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Note: Figures are indicated by bold page numbers, tables by [numbers enclosed in square brackets], and footnotes by suffix n Abrasion resistance renderings 520 Absolute volume 30n Absorption capacity see Water absorption Accelerated ageing tests 556,562 Accelerated corrosion tests aerated-concrete reinforcement 139 gypsum-plaster reinforcement 18!&90 Accelerometers 412,421 Acceptance loading tests concrete bridges 386 Adhesion AAC mortars/coatings 160 AAC reinforcement 140-1 see also Bond tests Adhesive plaster 185 Adhesive tape test surface strength of renderings assessed using 532 Aerated concrete 114 see also Autoclaved aerated concrete Ageing of concrete hardness affected by 89 Ageing tests 556,561-2 gypsum plaster in contact with metals 18%90 synergism possible 562n Agglomeration 114 Aggregate types hardness affected by 88 Aggregates bulk density 47-8 compacted bulk density 48 uncompacted bulk density 48 particle density 45-6 water absorption 45-6 see also Coarse aggregates Air bags out-of-plane flexural test of full-scale masonry panels using 494,495 Air entrainment freeze-thaw resistance of concrete affected by 539, 541 Alignment concrete structures routine checking of 378 testing equipment 576 nationavinternationsl standards listed [577] Alkali oxides total alkali content fly ash 63 Alkalinization plaster steel passivation affected by 191 Alloy steels corrosion by plasters 191 Aluminium corrosion by plasters 191 Aluminium oxide content fly ash 61-2 Alum-soaked gypsum 184 Ammonium content fly ash 63 Anchorages routine observation of 377 Angular-displacement measurement load testing of concrete structures [383] prestressing test of prefabricated bridge elements [416] Anhydrite binderlcement 184 Anticipated strains long-term changes in bridge structures 412,413 Apparent porosity fibre-reinforced cement 164-6 Apparent volume 30n Arched bridges long-term observation of 409 Artificial stone baked clay masonry test methods 200-6 see also Baked clay masonry Artificial unevenness (for dynamic testing of bridges) 388, 420 Autoclaved aerated concrete (AAC) compressive strength 115-16 in air dry condition 12&1 directly after autoclaving 119 in dry state 117-18 specificaion for testing machine 159 corrosion protection of reinforcement 136-7 accelerated test under load conditions 139 sodium chloride used 138 creep behaviour in compression 131 density 116,118,121,125,126,128,130 drying shrinkage 127-8 hygroscopical desorption characteristics 132-3 modulus of elasticity in compression 124-5 modulus of rupture 122-3 moisture content 116,118,121,125,128,130 simulated practical moisture content 134-5 reinforced AAC bond strength 140-1 corrosion protection tests 136-9 creep at interface 142 loadbearing capacity of wall elements 154-5 shear strength of welded joints of reinforcement 145

Autoclaved aerated concrete (AAC) (continued) tranverse load test 143-4 thermal conductivity dynamic method 152-3 guarded hot-plate used 149-51 Lang method 146-8 oven-dried AAC 146-8 water-movement-caused length change 129-30 Bainitic quench steel reinforcement 207 Baked clay masonry units bending test 204 bursting test (expansive inclusions) 202 compactness 201 compression test 203-4 gravimetric measurements 200-1 porosity 201 sampling procedure 200 suction test 202 test methods 200-6 water absorption/porosity 201-2,465 see also Bricks; Masonry units Barges (hydrocarbon binders) sampling methods 282 Basic load tests concrete bridge structures 386 test loads used 388 Beam test bond characteristics of reinforcement steel determined using 213-17 Beams load testing in situ 392,393 Bearing devices routine observation of 377 Bedplates (in testing systems) coordinate system 572 qualitative specification 570 Bell towers design methods for dynamic behaviour 428-9 Bending moment diagrams prefabricated bridge elements 417 Bending strain ratio 262 Bending tests aerated concrete 122 baked clay masonry units 204 concrete 19-20 load-bearing wall mortar 442 nails (for timber joints) 337,338 natural stone specimen geometry [l961 test method 197 plywood 345 prestressing steel bardwires 236-7 reinforcement steel 212 testing equipment used verification of stiffness 580 timber bending strength 356-7 modulus of elasticity 354-5 shear modulus 3 5 5 4 weld joints in reinforcement steel 222 see also Flexural strength; Modulus of rupture Biological degradation factors 556,559, [560] Bird-caging (for steel reinforcement) 209 Bitumen cut-backlfluxed bitumens 273 meaning of term 273 needle penetration test 290-4 Bitumen emulsion 273 Bitumen-tars 273

Bituminous mixes recovery of hydrocarbon binders 295-6 Blaine air permeability apparatus fly ash fineness determined using 66 Blastfurnace slag foaming process 114 processes applying 114 Bleeding capacity concrete 50 mortars 515 Bleeding rate (for concrete) 49-50 Block programming (in fatigue tests) transition problems 583-4 Boiling water absorption of water baked clay masonry units 202 masonry units 465 Bond length (prestressing tendons) calculation of 243-4 definition 241,242 tests for determination 243-5 Bond strength AAC-mortars/coatings 160 brick-mortar crossed-brick couplet test 528-9 direct pull test 535 masonry-mortar 481-3,518-19 prestressing tendons 241-7 reinforcement aerated concrete 14&2 beam test 213-17 creep test 142 pull-out strength 140,218-20 push-out test 141 reinforced concrete 213-20 rendering-substrate shear test 527 torsion test 534 Bond wrench test principle 482 procedure 482-3 support frame suggested 482 test specimens 481-2 Borate-soaked plaster 184 Bottom-closing sampling tube 280 Brick plaster 185 Bricklaying mortars water-retention capacity 513 water-separation tendency 515 see also Mortars Bricks bond strength of mortar with crossed-brick couplet method used 528-9 direct pull test used 535 initial adhesion of mortar 514 test methods 200-6 see also Baked clay masonry; Baked clay masonry units; Masonry units Bridges acceptance loading tests 386 check load tests 3 8 6 7 design methods for dynamic behaviour 427-8 load testing in situ 386-91 long-term observation of 409-13 prestressing test of prefabricated elements 414-18 routine observation of 376 see also Concrete bridges Brine11 hardness test 1 8 6 7 Buckling tests 579 Buildings design methods for dynamic behaviour 428 dynamic movements 427

Buildings (continued) load testing in situ 392-4 communication of results 394 criteria for evaluation of test 393-4 loading conditions 392 observations to be made 392-3 organization/execution of test 393 precast concrete elements principal criteria for acceptance [430] surface appearance 432-5 Built masonry in-situ strength/elasticity tests 506-8 in-situ stress tests 503-5 removal and testing of specimens 501-2 Bulk density aggregates 47-8 compacted bulk density 48 uncompacted bulk density 48 baked clay masonry units 201 calculation of 48,165, 193 definitions 47, 164 fibre-reinforced cement 164 hydrostatic weighting method 193 lightweight aggregate 114n natural stone 193 irregularly shaped specimens 193 regular-shaped specimens 193 paraffin method 193 Bulk specific gravity see Particle density Bulk storage tanks (hydrocarbon binders) sampling methods 281-12 Button heading (of steel reinforcement) 209 Cadmium electrolytic deposition metals in contact with gypsum plaster 191 Calcium oxide content fly ash 62 free calcium oxide fly ash 63 Calcium silicate masonry units moisture state recommended for bond test 481 see also Masonry units Calcium sulphate binders 184-5 Calcium sulphates classification 183-4 nomenclature 183-5 see also Gypsum plaster Calibrated surface (of steel reinforcement) 208 Cantilever deflection gauge 421 Capillarity error in water levelling method due to 401 Capillarity degree of saturation 543 measurement methods 549-51,553-4,555 Capillarity test concrete 34-5 natural stone 196 Carbonation of concrete definitions for carbonation depth 56,57 hardness affected by 89 Carbonation (of concrete) measurement of carbonation depth 56-8 properties affected by 56 shrinkage caused by 28 Casting plaster 185 Cellular concrete 114 see also Aerated concrete Cement content hardness affected by 88 Cement mortar forceedeformation diagram 526 see also Mortars Cement plaster 184

Cement types hardness affected by 88 Cement-based coatings adhesion to AAC 160 Cements and concretes experimental and theoretical studies 71-110 materials and technology 1 4 9 Characteristic creep definition 39 Charpy impact value calculation of 176 test method 175,176 Check load tests concrete bridges 386-7 Chimneys design methods for dynamic behaviour 428 load testing in situ 392-3 routine observation of 377 Chipboard see Wood-based board material Chloride content fly ash 62-3 Christmas-tree load-spreading arrangement use in out-of-plane flexural test of full-scale masonry panels 494,495 Clay masonry units moisture state recommended for bond test 481 see also Baked clay masonry units; Masonry units Clinometers [383], [416] Coal-tar pitch 273 Coarse aggregates bulk density 47-8 particle density 4.5-6 water absorption 4 5 4 see also Aggregates Coarse-aggregate concrete carbonation depth measurements 57 cube size recommended [93] notched three-point bend test specimen sizes 99,107 tests not suitable 4 , 6 Coating (process) 114 Coherence (in vibration test) 419 Columns load testing in situ 392,393 Compaction procedures aggregate bulk density determination 48 concrete specimens 8-9 Compactness baked clay masonry units 201 natural stone 194 Composite sample hydrocarbon binders 283 meaning of term 276 Composites geotextiles manufacturing processes used 302 meaning of term 298 tensile test 317 Compression creep deformation aerated concrete 131 concrete 38 and n , 39 masonry panels 444-5 modulus of elasticity in compression aerated concrete 124-5 concrete 25-7 plywood 346 timber 358 Compression testing machines certification for concrete cube tests 51-5 reference testing machine requirements 55 specification (for AAC) 159 stimulation of sudden variations of specimen reaction 583

Compression testing machines (continued) verification of stiffness 580 Compression tests aerated concrete 115-16,125 in air dry condition 120-1 directly after autoclaving 119 in dry state 117-18 baked clay masonry units 203-4 walls of storey height 205 concrete 17-18 after freeze-thaw test 540 effect of fly ash 69 load-bearing wall mortar 442 masonry panels 443-4,490-2 masonry units 456-8 mortar 442,46%71 site test 516-17 natural stone specimen geometry [l961 test method 197 plywood 346 prefabricated concrete elements 438-40 punched metal plate fasteners (for timber joints) 330 sulphur mortar 16 wall specimens 445-7,4747,490-2 Compressive load deformation of concrete under 38-40 Compressive strain aerated concrete 125 Compressive strength calculation of 18,116,118,119,121,125,346,457,470-1, 477,517 concrete combined NDT methods used 92-8 ultrasonic pulse method used 79 Concrete aggregates see Aggregates bleeding rate 49-50 carbonation depth 56-8 cavity defects 80 compressive strength 17-18 cube specimen sizes 10,51, [93] ultrasonic pulse method used 79 damaged layers thickness estimation 80-1 defectoscopy 80-1 deformation under compressive load 38-40 dynamic modulus of elasticity 75,78,83,84,85 dynamic Poisson's ratio 75,78,83,86 elastic properties 73-86 flexural test 19-20 center-point loading 20 two-point loading 19 fracture energy 99-101 size-effect method 102-6 freeze-thaw resistance 539-55 area scaled 541,542 critical-degree-of-saturation method 543-55 depth of scaling 541,542 dilation method 539,540 effect of air entrainment 539,541 effect of de-icing chemicals 541-2 resonant-frequency method 539,540 surface weight loss 541,542 visual appearance 541,542 fresh concrete bleeding rate 49-50 consistence 6-7 density 30 sampling in field 3 workability 4-5 homogeneity 79-80 impermeability to water 41-2 modulus of elasticity dynamic modulus of elasticity 75,78 in compression 25-7 modulus of rupture in flexure 20 non-destructive testing combination of NDT methods 92-8 hardness methods 87-91 resonant-frequency method 83-6 ultrasonic pulse method 73-82 porous concrete impermeability to water 43-4 shrinkagelswelling 28-9 slump test 4-5 surface cracks depth estimation 80 tensile test direct-tension test 23-4 splitting test 21-2 test specimens cappinglbedding of specimens 12-14 curing of specimens 9,52,57 geometry 8 hand compaction of specimens 9 moulds used 8,10-11 storage of specimens 9,14,17,52,57,99 vibratory compaction of specimens 8-9,52 ultrasonic testing 73-82 Vebe test 6-7 void defects 80 water absorption by capillarity 34-5 by immersion 33 under vacuum 36-7 see also Reinforced concrete Concrete bridges factors affecting safetylservice life 412 load testing in situ 386-91 categories of load tests 386 criteria for evaluation of load test 390-1 duration of load application 389 evaluation of load step 389-90 loads applied 388-9 preparation for test 387 procedure for test 387-8 report 391 long-term observation of 409-13 distribution of measurements 409 evaluation/interpretation of results 412-13 methods of measurement 409-10 observations to be made 410-12 periodicity of measurements 409 purpose of long-term observation 409 prestressing test of prefabricated elements 414-18 criteria for evaluation of test 417 definitions 414 equipment recommended [416] evaluation of load step 415-16 loading test conditions 414-15 measuring requirements 415 practical test procedure 415 report 417-18 routine observation of 376 Concrete durability changes during long-term observation of bridges 412 Concrete masonry units moisture states recommended for bond test 481 see also Masonry units Concrete quality changesduring long-term observation of bridges 411-12

Concrete structures carbonation depth measurement 56,58 dynamic behaviour 425-9 hardness testing 89-90 loading tests in situ 379-85 equipment recommended [383] evaluation of test results 384-5 known load-bearing capacity 384-5 loading test conditions 380-1 practical details for test 381-3 report of loading tests 383 requirements for measuring 383-4 symbols used on drawings 405-8 terminology used 403-4 test to failure 384 unknown load-bearing capacity 385 modulus of elasticity in compression 25 routine observation of 377-8 ultrasonic pulse method used to follow changes 80 water absorption determination 33,34,36 Concretes and cements experimental and theoretical studies 71-110 materials and technology 1-69 special concretes 111-79 Conditioning of test specimens aerated concrete 116,117,119,120,122,124,127,129, 132,134,146,149,155 bricks-mortar 529 concrete 9,38,539,541 fibre-reinforced cement 161,171-2,175 geotextiles 305 masonry panels 482,484,486,490,493,497,519 masonry units 457,460,462,467 mortar 469,472 plywood 344-5 renderings 527 timber 325,328,333,340,353 wall specimens 475,479,488,490,493,497 wood-based board materials 365 Cone penetration tests mortars 512 compared with other methods 512 Consistence tests concrete 4-7 slump test 4-5 Vebe test 6-7 mortar comparison of methods 511-12 dropping-ball method 510 flow table method 523 MO-meter 509 see also Workability Constant-load devices 581-2 Constant-load tests 582 applications 582 pacing errors 582 Continuous sample meaning of term 276 Contraction strain moisture-caused in fibre-reinforced cement 177 Control error (for testing equipment) 5 7 6 7 Conventional bond length prestressing tendons 241 see also Bond tests Copper resistance to corrosion by plasters 191 Corrosion marks concrete structures 378 steel structures 378 Corrosion potential measurement gypsum plaster in contact with metals 190 Corrosion protection aerated-concrete reinforcement 136-7 accelerated test under load conditions 139 sodium chloride used 138 gypsum plaster in contact with metals 189-91 see akro Galvanizing; Metallization; Paints; Surface coating Crack depth concrete 80 Crack width limits buildings load test 393 concrete bridges load test [390] long-term observation 412 prestressed concrete [390], 412 reinforced concrete [390], 412 Crack widths measuring equipment used [383], [416] Cracks concrete structures measurement during loading test [383] measurement during routine observation 377 steel structures routine observation 377 Crack-tip opening displacement see Critical crack-tip opening displacement Creep aerated-concrete-reinforcement interface 142 calculation of 39 concrete in bridges 411 deformation in compression aerated concrete 131 concrete 38 and n, 39 masonry panels 4 6 5 , 4 8 4 - 5 Crimping steel reinforcement 208,209 Critical crack-tip opening displacement (CTOD) calculation of 109 concretelmortar 106,107-10 Critical degree of saturation definition 543 freeze-thaw resistance of concrete assessed using 543-55 measurement methods 544-9,553,554-5 Critical effective crack length 108 Critical stress intensity factor calculation of 109 concretelmortar 107-10 Crossed-bricks couplets tensile bond strength 528-9 Cross-sectional area metallic specimens 228 coefficient of reduction 229,265 Curing (of concrete) hardness affected by 89 test specimens 9,52,57 see also Conditioning of test specimens Cut-back bitumen 273 Cyclic shear test masonry panels 497-500 Damping of vibrations bridges 419,427 concrete 85 concrete structures 427 meaning of term 420 see also Resonant-frequency method Dams design methods for dynamic behaviour 428 routine observation of 375 DB test see Dropping-ball method

Defectoscopy concrete 80-1 Deflection/displacement measurement load testing of buildings 393 load testing of concrete structures [383] long-term observation of bridges 410 prestressing test of prefabricated bridge elements [416] vibration testing of bridges 421 Deflectometers [383],[416],421 Deformation resistance mortars 526 Deformeters (deformometers) [383],410, [416] Degradation factors 557,559, [560] De-icing chemicals bridge decks affected by 412 freeze-thaw resistance of concrete affected by 541-2 see also Salt scale test DEMEC strain gauge 177 Density aerated concrete calculation of 116,118,121,125,126,128,130,148, 153 experimental determination 126 aggregates bulk density 47-8 particle density 45-6 area1 density geotextileslsynthetic membranes 306 baked clay masonry units 201 absolute density 201 bulk density 201 calculation of 30,32,116,118,121,125,126,128,130, 148,153,194,289,344,365 definitions 20,24,26,29,30,31,285-6 fresh concrete 30 hardened concrete experimental determination 31-2 typical value 33n hydrocarbon binders 285-9 lightweight concrete 114 linear density units (yarn) 299 natural stone 19absolute density 193-4 bulk density 193 plywood 344 polyethylenes (quoted) 298 steel (quoted) 210,230,257 timber 353 water (quoted, at various temperatures) [289], 402 wood-based board materials 365 see also Bulk. . .; Particle. . .; Relative density; Specific mass Dental plaster 185 Diagonal shear test wall specimens 488-9 Dichloromethane hydrocarbon binders recovery using 295-6 Dilatometric clips use in long-term observation of bridges 410 Dimensional tolerance checking reinforcement for reinforced concrete 256 Dimensional tolerances prestresssing steel bardwires 234-5 Direct air pressure out-of-plane flexural test of full-scale masonry panels using 494,495 Direct pull test brick-mortar bond strength determined using 535 Displacement measurement see Deflectionldisplacement measurement Distancemeters use in long-term observation of bridges 410 Diversion tubes sampling of hydrocarbon binders using 278 Divided sample hydrocarbon binders 283 meaning of term 276 Drainage steel structures checking of 378 Dropping-ball method (for mortar consistence) 510 compared with other methods 512 Dry sieving fly-ash fineness determined using 66 Drying shrinkage aerated concrete 127-8 calculation of 128 concrete 28 Durability meaning of term 557 Durability tests 537-55 Dwellings load testing in situ 392-4 see also Buildings Dynamic behaviour concrete structures 425-9 design methods for different types of structures 427-9 bell towers 428-9 bridges 427-8 buildings 428 chimneys 428 dams 428 offshore cranes 428 offshore platforms 428 transmission towers 429 wind turbines 428 effects of vibration 426-7 experimental methods 427 field tests 427 laboratory tests 427 loadings affecting 425-6 Dynamic characteristics concrete bridges long-term observation 412 Dynamic load tests concrete bridge structures 386,419-24 ambient load test 420 criteria for evaluation of test results 39&1,421-3 evaluation of data 389 excitation load test 388,421 impact load test 388,420 instruments used 421 pedestrian walkingljumping test 388,421 preparation for tests 387,420 test loads applied 388,42&1 vehicle running test 388,42&1 Dynamic loadings plant loading 425-6 seismic loading 426 wave loading 426 wind loading 426 Dynamic modulus of elasticity 83 determination resonant-frequency method used 84,85 ultrasonic pulse method used 75,78 Dynamic Poisson's ratio 83 determination resonant-frequency method used 86 ultrasonic pulse method used 75,78 typical values for concrete 78 Dynamic shear modulus 83 determination

Dynamic shear modulus (continued) resonant-frequency method used 85 Dynamics loading cases treated 425 Edge straightness precast concrete building elements 433 Elasticity modulus see Modulus of elasticity Elasticity test built masonry 506-8 see also Secant. . .; Tangent modulus Electro-acoustic transducers use in resonant-frequency method 83 Electro-chemical test methods gypsum plaster in contact with metals 190 polarization curves 190 polarization strength determination 190 potential measurement 190 Electrolytic deposition metals in contact with gypsum plaster 191 Elongation at maximum stress geotextiles 317 reinforcement for reinforced concrete 210 End threading (of steel reinforcement) 208-9 Engineering strain 263 Ethylene polyterephthalate 298 Exceptional load tests concrete bridge structures 386 test loads used 388 Excitation load test bridge structures 388,421 Exfoliation 114 Expanding (process) 114 Expansion joints routine observation of 377 Expansion strain moisture-caused in fibre-reinforced cement 177 Expansive inclusions (in baked clay masonry) bursting test 202 Extensometers tension testing of metals 262 Exterior plaster 185 Extrusion 114 Fatigue bond properties of prestressing tendons for members subject to 245-6 concrete structures 426 prestressed concrete 246 prestressing steel bardwires 250-5 reinforcement for reinforced concrete 223-7 Fatigue testing equipment drive performance 574-5 energy considerations 587-8 transition problems in block programming 583-4 verification methods 580-1 Ferric oxide content fly ash 61 Fibre-reinforced cement (FRC) apparent porosity 1 6 4 6 bulk density 164-6 flexural energy absorption characteristics 171-3 impact resistance direct assessment 1 7 5 4 indirect assessment 174 limit of proportionality 161-3 modulus of rupture 161-3 moisture movement 177-9 water absorption 1 6 4 6 water permeance/permeability 167-70 Fibre-reinforced concrete test not recommended 99 Field sampling fresh concrete 3 see also in situ sampling Field tests see in situ testing Finishing coat plaster 185 Flat jacks 503,504,506,507 in-situ masonry tests using 503-8 Flexural energy absorption fibre-reinforced cement 171-3 Flexural strength calculation of 20,473 Flexural tests concrete 19-20 after freeze-thaw test 540 masonry units 459-61 mortar 472-3 natural stone [196], 197 out-of-plane flexural strength of full-scale masonry panels 493-6 prefabricated concrete elements 436-7 wall specimens 478-80 Flooring plaster 185 Floors joints with walls 443-52 load testing in situ 393 Flow table method (for mortar consistence) 523 compared with other methods 512 Fluxed bitumen 273 Fly ash aluminium oxide content 61-2 ammonium content 63 calcium oxide content 62 free calcium oxide 63 chemical composition 60-3 chloride content 62-3 definition 60,67 ferric oxide content 61 fineness 64-6 Blaine apparatus used 66 dry sieving used 66 wet sieving used 64-6 glass content 63-4 loss on ignition 60 magnesium oxide content 62 moisture content 60 particle density 64 Le Chatelier flask used 64 pycnometer bottle used 64 pozzolanic activity 68-9 properties in concrete and mortar 67-9 cement used 68 silicon oxide content 60-1 soluble silicon oxide 61 total silicon oxide 60-1 sulphate content 62 total alkali oxides content 63 water requirement 68 in concrete 68 inmortar 68 in paste 68 Foam concrete 114 see also Aerated concrete Foaming blastfurnace slag 114 Footbridges 426,427 Foundation settlement observation of 377 Fracture energy aerated concrete 156-8 calculation of 100, 157

Fracture energy (continued) concrete 99-106 size-effect method 102-6 three-point bend tests on notched beams 99-101 wedge-splitting tests on notched specimens 156-7 Fracture process zone size size-effect method used in determination 106 Frame beams load testing in situ 392 Frame bridges long-term observation of 409 Freeze-thaw resistance (of concrete) 539-55 compressive strength affected by 540 critical-degree-of-saturation method 543-55 calculation of freeze-thaw resistance 551-2,555 measurement of capillarity degree of saturation 549-51,5534,555 measurement of critical degree of saturation 544-9, 553,5545 multi-cycle freeze-thaw test 544,545,546-8 practical example 554-5 single-cycle freeze-thaw test 545,548-9 dilation test 539,540 effect of air entrainment 539,541 effect of de-icing chemicals 541-2 area of scaling 541,542 depth of scaling 541,542 surface weight loss 541,542 visual description 541,542 flexural strength affected by 540 resonant-frequency method 539,540 Frequency spectrum analysis vibration testing of bridges 421-2 Friction testing equipment affected by 586-7 gripping devices 586-7 load-measuring devices 587 FT test see Flow table method Fundamental frequency (of vibration) 84,420 bridges 428 offshore platforms 428 tall buildings 428 Galvanizing metals in contact with gypsum plaster 191 Gamma-radiography corrosion of reinforcement in bridges checked using 412 Gas concrete 114 see also Aerated concrete Gay-Lussac pyknometer 286 see also Pycnometer . . . Geodetical method disadvantages in long-term observation of structures 398 use in long-term observation of bridges 410,411 Geogrids 299 manufacturing processes 302 Geonets 299 manufacturing processes 302 Geotextiles characteristics/properties 299-300 conditioning atmosphere recommended 305 constituents 297 characteristics 302-3 definition 298 elongation at maximum stress 317 filtration diameter 310-11 hydraulicpermittivity 312-14 hydraulic transmittivity 315-16 identification 301 knitted fabrics 299 manufacturing processes 302 non-woven fabrics 299

openings size distribution 308-9 polymers used 297-8 sampling methods 304 slip resistance 319-21 tearing strength 318 tensile strength 317 terminology 297-300 thickness measurement 307 transmittivity 315-16 types of products 298-9 weight per unit area 306 woven products 298-9 see also Synthetic membranes Girders load testing in situ 392 Gravimetric determinations aerated concrete 126 aggregates 45-8 baked clay masonry units 200-1 concrete fresh concrete 30 hardened concrete 31-2 natural stone 192-4 see also Bulk density; Density; Particle density Guarded hot-plate apparatus cold plates 150 guarded heater plate 149-50 principle of apparatus 149 temperature measurements 150 thermal conductivity of AAC determined using 149-51 Gypsum concrete 184 Gypsum plaster 184 bedding of concrete specimens with 14 capping of concrete specimens with 13 hardness 186-8 metals in contact with 189-91 artificial ageing test method 189-90 choice of suitable metalslprotection methods 191 electro-chemical test methods 190 nomenclature 183-5 Gypsum plaster mortar 184 Hand compaction bleeding of concrete mix determined using 49 concrete specimens 9 Hand tools hydrocarbon binders sampled using 280-1 masonry sampled using 502 Harbour structures routine observation of 377 Hardness Brinell method 186-7 calibration method 89 concrete 87-91 quality monitored 411 depth influencing reading 90 devices used 91,186,187 basic principles 87-8, 186 factors influencing estimation of strength 88-9 age of concrete 89 aggregate type 88 carbonation effects 89 cement content 88 cement type 88 compaction variations 89 curinglhardening of concrete 89 moisture conditions of surface 89 surface geometryltype 88-9 gypsum plaster 186-8 indentation testers 87,91 limitations of tests 87 quality-control application 88

Hardness (continued) rebound testers 87,91 scope of tests 87 Shore method 186,187,188 strength estimation using 88 testing concrete in structure 89-90 uniformity of concrete quality assessed in terms of 88 see also Indentation.. .; Rebound testers Hardwall plaster 184 Hemihydrate plaster 184 Hermite permeameter 522 High-alumina cement mortar bedding of concrete specimens with 14 capping of concrete specimens with 13 Highway bridges damping values 427 see also Bridges; Concrete. . .; Road bridges Hinges concrete structures routine observation of 377 Hooke's Law 397 Hoop reinforcement prestressed concrete using 245 Horizontal testing machines coordinate systems for 572 Hot galvanizing metals in contact with gypsum plaster 191 Hubbard pyknometer 286 see also Pycnometer . . . Human tolerances vibration 426 Hydraulic permittivity geotextiles 312-14 Hydraulic rams out-of-plane flexural test of full-scale masonry panels using 494,495 Hydraulic sensors 411 Hydraulic transmittivity geotextiles 315-16 Hydraulically setting mortar compressive strength 469-71 sitetest 516-17 Hydrocarbon binders composite binders 273 density determination 285-9 filled binders 273 modified binders 273 .needle penetration test 290-4 recovery from bituminous mixes 2 9 5 4 sampling methods 275-84 containers for samples 277 definitions 276-7 deviceslequipment used 278-81 form for report 284 fundamentals of sampling 277 further teatment of samples 283-4 number of samples 277 procedures 281-3 protection and preservation of samples 278 safety precautions 275-6 size of samples 277 terminology 273-4 Hydrocarbons and synthetics 271-321 Hygroscopical desorption capacity calculation of 133 Hygroscopical desorption characteristics aerated concrete 132-3 Immersion in water concrete 33

natural stone 194-5 under vacuum concrete 36-7 natural stone 195,196 Impact load test bridge structures 388,420 Impact resistance fibre-reinforced cement direct assessment 175-6 indirect assessment 174 Impact strength renderings 533 In situ observation quick routine observation of structures 375-8 In situ sampling fresh concrete 3 hydrocarbon binders 283 see also Sampling methods In situ testing aerated concrete adhesion of mortardcoatings 160 buildingddwellings load test 392-4 combined NDT methods used 92-8 concrete carbonation 56,58 hardness 89-90 ultrasonic pulse method 73,80 concrete bridges 386-91 vibration test used 419-24 concrete structures dynamic tests 427 static load test 37S85 symbols used on drawings 405-8 terminology used 403-4 geotextiles slip resistance in soil 319-21 gypsum plaster hardness 187-8 masonry strengthlelasticity test 506-8 stress measurement 503-5 ultrasonic pulse method used 73,80 vibrating-wire method used 395-7 Inclinometers [383], 411 Incompatibility (degradation) factors 557,559, [560] Indentation (hardness) testers 91,186,187 basic principles 87-9,186 see also Brine11hardness test Indirect tensile tests concrete 21-2 load-bearing walls 441 masonry units 4 6 2 4 natural stone specimen geometry [l961 test method 197-8 see also Splitting tests Inductive displacement gauges [383], [416] Industrial buildings load testing in situ 392-4 routine observation of large buildings 377 Infrared telescopes use in long-term observation of bridges 410 Initial adhesion properties mortar 514 Initial rate of absorption (IRA) calculation of 202,467 Initial rate of suction (IRS) baked clay masonry units 202 masonry units 467-8 Inorganic materials (excluding cements and concretes) 181-270


Load-bearing walls blockdbricks tensile test 441 water absorption test 441-2 joints between panels 453-5 alternating tests 455 test machine/devices 454,455 test method 455 test pieces 453,454 joints with floors 448-52 measurements 451 stability of test piece in testing machine 452 test piece 448-9 test procedure 450-2 masonry compressive strength 443 creep deformation 444-5 shrinkage 445 methods of testing basic materials 441-2 masonry panels 442-5 structural wall units 445-7 mortar bending test 442 compression test 442 reinforced AAC wall elements 154-5 storey-high structural units 445-7 centred tests 446 eccentric loading tests 446-7 Loading tests in situ buildingddwellings 3 9 2 4 concrete bridges 38&91 concrete structures 37F85 symbols used on drawings 405-8 terminology used 403-4 Logarithmic decrement (for vibration) bell towers 428-9 bridges 421,427 buildings 428 calculation of 85,427 chimneys 428 concrete beams 85 dams 428 Longitudinally acting machinery dynamic loading due to 425-6 Long-term ageing tests 561-2 Long-term observations/tests concrete bridges 409-13 distribution of measurements 409 evaluationlinterpretation of results 412-13 methods of measurement 409-10 observations to be made 410-12 periodicity of measurements 409 purpose of long-term observation 409,419 vibration test used 419-24 vibrating-wire method used 395-7,410 water levelling method used 398402,410 Loss on ignition (LOI) fly ash 60 Low-workability concrete slump test not recommended 4 Vebe test 6 Magnesium oxide content fly ash 62 Main stream sample meaning of term 276 Martempering (of steel) 207 Martensitic quench 207 Masonry flexural bond strength 481-3,518-19 in-situ strengthlelasticity tests 506-8

Interlaminar shear strength plywood 347-9 wood-based board materials 37&1 Internal-strain measurement long-term observation of bridges 410 IRS test see Initial rate of suction Iso-strength curves reference concrete (SONREB method) 9 3 4 number of samples required 93 parameters varied to obtain curves 93 Isothermal relaxation test definition 248 prestressing steel bardwires 248-9 Jointing plaster 185 Joints horizontal joints between walls and floors 448-52 mechanically fastened joints in timber structures 32542 vertical joints between wall panels 453-5 welded joints in reinforcement steel 145,221-2 Keene's cement 185 Knitted fabrics (geotextiles) 299 manufacturing processes 302 Laboratory sample meaning of term 277 Lang method thermal conductivity of AAC determined using 146-8 Large roofed public enclosures routine observation of 377 Large specimens concrete specimens fracture-energy size-effects method not recommended 105 Laser levelling method use in long-term observation of bridges 410 Lateral valves sampling of hydrocarbon binders using 279 Layer sample meaning of term 276 Le Chatelier flask particle density determined using 64 Lightweight aggregates in concrete 113,114 in plasters 185, 188 Lightweight concrete 113-14 aggregate types used 113,114 binder types used 113,114 classification of types 113, 114 curing conditions used 113 definitions 114 fully compacted lightweight concrete 114 identification number 113 partially compacted lightweight concrete 114 processes used 113-14 terminology 113-14 see also Aerated.. .; Autoclaved aerated concrete Lightweight plasters 185 Lime mortar force-deformation diagram 526 see also Mortars Limit of proportionality fibre-reinforced cement 161-3 Load-slip characteristics mechanically fastened timber joints 326,329-30, 332 wood-based board materials 371 Load-bearing capacity reinforced AAC wall elements 154-5 Load-bearing concrete structures static loading tests in situ 379-85

Masonry (continued) in-situ stress tests 503-5 removal and testing of specimens from built structures 501-2 equipment/tools required 502 suitability of tests [Sol] Masonry mortar bond strength 481-3,518-19 see also Mortars Masonry panels compressive strength 4434,490-2 creep behaviour 4445,484-5 cyclic shear test 497-500 out-of-plane flexural test (full-scale wall) 493-6 shear strength of horizontal joints 486-7 see also Wall specimens Masonry units compression test 456-8 flexural test 459-61 initial adhesion of mortar 514 suction test 467-8 water absorption/porosity 4 6 5 4 see also Baked clay masonry Measurement errors 576 in testing equipment 576,587 Measuring magnifiers use in long-term observation of bridges 410 Measuring tapes use in long-term observation of bridges 410 Menegotto-Pinto model 266-7 Metallic structural materials tensile testing 259-70 Metallization metals in contact with gypsum plaster 191 Microcellular concrete 114 Microwave transmission towers 427 Modulus of elasticity aerated concrete in compression 124-5 calculation of 26,27,125,231,264 concrete in compression 25-7 dynamic modulus of elasticity 75,78,83,84,85 metallic structural materials 264 plywood in bending 345 in compression 346 in tension 347 prestressing steel bars/wires/strands 231,257-8 relations to other elastic constants 83 timber apparent modulus of elasticity (in shear) 355, 356 in bending 354-5 in compression 358 edgewise modulus of elasticity 353-4 flatwise modulus of elasticity 354 in tension 357 wood-based board materials in bending 365-6 in compression 366 in tension 367 see also Young's modulus Modulus of rupture aerated concrete 122-3 concrete 20 fibre-reinforced cement 161-3 masonry 519 Moisture hardness affected by 89 measurement during long-term observation of bridges 411 Moisture content aerated concrete 116,118,121,125,128,130 simulated practical moisture content 134-5 calculation of 60,116,118,121,125,128,130,135,364 fly ash 60 plywood 344 timber 352 wood-based board materials 364 Moisture movement fibre-reinforced cement 177-9 length change during in aerated concrete 129-30 in mortar 524-5 MO-meter (mortar consistence test) 509 compared with other methods 512 Mortars adhesion to AAC 160 bendinglflexural tests 442,472-3 bleeding capacity 515 bond strength with bricks 528-9,535 with masonry units 481-3,51%19,535 compressive strength 442,469-71 site test 51617 consistence comparison of methods 511-12 dropping-ball method 510 flow table method 523 MO-meter 509 fracture energy 99-101 fracture parameters 107-10 initial-adhesion properties 514 length change during moisture movement 524-5 resistance to deformation 526 water-retention capacity 513 water-separation tendency 515 see also Bricklaying. . .; Masonry. . .; Plastering. . .; Rendering. . .; Sulphur mortar Moulding plaster 185 Moulds concrete specimens 8,lO-11 mortar specimens 469,472-3,510,516,517 sulphur mortar specimens 16 Nailed timber joints 333-8 with axially loaded nails 336-8 with laterally loaded nails 333-6 Nails bending test 337,338 Natural frequency meaning of term 83,419 and Poisson's ratio 86 relation with stiffness 423 Natural stone compactness 194 density 193-4 gravimetric measurements 192-4 mechanical tests 1 9 6 8 porosity 194 sampling procedure 192 test methods 192-9 water absorption 194-6 Needle penetration test hydrocarbon binders 290-4 Nick-point absorption 551 Nodulation (process) 114 Nomenclature see Terminology/nomenclature Nominal stress calculation of 229,263 Non-axial loading (in testing equipment) 579 Non-cohesive concrete slump test not recommended 4

Non-destructive testing concrete combined NDT methods used in strength determination 88,92-8 hardness methods 87-91 resonant-frequency method 83-6 ultrasonic pulse method 73-82 double combinations of NDT methods 92,96 principles for combination of NDT measurements 92 triple combinations of NDT methods 9 2 , 9 6 7 Non-woven fabrics (geotextiles) 299 filtration diameter 310-11 hydraulic permeability 312-14 manufacturing processes used 302 Notched specimens three-point bend tests concrete 100,102-3 wedge-splitting tests aerated concrete 156 Nuclear power plants routine observation of 377 Offshore cranes/platforms design methods for dynamic behaviour 428 Open sampling tube 280 Oscillating machinery dynamic loading due to 425 Out-of-plane flexural strength full-scale masonry panels 493-6 Overhead travelling cranes beams supporting criteria in load test 393 Pacing errors (constant-load tests) 582 Paints metals in contact with gypsum plaster 191 Panel shear modulus plywood 349-50 wood-based board materials 370 Panel shear strength plywood 347-9 wood-based board materials 368-70 Parian's cement 184 Particle board see Wood-based board material Particle density aggregates 45-6 calculation of 46 definition 45 fly ash 64 Patenting (cooling) of steel 207 Pedestrian bridges 426 Pedestrian walkingtjumping test bridge structures 388,421 Pelletization 114 Pendulum ball test surface strength of renderings assessed using 533 Penetration length nails in wood 334 staples in wood 340 Penetration tests hydrocarbon binders 290-4 mortars 512 Permanent deformations bridge structures maximum permissible [390] observation of 377 Permeability see Water permeability Phenolphthalein indicator method (for carbonation of concrete) 56-8 Phosphoplasters behaviour of metals in contact 191 Photogrammetric methods use in long-term observation of bridges 410 Photostress foils 411 Pipelines (hydrocarbon binders) sampling methods 282 Pitch - bitumens 273 Planeness definition 17n precast concrete building elements 432-3 rendered surfaces 530 Plant loading 425-6 Plaster of Paris 185 Plaster-based adhesive 185 Plastered surfaces planeness 530 Plastering mortars water-retention capacity 513 water-separation tendency 515 see also Mortars Plasters adhesion to AAC 160 with aggregates hardness measurements 188 American kind 185 French kind 184,185 types 184-5 Plasticity mortar 511 measuring devices 512 Plywood bending strengthktiffness 345 compression strengthlstiffness 346 conditioning of test specimens 344-5 density 344 in-planelplies shear strength/modulus 350-1 moisture content 344 panel shear modulus 349-50 panel shear strength 347-9 tension strengtwstiffness 3 4 6 7 test methods 343-51 see also Wood-based board material Poisson's ratio calculation for metallic structural materials 264 dynamic Poisson's ratio determination using ultrasonic pulse method 75,78 relation to modulus of elasticity 83 Poker vibrator compaction of concrete specimens using 9 Polarization curves gypsum plaster in contact with metals 190 Polarization strength measurement gypsum plaster in contact with metals 190 Polyamides 297-8 Polyesters 298 Polyethylene 298 high-density polyethylene 298 low-density polyethylene 298 Polyolefine 298 Polypropylene 298 Porometry dry porometry geotextiles 308-9 wet porometry geotextiles 310-11 Porosity baked clay masonry units 201 natural stone 194 see also Apparent porosity; Water penetration Porous concrete permeability to water 43-4 Portable tools masonry samples taken using 502

Portland cement concrete water requirement of fly ash in 68 Portland cement mortar bedding of concrete specimens with 14 capping of concrete specimens with 13 water requirement of fly ash in 68 Portland cement paste capping of concrete specimens with 13 water requirement of fly ash in 68 Pottery plaster 185 Power requirements testing equipment 578 Pozzolanic activity fly ash 68-9 Precastfprefabricated concrete elements bridges prestressing test 414-18 buildings principal criteria for acceptance [430] surface appearance 432-5 compression tests 438-40 flexurayshearing tests 436-7 Predictive service life tests 557,562 Premixed plasters 185 Prestress losses long-term measurement on bridges 411 Prestressed concrete crack width limits [390], 412 terminology for barlwire 207-9 see also Reinforced concrete Prestressing steel barslwires bend test 236-7 fatigue test 250-5 geometrical characteristics 234-5 isothermal relaxation test 248-9 modulus of elasticity 231,257-8 surface condition 235 tensile test 228-33,257-8 torsion test 23940 wire-winding test 238 Prestressing test bridge prefabricated elements 414-18 Projection plaster 185 Proof strength determination half elastic slope method used 264 offset method used 264 metallic structural materials 264 Proportionality limit fibre-reinforced cement 161-3 Protective coatings metals in contact with gypsum plaster 191 steel reinforcement 208 see also Corrosion protection Public buildings (large) routine observation of 377 Pull test brick-mortar bond strength 535 Pull-out tests (reinforcement from concrete) aerated concrete 218-20 concrete 140 Pull-through tests nails in timber 337,338 staples in timber 342 Punched metal plate fasteners definition 328 tensile strength 330 timber joints using 328-30 Push-out test (reinforcement from concrete) 141 Pycnometer-bottle density-determination baked clay masonry units 201 calibration procedure 287 fly ash 64 hydrocarbon binders 285-9 liquid samples 287-8 solid/semi-solid samples 288 natural stone 193-4 Pyknometer see Pycnometer.. . Quality control aerated concrete 119 concrete 88 masonry 518 Quartering (of samples) 281 baked clay masonry units 201 hydrocarbon binders 283 Quick routine observation of structures 375-8 frequency of observation 376 nature of observation 377-8 concrete structures 377-8 steel structures 378 object of programmes 375-6 works to be submitted 3 7 6 7 Radiography corrosion of reinforcement in bridges checked using 412 Railway bridges loading test preparation for test 387 test loads applied 388 routine observation of 376 see also Bridges Ramberg-Osgood model 267 Rebend test steel reinforcement 212 Rebound index in combination with ultrasonic pulse velocity 92-3 Rebound testers basic principles 87 listed 91 in SONREB method 93,96 Referee sample meaning of term 277 Reference concretes bond tests prestressing wires in concrete 247 reinforcement in reinforced concrete 213-14,218-19 iso-strength curves 93 typical parameters quoted [97] Reference Laboratory concrete compression testing definition 51 Reference machine concrete cube compression testing machine definition 51 requirements for regular assessment 55 Reinforced AAC bond strength 140-1 creep at interface 142 tranverse load test 1 4 M wall elements loadbearing capacity 154-5 see also Reinforcement, aerated concrete Reinforced concrete crack width limits [390], 412 ultrasonic pulse method used in testing 7 6 8 axis of reinforcement parallel to pulse 77,78 axis of reinforcement perpendicular to pulse 76-8,77 two-way reinforcement 78 wall panels vertical joints between large panels 453-5 see also Concrete Reinforcement aerated concrete

Reinforcement (continued) corrosion protection of 136-7 accelerated test under load conditions 139 sodium chloride used 138 pull-out test 140 push-out test 141 reinforced concrete bond tests 213-20 cold-working operations 208 corrosion in bridge structures 412 dimensional tolerance checking 256 end-anchorage preparation 208-9 heat treatments used 207-8 mechanical formingtshaping operations 208 surface conditions 208 tensile test 210 terminology used 207-9 types of product 207 Relative density calculation of 288,289 definition 286 hydrocarbon binders 288-9 see also Particle density Rendered surfaces control of smoothness 531 planeness 530 Rendering mortars water-retention capacity 513 water-separation tendency 515 see also Mortars Renderingdrenders abrasion resistance 520 adhesion to AAC 160 bond strength shear test 527 torsion test 534 impact strength 533 surface strength adhesive tape test 532 pendulum ball test 533 water permeability 521-2 Representative sample meaning of term 276 Resistance to deformation mortar 526 Resonance meaning of term 83,420 Resonant-frequency method bridges tested using 421 concrete tested using 8 M freeze-thaw tests 539,540 dynamic modulus of elasticity determined using 84-5 flexural vibrations 85 longitudinal vibrations 84-5 general principles of method 83 measuring equipment used 83 various forms of vibrations 84 Return period wave height 426 wind speed 426 Reversible cyclic strain moisture-caused in fibre-reinforced cement 177 Road bridges loading test preparation for test 387 test loads applied 388 routine observation of 376 see also Bridges; Highway bridges Road traffic dynamic displacements caused by 427 in testing of bridges 388,420-1

Rocks see Aggregates; Masonry; Natural stone; Stone Roofs load testing in situ 392,393 Rotary brush abrasion resistance of renderings characterized using 520 Rotary (vacuum distillation) evaporator 296 recovery of hydrocarbon binders using 295-6 Rotating machinery dynamic loading due to 425 RotationaVtorsional measurement load testing of concrete structures [383] long-term observation of bridges 411 prestressing test of prefabricated bridge elements [416] Round house type materials stress-strain relationship 264,267 Routine observation of structures 375-8 Rupture modulus aerated concrete 122-3 concrete 20 fibre-reinforced cement 161-3 Rusting see Corrosion.. . Safety precautions hydrocarbon binders sampling 2 7 5 4 Salt scale test 412 see also De-icing chemicals Sampling methods aggregates 47 baked clay masonry units 200,201,204, [206] fibre-reinforced cement 161,164,171,175,177 fly ash 60,68 fresh concrete 3,30,49 geotextiledsynthetic membranes 304 hardness tests 90,188 hydrocarbon binders 275-84 containers for samples 277 definitions 276-7 deviceslequipment used 278-81 form for report 284 fundamentals of sampling 277 further teatment of samples 283-4 number of samples 277 procedures 281-3 protection and preservation of samples 278 safety precautions 275-6 size of samples 277 masonry 501-2 natural stone 192 plywood 343,344 wood-based board materials 363,364 Sampling valves (for hydrocarbon binders) 278, 281 Saturation capillarity degree of saturation 543 measurement methods 549-51 critical degree of saturation 543 measurement methods 544-9 definition of degree of saturation 543 Scaling (of concrete) after freeze-thaw test 541,542 on bridge decks 412 Schmidt rebound hammers 87,91,93 Sclerometry concrete quality tested using 411 see also Hardness; Rebound hammers; Schmidt rebound hammers Screwed timber joints 333n see also Nailed timber joints Secant modulus calculation of 25,477,491,508 concrete 25 masonry 477,491,508

Seismic loading 426 masonry panels designed to resist seismic forces cyclic shear test 497-500 Seismographs 412 Self-levelling floor screeds 185 Service life (of building materials and components) degradation factors affecting 559, [560] meaning of term 557 prediction of 562 definitions used 5 5 6 7 effects of degradation 560-1 methodology 558,559-62 pre-tests 561 tests used 561-2 Serviceability meaning of term 557 Servo-controlled testing systems specification 575 suddenly varying specimen reaction 582-3 verification of performance 580-1 Severe load tests concrete bridge structures 386 test loads used 388 Shear modulus concrete determination using resonant-frequency method 85 interlaminar shear modulus wood-based materials 350-1,371 panel shear modulus wood-based materials 349-503370 plywood in-planelplies shear modulus 350-1 panel shear modulus 34950 relation to modulus of elasticity 83 timber single span method 3 5 5 4 variable span method 356 wood-based board materials interlaminar shear modulus 371 panel shear modulus 370 Shear strength interlaminar shear strength wood-based materials 350-1,370-1 panel shear strength wood-based materials 347-9,368-70 plywood in-planelplies shear strength 350-1 panel shear strength 347-9 prefabricated concrete elements 4 3 6 7 punched metal plate fasteners (for timber joints) 331-2 rendering-substrate bond 527,534 welded joints of reinforcement steel 145,222 wood-based board materials interlaminar shear strength 370-1 panel shear strength 368-70 Shear tests cyclic test for masonry panels 497-500 horizontal joints in masonry panels 4 8 6 7 rendering-substrate bond strength 527 Shore hardness test 186,187,188 Shrinkage concrete 28 in bridges 411 relation to cracking 28 definitions 28,524 deformation hardened concrete 38 and n masonry panels 445,485 mortar 525 Side stream sample diversion tube used 278 meaning of term 276 Sieving methods fly-ash fineness determined using 64-6 woven geotextiles size distribution determination similar to 308-9 see also Dry. . .; Wet sieving Silicon oxide content fly ash 6 G 1 Silos load testing in situ 392-3 routine observation of 377 Simply supported beams bridges with long-term observation of 409 Simulated practical moisture content aerated concrete 134-5 Sintering (process) 114 Size-effects method concrete fracture energy determined using 1 0 2 4 size effect illustrated 105 Slabs load testing in situ 392,393 Slip (deformation) characteristics mechanically fastened timber joints calculation of slip 326-7 measurement of slip 326 wood-based board materials 371 Slip resistance geotextiles 319-21 Slump test (for concrete) 4-5 Smith diagram (fatigue testing) prestressing steel barslwires 254,255 Smoothness control rendered surfaces 531 Soil slip resistance of geotextiles 319-21 SONREB method 93 accuracy 96 coefficients of influence determined .94-5 in situ strength estimated using 96 iso-strength curves established for reference concrete 93-4,97 example of graph 97 example of table [98] old concretes 95 rebound hammer measurements 93,96 standard deviation coefficient calculated 94 ultrasonic pulse velocity measurements 93,96 unknown-composition concretes 95 see also Rebound. . .; Ultrasonic pulse method Spalls precast concrete building elements meaning of term 432 measurement 433 Span bridges long-term observation of 409 Special concretes 111-79 Specific fracture energy aerated concrete 1 5 6 8 see also Fracture energy Specific mass fresh concrete 30 hardened concrete 31 see also Density Split sampling tube 280,281 Splitting test concrete 21-2 masonry units 462-4 natural stone 197-8 see also Indirect tensile tests Spot sample meaning of term 276 Spray plaster 185

Stainless steels resistance to corrosion by plasters 191 Stapled timber joints 339-42 with axially loaded staples 341-2 with laterally loaded staples 340-1 Static load tests concrete bridge structures 386 criteria for evaluation of load test 390-1 evaluation of data 389 preparation for test 387 test loads applied 388 concrete structures 379-85 Statics loading cases treated 425 Steel reinforcement strain-age embrittlement susceptibility 212 see also Reinforcement Steel structures connections observation of 378 routine observation of 378 Steel wires see Prestressing steel bardwires Steels corrosion by plasters 191 Steel-to-wood joints 336 Stiff plaster 185 Stiffness testing equipment 577,584-5 Stone artificial stone (baked clay masonry) test methods 200-6 see also Baked clay masonry units natural stone compactness 194 density 193-4 gravimetric measurements 192-4 mechanical tests 196-8 porosity 194 sampling procedure 192 test methods 192-9 water absorption 194-6 Straight-through sample meaning of term 276 Strain gauges in long-term observation of bridges 410 moisture movement of fibre-reinforced cement 177 Strain hardening point 265 Strain measurement load testing of concrete structures [383] long-term observation of bridges 410 prestressing test of prefabricated bridge elements [416] Strain-age embrittlement susceptibility steel reinforcement 212 Strain-softening diagram aerated concrete 157 Stress factors meaning of term 557 service life affected by 559, [560] Stress intensity factor see Critical stress intensity factor Stress measurement long-term observation of bridges 410-11 Stress-strain curves metallic structural materials 265 Menegotto-Pinto model applied 266-7 Ramberg-Osgood model applied 267-8 prestressing steel bardwires 232 Strongfloors (in testing rooms) coordinate system 572 qualitative specification 570 verification of stiffness 580 Structures 37S540 aerated concrete structures loadbearing capacity of reinforced AAC wall elements 154-5 specific fracture energy determination 156-8 concrete structures carbonation depth measurement 5 6 , 5 8 dynamic behaviour 425-9 hardness testing 89-90 modulus of elasticity in compression 25 routine observation of 377-8 static load test in situ 379-85 ultrasonic pulse method used to follow changes 80 water absorption determination 3 3 , 3 4 , 3 6 observation of quick routine observation in situ 375-8 water levelling method used 3 9 W 0 2 steel structures routine observation of 378 testing in situ static load test of concrete structures 379-85 vibrating-wire method used 395-7 see also Bridges; Buildings; Concrete structures Stucco 185 Submersible equipment sampling of hydrocarbon binders using 278-80 Suction test baked clay masonry units 202 masonry units 467-8 see also Initial rate of suction (IRS) Sulphate content fly ash 62 Sulphur mortar bedding of concrete specimens with 14 capping of concrete specimens with 14,15-16 determination of compressive strength 16 mix proportions 13,15 Surface appearance concrete after freeze-thaw test 541,542 precast concrete elements for buildings 432-5 appearance requirements 432 blow-hole incidence 434 colour-variation grey scale 435 definitions used 432 measurable characteristics 432-3 visual checks 433,43&5 Surface coatings adhesion to AAC 160 Surface condition prestressing steel bardwires 235 reinforcement for reinforced concrete 208 Surface geometryltype hardness affected by 88-9 Surface sample meaning of term 276 Surface sampling cans (hydrocarbon binders) 279-80 Surface strength renderings adhesive tape test 532 pendulum ball test 533 Surface weight loss concrete after freezethaw test 541,542 Surface-strain measurement long-term observation of bridges 410 Surgical plaster 185 Swelling 28 concrete 28-9 Symbols loading tests in situ of concrete structures 405-8 example of use 408 Synergism ageing tests 562n

Synthetic membranes characteristicdproperties 299-300 constituents 297 characteristics 302-3 identification 301 sampling methods 304 terminology 297-300 test methods 306-21 see also Geotextiles Tall buildings design for dynamic behaviour 428 Tall structures routine observation of 377 Tamping rod dimensions 4,7,8,48,49 Tangent modulus calculation of 491,507 Tankers (hydrocarbon binders) sampling methods 282 Tanks containing hydrocarbon binders sampling methods 281-2 load testing in situ 392-3 routine observation of 377 Tar - bitumens 273 Tar pitch meaning of term 273 needle penetration test 2 9 0 4 Tearing strength geotextiles 318 Temperature measurement concrete bridges 411 Tempering of steel 207-8 Tensile strength calculation of 22,23,265,347,441 Tensile tests concrete direct-tension test 23-4 splitting test 21-2 geotextiles 317 load-bearing wall block/brickss 441 masonry units splitting test 462-4 metallic structural materials 259-70 natural stone splitting test 197-8 plywood 346-7 prestressing steel bardwires 228-33 punched metal plate fasteners (for timber joints) 330 reinforcement for reinforced concrete 210 after bending and straightening 211 timber modulus of elasticity 357 tensile strength 357-8 wall specimens 488-9 weld joints in reinforcement steel 221 Tensometric stressmeters 411 Terminology/nomenclature geotextiles 297-300 basic constituents 297 characteristicdproperties 299-300 polymeric raw materials 297-8 types of products 298-9 gypsum plasters 183-5 binders 184-5 classification of calcium sulphates 183-4 hydrocarbon binders 273-4 lightweight concrete 113-14 loading tests in situ of concrete structures 403-4 examples of use of notation -5 metallic structural materials 260.270 prestressing steel bardwires [229] prestressing test for prefabricated bridge elements 414 reinforcement for reinforcedlprestressed concrete 207-9 service life prediction 556-7 surface appearance of precast concrete elements 432 synthetic membranes 297-300 testing equipment 589-96 vibration test for concrete bridge structures 419-20 Test sample meaning of term 277 Test specimens aerated concrete compressive tests 115, 117,119,120 corrosion protection of reinforcement 136,138,139 creep in compression 131 density 126 drying shrinkage 127 hygroscopical desorption 132 modulus of elasticity in compression 124 modulus of rupture 122 moisture-caused length change 129 reinforced AAC specimens bond strength 140-1 corrosion protection 136,138,139 creep at interface 142 shear strength of welded joints in reinforcement 145 storage of specimens 116,122,124,131,132,139,140, 142 thermal conductivity 146,149,152 baked clay masonry units mechanical tests 203,204 water absorption tests 202 brick-mortar bond strength crossed-brick couplet 528-9 direct pull test 535 concrete cappinglbedding of specimens 12-14 carbonation depth 57 compression tests 17,38,52,69 creep in compression 38 curing of specimens 9,52,57 flexure test 19 fly ash pozzolanic activity 68 fracture energy 99,102-3 fracture-parameters determination 107, [108], 108 geometry 8 hand compaction of specimens 9 hardness tests 89 modulus of elasticity in compression 25 moulds used 8,10-11 shrinkagelswelling 28 storage of specimens 9,14,17,52,57,99 tension tests 21,23 vibratory compaction of specimens 8-9,52 water absorption 33,34,36 water penetration under pressure 41,43 fibre-reinforced cement bulk density 164 flexural energy absorption 171 impact resistance 175 modulus of rupture 161 moisture-caused strains 177-8 water absorption 164 water permeancelpermeability 167 geotextiles thickness measurement 307 weight per unit area 306 gypsum plaster accelerated-corrosion test 189-90 hardness 186 horizontal joints between walls and floors 448-9 ire-situmasonry tests 503,506

Test specimens (continued) masonry-mortar bond strength 481-2,518-19 masonry panels compressive strength 442-3,4745,490 creep deformation 444,484,485 cyclic shear test 497,498 out-of-plane flexural test 493 shear strength of horizontal joints 486,487 masonry units compressive strength 456 flexural test 459,460 suction test 467 tensilelsplitting test 462, 463 metallic structural materials tension test 260-1 mortar bendingmexural tests 442,472 bond strength with bricks 528-9 bond strength with masonry units 481-2,51%19 compressive strength 442,469 initial-adhesion properties 514 length change during moisture movement 524 water-retention capacity 513 natural stone mechanical tests 1 9 6 7 plywood 343-4 bending strengtWstiffness 345 compressive strengthlstiffness 346 in-plane shear strengthlmodulus 350 panel shear modulus 349 panel shear strength 347-8 tensile strengtWstiffness 346-7 prestressing steel bardwires bend test [236], [237] bond properties 242,243,245 fatigue test 251-2 tension test 230 torsion test 239 reinforced concrete storage of specimens 216,219 reinforcement for reinforced concrete bond tests 213,214,215,216,218 fatigue test 224,225 tension test 210 renderings bond strength by shear test 527 surface smoothness standards 531 water permeability 521 size limitations 573 stress distributions affected by stiffness of testing equipment 585-6 timber bending tests 353,354,356 compression tests 358 mechanically fastened joints 325,328-9,330,331, 333-8,340-2 shear modulus 356 tension tests 357 vertical joints between wall panels 453,454 wall specimens compressive strength 4745,490 flexural strength 478-9 out-of-plane flexural test 4 9 M tensile strength 488,489 wood-based board materials bending tests 365 compression test 366 interlaminar shear test 370 panel shear 368,369 tension test 367 working space limitations 573 Testing devicedequipment/machines 56596 accuracy considerations 576'1,587 bend test prestressing steel bardwires 236-7 bond strength bricks-mortar 528-9 masonry-mortar 482,518 rendering-substrate 534 compressive strength certification for concrete cube test 5 1 4 masonry panels 443,490-1 mortar 470 reference testing machine for concrete 55 specification for aerated concrete testing 159 wall specimens 476,490-1 concrete fracture-energylparameters determination 99100,103, 107-8, 156 creep deformation masonry assemblages 485 definitions used 568 density fibre-reinforced cement 165-6 effects of friction on gripping devices, etc. 586-7 on load-measuring devices 587 energy considerations (of testing system) 587-8 flexural energy absorption fibre-reinforced cement 172 flexural strength mortar 473 out-of-plane flexural strength of full-scale masonry panels 493-4,495 wall specimens 479-80 glossary (in various languages) 589-96 hardness concrete 87-8,91 gypsum plaster 186, 187 hydraulic permittivity geotextiles 312-13 hydraulic transmittivity geotextiles 315 impact resistance fibre-reinforced cement 175,176 renderings 533 in-situ masonry tests 503,504,506,507 interlaminar shear test plywood 350-1 wood-based board materials 370-1 loadbearing capacity of reinforced AAC wall elements 154 mechanical tests on natural stone 197 modulus of rupture aerated concrete 122 needle penetration hydrocarbon binders 290-1 panel shear test plywood 348 wood-based board materials 368,369 planeness of rendered surfaces 530 power requirements of testing equipment 578 qualitative specification of testing systems 569-71 compression platens 569-70 control mechanism 570 drive 570 gripping devices ,569-70 measuring devices 570 power supply 571 processors integrated into subsystems 571 programming devices 571 reaction structure 570 readout 570 supplementary devices 571

Test specimens (continued) quantitative specification of testing systems 571-8 accuracy 576-7 alignment 576, [S771 control errors specified 576-7 coordinate systems 572 dynamic effects on buildings 578 fatigue drive performance 574-5 instructions supplied 578 life expectation 578 load capacity 573-4 location details 577 measurement accuracy 576, [S771 noise levels 578 power requirements 578 rules for acceptance of testing equipment 571 shipment data 577 starting time requirements 578 static drive performance 574 stiffness of testing system 577 working space 572-3 shear tests horizontal joints in masonry 486 masonry panels 498,500 plywood 348,35@1 vertical joints between wall panels 454,455 wood-based board materials 368,370-1 slip resistance geotextiles in soil 320 specification of performance 584 specification set 568 additional specification set 568 rules for establishment 569 working configuration of 568-9 splitting test concrete 21 masonry units 462 static load test in situ of concrete structures [383] stiffness of testing system 577,584-5 effects on stress distribution in specimens 585-6 relationship with working configuration 585 subdivision of testing systems 568 suction test masonry units 202,467,468 tensile test prestressing strands 257 wall specimens 488 thickness measurement geotextiles 307 torsion test prestressing steel wires 239 transmittivity geotextiles 315 verification tests 578-84 bending tests 580 buckling tests 579 constant-load devices 581-2 constant-load tests 582 fatigue performance of servo-controlled testing systems 580-1 justification 578-9 non-axial load test 579 suddenly varying specimen reaction 582-3 transition problems in block programming 583-4 water permeability fibre-reinforced cement 167-8 porous concrete 43-4 renderings 521 wire-winding test prestressing steel wires 238 working configuration of specification set 568-9 relationship with stiffness 585 working space limitations 572-3 Thermal conductance 151 Thermal conductivity aerated concrete 146-53 dynamic method 152-3 guarded hot-plate used 149-51 Lang method 146-8 calculation of 148,151,153 Thermal gradient calculation of 148 Thermal resistance 151 Thermal resistivity 151 Thermal shock method thermal conductivity of AAC determined using 152-3 . Thermo-mechanical tempering (of steel) 208 Thick specimens concrete fracture-energy size-effects method not recommended 105 Thickness measurement geotextiles 307 Thief (sampling tube) for hydrocarbon binders 280,281 Thin fibre-reinforced cement sections bulk density 164-6 flexural energy absorption characteristics 171-3 impact resistance direct assessment 175-6 indirect assessment 174 modulus of rupture 161-3 water absorption 164-6 water permeancelpermeability 167-70 Third-point loading tests aerated concrete 122 concrete 20 fibre-reinforced cement 162,172 masonry 518 Tiles initial adhesion of mortar 514 Timber bending strength 356-7 density 353 grade-determining properties 3 5 3 4 machine stress grading of 353-4 mechanical properties 354-9 modulus of elasticity in bending 354-5 edgewise modulus of elasticity 353-4 flatwise modulus of elasticity 354 in tension 357 moisture content 352 physical properties 352-3 shear modulus 355-6 single span method 355-6 variable span method 356 test methods 352-9 visual grading of 353 Timber structures joints with mechanical fasteners 325-7 nails 33>8 punched metal plate fasteners 328-32 staples 3 3 W 2 plywood in structural grades 343-51 test loading methods 360-2 Torsion tests prestressing steel bardwires 239-40 rendering-substrate bond strength 534 Towers load testing in situ 392-3

Transmission towers design methods for dynamic behaviour 428-9 dynamic loadings 427 Transmittivity geotextiles 315-16 Tranverse load test reinforced AAC 143-4 Tunnels routine observation of 377 Twisted wires (in prestressing steel wires) geometrical characteristics 235 tension test 230 Ultimate compression capacity plywood 346 wood-based board materials 366 Ultimate moment capacity plywood 345 wood-based board materials 366 Ultimate tension capacity plywood 347 wood-based board materials 367 Ultrasonic pulse method 73-82 basic principles of method 7 M compressive strength determined using 7 9 concrete tested using during long-term observation of bridges 411 coupling of pulse couplants used 7 4 direct transmission 7 4 , 9 3 propagation along surface 7 4 dynamic Poisson's ratio determined using 7 5 , 7 8 dynamic Young's modulus determined using 7 5 , 7 8 electronic apparatus used 81 hardening of concrete studied using 80 limitations for freeze-thaw test of concrete 539 main objectives of method 7 3 pulse velocity calculation of 7 4 , 9 4 combination with rebound index 92-3 inhomogeneities in concrete affecting 79 measurement of path length 7 4 measurement of transit time 74-5 path length affecting measurement 7 6 reinforcing bars affecting measurement 76-8 specimen shape affecting measurement 76 surface conditions affecting measurement 75 temperature affecting measurement 75-6 transducer natural frequency affecting measurement in SONREB method 93,96 transducers used 81-2 ferro-electric materials 81-2 inherent time delay 82 magneto-strictive materials 82 natural frequency of transducers [76],81, 93 Undercoat plaster 185 Uniform strain definition 265 Unit density see Bulk density Unit mass see Bulk density Unit weight see Bulk density Use factors meaning of term 557 service life affected by 559, [S601 Vacuum absorption of water by immersion under vacuum baked clay masonry units 202 concrete 3&7 masonry units 465-6 prior to freeze-thaw test on concrete 552 Vacuum distillation recovery of hydrocarbon binders using 295-6 VB consistometer 6 Vebe test (for concrete) 6-7 Vehicle running test bridge structures 388,420-1 Veneer plaster 185 Vertical testing machines coordinate systems for 572 Verticality concrete structures routine checking of 378 Vibrating table bleeding of concrete mix determined using 50 compaction of concrete specimens using 8-9 consistence of concrete mix measured using 6 , 7 Vibrating-wire method 395-7 advantages/disadvantages 396 basic principles 395 compensation factors 397 features of indicators 395-6 interpretation of measurements 397 manufacturers of equipment (listed) 397 reading devices 396 switching devices 397 types of indicators 396 use in long-term observation of bridges 410,411 Vibration test in long-term observation of bridges 419-24 criteria in dynamic analyses 423 criteria for evaluation of test results 421-3 criteria for frequency spectrum analyses 421-2 definitions used 419-20 excitation procedures 420-1 instruments used 421 limitations of test method 423 objective/purpose/scope of test 419 preparation for test 420 sensitivity of test method 423 Vibro-wire thermocouples 41 1 Vicat needle mortar consistence/workability assessed using 511,512 Visual description (of surface) concrete after freeze-thaw test 541,542 precast concrete elements for buildings 433,434-5 Vocabulary see Terminology/nomenclature


Wall elements reinforced AAC loadbearing capacity 154-5 Wall plaster 184 Wall specimens compressive strength 445-7,4747,490-2 creep deformation 484-5 cyclic shear test 497-500 flexural strength 478-80 out-of-plane flexural test (full-scale) 493-6 shrinkage 445,485 Walls joints with floors 44%52 load testing in situ 392 see also Load-bearing walls Water density (quoted) at various temperatures [289],401 Water absorption aggregates 45-6 baked clay masonry units in boiling water 202,465 by immersion 201 under vacuum 202 calculation of 3 3 , 3 5 , 3 7 , 4 6 , 1 6 5 , 4 4 2 concrete 33-7

Water (continued) by capillarity 34-5 by immersion 33 under vacuum 36-7 definitions 33,34,36,45,164 fibre-reinforced cement 164-6 load-bearing wall blockdbricks 441-2 masonry units 465-6 in boiling water 465 by immersion 466 under vacuum 465-6 natural stone 194-5 by capillarity 196 by immersal 194-5 under vacuum 195 by immersal-ebullition 195 Water content natural stone 196 Water levelling method 398-402 basic principles 398 characteristics of method 401-2 constant-level container fitted 400 errors found 400-1 due to capillarity 401 due to friction of recorder 401 due to imperfect filling 401 due to pressure differences 400 due to temperature variation 40G1 manufacturers of equipment (listed) 402 methods of measuring water depth 398-400 technique for filling connecting tubes 400 use in long-term observation of bridges 410 Water penetration under pressure baked clay masonry units 202 hardened concrete 41-2 natural stone 195-6 porous concrete 43-4 Water permeability calculation of coefficient 170,522 definition 167 fibre-reinforced cement 167-70 porous concrete 43-4 renderings 521-2 Water permeance calculation of 169-70 definition 167 fibre-reinforced cement 167-70 Water porosity masonry units 466 see also Water absorption Water requirement fly ash in concrete/mortar/paste 68 Water saturation capillarity degree of saturation 543 measurement methods 549-51 critical degree of saturation 543 measurement methods 544-9 definition of degree of saturation 543 Water tanks routine observation of 377 Water-retention capacity mortar 513 Wave loading 426 Weathering (degradation) factors 559, [S601 meaning of term 557 see also Freeze-thaw . . . Wedge-splitting test aerated concrete 156-8 see also Splitting test Weight per unit area geotextiledsynthetic membranes 306

Weight-change method effect of de-icing chemicals studied using 541,542 unsuitability for freeze-thaw tests 539 Weighted sampling cans (for hydrocarbon binders) 279,281 Welded joints reinforcement steel bend test 222 shear test 145,222 tension test 221 types of joints 221 Wet sieving fly-ash fineness determined using 64-6 Wind loading 426,427 Wind turbines design methods for dynamic behaviour 428 Wire-winding operations 208 Wire-winding test prestressing steel bardwires 238 Withdrawl strength nails from timber joints 336-8 staples from timber joints 341-2 Woehler curves (fatigue testing) prestressing steel bardwires 254,255 Wood see Timber Wood-based board materials bending strengthlstiffness 365-6 compressive strengtwstiffness 366-7 conditioning of test specimens 365 density 365 effective interlaminar shear modulus 370-1 interlaminar shear strength 370-1 joints to wood nailed joints 335-6 stapled joints 341 mechanical properties 365-72 moisture content 364 panel shear strength 368-70 physical properties 363-4 sampling methods 363,364 tensile strengtwstiffness 367-8 test methods 363-72 see also Plywood Wood-to-wood joints nailed joints 333-5 punched metal plate fasteners used 328-30 stapled joints 340-1 Workability concrete slump test 4-5 mortar 511-12 see abo Consistence; Plasticity Woven geotextiles 298-9 hydraulic permeability 312-14 manufacturing processes used 302 openings size distribution 308-9 tensile strength 317 Wuerpel's mortar-plasticity test apparatus 512,526 typical force-deformation diagram 526 X-ray photography corrosion of reinforcement in bridges checked using 412 Yield ratio based on lower yield strength 265 based on proof strength 265 based on upper yield strength 265 metallic structural materials 265 Yield strength definitions 229,263-4 lower yield strength 264 upper yield strength 263


Zinc electrolytic deposition metals in contact with gypsum plaster 191 Zinc galvanizing metals in contact with gypsum plaster 191

Young's modulus concrete/mortar calculation of 108 see also Modulus of elasticity

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RlLEM Reports

Soiling and Cleaning of Building Facades Report of Technical Committee 62SCF. Edited by L. G. W. Verhoef Corrosion of Steel in Concrete Report of Technical Committee 60-CSC. Edited by P. Schiessl Fracture Mechanics of Concrete Structures From Theory to Applications Report of Technical Committee 90-FMA. Edited by L. Elfgren Geomembranes identification and Performance Testing Report of Technical Committee 103-MGH. Edited by A. Rollin and J. M. Rigo Fracture Mechanics Test Methods for Concrete Report of Technical Committee 89-FMT. Edited by S. P. Shah and A. Carpinteri Recycling of Demolished Concrete and Masonry Report of Technical Committee 37-DRC. Edited by T. C. Hansen Fly Ash in Concrete Properties and Performance Report of Technical Committee 67-FAB. Edited by K. Wesche Creep in Timber Structures Report of TC 112-TSC. Edited by P. Morlier. Disaster Planning, Structural Assessment, Demolition and Recycling Report of TC 121-DRG. Edited by C. De Pauw and E. K. Lauritzen Applications of Admixtures in Concrete Report of TC 84-AAC. Edited by A. M. Paillere Interfaces in CementRious Composites Report of TC 108-ICC. Edited by J.-C. Maso Performance Criteria for Concrete Durability Report of TC 116-PCD. Edited by H. K. Hilsdorf and J. Kropp Ice and Construction Report of TC 118-IC. Edited by L. Makkonen

RlLEM Proceedings

Adhesion between Polymers and Concrete. ISAP 86 Aix-en-Provence, France, 1986. Edited by H . R. Sasse

From Materials Science to Construction Materials Engineering Versailles, France, 1987. Edited by J . C. Maso Durability of Geotextiles St Rbmy-l&-Chevreuses, France, 1986 Demolition and Reuse of Concrete and Masonry Tokyo, Japan, 1988. Edited by Y. Kasai Admixtures for Concrete Improvement of Properties Barcelona, Spain, 1990. Edited by E. Vazquez Analysis of Concrete Structures by Fracture Mechanics Abisko, Sweden, 1989. Edited by L. Elfgren and S. P. Shah Vegetable Plants and their Fibres as Building Materials Salvador, Bahia, Brazil, 1990. Edited by H . S. Sobral Mechanical Tests for Bituminous Mixes Budapest, Hungary, 1990. Edited by H . W. Frifz and E. Eustacchio Test Quality for Construction, Materials and Structures St Rbmy-l&-Chevreuses, France, 1990. Edited by M. Fickelson Propertles of Fresh Concrete Hanover, Germany, 1990. Edited by H .J. Wierig Testing during Concrete Construction Mainz, Germany, 1990. Edited by H . W. Reinhardt Testing of Metals for Structures Naples, Italy, 1990. Edited by F . M. Manolani Fracture Processes in Concrete, Rock and Ceramics Noordwijk, Netherlands, 1991. Edited by J . G. M. van Mier, J. G. Rots and A. Bakker Quality Control of Concrete Structures Ghent, Belgium, 1991. Edited by L. Taerwe and H. Lambotte High Performance Fiber Reinforced Cement Composites Mainz, Germany, 1991. Edited by H . W. Reinhardt and A. E. Naaman Hydration and Setting of Cements Dijon, France, 1991. Edited by A. Nonat and J. C. Mutin Fibre Reinforced Cement and Concrete Sheffield, UK, 1992. Edited by R. N. Swamy interfaces in Cementitious Composites Toulouse, France, 1992. Edited by J. C. Maso Concrete in Hot Climates . J. Walker Torquay, UK, 1992. Edited by M Reflective Cracking i n Pavements State of the Art and Design Recommendations Liege, Belgium, 1993. Edited by J . M. Rigo, R. Degeimbre and L. Francken Conservation of Stone and other Materials Paris, 1993. Edited by M.J Thiel. Creep and Shrinkage of Concrete Barcelona, Spain, 1993. Edited by Z. P. Bazant and I. Carol. Demolition and Reuse of Concrete and Masonry Odense, Denmark, 1993. Edited by E. K. Laurifzen. Special Concretes: Workability and Mixing Paisley, Scotland, 1993. Edited by P. J. M. Bartos Thermal Cracking in Concrete at Early Ages. Munich, Germany, October 1994. Edited by R. Springenschmid.

RlLEM Recommendations and Recommended Practice RlLEM Technical Recommendations for the Testing and Use of Construction Materials Autoclaved Aerated Concrete Properties, Testing and Design Technical Committees 78-MCA and 51-ALC

RlLEM Technical Recommendations for the Testing and Use of Construction Materials

RILEM, The International Union of Testing and Research Laboratories for Materials and Structures, is a non-profit making, non-governmental technical association whose vocation is to contribute to progress in the construction sciences, techniques and industries, essentially by means of the communication it fosters between research and practice. RILEM activity therefore aims at developing the knowledge of properties of materials and performance of structures, at defining the means for their assessment in laboratory and service conditions and at unifying measurement and testing methods used with this objective. RILEM was founded in 1947, and has a membership of over 900 in some 70 countries. It forms an institutional framework for cooperation by experts to: optimise and harmonise test methods for measuring properties and performance of building and civil engineering materials and structures under laboratory and service environments; prepare technical recommendations for testing methods; prepare state-of-the-art reports to identify further research needs; collaborate with national and international associations in realizing these objectives. RILEM members include the leading building research and testing laboratories around the world, industrial research, manufacturing and contracting interests as well as a significant number of individual members, from industry and universities. RILEM's focus is on construction materials and their use in buildings and civil engineering structures, covering all phases of the building process from manufacture to use and recycling of materials. RILEM meets these objectives though the work of its technical committees. Symposia, workshops and seminars are organised to facilitate the exchange of information and dissemination of knowledge. RILEM's primary output are technical recommendations. RILEM also publishes the journal Materials and Structures which provides a further avenue for reporting the work of its committees. Many other publications, in the form of reports, monographs, symposia and workshop proceedings, are produced. e SupCrieure, Details of RILEM membership may be obtained from RILEM, ~ c o l Normale 61, avenue du Pdt Wilson, 94235 Cachan Cedex, France. Tel: International 331 4740 2397. Fax: International + 331 4740 0113. RILEM Reports, Proceedings and other publications are listed at the back of the book.

RlLEM Technical Recommendations for the Testing and Use of Construction Materials

International Union of Testing and Research Laboratories for Materials and Construction

An Imprint of Chapman & Hall

London . Glasgow. Weinheim . New York . Tokyo . Melbourne. Madras

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Publisher's Note

Most of this compilation has been produced from the original printed versions of the RILEMTechnical Recommendations initially published between 1972 and 1993. Introductory material in a uniform style has been added, and the layout has been rearranged so that each Recommendation starts on a new page, for ease of use. The body of each Recommendation remains as originally produced. References in the Recommendations to regulations, standards and other documents have not been revised at the time of publishing this compilation. Readers should therefore check that they are using the current edition of such documents.

Preface RILEM Technical Committees responsible for preparing Technical Recommendations

xi xii


Sampling fresh concrete in the field, 1975 Slump test on concrete, 1975 Vebe test on concrete, 1975 Making and curing of concrete specimens, l975 Metallic moulds for making concrete test specimens, 1979 Capping concrete specimens, 1979 Sulphur mortar for capping concrete specimens, 1979 Compression test on concrete, 1975 Flexural test on concrete, 1975 Tension by splitting of concrete specimens, 1975 Direct tension of concrete specimens, l975 Modulus of elasticity of concrete in compression, 1975 Measurement of shrinkage and swelling of concrete, 1975 Density of compacted fresh concrete, 1975 Density of hardened concrete, 1975 Absorption of water by concrete by immersion, 1982 Absorption of water by concrete by capillarity, 1982 Absorption of water by concrete by immersion under vacuum, 1984 Measurement of deformation of concrete under compressive load, 1983 Test for the penetration of water under pressure on hardened concrete, 1979 CPC 13.2 Test for permeability of porous concrete, 1979 CPC 14.1 Particle density and water absorption of coarse aggregates for concrete, 1979 CPC 14.2 Bulk density of aggregates for concrete, 1979 Bleeding of concrete, l983 CPC 16 Procedure for the certification of a concrete cube compression testing CPC 17 machine by inter-comparison using cube testing on a reference machine at an approved laboratory, 1986 Measurement of hardened concrete carbonation depth, 1988 CPC 18 Test methods for determining the properties of fly ash, 1991 FAB l Test methods for determining the properties of fly ash in concrete, 1991 FAB 2
CPC l CPC 2 . 1 CPC 2.2 CPC 3 CPC 3 . 1 CPC 3.2 CPC 3.3 CPC 4 CPC 5 CPC 6 CPC 7 CPC 8 CPC 9 CPC 10.1 CPC 10.2 CPC 11.1 CPC 11.2 CPC 11.3 CPC 12 CPC 13.1




Testing of concrete by the ultrasonic pulse method, 1972 Recommendations for the use of resonant-frequency method in testing concrete specimens, l984 Recommendations for testing concrete by hardness methods, 1984


Recommendation for in situ concrete strength determination by combined non-destructive methods, 1993 Determination of the fracture energy of mortar and concrete by means of three-point bend tests on notched beams, 1985 Size-effectmethod for determining fracture energy and process zone size of concrete, l990 Determination of fracture parameters (K"c and CTOD,) of plain concrete using three-point bends tests, 1990


AAC1.l AAC 2.1 AAC 2.2 AAC 2.3 AAC 2.4 AAC 2.5 AAC3.1 AAC4.1 AAC 5.1 AAC 5.2 AAC 5.3 AAC6.1 AAC 6.2 AAC7.1 AAC 7.2 AAC 7.3 AAC 8.1 AAC 8.2 AAC 8.3 AAC9.1 AAC 10.1

AAC 12.1 AAC 13.1 AAC 14.1 AAC 15.1


Terminology and definitions of lightweight concrete, 1990 Determination of compressive strength of AAC from cubes, 1992 Determination of compressive strength of AAC from cubes in a dry state, 1992 Determination of the compressive strength of AAC for whole units directly after autoclaving (manufacturing control method), 1992 Determination of compressive strength for whole units of AAC in air dry condition, 1992 Determination of the modulus of rupture of AAC, 1992 Determination of the modulus of elasticity of AAC in compression, 1992 Determination of the density of AAC, 1992 Determination of drying shrinkage of AAC, 1992 Determination of length change during moisture movement in AAC, 1992 Determination of the creep behaviour of AAC in compression, 1990 Determination of hygroscopical desorption characteristics of AAC, 1992 Determination of the simulated practical moisture content of AAC, 1992 Corrosion protection of steel reinforcement in AAC, 1992 Corrosion protection of steel reinforcement in AAC. Use of sodium chloride, l992 Corrosion protection of steel reinforcement in AAC after loading (accelerated and long term), 1992 Pull-out test for reinforcement, 1992 Push-out test for reinforcement, 1992 Bond test of reinforcing steel in AAC-creep at the interface, 1992 Transverse load test on reinforced units of AAC, 1992 Determination of the shear strength of welded joints of reinforcement in AAC, 1992 Determination of thermal conductivity of oven dry AAC, 1992 Determination of the thermal conductivity of AAC using guarded hotplate apparatus, l990 Determination of the thermal conductivity of oven dry AAC (dynamic method), 1992 Determination of loadbearing capacity of reinforced AAC wall elements, 1992 Determination of the specificfracture energy and strain softening of AAC, 1992 Specificationfor compressive strength testing machines, 1992 Determination of the adhesion of mortars and other surface coatings, 1983 Test for the determination of modulus of rupture and limit of proportionality of thin fibre reinforced cement sections, 1984 Measurement of the bulk density, apparent porosity and water absorption of thin fibre reinforced cement sections, 1984 Measurement of water permeance and coefficient of water permeability of thin fibre reinforced cement sections, 1984 The determination of energy absorption in flexure of thin fibre reinforced cement sections, 1984


Indirect assessment of the impact resistance of thin fibre reinforced cement sections, 1984 Direct assessment of the impact resistance of thin fibre reinforced cement sections, 1984 Determination of the moisture movement of cured fibre cement sheets, 1984


GP 1 GP2 GP3 PAN l PAN 2

RC 8 RPC l RPC 2 RPC 3 RPC 4 RPC 5 RPC 6 RPC 7 RPC 8 RPC 9 TMS l

cus l

Calcium sulphates and derived materials. Nomenclature, 1982 Measurement of the hardness of gypsum plasters, 1982 Behaviour of metals in contact with gypsum plaster, 1982 Testing methods for natural stones, 1978 Natural and artificial stones, testing methods for baked clay masonry units, 1972 Terminology for reinforcement for reinforced and prestressed concrete, 1978 Tensile test on reinforcement bars for reinforced concrete, 1982 Tensile test on reinforcement bars after bending and straightening, 1978 Rebend test for reinforcement steel, 1982 Bond test for reinforcement steel. 1. Beam test, 1982 Bond test for reinforcement steel. 2. Pull-out test, 1983 Requirements for the control of weld joints in reinforcement for reinforced concrete, 1978 Fatigue test on concrete reinforcing steel, 1978 Tensile test on steels for prestressing, 1979 Geometrical characteristics of prestressing steels, 1979 Alternate bend test for prestressing steels, 1979 Wire-winding test for prestressing steels, 1979 Simple torsion testing of steel wires, 1979 Specification for the test to determine the bond properties of prestressing tendons, l979 Specification relating to the execution of the isothermal relaxation test on prestressing steel, 1979 Fatigue test on prestressing steels, 1979 Checking tolerances of reinforcement, 1979 Tension modulus of prestressing steel strands. Determination of the modulus of elasticity of prestressing steel strands, 1990 Fundamental mechanical properties of metals. Tension testing of metallic structural materials for determining stress-strain relations under monotonic and uniaxial tensile loading, 1990


Terminology of hydrocarbon binders, revised 1989 Methods of sampling hydrocarbon binders, 1984 Determination of density or relative density of hydrocarbon binderscapillary stoppered pyknometer method, 1984 Determination of needle penetration of hydrocarbon binders, 1984 Recovery of binder from bituminous mixes: procedure with rotary evaporator, l989 Synthetic membranes - geotextiles. Terminology, 1989 Synthetic membranes - geotextiles. Identification, 1989 Synthetic membranes - geotextiles. Characteristics of geotextiles and constituent materials, 1989


Synthetic membranes - geotextiles. Sampling, 1989 Synthetic membranes - geotextiles. Conditioning atmosphere, 1989 Synthetic membranes-geotextiles. Weight per unit area, 1989 Synthetic membranes - geotextiles. Nominal thickness, 1989 Synthetic membranes -geotextiles. Dry porometry of woven geotextiles, 1989 Synthetic membranes - geotextiles. Porometry by wet process of nonwoven geotextiles, 1989 Synthetic membranes - geotextiles. Hydraulic permittivity, 1989 Synthetic membranes-geotextiles. Transmittivity, 1989 Synthetic membranes - geotextiles. Tensile strength and elongation under maximum stress, 1989 Synthetic membranes - geotextiles. Tearing strength, 1989 Synthetic membranes-geotextiles. Resistance to slip in the soil, 1989


Testing methods for joints with mechanical fasteners in load-bearing timber structures, 1979 Testing methods for joints with mechanical fasteners in load-bearing timber structures. Appendix A: Punched metal plate fasteners, 1982 Testing methods for joints with mechanical fasteners in load-bearing timber structures. Appendix B: Nails, 1984 Testing methods for joints with mechanical fasteners in load-bearing timber structures. Appendix C: Staples, 1989 Testing methods for plywood in structural grades for use in load-bearing structures, l981 Testing methods for timber in structural sizes, 1978 Testing methods for timber structures, 1990 Testing methods for wood-based board materials other than plywood in structural grades for use in load-bearing structures, 1990




LT0 3 MDB l TPC l TPC 2 TPC 3 TPC 4

Quick routine observation of structures in situ, 1981 General recommendation for statical loading test of load-bearing concrete structures in situ, 1984 Testing concrete bridges in situ, 1984 Load testing in situ of dwellings, public and industrial building structures, 1984 General recommendation for the vibrating-wire measuring method and its equipment, 1984 Water levelling method in observation of structures, 1981 Terminology, descriptions and symbols in loading tests in situ of concrete structures, l984 Recommendations for long-term observation of concrete bridges, 1986 General recommendation for prestressing test of prefabricated prestressed elements for concrete bridges, 1986 General recommendation for vibration test in long-term observation of concrete bridge structures, 1986 The dynamic behaviour of concrete structures - recommendations of good practice for methods of testing and design, 1986 Principal criteria for acceptance of precast concrete elements for buildings, 1986 Surface appearance of precast concrete elements for buildings, 1986 Flexural and shearing tests on prefabricated concrete elements, 1985 Compression tests of prefabricated concrete elements, 1985

General recommendations for methods of testing load-bearing walls, 1980 Recommendations for testing horizontal joints between load-bearing walls and floors (stresses caused by applying vertical loads), 1980 Recommendations for testing vertical joints between large reinforced concrete panels (stresses due to tangential forces), 1980 Compressive strength of masonry units, 1991 Flexural strength of masonry units, 1991 Indirect tensile strength of masonry units (splitting test), 1991 Water absorption and water porosity of masonry units, 1991 Initial rate of suction (IRS) of masonry units, 1991 Compressive strength of mortar, 1991 Flexural strength of mortar, 1991 Compressive strength of small walls and prisms, 1991 Flexural strength of small wall specimens, 1991 Bond strength of masonry using the bond wrench method, 1991 Creep and shrinkage of masonry assemblages, 1991 Short-term shear test for the interface between the masonry unit and mortar or moisture-insulating interlayer, 1991 Diagonal tensile strength tests of small wall specimens, 1991 Compressive strength of walls and other elements, 1991 Full-scale wall out-of-plane flexural test, 1991 Cyclic shear test for masonry panels designed to resist seismic forces, 1991 Removal and testing of specimens from existing masonry, 1991 In-situ stress tests on masonry based on the flat jack, 1991 In-situ strengthlelasticity tests on masonry based on the flat jack, 1991 Determination of mortar consistence, (based on Bindemedelsnormer (Sweden)), 1982 Determination of mortar consistence (based on BS4551: 1970), 1982 Workability, consistence, plasticity of mortars, 1982 Water-retention capacity of mortars, 1982 Initial adhesion of mortars, 1982 Tendency of water to separate from mortars (bleeding), 1982 Site test for the determination of the compressive strength of mortars which harden hydraulically, 1982 Determination of the flexural bond strength of masonry (based on ASTM E 518-74), 1982 Characterization of the abrasion resistance of renderings by means of a rotary brush, 1982 Measurement of water permeability of renderings, 1982 Determination of mortar consistence using the flow table (based on DIN 1060), 1982 Determination of changes in length of mortar specimens (based on BS187: 1977), 1982 Determination of resistance of mortar to deformation, 1982 Determination of the bond of renderings by shear tests, 1982 Determination of the bond strength between brick and mortar (based on ASTM E 149-66), 1982 Determination of planeness of rendered surfaces (based on SIS 81 20 05), 1982 Control of smoothness of internal rendered surfaces, 1982 Assessment of the surface strength of renderings by means of the adhesive tape test, l982 Characterization of the surface strength of renderings by the pendulum ball test, 1982 Determination of the bond strength of renderings by torsion tests, 1982 Determination of the bond strength between bricks or blocks and mortar (direct pull-test), 1982





Methods of carrying out and reporting freezelthaw tests on concrete without de-icing chemicals, 1977 Methods of carrying out and reporting freezelthaw tests on concrete with de-icing chemicals, 1977 The critical degree of saturation method of assessing the freezelthaw resistance of concrete, 1977 Systematic methodology for service life prediction of building materials and components, 1989


TE 1

Testing equipment, 1987

Subject index RILEM publications


This compendium of RILEM Technical Recommendations is published for the first time, in the context of the growing importance of international exchanges. In the world economy, these activities stimulate the work of standardization, of which materials testing is an indispensable auxiliary. In the future, the vocation of RILEM should be accomplished by continuing the task of setting out a common language of unified tests, resulting in better communication between experts from different countries all over the world. These experts, by their personal involvement in the work of RILEM Technical Committees during the last 30 years, are in fact the authors of this compendium. Prior to publication of this compilation, all of the Recommendations, especially those which had been issued many years ago, were reviewed by specialists. Where endorsement has been given to the validity of a Recommendation, this is noted at the head of each one. Where a French language version is available, this is also noted at the top of the Recommendation. Let us acknowledge the most valuable scientific contribution of our experts which has gone into the making of this reference guide for students, research scientists and civil engineers working in the field of building materials. Michel Brusin RILEM Secretary General

Most of the Recommendations prior to 1987were published in Materials and Structures, and are copyright Bordas-Dunod. RILEM is indebted to Bordas-Dunod for permission to reproduce them.

RILEM Technical Committees responsible for preparing Technical Recommendations


Testing methods for timber Durability of concrete Natural and artificial stones Non-destructive testing of concrete Tests and specifications for reinforced and prestressed concrete Performance of mortars and renderings Concrete permanent committee Bitumens and bituminous materials Testing building structures in situ Gypsum plasters Load bearing walls and masonry Preservation of natural stone monuments Testing equipment Testing of precast concrete elements Combined non-destructive testing of concrete Long-term observations of structures Synthetic membranes Testing methods for fibre reinforced cement-based composites Fracture mechanics of concrete Test methods for autoclaved lightweight concrete Hydrocarbon materials Testing of timber structures and building boards Measurement of the dynamic behaviour of concrete structures Use of fly-ash in building Prediction of service life of building materials and components Load bearing masonry units Model code for autoclaved aerated concrete Tension modulus of prestressing steel strands Fundamental mechanical properties of metals Fracture mechanics of concrete - test methods Bitumen and asphalt testing

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