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002 003
place your order NOW!
ATTENTION! once hired I can work only for one employer

004 005

006 007
Let me

In this book I try to present my -

graphic design/photography/sketch
skills- according to my current
knowledge and experiences.

You may see some of my projects

and you will hopefully communicate
with the way I understand how things
work. What I do to solve a problem,
how I combine different elements of
history and media as well. I try to
present my analytical thought and
creativity by showing and explaining
some of my projects.
008 009

Industrial and cultural sectors (if they

have to be mentioned) are analyzed
in a separate paragraph.



010 011
Methodology diagram
Methodology idea

some steps c ideration of various facto

after (re)cons
give values to
My current methodology is still under development. the idea
What I usually do is trying to keep things simple and

ould be skipp
functional. Firstly an idea comes to my mind. Secondly,

(re)consider various factors

I give some values to the idea (such as motives like love,
passion, hate, anger etc, or technical information such as
colour, A4, etc). After that I imagine the final product in
my head and I make some drawings. The next step is to
design the product. I could say that first I think of the
imagine the

presentation and second I actually design it.
final project

if I am stuck make a
drawing with
t a sandw
e d ie t c oke or ea
while som
the mean
I drink in
rsations about jokes
or I go out with a friend
or I see some m
and have endless conve
ovies and eat po
pcorn or pi zz a
the final project 013

and run around the bloc

or I do some push-ups
bai t harts
worms as e current c
ing and use gs from th
or I go fish test m u si c s o n
oad the la
or I downl
rable about it
ws and be mise
or I watch the ne
my mom

start designing
hone call to
or make a p d the city
ck drive aroun
or go for a qui
ey book ands
or read a lovl s of my h

it (usually in
a k e s o m e drawing
or m
s of the city
e photo shot
or make som

014 015
WHO'S TH ST PLUM This is how the Nordic plumper does it
-Nicely done
-It will last for a long time
-It looks a bit expensive
but still affordable
-Nice to look at

ANOTHER GREAT NORDIC VICTORY -photo shot in a cheap finnish student flat.

This is how the Greek plumper does it

-Very bad
-Very complex
-It will brake down soon
-It looks cheap but in
reality it costed too much 017
-Very few people like to
look at this

-photo shot in an average cheaply rented greek apartment.


018 019
020 021
022 021
024 025
r r y o a N a w • r y o rl In e gia oRr • iI r in o • r s al lf • c ar
No ay • No rwa • N rw y • orw ay • Nor ay No wa • N wo d • ter sutsins w• rludss Iant•e est g w rld • al w lfa • oci we are • so ial elf re •

a y • • Norwrway • No rway y • No orwa ay • NNorw ay • Norwway • • Nor rway s t i ng worl rld • InIinate•rRe esutsinsgiagiaw•oR rluds•si iIant•er restin ng wo orld • s oci ial we elfarere • s ocial l welf lfare • soc cial wwelfa
rw o a w • r y o g rR n oR •s e i • c w a s ia e e o l
No ay • No rwa • N rw y • orw ay • Nor ay No wa • N
y N tere tin wo ldus•s nate• sutsi s giaw• rluds iIant• rest ng w orld • are so ial elf re • oc l w lfar • s cia
a y • • Norwrway • No rway y • No orwa ay • NNorw ay • Norwway • • Nor rway d • In nteres sting giaw•oRr Rrldus•sIi Iinate•rRerResutsinsngiaw•oRoRrluds•s •siIant•e eresti ing w orld • l welf lfare • • soc cial wwelfa re • s sociaial we elfare e • so

Europe Europe
r w y o a N w r y o r l I r
o • e tis w• d s t • suts w rlud Ian es g e n s o s e i s s t t w l
r c wd i a e r e o
s ia el e l f a oc l w fa r
No rway y • No orwa ay • NNorw ay • Norwway • • Nor rway y • No orwa ay • N
• • • • •
y• g w orld • Int •reRsu isnsgia •oRrl u s•sIina te•rRe tsinsgia w•oR lds•si nt•er stin w•osorld •ial elfa re • soc l w lfar • s cia wel are re •
No rwa y • N orw ay • Norw ay • Nor way • No rwa y • N orw
o r o rwa ay • rriensgti•ni•ng w orld •ssIniatete•reRsut utisnsgiaww•oRrldudus•sIinante•rResusutsinsgia aw•oRr urluds•siIaIant•ere estilnfagrge w•osoorlcdc•ia•l wwelfa are • sociaial we elfare e • so ocial l welf w elfa are • •
N rwa y • N orw ay • Nor ay No way • N rwa y • N w • o N rw •btoe sgt l
w Rldu Inia eRs gia rR sIi rRe tsinsgi w•oR ds•s nt•e westinare w sorld ial elf re • oc l w lfar • s cia a i r al l f
ay No wagy••In• toerien gti•ng wa o•r ldu•ss niate•r sutisns iaw•o rRldus• s•sIinate•an su insgia oRrlu •siIaciatlere elftingre w • o oc • w a • s ia e re oci we fare • di •
• o
by an average Finn No rwa y • N orw ay • Norw ay • Nor way • No rwa orwway • • Nbwooorrrinrldwndagy••Inb•nbtoeriensnsRgtui•nsgsi iwa o•rRrRldu•ssI sIniate•reReRsutisnsgsgiaw•o orRlduby te•rRerReaverage suts insgiaw• oRrludsGreek o•siIani•alewreselftaingre • sorlodcia•l l welf lfare • soc cial wwelfa are • s • s ocial l wel lfare i • lor rdi •
No rwa y • N orw ay • Norw ay • Nor way • No N s I ina s c t w s d a
• orl ci • w are s ial el e o f a r e s i a e de l o
y • or ayging• Nooorrirl wilndagy••yI •Isnbitoaer•ie iensRgtui•nsgsgsiwa o• rRldu•s sIniate•r reRsutisn nsgiaw• orRldus •sIinate• e•rResutstsinsgiaw•w•oRrludssso•siIacniatl•ewrewseslftainagre w elf e • oc l w lfoarr i • rdi
• • •
No rwa y • N orw ay • Norw ay • Nor way rwa ay • NNtoberorweriswntan•tyign•g••bwNw ooorr wagu••s • toaer• gtui•ns wa o• ldu•s niate• sutis iaw• rldus Iinat Resu gia oRrlud so• iIanial re elfing e • soorldocia•l l welf lfare • • soc cial w l w elfar re • s socia rldwi •e• lfoarrde i • lo rdi • auti
No rwa y • N orw ay • Norw ay • Nor o b b i R g R r n s s e r c i a o a o
• N rw •I•n reesrsi y g• biaooorr•rirlndRwndaguy••sIsn•i bitoaer•iensRnsRgtui•nsgs iwa o•rRrRldu•ssI Iniate•re eRsutisns sgiaw•o rRldus•s sIinate• reRsutsi insgiaw• oRrludsso•sciIacnit•atlewreset lftaingreww • s rldcia we re so o w a • l i i e rrde l
• s ocial l welf lfare or•dsi o• c• cloiarldwdwi •e lfoaoarrdei • lorlrsd•dib•beau
No rwa y • N orw ay • Norw ay •
o a N w r w ay • No rworlardiyn•gysg•wInN•etodbeoordrerowesrsian•tiagnygn•sg•sNw N o
o o r r ilR aguy••sIsn• oer•ie tuin•sgs wo• u•ss ate•r sutisn aw•o ldus• Iinate• esuts giaw• rludsso iIan •al wreselfang e •o soorldoc•ia•l l welfafare • a r e s ia e l
e i o rl f i i r
N rw y • orw ay Nor o y o borwdlarydin• •wnN•etbe rewsrsinRtiuy •g•sw g a d
bia orr•rwilndR ay•sIsnbita r•iensR n•sgsi o•rRl •ssIni e•reR tisnsg w•orR s•s te•rR sutsins w•o luds•socIant•el westilfarg w• s rldcia wel
• i R i elf e • oc l w ifa• r r•ds loia i •e rrde l g lols • i • ea l •
• N orwa ayrtiinn•ggN•w
• •
No rwa y • N orw ay • a y N w s N
b o boorwdarydiyns•gI• N•estodibearoe•rwsrsianR•tiguns ••sNw
lw r l w I n o e e y g biaooorr•rwilndRgu•ay•s•Isnbitoae r•iensRgtui n•sgsiwa o•rRldu •ssIniat e•reRsu tisnsgia w•orRldu s•sIina te•reR sutsinsgia w•oRr ludss•soi cIainat•elr weestilnfarge w•o sorldc•ial i a l w elfar re • s socia • llowredldlifa• rleolor•dsi o• c• cloiarldwdwi •ealufoatiofaurrfdeuil •girliorlrsd•dib•be
o o • o o
r y s s o s N oo i t u d
u na a r s i o c i ia re re i o rl be lf ti i •g r •
N rwa y • N orw orw y • o•er rbe asyrting bN•lw o bo wdarydiRn•gu • N•estdibear rwsrsianR•tignu ••sw o u l
ooorr•rwilndRwguaguy••sI•nsb•itaetoaer•iensRgtugtuin•sgsiwawa o•rlRd du•ssInianiate•reRs sutinssgiaiaw•orRrldus•sIi Iinate•reReRsutsinsgi giaw•oRoRrludss•so•ciIainti•aelr wreesetilnfianrge ew• osorld •
a w fa •
• o
l ayns•guwIsn Neodbeaeroe• an•tyignugs •biaNw • s ocial l wel lfare ••losrodrcdci i•allowlowredlifa• a• rleor•dsdsiior•lcsloia•loiarldbwie•ea•uelufoatrirfdeudleil•gliorllos rdi• •
• • •
No rwa y • N • N orwa aoy r•i•nNIgnNtwot•erewrdbeweoseaossyrtin•g• Nb•lsw oirbaooor•w y iR t i r ws si R bi a r ilnd
R y I n
sb i i n s
R g s i r l
R sI r e R n g
s o R s e r tsi ns w s s c t e w s t a r w l d r e s a i o i r• • i rr ls i
y r d lrd w n s e r y g s o r r a r e ns o s e i s s t lud o n l l f g r a oc l w ofra ••l s i i•al oredlf • rleoul g si o•lcs orldbwea• lfoatifu i •gir rd•
i e d r e o
s t • su I •
oibaooor•wdarydiRyns•guIs• N•estodibearoe•rwsrsianR•tignus ••sNw oo rwilndRgu• y •nsbitoae insRgtui gsiwa rlRdu sIniat reRsu nsgiaw orRldu •sIina e•reR sinsgia •oRr ss•siaciat•erewe tin wo ld • elf e
d •
No rwa rwa • N r•wobrl abolyoddry••in•sIgnsNIgnwot•ererdbrewdeeao•ssyrtRinug•sgNbs•lsw
• • • • • • • • • • • • •
No No rway y •irniNngogwobrw l or aydry•in Nwot•eeiarb easyrtRinu Nb•lsw oirbaooor•wl ayns•guwIsn Neodbeaeroe• an•tyignugs •biaNw bi
ooor•r wagu••sI • toaer•e gtuin•s wa o• du•s niate• sutis iaw• rldus Iinat eRsut giaw oRrlud so• iIanial res ing or •
a r b i s i l
R I e R g R s r n s s e t w i a l w elfar re • s sociardli w• el llolfradrie i ••losrodrcdci i•all wlowreedalifuaitia•f rlfeourl•dgrdirsiior•lcsl ia•loiarldbwieea•ue lufoatrirfdeurdleil•gliorllsors
o d y
s wos • orbaooor•l ayyns•ugwIsn Neodebaeroe•wan•tyignugs • Nw iR s ti r wsr i
s R s o rr in
ldR y I n
s i
e n R g s r s
• a s r• n•s iwa o• rlRdu•s Iniate eRsut sgiaw rRldu sIina reRsu insgia oRrlu s •siIan t•ere ting wo d • r i n
s s o s t e t i
s w d s o c t s r l d c w a a
• lco i w• rdr los i i•a b redlu leo l i o• s rldwe foaifu i • irl
i e e o l f t i g c i a r
ay No waebsot •siNgn•gwbrw oo
• • • • • o l lf
•loowbrldabol•yoddryR••inu•sIgnssNgnswots•ereiardbrewd• eao•ssyrtRinug•sgNbs•lsw

i rowodr•lrdiRysg•wIsn•sti odreroes•rsi Raygngs•sbiaNoooorr•rwilndRgu• ••sInsbitoae oer•iensRgtui uin•sgsUninhabited
• • • • • • • •
orwway • • NriIonrgterr•wr•aeydbseotirne•snriNgn•ogw r o r n I e b e y n o bo a u N b i u b a g u t a g t iwa o• ldu•sPolar s teZone
n i a •r sutins iaw•o rRldus• Iinate• eRsuts giaw• oRrluds •siIan res ing orl • re • s sociaial we elfareoerd•i s•o•olcoiradl dli w• elolfoafradrie••••logsriordclsdi•i•a•llobweoaredalifua•tri•furleourl•dgsirsilo•lcsloia•obrldbwie•ea•lutlfoatrirfdeul ig•glior
Artic Zone N lo a y ry i u o i r
a a s i u N l i a y i n e t e
i a ws i n
• w i in
l d
R n b
bsi woabol•dodR • sNIgnswtse rwdbeeo•srtR •gbs•sworbowodr•lrdRysg•wIsn•s odreroe•rs a•ygnugs•s or• gu••sIs oer•e gtuin•sg wa o• du•s ate• stuins iaw• ldus Iinate• esuts giaw Rrlud iIan res ng or el • re soc al w i l•fa rd•i s lcoira i w• el l radtriieful losriorcls i i•a•ll bwe redlifuatif rleorl•dgiri o•lcsl ia• rldwieeaulfoatrirfdeul i •g
i i n sR s r R I
s r e R g
s o s r i n s s t e t w l d f a lr
y • or ayldbo• Nyionsgte waeydbsoti •siNgn•ogsw
• • • • • • • • •
rwa ay • NNgorwwowrbalryoldbo•od••rdINryIionsrgterr•wr•aeaydbs•eotiRnr•sunriNgnu•ogswbso•boiraw
r l r aoyodryR•inu Nwots•eeiraweaossyrtRinu• Nb•lw iaorowodr•larydiRn•yusg•wIsnN•esteibaodrerow inti wbia ndR btia nsR i rlR Isni eR gs rR •s r R ins o •s t•e ti w w d fa • i rde •falroe d•i s•o loiradl • eloalfu drieu••l glosrordcls • llobweadlifa•tifulor•dgsir • cloia• bdwi •eau oarrfdeul
orbl•daydryR••inusIgnsNwot•ereiradbe• easyrtRinugssNb•lw o bo a •u N b es•rsR•ignugs•s baor•il gu••sIns toaer•ei gtiun•sgs iwa o• du•s niate•r stuins iaw•o rRldus Iniate• eRsuts giaw• oRrluds •siIan res ingcial lowrlerlldlf•are • soc cialol ww il r c i we ra if i i ia• re u e l i ols rl e lf ti i
• N orw ays•tin Negsorw • o alyoldboo• NyIiuonssgtesiwaeydbs•eotiR•siNgnu•gsws•loiraw l o b
rol•doy y••inusIgnssorewradbeo•sasyin•ugssNiloairbaooword•lrydiRnayiyns•ug•wIsn•esteieatdeibaeroes•rsinRtin•tignugs•swi wbiaor•ilndRndRgu••sInsbi btioaer•einsRnsRgtiun•sgs iwa o•rlRrlRdu•sIs Isniate•reReRstuinsgs gsiaw•o orRldus•s•sIniate•r reRsutsinsinsgiaw• oRrluds •siIant•et•ere•stsotinogciw a wowe •are so ialol rdedei l•falroeloerd•i s•o•olrcolsirad•l dbli wb• eeloalfluolftradtriiefu••l••glogsriordclsdci i•a•llobwleowaredalifua•tri•furlfeourl•dgsdirsi or•lcsloia•loabrldbwie•ea•ue lfoatrirfdeudle
a • N r w r e y e•tdin sorw w b
o r y o• odR r o r
t e
s r a e r
n o b oi a d r
i aeydbs•otiR Nn•gsws worabol•do R •nsNIgnswts rewdbeeo•s Ry •gbsw
• • e
• i r
t s
• row od
r l r
d R s wIsn
• s eoes rs R gs• s o r il s ns i g s
I toaer•e gtiun•s wao• du•s iate• stui s iaw rldu Iniat eRsu giaw oRrlud • iIlanfar re• s ingcia or e • re soc alol w
r n • s e• t s • s e s l l d l f • r i l•far rd•li sgi lcoira• i w• eeau rdriieful losriorls i ia• l be redlifuati leorl• gi i o• csi • rldwieau foarirfu
r w te • a l o b
d • N y n s o b g
u db r ignu • g u •
lsiao oord•lrdyiRn• wIsn•esteia eoes•rsinRt gs•swbia or•ilndR •sInsbi r•einsR in•sgsi o•rlR •sIsn ter•eR tuinsgs w•o R dus•s ate•r sutisns aw• rludwsse iIanat•ere estso g iw l worledlfa• re • soci lol w e o o s o f a
rd i l•faulrteifurd•li sgir lcoirad•l bi w• eel al u rdriiefu•l glosriordcls i•i•allobwearedlifua•trifuleorl•dgsirilo• csloia• brldwie•ealutfoa
l t
No ay • N•oIn rwsarwes •diNneg r•wobral lyoldbo•od•RrIiuNryIiuonssrtgw aoydodrRy•i u sNwots•eiraweaossrtRinu• Nb•w

esr•ia aeeydbs•eot•iRsnr•igsuiNgnu•ogswbrs•loiraw
• • • • •
a y • • Norwrwaoyrld•loN•oodInytreywtesarweyseyte•tdiNnegso owrw wobralyodbo•od•R Nossrtgew s r•ia aeydbs•etoiRnr N•ogswbs•loioawrbol•abol•ydodrRy••inu•IgnssNIgnswots•ereiradbrewdb•eeao•ssyrtRinug•sgbs•w lsoiboa oord•lrdyiRns•ug wIsn•estdeibar eoes•rsinR•tignu •gs•swbia or•ilndRgu• •sInsbtioae r•einsRgtu in•sgsiwa o•rlRdu •sIsnia ter•eRs tuinsgsia w•orRl dus• sIni ate•reR sutisnsgi aw•coiRalrludws•selfIianat•erer •estsinocgaiw a l w rledlfa • ocia low
de a oe •o ls dl ofat •• g • o a •r u s l o b • l t
l rbredei la•faulrtilfrouerfud•li sgi si•roilrcolsira•rdbli wb• eel al luolfruadtriiefui l••llogsriordcrlsdci ia••llbwleowreedalifuaitia•f rlfeourl•dgrdirsiior•lcsl ia•loiarldbwieea•ue ul
rw w ybd od aws Ns brl ryIiun w•e •signu r l ar aoydodrRy•inu sNgnwots•eeira deo•ssrtRinu• bsw
• s g d r g oe u u a a
•lsoiboa boord•lrdyiRn•usgwIsn•esteibad• reoves•risrinRo•tinu•gnu•gs•swbia or•ilndRgugu• •sInsbtia oer•einsRgt gtiun•sgsiwawao•rlRd u•sIsni ater•eRs stuinsgsi iaw•orR ldus• sIi Iniate•reResuetisn•ssgiaow•coiRalRrlludws•selfIianfat•ere r•e•stsinoncgciw
• l n g i o r o r
l worledlfa• re • s soicrlisa •lol w

No rway y •stNinogorewswa•oarlybl•dloN•oNIonodInrywtesreaweyse•tdinegNegos rw•wowbarlyoldbo•od•R•dNryIiuonssrtgesrriwar•iaeaeydbs•etoyiRnre•snriNgnu•ogswbso•boirw l o rb l y n I s e be n u g o o n u ba o i b a b tia i l d n i R rR r R r s o s l i a w a g i a b e i l•fauti rd•l g lcosia• i w• eea radriefu losiorls i ia••l b redlfuti leo l• g i o•lcs • rldwiea
d a e u l d l b t
rbe i l•faulrtif rd•li sgir lcoira• i w• eel al u rdriieful losriorcls i ia• llobwearedlifua•trifuleorl•dgsiri o• csloia• brdie•
e o o of g d
a aol•dyodrR•i u sgnswts•eira deos•srtRi • bsw l a yi eei rint wi ndR nsR o•r RlRdu•sIs nitaer•e Rstuinsgs giaw•o rRldus• s sIniatee•lfareRsruetisn• nssgisaow•ciaoRrlludws e•sIilanfat•ereere•stsotingciw al owrledlf •arteifu• l sgoicrls ialol•w
• •
No rwtaereys•swtNeindgorewsw•oarybl•dlo•NoodInrywtesr aweyse•tdin Negos rw• owbarlyoldboo•R•dNryIiuonsstgesrwr•iaeaedbs•toyiRe•nsriNgnu•gswso•obirw g •si•loiboaoord•lrddRrdy•iRnvs•ugiwrIsno•sto•estde•ibareoves•rissRrisrinRo•tignu•gs•s•swbiaor•ilrilndRgu• •sIns•Insbtieaor•ei esRtiunsgsgsw
• • • • • •
o• In wdaeyre • Neindg rws •or •lo• orywtesr y e•tdin os rw• o alyoldboo•R Nyionsstges waedbs•toiR•siNgn•gsws•loioarlorbol•dodrRy•inyuIinusIgnswts•eeirabeerdbeeos•srtRinu•ugbsw
s oirobooro•l nvs•ugiwrIsn eed•bareove• rnoignu•gs bao • gu• s tiear• tiuns iaw o r u•sIs taer•e tuinss aw•o lduas•l wnate•lfa sutis• giaow•cia rludws e Iianat•re re•s so g iw a l orledelfau• reifu• l soicrls lol w rbdeeai l•faulroteifurd•li sg•oirlslcoirad•l bi w• eeloalfuatrdriefu••l glosriordcls i•ia• llobwearedlifua•trifuleorl•dgsiril • slo• b
N i e f n rbdeeai l•faulroteifurd•li sg•oirlslcoirad•l bi w• eeloalfuatridriefu••l glosriordcls i•ia• llobwearedlifua•trifulorl dgirl s • b
a • s i i I e e R l a
rld Nbl•orIonrtwdtaeyyresst•wtNienodgeow ao•yrbld •loN•odIn rywtesarwesy e•tdinNeg os rw•wobralyodbo•od•RrIuNyossrtgesr•iae aeydbs•teoiRnr u n•gswbs•oiaorbold•odrR• nsIgnswts•eiaedbeeos•srtRino•g•bsw •vlsiairboorod•ldry•iR vsgiwrIsno•st i •rove•risiRt gnu•gs•swi or•ilndR u• sIns er•esR tiunsgsi wao•rlRd u•sIsni taer•eR stuinsgs iawso•orRclduias•lswIniatee•lrfaRresuetisn•ssgiaow•coiaRrlludws•sel Iinafat•ere re•stsi oncgciw asl •wobwrbledelfaau•at rteifu• l gsgoicrlis i•alol•w
w o d o y s s d r
e w s
w a y bld N o od
I n a we s N
e g w b rl d r i
un r w r i e
a e s
n igu b l
oi a d ry
R i u w e i r
a e s
irt Ri nu b l
w oi o
a d y
d i
Rn • u r o s t b
i a i
sri o
R i swbi a l dR I ns t
i a e s
R g s i r l
Rd I
s n i r e R n
s gs o orR c s s w e r R
a r t i
s n s s w o i a d s • se l t er e s t i o i r l w l l d l f u l c l s rdeeai l•faulroteifurd•li sg•oirlslcoirad•l bi w• eeloalfuatridriefu••l glosriordcls i•ia• llobweardiu•tifu l girl s •
l o n r w s d r o o o R o s o iR o ts v s l i n v r s ia o•rlRd •sIsnia er•eRs insgdsoian o••orRlcia s•lsIwi erltde•lrf•eaRre utisn•sgiso w•coiRal lduws•self nat•erertif•usl tsingoicrglswal •wbreledlfaaurti u• lsg oclisaol•lobw
o s i l t f c l u n s g a r a u
r l I a e Ne g o r r in y • g
t es • d t g w s • o d • s g • d os g s • o oro • Is • o e gs• s r i n u t e tu w s
• du • n a •l s u a • r w I
i a a • e g i o e e f • o i r l
y o • o
ting g wo rldNb•NlorIonwdterayyres•swt•inNienodgrewswrws ao•yrbldl •loN•oodInytreywtesarweyseyte•tdinNegs oswrw•wobarloaldlyodbo•od•RNryIiunysnsstgew
b r•ieeasbe•dsb•teoiRnsrignusn•gswbs•loioarbol•bold•odrRy•inuInvssIignrswots•eei•rabe•dbeveos•isrtRion•u•g•bsw •vlsoiiorbairboro•ldr•iRnv•ugvgirIsno•ste•ibar•rove•risrinRotignun•gsswiao or•ldRu u• sInstiea er•esRt utiunsgsw ofati •• g d • o a u
• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • de a oe •o ls dl l
l rbredei la•faulrtilfrouerfud•li sgi si•roilrcolsira•rdbli wb• eel al luolfuradtriiefui l••llogsriorlcrsdi ••lbe eautif ful gir irls
• • • • • •
e s s n e o u b o u a wa d u ita s tu n iaw s r l d ui a o Ini a e eR s e g i a o r
R l s Iil f a u r e l i n c i
l s o e r e
ti f s i r a
ter restin g wo orldb•Nbl•orIonwdtwedaeyyresswt•wNienodgewrws ao•yrbld •loN•oodInorywtesarwesy e•tdinNeg osrw•wobrl loldboo•dRrIiuyinsstgew r•iea esdb•teoiRnsrigu n•sgwbs•loiaroirbold•od•rRy•i uvsIignrswots•eira•dbeveos•isrtRinu g•sw •vsioairboro•ldr•iRn• vgirIsno•steia•rve•isrRti n•gsswia or•ldR •usInsti er•esR tiunsgsi wao•rlR u•sIsn taer••eRLostuinnsgdsoniawso••oRcnlgduiw s•lswoIniraltede•lrfa•reRsuetisn•ssgiaow•coiaRrlldu•ws•beeIailnafate•uretirfue•stlsgonirgcilwasl •wobrledelfaau•tiorenifsu• l g•soicrlis •alol•w
• • •
I n n t y b d a s N I s s i
gu l y i nu e ra r io
n u v o
a n u e
i a r ot i u i a tia sR i lRd I n i e R o gs n t i r R c a s r r n s s o a s a e u t i r w w b a t s g i bredei la•fautiloerud•l g •olrcolsia•dli wb• eealolfradtriefu • logirls • b auti ful g irl
• te sti w ld o Iont ayss Nodg a• rl NoIn wsre •dneg • or oo•dR sgew r e w d w b r u e v a
sria•eesdb•teoiRnr rsroigun••sgwbs•oiv•loiarbold•od•rR••yivnusIignrswotse•i • •rabevos•itRi ionug•sw i • i w dR
•si irboro•ldr R virIsnost •rve•sR ngss or•l •usIns er•e tiunsgs wao•r u•sdo taer•• L stuinnsdoreiaws so••onlgduias•l woIniraltede•lfa•esuetis• giaw s n w e o d f
•cils dus beIinafat uretirfe•s lsgi g iasl • orrlneeal au•ioreniful •soicrls lol wbe i l•fauti rd•l sg lcosia• i w• eea rdiiful irls b uti l g
• r f i i r u e
to•i rRc w•ssw lde•r aRr isnssl ogir•coriRlrasllrl•wduw
• • • •
orld • In ere ting wor dNb•l orowdteyreys•swtien odrewswsoao•yrbl•dlo•l•oN•oodInrytreywesarweysetiedinegs w• obrloldboboo•dRryIiunst stgew ria e•sdbv•teoinR n••sgwbsoi oirbold•odrR• vIignrsotsei •bevos• trR o g•sw •vioairor•ld•R•uvirIsnosteia re•sRti ungsswia or•ldR •usInstia er•esR tiunsgsi ao•rLlRdonu•sdIsnoin taer••eRLosIntuitnnsegdsoreniw •s l a e• u tinocrl wewbrlndealfataut nsu• l g ocrlisa •low
ogwi •oiRasl •s bse•eseIielnafaat urteetrirefeif•suslsstginio•gicrbilaselwe•leow
rdeeai l•faulroteifurd•li sg•oirl lcoirad•l bi • eloaut ful g irls • bea utifu l gi
g wworld d • Int teres sting worl ldNb•l IonrIonwdtaeyraeyes•swtNienNegodgreww yrbld •oNoodInt srwest dnegs w• obrlld oo•dRryIiunssisrgeow sroigu ••gwbsv•loia oo•rR•inu irotse•ira vositrRi nu •sw oa old•R•u nsteia •sRti u gsswia r•ldR sInstia re• sR nsgsnw i • o•rlRdon •sIsnoinlder••eRLonitnsegdsoasnss•oto•i•norRlgcduialw•slsoIwniraterltldfe•lrf•eaRasrIuuettuit•fisun•sgislaw r eldalf•taiuorteifns• l•sgi cisal• bw s
rbneea •taiorteifu s•goirl ialol•rbdeedaei la•faulroteilfouerud•li sg•oi•rl lrolsrd• b beaut tiful g girls • bea autifu ul g
e r v i aogcir•loiRralldu•wb•eIlnfaautettreioef•nulstgino•gicrbilasw•leobw
n a ri a ei n •
s t i r l I n e g o r N
b l w d y r i n r ws o
• l yt e e t i s w l o
l db y v
in t
s s •
e d
sbv to R s oi n s i rbl d i v
nuI g
n s b
e o ug s s i r
o r • u Is ar e i n
u ao u tiea tiu d o w
i a L lRd un d o nrit
a s
RI tu n r e iw
a n s i nr Rg
ld ui a o
sI ni a e e r e R s
r e t i f u sg i
s r
e e g r i n r t e w t o e w y b d • d w s e b r d r
r stin wo ld Inte est g w rld NloIon ayryess • Nendg rws ao• rl lo•oIn yesre etding w• o lrodoboo•R yvnisstrgeosri e•sdbv•teonR n•sgwsi irbold•o R vnIingrsotse •evs•tR o g•sws r•ldR uIsns re•s nugss or•l •usI s eare•Lo tiunsgon wao•Logd uw•sdo riltader•• L sIntuinnsd reiw
• • • • Iu w • e
• • i rr g u v•o a • • r• • ir
•a • i ri n v i a • t ei t
R w i dR • n s R n s • r Is n • e
• o t e gs o s t
so c w w b d •
••onlgduiasl oIniraltee•lefaa•euRsuet si•fulgiaw
• i n c r l s l d w b eInnfaur tire•nsslsgngcbiase • orrlneel a •iorenifu s• oirls alol•w d a f u s• l c rbe i l•faurtif rdli gi • eau ful irls be utif
t a o i r l
to•i rRc w•sswnbraltde•lrfaarustutisn•fsusl gwciorilasrl•dewe•breel Ianntaeurteitoifuenstssi go•irgl biwaele•wobrlndealfatau•toenfsu• l g• oicrlis lol w rde a lofu rl s t i g • a fu
• In ere ing or • ter tin wo ldb• oronwdte aysswti Nodgews o• rbldblo•oIdndt ytesrw es etdinegs so w• obvril ilrodoboo•d•RrIiuyvinisstrgeow r•iea irnroigu v•oia •rR•i u oeira itrRinu wioa dR• steia sRti swia ldR Insti • esRnd gsni s•atoi•nrLlRogdnuw•sdoIsnonriltader•••eRLosIntuitnnsegdsoreniw r beldalftaiurti ns• lsg cisa • bredei a•uti iful gi irls • • beau utiful l girlsls • be eauti tif
rld • Int terest ting wworldld • In nteres sting g wor rldNb•lNlIorIonwdteyrayeryes•swtienedgew l d o I n s w
e s ier
g bv r l ooo•d•RrIu sirgeosr•iea•sbv•tovRtoinrRroigun•sgws•gwsv•oiiarbold•oo •R•vuIinrstisrotseir•aevs• stRinugsswsioar•l l•dR•uIsnIsnsteiare•e•sRtinugsgsswiaor• r•ldRn•udsonsInsntiea•r•Lre•osoRtniundstneosgrsenw i •toi•nrlRonw•soIsnonlder••eRLonitnsegdsoasnss•oto•in•orRlgcduialw•slsoIw i eblede•r•eaRruetitingsl ogwo•iabsl • e•reelfa tertreioif•usl tsino•icrlswele•w
f d s r l o t g a
w rld In es g or • I re in o b• rwdte wtin ew r o
s o • bldl • oIdnyte sw
• r d
v n o d s r
setiedviniergso w • obvrilrlodbobo••RrIviunst itrgeosr•iea•sb• vtoinrRroiguns •wsvoiiar l •od• •R•vuInsntseirae s•tRinug swsioa rl•dR•u Isnsteiar e•stRinu gsswi•aoLoor•lodRn•ud•osInsntiea•dLr•esIoRntnuditnesgrosenw
• i o s L
ia•toi•nrlgRdonw u t I t
d onria • • Rs n r ian to•inrRlcia w•ssoIw e w s gd u r at l a s u s c r l r l e w b
ni ebleder•earuetifiniognsl ogi o•iabsl • e•reelnfautetreioif•ul tino•icrlsweleow
• I n a t e n g g bi a r beldalf•taiurti ns• lsg s • ea ifu irls • b uti l g ls • b eau
n e a o e f u • o i r l b u l e f u i r
sa• LinrlgRd un•sdIsooIsnnriltander••eL•eoRsIntouitnnestgdseogrseoiw

s ting g wo rld • Inter restining w orld • Inteterest ting wworld dNb•loIonodteyresssswtiendgdew s or• bldlo• oIdnyteresw s t diergso w vrilrd o•rIviuns rori•ea•sb• inrRogus voiiar l R• uI s teirae tRinug wsioa dR•u steiar stRidnuon swi•a L rldRnudooInsrltiea• L•esIRntnudesgrsenw i t o r L ns
asns•oto•inrRlgcduialw• oIw
nr teblledfearr•eansruaettti•fiuniognsl w
w s e e r i s s e rrbneeldaalf•taiuorteifuns l•girl s • b eaut iful g irls • bea utifu l gir ls • b eau
r in o te t w d n s l n r e v o R v s
r loI y e e g s o bldlo• dnyter wsetin irgo w vrilrdob •rIviunistges oriea•s•t rogusw oiarld• • uIns eiraes• iRnugs ioar• R•uIs teiarLe•on tRinuogsn swiaoLolgdRw•udoonnsrltidea•r L• sIRntniundogrsewisa• LinrlgRdound oIsnriltane • r•eRsI tountegrseoiw s l n s o t o w s o d • n i d s
anstoinrlgcdia w• obIw l r t l f a t c l l d b n a
neeblederr•eansruaetifiuniognsl sogir o•irabsle•w e•reIelnfautetreioeif•nul tino•icrbilswe•leow
• t s g g a rr neea • io fu • irl b ut l g s ea ifu ir b
•obrrlndeaatu•ttiiotnifsul g•girls • • bea autifu ul girl ls • b beaut tiful g girls • • bre•a

Inteterest ting wworld d • In teres sting worl rld • I Intere esting g wo rldb•b•loIondtedryresswtiniendgew
• • • • • • •
s o• r l o o I y e s r e t v
i n w • o i rdob o
• R v i
stres s vti n
R sw s l d R I n s t s e s t g s ws r l d u Isn s r e o
•s n d nu g s n • s at
oi nr• o n w u sI
o n l de
a r e
•L o In t it
uneds o ne s
i a to • L g d w
u • sd o ril
e • L I
s ntui ns
n d r e ws n s •o nr g
l d
s i a
• l oI nre te l f
e a e s a e t t i •f u g n w
o ci r l r bl d
l e w b I n
l f a ur t r e
o s
n ss
l gi n g c b i
l a
l d •
I n s g r l In re n g o e r t i n o o t e s sw t d e w bl d •
o d
In t s i r
g o v r l Iun o riea
• • n gu o iar •
R u e ira •
t i
R n u w ioa •
R • o n •
st ei a L s t
R id o r e sw i L n g
l dR •d oI nr
s ti e s R n e gr s n • t i n
r lR o n o
I n
s n • r •e R
L o tne g o t oi n
o c w b w b l d
e r
r •a n ru t t i n
i o sl g w o i a s • e• re e a t ert i
e i f•u s t
s o• i r w e e b ld a u n s l l s e i f i r u l ls e• be
r e o • i t w d n s o•r• bldlo• • Intere estvin irgow• o vrilrdo •R• Ivunistres rieas•ti RnRgusws oiarld• R• uInsts eiraes• tiRnugsswsioLarol•dnddR•uoIsnn •steiarLe•onsIntRitdneuogsnreswsi•atoi Lr•onlngdRnw•udsoonInrsltidea•r •L•eosIRntnitundseogrsew sao•L g uw•sdooIsnriltande • •esIntoi ntdegreaowstniso•toinrnlgcdsia•lw• obIw nretelef a• saetifu g socirlo•irabsldle•wbe•reIenlfaautettreioeif•nulstsgin•girblsweeorrbneldaa•tiuotifuns l•gir s • b eaut iful g irls • bea utifu l girarm

wo orld • • Inter restining w orld • Inteterest ting wworld d • In nteres sting worl rldb•loIloIondteyrye esswtienegdgew
• • • • • • • • • • •
t e t w l d n s g r l I re g o b d e r w i n s o rays • ter tvin ow• o ilrdo •R nstes s•ti gusws rld• uInsts res• ugs oarl•nd •uIsnn •ldear•e•onnitneuogsn siatoi Lr•o w•usonrltidear •LoIntitundsoniewis•ato•i•nrLlRdolgRdnw
a R r u •sdoonrltder• L• sInetoirnnndgreawstniso•oinrlgcdsia•l oInrbeltdebeslrrefe•aanr•reunsrtaettitnii•founnslgnsgw
n sog cirlorabldle•wb•rInlfaaur et rioesnul gin•grbls •eorrbnea tiotifu s •girl • b aut ul g rls bea tifun wgirls • b
w d s r I e i n t t e w d s r v r Iu ea a i i n i o r t i L I t
R e w gd R d s n s nr I n e e e o to n w bw d i o i e t t f i w a u
socirlo•sirabldle•web•erInaautettirioefsnusl tgin•girblse •er bneaatiuotnifu s l•girls • b eauti iful g irls • be•a evutifu l girls s • l e f i u e l
g worl d • In tere sting wo ld • Inter estin g wo rld • Inte rest ng w orld b•loIon deyress wtiendgholiwdoralysd • •In tere stvini grow• o ld •R Iunstesri eas•tinR guswsoi arld• R• uInstse iraes•tR nugsws Lioarol•dnRdow•uoIsnns•ldeiarL•e•osnIdntRitneuogrsnse•wsiatoinLr•logndRw•udosIonsnrltidea•r•e•LosIRntnitunedsgornsewisato•i•Lnrolgd wn• dooInrltnde•r•bL•eseInetoitrnnndegreaowstniso•toinrnlgcdsida•lrwuogIbw nreltebesllrdeef•aarr•euansruaetttii•fiuniolgnsl w
• • • • •
r i t n r
ng worl rld • InIntere esting g wo rld • Inter restin ng wo orld • Inteterest ting wworld db•loIonodteyraesysss•tingholiwdiodralyrlsd • •I Intere estvini g g wo rld •RRIunstesri rieas•tinRinRguswsi oiarld• RR• uInstsetseiraes•tRtiRnugswsewssLtioLainrolg•dngddRow•uooIsnns•rsltdeiarL•e•osnsIndtRitdneuogrsnsres•wsi•atoinLr•lnorlgndRnw•udosIoonInrsltidea•r•e•L•e•osIoRntintunedsgeogrnew
• o • i R rt ns sto•i iLnrolgdotiwon• dnosoInsrltnde•r•b•LeseInteoitrnntndegreaowsrtnigixosos•too•in•rnlgcdsida••lw r uogIbw nretebslef•ar•ensraettti•fungnsgw socirlo•srblde•eb•erInaautettirioefsnusl g •irblse •er bneaatiuotnifu s l•girls • b eaut ful g irlsm• erbea utifu l girl s
i n g wo d • ter stin wo ld • Inte esti g w rld In res ng orl b•loInlid ereys •tingholwo aysd • • ter stin wo ld • Iunstes eas•t gusws arld• uIns iraes• tneugrs stioainrol•nd w•uoIsnn •ldeiarL•e•onIntRitneuogsnewsitaoi L•ogdRw•udsonrltidea•r L sIntintndorneewsrto•nLanrlgdtiwon• dnooInsrltnde•r•b•LeseInteoAi•nrnsdndteergrueaowsrtnigixsos•to•in•rnlgcdsida••lw r uogIbw n reltdeebslref•aar•eunsraettitii•founlgngw s irlo•srblde•eb•erInaauttiiofnusl g •irblse •er bneaatiuotnifu s l•girls • b eauti ful gwairrls • bea utifu l girl
s ing orl • I tere ting wo d • ter stin w rld Inte est g w orld• h• Inlida ress •ing olidor ys • I tere ting wo d •R nstesri s•tinR sws rld• R uInstse •esI•t teugresws Ltoinrlg•dnd w•uoIsnns• dar•e•osnditneugrsn •staoinLr•on w•usIonrltdereLoIntitnebdgeonewsrto•nL gdiwon• dnonrltde•ix•bg•s•L sInteinrnsddterrueawstiixsso•in•rlgdsida•lruoInrelteelref a•ensatttiifulgngw
t n r o • i o t l n r oi • n i
R R o r t s l o ns • i a o r t n o • g d a u i o sgirlo•srblde•eber naauttiiofnusl g •irblse •er bneaatiuotnifu s l•girls • b eauetvi efnul g irls • bea utifu l gir
t w d s r l I n e g r i n o t e y t h w a d n s r l I u e a g u o ia d r
i a in s i a o R r l
t ei L I nt
R o e w i g d R d n s n r e i nr l t
o o I s n u e e oA t e g r g to n c w b w b d r u i n o s irls eebe nauti nsl g bse • r nea ionifu • irls • ber •eauti ful rgs •irls • bea utifu l g
s r l I n e g o r in o • t e t w y s d h n a
e ting wo d • nter stin w rld Inte est g w orld • In res ingida orl • • Iolidtereys tingholwo ay d • • nter stin w rld Iunstes eas•t gusw oiarld• w• ouIns dira•es• itneugr s stioainrol•ndRw•uoIsn r•ltdeiarLe•onIntRitneuogsnewsitaoLogd w•doonnrltde•r L• sIntinnbdorew s i d r l s • I e g o R r i i n
R s R
• r l
t e
s I n t R e ws L gd o o n s s d r s • i nr l n oI • e
• o t e g e n ser •niLnrlgdotiAons•d doInsrltnre•iux•g•seseI teA•rstdegreawrtigixsstoinrnlgcdsiaw• oIbnebede r•ensuatifiunolgnlw
t o a w n toe r d r b L
• •n i n nt er u s o • • • l r l
t e r a t t i
idoral ys • I tere ting wo ld •R nstesri s•tinR sws inrlgd• R ouInrsltse •esI•nt Rteugresw Ltoianrlg•dndw•uoIsnns• dar•e•osnnditneugorsns •stoinLrlon w• IonrltdereLoIntitnebdgeonewstoi•xnuLa•glgsdtiwon•s•dntodoenrltde•irxbg••s sInteAinrsdnterrueawsrtiixso•inrlgds • oInrelteerea•ensatttiifu ngsgi•rlbs b•e•ebr eranaautitoifiounusl g•ir•l blsee•ebr bneaatuttiotnifsulsg•girlasrm
• • • • • • •
res sting worl ld • I Intere esting g wo rld • Inter restin ng w orld • Inte eres• thtoinl glidwawyosrsld•dh• Ionlidtaeraeysss•tingholw • b uti de l g • ls • ea tifu
g r r n o • e i t o y l h n • g li r s I re n d l d • n s g r
o •R es ti R ss g I u r e
ia n gu to a wR
• l de r
ia n tiRn s i o g R o r l
st ei L I tR d
rts sI rew L l•d d •uoIsnn •ldeiar•e•osnnitnegon stoinLr ogn w• IonrltdereLoIntitnbdseotredwsrtoi•rxnuL•glgdtiw r e w g
l d d o n • s n e gr e
n r r i n r a o sA •os•ntdonrltdre•ixbg••s sInteAirst greawsrtiix inrlgds • oInretbe ea•nattiful nsgi•rls be•eber naaut tifionusl gir• rblse •er bneaautiotnifuelsn •wgirls • beianatruutuifdueurlsgsir•rls • b beau tiful
I se r u r e e • tne gn e to n w • b b l d
e r
r u i o
tererestin g wo orld • • Inte eresti ing w orld • Int terest ting wworldld •liIdnanytserses• shtinogligdawaoyrsr•ld• •hIolIindtiedraeyressti•n hgo owliodoayrldys• •• Inte eresti ing w orld •RInuts tsesrieas•In•titnRegruersweswsstoinarld•lgd• w•RouInosnrsltdseira•e•• sI•ntiRtneugesgreswstioiLanroinrnlg•dnRw
• • •
o r t
s L I t d r e w ld d o n s nA g n in r a A I s u r e e te
n n e to n w b l d r u i o l s e e t i f s i e a u v n l s n e r if r i u
s n r n I e o e e e d to s w n e
uIs reon tne n sto o w• o lde xL Inti bdso ews x ggd ios•• onIntrsetr•idx r•eb•seI teAsitnegrnteeawrtisx toinrn•lgds w• oberblde r•anuatiftionl sgi • lbs • er enauatitoiful s g•irls ee•r beern•aatiutif nsul•glikanlsia•abnbineat utrtutdifeuel rgsg•irls • • bea autifu
d b i t s t l a t g n a u l
d o n g • i n • r• tn t n • t d l e • n r i • • r e a u •r e b n b • e o r
n t s I y e h s n t w s n I e t • • • •
nte eresti ing w orld • Int teres ting wworldld • In ntere sting g wso•r rhlod o•lidIanteyrsr•esthinonligd dwaoyosrld• •h•oIlnltiedaeyreyssti•tinhghowlidoaraldys •• •Int teres ting worldld •RInuoInurltsdesr•iea• sIn•titnRegeugrueswsstoi arinarlgd• w•RuouInrsltdseirara•esI•ntiRtntuneugresws ioLatiooianrolg•dnRw d•ow•noInnrltde•ldeLr•eosInntindtitonegorenw•wstLoinLrlgodgndw•doIosnrtnterrlt•die•ri•exLs•osInAntitAnebgsretreedrwsirrtuoiirxnnrulan•gtlgsdAtiw

t t w l d n s g r I r e y o h a e i l i s o t w d l d n s g r r e
ia tn to w R l de i n i
R s g o r t L I d r e ld A o n r e g i r a Aos oInrseltre•ix r•eseInteArstnegrneeawrtiixtinn•gs wobebelde r•nuatifuionl sgir • bse• ber enau tioifnul s •irblsreme•r ber •atiuotif nbsal•gikr anlsi • n ineautrudiful rs •irls • be uti
s I e n t w d a s i I e w R s I t e w L d s n n I e e e e d sroixninrlgadtiA•osntoInrsltdre•ix •eseInteAi rsterneartiixotinngs •wobrebedea• nuatifuonl sgir • tbae•• ber enau tioifnulngw•irblsremeer bere•arstiuotifubsal•lgir ansi • bn ineaurudifeul rs •irls bea u
t w b t s t l a t a n a a t g
• In ntere sting g wor rld • Inter restin ng wo orld • • Inte erehsotilidinagayws •o•rldholi•diIdnat ytseres• htoinoglidawyoyrsl •ldh•hIonlindteraeyss•tin• ghgolwliodrarylsds• • Inter restin ng wotoinrlgd •Rw•RoInurltsdesldesr•ieasIn•tintitnRegrueswssstoinarlgd•g w•RouInrstsrltdseira•es• IntiRtneugr srewstoiLnrol nlgddwd•ooInnoInr•ltde• r•Leo• nsInntitndegoengrew s•tori iLrxinor•lgdnw•AdosotnInrltederrix•e•sI•ntitAnbtsetgreetw
• • • • • • • •
• I ntere stin g wo rld • Inte resti ng w orld • Inst •erehsot lidingayws o•rldhol • iIdnaytseres• htinoglidawoyrs •ld •hIolindteraeysstin• hgo wliodarylds• • Inte resti tnegrews toinrlgd w•RoInurts ldesr•ieasI • ntitnRegrueswsstoinarld•g w•RouInsrltdseira•es• sIntitneg rewstoiLnronlgd wd•onoInrltde•rLeo• sIntn•itndAoesngrteew se•toriLxinor•lgd•w•AsotInrltederrix•esI•ntiAnbtsegreeetw stoixn •lgdtw i•osntoneInrseltdre•irdxb••b•eIneArsteternteeasrtiisxot•oinn•gs •w• obrel beldrear• nuattiiftuio•nlpsgaisrl•ssltbsae•• ber enaa•uatetivtoiefnueslngs w • arblsr•tmreuerdbnea•arstio•tnifubalgkirlania• b inat utudfeul gs •irls • bea
I tere tin wo d • te sti w rld dayInt • est lid g ws orldhol• Inaysres• h ingida ors • • Iolidtereys tin ho wo ay d • • nte sInti rews inrlgd oInurts •easI • tegruesw toinarld• w• oIuns d r•e itneg stoinron w•on rltderrLeixo IntitnAosntewstorix gd w•Astnrltderrix sIntiAnbs reerwsrtoiixnnrian•rlgadAtw iA•ow storsel r•ix • IeneArsterneeartiixtinn•gs wobrebeldear•inzuaztaifuio•nlpsgair • tbsae•• beerrena•u etivoifnulnigsainw•iairbnlsere•tmre•uerdbrneerea•rusu•tifubl al lgkikrlasnlsia•nbneineatrutrtui difeurl rgs •irls • • bea
d • s r l I n e g li • s r o in y d t e t l w y d h n a s • i d r l s I •e t e g
l • In ere ting wo • ter stin woho ld ayInte• hest lidag ws • rld oli Inaysres hongida orl • • I lid ereys tingholwo ay • • rltder sIntin rews nlgd oInurltses •easIn•t egruesw tinarlgd• woIn r•es tnegr stoinrol ndw• oI nst•lder•Leixon•Intitnegstewstoix •gd w•Ast rltderrix sIntiAnbstrewsrixnngtiAos orsl r•ix • IeneArsereartiixtinngs wobe•bepe • nzaztaifuonpsgair •atbrae•• err nau ektivaonfnul gnw•iairbnlsrtmruedbea•rsu•tifubalgir ania• bn ineaurtudfeul rgs •irls be
to w• R d r i i n R s s R r lt e I n
t e w L g d n e s d r e i nr l oI e e
• • t e g e e to • n t d b • t s o • r a t s l m b a t e
t s ld In g • r id s r o n y o• hld o•lidInteys •esthi ol g waysrld• hoInltidaress • ng olidorldys w• oIn lder•e Intitneg ewstoi r gd w•R rltsdesri sIn•titnR reswsso nlgd • oInrltde •esInti egrew Ltinrlgdndw oA oInrtt•er •es • Aegr ter inrl • il • oInte r•e • tnegete ti na• wsnterld•xb• Inetrsnteestiixo • g s•taoreldepreia•u aatiifu• l nswaisrlsabrm eberbn•aaluti vaoennnisal gwainls • uedreea s •iful alkirlsnia• b int uti de l g • ls •
orldld • In ntere sting g wor rld • Intereresdtianynsg w•ohoorlldlid•a•yInste•ehrehsotilitdinagaw yswo•r hld •lidanters • stinolid waoysrld •hoIntiedayesti• hg owlidtoainrlgdys w•• oInrt d r•es nitnegr stoinrl w•RoInu rltsdesr•iea In•titneRgu ewstoi r lgd w• onrltder • sIntitn rews oLoinrlgdnd• oAnsoInrlttdeerrix•esInt•itnAtesgrsewtsertosriteoxinrolgd•wi•Alw••soIsnrtltedelrdeixr•exsI•ntinAbtsebsreetesrsixrtinxnga•tgiAow o s ri • e A ternear tinnpsa w b •bd r inzuzt vioe• lpg w•srltsae•s•m e•ebr erban•aaluektitifvauennial ngiwr ainlrstmr• ubedree•raust •ifbul aglkairlsnia•nbeiantruutifduerlsgir• ls •
r I e o • i i s o y t
wo orld • • Inter restining w orld • In•tehteorlelsidt atyinygsw•whohroldlidda•aIynsnt•e•rehsoslitdinidgayswso•r rhldo o•liIdIanyteyrse •eshthinogligd waoyosr•ld••h•oIlnltiedrayressstin•itnhegreowslisdtoainralgdys w•• oInrltreltder•esI tIntitnegrewewstoinrlgdgd w•RoInuonrltsdesr•ieas• sIntitnegr rewstoinrinrlgd w• I oInrltdere•esIntitnetgegrewstoLtooiynrlg•d w•wA• soInrslttdeerdrirx•exsInt•i•nAitw o
r e seriexinrolgd• A oInr teri • I• Atereete i tin a•tiAowsntonetrseldr•idxb••b•IeneArstet rzntezeasartiisxo•ti•onn•gpsas•wt•aotbarel•rbeldpeear•i•anzuazetateiftvuioeu•nlpsgaiw
w d e
saltrbsae••m e
rase••e•br•eerba•aaleuktekifvauenfunial ngiw r ainrtmr• bedre•raut • bul glkarls ianbea trutifuersgir
g t s t n l n r i p u
s •r
e t w s o s l d I e l g a r n i d o e
w orld • Int res ing ordlday • In• hterelidatinygs •wohrolid •aysnte•r hostiniday wso• rhld o•lidInteys •esthi ol g wayosrld• h• Inltiddar•ess •itnegr olisdtoinral ys w• oIn rltder•e Intitneg ewstoi r gd w•R nrltder • sIntitn rews o inrlgd • o•Inrltde •esInti teugrerkwe toiynrlg•d wA• oInrstteedror•exs •• itw y I n
t h e w g d • s r n l I u e e g t w r n s l e i i l I nt ne A e
groe rws
t e
tor i
i nr g
ld w •Aw
s o r l
e rd
i x • I n
A b
se br
s eet
e r s
i x
t i nn
ga t iA o
tse r

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z a
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ou• tnr
l pg
s wd
a •
i s
e lb
s a r m
s b e r
b •a l u t i v en nial ngiwrlasinrstmr•u ubederee•rasustif•ifbual aglikairnls •ianbienianutruutdifduel rlsg•ir•ls s
li ld s n ho s a g • rl id I re ol ng y o• hd •lidanters • stinolid waysrld hooInrltieday•esInt •thegreowlidtoinrlgdys w•• oIn d r•es nitnegr stoinrl w• oI rltdere Intitneg ewsto lsgdtow• onrNorthen lder ntiTn egrerkwse tinrlg•d woAroIsnrsltteeeroir•eilxsInt••nAtnesgrsewstesritxinxg• Awsosrtlelrdix•xI•InAtebrseeteersi rtiinxnga•tgiAw
• • x • • • e
o sesrit •b•e•eApternzeaari teinn•psa wa•trba •rbladenrpiaianzuztetviinoeu•t lpnguwadsreltsa •sm••ebera•alekatifuenniangirlainrtmr• bedre•raut • fbul glkairnls •ianbeantruutifuerlsgirl•

d • Inte resZone t gw • • •
g wworlMediteranean d t e s t isn •ghowoolridraldy y•sI •Intehroerleidsdtianysg w•ohoorlldlid•a•yIsnste•erhehsotilidinagaw y s o•rl ho • iIdaytere • htinoglid woys l•gd w•hoolnrltderay•ssIntin• hgrewslidainrlgd s • oInrlte r•esI t tnegrew toinrlgd w• oIn lder•es nitnegr sjutoiunr tow• •I trltkdeer•yesI• IZone nt tTnu rekwseoyl • lg•w
i d • oArosnrltdeeroi •ilsInt•i A reteri ing• A orteri • • Aterete tinna•tiA•owsnptoantrsaeldsr•litdxa •b•Ie•neApnrsritzret•rzntezeasvartiisvxo•teiionn•gpw saswa•aotrblam ke•bldeenr•ia•ianznuaztaeifvine•trlpgiwdsealtrsa •m•e bea•aulekvatifuelniaw
r eatras•• b•erb au ekvanful giw
n rlasinrtmr•u bedere•rasuti • bual glkarnls •ianbiea trutdifuersgir
l n
ng wor rld • I Intelrideaeystisn •ghwoolidralday•s •In•tehorlei sidtiaiynsg w• hooroldlida• Iynst t•erehsolitdingaw n y t s s n I e
yswor•ldhldol•liIdnanyterse • shtihnogligrdeawsatoiyrsinrl•gd•w•hooIlnirdltidedraery•essIsntitn•tnhegroeowsltiodtoainrylgdysw•w•• oInrltdelder•esIntinitnegrews stoinrlgdg w• oInr trltder•esI I•ntiftnegtraeraewsjutoiunrlsdlgsd•tow•To•Iunornrrltkdeer•ye• sI•ntitTneusgregrerokwsietoiyilrin•rlg•w
t w g s • n
d w• Arsosnreltdeerroix•il I•n•t Asresetrixing•wAsortledrix• In• Abtsereetsepriizxtzinnga•tiA•owspontrsaesr•itdxar•mb•Ie•eeApnsrite•rzntezeaartisx•teiionn•gpw
I t e e sabswa•aotrblam krea•bldpeenr•ia•iaznuztaeifvuine•tnrlpugaiw f
disrlsarsm•• berb•aluti vaennial ngiwrlasinlrstmr•u ubederee•rasusti •tifbual aglkairnlsn•ia•nbieiantruutdifduers
i nu l
g o r y h o e l s d y e
o ld •• h ntelida stisn •g wolidrld ys Int horesdt ayng w• horldlida• Inys •erehsolitingays or• ho • iIda terse • Intitnolirdewstoys lgd w•hoolnrltde ay• sInti • hegrewslidainrlgd s • oInrt r•esI tnegrew toinrld w• oIn lsdetro•es ntiftnegt sjkutoeinury gt•ow•T•Iu rltkdeeryewsoI•ntitTnuereow t r e to y w o
w I t e t e s t t x w s l d x n b s s r xz g i o s p r l a it xa I e e r si r e vt i x
ssrlderoixil In A reseri ng• A or eri • Is• tAa ereetepiiztin a•tA•wnonwtsaesr dr•mb•e• Apte•ntzeaar steionn•pa waatrla •bldenriaiazuztevinu• lpg wdseltsa m••ebea•alektifueniangir ainrtmr• bedre•rau • bul glkarls anbea tru er
• • • g w
s b s o mr
k a pe n a i f u e tnr u a
t i n w
• s e gd • A r • • •
s ing or ys • Iho tereay tin • hwolidad • s •nte oli stiays w horld da Int • es lid g w s or•ldhol• iIdnaryltder•es• Ihntitneoglideawstoiynrs lg•d w•hIoolnirdltderaey•ssIntitn• hgroewsltiodainrylgd w • • rltde Inti ews lgd onur t • sI• grtuaewr inurylsd o•Iunr • r•ye rtseugrkosietloiynrl•• wwo oArsstreld r•ixil •I•nteAsrtestirix g wA•sot rldrpixa• InttAabs•reesepriizxnzinegavetiA•ospowrsaelasr•itxa •mb•Ie•eneArprsitze•rnezeavartiix•tein•gpwabswaaorlam
• rka•bper•ia•znztaif etnrpugair eatras• •erb au ekvanul w rlasinrm tr•u bederee•rasutif• fbual aglikairnlsi •ian in nmtrpudap p
est tinhgowliw daorlyds •• Inholtiedreasysting• howolridl aldy • sI •nhteroelidstianygs •wohorllidid•ayIsnte•r heosotilnidagy w d l• oInaydsr•es• hnitnegrlidastoinrs • w• IolirdltdereysIntitne hoewstodaylgds w• o•Inonrltder•es• sIntitnegr rewstoinrinfrelgdtaw•juI uoInurltsdetroeo• ysI•nt•iftneTteTgrtuaewrsjkutoetoienurylgsdt•sow•Tew•Too•Iuinrlrltikdel ed•erw•yesoI•ntoinTnritsTneeugrerw k iling• o o ssteeldo•ixl ••nte stestinix o•gilwAzsate•rldrpixas•IntAaebs•trers•triizxnz•gvetwiA•nosnptowrldasr•ritxa • IeeneArprsizet resvarix• ingwabst orlm rlad•ebnpeira•iua•znzetaviinfvu•el tnrpugwadisrlseatrasm•• b•eerb•aalutekifvaefnunial ngiw rlasinrmtr•u bedree•rasutim• febul•aglkan ia• nKie mpa
s d aorlds •• Inolidresysing ho orday • I • hterelid tinygs •wohol d •aysnte•r h stilnidayswsor•ilnrhlgdow l i doInrlteys •esI thotegrewaytoinrlgd• hw• oInliddar•ess •itnegr olistoinrays w• I rltdere Intitneg ews•to gdtaw•j nurltsdrektre sI•nt•ifn rtuaewrsjku ionrrlgsdt•oe oo•Iunrrltke • w•eysI•t rtseeureroksoet yitliyn• g•ww Aror tero•i I •• Atere tersrtein p•izilw•osate• d •xas• tnrtm
o e b e•eteps•tinxneza• ewnosnptsaerlda•rxm a b ••Ienrtps•iztzeresvtiex• •pngww basatakom r lad•enpeia•ua• nzetaiinfu•el tnrpugwadisrlsarasm•• beerb•aalutei vaennial ngiw
e • g li o
rys stinho wday ld • hIntelidaest s •g woli rldays In horesida ng • orol lid • Iys ereho tingayewsto• hgd w•lidarltders • sIntinolirdews ysnlgd hooInrlteday•esInt • ehgrewlidtinrlgdys w• oIn r•es tnesgrto s•toinfrel w•jouTI lsdektro•ey Int•iftneTg •ewswjkutoeuyorgsdt•ow•T oirlrltkdeer woI•n T sererkse l n• g•w oArosrldteroi •il In• Aweroe tersrtieingp•iziAlw w s e x s s x o l i
z•orte• rp •was• tAatm I s
e ree
e trep r iz g i t
i •tinneva•tA•wnonwtsaesrldr•m•• Anrte•iztzear svtei paww b a ar
t la rbldenrpi iazu evinu• l uwdsrelts rsm••be •alktifuennia girlasinrm
k n tru bedr•ee•hrasoutim• eb •alpkaapn • Ke mpa
aeres •tingoli or ys • hoterday tin • hwolid ld y• s •Intehol stiaysg w• h rldlida Inst • resolidtnegr ys toinrl how• oIdnaylder•e • hntitneglidastoi rs g• w• olirltderayssIntitn hroews iodanlgd • • oInrltde •ejsIuntui egrtoew infrelgydta jouTInur tr tro•eys• otfnielTgrtuar wtuoienuryls sew oIn • r e i i Arossreldteroix•il I•n•t• Atwesroestersrtiexinogp•iziAlw z•saovretldne• rpixa•wIans•rtAabtm s•reeersepriizxzinegvaetiA•ospowraeasritxa•m•I•eApste•reza •teingpaswaaorlam ka•bldeenr•ia•aiznuztaeifvine•tnrlpgaiwdsealtsa •m•erbea•aulekvtaifuelniaw ngirlasinrm•mtreu bedr•e•hrso m • eebm• •pap • Ke em
tdayres • h g wlidaorlds •• Inholiereasysing• ho orida • • teroelid tinys woho ld • ay nte• h• sIntilidagrewss •inrlgd oli oInrat ysr•esI hotegredwaytoinrld• hw• oInlidlder•eys n•itnegholstoi rays w• • reltdetar Iuntuitns reouws•rtok lgydtaw• onrultsdrek rs•eysI•nt•i ilgrt•uaewsrjkwionuryrlgsdt•o•Te•uo•uirlrlkd•e•yw•y oI•ntTrtuseeureroksoet yitliyn• g•ww o e s d a
z•aovretlne• rpix•wIans•rtAatm
e b s t s t xn z • ew n sp t r l d
a r xa Ien r i z e sv g w b s t mr a p
e n a i f u n
r u a i r a r s b
•bldenr•iaaizuztevineu•t lpg wdseltsa •m••ebea•alektaifuenia• nghirlasinrm•m rb u v n l w o treu edar•pe•hr•so Km
oI•n T sererkseil n• g•wwoArossreldteroix•il In• Awesroestersrtieixenrogp••iziAlw ebrse•eetreeprrsiiz•tiiiznxezgva•gvA•ewnospwtaersrlidtart•m •Ienprte•irzzreasvtei•n pgaww asaortlakom
• • •
Keemem•pap p • K em
n y t s s d I e e sto • hgd w•lid nrltde s • sIntinolirewsayisnrlgd hooInr tida •esI t •tegreowlidtoinrlgdys w••oInf dtar•ejs uitn•esgtT s•rtokinfre aw•juTI wrlotdsrektroe eI•nto•itfneTl •ewsrjktuoe orgsst•w • •
nlitdeaeyrsessti• ihnogowlidaorlyds •• Inhtoltiedrdeasysting• whowolridldaldy y• sIn•nhtehroelidsatianygsg•w•ohrorllidlid• ayoIsnrlstde•r rh•eosInotitlnidtneagryew n l o oI y e h e g t w l r s n s l e I n
t e w gdt u s s i r a n oT o•irlrlkde• w r e t i w s e x t s s x o e sa l d
n i xa I n r a p n b r rk a p
e a n z tai f e tnr u
p g a i r a
e ras e rb a u e va n
e l w
n o m ru o
o orida • I • terelid tinys woho gd w• ayonrltde• h• sIntilidaryewsstoi •inrhlgd wo•lidoIanrltdeyrs •e• sIntihtnoteligrew s r • d o d i a o r et
sayisnrlgd hooInrltieday•esInt •tehgreowlidtoiunrslgdtys w•••oInf dtark•eejsuy uitn•esgrtTou s•rtokinfrely aw•jouTI wrlotdsrektro•eyeI•nto•itfneTgl •esrwjktueuyorgsst•w
• n r tu i e u
oT o•irlrldke• w •y u o y w
Io•ntTrtseeurerksoeitliyn• g• wwoArosrsl teedro•iixInl •• Atw d i l • o i
weraesrotmerssrteienixrgp••izAw r p
z ovete• r •was• tAatm erse•teprrst•iiiznxeza•gvew•nopwarsldart•mA i
•Ienrte•izzreaesvte• pgwwbasataom a l b u
rklad•ebnrpei rai•ziua•zneztaviinfvu•nel tnrpugwadisrltseatrasm•••b•ee•rbh•aaolukmtekifvaeennia• w
• • • h ep
aoienrmt mpear•ph• om Ke em•pa p • K
• • • • •
o Initdayrest• hng wlidaorlyds •• Inholiereasysting• hw l d s o s n l d I e e g t h w a r n i d s to • w o l l d
e r y s I nt i n h e wsj u a gdt o r
f l
e e
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yt r e
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u n eg
l t
y ouI nu r soe s
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a r
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a n rt a
A r e r n o w s a m p e a t i n a w a r l u l w e l m n a nh
K r e r h
o r y d i
•hol nteays sti• h g wida rlds • Intolidresys ng ho orl ay • In• herelidaings •stoi olgi w• aysrltder hoIntitndarews o • lgd • lidonrlteys • sInt hoelgrewayinrlgd• h oInrlidar•ess •tenetgra olidtoiunrsl ys w••oInT ldetrak•ee ntuitn•esgT s•rtoki f gtaw•j T wrulotdsrektr seI•n•tf Til r•aesrjkue orgst•oT o•irrlke• w s t t r s d n T e rr r
n werastestienxr p•izweovsate•ldn •w e
e s•teprst•iizzagvew•n parldarta Ienrtpizzreesve• ngwabstaorlm p a d i i
rkla•ebnpera•ia•zneztaifvunetnrpugairsl eam d s rasme•• b•e•rbh•ao lekmvaeepni•n whKaoemrmepea•pr •h•om

Ke em•pa p • K
uoirlldke•ywI•IonrtsTeeurerekeoksietliyng•• gwwoooAross•rteeldeeov•reoix•ilI•nn••tw
• • • • •
• • • • •
•hoI lidnteareys sti•nhogl widoayrlds•• hIntoelidraesytis n•g wholoidrldays• In•t heorelsidt aniytnegrsew•shtoinroldlgidw• aoInysrlt•der•ehsoIlntiitnedgaryeswstoinr• hlgdow• liIdoanrltdeyrse•• sIntihtnoeligrdewsatoyisnrlgd•w•hooInrlltdiedaory•e•sInstfi •tenehtgraeowsjulidtoiaurnkrslgedtyyos w•••oInTrfetuldetra•keejsIuy ntuitn•esgrtTeow u •tokinfreldy wjouTIn lodsrkto•eye no•tfeTtu• swjktuienuy rgst•ew
s r g t a w r
u r s I i l r e
a r o s o T o r r se r r i l i n r s te v e x
t e rae
sr m
t e r t
i in
e g
x p •
•i z
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e ov s
ret e
• l
pi w xa s n
rt me r e p s t i n
e z a g ew n o pw a r
sl d
a rtm
•a • I n
e t
e •i z z
r e
e sv tei p g w w b a
s a t a o mr
k l d
ae n p
e i
a u n e
z aii f u
• l
e tnr u
a o
i s
r ltsa r m
ae • e rb hma
• o p v ee
p • w a
o m e a p mKe em•pa p •
I d e l o a i i d t o I t y e w h l d o n
i tearys stinho wdayrld • hIntelid estys g wholorldays• In• hd r•elsidaitnegrs •stoinrolidw• I ysrltderehoIntitnedgayewsto • hgd w• lidanrltde s •• sIntinolirewsayisnrlgd• houoIunrlstieda •e•sI t •tetgraeTw s li s i n
r o I r e t d to w d t y n i
f h sj u a o r t
eu Iu y
lsijdutoiurnrkslgedtytyow••oInTf rletudetar•keejs Iunytuitne•sgrtT eow e
o w
u l d
y • o r y t u w i n
uy e u y • t u o t w we s d i l n w s m i
Ion• Trtseeresoitlian•rgmwwoArro•rsl teeedrov•ieixInl •• Atweraesroterssrteienixrgp•iz•Awezovsaeter•ldn p•wasItnrtm z r n r pi Ia a • e r • i
er• prst•iiznezagvew•n parldartm v o w s a • i n a r l b r i a
• z t g e mt
eztaviienfu•el tn•rpuhwados eamrasme•K•er hm e e a h
K r m ep • o
s•rtoiknfreinf gytaw•juTjouTwrulodsrkotoerso•eeyI•no•tfeoTtielTrt•eausrjktuwetuioenuyrgsst•sw

a•m•Ien• rtpe•iez•zreezsvate•tinpngpwawbasw
• oT oo•irlrldke• w •opm veepn• waoem mear•ph• om
• ataom • • •
Ke em•pa p •
• • •
ld• •ho• lInl026
• • • • • • • • • • •
id r e s • i n go l i o y s h o te rd a t in w li d d s o n r l
t e o s Int a y r e w h i nr lgd i d a oI n e s o l i te gr y s toi nr l h o w o
I a y d r e hn itne g li d s t o s w j o l r l
t d
e t o
r y s In ti
f e
n h oe w g
l d o nf js rt
T u e ew T u i l d e • y on s e A r s r l e r i I n A e r m r g z A o e a t a r e p i ne o w s t e a a r l
a d e n i u vien wd o
s t e e
pm a n h
K r ep r h e •pa
o orildayw• I •rhltderelidIntitneygs e•wstoholgd w• aysnrltder• h• sIntilnidarewss •inrlgd olidoInrlteys •esI t hotegrew as•ytoifnerslgtda•ahw•juoIounlirdlstdeator•ey•ssInt•fitenetgraTewsjutoiurnrkselgdtoyw••I TonTrfletudetrakee• ejsIunytuitne•sg rtTeous•rtk infegytaw• jouTwruldsrkot rso•eeyI•n•foteilTrt•eausrjkwtuioenuyrgst•soewToourrlikl d• w
• oro•ssteeldeov•eixnil •n• tw eza etn•rpuha amrmeK er hmo eveep • whKaoem mepea•p • •om
• I onrvtseerneewoswitlianrgm e • rst•izzagvew•n parldarta Inerpizreesv • ngwabst orlm rkla•bpehra•ia•oznm
werastestienixr p•i weva •ldn wasInrtm •
o te y st h wdaorlyds •• Inholieresaysting• hw • • • • • • • • • • • • • K027
oysrld•ldh •hoInlindtaeareys s•ti•nhgogliw i d a r ld s • I n t
o l i d r e s y s n g h o l
toi nr lg
d a y s
w oI n h
l d
o r •e s
li d a
t t
i e
n grs • s t
o i n
r l
o lgi d w• o
I y s r l
t d
e r e h o I n
t itne
d a r
e ws t
o hg
l d w • l i do
n ltdey
r s • I
s nt i
n o l
oe w a y ifn e
r g
ltd h u oI u
n l i d a o
r e s
• te
ne tgra T toiu
rn r
ks e w •I l d
e tra e
k n ut es s t
r k g t aw w rul d
sr kt s eI n f i l r e
• s
r jk o rg o
o r l w Ie r s
e rn e i li n
•r gw
m w
e A
o rr
o r
•s te
rov e I
xn • A
twe raes r m
t e rt ien g
r p• iz w
e o va
re • l d
p w
• a
a s t
rt me r e p s ti n
ez a g ew n o p w a r
sl d
a r•
tma • I n
e t
e •i z z
r e
e sv tei n p g w o
wb a
s a t ae
o mrkl d
ae n ph i
a n e
z av
ien •
e n w
h o a r m e K • e
e r h
m• o p ma
v ee
p n • w ae
o r
m m e ar p h
o Keemem•pap
r I d r e n l o y h e a ti s l i d g • s • r t o I y r e w h l d d oI n s l e g s •i n
ostoinrilddayw• oIn•rhltder•eslidInatitneygs e•wstoihnrolgid w• aysnrltder•ehosIntitlnidaryewssto •inrhlgd wo• lidoInrltdeys •e•jusInutihoteltgroew o I a r e ts
n i d to w j o l det • nti
f sj u g t o
y • r f e
t u
s•ayisnerlgtda• h uoIunrst •es•I tetgraeTw toiurnrksled w••oInT dtra•ke ute•stT s•rtiknf aw•j T wrlodsrktoeseI•n•tf Tl •esrkt e orgs w ooirledr w
• j I
u y • r eo u • e y • o
u r y • • o e t u w i n y • e l o t o t a w w e s lde • i n A
Ienv rtseerneswoitlian•rgmwweoAror •rstedrv•eixIn • tweraer stienr piz•wezova r•ldn p•wasItnrtm sm g z re p Ia a • r e r •i v
e • prst•iiznezagvew•n parldartm o w s e a • i n n h a r l
e r i • oz v w m e e a n h
•opm veep • waoemmear•ph• om r ep •
waoysor•ld• •ho• lIinlitdeayrsessti• ihnogowlidaorlyds •• InhtotliedrdesayInstitnegr•ewhew a•m•Ine• rtpiez•zreezsvate•tinpnghpwoawbam
• • •
ataom rklda•enphri• •om
• e e en• ho amrmeK er hm •
Ke em•pa
• • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
l gd s o s a r n r l d oI e e g y t h w a d a r i s
n li d s to f s w j l
t d
e t o
r I ntfie
n e wsju g d t o
y rfleu jIuny rt e
o u n g t
y o
u u o r o y o i
e r u w t in s e
w r m l d r • o s A l e r I n e r m g z e a t a r e p n e o w s sw a ar le d v w e e m a n h
K r ep r h
T i o Ke em•p
e r l y o n h g i l i s r o tn o d l t
e n
u g a r r T sle o T e e T i f e j T t e t r a l • • n v e w g r n r r i o e i a a r t e a l e h e e m K p a m p •
w s d o nt ay st h wida rld • In oli •esysteg hotoinr a w• I • d relidnitne s sto o w• y rltde h Inti da ews • lgd li ofnret s •jusI t ho roewayinerltd uoIun o•es t tga toiurnrk w• dtrak nut •s s•rt k aw• wrldsrk seIn• il •es o gw roomr eil d•r w
• • • • • • • • • Ie s re il nrm ro•sted v•e twe a smtien p •wezva rldn pwasInrtma • erst•izz gvew•n p wrldasta• Inerpizreesva •inngwoabsmt orm
• • • r • r• •om ven• h amr e e•er hmo evaeep whKoe rmepea• • •om • • •
ae oomrle ••••w• Ioenrvtersneerneoswtiatianrgmwew

dawy oysrl r•ldh•hoI lIindteareyses•ti•nhgogl wlidoaoyrslds••w•hoInrltodelrdidra•esaIntyinsitne•grewshosltoiidnrilgddayws• oInr•ltrehltdeor•oeslIidtInatityneygreswe•wshtoihnrlogdlgiddwa• aoInysnrltd•er••ehsosInltiitlneidgraryeswsstoinr•inrshlgtdoowo••lIidoIanfreyltdteyarse•e•jusInutithnseottgeltgirdoews•toftoifnerlgtdaw•jw•juoInurltsdetrdtro•es•IntfienfitnetgraeTwsjusjutiurnksgetoy ow•orTfleurledutra•kejIuyIunute•srtTeoueus•rtiknfegytgytaw•jouTuwrulodrrk•ersyeInoterilre•evswetinnionrgwsew t
Aor•l e •eInn eraer tienrgpizweovae • d •waast tm
e r d v tw s z r l n p I n r e
r • pst•ineza ewnopa ldarm
r i z gv wr s t a • I ne t
r p
e •i z z
r ee sv
te • i
n g w w
m e
or r
m l d e h
r o me e e n w
h o a m r me K e r
e h
m • o pm
e v
a ee
p n • w h
o m m epe ar
• p h
o mKe em
glidawos •d • olidter ys stinho wdaynlgd • hoInrltelid•esInt s e•grewholtinrlgdayws oIn• h r•esidatnegrs •stoinrlolidw• oI ys lder•ehoIntitnegayew t h w a a r s
n s l
s e I nt e g t y f j y rt o n e o o e w t n s w r l r o s l e I n e r m g z e a t r e n e o m e z t h w a e • • • v w m n r r h
d jsuouto•uinrslgtdoho•wl•i•doInfreltadteyldetsar•ejusIntuinuitnsegtroew•s•toifnerlgtda aw•juoInur trltsdetro•es• •InftetraTeTsjutiurnksesgetoyw•oTorTfledutra•ke• ejIunyute•s TrtTeous•trikfinegy w• Towrlodorm s• eeInrt•ote•ilre•evsewtinonrgwrsaewaroomirledil d•r •w• Ienvnvteerne wswtianrgmg weror• rldev•enInntwerarersmtienr prgi •wizeozvaor•eldn• •pwa•sIanrttm e • prst•iizzagvew•n parldarta Inertpizreesve ngwom orm rld•e hr• •om e e en• ho amrmeK er hm Ke
• • • • • • • • • • •op veep • waoemmea•p • om • •
a r y • d l i rt
noglidawy oysrl r•ldh•hoInlIindteareyses•ti•ngheogreliwslitdoi tainyrslgdsw••whoInorltodelrdidr•aesaIntyitnsitne•grewshosoltoiidnrlgddayws• oInr•ltehltdeor•eslIindtInatityneygreswe•wshtoinhrlgodlgiddwa• aoInysrltd•er••ehsosInltfiietlneitdgararyesw s d I t e w gtd r a n e t
us •inrslgtdooli•oInfret r•ejus tnsegtro toifnerl w•juoInu ldto• nftet sjutiurk toyw• rfledutrak Iunyut •s reusrk g owrladr rs• eeInr oilreev wiongw e roomr e •• e teern tianrm wero ldev•e ntwe a smtie p •weza rldn pa Ianrtma •rers •izz gvew• powrldasta• Iner reev innghwom orm w s e I e n v w s a e r e p t i n e a n o w a s r •m t e s tei n h w a e l de h e ve w o m K • e oe
p m a e n h
K a r
m p
e e r ph•
er r•ld•er•h•omeveen• nh hwoamr remeKe•rehm


htinglidawos •ld • olindtear y•s sInti•tnhorewsidoainyrlgd •• hoInrltoelid•esIntyste•grewhotloiinrlgdayws• oInr• hdor•eslidnaitnegr s •stoinrlolidw• oInysrltder•ehoIntfietnetdgaajyew
• • • •
jsu tou • hgtdow• nfreltdeta jusIntui roews• inerlgtda uour s o• •I tetraeT tiurnksge w•oT dtra•kej te• T stin wn wwrlaodrmseInrte• l •evset n orgws wa rledr Ienv rnesw inrgm ror• •eIn teraer tinergpizweovae • d •wast rtm e p t i n e z a w n p a l d
a r m n t
r e • s v t e g w w a
m •om vee • woam mKe•ehm• epmaep n•whK armep r • • K r • o v e
o a
s hoingday or • h• I lidrltdereys Intitneghoel wstoaysgd w•• h rltdelrida sIntins •rews olidnrlgd ys oInrlteho•esI dt ayegrew• htoinrlgdlidwa• oIn s d• r•esoliietnetgarayssutouinrsl w••oI rltdetar•e Intuitnsegt ews•tof gtawj urlsdt •Inf raeTsju nsgetoy orTfleu • eIny tere tienvge wow odrrm• ee ote•i re • swetinn warom rledr •• Ienvtee eswt a gmwe r•ldev In w raersm nrg •izz ovrel n• p •wIanstaererspiztinegvae•wnowr d r•mI e tre•ree svteinnho wamorm • • e de r

rl • • • m h e en• h amr e er hmo eveep whKoemmpeap •
i o on • i t
esthotinl glidwawysosrld•gdhw• ooInlindrltadear•eyss sI•ntitneghr oreliwdsitdoinarilnyrlsgd w••I hoInorltodelried•aeysIntyitnsetge•grhewshtootloiidnralgdaw•yws• oI•nr•ltdehrdor•lei slIindtinaitynesgresws•shtoionrlgodlidwa•yoInyrltsreltd•er•ehsI otfInltfiiedtnetgarew
hn j tuinrslgtdo w•oInfe dar•ejus itnsegtro s•tifne wjuo lsdto• Inftet esjutiurk gtoyw• rldurk In rers• nvgen owwrla ors• eInr oeilreev tinngw wrom dr •• teern stianr wero ldev•e I twe ersmtie pg •wzeza reldn pa Ianrttma •rersp•izznegve owrl a •mIne e•ree tinnghwo waorm
jsuotuinrslgtdo•w•oInfreltet dar•ejusIntu tsetroe s•tifnegta wjuour lsdto• • InftetraTesjutiurnkseg yw•o Trld • aInrm tee rers•tie vgewn owrladrmrs• eeInrt• erevse ingwa romrle •• Ienv teerne w tianrgm weror• ldev•en ntwera smtiner pgi •weozva r•eldn •pwasIanrttm ea • erst•i gvewn w d r tr sve me relde• rhro•om eve en• w ho amrmeK•ee•rehm •opmaveepn• waermmer •
res hsotinogTropicl
y rl • hw• oI lidlder•e s I•ntitneghoel wstoaysgd w•• h rltderida sIntins •rews olidnlgd ys oInrlteho•esInt ayegrew• htinrlgdlidwa oIn s • r•es etnetgarew
s g d o r t y s r d n l o
I n l e y e g h t i r a w d r l i d tn s s o o y l de I n f
t i e j
wsu o gt
d o • f r el
t t
e I
u nu r oe ne g t a o r
u • e tr a T t irn k e w o d w • t e e s t ien w
n w w l o
d r m I n r t • e s
v et n g w wa r led r In
e v rne sw n rgm o r e I e r ae r ti n
e r p i z w e ov a • d •w a s t e
m r st•ine ewnorl aldar•mIneInetre•reeesvteinnghwgowwamorm m e h •om eve en• w ho am rmeK e•rehm •oepmavepn• Kwar mer
r e h t t
o inr l h w oI n
l i d lad r•e s •
n t
ine g o l r • • i • t
istoi ays w• horltderda Intitn • ews olidlgd •ys onrlteho• sInt ay grew• hinrlgdlida oInr r•es tnetgar touinrsl w••oIn ldta• nutset s•tif awju rlsdto •Inft reTsu g oerln • aInrm erer ienvge owra m j • • Warmer Zone e t e r t i
nn wa ro m l d r • • n t
v ee s w t ia w e r rldev In tw ersm gr •izz orel n• p• Ianr rer inegv ow
• • r r m t e r e tei nn h o a r e •
e r h e v e w o m K • epaven war mer
• • e
te r•esInthinotleidgrewsaytsoinrlgd• hw•ooInrlitdladeyr•esIst •nithnegreowlisdtoinarlgyds •w• oInhorltldei r•edsayInstitnegr• hewostoinlridlagd w•ysI o•nrltdehreo•lidsIntitnaeysgrews•tohionrlgd w• oInrltde r•esIntfie tnetgarew jsu tuinrslgtdo w•ofre a•juI tsetroe s•tifnegt wjuou lsdto• Inte estin g• wev rlnd w aInrm te rers•t vgewn orladr • eInr erevse ingw romr e ••Ie teerne tianrgm wero • ldev•e tw
• • e ra stine p wezva ldn w Inrtm e s
r t g ew n r l d a •
I ne r •
r e e s v w o m r m m e n h a r e e rm
v ho armKeer • e even war rm
e •
raermstinegr p•izweovre ldn •waInrtm er rst•ine gvewnoww dar•m• Inetre• evenhnhwoamerm e• rho• m

eve en• w

tee rers•tien vgewn worladrm• Ienrt • erevset ni gwwa romrledr ••Ienv teernesw tianrgm weror• ldev•eIn ntw
n ds It h w g • i s r on I e e t e jsuo insgto ofreldt •juInu tetroe tifnegta wjuour d • ter steinr wevoe rlnd w• Inrm •
onrltdelder•esInthintoitnleigrliedwasytsoinrslgd•ghw•oooInrlitdrltadeyr•eysssI•ntitneghreoreliwsdtodinarlnydlgsd w••oInhoInorltldelri•ed•aeysInstitnsege•grhewshtooi lriidnrlagdaw•ys oI•nr•ltdehror•leidsIintditnatynesgrews otoinrlgd w•w• oInrltdelder•esIntfintfietnetgarew t a s s l I n m g a n w t n r s I e r m g r e a r e n e o r l m a e r o v
e e n arm r • ven waw
ejsuu gtow ofreldt •juInu troe • ifnegta or • tearer steinr g• wevoeoerlnd w• • aInrm tee rers•tie vgewn orladrm• Ienrt • erevse i gwwa romrled ••Inev teerne w tianrgm weor r• ldev•e tw erae ersmtiner g •weov reldn •w Ianrtm e rst•i gvewn w ldar er eve wom me• h • m
• • • •
rt I ew ld h on a • • i ir s o r yt to w• d l ni s rt I
woInonrltder•es• hsIntoitneogrlidreawsytoyinrsinr•lgd w•hoI olIindrltddearey•sesIntit•netgheogrel wslitodtaoinyrlgdsw••w• hoInrhltodeldidr•aesIantyinnsitne•gr•ewshsotloiidnrilgddayws• osInr•ltrelhtdeor•esI tIntitnegrewewstoinrlgdlgd w• oInonrltder•es• Infteetar raejsutuinsinsgtow• •ofreldta •juInutsetsetroes•t ting wworld dv•enInwnwtearerm s ti
e nr wev rlnd w Inrm t ee es•tien gewn w rladrm Ienrt • revset n ngwwa omrledr ••Inev eernesw tianrgm wror• d v•eIn tw e ra stiner •weov ldn •w Inrtm ere esr t•ine gvewnor warm er • evenhn woamr erme• rho• eve en w arme er • e even warm
w• I onrltdere• hsIntitneoglidreawstoysinr•lgd w•hoolIinrltddear y•sesInti•ntheogrewslidtaoinyrlgyds •w• oInrhltoeldidr•esIatynsitnegr•ewhsotloinrilgddayw• oIn rltder•es Intitnegr ewstoinr lgd w• I orld • Infteet raejsutu insgtow •ofreldta •juInu teres ting wro•rle dv•enI nwtearermsteinrg• wevoe rlnd w• a Inrm tererrers•tienv vgewn oworladrm i
• nrte• vset g war rledr Inev resw nrgm or•l e •eIn eraer inegr eove •w tm t e m r a er esr t•ine ven warm er • eve hn woam rme • ev en w arm er • even wa e r
w I re h tneg dasto • w• li lder ys Intin hoews a gd • rlte id sI t s rewol nlgd oIn •es egr tinr w teet stu w ldta In es g e o•rle •enI tearerm teinrg• wevoe ld w• a nm • Ie nrte•re vsetin wg warom rledr•• Inevteenreswtia rgmwer or•ldev •eIntweraersmt inegr •w eovreldn •wIanr tm h r v
lgd •w• oInrltdelder•esInthintoitnleigrliedwawsytsoinrslgd•ghw•oooInrlitdrltader•eysssI•ntitneghr oreliwsdtodinralnylgsd w••oInhoInorltldelri•ed•aeysIntyitnsege•grhewstoi trinrlgd w• oInrltder r•esIntitntnegrews oting worldld • Inf nfteetraejujsutuinsgtogtow•ofrerld • Inter rewstainrm wr orledv • nInw rerm
e s inrg• voer n • aI r tetereers•t etienvgewnwowrladrdrm
e in w m Ie te•re tin w wrom dr•• vteen swtian wer rldev In tw ersmt gr •w reldn Ianrer er • e even warmmer • • eve en wa arme er • e ven wwarmmer • • even n w
g r t sI o r e y n ld h o
I n a e e g li i r s o r tn o w l d
e nt i s g r I re n s o e n i nr g
m r e t e a t e w e ld w nr m s g e n r l

e n r r e s
v e n gw a om r l e I n
e e r n e ian rg m o
r • v e t we r a t ine w e o v l dn •w r m r v e n war er ev n w rm r • e en ar er eve
d n i r d t to w h d a i s r t I e a i t ta w • d v w s r n I er i r t e t w e d e • s m r a •
l o a r y l e n o l n v o n eraerersmtinegr g •weov en w arme er • e even warmmer • • eve en wa arme r • ev ven wwarm er • • even n
g • l e
onr lgd w• I onrltdere• shIntitneoleigdrewsatoysinr•lgd w•hoolIinrlitddeayr•essInti•nthneogreowslidtaoinrlgyds w • oInr toldidr•esI t itnegrewstoinrlgd w• oIn ltder•es Inter estin g w rld Infteet raejsutu ng w orld eInve enrews tinrm g e wro•r e dv•enI tearermsteinrg• wevoe ld w• a Inrm tere rers•tien vgewn wowrladrm• Ienrte• erevset in gwwa romrledr ••Inev teernesw tianrgm weor r• ldev•eI tw
• • • • • • • • • • •
inr I e ht to • w• l d s i s •• honrlte • sInt grew inrlgd oInr • ter tin wo ld • nfteet sti w reldr • Invte rews a m e o•rle •enInw earerm teinrg• wvoer n d w• a m e s•tine gewn rladrm Ienrt • r vset gwwa omrledr ••Inev ernesw ianrgm or r• v•eIn tw ra n r r r e e rm
wstotoinrlgd w•w• oInrltderd r•esInthinoitnleigdriedwsasytsoinrlgd• hw•ooIonrllitdreltadeyr•eysIsntI•ntithneghreoweliwsdtaoinralgydgsd w I r e
• rltde Inti ew lgd or • tne s to w • l d I n re ins g r I
o • te ti wrm reldr eInvte rews a nm r e n g o e e n t i nr g r
ew ldv Inw earerm teinrg• wvoer n d w• a m t s e l I nr t e
rer v ow • Inrte• vseti g war rledr Inetve resw nrgmwe or•lde •eIn e eraersmti e er • e even warmmer • • eve en wa arme er • ev ven wwarm er • • even n wa rmer r • ev v
e n t v w n e
e oerln • aInrte e reers•tineinevgewn owrladrmm

ews toinrlgd w• oInrlted r•esInthnoitnlegriedwasytsoinrslgd• hw• oIonlidrltader•eyss I•ntitneghr oeliwsdtoinrl lgd w• oInonrltder•es• sIntitnegr rewstoinring w orld • Inteterest ting wworld d • In nteres setninwg a awrm o ldr • nvten stai r g g ewro•r erledv•en Inw t rerm s n g e e t e r e in w rom
t gwwa rlde Inev rnesw inrgm or r• v•eI
e r •• t e e n t ia w e r l d e v n t w r er ev w rm • e en ar er eve w me • e n a arme r • e
m • e n a r e r v w m e n a r m r v e w
s r lte I t l e w g d h n a s r in r I e te g t w d s r l I e g r e I
e r e w i nr m o e n t e a t i
e r • we v d w t
m s t w
n r lad r •
I n r • e s
v a •
grewstoinrlgdg w• oIn rltder•es shIntoitneogrlidreawsytoyinrsln•lgd w•hoIoolIindrltdera•ey•essIntitnegegrewsto inrlgd w• oInrltder r•esIntinteres ting worl ld • In ntere sting g wo rld • Inteer vrevsetninwnw

g awrw
o ldr • nvten sta g ewr rledv Inw rerm
m • • s inrg• voerln • aInr tereer tinevge wow drm • • e nrte•r vsetin g warom rlder•• Inetvee reswt a rgmwe or•lde en w arm er • even wa mer • ev en w arm r • ven war er eve n w rme r • e
ore ldr • eI nvtenrewstainrmg ewro• rledv•en nInw tea rerm ste inrg• we voerlnd w• aInrmtereers• tinegvenwowrla drm Ie re n w om •• e n tian r v w n r r v e e rm • e a e
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e t e a em s t e g we r l
nd w aInrm rers• ngven owrla • • Ienrte• erevseti ingwwar romrlder r••Inetveteernesw tianrgmwe er • e even warmrmer • • eve en wa arme er • e even wwarmmer • • even n wa armer r • ev ven wwarm er •
i n I e h t w d s
tt neg rewstoi r lgd w• onrltder • sIntitnoleigdrewsaoysinrlgd • oInrlte r•esInti tnegrew toinrlgd wor ld • nter stin g wo rld • Inte resti g w orld • Int ereevsen inw I e n t g w
a m r d
rel r • Ienv tenrew tainrm s g wro•r dv•en w e I e r r stienr wevoe lnd w• Inrm
a • te e es•ti e gewn rladrm Ienrt • revset gwwa omrlde ••Inev eernesw arm er • ven wa mer • ev n w arm r • ven war er eve n w rme r • e en arm er
s itneg stoinr w• I ltdere hIntitn lidewsto gd w• nrltde sInti rews ng or • I ere tin wo d • te stin w ld Int esetn g awr reldr Ienv rews nrm o t
e o•rle •enIn earerm tienrg• wvoer d w• a tmerer s•tinev wn ow ladrm • nrte• vsetin g war rlder Inetv w rm • e en ar er eve w me • e en arm r • ve wa e • ev n w rm
r i
esIntIntitnegrewewstoinrlgdgd w• oIn nrltder•es shIntoitnegr rewstoinrlnrlgd w• oI oInrltdere•esIntitnegerest ting wworld d • In teres sting worl rld • InIntere esting g wo rld • Intere revsetninwnw
t r v o ldr • nvten wstai g g w r t rerm s inrg• e overln w• aInr tereer tinegve wnowr drm • Ie nrte•re vsetin wg warom rlder•• even wa rmer • ev en w arm er • even war mer • ev en w arme r • e ven warm er • eve n wa rme
m re • Ie tenre tainrme wro•rledlvdv•enInwnw

g awrwrm ea em te g•we erlnd aInrm reers• ingve owrla m w n e m
ov w te t e wn ldr • Ie nrte•re svetin warom er • eve wa rmer • ev en w arm er • even war mer • ev n w arm r • e ven war er eve n w rm
s r i nr l oI e t e g t oi w d r t s rl I n e g r i n o t e e tni o d s e r e I t s a
r•e tneg to w• lder nin s • • rlte In re g o • r in o • te t w ld n • se a rel r Ienv rew m g o• • n ar r inr •
028 029

This poster was done in Graphist 10 workshop in Istanbul.

The subject I had to design was The role of design today, and what design
actually does daily. The outcome had to be an A3 poster. The project was
supervised by Jan van Toorn.

The idea of the workshop (which happens every year) is to gather students from
around the globe to Turkey, and each person individually make the same
assignment as their fellow classmates. The point of the workshop is to find as
soon as possible visual solutions that (are supposed to) go to mass production
immediately. The target group is a “mosaic” society (of Istanbul) which has
many different nations living together. Such society is open to any new class,
ideas, or institutions that are about to come. The subject of the workshop is to
visualize political, sociological, economical, and ecological notions and ideas (not
for commercial purposes). I am looking forward to go next year if possible.

design copies
> Sende
Oustam >>>>>>>>
Skiatho Mike
11255 G 93 Athens
- Post Card

With this propagandistic post card I wished a happy new year to my friends and
relatives worldwide. You can actually see me as uncle sam.

>> Rece
iver >>>
034 035
036 037
- Advertisments/studio photography

3 2

038 039
040 041
- Drawing of the Parthenon

Inspired from Caesar's Palace, a Las Vegas resort casino. (Photo below from

042 043
- Logo
Transdutchslations is a fictional company which translates documents from
dutch to greek and vice versa. Check out the project in the next page.

044 045

Ìé÷ÜÞë Ïõóôá ìáíùë Üêçò

- Poster

What would my name be if it was translated in dutch? Here is an exact

translation exported as a poster. It is based in the actual etymology of my full
name. A trandutchslations product.

Michail Ousta manol akis

Michaël van kleiner ervaren godismetons

046 047

Michael of Smaller experienced godiswithus

- Playing Cards

The family Bauhaus 93 depicted in playing cards. This assignment was to design
faces by using typographical elements of one font face. I choosed the Bauhaus
93 font face.

Project was supervised by Halme Maila.

048 049
- Business card

While I was moving around in Finland, I was in lack of a business card. I didn't
knew my phone number and I had to give it away to some finnish supermodels ;)
So I designed this receipt that works the same way a business card works. Yet a
receipt is the proof that you got something (important information in this case).
Very cheap to reproduce. With a reference of all of my contact details.

Sinun virallinen opp
aas i Kreikassa
Junailijankuja 5 A 0

Puhelin (Kreikassa)
Puhelin (Kreikassa) +30 6944 225 683
Puhelin (Suomessa) +30 210 211 7762
+358 40 8786 708

Osoite (Kreikassa)
Skiathou 93 11255
Osoite (Suomessa) Ateena Kreikka
Junailijankuja 5A 020
Helsinki Finland

** SUMMA ** ==================

TAX Free %
00.00£ 00.00£
m // grafoustas@hotmail
.com //
0156 / 6 / 3 / 8569
18:24 22/04/2005


- Drawings

052 053
Nederlands - Logo

Albert Heijn is a dutch supermarket brand. It's stores are more (in numbers) than
the personel of the dutch police. These stores are more often visible than police
officers. Police should be integrated as an Albert Heijn service, and then everyone
would feel safer in the Netherlands.



054 055

-Dutch Police real logo -Albert Heijn real logo

Map of The Netherlands

- Map/Poster

Albert Heijn rules. Albert Heijn is in places where police is not. Albert Heijn is
everywhere. Albert Heijn
Albert Heijn
This piece was meant to be silk screened (it never did actually) as a 100x70 cm
poster. It is entirely vectoral.

Albert Heijn

Albert Heijn
Albert Heijn
Albert Heijn

H jn
rt ei
be t H
Albert Heijn

Al ber

Albert Heijn


Albert Heijn

Albert Heijn

Albert Heijn

Albert Heijn Albert Heijn
Albert Heijn Albert Heijn Albert Heijn
Albert Heijn
Albert Heijn
Albert Heijn Albert Heijn

Albert Heijn



Albert Heijn




Albert Heijn
Albert Heijn
Albert Heijn
Albert Heijn
056 057

Albert Heijn Albert Heijn

Albert Heijn
Albert Heijn
Albert Heijn
- Invitation / Instructions booklet

One of my favorite teachers, Gerard Unger is a very well traveled man.

Unfortunately he has been in Greece only once and for little while. Now he can
get here by his own vehicle. In just 30 steps. The given instructions start from
his home.

The directions were given by a website. The maps as well. Firstly the booklet
provides the overall voyage. Map to map (map chapter). Secondly the overall
voyage is explained with detailed instructions (instructions chapter).

The interesting point of this product is that even though these maps come from
the same source they look different from each other. The landscapes and
countries are different from each other as well. So this booklet provides -sort of-
this variety of landscapes throught a variety of maps. Only two booklets were
ever produced.

048 059
Here you enter Slovenia, and the website were I took the maps have no map or no
rights to use a map of Slovenia. A line depicts the way of the road.

060 061
At the end of the booklet, messages found in the greek traffic signs are provided.
Read translations below. (Please note that language mistakes in traffic signs are very common in Greece)














Once you reach the instruction 31, you can contact me for an immediate meeting.
zûrich athens heraklion helisnki tallinn stockholm AMSTERDAM
2005 3 hours 10 days 2 days 7 months 2 days 2 days 4 MONTHS

- Interactive Poster Designer

These posters represent time in relation with space. You specify the cities you
have been in and for how long, and the system designs these posters.
Unfortunately my flash knowledge is very poor to complete such project.
stockholm tallinn

My Life heraklion athens thesaloniki helisnki tallinn stockholm AMSTERDAM
17 Years 3 Years 1 Month 7 Months 2 days 2 days 4 MONTHS

stockholm tallinn



064 065



- Stencils Tools / Fontface design

This project is very personal and I am not so sure if I should present it here.
Thanks ***** for letting me show it to you.

I was in a stereotypical party, and everyone was having fun with it. Loud music,
several drinks, and get drunk as soon and cheap as possible. Well, that's how the
western populations get amused. During this time I was considering many
thoughts against this behavior.

What is the history of this stupidly motivated culture? Getting drunk is irrational
but still lets do it. Lets leave this bar and go to an another and get drunk there as
well. Lets find the cheapest way to get drunk. Lets talk after getting drunk in a
lousy and noisy bar. Keep walking.

Everyone was dancing and drinking there, and I was the only one who was
standing there and starring at this very weird, irrational massive load of people
that was following this pre-dicided (by the beer manufactures) behavior. All of a
sudden *****, (the person who I was accompanying at that party) came to me
and she said:
This is what I am (referring mostly to this behavior, but the way she said it made
it to look like she is referring to the party. Still at that particular linguistic context,
it makes sense to say I am a party meaning literally "party animal")

It had been an emotionally strong day for me, and there were some things I had to
explain to her. This phrase was enough for me to get inspired and produce these
stencils and a decent amount of posters that express particular feelings.

It is difficult for me to explain even in greek why I did this by using stencils, but in 067
case you are curious, yes there is a reason for that. I can try to explain to you but
not right now.
068 069
070 071
072 073
074 075
076 077

You are not just a party
078 079
I am going to fuck everyone who will harm you

When you hurt I hurt
080 081

Do not be afraid and do not worry about anything INTEREST
Be careful for me and for you
082 083

I dont care if I suffer, if you are ok.
I believe in you because I need it and you need it
084 085

Even if you hurt me I will be there to support you 1 plus one equals 1
086 087


Whatever I do you stay you Do whatever you believe in without taking in consideration (the consequences to) me
- My classmates in Gerrit Rietveld Academie making stencils.

At this curse we had to design a stencil font face, to make the stencils, and to
stencil some posters.

088 089
090 091
- Font face

This font face was designed especially to be made stencil. The size of the stencil
is 535% bigger. The idea was to create a font that would offer you a nice "punch".
As you walk into the city, all of a sudden you see this font-face and you feel it like
a punch.

Project was supervised by Kasper Adreasen.

- Stencil / tools / Posters

I will try to explain in a few words: We had to design a stencil font face and some
posters. We were given some texts, which were considered to be our inspiration
for the whole project. In the texts two sentences caught my eye.
Those sentences were: (1) there is a sentence, (2) there is an announcement.

What interested me is that in such texts writing something is more important than
what you are writing. So my idea was to make a font face that doesn't care of
beauty, but still needs to be looked and be legible. The posters that I made had to
mention what I found interesting in the given texts. In this spread you can see the
stencils/tools, and in the next spread the posters.

094 095
096 097
098 099
100 101

- Illustration / Undeveloped Idea

I've always wanted to do this with my country, but Finland has a better shape for it.
- Poetry booklet

I don't know how did that happened, but Bukowski is (supposed to be) a famous
poet. The assignment was to design this booklet that has 3 poems: Two short
poems and a long one. Bukowski has a very bizzare style of writing, and
misunderstandings are likely to happen. One could say that these 3 poems are
10 poems. I would say that they are not even poems, but just some dislectic
misswritting of a drunken person. The difficulty was to design it in a way that
each poem would remain concrete and solid. So my idea was to capture each
nonsense poem inside a frame. And so every frame has a poem in it. Bukowski
has a weird perception about the end of every line, and if you avoid that you will
(eventually) invent new Bukowski poetry that none will understand the difference.
This peculiar ending of the line makes the end of every line even more important
than the beggining. Let me present an example:

Original Bukowski
she used to write me little notes
on yellow paper with blue lines.
the yellow paper would be torn from
a ringed notepad,

My Bukowski
she used to write me little notes on yellow paper with blue lines.
the yellow paper would be torn from a ringed notepad, carelessly.

A Bukowski fan would be mad at me for doing this. So as I said earlier the end is
more important and so I set the text right justified. All around the poem I used the
frame with the poem as background. The leaflet was supposed to be 34-24cm,
but un-cutted it looks even more ironic poetry design and so I kept it. The size
now is A4. As cover I used all the poems, the one on top of each other, and as a
102 103
backcover a fliped version of the front cover. I really dont know if Bukowski still
makes any sense. The point is that I fullfilled successfully the assignment and I
said my opinion about Bukowski.

Project was supervised by Gerard Unger.

104 105
- Logo
this is the logo of the Circle company.

Circle Company: After 40 years of circle producing,

they see no reason to stop. Some people make the
mistake to consider their logo as a printed circle
on a page and not as their logo.

106 107
- City of Athens

I made this picture for the EVGE competition (Greek Graphic Design and Illustration
Awards). We had to design something that depicts "city" and would be used as a cover
in a free press magazine called "AthensVoice"

It did not make it the finals.

108 109
Mun mummuni
- T-Shirts muni mun
It is very interesting the fact that modern technology made the production of
personalized T-shirts cheap and easy. T-Shirts is a new form of representing mun mammani
your social, political, economical, even mental status in the modern society. muni mun *
Here and in the next two spreads you will see a few examples of messages that
could be seen in T-shirts.

Some of these proposals have been sent to some competitions worldwide.

Results not announced yet.

* My grand mother
gave birth to
my mother,
and my mother
gave birth to me.

><meta http-eq
TF- 8"><title>htm

- GoogleSearch</title><styl
ediv,td{color:# 000}.f{ color:#6f6f6f}.flc,.fl:link{colo
nk{color:green}.z{display:none}div.n{ mar-
top:1x}10pt;color:#000}.n.i{fontze:10 pt;t-
eight:bold}.b a{fosize :12pt;co lor:# 00c;font-
eight:bold}.ch{cursor:pointer;cursor: hand}.tas{padding:3p
x3px3px5px}.taf{padding:3px3px6px x}.tam{padding:6px
3p6px5px}.tal{padding:6p 3px3px5px}.sl,.r{fontweight:no
rmal;margin:0;display:inline .sl{font- size:84%}.r{font size:1em}.e
{margin-top:.75em;mar gin ott.75em}.g{margi op:1em;
110 marginbottom:1em}.m{color:#666;font{displa
to p:0;margin-ott m:0;marinleft:40px} isplay:none}.fl2,.fl2:li
nk,.fl2:visited{c 111
olor:#77c}.fl2:active{color:red}#nbl{width:100%;height:100 %}#nbl td{font-
size:12.8px;fonweight:bold;color:#333;cursor:pointer;marg in:400;padding:
0 8}#navbar div,#logo span{background:url (/images/nav_
logo.png)nrepeat;overflow:hidden;height:26px}#navbar .nr{backgroun
d-position :-60;width:16px}#navbar #np{width:44px
}#navbar#nf{ba ckground-posi tion:-26px 0;width:18px}#n
avbar #nc{background-position:-44px 0;width:16px} #navbar
#nn{background-position:- 76px0;wi dth:66px;margin-
right:34px}#navbar #nl{background- position:- 76px
0;width:46px}#logo{display:block;widt h:150px; height:52px;positio
n:relative;overflow:hidden;margin:15p x0 12px}#logospan{ba
ckgroundposition :026px;position: absolute;t op:0;left:0;width:1
00%; height:100%}bod y,td,div,.p, a{fontfamily:
arial,sans-seri f}-- ></style>< scrip

><!(function(){va={};; a.k
EI="cEViRcPcD7 ncRf
2R1YQF";a.kEXPI ="0";a.
kQuery="html ";})();(fu
nction (){docum
unique but global 6,556,000,000
1/6,558,241,471 1

beautiful war
beautiful disease I don’t know
beautiful death
112 beautiful killer 113

beautiful fat
beautiful robbery
beautiful vomit
beautiful world
- Logo proposal

For a planned company that produces graphic design material.

114 115

- Illoustration / Diagram
Europe is one big family now.



116 117






118 119



Visualizing Data
- Card game

The concept of the game was originaly developed by

Mirjan van der Most

I redesigned completely this card game. The topics of the game

now are graphic design disciplines. So if you play this game
with your friends, your friends will eventually get some graphic
design education and hopefully they will become your fellow
working mates ;) Sneaky!
Graphic Design

120 121

additive color
color mix
political aspects

by using particular shapes

122 123

Optical delusion
horizontal line
equal squares
broken line
convergent lines
Visual elements
point (dot)
solid (3d)

balanced / harmony
rhythm / repetition

124 125

Rules Gestalt Theory

- Logo proposal

For a fitness club called Syke Kuntokeskus.

Project was supervised by Viktor Kartala.

126 127
kirjelomake A4

- Brand Identity

For a fitness club called Syke Kuntokeskus.

Project was supervised by Viktor Kartala.

kirjekuori C5

Business Card Kuntokeskus Syke Oy Puhelin (09) 8323252

Orvokkitie 12 Faksi (09) 832 3244 01300 Vantaa

Laura Niimäki

Osoite Orvokkitie 12
01300 Vantaa
Puhelin 0400 652 401 Finland

128 129

Käsittele Korttia varoen, älä taita.
Behandla kortet varsamt, får ej vikas.

Kuntokeskus Syke Oy Puhelin (09) 8323252

Puhelin 09 8323252 Faksi 09 832 3244 Valid utnil. Orvokkitie 12 Faksi (09) 832 3244 01300 Vantaa



Kuntokeskus Syke Oy Puhelin (09) 8323252
Orvokkitie 12 Faksi (09) 832 3244 01300 Vantaa
- Business cards

Two business cards for the same person. For me.

The first one is a funny solution, make fun with words. I grabbed the first part
of my surname and invented a fictional medicine for communication purposes.
Medically not approved.

The second one (opposite page) has been printed in offset, 1000 pieces. It has
my finnish number on it, but it was not as popular and succesful as the receipt
one (page 50).

medical card

bussines card from paper

with overlayered plastic layer

to use only to get in touch with Mike:

+30 6944 225 683

132 133
instructions on the back
- Imperialistic Poster

(Refering to non-greek readable audiences) In such poster, you can't actually read
the message, once you have seen the name of Costas Schinas. After that you read
the translation of the message. For you the name is more important than what the
poster actually says.

That's -sort of- the logic of imperialism. That the person is dominant over the
message, regardless of the message. Vote for Costas.

134 135
- Illustration / Undeveloped Idea

My friend Costas Schinas was frustrated after a party. His expression of

frustration was equal with a Saint in the orthodox hagiographies. I had to shoot
this expression and keep it forever in my digital archive. There was not much to
be done to get this project done this far. The photo needed just some
photoshoping and adding a frame all around the photo.

And you have your friend as Saint.

Time needed to get this project done so far: 1 minute.

136 137
- Photography Dramatazation

Concept by me and Kostas Schinas. The leaftet below promts visitors of Finland
to report crimes to the police. We thought that this image is way too obvious and
so we shooted our version, as depicted in the facing page. Thanks Kosta Schina
and Heidi Mattila for improvising.

This leaflet actually exists and it was in circulation for sure until the late 2006.

138 139
- EU publication with useless information

140 141
142 143
144 145
146 147

- Photography

This weird building has a very peculiar use of materials. Its made from (!) gray
wood. The building is located in Amsterdam Noord. The dutch who made it
were -possibly- considering the other buildings very industrial and boring alike,
and so they made this constructivistic bauhaus functional dutch building by using
natural materials. Still the building had to be monotonous to compete its fellow
buildings. So they used gray wood.

I have never seen a wooden and gray building at once.

- Adopting a new social status

Every respectful designer has to have a mac. Otherwise he/she is not very
professional or serious.

Here as depicted is my laptop.

148 149
- Adopting a new social status project

If you look more closely, You'll find yourself looking at an HP laptop presenting itself
as a mac.

Thanks to this sticker I was able to participate in the design community by

pretending that I am a mac user (subsequently professional and serious).
Thanks a lot Mads Ludvigsen for providing the sticker.

150 151
- Newspaper mock-up

This is a fictional sports newspaper. The main article is:

Designatos* Spyros: Greek design today is like the referees in football.
You have to know the rules in order to play it.
An interesting -service via call- ad is provided at the right corner in the bottom:
For the Corrupted football service call 1565
For the National football service call 1566

This mock-up is going to be published in a future publication about the greek design
today. The name and the production date of the publication are not announced yet.

* A funny fictional surname that derives from the word design

152 153
- Beoordelingen Map

In Gerrit Rietveld Academie, at the end of the semester you have to present all the
work you did during the semester in front of your teachers. Its like doing a small
exhibition with the projects you have done so far. This exhibition is called
Beoordelingen (Border Line). I designed this map to show everyone with whom I
have been working with and what the projects were. A projector screen was
planned (for the project in the next spread). It was impossible to get one, and so I
used a second laptop at the last moment.

#. Administration
0. Portfolios / Acceptance Material
1. Kasper
2. Gerard
3. Saskia
4. Floor
5. Joff & Julia
6. Will
7. Roel & Luna
8. Mike
9. Dutch neighbors

1 1 4 4

1 6
2 7 #,7
3 2 8
8 4
3 4
5 4

- Pretendious Airport Screen / Interactive Questioner

I was planning to stay in Rietveld Academie as a regular student, right after the end
of my exchange, and become a Rietveld graduate. My teachers informed me that
they will announce to me their decision (if I stay or not) at the beoordelingen day
(see previous project).

So I made this screen with the real surnames of my (non dutch) classmates with
me included. My classmates had already landed whereas I was asking permition to
land. I was planning to project this during my presentation. Unfortunately there
was no projector available.

By the way, my teachers agreed that I could stay as a regular student at the first fact year of the school. I came back to
Greece to graduate from my school, in order to be able to get a greek scholarship. (You have to have a Greek degree
for that) Now I am planning to go back for a year, but currently I am facing some financial problems and I am not so
sure if I will be in a wealthier situation at the beginning of the next school year.

156 157
- Illustration / Poster

Here is myself as a 70ies superstar. I did this illustration as a joke. It has been
designed in a few solid colors, so it could be silk screened.

Maybe ill make myself as a t-shirt and go to Las Vegas.

158 159
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- T-Shirts

These T-Shirts are intentionally made for graphic designers.

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this is the logo of the Circle company.

Circle Company: The circle company has about

400 employers. With this personnel the company
has over 14532 years of experience combined.
Get involved now and get your own circle.

164 165
- Personal business card proposal

During my studies in Amsterdam, I was living in a cheaply produced student

housing project. The rooms were real cargo containers transformed into small
housing units. Each container was 24 square meters, and had its own toilet.
(Interior depicted in the photo). Business card shown in actual size.

MS Oslofjordweg, 1033 SC Amsterdam Noord.

2 173
container raws

6 Catch the free ferry behind the Centraal Station leaving for NDSM

Oustamanolakis Mike / mob. 0 64 677 67 52 / email.

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- Flyers

The dj taliban flyer is a joke to a friend who said that I look like a terrorist. The
Scuba diving saloon is a project that mimics this specific graphic design style.

174 175
Costas Schinas or
Costas Schinas ?

- Business card proposals

Call to make sure

who is who:
+30 677 48 5622

Mike Oustamanolakis Mike Oustamanolakis

1984 - 2007 1984 - 20**

176 177
NEVER LIVED IN 2012 +30 6944 225683

walk in peace

178 179

Konya Athens Sevilla

Izmir Palermo
- T-Shirt Bursa
SPAIN Lisbon
Tirana Naples PORTUGAL
Barcelona Madrid
Istanbul · Skopje ALB. Rome VATICAN
Sofia Sarajevo ITALY Marseille Bilbao
BucharestBelgrade CROATIA Zagreb Milan Lyon
Chisinau Budapest AUSTRIA SWITZ.
MOLDOVA Bratislava Vienna Munich Paris
U K R A I N E L'viv Kraków Luxembourg BELGIUM Lille
Kiev GERMANY Brussels
´ ´
Cologne London
Berlin NETH.
BELARUS POLAND Hamburg Amsterdam
Manchester Dublin
Vilnius Copenhagen Belfast
LITH. Glasgow
LAT. Riga
St. Petersburg Tallinn
Helsinki Oslo Bergen



180 181
- Sticher

When I came back to Greece from the Netherlands I had a big (and heavy) load of
work. The work (which was about 18kg) was cds, posters, booklets, sheets of
paper, brochures, and much more. With this material (equal to 30 ECTS credits)
I completed 13 curses at my host university (TEI of Athens). The procedure was
simple: I went to each of the 13 curses, and I showed individually to every
teacher work that was related with the subject of the curse, and every teacher
signed a paper that the curse has been fulfilled.

To get this load of work organized, I put everything in folders. Each folder was to
be shown in a different curse. The problem was that the curriculums between the
two schools are totally different from each other. So it happened that two curses name and surname

of one school fulfill one from the other school and vice versa.
naam en achternaam

So I designed this stitcher that actually shows what curses/disciplines I have

Oustamanolakis Michail date of birth
student number datum van geboorte
Department nationaliteit

been attending (at Gerrit Rietveld Academie) in order to make the material that is
studenten aantal

EU national 25/09/1984
inside the folder. The specific curses have just been marked with a marker.
graphic design
grafische ontwerpen 15161 Nationale de EU
designing in relation to the graphic and interactive m
time based media (video) ontwerpen in relatie tot de grafische en interactieve
time-based media (video)
image in relation to language and space
exhibition design and editorial design
beeld in relatie tot taal en de ruimte
tentoonstellingsontwerp en redactioneel ontwerpen
drawing typografie
book printing
photographic images
fotografisch beeld
image analysis
digital technology beeldanalyse
digitale techniek
182 interactive media 183
silk-screening interactive media

Gerrit Rietveld Academie

Fred. Roeskestraat 96
1076 ED Amsterdam
(+31) (20) 5711 600
(+31) (20) 5711 654
- Poster / Illustration

Mythology is something that is being reconstructed all the time, and always
appears to be true. There are many different variations that all seem to be true.
Apart from that, there are a lot of ridiculous and funny things going on.

I know that mythology is a way of depicting the politics of those days but
according to the current knowledge and current sciences, we find it hard to
believe that the galaxy was created by Hercules vomit (he drunk bad milk from
Ira’s breast). Even funnier is that the etymology of the word “galaxy” is this

184 185
- Illustrated book

Here is a book I designed. Its the famous story of how Thiseas killed Minotaurus
and after all pick up Ariadne and left her over an island in the Aegean sea.
The source material for the illustration is screenshots from an epic movie from
the 50ies starring Kurt Duglas.

186 187
- Illustration

Thiseas built a navy in a few months. 250 ships were built. The suspicious fact of
the story is that noone realized it.

188 189
190 191
12 € Ôåý÷ïò 4 Ìéá åëëçíéêÞ Ýêäïóç ôùí åëëÞíùí êáé ôçò ïñèïäïîßáò

- Magazine cover

This cover mimics a common cover of patriotism magazines

in Greece. This kind of magazines believe that the whole
world is greek and the only true religion is Greek eastern
orthodox christianism. Everything else is evil and it must be
defeated or destroyed.
The magazine I tried to replicate is called: Greek nation and
192 orthodoxy (this title is virtual, I don't know if a magazine with Ç ÄÑÁÓÇ ÔÏÕ 193
this title exists in real life) and the basic topics of this issue
Hip-horey to the greek evzones (the guy in the photo below) ÅÎÙ ÏÉ ÂÏÕËÃÁÑÏÉ
Turkish are murderers ÁÐÏ ÔÇÍ ÂÏÕËÃÁÑÉÁ
Great Alexander's exploits
Pope Vs Orthodoxy
Kick away the Bulgarians from Bulgaria
- Logo Proposal

By using simple typographic elements I created this logo for a brothel.

194 195
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- Advertisement / Pretious Greek marketing

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- Booklet / Dummie / Craft

In this handmade booklet type specimen, basics of typography and layout are

As you can see from the scans, the booklet is a combination of very thin “see
through” paper and normal 180grm paper. You can understand how the booklet
is by having a look at the graph below. Gray is a 175 grm white paper and yellow
is a 65 grm “see through” paper. I firstly binded the booklet, and then designed
with a pencil the yellow pages.

200 201
202 203
In Crete, every male has a mustache.

In Crete, everyone is proud of Crete.

in Crete, people like to talk about Crete.

In Crete, graphic designers like to use the shape of Crete.

In Crete, the shape of Crete is used even as a logo.

In Crete, we have the great and famous cretan hospitality.

In Crete, food culture is more developed than the rest of Greece.

In Crete, people like to discriminate themselfs from the rest of the greeks.

There is a small poem that represents how much Cretans admire their place:

Everywhere I go, in any place, I carry soil from Crete,

I just spread it all over, and the whole world becomes Crete.

204 205
206 207
this is the logo of the Circle company.

Circle Company defeats the competition. Always.

Now new exclusive designs available. Spicy circle,
hot circle, chilly circle and onion circle. For a dollar
nighty nine each.

210 211
- Hardcore soft cover book-binded sketch collection
presented as a book.

This book took me almost 6 hours to bind. I baptized the binding "hardcore binding".
It is 416 pages and it has more than 300 sketches in it. The dimensions are 25x35
cm. I was sketching with ink, carbon and pencil for about 2 months to fill it in.

An interesting point I would like to mention, is that by showing this book I am not only
presenting my sketch ability, by I am presenting a tidy and fixed sketch collection as
well. Also interesting the fact that by flipping the book my development with ink is
visible. Sketches I consider as bad I have to show them as well which is an objective
way of showing your work.

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Educational Details

Constitution / Tutoring 2002- Bachelor of Graphic Design

2007 TEI of Athens, Athens, Greece. (graphic design dep.)
Duration of studies: 3,5 years + 6 months of fieldwork.

Exchange studies 09/2005- Gerrit Rietveld Academie, Amsterdam, The Netherlands. (graphic design dep.)
12/2005 Duration of studies: 4 months
01/2005- EVTEK Institute of Art and Design, Helsinki, Finland. (graphic design dep.)
05/2005 Duration of studies: 5 months
Final Project / Final Thesis 2006-2007 Design the current Portfolio (to be send to you)

Fieldwork Rehearsal 2007 Georgia Gasparinatou Laser Printing

Telephone +30 210 88 4 777 9
Workshops 06/2006 Grafist 10 Workshop, Mimar Sinar University, Istanbul Turkey

Seminars (Selected) 11/2004 WEB DESIGN MEETING (by the Greek Graphic Design Assosiation)
05/2004 BASIC PHOTOSHOP (by Photographer Magazine)
05/2004 ADVANCED PHOTOSHOP (by Photographer Magazine)
05/2004 DIGITAL VIDEO (by Photographer Magazine)
05/2004 DIGITAL CAMERA/DIGITAL PHOTOGRAPHY (by Photographer Magazine)
09/2003 CREATIVE: ART OF COMMERCIAL (by Educational Festival 2003)

Foreign Languages

English Excellent (ECCE 05/2002)

Greek Mother tongue
Finnish Poor

Computer Knowledge

PC Expert Windows user - Novice Linux user

MAC Advanced MAC user
Design Programs Advanced in: Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator, IN Design, Corel Draw
Novice in : Quark X Press.

Previous Service

01/2004- Lost Fragment Inc. (Conceptualizing/Visualizing Graphic design Ideas)

today +30 210 505 1 506
02/2004 Georgia Gasparinatou Laser printings, business cards, invitation cards.
+30 210 88 4 777 9
03/2004 Wizcards Business cards, flyers.
254 07/2004 +30 210 34 14 100 255

Personal Info

Smoking No
Drinking Only in special occasions
Dislikes Temperature in Greece in the summer (40 C+)
Likes Exploring the visual world (both physical and virtual), to visualize my ideas, sketching,
movies, reading.
256 257
What do you think this is?

Is it a circle? Is it a glass? Is it a hat? Is it a fruit?

Is it the moon? Is it a hat? Is it a clock? Is it a horn?
Is it the earth Is it a screw? Is it a package? Is it a trump?
Is it a hole? Is it a cd/dvd? Is it a cap? Is it a spot?
Is it a fan? Is it cheese? Is it a disk? Is it a padlock?
Is it a condom? Is it a pot? Is it a cover? Is it a rocket?
Is it a steering Is it a fountain? Is it a omicron? Is it a bomb?
wheel? Is it a lamp? Is it a Is it a head?
Is it a tube? Is it a spaceship? Is it a missile?
Is it the sun? sandwich? Is it a cord? Is it a metal?
Is it a planet? Is it a Is it a table? Is it a bottle?
Is it a sign? hamburger? Is it a eye? Is it a chimney?
Is it a socket? Is it a bell? Is it a Is it a zero?
Is it a ball? Is it an alarm? proboscis? Is it a mouth?
Is it a coin? Is it a washing

Super Special Offer! Exclusively for you!

Now you have the option to look inside this book,
and find out what this is! AWESOME dude!!

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