeps on a-sweepin. EXT. MARCELOS GARDEN - LATER Marcelo is hard at work, digging and watering. Over the radio BLARES the slow serenade of a bolero - an old Latino romance song. MUSIC OVER: PIEL CANELA BY BOBBY CAPO Marcelo takes off his hat and wipes his brow. He looks up to see Alex --- Standing over him with his hands in his pockets. Alex kicks over some dirt. ALEX (Looks over at radio) Why do you always listen to this boring stuff? Arent the Cubs playing? Alex flips the radio dial and we hear the Charge organ playing at a baseball game.

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MARCELO (Shakes his head) Thats the music of your people, little boy. You should have more respect. ALEX (Sarcastic) What people? MARCELO Que Pasa, Alex? ALEX Why dont I speak Spanish? MARCELO Your sisters dont speak Spanish. ALEX Yeah, but you speak Spanish. So do Mom and Pops. HARRY CAREY (V.O.) The Cubs are down to their final out. Its gonna take a miracle to pull this one out. MARCELO Your mom ever tell you what Chicago was like when we came here? Alex shakes his head. Marcelo fingers a tomato with rough, calloused hands. MARCELO (CONTD) Ive been growing things my whole life. When we came to Chicago, I went up North to get a farm. (Plucks tomato) Everybody at the bank was smiling until I talk. They say no. The radio blares with fan cheers. Something good happened. ALEX What do you mean? You talk fine. MARCELO I have an accent. People look down their noses. Marcelo looks over at Oscar at the party. Oscars playing dominoes but he keeps looking over. Alex ignores him.

Wicker Park - "Pilot" by Elfi Martinez


MARCELO (CONTD) I go to sleep dreaming about the Flamboyan trees and the warm breeze of my island. But every morning I wake up here - freezing my ass off at the garage. You know why I do it? HAREY CAREY (V.O.) Ball four! Bases loaded. Winning run at the plate! ALEX Everybody laughs at me because I dont speak Spanish. MARCELO They used to laugh at me cause I no speak English. They think Im not American. But I am. I vote, I pay taxes and I want a better life for my family. Whats more American than that? Marcelo gets on a knee and meets Alexs eyes. MARCELO (CONTD) (Grabs Alexs shoulders) I do it so my babies could have a better life. Your father wants the same for you. Your life will be better -(Chokes on his pride) -- if you no talk... like me. Alexs eyes swell with tears as he tastes his grandfathers shame. Marcelo grabs his trowel and attacks a tomato plant. HAREY CAREY (V.O.) This is it. It all comes down to this last pitch. Heres the windup... the pitch -(Crack of a bat) Theres a drive! Way back, it could be, it might be -Alex flips the dial back to the bolero. Marcelo smiles and nods. He pulls off his WATCH, its hands proudly declaring 6 oclock, and slowly hands it to Alex. MARCELO My father knew how much I loved this watch. He wanted me to be happy. (MORE)

Wicker Park - "Pilot" by Elfi Martinez MARCELO (CONT'D) Thats what I want for you, grandson. Thats what I work so hard for. Be happy. Make a better life for you and your babies. Choose your own path, okay?


Alex, stunned, fingers the watch but says nothing. Abuelo groans as he pulls out weeds. Alex bends over and starts yanking too. ALEX (TO CAMERA) So, there we were, my abuelo and me. We were only separated by two generations but it always seemed liked we were worlds apart. (They struggle and sweat) So today was a crazy ass day. But everything I learned prepared me to deal with Pops and the gifted kids tomorrow. INT. ALEXS BEDROOM - THE NEXT NIGHT Alex, holds a fat red marker and crosses September 9th FIRST DAY OF SCHOOL off his calendar. Alex hears footsteps approach the hole. He knows who it is but doesnt look up. OSCAR Goodnight, mijo. Alex ignores him. OSCAR (CONTD) Whats your problem? ALEX What did you tell Max and them back at the store yesterday? They all laughed at me. OSCAR I told them that if they have a problem with my kid, they got a problem with me. ALEX Im sorry, Pops. Im not David. OSCAR What? Who cares about David? ALEX (Softly) Im not Latino enough.

Wicker Park - "Pilot" by Elfi Martinez


OSCAR (Gets it) Is that why you two dont get along? Thats ridiculous, mijo. Its not about speaking Spanish, or wearing the right clothes. Its about taking care of your family. ALEX (Distraught) Im not one of them. OSCAR My job aint to make them happy, Alex. Its to teach you to be a good man - to stand on your own two feet and make tough decisions. To do whats right. Oscar flips on the light. He sees Alexs roughed-up face. OSCAR (CONTD) What happened to your face? ALEX (Beat) You shouldve seen what they did to Darwin. OSCAR Miss Henslee called me last week. She told me I could enroll you in that gifted program or let you decide for yourself. ALEX (Gets it) Oh. OSCAR So, what happened? ALEX I had to choose. FLASHBACK - WICKER PARK AUDITORIUM - EARLIER THAT DAY The auditoriums still going batshit. One spot left -Alex holds his breath, closes his eyes and -MONTAGE

Wicker Park - "Pilot" by Elfi Martinez


1) Alex looks down at the RAINBOW KIDS and raises his fists as Petie charges. 2) Alvin grins and winks at Alex. ALVIN Lifes about the adventure, bro, not the uniform. 3) Angela and Alex at the kitchen table. Alex, exhausted, closes his math textbook. Angela opens it back up and points at a problem. Alex sighs and gets back to work. 4) Marcelo gives Alex the watch. MARCELO Choose your own path. END MONTAGE -- ALEX STEPS FORWARD!!!! Total silence. Alex opens his eyes. Sees -Marcellus shakes his head. Leeray spits on the ground and snarls at Alex. Another Disciple makes a throat-cutting gesture. ALEX (TO CAMERA) (Wavering) And just like that, Im nothing in the eyes of my friends - kids Ive known my whole life and Ive got a bulls-eye on me from the most vicious gang in the city. I feel like shit on a stick. BUT THEN -Sharla smiles at Alex and edges closer. Their arms touch. Sharla leans towards Alexs ear. SHARLA (Sotto) You left your comic book at my uncles store yesterday. ALEX (Embarrassed) Oh, Im sorry. I -SHARLA Dont be. I love Spider-Man.

Wicker Park - "Pilot" by Elfi Martinez


ALEX (TO CAMERA) (Smiles) Maybe life wont be so terrible after all. Alex looks at David and the other Latinos in the audience smirking and shaking their heads. David pops his guayabera collar and smirks at Alex. Alex hunches his shoulders and drops his head for a second - but this time, he finds his spine and straightens. Alex looks up at David. He grabs Sharlas hand... and she doesnt pull away! Off Davids defeat -BACK TO PRESENT Alex nods at his Gifted uniform draped over a chair. OSCAR (Tries to fake it) Uh, nice uniform. ALEX Maybe life aint about the uniform. OSCAR What? ALEX (Beat) Nothing. OSCAR One more thing. Our back window got smashed today. I found this in the broken glass. You know anything about it? Oscar shows Alex a NEON-ORANGE baseball. ALEX (Takes a deep breath) No. OSCAR Youll have to fight them off everyday. You know that, right? The gifted kids will get all of the attention and money, and the neighborhood kids will get nothing. Theyll need somebody to blame... you.

Wicker Park - "Pilot" by Elfi Martinez


ALEX Yeah, I know. OSCAR Your Uncle Papo and your cousins down at the garage are gonna give you tons of shit, too. ALEX Yeah, I know. OSCAR Dont sweat it too much, kid. I got your back. ALEX (Smiles) Yeah, I know. Father and son connect for a moment. Alex grabs his shoulder and winces as he reaches for the baseball. OSCAR You still hurtin? ALEX (Nods slowly) Im not like you, Pops. I aint some tough guy cop. OSCAR Bullshit. You didnt run yesterday. You fought that animal Petie. (Shocked) I didnt think you had it in you. ALEX I didnt win. He kicked my ass. OSCAR You stood your ground. You fought back. Thats all that matters. (Laughs) Im just glad he didnt kill ya. (Serious) Im proud of you, mijo. Always. Never forget that. ALEX Yeah. (Cant take it 5in) Im tired, Pops. I wanna go to bed.

Wicker Park - "Pilot" by Elfi Martinez


Alex pulls the covers over his shoulder and turns away. Oscar turns out the lights and hovers at the hole. OSCAR (Beat) Yeah, well. I gotta go get dressed for work... I love you. ALEX (TO CAMERA) Whoa. Pops never says that. Its just not something Latino men say to each other. Youre supposed to be hard... tough. Always. (Beat) Whatever. ALEX (CONTD) Yeah, Pops. I love you too. Alex looks back. Oscars already gone. INT. KITCHEN - NIGHT - LATER Angela finishes up the dishes and looks over at Alex. He looks asleep. She turns off the light and paces away as -INT. ALEXS BEDROOM - MOMENTS LATER Alex pops up and flips over. He pulls the covers over his head and sneaks out a flashlight. He whips his Spider-Man comic out from under his pillow and flips through. In the distance, he hears the TV click on and then footsteps to the basement. Moments later water starts pouring into the washing machine. Alex drops the flashlight at the sound of -LOUD KNOCKING -On the front door. Footsteps dart up the stairs as the knocking gets louder and more frantic. The front door creaks open and Alex hears a POLICE RADIO. The front door slams shut. Silence. Jackpot! Alex grabs his comic books and jumps out of bed. He runs through the house to the -INT. LIVING ROOM - CONTINUOUS And plops in front of the TV. He lays on his belly and flips through the comic books.

Wicker Park - "Pilot" by Elfi Martinez


Loud horns and thumping drums announce the ten oclock news but Alexs not paying attention. The NEWS ANCHOR fades in. NEWS ANCHOR Our top story tonight - a Chicago police officer gunned down during an altercation at Maxs Bodega in the Wicker Park. A picture of Oscar hovers behind the Anchors head but clueless Alex is too entranced by Spider-Man to notice. NEWS ANCHOR (CONTD) Officer Oscar Gonzalez was shot several times by multiple assailants -Alexs head snaps up in time to see a the announcer cut away to -EXT. MAXS BODEGA - CONTINUOUS A PRETTY REPORTER briefly squints as the camera spotlight floods her. REPORTER This is Vanessa Fox on the corner of Halsted and Armitage where a few hours ago a heroic Chicago cop tried to foil an armed robbery but was ambushed by multiple assailants. He fell under a hail of bullets-The camera pans down to a pool of blood on the curb. INTERCUT BETWEEN REPORTER AND ALEX Alex stares at his fathers blood on the street. The Reporter keeps talking but Alex cant hear her. The TV cuts back to the anchorman. NEWS ANCHOR (TO CAMERA) Officer Gonzalez, a father of four, is in critical condition at-EXT. ST. MARYS HOSPITAL - CONTINUOUS A phalanx of Reporters shout questions at a devastated Angela as Head leads her into the hospital.

Wicker Park - "Pilot" by Elfi Martinez


INT. ALEXS LIVING ROOM - CONTINUOUS Alex watches his mothers tears in silence. He curls his knees to his face. NEWS ANCHOR -- and is undergoing emergency surgery as doctors frantically try to save his life. Alex slowly rocks back and forth as we hear the front door swing open. NEWS ANCHOR (CONTD) Eyewitnesses provided police with a description of one of the shooters. A police sketch stares back at Alex on the TV screen. The cold eyes, the massive scar... Its Petie. Maggie rushes into the room - wiping tears from her eyes. She throws off her coat and sees -Alex, sitting there... terrified. MAGGIE (Rushes over) Come here, baby. Maggie scoops up the little boy. He hugs her tightly. ANCHORMAN (TO CAMERA) In lighter news, Bozos new cavalcade of clowns promises to tickle our funny bones at -Maggie clicks off the TV and strokes Alexs hair. She coughs and chokes on her tears. MUSIC OVER: CATS IN THE CRADLE BY HARRY CHAPIN HARRY CHAPIN (V.O.) And the cat's in the cradle and the silver spoon/ Little boy blue and the man in the moon/ When you coming home, dad?/ I don't know when/ But we'll get together then/ You know we'll have a good time then. FADE TO BLACK. END OF SHOW

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