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VERY USEFUL WINDOWS RUN COMMANDS Getting to know your Run dialog box is like mastering your PC's

applications and how to open them quickly as possible. In this list of run commands partially complete!" you may find this useful and #ery con#enient to use. $his guide also includes secret commands to open hidden applications. %et us start on how to open your Run dialog box. &ere is the step using your mouse' Go to" and click on the Start button" then select and click Run... while the keyboard technique is ()indows* + (R*. $he ()indows* key is located between the (Ctrl* and (,lt* key. ,ccessibility Controls' access.cpl ,dd &ardware )i-ard' hdwwi-.cpl ,dd.Remo#e Programs' appwi-.cpl ,dministrati#e $ools' control.exe admintools ,utomatic /pdates' wuaucpl.cpl Calculator' calc Certificate 0anager' certmgr.msc Character 0ap' charmap Check 1isk /tility' chkdsk Clipboard 2iewer' clipbrd Command Prompt' cmd Component 3er#ices' dcomcnfg Computer 0anagement' compmgmt.msc 1ate and $ime Properties' timedate.cpl 114 3hares' ddeshare 1e#ice 0anager' de#mgmt.msc

1irect 5 Control Panel if installed!' directx.cpl 1irect 5 $roubleshooter' dxdiag 1isk Cleanup /tility' cleanmgr 1isk 1efragment' dfrg.msc 1isk 0anagement' diskmgmt.msc 1isk Partition 0anager' diskpart 1isplay Properties' control.exe desktop 1isplay Properties' desk.cpl 1isplay Properties w.,ppearance $ab Preselected!' control.exe color 1r. )atson 3ystem $roubleshooting /tility' drwtsn67 1ri#er 2erifier /tility' #erifier 4#ent 2iewer' e#ent#wr.msc 8ile 3ignature 2erification $ool' sig#erif 8indfast' findfast.cpl 8olders Properties' control.exe folders 8onts' control.exe fonts 8onts 8older' fonts 8ree Cell Card Game' freecell Game Controllers' 9oy.cpl Group Policy 4ditor 5P Prof!' gpedit.msc &earts Card Game' mshearts Iexpress )i-ard' iexpress Indexing 3er#ice' ciad#.msc

Internet Properties' inetcpl.cpl :a#a Control Panel if installed!' 9picpl67.cpl :a#a Control Panel if installed!' 9a#aws ;eyboard Properties' control.exe keyboard %ocal 3ecurity 3ettings' secpol.msc %ocal /sers and Groups' lusrmgr.msc %ogs <ou =ut =f )>?1=)@' logoff 0cft Chat' winchat 0inesweeper Game' winmine 0ouse Properties' control.exe mouse 0ouse Properties' main.cpl ?etwork Connections' control.exe netconnections ?etwork Connections' ncpa.cpl ?etwork 3etup )i-ard' netsetup.cpl ?#iew 1esktop 0anager if installed!' n#tuicpl.cpl =b9ect Packager' packager =1AC 1ata 3ource ,dministrator' odbccp67.cpl =n 3creen ;eyboard' osk =pens ,C6 8ilter if installed!' ac6filter.cpl Password Properties' password.cpl Performance 0onitor' perfmon.msc Performance 0onitor' perfmon Phone and 0odem =ptions' telephon.cpl

Power Configuration' powercfg.cpl Printers and 8axes' control.exe printers Printers 8older' printers Pri#ate Character 4ditor' eudcedit Buicktime If Installed!' Buick$ime.cpl Regional 3ettings' intl.cpl Registry 4ditor' regedit Registry 4ditor' regedit67 Remo#able 3torage' ntmsmgr.msc Remo#able 3torage =perator Requests' ntmsoprq.msc Resultant 3et of Policy' rsop.msc Resultant 3et of Policy 5P Prof!' rsop.msc 3canners and Cameras' sticpl.cpl 3cheduled $asks' control.exe schedtasks 3ecurity Center' wscui.cpl 3er#ices' ser#ices.msc 3hared 8olders' fsmgmt.msc 3huts 1own )>?1=)@' shutdown 3ounds and ,udio' mmsys.cpl 3pider 3olitare Card Game' spider 3B% Client Configuration' cliconfg 3ystem Configuration 4ditor' sysedit 3ystem Configuration /tility' msconfig

3ystem 8ile Checker /tility' sfc 3ystem Properties' sysdm.cpl $ask 0anager' taskmgr $elnet Client' telnet /ser ,ccount 0anagement' nusrmgr.cpl /ser Passwords' Control userpasswords7 /tility 0anager' utilman )>?1=)@ 8irewall' firewall.cpl )>?1=)@ 0agnifier' magnify )>?1=)@ 0anagement Infrastructure' wmimgmt.msc )>?1=)@ 3ystem 3ecurity $ool' syskey )>?1=)@ /pdate %aunches' wupdmgr )>?1=)@ 5P $our )i-ard' tourstart )ordpad' write 1irect 5 1iagnostics' dxdiag 0icrosoft ?otepad' notepad 0icrosoft Paint' mspaint 0icrosoft )ord' msword 0icrosoft 4xcel' excel 0icrosoft PowerPoint' powerpnt 0icrosoft 8rontPage' frontpg 0icrosoft ,ccess' msaccess 0icrosoft =utlook' outlook

Internet 4xplorer' iexplore" iexplore +k for kiosk mode fullscreen mode! " iexplore +e to open )indows 4xplorer at the left pane

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