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Antivirus Security Pro Virus Removal Instructions

Published on August 25, 2013 Antivirus Security Pro is an illegal antivirus program and should be removed from Windo s users! computer as an emergency issue" As a member of #ogue"WinWebSec family, Antivirus Security Pro is highly infectious computer threat hich also can be categori$ed as scare are program" %t is engineered and published by advanced soft are programmers ho e named cybercriminals to scam users! money" Antivirus Security Pro virus pretends to be legitimate P& security soft are and perform a virtual and meaningless scan for the Windo s P&" A fe of minutes later, this rogue antivirus program displays bogus scan results hich is full of P& threat issues to ma'e users believe that their computer has been infected by variety of mal are, viruses, and (ro)an" *ear manifestation ill come out on the people!s face in the most of cases hen they received such long list of P& threats generated by Antivirus Security Pro" +o ever, they ould be forced to purchase a license 'ey for activating the full version of Antivirus Security Pro if they ant to remove the none,istent security problems" Antivirus Security Pro virus is designed to attac' all Windo s operating system and recently -ilma(ech #esearch .ab has already found some cases occurred under Windo s / system" Antivirus Security Pro virus spreads rapidly over the net or' and should be eliminated very soon in order to decrease the number of victims"

0nce Antivirus Security Pro virus has been in)ected on a Windo s computer it ould be configured to launch automatically from the second the operating system starts up" Without any permission of the P& administrator, Antivirus Security Pro ill scan the hole P& dis's and forbid users from stopping the scan process" P& users can not do anything until the Antivirus Security Pro finishes the scanning" (his is typical rogue behavior of fa'e antivirus soft are" Antivirus Security Pro virus ill not only sho the fa'e threat notifications but also ill terminate other legitimate applications running on the P& and report them as high ris'y programs" What!s more, Antivirus Security Pro virus ill disable the Windo s system services, including the Windo s (as' 1anager and #egistry 2ditor, and ill bloc' victims from running certain programs that could lead to its removal" Worst of all, this virus ill add malicious registry entries to the registry list and modify the system registry 'eys viciously" (his may provide hi)ac'ers ith access and vulnerabilities to the computer" 0nce victims decided to pay the money to the Antivirus Security Pro publishers, they ould get high rate of losing their financial information"

Antivirus Security Pro ill automatically install on your computer hen you clic' on the malicious lin's from un3trusted ebsite, do nload free are from un'no n resource, open attachments from infected email, visit high ris'y ebsite or proceed other illegal online activities" 4ou ill never reali$e that Antivirus Security Pro virus has been installed successfully on your computer" %t ould not as' hether you ant to install it or not" %t can infect your machine through e,ploit 'its that use vulnerabilities on your computer"

(he follo ing fa'e error message5s6 appears for Antivirus Security Pro7 8Warning9 %nfected file detected.ocation7 *ile SystemSuspicious activity detected in the application notepad"e,e to the behavior of the virus Win32:&onfic'er";" *or your security and to avoid loss of data, the operation of application cmd"e,e has been temporarily restricted" Warning9 %nfected file detected"We strongly recommend activating full edition of your antivirus soft are for repairing threats" Warning9 <et or' attac' attempt detected"(o 'eep the computer safe, the threat must be bloc'ed"= Note7 Antivirus Security Pro is a scam, and you should ignore any alerts that this malicious soft are might generate"

Troubles Caused by Antivirus Security Pro

As a matter of fact, vicious deeds can be happening under the cover of Antivirus Security Pro" 1ore troubles ill be seen on the target machine ith loose security" %f restrictions on terminals and gate ay are never imposed on an infected computer by Antivirus Security Pro, additional infections can be caught compromising the target machine secretly" According to (&P:%P protocol, there are 25>?25>

ports mounted on each computer" While in fact, fe of them are used to accomplish common tas'" %t is the rest of available ports that give Antivirus Security Pro chances to alleviate installations of additional infections for large amount of money hich is the ultimate goal of the fa'e anti3virus program" @ue to the loopholes coupled ith modifications in database as depicted in the preceding section, a target computer becomes vulnerable to the e,tent to be susceptible to various infections" (roubles ill then be seen one after another7 1" 1ore )un's as ell as strange files: folders are mounted onto the target machine" 2" Pop3up advertisements might increase in freAuency to ruin surfing e,perience" 3" 1ore threats notifications ill be given out by another genuine anti3virus program" B" Search results may very ell be redirected to vicious sites" What!s orthy of further attention is that Antivirus Security Pro might give rise to inaccessibility to Safe 1ode or even CS0@ 5blue screen of death6, though the chance can be slim" At all events, it is rather to remove Antivirus Security Pro before it implements more harms to the target computer than removing it hen the P& condition has gone severe"

Best Way to Remove Antivirus Security Pro

As mentioned above that Antivirus Security Pro is one of the variations of #ogue"WinWebSec hich is a (ro)an" Such (ro)an features itself ith the capability of binding its malicious codes to systematic items that load payloads and information about build3in services" As a conseAuence, Antivirus Security Pro cannot be removed by other anti3virus programs" (o thin' it in another ay, Antivirus Security Pro successfully affects the target computer protected by installed anti3virus programs, hich indicates that anti3 virus programs are not able to remove it" (herefore, manual method is recommended to be employed in the removal of Antivirus Security Pro to prevent from its re3emergence after the accomplishment of the steps given above" 0ne thing to

hich attention should be paid is that computer technology is in need to perform the removal" Cut nothing to be orried for the shortage of P& technology since professional help is al ays put on standby from VilmaTech Online Support"

o! to Remove Antivirus Security Pro Virus

Step One" Reboot #our Computer$ Press%&'% on the (eyboard be)ore the Windo!s system has been launched$

%f you are using Windo s /, please read here7

1" +old the Shift button and mash the */ 'ey" &hoose the 8See advanced repair options"=

2" &lic' on the (roubleshoot option"

3" Select Advanced 0ptions"

B" <o choose the Windo s Startup Settings option, by the loo's of things e ere never meant to find Safe 1ode"

5" *inally hit the #estart button to reboot your P&"

>" When your P& reboots you ill be able to boot into Safe 1ode from the familiar loo'ing Advanced Coot 0ptions screen"

Step T!o" Select the *Sa)e +ode !ith Net!or(in,%

%f you are using Windo s ;P, -ista or D in the Advanced Coot 0ptions screen, use the arro 'eys to highlight Safe 1ode ith <et or'ing , and then press 2<(2#" %f you are using Windo s /, press 5 on your 'eyboard to 2nable Safe 1ode ith <et or'ing"Windo s ill start in Safe 1ode ith <et or'ing" Step Three" Press CTR-.A-T./0- or CTR-.S I&T.0SC 1this operation varies by di))erent operatin, systems2$ Open the

Windo!s Tas( +ana,er$

%f it didn!t or', try another ay by pressing the Start button and clic' on the #un option" (his ill start the #un tool" (ype tas'mgr in the blan' and press 0E" (his can help you open the (as' 1anager"

%f you are using Windo s /, you also can open the (as' 1anager ith the traditional ays"

+ere you

ill see the bac'ground processes of Windo s /

Step &our" Clic( on Processes tab$ &ind the process by the name o) random$e3e$ Then scroll the list to )ind re4uired processes$ Select it !ith your mouse or arro! (eys on the (eyboard and clic( on 0nd Process button$ Step &ive" Clic( *Start% menu 5 *Control Panel%$ Search out

the *&older Options% and sho! hidden )iles in this area$


the steps to see hidden files on Windo s /7

1"0pen Windo s 2,plorer7 ?*rom @es'top 1ode7 0pen 1y &omputer or any folder or ?*rom Windo s / Start Screen7 &lic' on Windo s 2,plorer app" 2"*rom Windo s 2,plorer ino , clic' on the -ie tab" A ribbon numerous options ill appear" 3"&hec' mar' the 8*ile name e,tensions= and 8+idden items= options"



you can see the hidden files on Windo s /"

Step Si3" Press Windo!s.R (eys and then type re,edit in Run bo3 to open Re,istry 0ditor$ Then delete the re,istry entries"

(he above mentioned registry ensures that, the virus registers itself ith the compromised system and e,ecutes itself upon every boot" +E24F&G##2<(FGS2#HSoft areH1icrosoftHWindo sH&urrent-ersionH# un 8AA201BI J 8K&ommonApp@ataKHWa@prn-DHWa@prn-D"e,e=

Prevention o) Antivirus Security Pro

(o prevent getting infected by Antivirus Security Pro, good P& practice is al ays reAuired to follo up" Celo is the list of prevention measures that have been proved to be efficient in the prevention of virus including Antivirus Security Pro"

%nstall genuine and po erful anti3virus programs, *ire all and programs providing %nternet security aids that are the essential programs to 'eep computer safeL but assure that updates ill be enforced timely" @ue to the e,ploitation of vulnerability becomes the most popular ay for virus to commence infiltration, third3party programs should be adopted and mounted to repair bugs for the remedy by do nloading correspondent patches" %t has been 'no n to all that ebsites, especially the un'no n ones, stand a big chance to do nload suspicious plug3ins:

add3ons: e,tensions and virusL therefore, no visit to un'no n ebsites" -irus can start its infiltration through instant messagesL so do not accept suspicious files and give priority to Security .evel of instant chat tools" -irus li'e Antivirus Security Pro ill piggybac' on free are: share areL thus it is suggested not to do nload and install free are: share are to the great e,tent" (here have been cases that counterfeit update messages incurs installations of virus, including Antivirus Security ProL hence, update should be performed by accessing official eb sites rather than random messages pop up from no here" Priority should al ays go to custom installation to avoid automatic installation of third3party programs"

@is' partition is recommended to employ so that third3party programs can be placed in other dis's rather than & dis'" Apart from good PC practice, secure coefficient of web should also be enhanced. Follow the steps below to make modifications on some parts that have been found to be commonly exploited by virus

@isable banner that sho s hat is actually running on a target computer" @isable ServerSignature and Server(o'ens functions" @isable @irectory inde, by opening up terminal before e,ecuting the follo ing commands7 16 rm 3f :etc:apache2:mods3enabled:autoinde,"loadL 26 rm 3f :etc:apache2:mods3enabled:autoinde,"conf" @isable Web@A- to guarantee that potential attac'ers cannot modify files to upload vicious codes by deleting dav, davFfs and davFloc' files on terminal through commands7 16 rm 3f :etc:apache2:mods3enabled:dav"loadL 26 rm 3f :etc:apache2:mods3enabled:davFfs"confL 36 rm 3f :etc:apache2:mods3enabled:davFfs"loadL B6 rm 3f :etc:apache2:mods3enabled:davFloc'"load" (urn off reAuest from (#A&2 +((P to prevent online conversation from being hi)ac'ed by navigating the terminal to :etc:apache2:apache2"conf" #emedy vulnerability on %%S5%nternet %nformation Services6" %mpose restrictions on Apache +((P Server to prevent virus li'e Antivirus Security Pro from reading all information stored on the target machine"

03tra Tips"
%f you are not confident of deleting the malicious registry 'eys and files hidden in the Windo s system folder, or if you have any Auestions or doubt at any point, S(0P and as' for -ilma(ech assistance" &yber criminals ill al ays change and update the malicious codes in order to ma'e this program become more and more complicated and it ould be very difficult for users to remove it by the normal means" %f you fail to remove Antivirus Security Pro ith the instructions, you can contact -ilma(ech online support and have online chat ith them"

Part of #ogue"WinWebSec *amily 1embers7 Antiviral *actory 2013 1y Safe P& 201B System @octor 201B %nternet Security Pro

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