ETHICS and Professionalism

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Ethiopian Civil Service University Institute of Urban Development Studies

Course Reader: Ethics and Professionalism in Civil Service Masters Course

Urban Environment and Climate Change Management Urban Infrastructure Provision and Management Urban and Development and Management Urban Management

!ugust "#$" !ddis !baba



Chapter one: Introduction to Ethics

1.1 Int o!"ct#on to Et$#cs 1.% Et$#cs &o 'at#on 1.( Te 's #nte c$angeabl) "se! *#t$ Et$#cs 1.+ Et$#cs #n 'anage'ent 1., En-# on'ental Et$#cs 1.. C$a acte #st#cs of Et$#cs 1./ S#gn#f#cance of Et$#cs

Chapter %&o: eading %heories in Ethics

%.1 Et$#cal Ego#s' %.% Et$#cal Relat#-#s' %.( Rel#g#o"s Et$#cs %.+Teleolog#cal0Conse1"ent#al#st t$eo #es %., 2eontolog#cal T$eo )

Chapter %hree: Unethical problem in the Civil service: %he problem of Corruption
(.1 2ef#n#t#on an! 'an#festat#ons of co "pt#on (.% Co "pt#on as a Inte nat#onal P$eno'ena (.( Ca"ses of Co "pt#on (.+ T$e I'pacts of Co "pt#on (., 3ec$an#s's of Co'bat#ng Co "pt#on (.. E4pe #ence of So'e co"nt #es t$at s"ccee!e! #n f#g$t#ng aga#nst co "pt#on

Chapter 'our: Enhancing Ethics in the Ethiopian Civil Service

+.1 P oble's necess#tate! c$ange #n p"bl#c Secto to en$ance et$#cs. +.% 2# ect#ons set fo en$anc#ng et$#cal con!"ct of t$e c#-#l se -#ce of Et$#op#a +.( C#t#5ens #g$ts an! espons#b#l#t#es #n p"bl#c secto +.+ Et$#cs an! Soc#al espons#b#l#t#es +., 3anag#ng soc#al espons#b#l#t#es +.. Et$#cal eason#ng an! !ec#s#on 'a6#ng

P!R% %(): CUS%)MER SER*ICE DE I*ER+ Chapter 'ive : Environment of Public Service delivery
,.1 P"bl#c se -#ce an! C"sto'e ,.% &"n!a'ental ele'ents of effect#-e c"sto'e se -#ce !el#-e ) ,.( C$ange #n t$e p"bl#c secto ,.+ Et$#op#an C#-#l Se -#ce Refo ' P og a' ,.+.1 V#s#on ,.+.% T$e &#-e S"b7p og a's ,.+.%.1 A B #ef o-e -#e* of Top 3anage'ent Refo ' S"b7p og a' ,.+.%.% A B #ef o-e -#e* of H"'an Reso" ce !e-elop'ent Refo ' S"b7p og a' ,.+.%.( A B #ef o-e -#e* of E4pen!#t" e 3anage'ent efo ' S"b7p og a' ,.+.%.+ C#-#l Se -#ce Et$#cs Refo ' S"b7p og a' ,.+.%. , Se -#ce 2el#-e ) Refo ' S"b7p og a'

Chapter Si,: Citi-en .centered Service Deliver /CCSD0

..1 8$at !oes c#t#5en7cente e! se -#ce !el#-e ) 'ean9 ..% T$e #'po tance of C#t#5en cente e! se -#ce !el#-e ) ..( T$e concept"al f a'e *o 6 on se -#ce !el#-e ) an! C"sto'e 7cente e! Se -#ce !el#-e ) ..+. Ne* P"bl#c 3anage'ent tec$n#1"es fo #'p o-#ng t$e 1"al#t) of se -#ce 2el#-e ) ..+.1 2ecent al#5at#on ..+.% Pe fo 'ance 3anage'ent ..+.( St ateg#c Plann#ng an! 3anage'ent :SP3; ..+.+ Total <"al#t) 3anage'ent :T<3; ..+., P"bl#c7P #-ate Pa tne s$#p :PPP; ..+.. B"s#ness P ocess Reeng#nee #ng :BPR; ..+./ Balance! Sco e Ca !

Chapter Seven: Customer satisfaction survey

/.1 8$at #s c"sto'e sat#sfact#on9 /.% C"sto'e sat#sfact#on S" -e) /.( A P act#cal ="#!e fo 3eas" #ng C"sto'e Sat#sfact#on /.(.1 >e) steps to 3eas" #ng C"sto'e Sat#sfact#on /.(.% Tools fo 'eas" #ng C"sto'e Sat#sfact#on

P!R% )1E: E%2ICS C2!P%ER )1E $3 I1%R)DUC%I)1 %) E%2ICS /Session "0 )b4ective !t the end of the session students &ill able to:

!#sc"ss t$e ep#to'e of et$#cs #!ent#f) te 's #nte c$angeabl) "se! *#t$ et$#cs e4pla#n t$e ole of et$#cs #n !ec#s#on 'a6#ng Un!e stan! en-# on'ental Et$#cs !esc #be t$e fo 'at#on of et$#cs e4pla#n t$e s#gn#f#cance of et$#cs


Ethics Defined

Et$#cs #s !e #-e! f o' t$e = ee6 *o ! ?et$os? 'ean#ng t$e c$a acte of a pe son o pe sons.Et$#cs can be !ef#ne! as an #n!#-#!"al@s pe sonal bel#efs ega !#ng *$at #s #g$t an! * ong o goo! an! ba!. T*o bas#c s#!es o aspects of t$#s !ef#n#t#on s$o"l! be f" t$e e4pla#ne!. T$e t*o aspects a e et$#cal be$a-#o an! "net$#cal be$a-#o . Et$#cal be$a-#o ep esents t$e be$a-#o t$at confo 's to gene all) accepte! soc#al no 'sA *$e easB Unet$#cal be$a-#o efe s to be$a-#o t$at !oes not confo ' to gene all) accepte! soc#al no 's. So'e #'po tant po#nts can be 'a!e f o' t$e !ef#n#t#on of et$#cs. T$ese a e: Et$#cs a e #n!#-#!"all) !ef#ne!77 people $a-e et$#csB o gan#5at#ons !o not 8$at const#t"te et$#cal be$a-#o can -a ) f o' one pe son to anot$e . Et$#cs a e elat#-eB not absol"te. T$"sB et$#cal be$a-#o #s #n t$e e)e of t$e be$ol!e B b"t #t #s "s"all) t$e be$a-#o t$at confo 's to gene all) accept soc#al no 's.

Et$#cs efe s to p #nc#ples of be$a-#o t$at !#st#ng"#s$ bet*een goo! an! ba!B #g$t an! * ong. As s"c$B t$e p" pose of et$#csB o a co!e of et$#csB #s to enable #n!#-#!"als to 'a6e c$o#ces a'ong alte nat#-e be$a-#o" .% T$e #'po tance of et$#cs #nc eases #n p opo t#on to t$e conse1"ences of t$e o"tco'e of a be$a-#o . As an #n!#-#!"al@s act#ons beco'e 'o e conse1"ent#al fo ot$e sB t$e et$#cs of t$at #n!#-#!"al beco'e 'o e #'po tant. $3"3 C)1CEP%U! 'R!ME()R5 ')R E%2ICS 6%ERMS RE !%ED (I%2 E%2ICS T$e t$eo et#cal an! p$#losop$#cal !ebates s" o"n!#ng t$e 'ean#ngs of integrity, ethics, values and corruption $a-e not )et c"l'#nate! #n fa-o of 'o e p act#cal an! C"n#-e sall)@ accepte! !ef#n#t#ons o c$a acte #5at#on. In t$#s pape B p esentat#ons of t$ese cont o-e s#es o-e t$e 'ean#ngs of t$ese te 's a e !el#be atel) esc$e*e! #n t$e #nte est of sa-#ng t#'e an! space. S#nce #nteg #t) #s at t$e co e of et$#cs #t '#g$t be *o t$*$#le to sta t *#t$ #t. Integ #t) ca'e f o' t$e Lat#n oot *o ! C#nteg al@ o #g#nall) 'ean#ng D*$oleEB D"nc$ange!E o D"n!#-#!e!.E B) e4tens#onB as So g! age :1FFF; p"ts #t D#nteg #t) $as to !o *#t$ be#ng "naffecte!B #ntactB "p #g$tB el#able.E L#te all)B #nteg #t) efe s to e'a#n#ng #ntactB to so"n!nessB "nb o6en c e!#b#l#t) an! t$e "n#'pa# e! o "nco "pte! state. T$e cent al #ss"e $e e #s t$e 1"al#t) of be#ng $onest an! f# ' #n )o" 'o al p #nc#ples an! !e-ote! to t$e -al"esB no 's an! "les accepte! b) t$e o gan#5at#on@s 'e'be s an! #ts sta6e$ol!e s.

L#6e #nteg #t) t$e te ' Dethics #s p one to t$eo et#cal an! p$#losop$#cal content#on as to #ts e4act 'ean#ngB espec#all) #n t$e conte4ts of p"bl#c se -#ces. Ne-e t$elessB 1"#te oftenB ethics #s attac$e! to t$e values associated with right or wrong, appropriate or inappropriate conduct with a professional or occupational setting (Ras$e!B 1FF,: ,.;. As s"c$B ethics #s conce ne! *#t$ Dappropriate or inappropriate, right or wrong when the choice to be made has significant impact on others. In s$o tB ethics are principles often defined as code that shows what is right, fair, just or good about what we ought to do. Ot$e conceptsB *$#c$ a e closel) elate! to et$#csB a e Cvalues. B) t$e# -e ) nat" e values a e Cjudgments of worth. T$e) a e p #nc#ples o stan!a !s of be$a-#o . The values of a person, group or organization are the moral principles and beliefs that they thin are important in life and that they tend to live their lives by. H"be tsB He"-el an! P"nc$ :%GGG: (; !esc #be! Cnorms as state what is normally correct or e!pected behavior in a certain situation. No 's set out e!pected moral standard or level in discharging public responsibilities. B o"g$t toget$e B norms an! values escort the choice of action and furnish a moral basis for justifying or evaluating what we do under any professional or organizational setting. "s such, what we call integrity is acting within the framewor of moral values and norms (ethics#. T$e efo eB a !"t) of a pa a'o"nt #'po tance fo an) o gan#5at#on #s Cto !ef#ne an! g#-e l#fe to an o gan#5at#on@s g"#!#ng -al"es@ Anot$e #'po tant concept t$at nee!s so'e cla #f#cat#on #s corruption. L#6e ot$e te 'sB t$e te ' corruption $as been !ef#ne! #n !#ffe ent *a)s. D$orruption is basically the outcome of deviance, which is violations against values, norms and rules. As #t stan!s $e eB !e-#ance #s t$e oppos#te of #nteg #t). A c#-#l se -ant #s co "pt *$en $e0s$e #s fraudulent and violates personal and organizational integrity. He0s$e #s corrupt when he%she damages organizational and%or public interests because of the personal benefit involved. T$e t$eo et#cal an! p$#losop$#cal !ebates s" o"n!#ng t$e 'ean#ngs of #nteg #t)B et$#csB 'o al#t)B -al"es an! co "pt#on $a-e not )et c"l'#nate! #n fa-o of 'o e p act#cal an! "n#-e sall) accepte! !ef#n#t#ons o c$a acte #5at#on. Integrity 7 Integ #t) #s at t$e co e of et$#cs 7 Integ #t) ca'e f o' t$e Lat#n oot #nteg alB 'ean#ng ?*$ole? ?"nc$ange!? o ?"n!#-#!e!? 7 Integ #t) $as to !o *#t$ be#ng "naffecte!B #ntactB "p #g$t an! el#able. 7 It efe s to e'a#n#ng #ntactB to so"n!nessB "nb o6en c e!#b#l#t) an! "n#'pa# e! o "nco "pte! state. In gene alB t$e cent al #ss"e #s t$e 1"al#t) of be#ng $onest an! f# ' #n )o" 'o al p #nc#ples an! !e-ote! to t$e -al"esB no 's an! "les accepte! b) t$e 'e'be s of t$e o gan#5at#on an! #ts sta6e$ol!e s.

Ethics 7 Et$#cs #s !e #-e! f o' t$e = ee6 *o ! ?et$os? 'ean#ng t$e c$a acte o c"sto' of people. 7 In t$#s conte4tB et$#cs $a-e to !o *#t$ t$e e4pecte! p act#ces of a co''"n#t) an!B b) t$e e4tens#onB #ts #n!#-#!"al 'e'be s. It !esc #bes *$at a soc#et) bel#e-es to be #g$t o * ong. 7 <"#te often et$#cs #s assoc#ate! *#t$ #g$t o * ongB app op #ate o #napp op #ate con!"ct *#t$ a p ofess#onal o occ"pat#onal sett#ng. In s$o tB et$#cs #s p #nc#ples often !ef#ne! as co!e t$at s$o*s *$at #s #g$tB fa# B H"st o goo! abo"t *$at *e o"g$t to !o. Morality 7 3o al#t) #s !e #-e! f o' t$e Lat#n *o ! @'o al#tas? *$#c$ also efe s to t$e c"sto' o eg"la p act#ces of a soc#al g o"p. 7 L#6e et$#csB 'o al#t) $as to !o *#t$ t$e e4pecte! p act#ces of a co''"n#t) an! b) e4tens#onB #ts #n!#-#!"al 'e'be s. 2#ffe ence *#t$ et$#cs 3o al#t) efe s to t$e act"al -al"esB con!"ctB an! no 's of a co''"n#t). It !esc #bes t$e stan!a !s of be$a-#o b) *$#c$ people a e H"!ge! #n t$e# elat#ons *#t$ ot$e s. Et$#csB on t$e ot$e $an!B concent ates on s)ste'at#c st"!) of 'o al -al"es. *alues B) t$e# -e ) nat" eB -al"es a e H"!ge'ents of *o t$. T$e) a e p #nc#ples o stan!a !s of be$a-#o T$e -al"es of a pe sonB g o"p o o gan#5at#on a e t$e 'o al p #nc#ples an! bel#efs t$at t$e) t$#n6 a e #'po tant #n l#fe an! t$at t$e) ten! to l#-e t$e# l#-es b). 1orms A e state *$at #s no 'all) co ect o e4pecte! be$a-#o #n a ce ta#n s#t"at#on. No 's seto"t e4pecte! 'o al stan!a ! o le-el #n !#sc$a g#ng p"bl#c espons#b#l#t#es.

$37 Ethics 'ormation

T$e follo*#ng a e bas#c !ete '#nants of #n!#-#!"al et$#cs: /$0 'amily Influences In!#-#!"als sta t to fo ' t$e# et$#cs as c$#l! enB #n esponse to t$e be$a-#o of t$e# pa ents an! t$e be$a-#o s t$at t$e# pa ents allo* t$e'. &o e4a'pleB a pe son@s pa ents $a-e $#g$ et$#cal stan!a !s an! a!$e e to t$ose stan!a !s all t$e t#'e an! #f t$e) e*a ! $#' fo confo '#ng an! p"n#s$ $#' fo not

confo '#ng to t$ose sa'e stan!a !sB $e #s l#6el) to a!opt t$e' fo $#'self. If $#s pa ents engage #n "net$#cal be$a-#o an! allo* $#' to !o t$e sa'eB $e #s l#6el) to !e-elop s#'#la l) lo* et$#cal stan!a !s fo $#'self.

Peer Influences




Values and Experiences Morals

Ill"st at#on b) = #ff#n :1FFGBp.IGF;. As #ll"st ate! #n t$e f#g" e abo-eB an #n!#-#!"al@s et$#cs a e !ete '#ne! b) f#-e f"n!a'ental fo ces.(


Peer Influence As #n!#-#!"als g o*B 'at" eB an! ente sc$oolB t$e) also beco'e s"scept#ble to #nfl"ence f o' t$e# pee s *#t$ *$o' t$e) #nte act e-e )!a). E,perience As people go t$ o"g$ t$e# l#-es t$e) e4pe #ence l#te all) !o5ens of e-ents t$at s$ape t$e# l#-es an!B "lt#'atel)B t$e# et$#cs. *alues and Morals A pe son@s -al"es an! 'o als also cont #b"te to $#s et$#cs. A pe son *$o $#g$l) -al"es 'ate #al *ealt$B fo e4a'pleB *#ll a!opt a pe sonal co!e of et$#cs t$at p o'otes t$e p" s"#t of *ealt$. In cont astB people *$o -al"e t$e# elat#-es an! f #en!s 'o e t$an 'ate #al *ealt$ 'a) $a-e a !#ffe ent set of et$#cal stan!a !s an! g"#!el#nes.




Situational 'actors Et$#cs can be #nfl"ence! b) s#t"at#onal facto s7t$#ngs t$at a #se nat" all) b"t often "ne4pecte! #n a pe son@s l#fe.

$373 Ethics in Management

$373$ Managerial Ethics Et$#cs a e p #nc#ples of con!"ct "se! to go-e n t$e !ec#s#on7'a6#ng be$a-#o of an #n!#-#!"al o g o"p of #n!#-#!"als. Beca"se 'anage'ent #s conce ne! *#t$ 'a6#ng !ec#s#ons *#t$#n an o gan#5at#onB t$e et$#cs of t$e #n!#-#!"al o g o"p of #n!#-#!"als 'a6#ng t$ese !ec#s#ons $a-e s#gn#f#cant #'pl#cat#ons fo t$e o gan#5at#on an! #ts sta6e$ol!e s. Sta6e$ol!e s 'a) #ncl"!e: e'plo)eesB c"sto'e sB o*ne s :o s$a e $ol!e s;B s"ppl#e sB go-e n'entB an! t$e p"bl#c at la ge. T$e ole of et$#cs #n 'anage'ent !ec#s#on #s !#ff#c"ltB pa tl) beca"se #t #s s"c$ an e'ot#onall) c$ange! #ss"e an! pa tl) beca"se of t$e 'an) an! -a #e! et$#cal p oble's face! b) 'anage s. Et$#cs can affect 'anage #al *o 6 #n an) n"'be of *a)sB b"t t$ ee a eas a e of spec#al conce n:, /$0 Relationship of the organi-ation to the employee Ho* t$e o gan#5at#on t eats #ts e'plo)ees co"l! be an a ea of spec#al conce n ega !#ng 'anage #al et$#cs. S"c$ act#-#t#es as $# #ngB f# #ngB *agesB p o'ot#onB *o 6#ng con!#t#onsB e'plo)ee p #-ac) a e so'e of t$e #ss"es t$at 'a) conce n 'anage #al et$#cs ega !#ng e'plo)ee affa# s. 3an) peopleB fo e4a'pleB *o"l! cons#!e #t "net$#cal #f an a!'#n#st ato $# e! so'e one H"st beca"se t$at so'eone #s $#s elat#-e o #nt#'ate f #en!. It co"l! also be "net$#cal #f a 'anage f# e! so'eone fo t$e 'e e eason t$at $e !#sl#6es $#' on pe sonal bas#s. S#'#la l)B 6no*#ng t$at so'eone !espe atel) nee!s to *o 6 an! t$en pa)#ng abno 'all) lo* *ages *o"l! be cons#!e e! "net$#cal. So'e ten!enc#es an! be$a-#o s s"c$ as nepot#s'B fa-o #t#s'B an! "nfa# ness :"n easonableness; 'a) !e'onst ate t$e 'anage @s "net$#cal be$a-#o to*a !s e'plo)ees of an o gan#5at#on. /"0 Relationship of the employee to the organi-ation Va #o"s et$#cal #ss"es s" o"n! t$e elat#ons$#p of t$e e'plo)ee to t$e o gan#5at#on. Confl#cts of #nte estB absence of lo)alt)B sec ec)B an! $onest) co"l! be c#te! as e4a'ples of et$#cal #ss"es #n t$e case of e'plo)ees of an o gan#5at#on. &o #nstanceB ece#-#ng a b #be f o' so'eone :fo e4a'pleB f o' a c"sto'e ; *o"l! ep esent a confl#ct of #nte est.

3#s"s#ng o gan#5at#onal #nfo 'at#on an! sec ets *o"l! also be "net$#cal. S"c$ p act#ces as t$eft J '#s"se of t$e p ope t#es of an o gan#5at#on fo one@s pe sonal en! a e "net$#cal be$a-#o s e4$#b#te! b) so'e e'plo)ees.

/70 Relationship of the organi-ation to others3 3anage #al et$#cs can also be obse -e! #n t$e conte4t of t$e elat#ons$#p bet*een t$e o gan#5at#on an! #ts e4te nal sta6e$ol!e s. T$e e4te nal sta6e$ol!e s of an o gan#5at#on 'a) #ncl"!e s"c$ econo'#c agents as c"sto'e sB stoc6$ol!e sB s"ppl#e sB !eale sB an! "n#ons. Accepte! et$#cal stan!a !s !e'an! t$at p o!"cts :goo!s an! se -#ces; offe e! to t$e c"sto'e s o cl#ents s$o"l! be safeB be acco'pan#e! b) app op #ate #nfo 'at#on on p o!"ct feat" esB "sesB an! l#'#tat#ons an! not be "n easonabl) p #ce!. T$e elat#ons$#ps *#t$ ot$e co'pet#ng f# 's :co'pet#to s; s$o"l! also be go-e ne! b) et$#cal stan!a !s. Et$#cal stan!a !s !#ctate t$at f# 's be t "t$f"l an! $onest *#t$ t$e# stoc6$ol!e s. &o e4a'pleB '#slea!#ng t$e o*ne s :s$a e$ol!e s; b) #nfo '#ng t$e' t$at t$e f# ' #s go#ng to epo t #nc eas#ng p of#ts ne4t )ea *$en t$e 'anage'ent tea' eall) e4pects a loss *o"l! gene all) be cons#!e e! "net$#cal. In Et$#cal conte4tsB o gan#5at#ons nee! to be fa# an! $onest #n t$e# ag ee'ents an! negot#at#ons *#t$ s"ppl#e sB !eale sB an! "n#ons. $373"3 %he Ethical Conte,t of Management Et$#cal : #g$tB goo!; o "net$#cal :* ongB ba!; be$a-#o s an! act#ons b) pa t#c"la 'anage s !o not ta6e place #n a -ac""'. T$ese be$a-#o s an! act#ons 'ost often occ" #n an o gan#5at#onal conte4t t$at #s con!"c#-e :fa-o able; to t$e'.. To beg#n *#t$B t$e sta t#ng po#nt fo "n!e stan!#ng t$e et$#cal conte4t of 'anage'ent #s t$e #n!#-#!"al@s o*n pe sonal et$#cal stan!a !s. So'e peopleB of co" seB *#t$ $#g$ et$#cal stan!a !sB a e *#ll#ng to lose t$e# Hob befo e t$e) co''#t :o cons#!e to !o; so'et$#ng "net$#cal. Ot$e s 'a) be '"c$ 'o e eas#l) ta6en b) an! '#g$t be *#ll#ng to co''#t e-en s#gn#f#cant c #'es to a!-ance t$e# o*n ca ee s o fo so'e pe sonal ga#n. O gan#5at#onal p act#ces a e also an #'po tant !#'ens#on of t$e et$#cal conte4t. So'e o gan#5at#ons openl) pe '#tB an! 'a) e-en enco" ageB "net$#cal b"s#ness p act#ces as long as t$ese p act#ces a e #n t$e best #nte ests of t$e f# '. So'e 'anage sB e-en #f t$e) a e a*a e of an et$#cal !#le''a #n t$#s t)pe of o gan#5at#onB *o"l! be o-e *$el'e! b) t$e o gan#5at#onal c"lt" e an! co'e !o*n to #t to co''#t "net$#cal p act#ce. T$e) f#nall) get f"ll) con-#nce! t$at s"c$ p act#ces a e acceptable.

T$e o gan#5at#on@s en-# on'ent also cont #b"tes to #ts et$#cal conte4t. In a $#g$l) co'pet#t#-e o $#g$l) eg"late! #n!"st )B fo e4a'pleB a 'anage 'a) feel g eat p ess" e to pe fo ' at a $#g$ le-el7 ega !less of t$e 'et$o!s $e c$ooses to "se. T$e soc#et) #n *$#c$ t$at pa t#c"la o #g#nat#on e4#sts 'a) also g eatl) #nfl"ence et$#cal stan!a !s $el! b) t$e o gan#5at#on. All 'anage s 'a6e !ec#s#ons. T$e# !ec#s#ons a e $#g$l) #nfl"ence! b) t$e et$#cal stan!a !s t$e) $a-e an! p o'ote. Ho*e-e B 'anage s '"st be able to econc#le co'pet#ng -al"es #n 'a6#ng !ec#s#ons. T$e) 'a6e !ec#s#ons t$at $a-e conse1"ences fo T$e'sel-esB T$e o gan#5at#on t$at e'plo)s t$e'B T$e soc#et) #n *$#c$ t$e) an! t$e o gan#5at#on e4#st. 3anage sB fo e4a'pleB can be calle! on to 'a6e !ec#s#ons t$at can be goo! :a!-antageo"s; fo t$e' b"t ba! :!#sast o"s; fo t$e o gan#5at#on an! t$e soc#et)./ $37383 (ays to manage Ethical :ehavior In an) o gan#5at#on :p"bl#c o p #-ate; t$e sta t#ng po#nt #n an effo t to en$ance et$#cal be$a-#o $as to be top 'anage'entB t$e g o"p t$at establ#s$es t$e o gan#5at#on@s c"lt" e an! !ef#nes *$at *#ll an! *#ll not be acceptable to t$e o gan#5at#on. O gan#5at#ons !o $a-e #'po tant oles : espons#b#l#t#es; #n en$anc#ng et$#cal be$a-#o" s.I 3an) o gan#5at#ons "se !#ffe ent 'et$o!s of en$anc#ng et$#cal be$a-#o s #n t$e *o 6 place. So'e offe t$e# e'plo)ees t a#n#ng #n $o* to cope *#t$ et$#cal p oble'sA so'e $a-e an et$#cs co''#ttee t$at epo ts !# ectl) to t$e go-e n#ng boa ! of t$e o gan#5at#on. So'e o gan#5at#ons p epa e !eta#le! g"#!el#nes !esc #b#ng $o* e'plo)ees s$o"l! !eal *#t$ s"ppl#e sB c"sto'e sB co'pet#to sB an! ot$e const#t"ents :o sta6e$ol!e s;. St#ll so'e ot$e o gan#5at#ons !e-elop an! p"bl#s$ fo 'al co!es of et$#cs. T$e app oac$es to !e-elop#ng g"#!el#nes fo et$#cal be$a-#o $a-e often foc"se! on t$e ole of t$e #n!#-#!"al 'anage . Ne-e t$elessB t$e o gan#5at#onsB as o gan#5at#onB can an! s$o"l! pla) a 'aHo ole #n ens" #ng t$at #ts 'anage s act et$#call) #n 'anag#ng t$e f# ' an! #ts e'plo)ees ope ate et$#call) #n pe fo '#ng t$e !"t#es of t$e f# '. T$e o gan#5at#on@s ole #n s$ap#ng et$#cs #s H"st#f#e! s#nce #t #s "lt#'atel) espons#ble fo t$e conse1"ences of t$e !ec#s#ons t$at #ts 'anage s :an! e-en e'plo)ees; 'a6e.F It #s bel#e-e! t$at alt$o"g$ an o gan#5at#on #s "lt#'atel) espons#ble fo conse1"encesB s" p #s#ngl) fe* o gan#5at#ons $a-e t a!#t#onall) p o-#!e! 'e'be s *#t$ spec#f#c g"#!el#nes conce n#ng et$#cs #n !ec#s#on 'a6#ng. Ho*e-e B g#-en t$e #nc eas#ng conce n abo"t et$#cs #n o gan#5at#onsB a g o*#ng n"'be of f# 's a e atte'pt#ng to p o-#!e g"#!ance fo t$e# 'anage s.

At t$e cente of 'an) o gan#5at#ons@ effo ts #s t$e !e-elop'ent of an o gan#5at#onal :o co po ate; co!e of et$#cs :often calle! co!e of con!"ct;. T)p#call) establ#s$e! b) top 'anage'entB a co!e "s"all) cons#sts of a * #tten state'ent of an o gan#5at#on@s -al"esB bel#efsB an! no 's of et$#cal be$a-#o . T$#s co!e of et$#cs spec#f#es an o gan#5at#on@s -al"es an! bel#efs conce n#ng #ts elat#ons$#ps an! espons#b#l#t#es to*a ! #ts !#ffe ent sta6e$ol!e s.

$38 Codes of Ethics

One esponse b) o gan#5at#ons to t$e 1"est#ons of et$#cs $as been to !e-elop a co!e of et$#cs t$at #s co''"n#cate! to all e'plo)ees. A co!e of et$#cs #s a * #tten !oc"'ent t$at o"tl#nes t$e p #nc#ples of con!"ct to be "se! #n 'a6#ng !ec#s#ons *#t$#n an o gan#5at#on.1G In b oa!e te 'sB co!e of et$#cs efe s to t$e -al"es an! et$#cal stan!a !s t$at g"#!e an! go-e n t$e o-e all act#ons of an o gan#5at#on. I!eall)B a co!e of et$#cs s$o"l! p o-#!e e'plo)ees *#t$ !# ect#on #n !eal#ng *#t$ et$#cal !#le''asB cla #f) t$e o gan#5at#on@s pos#t#on ega !#ng a eas of et$#cal "nce ta#nt)B an! ac$#e-e an! 'a#nta#n o-e all ongo#ng con!"ct o be$a-#o t$at t$e o gan#5at#on -#e*s as et$#cal an! p ope .

$383$3 Philosophical !pproaches to establish Code of ethics

Co!es of et$#cs a e base! on one o 'o e of t$e follo*#ng p$#losop$#cal app oac$es. The Principle of justice: T$e P #nc#ple of H"st#ce #n-ol-es 'a6#ng !ec#s#ons base! on t "t$B a lac6 of b#asB an! cons#stenc). The principle of individual rights: T$e p #nc#ple of #n!#-#!"al #g$ts #n-ol-es 'a6#ng !ec#s#ons base! on p otect#ng $"'an !#gn#t). &o e4a'pleB a!'#n#st ato s s$o"l! not fo ce o gan#5at#onal 'e'be s to be$a-e #n a *a) t$at #s cont a ) to t$e# 'o al bel#efs. The principle of utilitarianism: T$e p #nc#ple of "t#l#ta #an#s' #n-ol-es 'a6#ng !ec#s#ons !# ecte! to*a ! p o'ot#ng t$e g eatest goo! fo t$e g eatest n"'be of people.

Un!e l)#ng eac$ of t$ese p$#losop$#cal app oac$es #s t$e f"n!a'ental concept t$at 'anage s '"st be as conce ne! abo"t t$e #nte ests of t$e o gan#5at#on@s sta6e$ol!e s as t$e) a e abo"t t$e# o*n self7#nte ests. T$ese p #nc#ples a e p #'a #l) base! on: D2o to ot$e s as )o" *o"l! $a-e t$e' !o to )o"E. Co!es of et$#cs s$o"l! be fo 'alB * #ttenB an! co''"n#cate! to all 'e'be s of t$e o gan#5at#on. Alt$o"g$ co!es of et$#cs !#ffe #n content f o' one #n!"st ) to anot$e an! f o' one o gan#5at#on to anot$e B a gene al l#st of top#cs t$at co"l! be co-e e! #ncl"!es: &"n!a'ental $onest) an! a!$e ence to t$e la* Confl#cts of #nte est P o!"ct safet) an! 1"al#t) Ac1"# #ng an! "s#ng o gan#5at#onal #nfo 'at#on &a# ness #n sell#ng0'a 6et#ng p act#ces

Healt$ an! safet) #n t$e *o 6place E'plo)'ent p act#ces &#nanc#al epo t#ng S"ppl#e elat#ons$#ps Pa)'ents to obta#n b"s#ness Sec" #t) Pol#t#cal act#-#t#es P otect#on of t$e en-# on'ent Intellect"al p ope t)0P op #eta ) Info 'at#on Ac1"# #ng an! "s#ng #nfo 'at#on abo"t ot$e s. Of co" seB no co!eB g"#!el#neB o t a#n#ng p og a' can t "l) eplace an #n!#-#!"al@s pe sonal H"!g'ent abo"t *$at #s #g$t o * ong #n an) pa t#c"la s#t"at#on. Ob-#o"sl)B co!es of et$#cs !o not en! "net$#cal be$a-#o B b"t t$e) a e a pos#t#-e step #n a!! ess#ng t$e p oble'. Co!es of et$#cs 'a) e4pla#n *$at people s$o"l! !oB b"t t$e) often fa#l to $elp people !eal *#t$ t$e conse1"ences of t$e# c$o#ces. Ho*e-e to 'a6e "net$#cal c$o#ces 'a) lea! to "npleasant o"tco'es7f# #ngB !e'ot#onB ot$e penalt#esB eHect#on b) one@s colleag"esB ba! eco !sB an! t$e l#6e. $38 3"3 ;uidelines for Designing )rgani-ational Code of Conduct3 To be 'o e effect#-eB organizational code of ethics '"st conta#n 'o e t$an obsc" e p #nc#ples. T$e et$#cal p #nc#ples s$o"l! be specific, simple and clear. It s$o"l! not be too long*#n!e! te4ts f a'e! an! $"ng on boa ! oo' *alls b"t sel!o' loo6e! at. As 8$#tton :%GG1; co ectl) p"t #tB t$e s#'ple B t$e bette an! 6eep #t p act#cal a e goo! p #nc#ples fo !es#gn#ng organizational code of ethics. 3o e effect#-e institutional code of ethics can be !es#gne! b) p" s"#ng t$e follo*#ng gene al C "les@. &implicity (elevancy $larity *nclusiveness 'o not cover every possible situation or situation in the code. )ocus on the specific outcomes you are trying to achieve. The language and ideas must be used accurately. "void confusion. The code of ethics development should be participatory. *t should not be rules written by senior management and then imposed on lower+level employees. (ather it should be an output of collective efforts. *t must be an organizations way of saying ,this is the way we are going to do things around here, at all levels in this organization. $ollectively designed and implemented codes of ethics should be ept secret. They should be declared open and let the ,whole world nows about them. -ublic trust emanates only from


,public code of ethics. )amiliarization " code is of no value if no+one in the organization nows about it. &o familiarization training should be introduced, at least twice a year, for everyone in the organization. *ntegrate the code of ethics into personnel management, especially performance assessment. $ivil servants who disregard the code of ethics in their official activities shouldnt be rewarded or promoted. -ersonal ethical performance and ethical leadership should be recognized and rewarded appropriately by the organization. (eview the code at least every two years. .thics standards can change, as community values and standards change. /ew ethical and professional problems will continue to turn out as technology spins the once impossible into the ordinary. 0f course, principles, which are basic to public sector ethics, are unli ely to change much, but their application to particular changing circumstances.



1.,. Environmental Ethics

)irst published 1on 2un 3, 45546 substantive revision Thu 2an 3, 4557
Cop) #g$t K %GGI b) An!

e* B ennan L" Ne"67S5e Lo

En-# on'ental et$#cs #s t$e !#sc#pl#ne #n p$#losop$) t$at st"!#es t$e 'o al elat#ons$#p of $"'an be#ngs toB an! also t$e -al"e an! 'o al stat"s ofB t$e en-# on'ent an! #ts non$"'an contents. T$#s ent ) co-e s: :1; t$e c$allenge of en-# on'ental et$#cs to t$e ant$ opocent #s' :#.e.B $"'an7cente e!ness; e'be!!e! #n t a!#t#onal *este n et$#cal t$#n6#ngA :%; t$e ea l) !e-elop'ent of t$e !#sc#pl#ne #n t$e 1F.Gs an! 1F/GsA :(; t$e connect#on of !eep ecolog)B fe'#n#st en-# on'ental et$#csB an! soc#al ecolog) to pol#t#csA :+; t$e atte'pt to appl) t a!#t#onal et$#cal t$eo #esB #ncl"!#ng conse1"ent#al#s'B !eontolog)B an! -# t"e et$#csB to s"ppo t conte'po a ) en-# on'ental conce nsA an! :,; t$e foc"s of en-# on'ental l#te at" e on *#l!e nessB an! poss#ble f"t" e !e-elop'ents of t$e !#sc#pl#ne. $393$3 %he Challenge of Environmental Ethics S"ppose t$at p"tt#ng o"t nat" al f# esB c"ll#ng fe al an#'als o !est o)#ng so'e #n!#-#!"al 'e'be s of o-e pop"late! #n!#geno"s spec#es #s necessa ) fo t$e p otect#on of t$e #nteg #t) of a ce ta#n ecos)ste'. 8#ll t$ese act#ons be 'o all) pe '#ss#ble o e-en e1"# e!9 Is #t 'o all) acceptable fo fa 'e s #n non7#n!"st #al co"nt #es to p act#se slas$ an! b" n tec$n#1"es to clea a eas fo ag #c"lt" e9 Cons#!e a '#n#ng co'pan) *$#c$ $as pe fo 'e! open p#t '#n#ng #n so'e p e-#o"sl) "nspo#le! a ea. 2oes t$e co'pan) $a-e a 'o al obl#gat#on to esto e t$e lan!fo ' an! s" face ecolog)9 An! *$at #s t$e -al"e of a $"'anl) esto e! en-# on'ent co'pa e! *#t$ t$e o #g#nall) nat" al en-# on'ent9 It #s often sa#! to be 'o all) * ong fo $"'an be#ngs to poll"te an! !est o) pa ts of t$e nat" al en-# on'ent an! to cons"'e a $"ge p opo t#on of t$e planet?s nat" al eso" ces. If t$at #s * ongB #s #t s#'pl) beca"se a s"sta#nable en-# on'ent #s essent#al to :p esent an! f"t" e; $"'an *ell7be#ng9 O #s s"c$ be$a-#o" also * ong beca"se t$e nat" al en-# on'ent an!0o #ts -a #o"s contents $a-e ce ta#n -al"es #n t$e# o*n #g$t so t$at t$ese -al"es o"g$t to be especte! an! p otecte! #n an) case9 T$ese a e a'ong t$e 1"est#ons #n-est#gate! b) en-# on'ental et$#cs. So'e of t$e' a e spec#f#c 1"est#ons face! b) #n!#-#!"als #n pa t#c"la c# c"'stancesB *$#le ot$e s a e 'o e global 1"est#ons face! b) g o"ps an! co''"n#t#es. Net ot$e s a e 'o e abst act 1"est#ons conce n#ng t$e -al"e an! 'o al stan!#ng of t$e nat" al en-# on'ent an! #ts non$"'an co'ponents. In t$e l#te at" e on en-# on'ental et$#cs t$e !#st#nct#on bet*een instrumental value an! intrinsic value :'ean#ng Dnon7#nst "'ental -al"eE; $as been of cons#!e able #'po tance. T$e fo 'e #s t$e -al"e of t$#ngs as means to f" t$e so'e ot$e en!sB *$e eas t$e latte #s t$e -al"e of t$#ngs as ends in themselves ega !less of *$et$e t$e) a e also "sef"l as 'eans to ot$e en!s. &o #nstanceB ce ta#n f "#ts $a-e #nst "'ental -al"e fo bats *$o fee! on t$e'B s#nce fee!#ng on t$e f "#ts #s a 'eans to s" -#-al fo t$e bats. Ho*e-e B #t #s not *#!el) ag ee! t$at

f "#ts $a-e -al"e as en!s #n t$e'sel-es. 8e can l#6e*#se t$#n6 of a pe son *$o teac$es ot$e s as $a-#ng #nst "'ental -al"e fo t$ose *$o *ant to ac1"# e 6no*le!ge. NetB #n a!!#t#on to an) s"c$ -al"eB #t #s no 'all) sa#! t$at a pe sonB as a pe sonB $as #nt #ns#c -al"eB #.e.B -al"e #n $#s o $e o*n #g$t #n!epen!entl) of $#s o $e p ospects fo se -#ng t$e en!s of ot$e s. &o anot$e e4a'pleB a ce ta#n *#l! plant 'a) $a-e #nst "'ental -al"e beca"se #t p o-#!es t$e #ng e!#ents fo so'e 'e!#c#ne o as an aest$et#c obHect fo $"'an obse -e s. B"t #f t$e plant also $as so'e -al"e #n #tself #n!epen!entl) of #ts p ospects fo f" t$e #ng so'e ot$e en!s s"c$ as $"'an $ealt$B o t$e pleas" e f o' aest$et#c e4pe #enceB t$en t$e plant also $as #nt #ns#c -al"e. Beca"se t$e #nt #ns#call) -al"able #s t$at *$#c$ #s goo! as an en! #n #tselfB #t #s co''onl) ag ee! t$at so'et$#ng?s possess#on of #nt #ns#c -al"e gene ates a p #'a fac#e !# ect 'o al !"t) on t$e pa t of 'o al agents to p otect #t o at least ef a#n f o' !a'ag#ng #t :see O?Ne#l 1FF% an! Oa'eson %GG% fo !eta#le! acco"nts of #nt #ns#c -al"e;. 3an) t a!#t#onal *este n et$#cal pe spect#-esB $o*e-e B a e anthropocentric o $"'an7cente e! #n t$at e#t$e t$e) ass#gn #nt #ns#c -al"e to $"'an be#ngs alone :#.e.B *$at *e '#g$t call ant$ opocent #c #n a strong sense; o t$e) ass#gn a s#gn#f#cantl) g eate a'o"nt of #nt #ns#c -al"e to $"'an be#ngs t$an to an) non$"'an t$#ngs s"c$ t$at t$e p otect#on o p o'ot#on of $"'an #nte ests o *ell7be#ng at t$e e4pense of non$"'an t$#ngs t" ns o"t to be nea l) al*a)s H"st#f#e! :#.e.B *$at *e '#g$t call ant$ opocent #c #n a wea sense;. &o e4a'pleB A #stotle :-oliticsB B6. 1B C$. I; 'a#nta#ns t$at Dnat" e $as 'a!e all t$#ngs spec#f#call) fo t$e sa6e of 'anE an! t$at t$e -al"e of non$"'an t$#ngs #n nat" e #s 'e el) #nst "'ental. =ene all)B ant$ opocent #c pos#t#ons f#n! #t p oble'at#c to a t#c"late *$at #s * ong *#t$ t$e c "el t eat'ent of non$"'an an#'alsB e4cept to t$e e4tent t$at s"c$ t eat'ent 'a) lea! to ba! conse1"ences fo $"'an be#ngs. I''an"el >ant :D2"t#es to An#'als an! Sp# #tsEB #n :ectures on .thics;B fo #nstanceB s"ggests t$at c "elt) to*a !s a !og '#g$t enco" age a pe son to !e-elop a c$a acte *$#c$ *o"l! be !esens#t#5e! to c "elt) to*a !s $"'ans. & o' t$#s stan!po#ntB c "elt) to*a !s non$"'an an#'als *o"l! be #nst "'entall)B at$e t$an #nt #ns#call)B * ong. L#6e*#seB ant$ opocent #s' often ecogn#5es so'e non7#nt #ns#c * ongness of ant$ opogen#c :#.e. $"'an7ca"se!; en-# on'ental !e-astat#on. S"c$ !est "ct#on '#g$t !a'age t$e *ell7be#ng of $"'an be#ngs no* an! #n t$e f"t" eB s#nce o" *ell7be#ng #s essent#all) !epen!ent on a s"sta#nable en-# on'ent :see Pass'o e 1F/+B Boo6c$#n 1FFGB No tonB H"tc$#nsB Ste-ensB an! 3aple :e!s.; 1FF,;. 8$en en-# on'ental et$#cs e'e ge! as a ne* s"b7!#sc#pl#ne of p$#losop$) #n t$e ea l) 1F/GsB #t !#! so b) pos#ng a c$allenge to t a!#t#onal ant$ opocent #s'. In t$e f# st placeB #t 1"est#one! t$e ass"'e! 'o al s"pe #o #t) of $"'an be#ngs to 'e'be s of ot$e spec#es on ea t$. In t$e secon! placeB #t #n-est#gate! t$e poss#b#l#t) of at#onal a g"'ents fo ass#gn#ng #nt #ns#c -al"e to t$e nat" al en-# on'ent an! #ts non$"'an contents. It s$o"l! be note!B $o*e-e B t$at so'e t$eo #sts *o 6#ng #n t$e f#el! see no nee! to !e-elop ne*B non7ant$ opocent #c t$eo #es. Instea!B t$e) a!-ocate *$at 'a) be calle! enlightened ant$ opocent #s' :o B pe $aps 'o e app op #atel) calle!B prudential ant$ opocent #s';. B #efl)B

t$#s #s t$e -#e* t$at all t$e 'o al !"t#es *e $a-e to*a !s t$e en-# on'ent a e !e #-e! f o' o" !# ect !"t#es to #ts $"'an #n$ab#tants. T$e p act#cal p" pose of en-# on'ental et$#csB t$e) 'a#nta#nB #s to p o-#!e 'o al g o"n!s fo soc#al pol#c#es a#'e! at p otect#ng t$e ea t$?s en-# on'ent an! e'e!)#ng en-# on'ental !eg a!at#on. Enl#g$tene! ant$ opocent #s'B t$e) a g"eB #s s"ff#c#ent fo t$at p act#cal p" poseB an! pe $aps e-en 'o e effect#-e #n !el#-e #ng p ag'at#c o"tco'esB #n te 's of pol#c)7'a6#ngB t$an non7ant$ opocent #c t$eo #es g#-en t$e t$eo et#cal b" !en on t$e latte to p o-#!e so"n! a g"'ents fo #ts 'o e a!#cal -#e* t$at t$e non$"'an en-# on'ent $as #nt #ns#c -al"e :cf. No ton 1FF1B !e S$al#t 1FF+B L#g$t an! >at5 1FF.;. &" t$e 'o eB so'e p "!ent#al ant$ opocent #sts 'a) $ol! *$at '#g$t be calle! cynical ant$ opocent #s'B *$#c$ sa)s t$at *e $a-e a $#g$e 7le-el ant$ opocent #c eason to be non7 ant$ opocent #c #n o" !a)7to7!a) t$#n6#ng. S"ppose t$at a !a)7to7!a) non7ant$ opocent #st ten!s to act 'o e ben#gnl) to*a !s t$e non$"'an en-# on'ent on *$#c$ $"'an *ell7be#ng !epen!s. T$#s *o"l! p o-#!e eason fo enco" ag#ng non7ant$ opocent #c t$#n6#ngB e-en to t$ose *$o f#n! t$e #!ea of non7ant$ opocent #c #nt #ns#c -al"e $a ! to s*allo*. In o !e fo s"c$ a st ateg) to be effect#-e one 'a) nee! to $#!e one?s c)n#cal ant$ opocent #s' f o' ot$e s an! e-en f o' oneself. $393"3 %he Early Development of Environmental Ethics Alt$o"g$ nat" e *as t$e foc"s of '"c$ n#neteent$ an! t*ent#et$ cent" ) p$#losop$)B conte'po a ) en-# on'ental et$#cs onl) e'e ge! as an aca!e'#c !#sc#pl#ne #n t$e 1F/Gs. T$e 1"est#on#ng an! et$#n6#ng of t$e elat#ons$#p of $"'an be#ngs *#t$ t$e nat" al en-# on'ent o-e t$e last t$# t) )ea s eflecte! an al ea!) *#!esp ea! pe cept#on #n t$e 1F.Gs t$at t$e late t*ent#et$ cent" ) face! a Dpop"lat#on t#'e bo'bE an! a se #o"s en-# on'ental c #s#s. A'ong t$e access#ble *o 6 t$at ! e* attent#on to a sense of c #s#s *as Rac$el Ca son?s &ilent &pring :1F.(;B *$#c$ cons#ste! of a n"'be of essa)s ea l#e p"bl#s$e! #n t$e /ew ;or er 'aga5#ne !eta#l#ng $o* pest#c#!es s"c$ as 22TB al! #n an! !e#l! #n concent ate! t$ o"g$ t$e foo! *eb. Co''e c#al fa '#ng p act#ces a#'e! at 'a4#'#5#ng c op )#el!s an! p of#tsB Ca son spec"latesB a e capable of #'pact#ng s#'"ltaneo"sl) on en-# on'ental an! p"bl#c $ealt$. On t$e ot$e $an!B $#sto #an L)nn 8$#te H .B #n a '"c$7c#te! essa) p"bl#s$e! #n 1F./ :8$#te 1F./; on t$e $#sto #cal oots of t$e en-# on'ental c #s#sB a g"es t$at t$e 'a#n st an!s of O"!eo7 C$ #st#an t$#n6#ng $a! enco" age! t$e o-e e4plo#tat#on of nat" e b) 'a#nta#n#ng t$e s"pe #o #t) of $"'ans o-e all ot$e fo 's of l#fe on ea t$B an! b) !ep#ct#ng all of nat" e as c eate! fo t$e "se of $"'ans. 8$#te?s t$es#s #s *#!el) !#sc"sse! #n t$eolog)B $#sto )B an! $as been s"bHect to so'e soc#olog#cal test#ng as *ell as be#ng eg"la l) !#sc"sse! b) p$#losop$e s :see 8$#tne) 1FF(B Attf#el! %GG1;. Cent al to t$e at#onale fo $#s t$es#s *e e t$e *o 6s of t$e C$" c$ &at$e s an! T$e B#ble #tselfB s"ppo t#ng t$e ant$ opocent #c pe spect#-e t$at $"'ans a e t$e onl) t$#ngs t$at 'atte on Ea t$. Conse1"entl)B t$e) 'a) "t#l#5e an! cons"'e e-e )t$#ng else to t$e# a!-antage *#t$o"t an) #nH"st#ce. &o e4a'pleB <enesis 1:%/7I states: D=o! c eate! 'an #n $#s o*n #'ageB #n t$e #'age of =o! c eate! $e $#'A 'ale an! fe'ale c eate! $e t$e'. An! =o! blesse! t$e'B an! =o! sa#! "nto t$e'B Be f "#tf"lB an! '"lt#pl)B an! eplen#s$ t$e ea t$B

an! s"b!"e #t: an! $a-e !o'#n#on o-e f#s$ of t$e seaB an! o-e fo*l of t$e a# B an! o-e e-e ) l#-#ng t$#ng t$at 'o-et$ "pon t$e ea t$.E L#6e*#seB T$o'as A1"#nas : &umma $ontra <entilesB B6. (B Pt %B C$ 11%; a g"e! t$at non$"'an an#'als a e Do !e e! to 'an?s "seE. Acco !#ng to 8$#teB t$e O"!eo7C$ #st#an #!ea t$at $"'ans a e c eate! #n t$e #'age of t$e t anscen!ent s"pe nat" al =o!B *$o #s a!#call) sepa ate f o' nat" eB also b) e4tens#on a!#call) sepa ates $"'ans t$e'sel-es f o' nat" e. T$#s #!eolog) f" t$e opene! t$e *a) fo "nt a''elle! e4plo#tat#on of nat" e. 3o!e n 8este n sc#ence #tselfB 8$#te a g"esB *as Dcast #n t$e 'at #4 of C$ #st#an t$eolog)E so t$at #t too #n$e #te! t$e Do t$o!o4 C$ #st#an a ogance to*a ! nat" eE :8$#te H . 1F./B 1%G/;. Clea l)B *#t$o"t tec$nolog) an! sc#enceB t$e en-# on'ental e4t e'es to *$#c$ *e a e no* e4pose! *o"l! p obabl) not be eal#5e!. 8$#te?s t$es#sB $o*e-e B #s t$at g#-en t$e 'o!e n fo ' of sc#ence an! tec$nolog)B O"!eo7C$ #st#an#t) #tself p o-#!es t$e o #g#nal !eep7seate! ! #-e to "nl#'#te! e4plo#tat#on of nat" e. Ne-e t$elessB 8$#te a g"e! t$at so'e '#no #t) t a!#t#ons *#t$#n C$ #st#an#t) :e.g.B t$e -#e*s of St. & anc#s; '#g$t p o-#!e an ant#!ote to t$e Da oganceE of a 'a#nst ea' t a!#t#on steepe! #n ant$ opocent #s'. A o"n! t$e sa'e t#'eB t$e Stanfo ! ecolog#stB Pa"l E$ l#c$B p"bl#s$e! The -opulation 8omb :1F.I;B *a n#ng t$at t$e g o*t$ of $"'an pop"lat#on t$ eatene! t$e -#ab#l#t) of planeta ) l#fe7 s"ppo t s)ste's. T$e sense of en-# on'ental c #s#s st#'"late! b) t$ose an! ot$e pop"la *o 6s *as #ntens#f#e! b) NASA?s p o!"ct#on an! *#!e !#sse'#nat#on of a pa t#c"la l) potent #'age of ea t$ f o' space ta6en at C$ #st'as 1F.I an! feat" e! #n t$e &cientific "merican #n Septe'be 1F/G. He eB pla#n to seeB *as a l#-#ngB s$#n#ng planet -o)ag#ng t$ o"g$ space an! s$a e! b) all of $"'an#t)B a p ec#o"s -essel -"lne able to poll"t#on an! to t$e o-e "se of #ts l#'#te! capac#t#es. In 1F/% a tea' of esea c$e s at 3IT le! b) 2enn#s 3ea!o*s p"bl#s$e! t$e :imits to <rowth st"!)B a *o 6 t$at s"''e! "p #n 'an) *a)s t$e e'e g#ng conce ns of t$e p e-#o"s !eca!e an! t$e sense of -"lne ab#l#t) t #gge e! b) t$e -#e* of t$e ea t$ f o' space. In P1G of t$e co''enta ) to t$e st"!)B t$e esea c$e s * ote: 8e aff# ' f#nall) t$at an) !el#be ate atte'pt to eac$ a at#onal an! en!" #ng state of e1"#l#b #"' b) planne! 'eas" esB at$e t$an b) c$ance o catast op$eB '"st "lt#'atel) be fo"n!e! on a bas#c c$ange of -al"es an! goals at #n!#-#!"alB nat#onal an! *o l! le-els. T$e call fo a Dbas#c c$ange of -al"esE #n connect#on to t$e en-# on'ent :a call t$at co"l! be #nte p ete! #n te 's of e#t$e #nst "'ental o #nt #ns#c -al"es; eflecte! a nee! fo t$e !e-elop'ent of en-# on'ental et$#cs as a ne* s"b7!#sc#pl#ne of p$#losop$). T$e ne* f#el! e'e ge! al'ost s#'"ltaneo"sl) #n t$ ee co"nt #es 77 t$e Un#te! StatesB A"st al#aB an! No *a). In t$e f# st t*o of t$ese co"nt #esB !# ect#on an! #nsp# at#on la gel) ca'e f o' t$e ea l#e t*ent#et$ cent" ) A'e #can l#te at" e of t$e en-# on'ent. &o #nstanceB t$e Scott#s$ e'#g ant Oo$n 3"# :fo"n!e of t$e S#e a Cl"b an! Dfat$e of A'e #can conse -at#onE; an! s"bse1"entl) t$e fo este Al!o Leopol! $a! a!-ocate! an app ec#at#on an! conse -at#on of t$#ngs Dnat" alB *#l! an! f eeE. T$e# conce ns *e e 'ot#-ate! b) a co'b#nat#on of et$#cal an! aest$et#c esponses to nat" e as *ell as a eHect#on of c "!el) econo'#c app oac$es to t$e -al"e

of nat" al obHects :a $#sto #cal s" -e) of t$e conf ontat#on bet*een 3"# ?s e-e ent#al#s' an! t$e $"'an7cent e! conse -at#on#s' of =#ffo ! P#nc$ot :one of t$e 'aHo #nfl"ences on t$e !e-elop'ent of t$e US &o est Se -#ce; #s p o-#!e! #n No ton 1FF1A also see Co$en 1FI+ an! Nas$ :e!; 1FFG;. Leopol!?s " &and $ounty "lmanac :1F+F;B #n pa t#c"la B a!-ocate! t$e a!opt#on of a Dlan! et$#cE: T$at lan! #s a co''"n#t) #s t$e bas#c concept of ecolog)B b"t t$at lan! #s to be lo-e! an! especte! #s an e4tens#on of et$#cs. :-##7#4; A t$#ng #s #g$t *$en #t ten!s to p ese -e t$e #nteg #t)B stab#l#t)B an! bea"t) of t$e b#ot#c co''"n#t). It #s * ong *$en #t ten!s ot$e *#se. :%%+7,; Ho*e-e B Leopol! $#'self p o-#!e! no s)ste'at#c et$#cal t$eo ) o f a'e*o 6 to s"ppo t t$ese et$#cal #!eas conce n#ng t$e en-# on'ent. H#s -#e*s t$e efo e p esente! a c$allenge an! oppo t"n#t) fo 'o al t$eo #sts: co"l! so'e et$#cal t$eo ) be !e-#se! to H"st#f) t$e #nH"nct#on to p ese -e t$e #nteg #t)B stab#l#t) an! bea"t) of t$e b#osp$e e9 T$e lan! et$#c s6etc$e! b) Leopol!B atte'pt#ng to e4ten! o" 'o al conce n to co-e t$e nat" al en-# on'ent an! #ts non$"'an contentsB *as ! a*n on e4pl#c#tl) b) t$e A"st al#an p$#losop$e R#c$a ! Ro"tle) :late S)l-an;. Acco !#ng to Ro"tle) :1F/( :cf. Ro"tle) an! Ro"tle) 1FIG;;B t$e ant$ opocent #s' #'be!!e! #n *$at $e calle! t$e D!o'#nant *este n -#e*EB o Dt$e *este n s"pe et$#cEB #s #n effect D$"'an c$a"-#n#s'E. T$#s -#e*B $e a g"e!B #s H"st anot$e fo ' of class c$a"-#n#s'B *$#c$ #s s#'pl) base! on bl#n! class Dlo)alt)E o p eH"!#ceB an! "nH"st#f#abl) !#sc #'#nates aga#nst t$ose o"ts#!e t$e p #-#lege! class. &" t$e 'o eB #n $#s Dlast 'anE :an! Dlast peopleE; a g"'entsB Ro"tle) as6e! "s to #'ag#ne t$e $)pot$et#cal s#t"at#on #n *$#c$ t$e last pe sonB s" -#-#ng a *o l! catast op$eB acte! to ens" e t$e el#'#nat#on of all ot$e l#-#ng t$#ngs an! t$e !est "ct#on of all t$e lan!scapes afte $#s !e'#se. & o' t$e $"'an7c$a"-#n#st#c :o absol"tel) ant$ opocent #c; pe spect#-eB t$e last pe son *o"l! !o not$#ng 'o all) * ongB s#nce $#s o $e !est "ct#-e act #n 1"est#on *o"l! not ca"se an) !a'age to t$e #nte est an! *ell7be#ng of $"'ansB *$o *o"l! b) t$en $a-e !#sappea e!. Ne-e t$elessB Ro"tle) po#nts o"t t$at t$e e #s a 'o al #nt"#t#on t$at t$e #'ag#ne! last act *o"l! be 'o all) * ong. An e4planat#on fo t$#s H"!g'entB $e a g"e!B #s t$at t$ose non$"'an obHects #n t$e en-# on'entB *$ose !est "ct#on #s ens" e! b) t$e last pe sonB $a-e #nt #ns#c -al"eB a 6#n! of -al"e #n!epen!ent of t$e# "sef"lness fo $"'ans. & o' $#s c #t#1"eB Ro"tle) concl"!e! t$at t$e 'a#n app oac$es #n t a!#t#onal *este n 'o al t$#n6#ng *e e "nable to allo* t$e ecogn#t#on t$at nat" al t$#ngs $a-e #nt #ns#c -al"eB an! t$at t$e t a!#t#on e1"# e! o-e $a"l of a s#gn#f#cant 6#n!. Leopol!?s #!ea t$at t$e Dlan!E as a *$ole #s an obHect of o" 'o al conce n also st#'"late! * #te s to a g"e fo ce ta#n 'o al obl#gat#ons to*a ! ecolog#cal *$olesB s"c$ as spec#esB co''"n#t#esB an! ecos)ste'sB not H"st t$e# #n!#-#!"al const#t"ents. T$e U.S.7base! t$eolog#an an! en-# on'ental p$#losop$e Hol'es Rolston IIIB fo #nstanceB a g"e! t$at spec#es p otect#on

*as a 'o al !"t) :Rolston 1F/,;. It *o"l! be * ongB $e 'a#nta#ne!B to el#'#nate a a e b"tte fl) spec#es s#'pl) to #nc ease t$e 'oneta ) -al"e of spec#'ens al ea!) $el! b) collecto s. L#6e Ro"tle)?s Dlast 'anE a g"'entsB Rolston?s e4a'ple #s 'eant to ! a* attent#on to a 6#n! of act#on t$at see's 'o all) !"b#o"s an! )et #s not clea l) "le! o"t o con!e'ne! b) t a!#t#onal ant$ opocent #c et$#cal -#e*s. Spec#esB Rolston *ent on to a g"eB a e #nt #ns#call) -al"able an! a e "s"all) 'o e -al"able t$an #n!#-#!"al spec#'ensB s#nce t$e loss of a spec#es #s a loss of genet#c poss#b#l#t#es an! t$e !el#be ate !est "ct#on of a spec#es *o"l! s$o* !#s espect fo t$e -e ) b#olog#cal p ocesses *$#c$ 'a6e poss#ble t$e e'e gence of #n!#-#!"al l#-#ng t$#ngs :also see Rolston 1FIFB C$ 1G;. Nat" al p ocesses !ese -e espectB acco !#ng to Rolston?s 1"as#7 el#g#o"s pe spect#-eB beca"se t$e) const#t"te a nat" e :o =o!; *$#c$ #s #tself #nt #ns#call) -al"able :o sac e!;. 3ean*$#leB t$e *o 6 of C$ #stop$e Stone :a p ofesso of la* at t$e Un#-e s#t) of So"t$e n Cal#fo n#a; $a! beco'e *#!el) !#sc"sse!. Stone :1F/%; p opose! t$at t ees an! ot$e nat" al obHects s$o"l! $a-e at least t$e sa'e stan!#ng #n la* as co po at#ons. T$#s s"ggest#on *as #nsp# e! b) a pa t#c"la case #n *$#c$ t$e S#e a Cl"b $a! 'o"nte! a c$allenge aga#nst t$e pe '#t g ante! b) t$e U.S. &o est Se -#ce to 8alt 2#sne) Ente p #ses fo s" -e)s p epa ato ) to t$e !e-elop'ent of t$e 3#ne al >#ng Valle)B *$#c$ *as at t$e t#'e a elat#-el) e'ote ga'e ef"geB b"t not !es#gnate! as a nat#onal pa 6 o p otecte! *#l!e ness a ea. T$e 2#sne) p oposal *as to !e-elop a 'aHo eso t co'ple4 se -#ng 1+GGG -#s#to s !a#l) to be accesse! b) a p" pose7b"#lt $#g$*a) t$ o"g$ Se1"o#a Nat#onal Pa 6. T$e S#e a Cl"bB as a bo!) *#t$ a gene al conce n fo *#l!e ness conse -at#onB c$allenge! t$e !e-elop'ent on t$e g o"n!s t$at t$e -alle) s$o"l! be 6ept #n #ts o #g#nal state fo #ts o*n sa6e. Stone easone! t$at #f t eesB fo ests an! 'o"nta#ns co"l! be g#-en stan!#ng #n la* t$en t$e) co"l! be ep esente! #n t$e# o*n #g$t #n t$e co" ts b) g o"ps s"c$ as t$e S#e a Cl"b. 3o eo-e B l#6e an) ot$e legal personB t$ese nat" al t$#ngs co"l! beco'e benef#c#a #es of co'pensat#on #f #t co"l! be s$o*n t$at t$e) $a! s"ffe e! co'pensatable #nH" ) t$ o"g$ $"'an act#-#t). 8$en t$e case *ent to t$e U.S. S"p e'e Co" tB #t *as !ete '#ne! b) a na o* 'aHo #t) t$at t$e S#e a Cl"b !#! not 'eet t$e con!#t#on fo b #ng#ng a case to co" tB fo t$e Cl"b *as "nable an! "n*#ll#ng to p o-e t$e l#6el#$oo! of #nH" ) to t$e #nte est of t$e Cl"b o #ts 'e'be s. In a !#ssent#ng '#no #t) H"!g'entB $o*e-e B H"st#ces 2o"glasB Blac6'"n an! B ennan 'ent#one! Stone?s a g"'ent: $#s p oposal to g#-e legal stan!#ng to nat" al t$#ngsB t$e) sa#!B *o"l! allo* conse -at#on #nte estsB co''"n#t) nee!s an! b"s#ness #nte ests to be ep esente!B !ebate! an! settle! #n co" t. React#ng to Stone?s p oposalB Ooel &e#nbe g :1F/+; a#se! a se #o"s p oble'. Onl) #te's t$at $a-e #nte estsB &e#nbe g a g"e!B can be ega !e! as $a-#ng legal stan!#ng an!B l#6e*#seB 'o al stan!#ng. &o #t #s #nte ests *$#c$ a e capable of be#ng ep esente! #n legal p ocee!#ngs an! 'o al !ebates. T$#s sa'e po#nt *o"l! also see' to appl) to pol#t#cal !ebates. &o #nstanceB t$e 'o-e'ent fo Dan#'al l#be at#onEB *$#c$ also e'e ge! st ongl) #n t$e 1F/GsB can be t$o"g$t of as a pol#t#cal 'o-e'ent a#'e! at ep esent#ng t$e p e-#o"sl) neglecte! #nte ests of so'e

an#'als :see Regan an! S#nge :e!s.; 1F/.B Cla 6 1F//B an! also t$e ent ) on t$e 'o al stat"s of an#'als;. = ante! t$at so'e an#'als $a-e #nte ests t$at can be ep esente! #n t$#s *a)B *o"l! #t also 'a6e sense to spea6 of t eesB fo estsB #-e sB ba naclesB o te '#tes as $a-#ng #nte ests of a 'o all) ele-ant 6#n!9 T$#s #ss"e *as $otl) conteste! #n t$e )ea s t$at follo*e!. 3ean*$#leB Oo$n Pass'o e :1F/+; a g"e!B l#6e 8$#teB t$at t$e O"!eo7C$ #st#an t a!#t#on of t$o"g$t abo"t nat" eB !esp#te be#ng p e!o'#nantl) D!espot#cEB conta#ne! eso" ces fo ega !#ng $"'ans as Dste*a !sE o Dpe fecto sE of =o!?s c eat#on. S6ept#cal of t$e p ospects fo an) a!#call) ne* et$#cB Pass'o e ca"t#one! t$at t a!#t#ons of t$o"g$t co"l! not be ab "ptl) o-e $a"le!. An) c$ange #n att#t"!es to o" nat" al s" o"n!#ngs *$#c$ stoo! t$e c$ance of *#!esp ea! acceptanceB $e a g"e!B *o"l! $a-e to esonate an! $a-e so'e cont#n"#t#es *#t$ t$e -e ) t a!#t#on *$#c$ $a! leg#t#'#5e! o" !est "ct#-e p act#ces. In s"'B t$enB Leopol!?s lan! et$#cB t$e $#sto #cal anal)ses of 8$#te an! Pass'o eB t$e p#onee #ng *o 6 of Ro"tle)B Stone an! RolstonB an! t$e *a n#ngs of sc#ent#stsB $a! b) t$e late 1F/Gs foc"se! t$e attent#on of p$#losop$e s an! pol#t#cal t$eo #sts f# 'l) on t$e en-# on'ent. T$e confl"ence of et$#calB pol#t#cal an! legal !ebates abo"t t$e en-# on'entB t$e e'e gence of p$#losop$#es to "n!e p#n an#'al #g$ts act#-#s' an! t$e p"55les o-e *$et$e an en-# on'ental et$#c *o"l! be so'et$#ng ne* at$e t$an a 'o!#f#cat#on o e4tens#on of e4#st#ng et$#cal t$eo #es *e e eflecte! #n *#!e soc#al an! pol#t#cal 'o-e'ents. T$e #se of en-# on'ental o Dg eenE pa t#es #n E" ope #n t$e 1FIGs *as acco'pan#e! b) al'ost #''e!#ate sc$#s's bet*een g o"ps 6no*n as D eal#stsE -e s"s Df"n!a'ental#stsE :see 2obson 1FF%;. T$e D eal#stsE stoo! fo efo ' en-# on'ental#s'B *o 6#ng *#t$ b"s#ness an! go-e n'ent to soften t$e #'pact of poll"t#on an! eso" ce !eplet#on espec#all) on f ag#le ecos)ste's o en!ange e! spec#es. T$e Df"n!#esE a g"e! fo a!#cal c$angeB t$e sett#ng of st #ngent ne* p #o #t#esB an! e-en t$e o-e t$ o* of cap#tal#s' an! l#be al #n!#-#!"al#s'B *$#c$ *e e ta6en as t$e 'aHo #!eolog#cal ca"ses of ant$ opogen#c en-# on'ental !e-astat#on. :Not t$at collect#-#st o co''"n#st co"nt #es !o bette #n te 's of t$e# en-# on'ental eco ! :see 2o'#n#c6 1FFI;.; Un!e l)#ng t$ese pol#t#cal !#sag ee'ents *as t$e !#st#nct#on bet*een Ds$allo*E an! D!eepE en-# on'ental 'o-e'entsB a !#st#nct#on #nt o!"ce! #n t$e ea l) 1F/Gs b) anot$e 'aHo #nfl"ence on conte'po a ) en-# on'ental et$#csB t$e No *eg#an p$#losop$e an! cl#'be A ne NQss. S#nce t$e *o 6 of NQss $as been s#gn#f#cant #n en-# on'ental pol#t#csB t$e !#sc"ss#on of $#s pos#t#on #s g#-en #n a sepa ate sect#on belo*.

$39373 Environmental Ethics and Politics

$39373$ Deep Ecology

D2eep ecolog)E *as bo n #n Scan!#na-#aB t$e es"lt of !#sc"ss#ons bet*een NQss an! $#s colleag"es S#g'"n! >-alR) an! N#ls &aa l"n! :see NQss 1F/( an! 1FIFA also see 8#tos5e6

an! B ennan :e!s.; 1FFF fo a $#sto #cal s" -e) an! co''enta ) on t$e !e-elop'ent of !eep ecolog);. All t$ ee s$a e! a pass#on fo t$e g eat 'o"nta#ns. On a -#s#t to t$e H#'ala)asB t$e) beca'e #'p esse! *#t$ aspects of DS$e pa c"lt" eE pa t#c"la l) *$en t$e) fo"n! t$at t$e# S$e pa g"#!es ega !e! ce ta#n 'o"nta#ns as sac e! an! acco !#ngl) *o"l! not -ent" e onto t$e'. S"bse1"entl)B NQss fo '"late! a pos#t#on *$#c$ e4ten!e! t$e e-e ence t$e t$ ee No *eg#ans an! t$e S$e pas felt fo 'o"nta#ns to ot$e nat" al t$#ngs #n gene al. T$e Ds$allo* ecolog) 'o-e'entEB as NQss :1F/(; calls #tB #s t$e Df#g$t aga#nst poll"t#on an! eso" ce !eplet#onEB t$e cent al obHect#-e of *$#c$ #s Dt$e $ealt$ an! affl"ence of people #n t$e !e-elope! co"nt #es.E T$e D!eep ecolog) 'o-e'entEB #n cont astB en!o ses Db#osp$e #c egal#ta #an#s'EB t$e -#e* t$at all l#-#ng t$#ngs a e al#6e #n $a-#ng -al"e #n t$e# o*n #g$tB #n!epen!ent of t$e# "sef"lness to ot$e s. T$e !eep ecolog#st espects t$#s #nt #ns#c -al"eB ta6#ng ca eB fo e4a'pleB *$en *al6#ng on t$e 'o"nta#ns#!e not to ca"se "nnecessa ) !a'age to t$e plants. Insp# e! b) Sp#no5a?s 'etap$)s#csB anot$e 6e) feat" e of NQss?s !eep ecolog) #s t$e eHect#on of ato'#st#c #n!#-#!"al#s'. T$e #!ea t$at a $"'an be#ng #s s"c$ an #n!#-#!"al possess#ng a sepa ate essenceB NQss a g"esB a!#call) sepa ates t$e $"'an self f o' t$e est of t$e *o l!. To 'a6e s"c$ a sepa at#on not onl) lea!s to self#s$ness to*a !s ot$e peopleB b"t also #n!"ces $"'an self#s$ness to*a !s nat" e. As a co"nte to ego#s' at bot$ t$e #n!#-#!"al an! spec#es le-elB NQss p oposes t$e a!opt#on of an alte nat#-e relational Dtotal7f#el! #'ageE of t$e *o l!. Acco !#ng to t$#s elat#onal#s'B o gan#s's :$"'an o ot$e *#se; a e best "n!e stoo! as D6notsE #n t$e b#osp$e #cal net. T$e #!ent#t) of a l#-#ng t$#ng #s essent#all) const#t"te! b) #ts elat#ons to ot$e t$#ngs #n t$e *o l!B espec#all) #ts ecolog#cal elat#ons to ot$e l#-#ng t$#ngs. If people concept"al#se t$e'sel-es an! t$e *o l! #n elat#onal te 'sB t$e !eep ecolog#sts a g"eB t$en people *#ll ta6e bette ca e of nat" e an! t$e *o l! #n gene al. As !e-elope! b) NQss an! ot$e sB t$e pos#t#on also ca'e to foc"s on t$e poss#b#l#t) of t$e identification of t$e $"'an ego *#t$ nat" e. T$e #!ea #sB b #efl)B t$at b) #!ent#f)#ng *#t$ nat" e I can enla ge t$e bo"n!a #es of t$e self be)on! ') s6#n. 3) la ge 77 ecolog#cal 77 Self :t$e cap#tal DSE e'p$as#5es t$at I a' so'et$#ng la ge t$an ') bo!) an! consc#o"sness;B !ese -es espect as *ell. To espect an! to ca e fo ') Self #s also to espect an! to ca e fo t$e nat" al en-# on'entB *$#c$ #s act"all) pa t of 'e an! *#t$ *$#c$ I s$o"l! #!ent#f). DSelf7 eal#5at#onEB #n ot$e *o !sB #s t$e econnect#on of t$e s$ #-ele! $"'an #n!#-#!"al *#t$ t$e *#!e nat" al en-# on'ent. NQss 'a#nta#ns t$at t$e !eep sat#sfact#on t$at *e ece#-e f o' #!ent#f#cat#on *#t$ nat" e an! close pa tne s$#p *#t$ ot$e fo 's of l#fe #n nat" e cont #b"tes s#gn#f#cantl) to o" l#fe 1"al#t). :One clea $#sto #cal antece!ent to t$#s 6#n! of nat" e sp# #t"al#s' #s t$e o'ant#c#s' of Oean7Oac1"es Ro"ssea" as e4p esse! #n $#s last *o 6B t$e (everies of the &olitary =al er; 8$en NQss?s -#e* c osse! t$e Atlant#cB #t *as so'et#'es 'e ge! *#t$ #!eas e'e g#ng f o' Leopol!?s lan! et$#c :see 2e-all an! Sess#ons 1FI,A also see Sess#ons :e!; 1FF,;. B"t NQss 77

*a ) of t$e appa ent total#ta #an pol#t#cal #'pl#cat#ons of Leopol!?s pos#t#on t$at #n!#-#!"al #nte ests an! *ell7be#ng s$o"l! be s"bo !#nate! to t$e $ol#st#c goo! of t$e ea t$?s b#ot#c co''"n#t) :see sect#on + belo*; 77 $as al*a)s ta6en ca e to !#stance $#'self f o' a!-ocat#ng an) so t of Dlan! et$#cE. :See An6e 1FFF fo ca"t#ons on #nte p et#ng NQss?s elat#onal#s' as an en!o se'ent of t$e 6#n! of $ol#s' !#spla)e! #n t$e lan! et$#cB cfB = e) 1FF(;. So'e c #t#cs $a-e a g"e! t$at NQss?s !eep ecolog) #s no 'o e t$an an e4ten!e! soc#al7!e'oc at#c -e s#on of "t#l#ta #an#s'B *$#c$ co"nts $"'an #nte ests #n t$e sa'e calc"lat#on alongs#!e t$e #nte ests of all nat" al t$#ngs :e.g.B t eesB *ol-esB bea sB #-e sB fo ests an! 'o"nta#ns; #n t$e nat" al en-# on'ent :see 8#tos5e6 1FF/;. Ho*e-e B NQss fa#le! to e4pla#n #n an) !eta#l $o* to 'a6e sense of t$e #!ea t$at o)ste s o ba naclesB te '#tes o bacte #a co"l! $a-e #nte ests of an) 'o all) ele-ant so t at all. 8#t$o"t an acco"nt of t$#sB NQss?s ea l) Db#osp$e #c egal#ta #an#s'E 77 t$at all l#-#ng t$#ngs *$atsoe-e $a! a s#'#la #g$t to l#-e an! flo" #s$ 77 *as an #n!ete '#nate p #nc#ple #n p act#cal te 's. It also e'a#ns "nclea #n *$at sense #-e sB 'o"nta#ns an! fo ests can be ega !e! as possesso s of an) 6#n! of #nte ests. T$#s #s an #ss"e on *$#c$ NQss $as al*a)s e'a#ne! el"s#-e. B#osp$e #c egal#ta #an#s' *as 'o!#f#e! #n t$e 1FIGs to t$e *ea6e cla#' t$at t$e flo" #s$#ng of bot$ $"'an an! non7$"'an l#fe $a-e -al"e #n t$e'sel-es. At t$e sa'e t#'eB NQss !ecla e! t$at $#s o*n fa-o" e! ecolog#cal p$#losop$) 77 DEcosop$) TEB as $e calle! #t afte $#s T-e gaste#n 'o"nta#n cab#n 77 *as onl) one of se-e al poss#ble fo"n!at#ons fo an en-# on'ental et$#c. 2eep ecolog) cease! to be a spec#f#c !oct #neB b"t #nstea! beca'e a Dplatfo 'EB of e#g$t s#'ple po#ntsB on *$#c$ NQss $ope! all !eep g een t$#n6e s co"l! ag ee. T$e platfo ' *as conce#-e! as establ#s$#ng a '#!!le g o"n!B bet*een "n!e l)#ng p$#losop$#cal o #entat#onsB *$et$e C$ #st#anB B"!!$#stB 2ao#stB p ocess p$#losop$)B o *$ate-e B an! t$e p act#cal p #nc#ples fo act#on #n spec#f#c s#t"at#onsB p #nc#ples gene ate! f o' t$e "n!e l)#ng p$#losop$#es. T$"s t$e !eep ecolog#cal 'o-e'ent beca'e e4pl#c#tl) pl" al#st :see B ennan 1FFFA c.f. L#g$t 1FF.;. 8$#le NQss?s Ecosop$) T sees $"'an Self7 eal#5at#on as a sol"t#on to t$e en-# on'ental c #ses es"lt#ng f o' $"'an self#s$ness an! e4plo#tat#on of nat" eB so'e of t$e follo*e s of t$e !eep ecolog) platfo ' #n t$e Un#te! States an! A"st al#a f" t$e a g"e t$at t$e e4pans#on of t$e $"'an self to #ncl"!e non$"'an nat" e #s s"ppo te! b) t$e Copen$agen #nte p etat#on of 1"ant"' t$eo )B *$#c$ #s sa#! to $a-e !#ssol-e! t$e bo"n!a #es bet*een t$e obse -e an! t$e obse -e! :see &o4 1FI+B 1FFGB an! 2e-all an! Sess#ons 1FI,A cf. Call#cott 1FI,;. T$ese S elat#onal#stS !e-elop'ents of !eep ecolog) a eB $o*e-e B c #t#c#5e! b) so'e fe'#n#st t$eo #sts. T$e #!ea of nat" e as pa t of oneselfB one '#g$t a g"eB co"l! H"st#f) t$e cont#n"e! e4plo#tat#on of nat" e #nstea!. &o one #s p es"'abl) 'o e ent#tle! to t eat oneself #n *$ate-e *a)s one l#6es t$an to t eat anot$e #n!epen!ent agent #n *$ate-e *a)s one l#6es. Acco !#ng to so'e fe'#n#st c #t#csB t$e !eep ecolog#cal t$eo ) of t$e De4pan!e! selfE #s #n effect a !#sg"#se! fo ' of $"'an colon#al#s'B "nable to g#-e nat" e #ts !"e as a gen"#ne Dot$e E #n!epen!ent of $"'an #nte est an! p" poses :see Pl"'*oo! 1FF(B C$. /B 1FFFB an! 8a en 1FFF;.

3ean*$#leB so'e t$# !7*o l! c #t#cs $a-e acc"se! !eep ecolog) of be#ng el#t#st #n #ts atte'pts to p ese -e *#l!e ness e4pe #ences fo onl) a select g o"p of econo'#call) an! soc#o7pol#t#call) *ell7off people. T$e In!#an * #te Ra'ac$an! a ="$a :1FIFB 1FFF; fo #nstanceB !ep#cts t$e act#-#t#es of 'an) *este n7base! conse -at#on g o"ps as a ne* fo ' of c"lt" al #'pe #al#s'B a#'e! at sec" #ng con-e ts to conse -at#on#s' :cf. Boo6c$#n 1FI/ an! B ennan 1FFIa;. D= een '#ss#ona #esEB as ="$a calls t$e'B ep esent a 'o-e'ent a#'e! at f" t$e !#spossess#ng t$e *o l!?s poo an! #n!#geno"s people. DP"tt#ng !eep ecolog) #n #ts placeBE $e * #tesB D#s to ecogn#5e t$at t$e t en!s #t !e #!es as Ds$allo*E ecolog) '#g$t #n fact be -a #et#es of en-# on'ental#s' t$at a e 'o e appos#teB 'o e ep esentat#-e an! 'o e pop"la #n t$e co"nt #es of t$e So"t$.E Alt$o"g$ NQss $#'self ep"!#ates s"ggest#ons t$at !eep ecolog) #s co''#tte! to an) #'pe #al#s' :see 8#tos5e6 an! B ennan :e!s.; 1FFFB C$. (.7/ an! +1;B ="$a?s c #t#c#s' a#ses #'po tant 1"est#ons abo"t t$e appl#cat#on of !eep ecolog#cal p #nc#ples #n !#ffe ent soc#alB econo'#c an! c"lt" al conte4ts. &#nall)B #n ot$e c #t#1"esB !eep ecolog) #s po t a)e! as $a-#ng an #ncons#stent "top#an -#s#on :see An6e an! 8#tos5e6 1FFI;.

$39373" 'eminism and the Environment

B oa!l) spea6#ngB a fe'#n#st #ss"e #s an) t$at cont #b"tes #n so'e *a) to "n!e stan!#ng t$e opp ess#on of *o'en. &e'#n#st t$eo #es atte'pt to anal)5e *o'en?s opp ess#onB #ts ca"ses an! conse1"encesB an! s"ggest st ateg#es an! !# ect#ons fo *o'en?s l#be at#on. B) t$e '#! 1F/GsB fe'#n#st * #te s $a! a#se! t$e #ss"e of *$et$e pat #a c$al 'o!es of t$#n6#ng enco" age! not onl) *#!esp ea! #nfe #o #5#ng an! colon#5#ng of *o'enB b"t also of people of colo" B an#'als an! nat" e. S$e#la Coll#ns :1F/+;B fo #nstanceB a g"e! t$at 'ale7!o'#nate! c"lt" e o pat #a c$) #s s"ppo te! b) fo" #nte loc6#ng p#lla s: se4#s'B ac#s'B class e4plo#tat#onB an! ecolog#cal !est "ct#on. E'p$as#5#ng t$e #'po tance of fe'#n#s' to t$e en-# on'ental 'o-e'ent an! -a #o"s ot$e l#be at#on 'o-e'entsB so'e * #te sB s"c$ as Nnest a >#ng :1FIFa an! 1FIFb;B a g"e t$at t$e !o'#nat#on of *o'en b) 'en #s $#sto #call) t$e o #g#nal fo ' of !o'#nat#on #n $"'an soc#et)B f o' *$#c$ all ot$e $#e a c$#es 77 of an6B classB an! pol#t#cal po*e 77 flo*. &o #nstanceB $"'an e4plo#tat#on of nat" e 'a) be seen as a 'an#festat#on an! e4tens#on of t$e opp ess#on of *o'enB #n t$at #t #s t$e es"lt of assoc#at#ng nat" e *#t$ t$e fe'aleB *$#c$ $a! been al ea!) #nfe #o #5e! an! opp esse! b) t$e 'ale7!o'#nat#ng c"lt" e. B"t *#t$#n t$e pl" al#t) of fe'#n#st pos#t#onsB ot$e * #te sB s"c$ as Val Pl"'*oo! :1FF(;B "n!e stan! t$e opp ess#on of *o'en as onl) one of t$e 'an) pa allel fo 's of opp ess#on s$a #ng an! s"ppo te! b) a co''on #!eolog#cal st "ct" eB #n *$#c$ one pa t) :t$e colon#5e B *$et$e 'aleB *$#te o $"'an; "ses a n"'be of concept"al an! $eto #cal !e-#ces to p #-#lege #ts #nte ests o-e t$at of t$e ot$e pa t) :t$e colon#5e!: *$et$e fe'aleB people of colo" B o an#'als;. &ac#l#tate! b) a co''on st "ct" eB see'#ngl) !#-e se fo 's of opp ess#on can '"t"all) e#nfo ce eac$ ot$e :8a en 1FI/B 1FFGB 1FF+B C$ene) 1FIFB an! Pl"'*oo! 1FF(;.

Not all fe'#n#st t$eo #sts *o"l! call t$at co''on "n!e l)#ng opp ess#-e st "ct" e Dan! ocent #cE o Dpat #a c$alE. B"t #t #s gene all) ag ee! t$at co e feat" es of t$e st "ct" e #ncl"!e D!"al#s'EB $#e a c$#cal t$#n6#ngB an! t$e Dlog#c of !o'#nat#onEB *$#c$ a e t)p#cal ofB #f not essent#al toB 'ale7c$a"-#n#s'. T$ese patte ns of t$#n6#ng an! concept"al#5#ng t$e *o l!B 'an) fe'#n#st t$eo #sts a g"eB also no" #s$ an! s"sta#n ot$e fo 's of c$a"-#n#s'B #ncl"!#ngB $"'an7c$a"-#n#s' :#.e.B ant$ opocent #s';B *$#c$ #s espons#ble fo '"c$ $"'an e4plo#tat#on ofB an! !est "ct#-eness to*a !sB nat" e. T$e !"al#st#c *a) of t$#n6#ngB fo #nstanceB sees t$e *o l! #n pola oppos#te te 'sB s"c$ as 'ale0fe'aleB 'asc"l#n#t)0fe'#n#n#t)B eason0e'ot#onB f ee!o'0necess#t)B act#-e0pass#-eB '#n!0bo!)B p" e0so#le!B *$#te0colo" e!B c#-#l#5e!0p #'#t#-eB t anscen!ent0#''anentB $"'an0an#'alB c"lt" e0nat" e. &" t$e 'o eB "n!e !"al#s' all t$e f# st #te's #n t$ese cont ast#ng pa# s a e ass#'#late! *#t$ eac$ ot$e B an! all t$e secon! #te's a e l#6e*#se l#n6e! *#t$ eac$ ot$e . &o e4a'pleB t$e 'ale #s seen to be assoc#ate! *#t$ t$e at#onalB act#-eB c eat#-eB Ca tes#an $"'an '#n!B an! c#-#l#5e!B o !e l)B t anscen!ent c"lt" eA *$e eas t$e fe'ale #s ega !e! as t#e! to t$e e'ot#onalB pass#-eB !ete '#ne! an#'al bo!)B an! p #'#t#-eB !#so !e l)B #''anent nat" e. T$ese #nte loc6#ng !"al#s's a e not H"st !esc #pt#-e !#c$oto'#esB acco !#ng to t$e fe'#n#stsB b"t #n-ol-e a p esc #pt#-e p #-#leg#ng of one s#!e of t$e oppose! #te's o-e t$e ot$e . 2"al#s' confe s s"pe #o #t) to e-e )t$#ng on t$e 'ale s#!eB b"t #nfe #o #t) to e-e )t$#ng on t$e fe'ale s#!e. T$e Dlog#c of !o'#nat#onE t$en !#ctates t$at t$ose on t$e s"pe #o s#!e :e.g.B 'enB at#onal be#ngsB $"'ans; a e 'o all) ent#tle! to !o'#nate an! "t#l#5e t$ose on t$e #nfe #o s#!e :e.g.B *o'enB be#ngs lac6#ng #n at#onal#t)B non$"'ans; as 'e e 'eans. T$e p oble' *#t$ !"al#st#c an! $#e a c$#cal 'o!es of t$#n6#ngB $o*e-e B #s not H"st t$at t$at t$e) a e ep#ste'#call) "n el#able. It #s not H"st t$at t$e !o'#nat#ng pa t) often falsel) sees t$e !o'#nate! pa t) as lac6#ng :o possess#ng; t$e allege!l) s"pe #o :o #nfe #o ; 1"al#t#esB o t$at t$e !o'#nate! pa t) often #nte nal#5es false ste eot)pes of #tself g#-en b) #ts opp esso sB o t$at ste eot)p#cal t$#n6#ng often o-e loo6s sal#ent an! #'po tant !#ffe ences a'ong #n!#-#!"als. 3o e #'po tantB acco !#ng to fe'#n#st anal)sesB t$e -e ) p e'#se of p esc #pt#-e !"al#s' 77 t$e -al"#ng of att #b"tes of one pola #5e! s#!e an! t$e !e-al"#ng of t$ose of t$e ot$e B t$e #!ea t$at !o'#nat#on an! opp ess#on can be H"st#f#e! b) appeal#ng to att #b"tes l#6e 'asc"l#n#t)B at#onal#t)B be#ng c#-#l#5e! o !e-elope!B etc. 77 #s #tself p oble'at#c. &e'#n#s' ep esents a a!#cal c$allenge fo en-# on'ental t$#n6#ngB pol#t#csB an! t a!#t#onal soc#al et$#cal pe spect#-es. It p o'#ses to l#n6 en-# on'ental 1"est#ons *#t$ *#!e soc#al p oble's conce n#ng -a #o"s 6#n!s of !#sc #'#nat#on an! e4plo#tat#onB an! f"n!a'ental #n-est#gat#ons of $"'an ps)c$olog). Ho*e-e B *$et$e t$e e a e concept"alB ca"sal o 'e el) cont#ngent connect#ons a'ong t$e !#ffe ent fo 's of opp ess#on an! l#be at#on e'a#ns a conteste! #ss"e :see = een 1FF+;. T$e te ' Decofe'#n#s'E :f# st co#ne! b) & anTo#se !?Ea"bonne #n 1F/+; o Decolog#cal fe'#n#s'E *as fo a t#'e gene all) appl#e! to an) -#e* t$at co'b#nes en-# on'ental a!-ocac) *#t$ fe'#n#st anal)s#s. Ho*e-e B beca"se of t$e -a #et#es ofB an! !#sag ee'ents a'ongB fe'#n#st t$eo #esB t$e label 'a) be too *#!e to be #nfo 'at#-e an! $as gene all) fallen f o' "se.

$393737 Disenchantment and the 1e& !nimism

An often o-e loo6e! so" ce of ecolog#cal #!eas #s t$e *o 6 of t$e neo73a 4#st & an6f" t Sc$ool of c #t#cal t$eo ) fo"n!e! b) 3a4 Ho 6$e#'e an! T$eo!o e A!o no :Ho 6$e#'e an! A!o no 1F.F;. 8$#le class#cal 3a 4#sts ega ! nat" e as a eso" ce to be t ansfo 'e! b) $"'an labo" an! "t#l#5e! fo $"'an p" posesB Ho 6$e#'e an! A!o no sa* 3a 4 $#'self as ep esentat#-e of t$e p oble' of D$"'an al#enat#onE. At t$e oot of t$#s al#enat#onB t$e) a g"eB #s a na o* pos#t#-#st concept#on of at#onal#t) 77 *$#c$ sees at#onal#t) as an #nst "'ent fo p" s"#ng p og essB po*e an! tec$nolog#cal cont olB an! ta6es obse -at#onB 'eas" e'ent an! t$e appl#cat#on of p" el) 1"ant#tat#-e 'et$o!s to be capable of sol-#ng all p oble's. S"c$ a pos#t#-#st#c -#e* of sc#ence co'b#nes !ete '#n#s' *#t$ opt#'#s'. Nat" al p ocesses as *ell as $"'an act#-#t#es a e seen to be p e!#ctable an! 'an#p"lable. Nat" e :an!B l#6e*#seB $"'an nat" e; #s no longe ')ste #o"sB "ncont ollableB o fea so'e. Instea!B #t #s e!"ce! to an obHect st #ctl) go-e ne! b) nat" al la*sB *$#c$ t$e efo e can be st"!#e!B 6no*nB an! e'plo)e! to o" benef#t. B) p o'#s#ng l#'#tless 6no*le!ge an! po*e B t$e pos#t#-#s' of sc#ence an! tec$nolog) not onl) e'o-es o" fea of nat" eB t$e c #t#cal t$eo #sts a g"eB b"t also !est o)s o" sense of a*e an! *on!e to*a !s #t. T$at #s to sa)B pos#t#-#s' D!#senc$antsE nat" e 77 along *#t$ e-e )t$#ng t$at can be st"!#e! b) t$e sc#encesB *$et$e nat" alB soc#al o $"'an. T$e p og ess #n 6no*le!ge an! 'ate #al *ell7be#ng 'a) not be a ba! t$#ng #n #tselfB *$e e t$e cons"'pt#on an! cont ol of nat" e #s a necessa ) pa t of $"'an l#fe. Ho*e-e B t$e c #t#cal t$eo #sts a g"e t$at t$e pos#t#-#st#c !#senc$ant'ent of nat" al t$#ngs :an!B l#6e*#seB of $"'an be#ngs 77 beca"se t$e) too can be st"!#e! an! 'an#p"late! b) sc#ence; !#s "pts o" elat#ons$#p *#t$ t$e'B enco" ag#ng t$e "n!es# able att#t"!e t$at t$e) a e not$#ng 'o e t$an t$#ngs to be p obe!B cons"'e! an! !o'#nate!. Acco !#ng to t$e c #t#cal t$eo #stsB t$e opp ess#on of Do"te nat" eE :#.e.B t$e nat" al en-# on'ent; t$ o"g$ sc#ence an! tec$nolog) #s bo"g$t at a -e ) $#g$ p #ce: t$e p oHect of !o'#nat#on e1"# es t$e s"pp ess#on of o" o*n D#nne nat" eE :#.e.B $"'an nat" e; U e.g.B $"'an c eat#-#t)B a"tono')B an! t$e 'an#fol! nee!sB -"lne ab#l#t#es an! long#ngs at t$e cent e of $"'an l#fe. To e'e!) s"c$ an al#enat#onB t$e p oHect of Ho 6$e#'e an! A!o no #s to eplace t$e na o* pos#t#-#st#c an! #nst "'ental#st 'o!el of at#onal#t) *#t$ a 'o e $"'an#st#c oneB #n *$#c$ t$e -al"es of t$e aest$et#cB 'o alB sens"o"s an! e4p ess#-e aspects of $"'an l#fe pla) a cent al pa t. T$"sB t$e# a#' #s not to g#-e "p o" at#onal fac"lt#es o po*e s of anal)s#s an! log#c. Rat$e B t$e a'b#t#on #s to a #-e at a !#alect#cal s)nt$es#s bet*een Ro'ant#c#s' an! Enl#g$ten'entB to et" n to ant#7!ete '#n#st#c -al"es of f ee!o'B spontane#t) an! c eat#-#t). In $#s late *o 6B A!o no a!-ocates a e7enc$ant#ng aest$et#c att#t"!e of Dsens"o"s #''e!#ac)E to*a !s nat" e. Not onl) !o *e stop see#ng nat" e as p #'a #l)B o s#'pl)B an obHect of cons"'pt#onB *e a e also able to be !# ectl) an! spontaneo"sl) ac1"a#nte! *#t$ nat" e *#t$o"t #nte -ent#ons f o' o" at#onal fac"lt#es. Acco !#ng to A!o noB *o 6s of a tB l#6e nat" al t$#ngsB al*a)s #n-ol-e an De4cessEB so'et$#ng 'o e t$an t$e# 'e e 'ate #al#t) an! e4c$ange -al"e :see Vogel 1FF.B c$. +.+ fo a !eta#le! !#sc"ss#on of A!o no?s -#e*s on a tB labo" an!

!o'#nat#on;. T$e e7enc$ant'ent of t$e *o l! t$ o"g$ aest$et#c e4pe #enceB $e a g"esB #s also at t$e sa'e t#'e a e7enc$ant'ent of $"'an l#-es an! p" poses. A!o no?s *o 6 e'a#ns la gel) "ne4plo e! #n 'a#nst ea' en-# on'ental p$#losop$)B alt$o"g$ t$e #!ea of appl)#ng c #t#cal t$eo ) :e'b ac#ng tec$n#1"es of !econst "ct#onB ps)c$oanal)s#s an! a!#cal soc#al c #t#c#s'; to bot$ en-# on'ental #ss"es an! t$e * #t#ngs of -a #o"s et$#cal an! pol#t#cal t$eo #sts $as spa*ne! an e'e g#ng f#el! of Secoc #t#1"eS o Seco7c #t#c#s'S :Vogel 1FF.B L"6e 1FF/B -an 8)6 1FF/B 2 )5e6 1FF/;. So'e st"!ents of A!o no?s *o 6 $a-e ecentl) a g"e! t$at $#s acco"nt of t$e ole of Dsens"o"s #''e!#ac)E can be "n!e stoo! as an atte'pt to !efen! a Dleg#t#'ate ant$ opo'o p$#s'E t$at co'es close to a *ea6 fo ' of an#'#s' :Be nste#n %GG1B 1F.;. Ot$e sB 'o e a!#calB $a-e cla#'e! to ta6e #nsp# at#on f o' $#s not#on of Dnon7#!ent#t)EB *$#c$B t$e) a g"eB can be "se! as t$e bas#s fo a !econst "ct#on of t$e not#on of nat" e an! pe $aps e-en #ts el#'#nat#on f o' eco7 c #t#cal * #t#ng. &o e4a'pleB T#'ot$) 3o ton a g"es t$at Dp"tt#ng so'et$#ng calle! Nat" e on a pe!estal an! a!'# #ng #t f o' afa !oes fo t$e en-# on'ent *$at pat #a c$) !oes fo t$e f#g" e of 8o'an. It #s a pa a!o4#cal act of sa!#st#c a!'# at#onE :3o ton %GG/B ,;B an! t$at D#n t$e na'e of all t$at *e -al"e #n t$e #!ea of Cnat" e@B Vecoc #t#1"eW t$o o"g$l) e4a'#nes $o* nat" e #s set "p as a t anscen!entalB "n#f#e!B #n!epen!ent catego ). Ecoc #t#1"e !oes not t$#n6 t$at #t #s pa a!o4#cal to sa)B #n t$e na'e of ecolog) #tself: C!o*n *#t$ nat" eX@E :#b#!.B 1(;. It e'a#ns to be seenB $o*e-e B *$et$e t$e a!#cal atte'pt to p" ge t$e concept of nat" e f o' eco7c #t#cal *o 6 'eets *#t$ s"ccess. L#6e*#seB #t #s "nclea *$et$e t$e !#alect#c p oHect on *$#c$ Ho 6$e#'e an! A!o no e'ba 6e! #s co$e entB an! *$et$e A!o noB #n pa t#c"la B $as a cons#stent "n!e stan!#ng of Dnat" eE an! D at#onal#t)E :see Ec6e sle) 1FF% an! Vogel 1FF.B fo a e-#e* of t$e & an6f" t Sc$ool?s t$#n6#ng abo"t nat" e;. On t$e ot$e $an!B t$e new animists $a-e been '"c$ #nsp# e! b) t$e se #o"s *a) #n *$#c$ so'e #n!#geno"s peoples placate an! #nte act *#t$ an#'alsB plants an! #nan#'ate t$#ngs t$ o"g$ #t"alB ce e'on) an! ot$e p act#ces. Acco !#ng to t$e ne* an#'#stsB t$e eplace'ent of t a!#t#onal an#'#s' :t$e -#e* t$at pe sonal#5e! so"ls a e fo"n! #n an#'alsB plantsB an! ot$e 'ate #al obHects; b) a fo ' of !#senc$ant#ng pos#t#-#s' !# ectl) lea!s to an ant$ opocent #c pe spect#-eB *$#c$ #s acco"ntable fo '"c$ $"'an !est "ct#-eness to*a !s nat" e. In a !#senc$ante! *o l!B t$e e #s no 'ean#ngf"l o !e of t$#ngs o e-ents o"ts#!e t$e $"'an !o'a#nB an! t$e e #s no so" ce of sac e!ness o ! ea! of t$e so t felt b) t$ose *$o ega ! t$e nat" al *o l! as people! b) !#-#n#t#es o !e'ons :Stone %GG.;. 8$en a fo est #s no longe sac e!B t$e e a e no sp# #ts to be placate! an! no ')ste #o"s #s6s assoc#ate! *#t$ clea 7fell#ng #t. A !#senc$ante! nat" e #s no longe al#-e. It co''an!s no espectB e-e ence o lo-e. It #s not$#ng b"t a g#ant 'ac$#neB to be 'aste e! to se -e $"'an p" poses. T$e ne* an#'#sts a g"e fo econcept"al#5#ng t$e bo"n!a ) bet*een pe sons an! non7pe sons. &o t$e'B Dl#-#ng nat" eE co'p #ses not onl) $"'ansB an#'als an! plantsB b"t also 'o"nta#nsB fo estsB #-e sB !ese tsB an! e-en planets.

8$et$e t$e not#on t$at a 'o"nta#n o a t ee #s to be ega !e! as a pe son #s ta6en l#te all) o notB t$e atte'pt to engage *#t$ t$e s" o"n!#ng *o l! as #f #t cons#sts of ot$e pe sons '#g$t poss#bl) p o-#!e t$e bas#s fo a espectf"l att#t"!e to nat" e :see Ha -e) %GG, fo a pop"la acco"nt of t$e ne* an#'#s';. If !#senc$ant'ent #s a so" ce of en-# on'ental p oble's an! !est "ct#onB t$en t$e ne* an#'#s' can be ega !e! as atte'pt#ng to e7enc$antB an! $elp to sa-eB nat" e. 3o e poet#call)B 2a-#! Ab a' $as a g"e! t$at a p$eno'enolog#cal app oac$ of t$e 6#n! ta6en b) 3e lea"7Pont) can e-eal to "s t$at *e a e pa t of t$e Dco''on fles$E of t$e *o l!B t$at *e a e #n a sense t$e *o l! t$#n6#ng #tself :Ab a' 1FF,;. In $e ecent *o 6B & e)a 3at$e*s $as t #e! to a t#c"late a -e s#on of an#'#s' o panps)c$#s' t$at capt" es *a)s #n *$#c$ t$e *o l! :not H"st nat" e; conta#ns 'an) 6#n!s of consc#o"sness an! sent#ence. &o $e B t$e e #s an "n!e l)#ng "n#t) of '#n! an! 'atte #n t$at t$e *o l! #s a Dself7 eal#5#ngE s)ste' conta#n#ng a '"lt#pl#c#t) of ot$e s"c$ s)ste's :cf. NQss;. Acco !#ng to 3at$e*sB *e a e 'es$e! #n co''"n#cat#onB an! potent#al co''"n#cat#onB *#t$ t$e DOneE :t$e g eate cos'#c self; an! #ts 'an) lesse sel-es :3at$e*s %GG(B +, 7 .G;. 3ate #al#s' :t$e 'on#st#c t$eo ) t$at t$e *o l! cons#sts p" el) of 'atte ;B s$e a g"esB #s self7!efeat#ng b) enco" ag#ng a fo ' of Dcollect#-e sol#ps#s'E t$at t eats t$e *o l! e#t$e as "n6no*able o as a soc#al7const "ct#on :3at$e*s %GG,B 1%;. 3at$e*s also ta6es #nsp# at#on f o' $e #nte p etat#on of t$e co e 2ao#st #!ea of *"*e# as Dlett#ng beE an! b #ng#ng abo"t c$ange t$ o"g$ Deffo tless act#onE. T$e foc"s #n en-# on'ental 'anage'entB !e-elop'ent an! co''e ce s$o"l! be on Ds)ne g)E *#t$ *$at #s al ea!) #n place at$e t$an on !e'ol#t#onB eplace'ent an! !#s "pt#on. Instea! of b"ll!o5#ng a*a) ol! s"b" bs an! !e el#ct facto #esB t$e s)ne g#st#c panps)c$#st sees t$ese a tefacts as t$e'sel-es pa t of t$e l#-#ng cos'osB $ence pa t of *$at #s to be especte!. L#6e*#seB #nstea! of t )#ng to el#'#nate fe al o e4ot#c plants an! an#'alsB an! esto e en-# on'ents to so'e #'ag#ne! p #st#ne stateB *a)s s$o"l! be fo"n!Y*$e e-e poss#bleYto p o'ote s)ne g#es bet*een t$e ne*co'e s an! t$e ol!e nat#-e pop"lat#ons #n *a)s t$at 'a#nta#n ecolog#cal flo*s an! p o'ote t$e f" t$e "nfol!#ng an! !e-elop#ng of ecolog#cal p ocesses :3at$e*s %GG+;. Panps)c$#s'B 3at$e*s a g"esB f ees "s f o' t$e D#!eolog#cal g #! of cap#tal#s'EB can e!"ce o" !es# e fo cons"'e no-elt#esB an! can allo* "s an! t$e *o l! to g o* ol! toget$e *#t$ g ace an! !#gn#t). In s"''a )B #f !#senc$ant'ent #s a so" ce of en-# on'entall) !est "ct#-e o "nca #ng att#t"!esB t$en bot$ t$e aest$et#c an! t$e an#'#st0panps)c$#st e7enc$ant'ent of t$e *o l! a e #nten!e! to offe an ant#!ote to s"c$ att#t"!esB an! pe $aps also #nsp# at#ons fo ne* fo 's of 'anag#ng an! !es#gn#ng fo s"sta#nab#l#t).

$393738 Social Ecology and :ioregionalism

Apa t f o' fe'#n#st7en-# on'ental#st t$eo #es an! NQss?s !eep ecolog)B 3" a) Boo6c$#n?s Dsoc#al ecolog)E $as also cla#'e! to be a!#calB s"b-e s#-eB o co"nte c"lt" al :see Boo6c$#n 1FIGB 1FI/B 1FFG;. Boo6c$#n?s -e s#on of c #t#cal t$eo ) ta6es t$e Do"te E p$)s#cal *o l! as const#t"t#ng *$at $e calls Df# st nat" eEB f o' *$#c$ c"lt" e o Dsecon! nat" eE $as e-ol-e!.

En-# on'ental#s'B on $#s -#e*B #s a soc#al 'o-e'entB an! t$e p oble's #t conf onts a e soc#al p oble's. 8$#le Boo6c$#n #s p epa e!B l#6e Ho 6$e#'e an! A!o noB to ega ! :f# st; nat" e as an aest$et#c an! sens"o"s 'a -elB $e ega !s o" #nte -ent#on #n #t as necessa ). He s"ggests t$at *e can c$oose to p"t o" sel-es at t$e se -#ce of nat" al e-ol"t#onB to $elp 'a#nta#n co'ple4#t) an! !#-e s#t)B !#'#n#s$ s"ffe #ng an! e!"ce poll"t#on. Boo6c$#n?s soc#al ecolog) eco''en!s t$at *e "se o" g#fts of soc#ab#l#t)B co''"n#cat#on an! #ntell#gence as #f *e *e e Dnat" e en!e e! consc#o"sEB #nstea! of t" n#ng t$e' aga#nst t$e -e ) so" ce an! o #g#n f o' *$#c$ s"c$ g#fts !e #-e. E4plo#tat#on of nat" e s$o"l! be eplace! b) a #c$e fo ' of l#fe !e-ote! to nat" e?s p ese -at#on. Oo$n Cla 6 $as a g"e! t$at soc#al ecolog) #s $e# to a $#sto #calB co''"n#ta #an t a!#t#on of t$o"g$t t$at #ncl"!es not onl) t$e ana c$#st Pete > opot6#nB b"t also t$e n#neteent$ cent" ) soc#al#st geog ap$e El#sZe Recl"sB t$e eccent #c Scott#s$ t$#n6e Pat #c6 =e!!es an! t$e latte ?s !#sc#pleB Le*#s 3"'fo ! :Cla 6 1FFI;. Ra'ac$an! a ="$a $as !esc #be! 3"'fo ! as Dt$e p#onee A'e #can soc#al ecolog#stE :="$a 1FF.B %1G;. 3"'fo ! a!opte! a eg#onal#st pe spect#-eB a g"#ng t$at st ong eg#onal cent es of c"lt" e a e t$e bas#s of Dact#-e an! sec" el) g o"n!e! local l#feE :3"'fo ! 1F++B +G(;. L#6e t$e pess#'#sts #n c #t#cal t$eo )B 3"'fo ! *as *o #e! abo"t t$e e'e gence "n!e #n!"st #al#se! cap#tal#s' of a D'ega'ac$#neEB one t$at *o"l! opp ess an! !o'#nate $"'an c eat#-#t) an! f ee!o'B an! one t$at 77 !esp#te be#ng a $"'an p o!"ct 77 ope ates #n a *a) t$at #s o"t of o" cont ol. 8$#le Boo6c$#n #s 'o e of a tec$nolog#cal opt#'#st t$an 3"'fo !B bot$ * #te s $a-e #nsp# e! a eg#onal t" n #n en-# on'ental t$#n6#ng. B#o eg#onal#s' g#-es eg#onal#s' an en-# on'ental t*#st. T$#s #s t$e -#e* t$at nat" al feat" es s$o"l! p o-#!e t$e !ef#n#ng con!#t#ons fo places of co''"n#t)B an! t$at sec" e an! sat#sf)#ng local l#-es a e le! b) t$ose *$o 6no* a placeB $a-e lea ne! #ts lo e an! *$o a!apt t$e# l#fest)le to #ts affo !ances b) !e-elop#ng #ts potent#al *#t$#n ecolog#cal l#'#ts. S"c$ a l#feB t$e b#o eg#onal#sts a g"eB *#ll enable people to enHo) t$e f "#ts of self7 l#be at#on an! self7!e-elop'ent :see t$e essa)s #n L#st 1FF(B an! t$e boo67lengt$ t eat'ent #n T$a)e %GG(B fo an #nt o!"ct#on to b#o eg#onal t$o"g$t;. Ho*e-e B c #t#cs $a-e as6e! *$) nat" al feat" es s$o"l! s#gn#f#cant #n !ef#n#ng t$e places #n *$#c$ co''"n#t#es a e to be b"#ltB an! $a-e p"55le! o-e e4actl) *$#c$ nat" al feat" es t$ese s$o"l! be 77 geolog#calB ecolog#calB cl#'at#cB $)! olog#calB an! so on :see B ennan 1FFIb;. If elat#-el) s'allB b#o eg#onal co''"n#t#es a e to be $o'e to flo" #s$#ng $"'an soc#et#esB t$en a 1"est#on also a #ses o-e t$e nat" e of t$e la*s an! p"n#s$'ents t$at *#ll p e-a#l #n t$e'B an! also of t$e# #nteg at#on #nto la ge eg#onal an! global pol#t#cal an! econo'#c g o"p#ngs. &o ana c$#sts an! ot$e c #t#cs of t$e p e!o'#nant soc#al o !e B a et" n to self7go-e n#ng an! self7 s"ff#c#ent eg#onal co''"n#t#es #s often !ep#cte! as l#be at#ng an! ef es$#ng. B"t fo t$e s6ept#csB t$e *o ) e'a#ns t$at t$e b#o eg#onal -#s#on #s pol#t#call) o-e 7opt#'#st#c an! #s open to t$e establ#s$'ent of #ll#be alB st#fl#ng an! "n!e'oc at#c co''"n#t#es. &" t$e B g#-en #ts e'p$as#s on local self7s"ff#c#enc) an! t$e -# t"e of l#fe #n s'all co''"n#t#esB a 1"est#on a #ses o-e *$et$e b#o eg#onal#s' #s *o 6able #n an o-e c o*!e! planet.

2eep ecolog)B fe'#n#s'B an! soc#al ecolog) $a-e $a! a cons#!e able #'pact on t$e !e-elop'ent of pol#t#cal pos#t#ons #n ega ! to t$e en-# on'ent. &e'#n#st anal)ses $a-e often been *elco'e! fo t$e ps)c$olog#cal #ns#g$t t$e) b #ng to se-e al soc#alB 'o al an! pol#t#cal p oble's. T$e e #sB $o*e-e B cons#!e able "nease abo"t t$e #'pl#cat#ons of c #t#cal t$eo )B soc#al ecolog) an! so'e -a #et#es of !eep ecolog) an! an#'#s'. So'e ecent * #te s $a-e a g"e!B fo e4a'pleB t$at c #t#cal t$eo ) #s bo"n! to be et$#call) ant$ opocent #cB *#t$ nat" e as no 'o e t$an a Dsoc#al const "ct#onE *$ose -al"e "lt#'atel) !epen!s on $"'an !ete '#nat#ons :see Vogel 1FF.;. Ot$e s $a-e a g"e! t$at t$e !e'an!s of D!eepE g een t$eo #sts an! act#-#sts cannot be acco''o!ate! *#t$#n conte'po a ) t$eo #es of l#be al pol#t#cs an! soc#al H"st#ce :see &e ) 1FFI;. A f" t$e s"ggest#on #s t$at t$e e #s a nee! to eassess t a!#t#onal t$eo #es s"c$ as -# t"e et$#csB *$#c$ $as #ts o #g#ns #n anc#ent = ee6 p$#losop$) :see t$e follo*#ng sect#on; *#t$#n t$e conte4t of a fo ' of ste*a !s$#p s#'#la to t$at ea l#e en!o se! b) Pass'o e :see Ba ) 1FFF;. If t$#s last cla#' #s co ectB t$en t$e a!#cal act#-#st nee! notB afte allB loo6 fo p$#losop$#cal s"ppo t #n a!#calB o co"nte c"lt" alB t$eo #es of t$e so t !eep ecolog)B fe'#n#s'B b#o eg#onal#s' an! soc#al ecolog) cla#' to be. $39383 %raditional Ethical %heories and Contemporary Environment Ethics Alt$o"g$ en-# on'ental et$#c#sts often t ) to !#stance t$e'sel-es f o' t$e ant$ opocent #s' e'be!!e! #n t a!#t#onal et$#cal -#e*s :Pass'o e 1F/+B No ton 1FF1 a e e4cept#ons;B t$e) also 1"#te often ! a* t$e# t$eo et#cal eso" ces f o' t a!#t#onal et$#cal s)ste's an! t$eo #es. Cons#!e t$e follo*#ng t*o bas#c 'o al 1"est#ons: :1; 8$at 6#n!s of t$#ng a e #nt #ns#call) -al"ableB goo! o ba!9 :%; 8$at 'a6es an act#on #g$t o * ong9 $onse>uentialist et$#cal t$eo #es cons#!e #nt #ns#c D-al"eE 0 D!#s-al"eE o Dgoo!nessE 0 Dba!nessE to be 'o e f"n!a'ental 'o al not#ons t$an D #g$tnessE 0 D* ongnessEB an! 'a#nta#n t$at *$et$e an act#on #s #g$t0* ong #s !ete '#ne! b) *$et$e #ts conse1"ences a e goo!0ba!. & o' t$#s pe spect#-eB ans*e s to 1"est#on :%; a e #nfo 'e! b) ans*e s to 1"est#on :1;. &o #nstanceB "t#l#ta #an#s'B a pa a!#g' case of conse1"ent#al#s'B ega !s pleas" e :o B 'o e b oa!l) const "e!B t$e sat#sfact#on of #nte estB !es# eB an!0o p efe ence; as t$e onl) #nt #ns#c -al"e #n t$e *o l!B *$e eas pa#n :o t$e f "st at#on of !es# eB #nte estB an!0o p efe ence; t$e onl) #nt #ns#c !#s-al"eB an! 'a#nta#ns t$at #g$t act#ons a e t$ose t$at *o"l! p o!"ce t$e g eatest balance of pleas" e o-e pa#n. As t$e "t#l#ta #an foc"s #s t$e balance of pleas" e an! pa#n as s"c$B t$e 1"est#on of to *$o' a pleas" e o pa#n belongs #s # ele-ant to t$e calc"lat#on an! assess'ent of t$e #g$tness o * ongness of act#ons. HenceB t$e e#g$teent$ cent" ) "t#l#ta #an Oe e') Bent$a' :1/IF;B an! no* Pete S#nge :1FF(;B $a-e a g"e! t$at t$e #nte ests of all t$e sent#ent be#ngs :#.e.B be#ngs *$o a e capable of e4pe #enc#ng pleas" e o pa#n; 77 #ncl"!#ng non$"'an ones 77 affecte! b) an act#on s$o"l! be ta6en e1"all) #nto cons#!e at#on #n assess#ng t$e act#on. &" t$e 'o eB at$e l#6e Ro"tle) :see sect#on % abo-e;B S#nge a g"es t$at t$e ant$ opocent #c p #-#leg#ng of 'e'be s of t$e spec#es Ho'o sap#ens #s a b#t a )B an! t$at #t #s a 6#n! of Dspec#es#s'E as

"nH"st#f#able as se4#s' an! ac#s'. S#nge ega !s t$e an#'al l#be at#on 'o-e'ent as co'pa able to t$e l#be at#on 'o-e'ents of *o'en an! people of colo" . Unl#6e t$e en-# on'ental p$#losop$e s *$o att #b"te #nt #ns#c -al"e to t$e nat" al en-# on'ent an! #ts #n$ab#tantsB S#nge an! "t#l#ta #ans #n gene al att #b"te #nt #ns#c -al"e to t$e e4pe #ence of pleas" e o #nte est sat#sfact#on as s"c$B not to t$e be#ngs *$o $a-e t$e e4pe #ence. S#'#la l)B fo t$e "t#l#ta #anB non7sent#ent obHects #n t$e en-# on'ent s"c$ as plant spec#esB #-e sB 'o"nta#nsB an! lan!scapesB all of *$#c$ a e t$e obHects of 'o al conce n fo en-# on'ental#stsB a e of no #nt #ns#c b"t at 'ost #nst "'ental -al"e to t$e sat#sfact#on of sent#ent be#ngs :see S#nge 1FF(B C$. 1G;. &" t$e 'o eB beca"se #g$t act#onsB fo t$e "t#l#ta #anB a e t$ose t$at 'a4#'#5e t$e o-e all balance of #nte est sat#sfact#on o-e f "st at#onB p act#ces s"c$ as *$ale7 $"nt#ng an! t$e 6#ll#ng of an elep$ant fo #-o )B *$#c$ ca"se s"ffe #ng to non$"'an an#'alsB '#g$t t" n o"t to be #g$t afte all: s"c$ p act#ces '#g$t p o!"ce cons#!e able a'o"nts of #nte est7sat#sfact#on fo $"'an be#ngsB *$#c$B on t$e "t#l#ta #an calc"lat#onB o"t*e#g$ t$e non$"'an #nte est7f "st at#on #n-ol-e!. As t$e es"lt of all t$e abo-e cons#!e at#onsB #t #s "nclea to *$at e4tent a "t#l#ta #an et$#c can also be an en-# on'ental et$#c. T$#s po#nt 'a) not so ea!#l) appl) to a *#!e conse1"ent#al#st app oac$B *$#c$ att #b"tes #nt #ns#c -al"e not onl) to pleas" e o sat#sfact#onB b"t also to -a #o"s obHects an! p ocesses #n t$e nat" al en-# on'ent. 'eontological et$#cal t$eo #esB #n cont astB 'a#nta#n t$at *$et$e an act#on #s #g$t o * ong #s fo t$e 'ost pa t #n!epen!ent of *$et$e #ts conse1"ences a e goo! o ba!. & o' t$e !eontolog#st pe spect#-eB t$e e a e se-e al !#st#nct 'o al "les o !"t#es :e.g.B Dnot to 6#ll o ot$e *#se $a ' t$e #nnocentEB Dnot to l#eEB Dto espect t$e #g$ts of ot$e sEB Dto 6eep p o'#sesE;B t$e obse -ance0-#olat#on of *$#c$ #s #nt #ns#call) #g$t0* ongA #.e.B #g$t0* ong #n #tself ega !less of conse1"ences. 8$en as6e! to H"st#f) an allege! 'o al "leB !"t) o #ts co espon!#ng #g$tB !eontolog#sts 'a) appeal to t$e #nt #ns#c -al"e of t$ose be#ngs to *$o' #t appl#es. &o #nstanceB Dan#'al #g$tsE a!-ocate To' Regan :1FI(; a g"es t$at t$ose an#'als *#t$ #nt #ns#c -al"e :o *$at $e calls D#n$e ent -al"eE; $a-e t$e 'o al #g$t to espectf"l t eat'entB *$#c$ t$en gene ates a gene al 'o al !"t) on o" pa t not to t eat t$e' as 'e e 'eans to ot$e en!s. 8e $a-eB #n pa t#c"la B a p #'a fac#e 'o al !"t) not to $a ' t$e'. Regan 'a#nta#ns t$at ce ta#n p act#ces :s"c$ as spo t o co''e c#al $"nt#ngB an! e4pe #'entat#on on an#'als; -#olate t$e 'o al #g$t of #nt #ns#call) -al"able an#'als to espectf"l t eat'ent. S"c$ p act#cesB $e a g"esB a e #nt #ns#call) * ong ega !less of *$et$e o not so'e bette conse1"ences e-e flo* f o' t$e'. E4actl) *$#c$ an#'als $a-e #nt #ns#c -al"e an! t$e efo e t$e 'o al #g$t to espectf"l t eat'ent9 Regan?s ans*e #s: t$ose t$at 'eet t$e c #te #on of be#ng t$e Ds"bHect7of7a7l#feE. To be s"c$ a s"bHect #s a s"ff#c#ent :t$o"g$ not necessa ); con!#t#on fo $a-#ng #nt #ns#c -al"eB an! to be a s"bHect7of7a7l#fe #n-ol-esB a'ong ot$e t$#ngsB $a-#ng sense7 pe cept#onsB bel#efsB !es# esB 'ot#-esB 'e'o )B a sense of t$e f"t" eB an! a ps)c$olog#cal #!ent#t) o-e t#'e. So'e a"t$o s $a-e e4ten!e! conce n fo #n!#-#!"al *ell7be#ng f" t$e B a g"#ng fo t$e #nt #ns#c -al"e of o gan#s's ac$#e-#ng t$e# o*n goo!B *$et$e t$ose o gan#s's a e capable of consc#o"sness o not. Pa"l Ta)lo ?s -e s#on of t$#s -#e* :1FI1 an! 1FI.;B *$#c$ *e '#g$t call

biocentrismB #s a !eontolog#cal e4a'ple. He a g"es t$at eac$ #n!#-#!"al l#-#ng t$#ng #n nat" e 77 *$et$e #t #s an an#'alB a plantB o a '#c o7o gan#s' 77 #s a Dteleolog#cal7cente 7of7l#feE $a-#ng a goo! o *ell7be#ng of #ts o*n *$#c$ can be en$ance! o !a'age!B an! t$at all #n!#-#!"als *$o a e teleolog#cal7cente s7of l#fe $a-e e1"al #nt #ns#c -al"e :o *$at $e calls D#n$e ent *o t$E; *$#c$ ent#tles t$e' to 'o al espect. &" t$e 'o eB Ta)lo 'a#nta#ns t$at t$e #nt #ns#c -al"e of *#l! l#-#ng t$#ngs gene ates a p #'a fac#e 'o al !"t) on o" pa t to p ese -e o p o'ote t$e# goo!s as en!s #n t$e'sel-esB an! t$at an) p act#ces *$#c$ t eat t$ose be#ngs as 'e e 'eans an! t$"s !#spla) a lac6 of espect fo t$e' a e #nt #ns#call) * ong. A 'o e ecent an! b#olog#call) !eta#le! !efence of t$e #!ea t$at l#-#ng t$#ngs $a-e ep esentat#ons an! goals an! $ence $a-e 'o al *o t$ #s fo"n! #n Aga %GG1. Unl#6e Ta)lo ?s egal#ta #an an! !eontolog#cal b#ocent #s'B Rob#n Attf#el! :1FI/; a g"es fo a $#e a c$#cal -#e* t$at *$#le all be#ngs $a-#ng a goo! of t$e# o*n $a-e #nt #ns#c -al"eB so'e of t$e' :e.g.B pe sons; $a-e #nt #ns#c -al"e to a g eate e4tent. Attf#el! also en!o ses a fo ' of conse1"ent#al#s' *$#c$ ta6es #nto cons#!e at#onB an! atte'pts to balanceB t$e 'an) an! poss#bl) confl#ct#ng goo!s of !#ffe ent l#-#ng t$#ngs :also see Va ne 1FFI fo a 'o e ecent !efense of b#ocent #c #n!#-#!"al#s' *#t$ aff#n#t#es to bot$ conse1"ent#al#st an! !eontolog#cal app oac$es;. Ho*e-e B so'e c #t#cs $a-e po#nte! o"t t$at t$e not#on of b#olog#cal goo! o *ell7be#ng #s onl) !esc #pt#-e not p esc #pt#-e :see 8#ll#a's 1FF% an! O?Ne#ll 1FF(B C$. %;. &o #nstanceB t$e fact t$at HIV $as a goo! of #ts o*n !oes not 'ean t$at *e o"g$t to ass#gn an) pos#t#-e 'o al *e#g$t to t$e eal#5at#on of t$at goo!. Note t$at t$e et$#cs of an#'al l#be at#on o an#'al #g$ts an! b#ocent #s' a e bot$ individualistic #n t$at t$e# -a #o"s 'o al conce ns a e !# ecte! to*a !s #n!#-#!"als onl) 77 not ecolog#cal *$oles s"c$ as spec#esB pop"lat#onsB b#ot#c co''"n#t#esB an! ecos)ste's. None of t$ese #s sent#entB a s"bHect7of7a7l#feB o a teleolog#cal7cente 7of7l#feB b"t t$e p ese -at#on of t$ese collect#-e ent#t#es #s a 'aHo conce n fo 'an) en-# on'ental#sts. 3o eo-e B t$e goals of an#'al l#be at#on#stsB s"c$ as t$e e!"ct#on of an#'al s"ffe #ng an! !eat$B 'a) confl#ct *#t$ t$e goals of en-# on'ental#sts. &o e4a'pleB t$e p ese -at#on of t$e #nteg #t) of an ecos)ste' 'a) e1"# e t$e c"ll#ng of fe al an#'als o of so'e #n!#geno"s pop"lat#ons t$at t$ eaten to !est o) f ag#le $ab#tats. So t$e e a e !#sp"tes abo"t *$et$e t$e et$#cs of an#'al l#be at#on #s a p ope b anc$ of en-# on'ental et$#cs :see Call#cott 1FIGB 1FIIB Sagoff 1FI+B Oa'#eson 1FFIB C #sp 1FFI an! Va ne %GGG;. C #t#c#5#ng t$e #n!#-#!"al#st#c app oac$ #n gene al fo fa#l#ng to acco''o!ate conse -at#on conce ns fo ecolog#cal *$olesB O. Ba# ! Call#cott :1FIG; $as a!-ocate! a -e s#on of lan!7 et$#cal holism *$#c$ ta6es Leopol!?s state'ent DA t$#ng #s #g$t *$en #t ten!s to p ese -e t$e #nteg #t)B stab#l#t)B an! bea"t) of t$e b#ot#c co''"n#t). It #s * ong *$en #t ten!s ot$e *#seE to be t$e s"p e'e !eontolog#cal p #nc#ple. In t$#s t$eo )B t$e ea t$?s b#ot#c co''"n#t) pe se #s t$e sole loc"s of #nt #ns#c -al"eB *$e eas t$e -al"e of #ts #n!#-#!"al 'e'be s #s 'e el) #nst "'ental an! !epen!ent on t$e# cont #b"t#on to t$e D#nteg #t)B stab#l#t)B an! bea"t)E of t$e la ge co''"n#t). A st a#g$tfo *a ! #'pl#cat#on of t$#s -e s#on of t$e lan! et$#c #s t$at an #n!#-#!"al 'e'be of t$e b#ot#c co''"n#t) o"g$t to be sac #f#ce! *$ene-e t$at #s nee!e! fo t$e

p otect#on of t$e $ol#st#c goo! of t$e co''"n#t). &o #nstanceB Call#cott 'a#nta#ns t$at #f c"ll#ng a *$#te7ta#le! !ee #s necessa ) fo t$e p otect#on of t$e $ol#st#c b#ot#c goo!B t$en #t #s a lan!7et$#cal e1"# e'ent to !o so. B"tB to be cons#stentB t$e sa'e po#nt also appl#es to $"'an #n!#-#!"als beca"se t$e) a e also 'e'be s of t$e b#ot#c co''"n#t). Not s" p #s#ngl)B t$e '#sant$ op) #'pl#e! b) Call#cott?s lan!7et$#cal $ol#s' $as been *#!el) c #t#c#5e! an! ega !e! as a e!"ct#o of t$e pos#t#on :see A#6en :1FI+;B >$eel :1FI,;B &e Z :1FF.;B an! S$ a!e 7 & ec$ette :1FF.;;. To' Regan :1FI(B p.(.%;B fo e4a'pleB $as con!e'ne! t$e $ol#st#c lan! et$#c?s !#s ega ! of t$e #g$ts of t$e #n!#-#!"al as Den-# on'ental fasc#s'E. Un!e t$e p ess" e f o' t$e c$a ge of ecofasc#s' an! '#sant$ op)B Call#cott :1FIF C$. ,B an! 1FFFB C$. +; $as late e-#se! $#s pos#t#on an! no* 'a#nta#ns t$at t$e b#ot#c co''"n#t) :#n!ee!B an) co''"n#t) to *$#c$ *e belong; as *ell as #ts #n!#-#!"al 'e'be s :#n!ee!B an) #n!#-#!"al *$o s$a es *#t$ "s 'e'be s$#p #n so'e co''on co''"n#t); all $a-e #nt #ns#c -al"e. T$e cont o-e s) s" o"n!#ng Call#cott?s o #g#nal pos#t#onB $o*e-e B $as #nsp# e! effo ts #n en-# on'ent et$#cs to #n-est#gate poss#b#l#t#es of att #b"t#ng #nt #ns#c -al"e to ecolog#cal *$olesB not H"st t$e# #n!#-#!"al const#t"ent pa ts :see Lo %GG1 fo an o-e -#e* an! c #t#1"e of Call#cott?s c$ang#ng pos#t#on o-e t$e last t*o !eca!esA also see O"!e 6# 6 an! H#ll :e!s.; %GG% fo !ebates bet*een Call#cott an! ot$e s conce n#ng t$e 'etaet$#cal an! 'etap$)s#cal fo"n!at#ons fo t$e lan! et$#c an! also #ts $#sto #cal antece!ents;. &ollo*#ng #n Call#cott?s footstepsB an! #nsp# e! b) NQss?s elat#onal acco"nt of -al"eB 8a *#c6 &o4 #n $#s 'ost ecent *o 6 $as c$a'p#one! a t$eo ) of D espons#-e co$es#onE *$#c$ appa entl) g#-es s"p e'e 'o al p #o #t) to t$e 'a#ntenance of ecos)ste's an! t$e b#op$)s#cal *o l! :&o4 %GG/;. It e'a#ns to be seen #f t$#s pos#t#on *#ll escape t$e c$a ges of '#sant$ op) an! total#ta #an#s' la#! aga#nst ea l#e $ol#st#c an! elat#onal t$eo #es of -al"e. In!#-#!"al nat" al ent#t#es :*$et$e sent#ent o notB l#-#ng o not;B An! e* B ennan :1FI+; a g"esB a e not !es#gne! b) an)one to f"lf#ll an) p" pose an! t$e efo e lac6 D#nt #ns#c f"nct#onE :#.e.B t$e f"nct#on of a t$#ng t$at const#t"tes pa t of #ts essence o #!ent#t) con!#t#ons;. T$#sB $e p oposesB #s a eason fo t$#n6#ng t$at #n!#-#!"al nat" al ent#t#es s$o"l! not be t eate! as 'e e #nst "'entsB an! t$"s a eason fo ass#gn#ng t$e' #nt #ns#c -al"e. &" t$e 'o eB $e a g"es t$at t$e sa'e 'o al po#nt appl#es to t$e case of nat" al ecos)ste'sB to t$e e4tent t$at t$e) lac6 #nt #ns#c f"nct#on. In t$e l#g$t of B ennan?s p oposalB E #c >at5 :1FF1 an! 1FF/; a g"es t$at all nat" al ent#t#esB *$et$e #n!#-#!"als o *$olesB $a-e #nt #ns#c -al"e #n -# t"e of t$e# ontolog#cal #n!epen!ence f o' $"'an p" poseB act#-#t)B an! #nte estB an! 'a#nta#ns t$e !eontolog#cal p #nc#ple t$at nat" e as a *$ole #s an Da"tono'o"s s"bHectE *$#c$ !ese -es 'o al espect an! '"st not be t eate! as a 'e e 'eans to $"'an en!s. Ca )#ng t$e p oHect of att #b"t#ng #nt #ns#c -al"e to nat" e to #ts "lt#'ate fo 'B Robe t Ell#ot :1FF/; a g"es t$at nat" alness #tself #s a p ope t) #n -# t"e of possess#ng *$#c$ all nat" al t$#ngsB e-entsB an! states of affa# sB atta#n #nt #ns#c -al"e. &" t$e 'o eB Ell#ot a g"es t$at e-en a conse1"ent#al#stB *$o #n p #nc#ple allo*s t$e poss#b#l#t) of t a!#ng off #nt #ns#c -al"e f o' nat" alness fo #nt #ns#c -al"e f o' ot$e so" cesB co"l! no longe H"st#f) s"c$ 6#n! of t a!e7off #n eal#t). T$#s #s beca"se t$e e!"ct#on of #nt #ns#c -al"e !"e to t$e !eplet#on of nat" alness on ea t$B acco !#ng to $#'B $as eac$e!

s"c$ a le-el t$at an) f" t$e e!"ct#on of #t co"l! not be co'pensate! b) an) a'o"nt of #nt #ns#c -al"e gene ate! #n ot$e *a)sB no 'atte $o* g eat #t #s. As t$e not#on of Dnat" alE #s "n!e stoo! #n te 's of t$e lac6 of $"'an cont #-ance an! #s often oppose! to t$e not#on of Da t#fact"alEB one '"c$ conteste! #ss"e #s abo"t t$e -al"e of t$ose pa ts of nat" e t$at $a-e been #nte fe e! *#t$ b) $"'an a t#f#ce 77 fo #nstanceB p e-#o"sl) !eg a!e! nat" al en-# on'ents *$#c$ $a-e been $"'anl) esto e!. Base! on t$e p e'#se t$at t$e p ope t#es of be#ng nat" all) e-ol-e! an! $a-#ng a nat" al cont#n"#t) *#t$ t$e e'ote past a e D-al"e a!!#ngE :#.e.B a!!#ng #nt #ns#c -al"e to t$ose t$#ngs *$#c$ possess t$ose t*o p ope t#es;B Ell#ot a g"es t$at e-en a pe fectl) esto e! en-# on'ent *o"l! necessa #l) lac6 t$ose t*o -al"e7a!!#ng p ope t#es an! t$e efo e be less -al"able t$an t$e o #g#nall) "n!eg a!e! nat" al en-# on'ent. >at5B on t$e ot$e $an!B a g"es t$at a esto e! nat" e #s eall) H"st an a t#fact !es#gne! an! c eate! fo t$e sat#sfact#on of $"'an en!sB an! t$at t$e -al"e of esto e! en-# on'ents #s 'e el) #nst "'ental. Ho*e-e B so'e c #t#cs $a-e po#nte! o"t t$at a!-ocates of 'o al !"al#s' bet*een t$e nat" al an! t$e a t#fact"al "n t$e #s6 of !#'#n#s$#ng t$e -al"e of $"'an l#fe an! c"lt" eB an! fa#l to ecogn#5e t$at t$e nat" al en-# on'ents #nte fe e! *#t$ b) $"'ans 'a) st#ll $a-e 'o all) ele-ant 1"al#t#es ot$e t$an p" e nat" alness :see Lo 1FFF;. T*o ot$e #ss"es cent al to t$#s !ebate a e t$at t$e 6e) concept Dnat" alE see's a'b#g"o"s #n 'an) !#ffe ent *a)s :see H"'e 1/,1B App. (B an! B ennan 1FIIB C$. .B Ell#ot 1FF/B C$. +;B an! t$at t$ose *$o a g"e t$at $"'an #nte fe ence e!"ces t$e #nt #ns#c -al"e of nat" e see' to $a-e s#'pl) ass"'e! t$e c "c#al p e'#se t$at nat" alness #s a so" ce of #nt #ns#c -al"e. So'e t$#n6e s 'a#nta#n t$at t$e nat" alB o t$e D*#l!E const "e! as t$at *$#c$ D#s not $"'an#5e!E :Hett#nge an! T$ oop 1FFFB p. 1%; o to so'e !eg ee Dnot "n!e $"'an cont olE :#b#!.B p. 1(; #s #nt #ns#call) -al"able. NetB as Be na ! 8#ll#a's po#nts o"t :8#ll#a's 1FF%;B *e 'a)B pa a!o4#call)B nee! to "se o" tec$nolog#cal po*e s to eta#n a sense of so'et$#ng not be#ng #n o" po*e . T$e etent#on of *#l! a eas 'a) t$"s #n-ol-e planeta ) an! ecolog#cal 'anage'ent to 'a#nta#nB o e-en D#'p #sonE s"c$ a eas :B# c$ 1FFG;B a#s#ng a 1"est#on o-e t$e e4tent to *$#c$ nat#onal pa 6s an! *#l!e ness a eas a e f ee f o' o" cont ol. An #'po tant 'essage "n!e l)#ng t$e !ebateB pe $apsB #s t$at e-en #f ecolog#cal esto at#on #s ac$#e-ableB #t '#g$t $a-e been bette to $a-e left nat" e #ntact #n t$e f# st place. As an alte nat#-e to conse1"ent#al#s' an! !eontolog) bot$ of *$#c$ cons#!e Dt$#nE concepts s"c$ as Dgoo!nessE an! D #g$tnessE as essent#al to 'o al#t)B virtue ethics p oposes to "n!e stan! 'o al#t) 77 an! assess t$e et$#cal 1"al#t) of act#ons 77 #n te 's of Dt$#c6E concepts s"c$ as D6#n!nessEB D$onest)EB Ds#nce #t)E an! DH"st#ceE. As -# t"e et$#cs spea6s 1"#te a !#ffe ent lang"age f o' t$e ot$e t*o 6#n!s of et$#cal t$eo )B #ts t$eo et#cal foc"s #s not so '"c$ on *$at 6#n!s of t$#ngs a e goo!0ba!B o *$at 'a6es an act#on #g$t0* ong. In!ee!B t$e #c$ness of t$e lang"age of -# t"esB an! t$e e'p$as#s on 'o al c$a acte B #s so'et#'es c#te! as a eason fo e4plo #ng a -# t"es7base! app oac$ to t$e co'ple4 an! al*a)s7c$ang#ng 1"est#ons of s"sta#nab#l#t) an! en-# on'ental ca e :San!le %GG/;. One 1"est#on cent al to -# t"e et$#cs #s *$at t$e 'o al easons a e fo act#ng one *a) o anot$e . &o #nstanceB f o' t$e pe spect#-e of -# t"e et$#csB 6#n!ness an! lo)alt) *o"l! be 'o al easons fo $elp#ng a f #en! #n $a !s$#p.

T$ese a e 1"#te !#ffe ent f o' t$e !eontolog#st?s eason :t$at t$e act#on #s !e'an!e! b) a 'o al "le; o t$e conse1"ent#al#st eason :t$at t$e act#on *#ll lea! to a bette o-e 7all balance of goo! o-e e-#l #n t$e *o l!;. & o' t$e pe spect#-e of -# t"e et$#csB t$e 'ot#-at#on an! H"st#f#cat#on of act#ons a e bot$ #nsepa able f o' t$e c$a acte t a#ts of t$e act#ng agent. &" t$e 'o eB "nl#6e !eontolog) o conse1"ent#al#s' t$e 'o al foc"s of *$#c$ #s ot$e people o states of t$e *o l!B one cent al #ss"e fo -# t"e et$#cs #s $o* to l#-e a flo" #s$#ng $"'an l#feB t$#s be#ng a cent al conce n of t$e 'o al agent $#'self o $e self. DL#-#ng -# t"o"sl)E #s A #stotle?s ec#pe fo flo" #s$#ng. Ve s#ons of -# t"e et$#cs a!-ocat#ng -# t"es s"c$ as Dbene-olenceEB Dp#et)EB Df#l#al#t)EB an! Dco" ageEB $a-e also been $el! b) t$#n6e s #n t$e C$#nese Conf"c#an t a!#t#on. T$e connect#on bet*een 'o al#t) an! ps)c$olog) #s anot$e co e s"bHect of #n-est#gat#on fo -# t"e et$#cs. It #s so'et#'es s"ggeste! t$at $"'an -# t"esB *$#c$ const#t"te an #'po tant aspect of a flo" #s$#ng $"'an l#feB '"st be co'pat#ble *#t$ $"'an nee!s an! !es# esB an! pe $aps also sens#t#-e to #n!#-#!"al affect#on an! te'pe a'ents. As #ts cent al foc"s #s $"'an flo" #s$#ng as s"c$B -# t"e et$#cs 'a) see' "na-o#!abl) ant$ opocent #c an! "nable to s"ppo t a gen"#ne 'o al conce n fo t$e non$"'an en-# on'ent. B"t H"st as A #stotle $as a g"e! t$at a flo" #s$#ng $"'an l#fe e1"# es f #en!s$#ps an! one can $a-e gen"#ne f #en!s$#ps onl) #f one gen"#nel) -al"esB lo-esB espectsB an! ca es fo one?s f #en!s fo t$e# o*n sa6eB not 'e el) fo t$e benef#ts t$at t$e) 'a) b #ng to oneselfB so'e $a-e a g"e! t$at a flo" #s$#ng $"'an l#fe e1"# es t$e 'o al capac#t#es to -al"eB lo-eB espectB an! ca e fo t$e non$"'an nat" al *o l! as an en! #n #tself :see O?Ne#ll 1FF%B O?Ne#ll 1FF(B Ba ) 1FFF;.

$39393 (ilderness< the :uilt Environment< Poverty and Politics 2esp#te t$e -a #et) of pos#t#ons #n en-# on'ental et$#cs !e-elope! o-e t$e last t$# t) )ea sB t$e) $a-e foc"se! 'a#nl) on #ss"es conce ne! *#t$ *#l!e ness an! t$e easons fo #ts p ese -at#on :see Call#cott an! Nelson 1FFI fo a collect#on of essa)s on t$e #!eas an! 'o al s#gn#f#cance of *#l!e ness;. T$e #'po tance of *#l!e ness e4pe #ence to t$e $"'an ps)c$e $as been e'p$as#5e! b) 'an) en-# on'ental p$#losop$e s. NQssB fo #nstanceB " ges "s to ens" e *e spen! t#'e !*ell#ng #n s#t"at#ons of #nt #ns#c -al"eB *$e eas Rolston see6s D e7c eat#onE of t$e $"'an so"l b) 'e!#tat#ng #n t$e *#l!e ness. L#6e*#seB t$e c #t#cal t$eo #sts bel#e-e t$at aest$et#c app ec#at#on of nat" e $as t$e po*e to e7enc$ant $"'an l#fe. B) cont astB elat#-el) l#ttle attent#on $as been pa#! to t$e b"#lt en-# on'entB alt$o"g$ t$#s #s t$e one #n *$#c$ 'ost people spen! 'ost of t$e# t#'e. In post7*a B #ta#nB fo e4a'pleB c$eapl) const "cte! ne* $o"s#ng !e-elop'ents *e e often poo eplace'ents fo t a!#t#onal co''"n#t#es. T$e) $a-e been assoc#ate! *#t$ lo*e a'o"nts of soc#al #nte act#on an! #nc ease! c #'e co'pa e! *#t$ t$e ea l#e s#t"at#on. T$e !est "ct#on of $#g$l) f"nct#onal $#g$7 !ens#t) t a!#t#onal $o"s#ngB #n!ee!B '#g$t be co'pa e! *#t$ t$e !est "ct#on of $#g$l) !#-e se ecos)ste's an! b#ot#c co''"n#t#es. L#6e*#seB t$e loss of t$e *o l!?s $"ge !#-e s#t) of nat" al lang"ages $as been 'o" ne! b) 'an)B not H"st p ofess#onals *#t$ an #nte est #n l#ng"#st#cs.

U ban an! l#ng"#st#c en-# on'ents a e H"st t*o of t$e 'an) DplacesE #n$ab#te! b) $"'ans. So'e p$#losop$#cal t$eo #es abo"t nat" al en-# on'ents an! obHects $a-e potent#al to be e4ten!e! to co-e b"#lt en-# on'ents an! non7nat" al obHects of se-e al so ts :see >#ng %GGGB L#g$t %GG1B Pal'e %GG(B *$#le &o4 %GG/ a#'s to #ncl"!e bot$ b"#lt an! nat" al en-# on'ents #n t$e scope of a s#ngle et$#cal t$eo );. Ce ta#nl) t$e e a e 'an) pa allels bet*een nat" al an! a t#f#c#al !o'a#ns: fo e4a'pleB 'an) of t$e concept"al p oble's #n-ol-e! #n !#sc"ss#ng t$e esto at#on of nat" al obHects also appea #n t$e pa allel conte4t of esto #ng $"'an7'a!e obHects. T$e foc"s on t$e -al"e of *#l!e ness an! t$e #'po tance of #ts p ese -at#on $as o-e loo6e! anot$e #'po tant p oble' U na'el) t$at l#fest)les #n *$#c$ ent$"s#as's fo nat" e a'blesB *oo!lan! 'e!#tat#ons o 'o"nta#nee #ng can be #n!"lge! !e'an! a stan!a ! of l#-#ng t$at #s fa be)on! t$e ! ea's of 'ost of t$e *o l!@s pop"lat#on. 3o eo-e B 'ass access to *#l! places *o"l! l#6el) !est o) t$e -e ) -al"es $el! #n $#g$ estee' b) t$e Dnat" al a #stoc atsEB a te ' "se! b) H"g$ St etton :1F/.; to c$a acte #5e t$e en-# on'ental#sts D! #-en c$#efl) b) lo-e of t$e *#l!e nessE. T$"sB a ne* ange of 'o al an! pol#t#cal p oble's open "pB #ncl"!#ng t$e en-# on'ental cost of to" #st access to *#l!e ness a easB an! *a)s #n *$#c$ l#'#te! access co"l! be a ange! to a eas of nat" al bea"t) an! !#-e s#t)B *$#le 'a#nta#n#ng t$e #n!#-#!"al f ee!o's cent al to l#be al !e'oc ac#es. Lo-e s of *#l!e ness so'et#'es cons#!e t$e $#g$ $"'an pop"lat#ons #n so'e !e-elop#ng co"nt #es as a 6e) p oble' "n!e l)#ng t$e en-# on'ental c #s#s. Rolston :1FF.;B fo #nstanceB cla#'s t$at :so'e; $"'ans a e a 6#n! of planeta ) Dcance E. He 'a#nta#ns t$at *$#le Dfee!#ng people al*a)s see's $"'aneB ... *$en *e face "p to *$at #s eall) go#ng onB b) H"st fee!#ng peopleB *#t$o"t attent#on to t$e la ge soc#al es"ltsB *e co"l! be fee!#ng a 6#n! of cance .E T$#s e'a 6 #s 'eant to H"st#f) t$e -#e* t$at sa-#ng nat" e s$o"l!B #n so'e c# c"'stancesB $a-e a $#g$e p #o #t) t$an fee!#ng people. B"t s"c$ a -#e* $as been c #t#c#5e! fo see'#ng to e-eal a !eg ee of '#sant$ op)B !# ecte! at t$ose $"'an be#ngs least able to p otect an! !efen! t$e'sel-es :see Attf#el! 1FFIB B ennan 1FFIa;. T$e e'p# #cal bas#s of Rolston?s cla#'s $as been 1"e #e! b) *o 6 s$o*#ng t$at poo people a e often e4t e'el) goo! en-# on'ental 'anage s :3a t#ne57Al#e %GG%;. ="$a?s *o #es abo"t t$e el#t#st an! D'#ss#ona )E ten!enc#es of so'e 6#n!s of !eep g een en-# on'ental#s' #n ce ta#n #c$ *este n co"nt #es can be 1"#te ea!#l) e4ten!e! to t$eo #sts s"c$ as Rolston :="$a 1FFF;. Can s"c$ an appa entl) el#t#st so t of *#l!e ness et$#cs e-e be !e'oc at#se!9 Ho* can t$e ps)c$#call)7 e-#-#ng po*e of t$e *#l! beco'e a-a#lable to t$ose l#-#ng #n t$e sl"'s of Calc"tta o Sao Paolo9 T$ese 1"est#ons so fa lac6 con-#nc#ng ans*e s. &" t$e 'o eB t$e econo'#c con!#t#ons *$#c$ s"ppo t t$e 6#n! of enHo)'ent of *#l!e ness b) St etton?s Dnat" al a #stoc atsEB an! 'o e gene all) t$e l#fest)les of 'an) people #n t$e affl"ent co"nt #esB see' #'pl#cate! #n t$e !est "ct#on an! poll"t#on *$#c$ $as p o-o6e! t$e en-# on'ental t" n #n t$e f# st place. &o t$ose #n t$e #c$e co"nt #esB fo #nstanceB engag#ng #n o"t!oo ec eat#ons "s"all) #n-ol-es t$e 'oto ca . Ca !epen!enc)B $o*e-e B #s at t$e $ea t of

'an) en-# on'ental p oble'sB a 6e) facto #n " ban poll"t#onB *$#le at t$e sa'e t#'e cent al to t$e econo'#c an! '#l#ta ) act#-#t#es of 'an) nat#ons an! co po at#onsB fo e4a'ple sec" #ng an! e4plo#t#ng o#l ese -es. In an #nc eas#ngl) c o*!e! #n!"st #al#se! *o l!B t$e ans*e s to s"c$ p oble's a e p ess#ng. An) a!e1"ate st"!) of t$#s #nte t*#ne! set of p oble's '"st #n-ol-e #nte !#sc#pl#na ) collabo at#on a'ong p$#losop$e s an! t$eo #sts #n t$e soc#al as *ell as t$e nat" al sc#ences. Connect#ons bet*een en-# on'ental !est "ct#onB "ne1"al eso" ce cons"'pt#onB po-e t) an! t$e global econo'#c o !e $a-e been !#sc"sse! b) pol#t#cal sc#ent#stsB !e-elop'ent t$eo #stsB geog ap$e s an! econo'#sts as *ell as b) p$#losop$e s. L#n6s bet*een econo'#cs an! en-# on'ental et$#cs a e pa t#c"la l) *ell establ#s$e!. 8o 6 b) 3a 6 Sagoff :1FII;B fo #nstanceB $as pla)e! a 'aHo pa t #n b #ng#ng t$e t*o f#el!s toget$e . He a g"es t$at Das c#t#5ens at$e t$an cons"'e sE people a e conce ne! abo"t -al"esB *$#c$ cannot pla"s#bl) be e!"ce! to 'e e o !e e! p efe ences o 1"ant#f#e! #n 'oneta ) te 's :also see S$ a!e 7& ec$ette 1FI/B O?Ne#ll 1FF(B an! B ennan 1FF,;. T$e potent#all) '#slea!#ng appeal to econo'#c eason "se! to H"st#f) t$e e4pans#on of t$e co po ate secto $as also co'e "n!e c #t#cal sc "t#n) b) global#sat#on t$eo #sts :see >o ten 1FFF;. T$ese c #t#1"es !o not a#' to el#'#nate econo'#cs f o' en-# on'ental t$#n6#ngA at$e B t$e) es#st an) e!"ct#-eB an! st ongl) ant$ opocent #cB ten!enc) to bel#e-e t$at all soc#al an! en-# on'ental p oble's a e f"n!a'entall) o essent#all) econo'#c. Ot$e #nte !#sc#pl#na ) app oac$es l#n6 en-# on'ental et$#cs *#t$ b#olog)B pol#c) st"!#esB p"bl#c a!'#n#st at#onB pol#t#cal t$eo )B c"lt" al $#sto )B post7colon#al t$eo )B l#te at" eB geog ap$)B an! $"'an ecolog) :fo so'e e4a'plesB see No tonB H"tc$#nsB Ste-ensB 3aple 1FF,B S$ a!e 7& ec$ette 1FI+B = "en an! Oa'#eson :e!s.; 1FF+B >a l#ne 1FF/B 2#esen!o f an! Ha'#lton 1FF/B Sc$'#!t5 an! 8#llott %GG%;. 3an) of t$e 'o e ecent assess'ents of #ss"es conce ne! *#t$ b#o!#-e s#t)B ecos)ste' $ealt$B po-e t)B en-# on'ental H"st#ce an! s"sta#nab#l#t) loo6 at bot$ $"'an an! en-# on'ental #ss"esB esc$e*#ng #n t$e p ocess co''#t'ent e#t$e to a p" el) ant$ opocent #c o p" el) ecocent #c pe spect#-e :see Ha)*a ! an! O?Ne#ll 1FF/B an! 2obson 1FFF fo collect#ons of essa)s loo6#ng at t$e l#n6s bet*een s"sta#nab#l#t)B H"st#ceB *elfa e an! t$e !#st #b"t#on of en-# on'ental goo!s;. T$e f"t" e !e-elop'ent of en-# on'ental et$#cs !epen! on t$eseB an! ot$e #nte !#sc#pl#na ) s)ne g#esB as '"c$ as on #ts anc$o age *#t$#n p$#losop$). $393=3 Pathologies of Environmental Crisis: %heories and Empirical Research Pa t of en-# on'ental p$#losop$)?s p oHect s#nce #ts #ncept#on #s t$e !#agnos#s of t$e o #g#ns of o" p esent7!a) en-# on'ental e4t e'#t#es. T$e best 6no*n of t$ese #s p obabl) L)nn 8$#te?s t$eo ). As seen #n sect#on % abo-eB 8$#te a g"es t$at O"!Qo7C$ #st#an 'onot$e#s'B beca"se of #ts essent#all) ant$ opocent #c att#t"!e to*a !s nat" eB #s t$e #!eolog#cal so" ce of t$e 'o!e n en-# on'ental c #s#s. At t$e $ea t of $#s p$#losop$#cal c"' c"lt" al7$#sto #cal anal)s#s see's to be a s#'ple st "ct" e:

81. C$ #st#an#t) lea!s to ant$ opocent #s'. 8%. Ant$ opocent #s' lea!s to en-# on'entall) !a'ag#ng be$a-#o" s. 8(. SoB C$ #st#an#t) #s t$e o #g#n of en-# on'ental c #s#s. T$e secon! p e'#se of 8$#te?s a g"'ent also see's to $a-e a cent al place #n a n"'be of #-al !#agnoses. In factB t$e st "ct" e of t$e 'aHo t$eo #es #n t$e f#el! #s eg"la l) of t$#s so t: :1; ? lea!s to ant$ opocent #s'B :%; ant$ opocent #s' lea!s to en-# on'entall) !a'ag#ng be$a-#o" sA t$e efo e :(; ? #s t$e o #g#n of en-# on'ental c #s#s. T$ ee ot$e *ell76no*n cases $a-e al ea!) been !#sc"sse! :sect#on ( abo-e;B na'el): ecofe'#n#s' :*$#c$ #!ent#f#es ? *#t$ t$ose patte ns of t$o"g$t t$at a e c$a acte #st#call) pat #a c$al;B !eep ecolog) :*$#c$ ta6es ? to be ato'#st#c #n!#-#!"al#s';B an! t$e ne* an#'#s' :*$#c$ ega !s t$e !#senc$ant'ent of nat" e as t$e ?7facto ;. T$e fo" t$eo #es all see' to $a-e one -#e* #n co''on: t$at ant$ opocent #s' #s at t$e $ea t of t$e p oble' of en-# on'ental !est "ct#-eness. If ant$ opocent #s' #s t$e p oble'B t$en pe $aps non7ant$ opocent #s' #s t$e sol"t#on. At t$#s po#ntB #t 'a) be $elpf"l to sepa ate t*o t$eses of non7ant$ opocent #s'B ones t$at a e not no 'all) !#st#ng"#s$e! #n t$e l#te at" e: T$e evaluative thesis :of non7ant$ opocent #s'; #s t$e cla#' t$at nat" al non$"'an t$#ngs $a-e #nt #ns#c -al"eB #.e.B -al"e #n t$e# o*n #g$t #n!epen!ent of an) "se t$e) $a-e fo ot$e s. T$e psycho+behavioural thesis :of non7ant$ opocent #s'; #s t$e cla#' t$at people *$o bel#e-e #n t$e e-al"at#-e t$es#s of non7ant$ opocent #s' a e 'o e l#6el) to be$a-e en-# on'entall) :#.e.B be$a-e #n benef#c#al *a)sB o at least not #n $a 'f"l *a)sB to*a !s t$e en-# on'ent; t$an t$ose *$o !o not. 3"c$ of t$e last t$ ee !eca!es of en-# on'ental et$#cs $as been spent anal)s#ngB cla #f)#ng an! e4a'#n#ng t$e e-al"at#-e t$es#s of non7ant$ opocent #s'B *$#c$ $as no* ac$#e-e! a nea l) canon#cal stat"s *#t$#n t$e !#sc#pl#ne. B) cont astB t$e ps)c$o7be$a-#o" al t$es#s #s sel!o' !#sc"sse!B b"t #s pa t of t$e tac#t bac6g o"n! of en-# on'ental et$#cs. 8$en #t !oes get e4pl#c#t 'ent#on t$#s #s often #n t$e #nt o!"ct#ons o p efaces of boo6sB o #n efe ence *o 6s U fo e4a'pleB *$en #t #s sa#! t$at !eep ecolog)?s Dg eatest #nfl"ence [ 'a) be t$ o"g$ t$e !#-e se fo 's of en-# on'ental act#-#s' t$at #t #nsp# esE :Ta)lo an! \#''e 'an %GG,B co'pa e Rolston 1FIIB 4##B Sess#ons 1FF,B 44744#B an! S)l-an an! Bennett 1FF+B +7,;. If t$e ps)c$o7 be$a-#o" al t$es#s #s t "eB t$en #t #s #'po tant #n t*o *a)s: :1; #t p o-#!es a at#onale fo bot$ t$e !#agnos#s an! sol"t#on of en-# on'ental p oble'sB an! :%; #t g#-es p act#cal H"st#f#cat#on to t$e !#sc#pl#ne of en-# on'ental et$#cs #tself :conce#-e! as t$e '#ss#on to sec" e con-e ts to t$e e-al"at#-e t$es#s of non7ant$ opocent #s';. Con-e sel)B #f t$e ps)c$o7be$a-#o" al t$es#s t" ns o"t to be falseB t$enYs#nce t$e t$es#s #s t$e co''on tac#t ass"'pt#on of all fo" t$eo #esYnot onl) t$e !#sc#pl#ne #tselfB b"t also t$e fo" 'aHo !#agnost#c t$eo #es of t$e o #g#n of t$e en-# on'ental p e!#ca'ent *#ll be se #o"sl) "n!e '#ne! .

Cent al to t$e ps)c$o7be$a-#o" al t$es#s #s a p oble'at#c ass"'pt#on: t$at #f people bel#e-e t$e) $a-e a 'o al !"t) to espect nat" e o bel#e-e t$at nat" al t$#ngs a e #nt #ns#call) -al"ableB t$en t$e) eall) *#ll act #n 'o e en-# on'ental7f #en!l) *a)s. T$#s e'p# #cal 1"est#on cannot be ans*e e! b) p" el) a p #o # p$#losop$#cal eason#ng. In factB t$e ot$e co e p e'#ses #n t$e fo" 'aHo p$#losop$#cal t$eo #es on t$e o #g#n of en-# on'ental c #s#s a e also e'p# #cal cla#'s abo"t soc#al an! c"lt" al eal#t). To be c e!#bleB t$e) '"st be able to stan! "p to e'p# #cal test#ng. &o e4a'pleB a e people *$o t$#n6 #n !"al#st#c an! $#e a c$#cal *a)s :as !esc #be! b) fe'#n#sts; #n fact 'o e l#6el) to $a-e ant$ opocent #c att#t"!es an! 'o e l#6el) to act $a 'f"ll) to*a !s t$e en-# on'ent9 A e people *$o bel#e-e #n an#'#s' :as panps)c$#sts a g"e; #n fact less l#6el) to $a-e ant$ opocent #c att#t"!es an! also less l#6el) to $a ' t$e en-# on'ent9 8$at abo"t people *$o a!opt so'e elat#onal o $ol#st#c -#e* of t$e *o l!B as a!-ocate! b) !eep ecolog#sts9 Ho* !o t$e) act to*a ! nat" e co'pa e! to t$ose *$o a!opt a 'o e #n!#-#!"al#st#c an! ato'#st#c *o l!-#e*9 T$ese 1"est#ons abo"t t$e elat#ons a'ong -a #o"s bel#ef s)ste's an! be$a-#o" s loo6 no !#ffe ent #n 6#n! f o' t$e so ts of 1"est#ons t$at soc#al sc#ent#sts eg"la l) as6. Of t$e 'aHo p$#losop$#cal t$eo #es on t$e o #g#n of en-# on'ental c #s#sB L)nn 8$#te?s #s t$e onl) one to $a-e been e'p# #call) teste! b) soc#al sc#ent#sts. T$e net es"lt of t$ese st"!#es so fa $as been D#nconcl"s#-eEB espec#all) *$en e!"cat#onB se4B age an! soc#al class a e also facto e! #n :S$a#6o 1FI/B = eele) 1FF(B 8oo! "' an! Hoban 1FF+B Ec6be g an! Bloc6e 1FF.B Bo)! 1FFF;. 3o eo-e B l#6e t$e# p$#losop$#cal co"nte pa tsB en-# on'ental soc#olog#sts often ta6e t$e ps)c$o7be$a-#o" al t$es#s of non7ant$ opocent #s' fo g ante!. So'e of t$e best76no*n an! 'ost *#!el) "se! s" -e) #nst "'ents #n t$e f#el! a e also p oble'at#c. R#le) 2"nlap an! collabo ato s !e-elope! 'an) )ea s ago t$e DNe* En-# on'ental Pa a!#g'E :NEP; scaleB to 'eas" e p o7en-# on'ental att#t"!es :2"nlap an! -an L#e e 1F/I;. T$at scaleB an! #ts late e-#s#ons :see 2"nlap et al. %GGG;B #s p oble'at#c p ec#sel) beca"se #t e4pl#c#tl) "ses #n!#cato s of bel#efs #n ant$ opocent #s' to 'eas" e t$e p esence of "n7en-# on'ental att#t"!esB t$"s ass"'#ng #n a!-ance t$at ant$ opocent #c bel#efs a e $a 'f"l to t$e en-# on'ent. B"t *$et$e t$at #s so s$o"l! be settle! b) e'p# #cal #n-est#gat#on at$e t$an b) an act of a p #o # st#p"lat#on #n s" -e) !es#gn. 2esp#te t$e fact t$at t$e e #s a st #6#ng co''on "n!e l)#ng st "ct" e bet*een 8$#te?s t$eo ) an! t$e ot$e 'aHo t$eo #es !#sc"sse! abo-eB no soc#olog#cal st"!#es so fa $a-e been !one on t$e ot$e t$eo #esB no on t$e co''on "n!e l)#ng ps)c$o7be$a-#o" al t$es#s of non7 ant$ opocent #s' an! #ts effects. T$#s p esents an oppo t"n#t) fo #nte !#sc#pl#na ) collabo at#ons a'ong p$#losop$e s an! soc#al sc#ent#sts. 3an) tools an! 'et$o!s *ell establ#s$e! #n t$e soc#al sc#ences can H"st#f#abl) be a!apte! fo "se #n esea c$ on en-# on'ental p$#losop$)B g#-#ng t$e s"bHect an empirical o e-en e!perimental t" n. S"c$ *o 6 'a) st#'"late ne* #!eas abo"t t$e o #g#ns of o" en-# on'ental pat$olog#esB an! fo test#ng t$e e4tent to *$#c$ bel#ef s)ste's an! *o l!-#e*s act"all) ! #-e att#t"!es an! be$a-#o" s. As long as e'p# #cal facts a e ele-ant to p$#losop$#cal an! et$#cal t$o"g$tB

a!opt#on of soc#al sc#ence 'et$o!s *#ll be a 'eans of 6eep#ng o" t$eo #s#ng #n to"c$ *#t$ t$e 'ot#-at#ons an! be$a-#o" s of t$e people *e a e t )#ng to !esc #be an! #nfl"ence. S#'#la po#nts abo"t t$e ole of e'p# #cal #n-est#gat#ons can also be 'a!e abo"t t$eo #5#ng o-e a ange of ot$e p oble'sB #ncl"!#ng ! o"g$tB t$e p ese -at#on of b#o!#-e s#t)B an! cl#'ate c$ange. 8$#le #t $as beco'e co''onplace to efe to t$e p esent e a as Dt$e age of te o EB t$e e #s #nc eas#ng ag ee'ent ac oss t$e ent# e globe t$at t$e *o l! #s fac#ng c$ on#c an! "np ece!ente! en-# on'ental p oble'sB 'an) of t$e' of $"'an o #g#n. In!ee!B t$e Un#te! States '#l#ta )B espon!#ng to an albe#t spec"lat#-e epo t on ab "pt cl#'ate c$ange p epa e! fo t$e Pentagon b) t$e =lobal B"s#ness Net*o 6 :see Sc$*a t5 an! Ran!all %GG(B #n t$e Ot$e Inte net Reso" ces sect#on belo*;B $a-e !ecla e! t$at t$e p oble's of a!H"st'ent to cl#'ate c$ange const#t"te a fa 'o e se-e e t$ eat to nat#onal an! #nte nat#onal sec" #t) t$an !oes te o #s' #tself. 2 o"g$tB c$ang#ng *eat$e patte nsB t$e e4pecte! b" !en of ca #ng fo en-# on'ental ef"geesB t$e effects of cons"'e #s'B an! t$e $ealt$ !ecl#ne assoc#ate! *#t$ -a #o"s fo 's of poll"t#on a e cont#n"#ng an! 'aHo p oble's fo $"'an be#ngs t$e'sel-es :see S$"e %GG1B Sagoff %GG1B T$o'pson %GG1;B an! a#se c "c#al #ss"es abo"t en-# on'ental H"st#ce :see S$ a!e 7& ec$ette %GG%;. At t$e sa'e t#'eB t$e cont#n"#ng !est "ct#on of nat" al en-# on'ents an! t$e *#!esp ea! loss of bot$ plant an! an#'al spec#es poses #nc eas#ng p oble's fo ot$e fo 's of l#fe on t$e planet. In fac#ng t$ese p oble'sB t$e e *#ll l#6el) be g eat oppo t"n#t#es fo co7ope at#on an! s)ne g) bet*een p$#losop$e s an! bot$ nat" al an! soc#al sc#ent#sts. L#6e 'an) ot$e #'po tant an! #nte est#ng 1"est#onsB no s#ngle !#sc#pl#ne co"l! cla#' sole o*ne s$#p of t$ose H"st a#se! abo"t t$e o #g#ns of 'o!e n en-# on'ental c #s#s an! t$e 1"an!a #es *e no* faceB t$e elat#on bet*een en-# on'ental p oble's an! soc#al #nH"st#ceB an! t$e -e4e! 1"est#on of $o* $"'an be#ngs s$o"l! elate to t$e nat" al en-# on'ent #n t$e# p" s"#t of $app#ness an! *ell7be#ng. T$e 'o-e a*a) f o' a 'c$a# spec"lat#on to l#n6 "p *#t$ a *#!e co''"n#t) of #n1"# ) 'a) be #ne-#table not onl) #n en-# on'ental et$#cs b"t #n all a eas of p act#cal p$#losop$).


Ab a'B 2.B 1FF.. The &pell of the &ensuousB Ne* No 6: V#ntage Boo6sB 1FF.. Aga B N.B %GG1. :ife@s *ntrinsic AalueB Ne* No 6: Col"'b#a Un#-e s#t) P ess. A1"#nasB T. &umma $ontra <entilesB t ans. V. O. Bo" 6eB Lon!on: Un#-e s#t) of Not e 2a'e P essB 1F/,. A #stotle. -oliticsB t ans. E. Ba 6e B O4fo !: O4fo ! Un#-e s#t) P essB 1F+I. A#6enB 8.B 1FI+. DEt$#cal Iss"es #n Ag #c"lt" eEB #n T. Regan :e!; .arthboundB /ew *ntroductory .ssays in .nvironmental .thicsB Ne* No 6: Ran!o' Ho"seB pp. %/+7II. An6e B P. an! 8#tos5e6B N.B 1FFI. DT$e 2 ea' of t$e B#ocent #c Co''"n#t) an! t$e St "ct" e of Utop#asEB =orldviews %: %(F7,.. Attf#el!B R.B 1FI/. " Theory of Aalue and 0bligationB Lon!on: C oo' Hel'.

UUUB 1FFI. DSa-#ng Nat" eB &ee!#ng PeopleB an! Et$#csEB .nvironmental Aalues /: %F17 (G+. Attf#el!B R.B %GG1. DC$ #st#an#t)EB C$apte / #n 2. Oa'#eson :e!.;B " $ompanion to .nvironmental -hilosophyB O4fo !: Blac6*ell. Ba )B O.B 1FFF. (ethin ing <reen -oliticsB Lon!on: Sage. Bent$a'B O.B 1/IF. *ntroduction to the -rinciples of 1orals and :egislation B O4fo !: Bas#l Blac6*ellB 1F+I. BentonB Te!B 1FF(. /atural (elationsB .cology, "nimal (ights C &ocial 2usticeB Lon!on: Ve so. Be nste#nB Oa)B %GG1. "dornoB 'isenchantment and .thicsB Ca'b #!ge: Ca'b #!ge Un#-e s#t) P essB %GG1. B# c$B T.B 1FFG DT$e Inca ce at#on of 8#l!e ness: 8#l!e ness A eas as P #sonsEB .nvironmental .thics 1%:(7%.. Boo6c$#nB 3.B 1FIG. Toward an .cological &ocietyB 3ont eal: Blac6 Rose Boo6s. UUUB 1FI% The .cology of )reedomB The .mergence and 'issolution of Dierarchy B Palo AltoB CA: C$es$# e Boo6s. UUUB 1FI/. DSoc#al Ecolog) Ve s"s 2eep Ecolog)EB <reen -erspectivesB /ewsletter of the <reen -rogram -rojectB n"'be s +B , ep #nte! #n 8#tos5e6 an! B ennan 1FFFB pp. %I17(G1. UUUB 1FFG. The -hilosophy of &ocial .cologyB 3ont eal: Blac6 Rose Boo6s. B ennanB A.B 1FI+. CT$e 3o al Stan!#ng of Nat" al ObHects@B .nvironmental .thics .: (,7,. UUUB 1FII. Thin ing "bout /atureB Lon!on Ro"tle!ge. UUUB 1FF,. DEt$#csB Ecolog) an! Econo'#csEB 8iodiversity and $onservation +: /FI7 I11. UUUB 1FFIa. DPo-e t)B P" #tan#s' an! En-# on'ental Confl#ctEB .nvironmental Aalues /: (G,7(1. UUUB 1FFIb. DB#o eg#onal#s'Ya 3#splace! P oHect9EB =orldviews %: %1,7(/. UUUB 1FFF DCo''ent: Pl" al#s' an! 2eep Ecolog)EB #n 8#tos5e6 an! B ennan 1FFF Bo)!B Heat$e B 1FFF. DC$ #st#an#t) an! t$e en-# on'ent #n t$e A'e #can p"bl#cEB 2ournal for the &cientific &tudy of (eligionB (I: (.7++. Call#cottB O.B.B 1FIG. DAn#'al L#be at#onB A T #ang"la Affa# EB ep #nte! #n Call#cott 1FIFB pp. 1,7(I. UUUB 1FI,. DInt #ns#c Val"eB <"ant"' T$eo )B an! En-# on'ental Et$#csEB ep #nte! #n Call#cott 1FIFB pp. 1,/7/+. UUUB 1FII. DAn#'al l#be at#on an! En-# on'ental Et$#cs: Bac6 Toget$e Aga#nEB ep #nte! #n Call#cott 1FIFB pp. +F7,F. UUUB 1FIF. *n 'efense of the :and .thicB .ssays in .nvironmental -hilosophy B Alban): SUNN P ess. UUUB 1FFF. 8eyond the :and .thicB 1ore .ssays in .nvironmental -hilosophy B Alban): SUNN P ess.

Call#cottB O. Ba# !B an! A'esB Roge T.B 1FIF. /ature in "sian Traditions of ThoughtB Alban): State Un#-e s#t) of Ne* No 6 P ess. Ca sonB R.B 1F.(. &ilent &pringB Lon!on: Ha'#s$ Ha'#lton. C$ene)B O.B 1FIF. DPost'o!e n En-# on'ental Et$#cs: Et$#cs as B#o eg#onal Na at#-eEB .nvironmental .thics 11: 11/7(+. Cla 6B Oo$nB 1FF/. DA Soc#al Ecolog)EB #n $apitalism /ature &ocialismB I:(B (U(( an! #n 3. \#''e 'an et al.B .nvironmental -hilosophyB %n! e!#t#onB Engle*oo! Cl#ffsB NO: P ent#ce Hall. Cla 6B Oo$n an! 3a t#nB Ca'#lleB 1FF.. :iberty, .>uality, <eographyB The &ocial Thought of .lisEe (eclusB L#ttletonB CO: A#g#s P"bl#cat#ons. Cla 6B S. R. L.B 1F//. The 1oral &tatus of "nimalsB O4fo !: O4fo ! Un#-e s#t) P ess. Co$enB 3. P.B 1FI+. The -athless =ayB 2ohn 1uir and "merican =ilderness B 3a!#son: Un#-e s#t) of 8#scons#n P ess. Coll#nsB S.B 1F/+. " 'ifferent Deaven and .arthB Valle) &o ge: O"!son P ess. C #spB R.B 1FFI. DAn#'al L#be at#on #s not an En-# on'ental Et$#c: A Response to 2ale Oa'#esonEB .nvironmental Aalues /: +/.7I. 2asg"ptaB Pa t$aB %GG1. Duman =ell+8eing and the /atural .nvironment B Ne* No 6: O4fo ! Un#-e s#t) P ess !?Ea"bonneB &.B 1F/+. :e )eminisme ou la 1ortB Pa #s: P. Ho a) 2e-allB B.B an! =. Sess#onsB 1FI,. 'eep .cologyB :iving as if /ature 1atteredB Salt La6e C#t): Pe eg #ne S'#t$. !e S$al#tB A.B 1FF+. =hy 'oes -osterity 1atterF Lon!on: Ro"tle!ge. UUUB 1FF.. DR" al#s' o En-# on'ental#s'9E .nvironmental Aalues ,: +/7,I. 2#esen!o fB 3. an! Ha'#ltonB C.B 1FF/. Duman .cology, Duman .conomyB St Leona !sB NS8: Allen an! Un*#n. 2obsonB A.B 1FFG. <reen -olitical ThoughtB Lon!on: Ha pe Coll#ns. 2obsonB A. :e!.;B 1FFF. )airness and )uturityB .ssays on .nvironmental &ustainability and &ocial 2usticeB O4fo !: O4fo ! Un#-e s#t) P ess 2o'#n#c6B R.B 1FFI. DCap#tal#s'B Co''"n#s' an! En-# on'ental P otect#on: Lessons f o' t$e =e 'an E4pe #enceEB .nvironmental DistoryB (: (117(%. 2 )5e6B Oo$n S.B 1FF/. The -olitics of the .arthB .nvironmental 'iscourses B O4fo !: O4fo ! Un#-e s#t) P ess. 2"nlapB R#le) EB an! >ent 2. -an L#e eB 1F/I. DT$e Ne* En-# on'ental Pa a!#g': a p opose! 'eas" #ng #nst "'ent an! p el#'#na ) es"ltsEB 2ournal of .nvironmental .ducationB F: 1G71F. 2"nlapB R#le) E.B -an L#e eB >ent 2.B 3e t#gB Angela an! Robe t E''et OonesB %GGG. D3eas" #ng En!o se'ent of t$e Ne* Ecolog#cal Pa a!#g': a Re-#se! NEP ScaleEB 2ournal of &ocial *ssuesB ,.: +%,7+%. Ec6be gB 2o"glas LeeB an! T. Oean Bloc6e B 1FF.. DC$ #st#an#t)B en-# on'ental#s'B an! t$e t$eo et#cal p oble' of f"n!a'ental#s'EB 2ournal for the &cientific &tudy of (eligionB (,0+: (+(7,,.

Ec6e sle)B R.B 1FF%. .nvironmentalism and -olitical TheoryB Lon!on: UCL P ess. Ell#otB R.B 1FI%. D&a6#ng Nat" eEB *n>uiry %,: I17F(. UUUB 1FF/. )a ing /atureB Lon!on: Ro"tle!ge. Ell#otB R. an! =a eB A. :e!s;B 1FI(. .nvironmental -hilosophyB " $ollection of (eadingsB 3#lton >e)nes: Open Un#-e s#t) P ess. &e#nbe gB O.B 1F/+. DT$e R#g$ts of An#'als an! Unbo n =ene at#onsEB #n 8. T. Blac6stone :e!.;B -hilosophy and .nvironmental $risisB At$ens: Un#-e s#t) of =eo g#a P essB pp. +(7.I. &e ZB &.B 1FF.. DPe sons #n Nat" e: To*a ! an Appl#cable an! Un#f#e! En-# on'ental Et$#csEB .thics and the .nvironment 1: 1,7%,. &e )B L.B 1FF,. The /ew .cological 0rderB t anslate! C. Vol6B C$#cago: C$#cago Un#-e s#t) P ess. &o4B 8.B 1FI+. D2eep Ecolog): A Ne* P$#losop$) of O" T#'e9E The .cologist 1+: 1F+7%GG. UUUB 1FF,. Toward a transpersonal ecologyB 'eveloping new foundations for environmentalism. Alban): State Un#-e s#t) Of Ne* No 6 P ess. UUUB %GG/. " Theory of <eneral .thicsB Duman (elationships, /ature and the 8uilt .nvironmentB Ca'b #!geB 3ass: 3IT P ess. =aa !B = eta :e!;B 1FF(. .cofeminismB =omen, "nimals, /atureB P$#la!elp$#aB PA: Te'ple Un#-e s#t) P ess. = eele)B An! e* 3.B 1FF(. DRel#g#on an! att#t"!es to*a ! t$e en-# on'entEB 2ournal for the &cientific &tudy of (eligionB (%: 1F7%I. = eenB >.B 1FF+. D& e"!B 8ollstonec aft an! Ecofe'#n#s'EB .nvironmental .thics 1.: 11/7(+. =oo!#nB Robe t E.B 1FF%. <reen -olitical TheoryBO4fo !: Blac6*ell. = os5B E.B 1FIF. &e!ual &ubversionsB Lon!on: Allen an! Un*#n. = "enB L. an! Oa'#esonB 2. :e!s;B 1FF+. (eflecting on /atureB Ne* No 6: O4fo ! Un#-e s#t) P ess. ="$aB R.B 1FIF. DRa!#cal A'e #can En-# on'ental#s' an! 8#l!e ness P ese -at#on: A T$# ! 8o l! C #t#1"eEB .nvironmental .thics 11: /17I(. UUUB 1FF.. DLe*#s 3"'fo !B t$e &o gotten A'e #can En-# on'ental#st: An Essa) #n Re$ab#l#tat#onEB #n 2a-#! 3aca"le)B e!.B 1inding /atureB The -hilosophers of .cology B Ne* No 6: ="#lfo ! P ess. UUUB 1FFF. DRa!#cal A'e #can En-# on'ental#s' Re-#s#te!EB #n 8#tos5e6 an! B ennan :e!s.; 1FFFB pp. +/(7F Ha -e)B = a$a'B %GG,. "nimismB (especting the :iving =orldB Ne* No 6: Col"'b#a Un#-e s#t) P ess. Ha)*a !B T#'B an! O?Ne#llB Oo$n :e!s.;B 1FF/ 2ustice, -roperty and the .nvironmentB &ocial and :egal -erspectivesB Al!e s$ot: As$gate P"bl#s$#ng Co.B 1FF/. Hett#nge B N an! T$ oopB B.B 1FFF. ERefoc"s#ng Ecocent #s'EB .nvironmental .thicsB %1: (7%1

Ho 6$e#ne B 3. an! A!o noB T.B 1F.F. 'ialectic of .nlightenmentB t ans. C"''#ngB O.B Ne* No 6: Seab" ) P ess 1F/%. H"'eB 2a-#!B 1/,1. "n .n>uiry $oncerning the -rinciples of 1oralsB e!. T. L. Bea"c$a'pB O4fo !: O4fo ! Un#-e s#t) P essB 1FFI. Oa'#esonB 2.B 1FFI. CAn#'al L#be at#on #s an En-# on'ental Et$#c@B .nvironmental Aalues /: +17,/. Oa'#esonB 2.B %GG1. " $ompanion to .nvironmental -hilosophyB O4fo !: Balc6*ell %GG1. UUUB %GG%. 1orality@s -rogressB .ssays on Dumans, 0ther "nimals, and the (est of /atureB O4fo !: Cla en!on P ess. >antB I''an"el. D2"t#es to An#'als an! Sp# #tsEB #n Lo"#s Inf#el! t ans.B :ectures on .thicsB Ne* No 6: Ha pe an! Ro*B 1F.(. >a l#ne B O.B 1FF/. The $orporate -lanetB San & anc#sco: S#e a Cl"b Boo6s >at5B E.B 1FF1. DResto at#on an! Re!es#gn: T$e Et$#cal S#gn#f#cance of H"'an Inte -ent#on #n Nat" eEB (estoration and 1anagement /otes F: FG7.. UUUB 1FF/. /ature as &ubjectB Ne* No 6: Ro*'an an! L#ttlef#el!. >$eelB 3.B 1FI,. DT$e L#be at#on of Nat" e: A C# c"la Affa# EB .nvironmental .thics /: 1(,7+F >#ngB R.B %GGG. DEn-# on'ental Et$#cs an! t$e B"#lt En-# on'entEB .nvironmental .thics %%: 11,7(1 >#ngB N.B 1FIFa. DT$e Ecolog) of &e'#n#s' an! t$e &e'#n#s' of Ecolog)EB #n O. Plant :e!.;B Dealing the =oundsB P$#la!elp$#a: Ne* Soc#et) P"bl#s$e s: 1I7%I. >#ngB N.B 1FIFb. DHeal#ng t$e 8o"n!s: &e'#n#s'B Ecolog)B an! Nat" e0C"lt" e 2"al#s'EB #n A. 3. Oagga an! S. R. Bo !o :e!s.; <ender%8ody%GnowledgeB )eminist (econstruction of 8eing and GnowingB Ne* B "ns*#c6: R"tge s Un#-e s#t) P essB pp. 11,7+1. >o tenB 2.B 1FFF. The -ost+$orporate=orldB Ha tfo !: >"'a #an P ess Leopol!B A.B 1F+F. " &and $ounty "lmanacB O4fo !: O4fo ! Un#-e s#t) P ess. L#g$tB A.B 1FF.. DCall#cott an! Naess on Pl" al#s'EB *n>uiry (F: %/(7%F+. UUUB %GG1. DT$e U ban Bl#n!spot #n En-# on'ental Et$#csEB .nvironmental -olitics 1G: /7(,. L#g$tB A. an! >at5B E.B 1FF.. .nvironmental -ragmatismB Lon!on: Ro"tle!ge. L#g$tB An! e* an! RolstonB Hol'es :e!s.;B %GG(. .nvironmental .thicsB "n "nthology B O4fo !: Blac6*ell. L#g$tB An! e* an! !e7S$al#tB A-ne :e!s.;B %GG(. 1oral and -olitical (easoning in .nvironmental -ractice B Ca'b #!geB 3A: 3IT P ess. L#stB P. C.B 1FF(. (adical .nvironmentalismB Bel'ont: 8a!s*o t$. LoB N. S.B 1FFF. DNat" al an! A t#fact"al: Resto e! Nat" e as S"bHectEB .nvironmental .thics %1: %+/7... UUUB %GG1. DT$e Lan! Et$#c an! Call#cott?s Et$#cal S)ste' :1FIG7%GG1;: An O-e -#e* an! C #t#1"eEB *n>uiry ++: ((17,I.

L"6eB T#'ot$) 8.B 1FF/. .cocriti>ueB $ontesting the -olitics of /ature, .conomy, and $ultureB 3#nneapol#s: Un#-e s#t) of 3#nnesota P ess. 3a t#ne57Al#e B OoanB %GG%. The .nvironmentalism of the -oorB " &tudy of .cological $onflicts and Aaluation. C$elten$a': E!*a ! Elga . 3at$e*sB & e)aB %GG(. )or :ove of 1atter. Alban): State Un#-e s#t) of Ne* No 6 P ess. UUUB %GG, (einhabiting (ealityB Towards a (ecovery of $ulture. S)!ne): UNS8 P ess. 3ea!o*sB 2. H.B 3ea!o*sB 2. L.B Ran!e sB O.B an! Be$ ensB 8. 8.B 1F/%. The :imits to <rowthB Ne* No 6: Ne* A'e #can L#b a ). 3#esB 3a #a an! S$#-aB Van!anaB 1FF(. .cofeminismB Lon!on: \e! Boo6s 3#llB O. S.B 1I/+. DNat" eEB #n Three .ssays on (eligionB Lon!on: Long'ansB = eenB Rea!e an! 2)e . 3onta#gneB 3. !eB 1FF1. The $omplete .ssaysB t ans. 3. A. Sc eec$B Ha 'on!*o t$: Peng"#n. 3o tonB T#'ot$)B %GG/. .cology without /atureB (ethin ing .nvironmental "estheticsBCa'b #!geB 3ass: Ha -a ! Un#-e s#t) P ess. 3"'fo !B L.B 1F(+. Technics and $ivilizationB Lon!on: Sec6e an! 8a b" g. UUUB 1F++. The $ondition of 1anB Ne* No 6: Ha co" tB B aceB Oo-ano-#c$. UUUB 1F.1. The $ity in DistoryB Ne* No 6: Ha co" tB B aceB Oo-ano-#c$ NQssB A.B 1F/(. DT$e S$allo* an! t$e 2eepB Long7Range Ecolog) 3o-e'entEB *n>uiry 1.B ep #nte! #n Sess#ons 1FF,B pp. 1,17,. UUUB 1FIF. .cology, $ommunity, :ifestyleB t ans. an! e!. 2. Rot$enbe gB Ca'b #!ge: Ca'b #!ge Un#-e s#t) P ess. Nas$B R.B 1FIF. The (ights of /atureB " Distory of .nvironmental .thics B 3a!#sonB 8I: Un#-e s#t) of 8#scons#n P ess. UUU :e!;B 1FFG. "merican .nvironmentalismB (eadings in $onservation Distory B Ne* No 6: 3c= a*7H#ll. No tonB B.B 1FF1. Toward Hnity "mong .nvironmentalistsB Ne* No 6: O4fo ! Un#-e s#t) P ess. No tonB B.B H"tc$#nsB 3.B Ste-ensB E. an! 3apleB T. L. :e!s;B 1FF,. .thics on the "r B 8as$#ngton: S'#t$son#an Inst#t"t#on P ess. O?Ne#llB O.B 1FF%. DT$e Va #et#es of Int #ns#c Val"eEB 1onist /,: 11F71(/. UUUB 1FF(. .cology, -olicy and -oliticsB Lon!on: Ro"tle!ge. O"!e 6# 6B 8. an! H#llB O. :e!s.;B %GG%. :and, Aalue, $ommunityB $allicott and .nvironmental B Alban): State Un#-e s#t) of Ne* No 6. Pal'e B C.B %GG(. DPlac#ng An#'als #n U ban En-# on'ental Et$#csEB 2ournal of &ocial -hilosophyB (+: .+7/I. Pass'o eB O.B 1F/+. 1an@s (esponsibility for /atureB Lon!on: 2"c6*o t$B %n! e!.B 1FIG. Pl"'*oo!B V.B 1FF(. )eminism and the 1astery of /atureB Lon!on: Ro"tle!ge.

UUUB 1FFF. DCo''ents: Self7Real#5at#on an! 3an Apa t9 T$e Ree!7NQss 2ebateEB #n 8#tos5e6 an! B ennan :e!s.; 1FFFB pp. %G.71G. UUUB %GG%. .nvironmental $ultureB Lon!on: Ro"tle!ge Po te B =. an! 8els$ B o*nB O.B 1FF1. <lobal .nvironmental -oliticsB Bo"l!e : 8est-#e* P ess. ReganB T.B 1FI(. The $ase for "nimal (ightsB Lon!on: Ro"tle!ge J >egan Pa"l. ReganB T. an! S#nge B P. :e!s.;B 1F/.. "nimal (ights and Duman 0bligationsB Engle*oo! Cl#ffs: P ent#ce Hall. RolstonB H.B 1F/,. DIs T$e e an Ecolog#cal Et$#c9EB .thics I,: F(71GF. UUUB 1FII. .nvironmental .thicsB 'uties to and Aalues in the /atural =orld B In!#ana: Te'ple Un#-e s#t) P ess. UUUB 1FIF. -hilosophy <one =ild, Ne* No 6: P o'et$e"s Boo6s. UUUB 1FF.. D&ee!#ng People -e s"s Sa-ng Nat" e9EB #n 8. A#6en an! H. La&ollette :e!s.; =orld Dunger and 1oralityB Engle*oo! Cl#ffs: P ent#ce HallB pp. %+I7./ Ro"ssea"B O. O.B 1/I%. (everies of the &olitary =al erB t ans. P. & anceB Peng"#n Boo6sB 1F/F. Ro"tle)B R.B 1F/(. DIs t$e e a nee! fo a ne*B an en-# on'ental et$#c9E -roceedings of the IJth =orld congress of -hilosophyB -ol. 1 pp. %G,71GB Sop$#a: Sop$#a P ess :see also S)l-anB R.;. Ro"tle)B R. an! Ro"tle)B V.B 1FIG. DH"'an C$a"-#n#s' an! En-# on'ental Et$#csE #n 3ann#sonB 2.B 3cRobb#eB 3. A.B an! Ro"tle)B R. :e!s.; .nvironmental -hilosophyB Canbe a: A"st al#an Nat#onal Un#-e s#t)B Resea c$ Sc$ool of Soc#al Sc#encesB pp. F.7 1IF. SagoffB 3.B 1FI+. DAn#'al L#be at#on an! En-# on'ental Et$#cs: Ba! 3a #ageB <"#c6 2#-o ceEB 0sgoode Dall :aw 2ournal %%:%F/7(G/. UUUB 1FII. The .conomy of the .arthB Ca'b #!ge: Ca'b #!ge Un#-e s#t) P ess. UUUB %GG1. DCons"'pt#onEB #n Oa'#eson %GG1. San!le B Ronal!B %GG/. $haracter and .nvironmentB " Airtue+0riented "pproach to .nvironmental .thicsB Ne* No 6: Col"'b#a Un#-e s#t) P ess. Sc$'#!t5B 2. an! 8#llottB E.B %GG% .nvironmental .thicsB =hat (eally 1atters, =hat (eally =or sB Ne* No 6: O4fo ! Un#-e s#t) P ess. Sess#onsB =. :e!;B 1FF,. 'eep .cology for the 4Ist $enturyB Boston: S$a'b$ala 1FF,. S$a#6oB Ronal! =.B 1FI/. DRel#g#onB pol#t#csB an! en-# on'ental conce n: A po*e f"l '#4 of pass#onsEB &ocial &cience KuarterlyB .I: %++7%.%. S$ a!e 7& ec$etteB >.B 1FI+. &cience -olicy, .thics and .conomic 1ethodologyB 2o ! ec$t: 2 Re#!el UUUB 1FI/. DT$e eal #s6s of #s67cost7benef#t anal)s#sEB #n P. T. 2" b#n :e!.;B Technology and (esponsibilityB 2o ! ec$t: 2 Re#!elB pp. (+(7,/. UUUB 1FF.. DIn!#-#!"al#s'B Hol#s'B an! En-# on'ental Et$#csEB .thics and the .nvironment 1: ,,7.F.

UUUB %GG%. .nvironmental 2usticeB $reating .>uality, (eclaiming 'emocracyB O4fo !: O4fo ! Un#-e s#t) P ess. S$"eB Hen )B %GG1. DCl#'ateEB #n Oa'#eson %GG1. S#nge B P.B 1F/,. "nimal :iberationB Ne* No 6: Ran!o' Ho"se. UUUB 1FF(. -ractical .thicsB Ca'b #!ge: Ca'b #!ge Un#-e s#t) P essB %n! e!. StoneB Al#sonB %GG.. DA!o no an! t$e 2#senc$ant'ent of Nat" eEB -hilosophy and &ocial $riticismB (%: %(17%,(. StoneB C. 2.B 1F/%. DS$o"l! T ees Ha-e Stan!#ng9EB &outhern $alifornia :aw (eview +,:+,G7,G1 A late p"bl#s$e! *#t$ a !esc #pt#-e #nt o!"ct#on as &hould Trees Dave &tandingFB Los Angeles: >a"f'annB 1F/+B an! ep #nte! #n Sc$'#!t5 an! 8#llott %GG%. St ettonB H.B 1F/.. $apitalism, &ocialism and the .nvironmentB Ca'b #!ge: Ca'b #!ge Un#-e s#t) P ess. S)l-anB R#c$a !B BennettB 2a-#!B 1FF+. The <reening of .thicsB Ca'b #!ge: 8$#te Ho se P ess. Ta)lo B B on an! 3#c$ael \#''e 'anB %GG,. D2eep Ecolog)EB #n B on Ta)lo B e!.B The .ncyclopaedia of (eligion and /atureB Lon!on: Cont#n""'. Ta)lo B P.B 1FI1. DT$e Et$#cs of Respect fo Nat" eEB .nvironmental .thics (: 1F/7%1I. UUUB 1FI.. (espect for /atureB P #nceton: P #nceton Un#-e s#t) P ess. T$a)e B O .B R. L.B %GG(. :ife-laceB 8ioregional Thought and -ractice B Be 6ele): Un#-e s#t) of Cal#fo n#a P ess. T$o'psonB Pa"lB %GG1. DLan! an! 8ate EB #n Oa'#eson %GG1. Van 8)c6B Pete C.B 1FF/. -rimitives in the =ildernessB 'eep .cology and the 1issing Duman &ubjectB Ne* No 6: SUNN P ess. Va ne B =.B 1FFI. *n /ature@s *nterestsF *nterests, "nimal (ights, and .nvironmental .thicsB O4fo !: O4fo ! Un#-e s#t) P ess UUUB %GGG. DSent#ent#s'EB #n 2. Oa'#eson :e!.; " $ompanion to .nvironmental -hilosophyB O4fo !: Blac6*ellB pp.1F%7%G(. VogelB S.B 1FF.. "gainst /atureB The $oncept of /ature in $ritical TheoryB Alban): State Un#-e s#t) of Ne* No 6 P ess. 8a enB >. O.B 1FI/. D&e'#n#s' an! Ecolog): 3a6#ng Connect#onsEB .nvironmental .thics F: (7%1. UUUB 1FFG. DT$e Po*e an! P o'#se of Ecolog#cal &e'#n#s'EB .nvironmental .thics 1%: 1%,7+.. UUUB 1FFF. DEcofe'#n#st P$#losop$) an! 2eep Ecolog)EB #n 8#tos5e6 an! B ennan :e!s.; 1FFFB pp. %,,7.F. 8a enB >. O. :e!;B 1FF+. .cological )eminismB Lon!on: Ro"tle!ge. 8$#teB L.B 1F./. DT$e H#sto #cal Roots of O" Ecolog#cal C #s#sEB &cienceB 1,,:1%G(7 1%G/A ep #nte! #n Sc$'#!t5 an! 8#llott %GG%. 8$#tne)B Elspet$B 1FF(. DL)nn 8$#teB Ecot$eolog)B an! H#sto ).E .nvironmental .thics 1,: 1,171.F.

8#ll#a'sB B.B 1FF%. D3"st a Conce n fo t$e En-# on'ent be Cent e! on H"'an Be#ngs9EB ep #nte! #n $#s 1a ing &ense of Dumanity and 0ther -hilosophical -apers B Ca'b #!ge: Ca'b #!ge Un#-e s#t) P essB 1FF,: %((7+G. 8#tos5e6B N.B 1FF/. DA ne NQss an! t$e No *eg#an Nat" e T a!#t#onEB =orldviews 1: ,/7/(. 8#tos5e6B N. an! B ennanB A. :e!s;B 1FFF. -hilosophical 'ialoguesB "rne /Lss and the -rogress of .co+-hilosophyB Ne* No 6: Ro*an an! L#ttlef#el!. 8oo! "'B E #c an! T$o'as HobanB 1FF+. DT$eolog) an! el#g#os#t) effects on en-# on'ental#s'EB (eview of (eligious (esearchB (,: 1F(7%G.. \#''e 'anB 3.B 1FF+. $ontesting .arth@s )utureB (adical .cology and -ostmodernityB Be 6ele)B CA: Un#-e s#t) of Cal#fo n#a P ess.

$3= Characteristics of Ethics

(1) Ethics has an overwhelming impacts T$e e #s not$#ng l#6e et$#csB poo o goo!B *$#c$ $a-e s"c$ eno 'o"s conse1"ences on t$e fate of 'an6#n! o e-en a nat#on. Pos#t#-e #'pacts No soc#et) can flo" #s$ *#t$o"t $a-#ng a co$es#-e bas#c et$#cs at #ts fo"n!at#on. E4a'ple: T$e fast econo'#c !e-elop'ent #n East As#an co"nt #es T$e econo'#c !e-elop'ent of E" opean co"nt #es Negat#-e I'pacts Poo et$#cal H"!g'ents b) "t$less people can c #pple a nat#on. E4a'ple: 8o l! 8a I an! II R*an!an 'assac e T$e agon) of peoples #n S#e a LeoneB 2RC an! So"t$e n S"!an T$e fa#l" e of Ba #ngs Ban6 T$e 'elt!o*n of eacto ]+ at C$e nob)l (2) Ethics is of transcending characteristics Et$#cs c"ts ac oss $"'an c#-#l#5at#onB c"lt" eB #!eolog)B an! el#g#o"s c ee!s. Et$#cs #s at t$e co e of e-e ) el#g#on. E-e ) el#g#on $as a co!e of et$#csB *$#c$ can eas#l) be p"t as t$e ?=ol!en R"le.? T$#s can eas#l) be seen f o' t$e follo*#ng pa t#al l#st#ng. (3) The nexus between public service and ethics Conce n#ng t$e ne4"s bet*een p"bl#c se -#ce an! et$#cs *e can safel) a g"e t$at p"bl#c se -#ce cannot p ope l) f"nct#on *#t$o"t et$#cs.

Et$#cal -al"es a e not !#st#ng"#s$able concept"all) o #n p act#ce f o' t$e c#-#l se -#ce f"nct#on. P"bl#c se -#ce #s #n$e entl) an et$#cal ente p #se P"bl#c se -ants a e p otecto s of t$e p"bl#c #nte est :g"a !#ans of p"bl#c #nte est; T$e c#-#l se -#ce #s pat on of !e-elop'ent an! goo! pe fo 'ance Not all t$ese can be s"ccessf"ll) !el#-e e! *#t$o"t et$#cs. (3) loball!" there is unanimous acceptance that ethics reall! matter above all things# Beca"se et$#cs #s so o-e *$el'#ng an! t anscen!#ng c$a acte st#cs. It c"ts ac oss $"'an c#-#l#sat#onB c"lt" eB #!eolog)B an! pa t#c"la l) el#g#o"s c ee!s. It #s nee!less to a g"e t$at et$#cs #s at t$e co e of e-e ) el#g#on. E-e ) el#g#on $as a co!e of et$#cs *$#c$ can eas#l) be p"t as t$e Cgol!en "le.@ T$e gol!en "le $as been co!#f#e!B H"st#f#e!B an! enfo ce! #n te 's of t anscen!ent co''an!s #n all g eat *o l! el#g#ons. Ho* o'n#p esent t$e D=ol!en R"leE #sB albe#t #n -a #o"s fo 's an! e4p ess#onsB #n t$e *o l!@s el#g#on an! #!eolog#esB g eat an! s'allB can eas#l) be H"!ge! f o' 1"#c6 loo6 at t$e follo*#ng pa t#al l#st#ng: $onfucius (JJI+MNO 8.$# sa#!: D'o not to others what you do not want done to yourself. Conf"c#"s also state! #n a -a #ant -e s#on: D =hat * do not wish others to do to me, that * wish not to do them. T$e fo"n!e of 8uddhism *as S#!!a t$a =a"ta'aB 6no*n as t$e 8uddha (.nlightened one# p eac$e! t$at D2ust as * am so are they, just as they are so am * Dindu &criptures st#p"lates t$at D'o not to others what you do not wish done to yourself T$e 'aHo fo"n!e of (abbinic 2udaism, Dillel, *$o l#-e! abo"t a gene at#on befo e Oes"sB ta"g$t t$at D'o not do to others what you would not have done to yourself 2esus state! t$e D=ol!en R"leE t$#s *a) D 'o for others just what you want them to do for you (:u e PB3I#6 'o for others what you want them to do for youB this is the meaning of :aw of 1oses and of the teaching of the prophets (1atthew NBI4#. In *slamic religion 1ohammed sa#! t$at D/o man is a true believer unless he desires for his brother that which he desires for himself T$e late n#neteent$7cent" ) fo"n!e of 8ahaismB 8ahaullah, * ote: De should not wish for others that which he doth not wish for himself, nor promise that which he doth not fulfill T$e e#g$teent$7cent" ) 8este n p$#losop$e I''an"el >ant a!-ocate! $#s fa'o"s D$ategorical *mperative, o D:aw of Hniversal )airnessB "ct on ma!ims which can at the same have for their object themselves as universal laws of natureQTreat humanity in every case as an end, never as a means only.

$3=3 E%2ICS !1D I%S SI;1I'IC!1CE T$e e #s not$#ng l#6e et$#csB poo o goo!B *$#c$ $a-e s"c$ eno 'o"s conse1"ences on t$e fate of 'an6#n! o e-en a nat#on. No soc#et) can flo" #s$ *#t$o"t $a-#ng a co$es#-e bas#c et$#cs at #ts fo"n!at#on. Et$#cs #s a e1"# e'ent fo $"'an l#fe. It #s o" 'eans of !ec#!#ng a co" se of act#on. 8#t$o"t #tB o" act#ons *o"l! be an!o' an! a#'less. T$e e *o"l! be no *a) to *o 6 to*a !s a goal beca"se t$e e *o"l! be no *a) to p#c6 bet*een a l#'#tless n"'be of goals. E-en *#t$ an et$#cal stan!a !B *e 'a) be "nable to p" s"e o" goals *#t$ t$e poss#b#l#t) of s"ccess. To t$e !eg ee *$#c$ a at#onal et$#cal stan!a ! #s ta6enB *e a e able to co ectl) o gan#5e o" goals an! act#ons to acco'pl#s$ o" 'ost #'po tant -al"es. An) fla* #n o" et$#cs *#ll e!"ce o" ab#l#t) to be s"ccessf"l #n o" en!ea-o s. A p ope fo"n!at#on of et$#cs e1"# es a stan!a ! of -al"e to *$#c$ all goals an! act#ons can be co'pa e! to. T$#s stan!a ! #s o" o*n l#-esB an! t$e $app#ness *$#c$ 'a6es t$e' l#-able. T$#s #s o" "lt#'ate stan!a ! of -al"eB t$e goal #n *$#c$ an et$#cal 'an '"st al*a)s a#'. It #s a #-e! at b) an e4a'#nat#on of 'an?s nat" eB an! ecogn#5#ng $#s pec"l#a nee!s. A s)ste' of et$#cs '"st f" t$e cons#st of not onl) e'e genc) s#t"at#onsB b"t t$e !a) to !a) c$o#ces *e 'a6e constantl). It '"st #ncl"!e o" elat#ons to ot$e sB an! ecogn#5e t$e# #'po tance not onl) to o" p$)s#cal s" -#-alB b"t to o" *ell7be#ng an! $app#ness. It '"st ecogn#5e t$at o" l#-es a e an en! #n t$e'sel-esB an! t$at sac #f#ce #s not onl) not necessa )B b"t !est "ct#-e.

C2!P%ER %() %2E)RIES !1D PRI1CIP ES I1 E%2ICS /Session 7>80

ObHect#-es At t$e en! of t$e sess#onB st"!ents *#ll able to: I!ent#f) t$e lea!#ng t$eo #es of et$#cs co'pa e an! cont ast et$#cal t$eo #es !#sc"ss *$#c$ et$#cal t$eo #es t$e) -al"e 'ost an! *$)

"3 E!DI1; %2E)RIES )' E%2ICS Et$#cal t$eo #es spell o"t *$en an act is morall! right or wrong. T$e e a e 'an) t$eo #es of et$#cs p esente! #n !#ffe ent 'anne s #n p$#losop$#cal an! el#g#o"s l#te at" es. E4$a"st#-e p esentat#on of t$ese t$eo #es #s not poss#ble. Ne-e t$elessB t$e follo*#ng t$eo #es e1"# e espec#al 'ent#on. "3$ E%2IC! E;)ISM Acco !#ng to ethical egoism, an act is right when it best promotes the individual@s long+term self+interest. In s$otB to t$e p oponents of t$#s t$eo )B when trying to decide that certain code of conduct is right or wrong, each of us must loo only to our own long+term advantage . If an act#on p o'otes o" long7 "n *ell be#ngB #t #s 'o all) t$e #g$t t$#ng to !o. =ene all)B one?s long7te ' self7#nte est '"st be ta6en #nto acco"nt #n 'a6#ng 'o al !ec#s#ons. P oponents of et$#cal ego#s' t ) to !efen! t$#s t$eo ) base! on psychological egoism. T$#s -#e* $ol!s that human beings are selfish and cannot do anything other than pursue self+ interest. "3" E%2IC! RE !%I*ISM Et$#cal Relat#-#s' #s t$e -#e* t$at right and wrong are a function of the moral teachings of each particular society. T$#s t$eo ) a g"es t$at an act is right when the social group to which one belongs approves it and wrong approves it is rejected. T$#s *o"l! 'ean t$at ethics is a function of group teachings, and that the very terms @right@ and @wrong@ are nothing more than reports of what one@s society happens to value. Nat" all)B soc#et#es ten! to !#ffe f"n!a'entall) #n t$e# 'o al teac$#ngs an! 'o al "les. T$e follo*#ng po#nts can be cons#!e e! as e4a'ples. One soc#et) pe '#ts pol)ga')B *$#le anot$e ega !s #t as c #'#nal One p a#ses ent ep ene" #al p" s"#tsA anot$e 'a) ega ! #t as so'et$#ng eplete *#t$ f a"!"lent p act#ces. One soc#et) 'a) "p$ol! to t$e p #nc#ples of pac#f#s'A on t$e cont a )B ot$e soc#et#es 'a) accla#' -#olence o '#l#ta ) conf ontat#ons. In -#e* of t$e fo ego#ngB soc#et#es a e !#ffe ent #n t$e# soc#al legac#es an! 'o al stan!a !s. HenceB soc#et#es *#t$ s"c$ !#-e g#ng 'o al -al"es also f e1"entl) bel#e-e t$at onl) t$e# -al"es a e co ect an! ot$e -al"es a e * ong an! "nacceptable. S"c$ one7!#'ens#onal o"tloo6 of t$#s t$eo ) #s often cons#!e e! as t$e 'aHo t$eo et#cal s$o tco'#ng of t$#s !#sco" se. If et$#cal elat#-#s' #s co ectB *e lose capab#l#t) of H"!g#ng t$at an) pa t#c"la fo 's of be$a-#o #s as

acceptable #n an) obHect#-e sense. One can eta#n the principle that ethics is relative and moral values have to be seen in terms of societal moral standards. Ne-e t$elessB the judgment of right and wrong should not be left for individual discretion . &o #nstanceB #t #s poss#ble to $ono t$e -al"e of tole anceB an! t$e nee! to espect t$e 'an) !#ffe #ng no 's of ot$e soc#al g o"psB without agreeing that all matters of right and wrong are defined by group values alone. "37 RE I;I)US E%2ICS T$e o"tloo6 #n religious theory of ethics is that @right@ is what my religious tradition teaches. T$#s #s t$e 'ost !o'#nant t$eo )B *$#c$ $as #ts oot #n t$e 'o ale p$#losop$) of 'an) pe sons. 3an) people f#n! t$e teac$#ngs of t$e# el#g#o"s !eno'#nat#ons to be t$e 'aHo so" ces of et$#cal g"#!ance an! #nst "ct#on. &o e4a'pleB C$ #st#ans an! Oe*s cons#!e t$at #g$t an! * ong a e !ete '#ne! b) t$e teac$#ngs of t$e B#ble. L#6e*#seB 3"sl#'s efe to t$e <" ?anB an! H#n!"s an! B"!!$#sts loo6 to t$e# sac e! te4ts of t$e# t a!#t#ons as so" ces of et$#cal g"#!el#nes. 3aHo et$#cal teac$#ngs of 'ost el#g#o"s sects a e la gel) co'pat#ble *#t$ sec"la B o at#onal et$#cal -#e*s. &o e4a'pleB al'ost all el#g#o"s co!es con!e'n -#olenceB f a"!"lence o c$eat#ngB an! t$eft. 3an) el#g#o"s teac$#ngs #n-ol-e *$at #s calle! @supererogatory@ behavior. $upererogator! is a form of conduct that is be!ond the call of dut! and not necessaril! opposed to re%uired secular standards. Co olla ) to s"pe e ogato ) p #nc#plesB Oe*sB C$ #st#ans an! 3"sl#'s often feel t$at t$e) a e calle! fo a $#g$e stan!a ! of c$a #t) o H"st#ce t$an sec"la et$#cs see' to !e'an!. T$e e #s no se #o"s p oble' *#t$ t$ese $#g$e stan!a !s. Ne-e t$elessB lea-#ng et$#cal p #nc#ples at t$e !#sc et#on of el#g#o"s t a!#t#on an! sca e! sc #pt" e o teac$#ngs $as se #o"s p oble'. T$e e a e a'ple c$ances of confl#cts bet*een el#g#o"s teac$#ngs an! sec"la !"t#es. &o e4a'pleB can an) Cat$ol#c o 3"sl#' esea c$e *o 6#ng #n a ! ag labo ato ) coope ate #n t$e !e-elop'ent of a ne* abo t#on ! "g. So'e * #te s on et$#cal !#sco" ses -e$e'entl) a g"e t$at no el#g#o"s teac$#ng o sc #pt" e #s self7e4planato ) o "n#-e sall) acceptable. E-e ) sac e! sc #pt" e o teac$#ngs nee! #nte p etat#onB an! *$en t$#s #s so t$e e '"st be so'e #n!epen!ent at#onal bas#s fo H"!g'ent := eenB 1FF+;. It #s s"c$ sec"la an! at#onal #nte p etat#on t$at *o"l! se -e as et$#cal g"#!el#nes #n conte4ts of !#-e se an! co'pet#ng el#g#o"s bac6g o"n!. "38 %E E) );IC! )R C)1SE?UE1%I! IS% %2E)RIES T$ese t$eo #es a e c$a acte #5e! b) en!7base! t$#n6#ng. A teleolog#cal t$eo ) of 'o al#t) #s oneB *$#c$ st esses t$e conse1"ences of act#onsB an! e-en 'a6es t$e conse1"ences of act#ons t$e c #te #onB o test of t$e# #g$tness. T$e *o ! teleolog) ca'e f o' t$e = ee6 telos 'ean#ng ?goal? beca"se teleolog) 'eas" es act b) t$e# en! an! p o!"ct o effects. In s$o tB teleolog#cal et$#cs e'p$as#5es on t$e es"lts of act#ons as t$e test #f t$e# #g$tness.

Important %eleological theories Teleolog#cal o conse1"ent#al#st t$eo #es a e fa'#l) of et$#cal t$eo #es at$e t$an a s#ngle et$#cal -#e*. In 'ost et$#cal l#te at" esB t$e follo*#ng t$eo #es a e cons#!e e! as pe t#nent t$eo #es t$at fall "n!e teleolog#cal 'a#nst ea'. (a) Egoist &edonism (Egoism ' &edonism)# 7 7 7 He!on#s' #s !e #-e! f o' t$e = ee6 *o ! 'ean#ng ?pleas" e.? He!on#s' #s et$#cal !oct #ne t$at pleas" e #s t$e $#g$est goalB an! p o!"ct#on of pleas" e #s t$e c #te #on of #g$t. It -#e*s pleas" e as t$e "lt#'ate goal. ?Ego#s'? co'es f o' t$e = ee6 *o ! ego SIS an! #s t$e efo eB l#te all) SI7#s'.S Conse1"entl)B ego#st#c $e!on#s' #s t$e !oct #ne t$at t$e p" s"#t an! p o!"ct#on of one?s o*n pleas" e #s t$e $#g$est goo! an! c #te #on of #g$t act#on. It #s t$e !oct #ne t$at eac$ #n!#-#!"al s$o"l! p" s"e p #'a #l) $#s o $e o*n pleas" e

(b) (tilitarianism ($ocial &edonism) 7 7 T$e cent al conce n of "t#l#ta #an#s' #s to as6 so'et$#ng l#6e S*$at s$o"l! I !o to b #ng abo"t t$e 'ost $app#ness to t$e 'ost people9S Ut#l#ta #an#s' !e #-es f o' t$e p #nc#ple of "t#l#t) o "sef"lness. Ne-e t$elessB t$e "t#l#ta #ans e'plo) #t to 'ean t$at *$#c$ p o'otes not self#s$ #nte est b"t t$e g eatest balance of goo! o-e e-#l. To p"t #t b #efl)B "t#l#ta an#s' #s t$e !oct #ne a g"es: T$at *e o"g$t to act to p o'ote t$e g eatest balance of goo! o-e e-#l. T$at *e o"g$t to act to p o'ote t$e g eatest balance of pleas" e o-e pa#n.

The difference and similarity between egoistic hedonism and social hedonism or utilitarianism $imilarit! L#6e ego#st#c $e!on#s'B soc#al $e!on#s' o "t#l#ta #an#s' $ol!s to teleolog#cal concept#on of #g$t act#on: #t H"!ges t$e #g$tness of an act#on b) #ts conse1"ences. L#6e ego#st#c $e!on#s'B soc#al $e!on#s' o "t#l#ta #an#s' #sB of co" seB $e!on#st#c #n #ts concept#on of #g$t act#on: #t H"!ges t$e #g$tness of an act#on b) #ts p o!"ct#on of pleas" able conse1"ences. )ifferences Ne-e t$elessB t$e t*o !oct #nes !#ffe at a c #t#cal po#nt. T$e ego#st#c $e!on#st #s 'ot#-ate! o"t of self7#nte est an! a#'s at self7sat#sfact#onB *$e eas T$e soc#al $e!on#st o "t#l#ta #an #s 'ot#-ate! o"t of #nte est fo t$e g eatest poss#ble n"'be of pe sons an! a#'s at t$e# sat#sfact#on.

Soc#al $e!on#s' #s base! on Bene-olence P #nc#ple. Acco !#ng to t$#s p #nc#pleB $app#ness #s to be !#st #b"te! as *#!el) an! as e1"all) as poss#ble a'ong all people.

)ifferent versions of (tilitarianism (social hedonism) H#sto #call)B soc#al $e!on#s' o soc#al "t#l#ta #an#s' #s #!ent#f#e! *#t$ t$e Engl#s$ p$#losop$e s: Oe e ') Bent$a' an! Oo$n Sta" t 3#ll :3#lle B 1FI+;. T$ese t*o g eat p$#losop$e sB $o*e-e B ep esent t*o !#ffe ent fo 's of "t#l#ta #an#s'. T$e c "4 of t$e# !#ffe ences can be s"b7s"''e! "n!e t*o po#nts of e'p$as#s: E'p$as#s on 1"ant#t) of $app#ness 7 Oe e') Bent$a' :1/+I71I(%; Bent$a'?s e'p$as#5es 1"ant#t) of $app#ness o pleas" e. H#s not#on of pleas" e #s appa ent f o' $#s *ell76no*n state'ent BIf t$e ga'e of p"s$p#n f" n#s$ 'o e pleas" eB #t #s 'o e -al"able :3#lle B 1FI+: (F.;. Calculation of Pleasure !ccording to :entham Acco !#ng to Bent$a'B #n atte'pt#ng to calc"late a pleas" e *e '"stB as #t *e eB 'eas" e o *e#g$ #t #n se-en *a)sB cons#!e #ng #ts: #ntens#t)B o $o* st ong #t #s 2" at#onB $o* long #t *#ll last Ce ta#nt)B $o* l#6el) #t #s to occ" P op#n1"#t)B $o* nea at $an! #t #s &ec"n!#t)B #ts ab#l#t) to p o!"ce st#ll f" t$e pleas" es P" #t)B #ts f ee!o' f o' ens" #ng pa#ns E4tentB t$e n"'be of people affecte! b) #t

:b; e'p$as#s on 1"al#t) of $app#ness 777 Oo$n St"a t 3#ll :1IG.71I/(; 3#ll #s #n fa-o of 1"al#t) of pleas" e o $app#ness. Acco !#ng to 3#llB alt$o"g$ p"s$p#n 'a) be 'o e f"n t$an poet )B #t )#el!s an #nfe #o $app#ness. H#s e'p$as#s on 1"al#t) can eas#l) be "n!e stoo! f o' $#s fa'o"s state'ent: It #s bette to be $"'an be#ng !#ssat#sf#e! t$an a p#g sat#sf#e!.

"39 DE)1%) );IC! )R 1)1C)1SE?UE1%I! ISM 2eontolog) co'es f o' t$e = ee6 !eonB 'ean#ng ?!"t) It g#-es !"e #'po tance to t$e l#st#ng of 'o al "les o !"t#es.

2eontolog#cal app oac$ :a; beg#ns b) #!ent#f)#ng gene al t)pes of be$a-#o #nt #ns#call) #g$t o * ong an! o "les of con!"ct as

:b; t$en !ef#nes #g$t act#on #n a spec#f#c s#t"at#on as *$at best conf# 's to t$#s set of 'o al "les R"les can be el#g#o"s :t$e ten co''an!'ents; o sec"la :Be na ! =e t?s Ten 'o al "les; ;ert@s %en Moral Rules 2on?t >#ll 2on?t ca"se pa#n 2on?t 2#sable 2on?t !ep #-e of f ee!o' 2on?t !ep #-e pleas" e 2on?t !ece#-e >eep )o" p o'#se 2on?t c$eat Obe) t$e La* 2o )o" !"t)

C2!P%ER %2REE U1E%2IC! PR): EMS I1 %2E CI*I SER*ICE: %2E PR): EM )' C)RRUP%I)1 /Session 9>=0

*bjectives+ ,t the end of the session" students will able to define corruption identify source of corruption and its manifestation discuss real life e,perience in fighting against corruption distinguish ma4or types of combating corruption appreciate the success stories of combating corruption

73$ Definition of Corruption and Its Manifestations As *e 'ent#one! ea l#e B conce n *#t$ et$#cs #n an) p"bl#c se -#ce foc"ses on *$at #s t$e #g$t an! p ope be$a-#o of all p"bl#c off#c#als. & o' an) at#onal b" ea"c ac)B t$e soc#et) e4pects t$e p"bl#c off#c#als to be fa# an! H"st *$#le !#sc$a g#ng t$e# !#sc et#ona ) po*e s. 2esp#te t$ese e4pectat#onsB $o*e-e B t$e essent#al et$#cal -al"es $a-e been e o!e! #n p"bl#c se -#ces all o-e t$e *o l!. T$e !egene at#on an! !eca) of p"bl#c se -#ce et$#cs #s 'a#nl) eflecte! #n t$e fo ' of co "pt#on. B"t *$at #s co "pt#on9 8$at a e #ts s)'pto's9 T$e pa ag ap$s t$at follo* *#ll atte'pt to ans*e t$ese 1"est#ons. Acco !#ng to 3e *e :1FF/:1;B co "pt#on #s !ef#ne! as Dt$e ab"se of p"bl#c po*e fo p #-ate ga#n o P of#t.E N)e L#n 3cCo 'ac6 :1FF/:+1F; $as also !ef#ne! co "pt#on on t$e pa t of a p"bl#c off#c#al as D[.be$a-#o *$#c$ !e-#ates f o' t$e no 'al !"t#es of a p"bl#c ole beca"se of p #-ate7 ega !#ng:fa'#l)B close p #-ate cl#1"e;B pec"n#a ) o stat"s ga#nsB o -#olates "les aga#nst t$e e4e c#se of ce ta#n t)pes of p #-ate U ega !#ng #nfl"ence.E 3o eo-e B 3e *e :1FF/; p"t fo *a ! a fo '"la: Corruption A monopoly B discretion . accountability T$e abo-e !ef#n#t#ons #ll"st ate t$at t$e p$eno'enon of co "pt#on occ" s *$en p"bl#c off#c#als fo ga#n#ng benef#t at t$e e4pense of p"bl#c #nte est '#s"se t$e p"bl#c po*e . It #s e4plo#t#ng p"bl#c off#ces :$#g$ o lo*; b) off#c#als fo pe sonal benef#ts to e4t act #n!"ce'ent f o' -a #o"s so" ces an! t$ o"g$ -a #o"s 'eans.

73" M!1I'ES%!%I)1S )' C)RRUP%I)1 Co "pt#on 'an#fests #tself #n 'an) fo 's. In t$#s espectB t$e e-#e* of t$e e4pe #ences of !#ffe ent co"nt #es s$o*s t$at t$e l#st of poss#b#l#t#es #s e4tens#-e. 3ost fo 's o s)'pto's of co "pt#on a e: Acceptance of b #bes o g#fts >#c6bac6s: pa t of a pe son?s pa)'ent fo !o#ng a Hob t$at $e g#-es fo gett#ng $#' t$e Hob. T$#s can be #n a fo ' of 'one) o b) *a) of ec#p ocat#on. 3oonl#g$t#ng: This means to be employed by two employers simultaneously.

3#s ep esentat#on: *t is untrue statement of fact that induces a person to enter a contract. = eas#ng: this is a form of bribery given to hasten some wor . *t is sometimes called @speed@ money used to get things done very fast. Stas$#ng 7 &toring in a usually secret place for future use. T$#s #s 'ostl) 6no*n *$en go-e n'ent off#c#als p"t go-e n'ent 'one) #n local o fo e#gn ban6s. Unla*f"l "sage of p"bl#c assets fo p #-ate en!s O-e 7#n-o#c#ng an! "n!e 7#n-o#c#ng of sto es P epa at#on of fa6e -o"c$e s #n acco"nts Pa)'ent of *ages to non7e4#stent o Dg$ostE *o 6e s. <host wor ers a e *o 6e s *$o !o not e4#st. T$e) onl) e4#st on t$e pa) oll. Acts of e4to t#on to p ocess no 'al f"nct#ons s"c$ as l#censesB pe '#tsB lette B etc. E4to t#on #s an act of obta#n#ng 'one) b) an off#c#al f o' a pe son b) fo ce o t$ eats. S"b-e t#ng t$e la* to #'p #son o f ee #n!#-#!"alsB e!"ce p #son te 's o f#nes A*a !#ng cont acts U!o'est#c an! #nte nat#onal7to #nco'petent f# 's A# 7S"ppl): pa)'ent of goo!s not s"ppl#e! o se -#ces not en!e e!. Ea n#ng co''#ss#ons #n e4c$ange fo obta#n#ng *o 6B o !e s o sales fo ot$e sA #t #s f#4e! pe centage of t$e -al"es of t$e b"s#ness t ansacte!. 3#splace'ent o $#!#ng of f#lesB eco !sB t#tles fo p" poses of e4to t#on T$e lea6age of -#tal #nfo 'at#on to co'pet#ng o "na"t$o #5e! pa t#es Con-e ts of p"bl#c fac#l#t#es fo pe sonal "se Ot$e * ong !o#ngs s"c$ as e4c#se ta4 f a"!B #'po t an! e4po t ta4 f a"!sB e'be55le'entB nepot#s'B absentee#s'B pa t#sans$#pB elect#on an! electo al f a"!B '#l#ta ) an! pol#ce s$a6e7!o*n :3e #tB 1FFIA Na$a)aB1FF1A Ras$ee! J Olo*"B1FF(A At6#ltB 1FF.A AHAB 1FF/;.

T$#s l#st #s b) no 'eans e4$a"st#-e b"t #t s$o*s "s onl) t$e t#p of an #cebe g ega !#ng t$e se-e #t) of t$e p oble'. T$e l#stB of co" seB can be #nf#n#te as co "pt#on cannot be eas#l) !etecte! beca"se #t #s a !el#be ate negl#gence of !"t) b) p"bl#c off#c#als. A goo! n"'be of sc$ola s also conten! t$at co "pt#on as an a!H"nct of po*e #s as ol! as c#-#l#5at#on :CabogoB 1FF1A L#o)!B 1FF(B AHAB1FF/;. All of t$ese esea c$es $a-e #n-a #abl) !oc"'ente! t$at co "pt#on #s an ol! age global p oble' #n *$#c$ all $"'an soc#et#es $a-e been #n-ol-e! #n at -a )#ng !eg ees !epen!#ng on t$e# pa t#c"la c# c"'stances. In ot$e *o !sB t$e e a e no co"nt #es7 #c$ o poo 7 t$at cla#' to be f ee f o' t$e co "pt#on. Instea!B

bot$ *o l!s $a-e s"ffe e! f o' co "pt#on. &o #nstanceB ecent st"!) con!"cte! b) t$e Et$#cs Reso" ce Cente #n 8as$#ngton e-eale! t$at 'aHo A'e #can co po at#ons a e face! *#t$ t$e p ess#ng et$#cal p oble's. T$e f#n!#ngs #n!#cate! t$e follo*#ng: 'rug and alcohol abuse, employee theft, conflict of interest, >uality control abuses, discrimination in hiring, promotion, and job assignments, misuse of proprietary information, abuse of e!pense accounts, misuse of company assets, lying to or misleading customers to close sales, unwanted se!ual harassment, and environment pollution :Stone J& ee'anB1FIF:1GG;. In So"t$ >o eaB OapanB & anceB Ital)B Spa#nB B a5#lB In!#a an! #n a n"'be of ot$e co"nt #esB go-e n'ents $a-e been s$a6en b) scan!als of g aftB e4to t#on an! ot$e t)pes of "net$#cal be$a-#o s b) t$e# espect#-e p"bl#c off#c#als. 3.4.I $0((H-T*0/ *& */T.(/"T*0/": -D./01./" &o #nstanceB ecent st"!) con!"cte! b) t$e Et$#cs Reso" ce Cente #n 8as$#ngton e-eale! t$at 'aHo A'e #can co po at#ons a e face! *#t$ t$e p ess#ng et$#cal p oble's. T$e f#n!#ngs #n!#cate! t$e follo*#ng: 2 "g an! alco$ol ab"seB e'plo)ee t$eftB confl#ct of #nte estB 1"al#t) cont ol ab"sesB !#sc #'#nat#on #n $# #ngB p o'ot#onB an! Hob ass#gn'entsB '#s"se of p op #eta ) #nfo 'at#onB ab"se of e4pense acco"ntsB '#s"se of co'pan) assetsB l)#ng to o '#slea!#ng c"sto'e s to close salesB "n*ante! se4"al $a ass'entB an! en-# on'ent poll"t#on. E^A3PLES O& CORRUPTION CASES &RO3 L2Cs One of t$e 'ost pop"la ant#7co "pt#on o gan#5at#onsB T anspa enc) Inte nat#onalB $as also !oc"'ente! a n"'be of co "pt p act#ces t$at *e e gat$e e! f o' !#ffe ent co"nt #es. Of t$ese co "pt p act#cesB so'e of t$e' a e p esente! as follo*s: 1. &o 'e Ethiopian 2ep"t) P #'e 3#n#ste an! 3#n#ste of 2efense $a-e appea e! to co" t an! *as sentence! to Ha#l c$a ge! *#t$ ab"se of po*e . He *as acc"se! of fall#ng p e) to t$e co "pt#ng co'fo t of c#t) l#fe. %. &o 'e top off#c#als of .alawi cong ess pa t) *e e acc"se! of se #o"s f a"!. T$e pa t) p es#!ent an! fo 'e $ea! of stateB fo 'e &#nance 3#n#ste B an! t$e pa t)@s t eas" e $a-e been co''#tte! to t$e H#g$ Co" t c$a ge! *#t$ a f a"! #n-ol-#ng US _ (.I '#ll#on an! '#sapp op #at#ng p"bl#c f"n!s a'o"nt#ng US _ ,.+ '#ll#on. (. Co "pt#on an! '#s'anage'ent #n sc$ool s)ste's #s t$ o*#ng 'an) )o"ngste s to #ll#te ac) #n Tan/ania# It *as epo te! t$at co "pt teac$e s a e collect#ng cas$ befo e en oll#ng c$#l! en #n 2a es Salaa' sc$ools. Conse1"entl)B poo pa ents a e fo ce! to 6eep t$e# c$#l! en o"t of sc$ool. 2"e to t$#s easonB t$e ate of #ll#te ac) #n Tan5an#a #s #nc eas#ng f o' t#'e to t#'e +. S#4 sen#o e4ec"t#-es of 0ew 1ealand 2a# ) Boa ! $a-e been a este! #n B #ta#n on c$a ges of e-a!#ng E" opean Un#on ta #ffs on $"n! e!s of tones of Anc$e b"tte . Unpa#! !"t) #s allege! to be abo"t US_I '#ll#on.

,. &#-e Cab#net 3#n#ste s of Palest#ne a e acc"se! of s1"an!e #ng p"bl#c f"n!s a'o"nt#ng US_(%. '#ll#on. Palest#n#an a"t$o #t#es a e also acc"se! of p"tt#ng ta4pa)e @s 'one) #nto t$e# -#llas an! spec#al ca s :TIB1FF/;. T$ese e4a'ples #ll"st ate t$at co "pt#on cance $as *#!esp ea! #n !#ffe ent soc#et#esB #n !#ffe ent go-e n'ent #nst#t"t#onsB #n a -a #et) of pol#t#cal s)ste'sB an! ac oss !#ss#'#la c"lt" es. Co "pt acts also ange f o' t$e $#g$est le-els of go-e n'ent to t$e lo*est. A t)pe of co "pt#on t$at #s co''on a'ong lo*e 7c#-#l se -ants an! H"n#o off#ce s #s calle! D pett)E co "pt#on. Pett) co "pt#on #s co''on a'ong t$e c#t#5ensB #t #s -#s#ble an! can be !etectable b) la*. On t$e ot$e $an!B t$e t)pe of co "pt#on t$at #s p act#ce! b) t$e $#g$7 an6#ng off#c#als at #n!#-#!"al an! co po ate le-els #s calle! Db#gE o Dg an!E co "pt#on. It #s t$e co "pt#on t$at ta6es place be$#n! t$e scene t$at #s not eas#l) !etecte!. It #s eflecte! #n #nte nat#onal t ansact#onsB often #n-ol-#ng t$e act#-#t#es of t ansnat#onal co po at#ons l#6e t$e b#g o#l co'pan#es an! ot$e s :CabogoB1FF1B AHAB1FF/;. It #s also *o t$ *$#le not#ng at t$#s H"nct" e t$at alt$o"g$ bot$ !e-elop#ng an! !e-elope! nat#ons a e affl#cte! b) t$e plag"e of co "pt#onB t$e #ntens#t) of t$e p oble' ten!s to be -e ) '"c$ p ess#ng #n t$e !e-elop#ng co"nt #es. A $a ! loo6 at -a #o"s !ata :e.g.B At#6#ltB 1FF.B Ras$ee! J Olo*"B 1FF(B AHAB1FF/; s$o*s t$at co "pt#on #n poo an! !e-elop#ng co"nt #es #s a pe -as#-e p$eno'enon. Pa t#c"la l)B #n Af #caB co "pt#on #s ca"s#ng -ast s"' of 'one) to be obbe! an! stas$e! #n fo e#gn ban6 acco"nts. &o e4a'pleB fo 'e E'pe o Ha#le Selass#e of Et$#op#aB 3ob"t" Sese Se6o of \a# eB P es#!ent >a'"5" Ban!a of 3ala*#B an! fo 'e 2ep"t) P #'e 3#n#ste an! 2efense 3#n#ste Ta'# at La#ne of Et$#op#a $a-e been spa e! ta#nt of co "pt#on b) steal#ng a g eat !eal of 'one) f o' t$e# co"nt #es an! acc"'"lat#ng #t #n pe sonal acco"nts !epos#te! #n fo e#gn sec et ban6s. In !o5ens of Af #can co"nt #esB co "pt p"bl#c off#c#als at -a #o"s le-els $a-e also '#sallocate! a $"ge s"' of 'one). &"n!sB o #g#nall) ea 'a 6e! fo ne* sc$oolsB $osp#tals an! #nst#t"t#ons to se -e t$e 'ost nee!)B a e often c$annele! #nto p oHects of negl#g#ble soc#al -al"e b) off#c#als ece#-#ng 6#c67bac6s f o' -a #o"s so" ces. To concl"!eB t$e fo ego#ng state'ents e-eale! t$at co "pt#on #s t$e ab"se of p"bl#c po*e fo e4cl"s#-e an! "n!"e p #-ate #nte est at t$e e4pense of p"bl#c #nte est. T$e #''e!#ate a#' #n t$e '#s"se of o ab"se of po*e #s to ac$#e-e soc#al an! econo'#c ga#ns. T$ese #ll#c#t an! "nfa# ga#ns co"l! be #n t$e fo ' of 'one)B cap#tal assets an! pos#t#ons of po*e . T$e acto s of co "pt#on a e co "pt go-e n'ent off#c#als at -a #o"s le-els ang#ng f o' t$e $#g$est to t$e lo*est. T$e -#ct#'s of co "pt#on a e t$e peoples of bot$ t$e !e-elop#ng an! !e-elope! nat#ons. In s$o tB co "pt#on #s a !#sease t$at affl#cts people f o' all *al6s of l#feB poo an! #c$B of an) p ofess#on an! of all ages. 737 Causes of Corruption3 T$e ca"ses of co "pt#on a e 'an) an! -a #e!B b"t t$e e-#e* of -a #o"s st"!#es :e.g.B L#o)!B 1FF(B Olo*"B 1FF.B At6#ltB 1FF.JF/; s$o*s t$at t$e ca"ses e'anate f o' fo" b oa!

catego #es. T$ese a e: pol#t#calB econo'#c soc#o7c"lt" alB an! #nst#t"t#onal o a!'#n#st at#-e *ea6nesses. T$e b ea6!o*n of t$ese 'aHo facto s lea!s to t$e follo*#ng spec#f#c facto s. Lac6 of effect#-e pol#t#cal lea!e s$#p T$e p e-alence of *ea6 nat#onal #nte est Va #at#on of "les an! !# ect#-esB an! !#sobe!#ence b) p"bl#c se -ants Poo la* enfo ce'ent *$#c$ b ee!s #n!#ffe ence to o neglect of !"t) b) t$e pol#ceB H"!ges an! b) t$e pol#ceB H"!ges an! t$e H"!#c#al b" ea"c ac) E4cess#-e pol#t#c#5at#on of p"bl#c se -#ces #n *$#c$ t$e pe sonal#s' an! pat onage fo pol#t#cal en!s a e !o'#nat#ng In a!!#t#onB p ess" es an! #nte fe ence #n t$e e4e c#se of !#sc et#ona ) po*e s can agg a-ate t$e te'ptat#ons of co "pt#on. T$e concent at#on :'onopol); of po*e #n t$e $an!s of one pa t) o g o"p. 3ass#-e state cont olsB t$e 'onopol) of 'eans of p o!"ct#on an! !#st #b"t#onB an! t$e absence o l#'#te! pa t#c#pat#on of t$e p #-ate secto #n t$e econo') can also agg a-ate co "pt#on.

G T$e abol#t#onB s"spens#on o "n!e '#n#ng of a!'#n#st at#-e p #nc#ples s"c$ as p"bl#c acco"ntab#l#t) an! t anspa enc). H#g$ #nc#!ence of "ne'plo)'ent H#g$ #nc#!ence of po-e t) t$at $as att acte! 'an) p"bl#c off#c#als to see6 b #bes E os#on o !ecl#neB #n absol"te te 's of t$e eal #nco'e of t$e 'aHo #t) of t$e c#-#l se -ants. Lo* sala ) scales an! poo co'pensat#on of t$e p"bl#c se -ants La ge !onat#ons b) !o'est#c an! '"lt#7nat#onal co'pan#es to pol#t#cal pa t#es o to #n!#-#!"al pol#t#c#ans

Sense of insecurity: fla*e! 'ec$an#s's of $# #ng an! f# #ng c#-#l se -antsB #na!e1"ate o absence of #ns" ance o et# e'ent benef#tsB an! t$e "nce ta#nt#es of pol#t#cs *#ll t$ eaten p"bl#c off#c#als an! #n#t#ate t$e' to g ab as '"c$ as poss#ble *$#le t$e) a e #n off#ce. &" t$e 'o eB too long an! "n#nte "pte! ten" e #n off#ce ten!s to b ee! co "pt#on. T$e #nfl"ence of c"lt" al t a!#t#ons *$#c$ allo* offe an! acceptance of c"sto'a ) g#fts as e'"ne at#on fo c$#efs o off#c#als #n et" n fo t$e# "nfa# o #llegal !o#ngs. Lac6 of co!e of et$#cs o con!"ct fo p"bl#c off#c#als La4 enfo ce'ent of a"!#t#ng s)ste's Lac6 of pol#c) fo eg"la 'on#to #ng of assets an! l#ab#l#t#es of a $#g$7 an6 go-e n'ent off#c#als. 3#n#'al c$ances of !etect#on of co "pt#on b) pol#t#cal o a!'#n#st at#-e appa at"sB as *ell as *ea6 p"n#s$'ents fo c #'#nals

Ineffect#-e 'ec$an#s's fo a!'#n#st at#-e cont ol an! 'on#to #ng of !a#l) pe fo 'ance an! be$a-#o of p"bl#c off#c#als I'p ope a!'#n#st at#-e p oce!" es #ncl"!#ng e! tape In so'e o gan#5at#onsB a!'#n#st at#-e !ec#s#on #n-ol-es lengt$) p oce!" es #n *$#c$ case t$e cl#ents eso t to p o-#!#ng Dspee! 'one)E fo off#c#als #n fea of !e-#ance an! #nact#on. Pa t#c"la l)B t$e p e-alence of 1"e"#ng b) c#t#5ens fo ce ta#n catego #es of p"bl#c se -#ces s"c$ as c"sto'sB ta4 off#cesB passpo t off#cesB l#cens#ng a"t$o #t#es :fo ! #-#ngB 'a 6et stallsB b"s#ness pe '#t; #s espons#ble fo #nc ease! co "pt#on. Lac6 of t a#n#ng #n et$#cal be$a-#o an! p act#ce7e4te nal #nfl"ences an! #nte fe ence #n p"bl#c se -#ce 'anage'ent Lac6 of st ateg#es to 'angeB c$ange an! #nco po ate !es# able conse1"ence of c$ange.

738 Impact of corruption Co "pt#on $as -e ) se #o"s a!-e se effects fo a co"nt ). 3o e spec#f#call)B t$e #'pact of co "pt#on #n !e-elop#ng co"nt #es l#6e Et$#op#a #s eno 'o"s. It $as a !e-astat#ng effect on t$e pol#t#calB econo'#c an! a!'#n#st at#-e !#'ens#ons of a go-e n'ent :Ras$ee! J Olo*"B 1FF(A AHAB 1FF/;. Political conseCuences Un!e pol#t#cal !#'ens#onB co "pt#on: Posses a !ange to t$e al ea!) f ag#le !e'oc at#c #nst#t"t#ons an! "n!e '#nes p"bl#c conf#!ence #n go-e n'ent an! pol#t#cal #nst#t"t#onsA Obst "cts f ee an! fa# elect#onsA Pa al)5es t$e cont oll#ng ole of t$e leg#slat#-e #nst#t"t#ons on t$e e4ec"t#-e po*e A Const a#ns t$e #n!epen!ent H"!#c#a ) act#-#t#esA Lea!s a go-e n'ent to "se fo ce so as to ga#n leg#t#'ac) fo #ts act#-#t#es. In ot$e *o !sB #t b ee!s #nsec" #t) a'ong lea!e s an! #n#t#ates t$e' to eso t to appl) fo ce #n o !e to s"sta#n t$e'sel-es #n po*e at all costs. Economic effects T$e econo'#c costs of co "pt#on $a-e !e-astat#ng long7te ' effects on !e-elop#ng nat#ons. Beca"se of t$e a'pant !#-e s#on of eso" ces f o' state coffe s to p #-ate ban6 acco"ntsB t$e states a e !ep #-e! of "n!e ta6#ng econo'#c c$anges t$at lea! to !e-elop'ent an! p og ess. 3o eo-e B co "pt#on: Lea!s a co"nt ) to "ns$a6able po-e t) an! to be t$ eatene! *#t$ ban6 "ptc)A 8#!ens t$e gap bet*een t$e $a-es an! $a-e nots an! 'o e t$an t$at #t lea-es 'aHo #t) of c#-#l se -ants an! a 'e! fo ces *#t$o"t sala ) pa) fo 'ont$s o fo e-e A

St#fles p #-ate #n#t#at#-es an! f ee7'a 6et econo')A C #pples t$e co"nt )@s access to g ant an! a#! oppo t"n#t#esA Lea!s to ot$e soc#oecono'#c p e!#ca'ents s"c$ as poo 'e!#cal se -#cesB poo sc$oolsB !ela) #n co'plet#on of p oHectsB "#n#ng of nat#onal assetsB e!"ct#on of go-e n'ent e-en"eB e!"ct#on of p o!"ct#on capac#t) #n #n!"st )B ag #c"lt" eB etc.

!dministrative ConseCuences Co "pt#on co"l! also b #ng abo"t a !e-astat#ng effect on t$e 1"al#t) of p"bl#c se -#ce a!'#n#st at#on s)ste'. Spec#f#call)B #t $as t$e follo*#ng conse1"ences. Co "pt#on lea!s to a!'#n#st at#-e #neff#c#enc) as o gan#5at#onal eso" ces a e "s"all) '#sallocate! o '#sapp op #ate! b) co "pt off#c#als. Co "pt#on b ee!s poo pe sonnel 'anage'ent s)ste's. In s"c$ casesB select#on an! ec "#t'ent 'ec$an#s's a e a#'e! at benef#t#ng sec eta #at g o"ps s"c$ as fa'#l) 'e'be sB f #en!sB an! elat#-es. Appo#nt'ents an! p o'ot#ons a e also 'a!e on c #te #a t$at co'pletel) #gno e p #nc#ples of 'e #t an! 1"al#t) of se -#ces p o-#!e! an! o"tp"ts p o!"ce!. T$ese act#ons lea! to f "st at#on an! !e'o al#5at#on of p ofess#onall) co'petent an! $onest c#-#l se -ants. T$e) also ca"se f e1"ent bo)cott#ng b) 1"al#t) pe sonnel an! #nc e'ent #n t$e n"'be of "n1"al#f#e! pe sonnel #n p"bl#c o gan#5at#ons. 3o eo-e B co "pt#on !#-e ts off#c#al !ec#s#on7'a6#ng an! #nt o!"ces !#sc #'#nat#onB a b#t a #ness #n *$#c$ "lesB eg"lat#ons an! p oce!" es a e b)passe!.

739 Mechanisms of Combating Corruption No*a!a)sB t$e #ss"e of co "pt#on #s t$e top#c of g eat conce n an! !#sc"ss#on a'ong -a #o"s go-e n'ents all o-e t$e *o l!. It #s "n#-e sall) ac6no*le!ge! to!a) t$at co "pt#on $as beco'e a pe -as#-e !#sease !ep #-#ng pop"lat#ons ac oss t$e globe of t$e oppo t"n#t#es fo !e-elop'ent an! g o*t$. Co "pt#on #s bla'e! fo p"tt#ng a la ge p opo t#on of Af #can soc#et) to l#-e belo* t$e po-e t) l#ne. Unless const "ct#-e p e-ent#-e 'eas" es a e ta6en aga#nst #tB co "pt#on #s l#6e a cance t$at cont#n"es to eat #nto t$e 'o alB soc#alB pol#t#cal an! econo'#c fab #c of soc#et). In t$#s espectB a n"'be of esea c$e s :e.g. 3es$es$aB %GG1A CabagoB 1FF1A L#o)!B 1FF(A Ras$ee! J Olo*"B 1FF(A At6#ltB 1FF. J F/A AHAB1FF/; $a-e fo *a !e! t$e follo*#ng eco''en!at#ons: T$e leg#slat#-e an! #nst#t"t#onal f a'e*o 6 '"st be efo 'e! to establ#s$ o s"sta#n legal s)ste's t$at o"tla* #ll#c#t ga#ns. Sen#o off#c#als s$o"l! be e1"# e! to !ecla e t$e# p ope t) an! $ol!#ng befo e ta6#ng "p off#ceB an! s$o"l! be p osec"te! fo an) #nstances of b #be ) o g aft. Sanct#on '"st be appl#e! to t$e f"llB an! t$e enfo ce'ent s)ste' '"st ope ate openl).

P o-#!e Ho#nt cont ol :!ono an! benef#c#a ) co"nt ); o-e t$e "se of e4te nal eso" ces. Off#c#als s$o"l! enco" age #n-est#gat#-e Ho" nal#s' as a *a) of e4pos#ng "nacceptable be$a-#o B an! p #nt as *ell as a"!#o-#s"al 'e!#a s$o"l! be "se! to !eno"nce #nstances of co "pt#on. 2#ff"s#on of 6no*le!ge abo"t t$e go-e n'ent s$o"l! be p act#ce! eg"la l). Pol#t#c#ans '"st 'a6e people 'o e a*a e of p"bl#c #nte est an! of t$e# pe sonal espons#b#l#t)B *$#le p o'ot#ng an! enco" ag#ng a fo ' of go-e nance t$at se -es c#t#5en ). T$e e s$o"l! be an open !oo pol#c) *$e eb) t$e 'e'be s of t$e p"bl#c s$o"l! be g#-en e-e ) oppo t"n#t) to co'e an! p"t ac oss t$e# co'pla#nts. C eat#ng o establ#s$#ng #n!epen!ent bo!#es l#6e t$e O'b"!s'an an! Co''#ss#on of In1"# ) can $elp to #n-est#gate an! a b#t ate !#sp"tes #n elat#on to co "pt#on cases. 2ecent al#5at#on an! app op #ate !elegat#on of !#sc et#ona ) an! eg"lato ) po*e s at -a #o"s le-els *#ll 'a6e t$e access of t$e people eas#e an! c"t !ela)s fo a!'#n#st at#-e act#ons. A co'plete o-e $a"l an! s#'pl#f#cat#on of p" c$ase p oce!" es on t$e bas#s of 'o!e n 'anage'ent p act#cesB as *ell as t$o o"g$ follo* "p o #nspect#on a e -e ) essent#al. A t#c"lat#ng co!e of con!"ct fo enfo ce'ent #s also 1"#te necessa ). p"bl#c off#c#als. P esc #b#ng sanct#ons fo #ts

St engt$en#ng t$e pol#ce an! co" ts 'ac$#ne ). Inte nat#onal co''"n#t#esB espec#all) !e-elope! soc#et#es '"st con!e'n an! es#st t$e obb#ng of 'one) an! stas$#ng #t #n fo e#gn sec et ban6s b) co "pt lea!e s of t$e !e-elop#ng nat#ons. Ens" #ng t$e sala #es an! co'pensat#ons of c#-#l se -ants as *ell as pol#t#cal lea!e s to a!e1"atel) eflect t$e espons#b#l#t#es of t$e# posts an! to $elp t$e' lea! t$e# l#-es p ope l). Inco po at#ng et$#cs #n secon!a ) sc$ool an! te t#a ) le-el c" #c"la pla)s a pa a'o"nt #'po tance fo c eat#ng a*a eness abo"t t$e negat#-e #'pact of "net$#cal be$a-#o to t$e )o"ng gene at#on. I!ent#f)#ng co "pt#on p one o gan#5at#ons an! #nt o!"c#ng st #ct cont ol an! 'on#to #ng 'ac$#nates. E'po*e #ng people :t$e gene al p"bl#c; to !#sclose an! con!e'n an) ab"se of po*e b) p"bl#c off#c#als.

73= E,periences of Some Selected Countries that Succeeded in 'ighting !gainst Corruption

Once aga#nB #t #s to be note! t$at co "pt#on #s c" entl) an #nte nat#onal p$eno'enon. Pa t#c"la l) #n t$e past t*o !eca!esB so '"c$ $as been sa#! an! * #tten abo"t #t. A n"'be of co"nt #es $a-e also la"nc$e! ant#7co "pt#on ca'pa#gn so as to e!"ceB #f not to a-o#!B #ts pe -as#-e effect. In t$#s sect#onB t$e efo eB *e s$all e-#e* so'e co"nt #es e4pe #ences pe ta#n#ng to t$e# st ateg#es a!opte! to c" b t$e !e-astat#ng effects of co "pt#on an! to en$ance t$e et$#cal con!"ct of c#-#l se -ants. 8e s$all foc"s on t$e nat#onal e4pe #ences of Hong6ong an! S#ngapo e as Olo*" :1FF.; e-#e*s t$e'. # 2ong 5ong /250 In t$e late 1F.Gs an! ea l)1F/GsB Hong >ong *as *ell 6no*n fo #ts co "pt pol#ce. T$e pol#ce fo ce *as co "pte! !"e to -a #o"s facto s s"c$ as a c"lt" e of g#ft7g#-#ng to p"bl#c off#ce sB #ns" ect#on an! #llegal #''#g at#on f o' 'a#nlan! c$#naB ! "g t aff#c6#ngB an! epac6ag#ng fo e4po tB ga'bl#ngB p ost#t"t#on "n!e pol#ce p otect#onB etc. All t$ese facto s le! to a s#t"at#on #n *$#c$ co "pt#on beca'e #nst#t"t#onal#5e! an! t$e) $a! c #pple! t$e c#t)7state@s econo'). A n"'be of #n-esto s an! '#!!le7class c#t#5ens co'pla#ne! abo"t #nst#t"t#onal#5e! pol#ce co "pt#on. S" p #s#ngl) eno"g$B e-en t$e Ant#7Co "pt#on B anc$ of t$e pol#ce fo ceB #nsp#te of #ts b oa! po*e s of #n-est#gat#onB $a! #tself beco'e t$e cente of pol#ce co "pt#on. 8#t$ t$#s 6no*le!geB $o*e-e B t$e go-e no of t$e #slan! establ#s$e! a ne* In!epen!ent Co''#ss#on Aga#nst Co "pt#on :ICAC; #n 1F/(. T$e ICAC *as 'an!ate! *#t$ t$ ee 'aHo espons#b#l#t#es t$at #ncl"!e: st ong #n-est#gato s po*e sB t$e p e-ent#on of co "pt#onB an! t$e !etect#on as *ell as p osec"t#on of t$e co "pt. It *as an #n!epen!ent o gan#5at#on espons#ble onl) to t$e go-e no B *ell eso" ce! an! *ell7staffe!. It cons#ste! of t$ ee 'aHo !epa t'ents: #; ##; T$e Ope at#ons 2epa t'entB *$#c$ $a! espons#b#l#t) fo #n-est#gat#ngB a est#ng an! $elp#ng to p osec"te co "pt #n!#-#!"als. T$e Co "pt#on P e-ent#on 2epa t'ent *$#c$ #!ent#f#e! poss#ble po#nts an! co "pt#on7p one o gan#5at#ons an! en$ance! c$anges #n ope at#onal p oce!" es of s"c$ o gan#5at#ons #n o !e to e!"ce co "pt#on B an! T$e Co''"n#t) Relat#ons 2epa t'ent *$#c$ gat$e e! s"ppo t f o' t$e p"bl#c to c$ange t$e# att#t"!es.


Alt$o"g$ co "pt#on #s a p act#ce t$at cannot be e a!#cate! co'pletel)B t$e ICAC $as left an en-#able an! s"sta#nable eco ! of a est#ng #t. In 'an) *a)sB t$e ICAC $a! s"ccee!e! #n p osec"t#ng an! sec" #ng con-#ct#on of 'an) people *#t$#n an! o"ts#!e t$e pol#ce fo ce7 #n t$e post off#ceB p #sonsB p"bl#c *o 6sB t anspo t an! " ban se -#ces an! e-en #n t$e p #-ate secto . T$e Hong >ong@s s"ccessf"l app oac$ to tac6l#ng co "pt#on $as att acte! t$e attent#on of 'an) go-e n'ents #n t$e *o l! e-en t$o"g$ t$e) a e not as s"ccessf"l as t$e Hong >ong. $ Singapore

S#ngapo e *as 'e ge! *#t$ 3ala)s#a #n 1F.( b"t sece!e! so'e t*o )ea s late . Up to t$e 1F.GB S#ngapo e@s p"bl#c se -#ces *e e c$a acte #5e! b) se #o"s #neff#c#enc) as t$e) *e e #nfl#cte! *#t$ co "pt#on. Ho*e-e B #n t$ese !a)sB S#ngapo e $as eco !e! a e'a 6able ac$#e-e'ent #n t$e f#g$t aga#nst co "pt#on. Its c#-#l se -#ce *$#c$ cons#sts to!a) of ,IBF%% e'plo)ees #s one of t$e 'ost eff#c#ent an! co "pt#on7f ee c#-#l se -#ces #n t$e *o l!. In#t#all)B #n #ts st "ggle aga#nst co "pt#onB S#ngapo e $a! !ecla e! f#-e 'aHo pol#c#esB *$#c$ le! to #ts s"ccess. T$ese #ncl"!e t$e a!opt#on of t$e ant#7co "pt#on 'eas" esB 'e #t ec "#t'entA co'pet#t#-e pa)s fo $#g$7fl#e sB co'p"te #5at#onB an! t$e c eat#on of t$e se -#ce #'p o-e'ent "n#t. Of t$ese f#-e 'eas" esB t$e ac$#e-e'ents of t$e fo" B e4cept co'p"te #5at#onB a e elabo ate! #n t$e pa ag ap$s t$at follo*. T$e ant#7co "pt#on pol#c) *as p"t #nto p act#ce as ea l) as 1F,%. T$e "l#ng pa t) calle! t$e People@s Act#on Pa t) of S#ngapo e $a! also c eate! t$e Co "pt P act#ce B" ea" :CPB; #n 1F,%. T$#s *as follo*e! #n 1F.G b) t$e S#ngapo e@s to"g$ p e-ent#on of Co "pt#on ActB *$#c$ e'po*e e! t$e p"bl#c p osec"to to a"t$o #5e #n-est#gat#on #nto t$e assets of an) off#ce o $#s0 $e elat#-es an! on #nco'e ta4 pa)'ents. Conse1"entl)B t$e CPB@s !#l#gent an! t$o o"g$ conce n fo #n-est#gat#ng an off#ce $a! b o"g$t abo"t fea an! t e'bl#ng on t$e off#ce s *$#c$ #n t" n c" ta#le! co "pt#on acts. T$e CPIB $a! !e'onst ate! t$at #t $a! t$e clo"t to p"n#s$ bot$ t$e b#g f#s$ of co "pt#on as *ell as lesse 'o tals. Its l#st of s"ccessf"l p osec"t#on $as #ncl"!e! a '#n#ste of stateB !#st#ng"#s$e! la*)e s an! s" geonsB acco"ntantsB e4pat #ates as *ell as lo*7le-el off#c#als. Bes#!esB t$e 1F.G la* *as e-#se! #n 1FIG *$#c$ $as beco'e e-en to"g$e la* to p e-ent co "pt oppo t"n#t#es an! to #nc ease t$e penalt#es fo co "pt p act#ces. In espect to t$e secon! 'eas" eB t$e p"bl#c se -#ce co''#ss#on ec "#ts t$e b #g$test an! best #n!#-#!"als fo #ts 2#-#s#ons I J II appo#nt'ents. It "ses s#4 bas#c c #te #a at #ts #nte -#e*s *$#c$ a e *ell 6no*n to 'ost people: c#t#5ens$#pB ageB e!"cat#onB e4pe #enceB 'e!#cal f#tness an! c$a acte :#.e. no c #'#nal con-#ct#on;. T$#s *as fo"n! to be -e ) effect#-e #n gett#ng co''#tte! an! app op #ate p ofess#onals o e'plo)ees *$o f#t to t$e pos#t#ons a-a#lable. 3o eo-e B S#ngapo e $a! also ect#f#e! t$e p oble' of poo pa) as pa t of #ts st ateg) !es#gne! to e!"ce t$e #ncent#-es fo co "pt acts #n t$e go-e n'ent #n 1F/%.P"bl#c se -ants *e e g#-en a 1(7'ont$ non7pens#onable allo*ance co'pa able to p #-ate secto bon"s. S#nce 1F/(B t$e sala #es of t$e sen#o c#-#l se -ants $a! been 'a!e to #nc ease pe #o!#call) so as to e!"ce t$e gap *#t$ t$e p #-ate secto . In 1FIFB t$e S#ngapo e c#-#l se -#ce a!opte! t$e p #nc#ple of pa)#ng c#-#l se -ants 'a 6et ates fo t$e# s6#lls. Conse1"entl)B t$e c" ent 'ont$l) sala ) of t$e top a!'#n#st at#-e g a!e := a!e V; $as eac$e! US _ %GB1+G. &#nall)B #n 1FF1B a Se -#ce I'p o-e'ent Un#t :SIU; *as c eate! #n t$e P #'e 3#n#ste @s Off#ce. T$e 'a#n tas6 of t$#s "n#t #s 'on#to #ng an! #'p o-#ng t$e stan!a ! of p"bl#c se -#ce b)

obta#n#ng fee!bac6 f o' c#t#5ens. As obse -e s $a-e p"t s"cc#nctl)B t$#s "n#t $as eco !e! a e'a 6able s"ccess #n $elp#ng to c$annel c#t#5ens? -#e*s an! 1"est#on to a!'#n#st ato s. T$e appo#nt'ent of F( $#g$7 an6#ng a!'#n#st at#-e p ofess#onals t$ o"g$ o"t c#-#l se -#ce o gansB appo#nt'ent of stat"to ) boa !sB 'eas" #ng pe fo 'ances eg"la l)B an! p o-#!#ng a*a !s on t$e bas#s of se -#ce a"!#ts as *ell as #nte -#e*s *#t$ p o-#!e s an! "se s of t$e p"bl#c se -#ce $a-e cont #b"te! '"c$ fo #ts s"ccess #n co'bat#ng co "pt#on. (.A*.= KH.&T*0/& 0/ $0((H-T*0/ 1; 8$at #s co "pt#on9 8$at a e #ts 'an#festat#ons9 %; 8$at a e t$e poss#ble ca"ses of co "pt#on9 (; 8$at effects !oes co "pt#on b #ng to t$e p"bl#c se -#ces an! to a co"nt ) as a *$ole9 +; 8$at can be !one to el#'#nate co "pt#on #n bot$ #ts 'oneta ) an! non7'oneta ) fo 's9 ,; 8$at lessons $a-e )o" ga#ne! f o' t$e e4pe #ences of Hon6 >ong an! S#ngapo e #n c" b#ng t$e e-#l of co "pt#on9 .; No" a e *o 6#ng #n a go-e n'ent b" ea"c ac). 8$at !o )o" t$#n6 a e et$#cal an! "net$#cal be$a-#o s :L#st t$e' as e4$a"st#-el) as poss#ble;. /; 2ef#ne t$e follo*#ng 6e) te 's #n )o" o*n *o !s. Respons#b#l#t) Lo)alt) Integ #t) Acco"ntab#l#t) I'pa t#al#t) Conf#!ent#al#t) Nepot#s' &a-o #t#s' E'be55le'ent Ta4 e-as#on 3oonl#g$t#ng B #be )

C2!P%ER ')UR 83 E1C2!1CI1; E%2ICS I1 %2E E%2I)PI!1 CI*I SER*ICE /SessionD> E0

)b4ectives !t the end of the sessions< students &ill able to:

e4pla#n et$#cal con!"cts #n Et$#op#an c#-#l se -#ce !#sc"ss on t$e nat#onal c$a te of c#t#5ens #g$t an! espons#b#l#t) #!ent#f) $o* to 'anage soc#al espons#b#l#t) #n p"bl#c se -#ce a!apt g"#!el#ne to !e-elop o gan#5at#onal et$#cs

83$3 Problems necessitated Change in Public sector

In t$#s connect#onB t$e 'ost #'po tant 1"est#on '#g$t be *$) !#! t$e ne* pol#t#cal o !e !ec#!e! to #n#t#ate c$anges o *$at *e e t$e p oble's t$at necess#tate! t$e c$ange9 Ens"#ng t$e go-e n'ental c$angeB t$e follo*#ng *e e t$e 'aHo p oble's t$at necess#tate! t$e c$ange :3es$es$aB %GG%;. E4cess#-e pol#t#c#5at#on of t$e C#-#l Se -#ce an! E os#on of t$e 3e #t P #nc#ple P e-alence of 2e'ot#-ate!B !#ssat#sf#e! an! "np o!"ct#-e *o 6fo ce Unplanne! E4pans#on of t$e c#-#l se -#ce *o 6fo ce !"e to t$e fact t$at #t *as cons#!e e! as 'ec$an#s' of alle-#at#ng t$e p oble' of "ne'plo)'ent. 2ata: 1F./ :1G1B 1+/; 1FI% :%(.B +1G; 1((./` = o*t$. E4#stence of C#-#l Se -#ce t$at s#'pl) #'ple'ent all t$at #s g#-en b) all eg#'es Non7t anspa ent an! "nacco"ntable c#-#l se -#ce P e-alence of a'pant "net$#cal p act#ces 7 co "pt#onB fa-o #t#s'B nepot#s' H#g$l) cent al#5e! *#t$ no oo' fo !ecent al#5e! a!'#n#st at#on =ene all)B #n -#e* of t$ese p oble'sB t$e Et$#op#an C#-#l Se -#ce $as been fo"n! b) t$e T ans#t#onal =o-e n'ent of Et$#op#a :T=E; to be :3es$es$aB %GG%;: *t has poor capacity to implement government policy *t has poor capacity to bring about rapid social and economic advancement =ea manpower base (especially in terms of >uality# *t is not amenable itself for provision of effective and efficient service delivery *t is deficient of .thical -rinciples and re>uires reinstitution of .thical ethos%principles 83" Direction set for enhancing Ethical conduct of the Civil Service of Ethiopia :1; A t#c"lat#on an! Enfo ce'ent of Co!es of Et$#cs :,; 7 =o-e n'ent off#c#als 7 Electe! ep esentat#-es 7 C#-#l Se -ants 7 O"!ges 7 Oo" nal#sts En$ance Acco"ntab#l#t) Inte nal 3ec$an#s' :Re#nfo ce'ent of Inte nal A"!#t; E4te nal 3ec$an#s' :In-est#gat#-e Ho" nal#s'B Re#nfo ce'ent of t$e H"!#c#al 'ac$#ne ) an! c eat#on of H"'an R#g$ts Co''#ss#on an! O'b"!s'an; C eat#on of Ant7Co "pt#on Agenc)



C eat#on of t$e &e!e al Et$#cs an! Ant#7Co "pt#on Co''#ss#on b) P ocla'at#on %(,0%GG1

ObHect#-es of t$e Co''#ss#on :A t. . of P oc. %(,0%GG1; C eat#on of ant7co "pt#on a*a eness :co "pt#on #s not tole able; P e-ent co "pt#on offences an! ot$e #'p op #et#es0#nco ectness St #-e to c eate an! p o'ote #nteg #t) #n p"bl#c se -#ce Ca"se t$e p epa at#on an! follo* "p t$e #'ple'entat#on of co!es of et$#cs fo p"bl#c off#c#als an! p"bl#c se -#ce. :+; :,; 2e-elop a Nat#onal C$a te :c#t#5ens? c$a te ; Ot$e 3eas" es C#-#c E!"cat#on Inco po ate Et$#cs #n t$e c" #c"la of Secon!a ) an! te #to ) le-el e!"cat#on Pa) efo ' :pa) #nc ease an! pe fo 'ance elate! pa);

837 1!%I)1! C2!R%ER !1D CI%IFE1SG RI;2% !1D RESP)1SI:I I%IES 8373$ (hat is the 1ational CharterH T$e Nat#onal C$a te #s t$e !oc"'ent t$at !esc #bes c#t#5ens@ #g$ts an! espons#b#l#t#es *$en t$e) a e !eal#ng *#t$ an) go-e n'ent bo!) o t$e c#-#l se -#ce. As t$e ne* c#-#l se -#ce pol#c)B eac$ p"bl#c o gan#5at#on #n Et$#op#a #s e4pecte!: To ope ate #ts b"s#ness #n l#ne *#t$ t$e Nat#onal C$a te an! 2e-elop #ts o*n Inst#t"t#onal C$a te B *$#c$ *#ll g"#!e t$e !a#l) 'anage'ent of #ts o*n ope at#ons an! se -#ce !el#-e ). 8373" CI%IFE1@S RI;2%S !1D RESP)1SI:I I%IES I1 SER*ICE DE I*ER+3 8373"3$ %he :asic Rights and Responsibilities of citi-ens6customers Inte nat#onal e4pe #ences s$o* t$at C#!eall)@ A /ational $harter #ncl"!es t$e follo*#ng s#4 :.; po#nts as t$e rights of customers%citizens #n t$e p ocess of se -#ce !el#-e ). (ight of .thical $onduct The right to obtain access to personal information The right to obtain access to official information The right to obtain reasons for official decisions The right to procedural fairness The right of protected disclosure of official wrongdoing As #t $as been 'ent#one! ea l#e B c#t#5ens $a-e t$e follo*#ng #g$ts as c#t#5ens an! ece#-e of se -#ce f o' an) p"bl#c bo!).

%he right to ethical conduct It #s a f"n!a'ental obl#gat#on t$at #n!#-#!"al c#-#l se -ants a e e4pecte! to serve t$e people of Et$#op#an #n an et$#cal 'anne . C#t#5ens t$e efo e $a-e Cnat" al@ #g$ts to e4pect t$at all c#-#l se -ants *#ll act et$#call) #n t$e# off#c#al !eal#ngs *#t$ t$e'B an! *#t$o"t co "pt#onB an! *#ll s$o* t$e $#g$est le-el of p ofess#onal#s' at all t#'es. T$e #'pl#cat#on of t$e fo ego#ng state'ent #s t$atB *$at 'atte s fo an) c#-#l se -ant a e t$e p"bl#c #nte est an! not $#s0$e pe sonal #nte est. T$#s !"t) #s establ#s$e! bot$ #n t$e &e!e al Const#t"t#on an! t$e C#-#l Se -#ce E'plo)'ent La*. %he Right to obtain access to official personal information T$e cent al #ss"e $e e #s transparencyRaccess to information. T$#s #s #n l#ne *#t$ const#t"t#onal e1"# e'ents t$at all go-e n'ent b"s#ness be t anspa ent. T$e c "4 of t$#s #g$t #s t$atB subject to a range of important e!ceptions, all citizens have right to obtain access to all official information, upon re>uest. Ne-e t$elessB # at#onal o #'poss#ble e1"ests fo #nfo 'at#on a e not ente ta#ne!. T$ese #ncl"!e #nfo 'at#on *$#c$ #f !#sclose! to t$e p"bl#c at la ge *o"l! be l#6el) to co'p o'#se nat#onal sec" #t)B t$e econo') of Et$#op#aB t$e p osec"t#on of a c #'eB o t$e pe sonal affa# s of #n!#-#!"als o *ell7be#ng of t$e pe son. Inst#t"t#ons a e t$e efo e e1"# e! to ens" e: that all personal information collected on individual citizens is accurate that such information is collected and used only for necessary official purposes, and that personal information is not misused by unauthorized persons, or for unauthorized purposes. %he right to obtain reasons for official decisions T$#s #s also closel) attac$e! to t anspa enc). As a 'atte of p #nc#ple an! #g$tB off#c#al !ec#s#ons '"st be fa# B la*f"l an! app op #ate. T$#s #g$t ent#tles c#t#5ens !# ectl) affecte! b) off#c#al !ec#s#on to be p o-#!e! *#t$ t$e reasons for the decision, by the decision+ma er, in writing, as the decision is made. In p epa #ng easons fo !ec#s#onB t$e !ec#s#on7'a6e nee!s to !o eac$ of t$e follo*#ng t$#ngs :8$#tton an! 8o 6place Cons"lt#ng <"eenslan! %GG1: (,7(.;: I!ent#f) t$e facts t$at )o" $a-e establ#s$e! a e ele-ant to t$e !ec#s#on I!ent#f) *$at #nfo 'at#on an! e-#!ence t$at $as been cons#!e e! ele-ant :an! also t$at *$#c$ !#! not ele-ant; *$en 'a6#ng t$e !ec#s#on

2eta#l t$e leg#slat#onB pol#c) p oce!" e *$#c$ a"t$o #5e! t$e !ec#s#on.

%he right to obtain revie& of an official decision T$e #g$t ent#tles a pe sonB *$o #s #''e!#atel) affecte! b) an off#c#al !ec#s#onB to $a-e t$e !ec#s#on e-#e*e! b) an #n!epen!ent !ec#s#on7'a6e . In!epen!ent e-#e* !oes not necessa #l) obl#gate e-#e* b) a pe son o"ts#!e t$e o gan#5at#onB b"t !oes e1"# e t$at t$e pe son '"st not $a-e been #n-ol-e! #n t$e !ec#s#on s"bHect to e-#e*B an! #s #n a pos#t#on to b #ng an open '#n! to t$e e-#e*. In!epen!ent e-#e* boosts conf#!ence of c#t#5ens on p"bl#c bo!#es an! s"bstant#all) e!"ces t$e potent#al fo co "pt#on. %he right to procedural fairness All c#t#5ens $a-e "n ese -e! #g$t to p oce!" al H"st#ce *$en off#c#al !ec#s#ons affect#ng t$e# #g$ts a e 'a!e. T$ese !ec#s#ons 'a) #n-ol-e t$e# #g$tsB ent#tle'entsB p ope t)B l#be t) an! ep"tat#on. O gan#5at#ons '"st ens" e t$at c#-#l se -ants t$at ta6e act#ons o 'a6e off#c#al !ec#s#ons on be$alf of t$e o gan#5at#on !o so *#t$ p ope ca eB an! *#t$ f"ll 6no*le!ge of t$e pe t#nent p ofess#onal stan!a !s. %he right of protected disclosure /I&histleblo&ingG0 In a !e'oc at#c sett#ngB c#t#5ens $a-e t$e #g$t to 'a6e a !#sclos" e to a p ope a"t$o #t) #f t$e) a e s"bHect to "net$#cal o "np ofess#onal t eat'ent b) an #n!#-#!"al off#c#alB o #f t$e off#c#al@s be$a-#o appea s to be '#scon!"ctB ab"se of p"bl#c off#ceB co "pt#onB o ot$e Coffense.@ T$e co e p e e1"#s#tes #n C*$#stleblo*#ng !#sclos" e@ of s"specte! co "pt#onB '#scon!"ctB o 'al7a!'#n#st at#onB a e $onest) an! easonable g o"n!s. In t$e p ocessB $o*e-e B c#t#5ens s$o"l! be p otecte! #f t$e) 'a6e a p"bl#c #nte est !#sclos" e of an) s"specte! o act"al co "pt#onB '#scon!"ctB o ab"se of off#ce b) a c#-#l se -ant o p"bl#c off#c#al to a p ope a"t$o #t). Bes#!esB an)one ta6#ng act#on aga#nst a *$#stleblo*e B e#t$e #n e-enge o to p e-ent a !#sclos" eB can be s"bHect to se-e e penalt) #ncl"!#ng !#s'#ssal f o' t$e c#-#l se -#ce an! c#-#l p osec"t#on. 8373"3" %he :asic Responsibilities of Citi-ens Customers6citi-ens responsibilities All c#t#5ens #n t$e# off#c#al !eal#ngs *#t$ p"bl#c bo!#esB c#-#l se -antsB an! p"bl#c off#c#alsB a e e1"# e! to $ono t$e follo*#ng espons#b#l#t#es as c"sto'e s o c#t#5ens :8$#tton %GG1:+,7+.;. to comply with the law6 to comply with the reasonable procedural re>uirements of the body6 to provide reasonable proof of their identity6

to provide reasonable proof of any claim, entitlement, or complaint which they see to have recognized by a body6 to refrain from encouraging a civil servant or public official to act corruptly or unlawfully6 to refrain from deceptive, dishonest or fraudulent conduct6 to refrain from ma ing frivolous or ve!atious complaints6 to report, as a -ublic *nterest 'isclosure, any actual or suspected corruption, abuse of public office, misconduct, or maladministration, or a crime involving a civil servant or public official, to a proper authority6 to give an honest account at all times of their official dealings with civil servant, public official, or public body

8383 E%2ICS !1D S)CI! RESP)1SI:I I%+ 8383$ Social Responsibility Soc#al espons#b#l#t) efe s to t$e ole of an o gan#5at#on #n sol-#ng c" ent soc#al #ss"es o-e an! abo-e legal e1"# e'ents. Et$#cs a e $el! an! follo*e! b) #n!#-#!"als an! t$at o gan#5at#on@s !o not $a-e et$#cs. O gan#5at#onsB $o*e-e B $a-e to elate to t$e# en-# on'ent #n *a)s t$at 'a) #n-ol-e et$#cal !#le''as an! !ec#s#ons. Soc#al espons#b#l#t) #s t$e obl#gat#on of an o gan#5at#on to p otect an! en$ance t$e soc#etal conte4t #n *$#c$ t$e o gan#5at#on f"nct#ons. To!a)B t$e e #s l#ttle !o"bt t$at an o gan#5at#on '"st #n-ol-e #tself #n soc#al #ss"es b oa!e t$an p o!"c#ng an! sell#ng goo!s an! se -#cesB not onl) beca"se #t #s t$e et$#cal t$#ng to !o b"t also beca"se #t #s #n t$e best #nte est of t$e o gan#5at#on. At t$#s H"nct" eB t$e elat#ons$#p bet*een a 'anage @s et$#cal stan!a !s an! soc#al espons#b#l#t) s$o"l! be appa ent. Et$#cs se -e as bas#s fo assess#ng t$e #g$tness of potent#al act#ons. In a senseB et$#cal stan!a !s a e f#lte s t$at sc een act#ons acco !#ng to elat#-e #g$tness. An o gan#5at#on #s a 'eans fo ac$#e-#ng t$e en!s of -a #o"s cla#'ants. Soc#al espons#b#l#t) #n-ol-es !ec#!#ng *$at 'eans an! *$ose en!s a e #g$t an! goo!. Ult#'atel)B #t #s t$e tas6 of o gan#5at#onal 'anage s to !ec#!e t$e elat#-e #g$tness of eac$ !e'an!A an! et$#cal stan!a !s a e t$e bases fo t$e# !ec#s#ons. Acco !#ng to 2onnell)B t$ ee !#ffe ent -#e*s a e $el! #n !ef#n#ng :o e4pla#n#ng t$e 'ean#ng of; soc#al espons#b#l#t). T$e t$ ee bas#call) !#ffe ent -#e*s #n !ef#n#ng soc#al espons#b#l#t) a e:

(1) $ocial 2esponsibilit! as $ocial *bligation# Acco !#ng to t$#s -#e*B an o gan#5at#on engages #n Soc#all) espons#ble be$a-#o *$en #t p" s"es #ts p" poses :*$at #t #s #nten!e! to !o; *#t$#n t$e const a#nts of la* as #'pose! b) soc#et). &o e4a'pleB a b"s#ness f# ' #s establ#s$e! :ent "ste! b) la*; to 'a6e p of#ts fo #ts o*ne s. In t$#s caseB beca"se soc#et) s"ppo ts b"s#ness b) allo*#ng #t to e4#stB b"s#ness #s obl#ge! to epa) soc#et) fo t$at #g$t b) 'a6#ng p of#ts. T$"sB legal be$a-#o #n p" s"#t of obHect#-es #s soc#all) espons#ble be$a-#o B an! an) be$a-#o not legal #s soc#all) # espons#ble. An) be$a-#o not #n p" s"#t of p of#t #n t$e case of a b"s#ness f# 'B fo e4a'ple #s soc#all) # espons#bleB beca"se a b"s#ness f# ' #s g#-en t$e #g$t b) t$e la* to 'a6e p of#ts. (2) $ocial responsibilit! as social reaction#

A secon! 'ean#ng of soc#al espons#b#l#t) #s be$a-#o t$at #s #n eact#on to Dc" entl) p e-a#l#ng soc#al no 'sB -al"esB an! pe fo 'ance e4pectat#onsE. T$#s pe -as#-e -#e* e'p$as#5es t$at soc#et) $as e4pectat#ons fo o gan#5at#ons an! o gan#5at#onal be$a-#o t$at goes be)Fon! t$e p o-#s#on of goo!s an! se -#ces. At '#n#'"'B an o gan#5at#on '"st be acco"ntable fo t$e ecolog#calB en-# on'entalB an! soc#al costs #nc" e! b) #ts act#onsA at 'a4#'"' an o gan#5at#on '"st eact an! cont #b"te to sol-#ng soc#et)?s p oble's :e-en t$at can not be !# ectl) att #b"te! to t$e o gan#5at#on;. T$e essence of t$#s -#e* of soc#al espons#b#l#t) #s t$at o gan#5at#ons a e eact#-e. 2e'an!s a e 'a!e of t$e' b) ce ta#n g o"psB an! t$e f# 's a e soc#all) espons#ble *$en t$e) eactB *$et$e -ol"nta #l) o #n-ol"nta #l)B to sat#sf) t$ese !e'an!s. T$#s 'ean#ng #s "nsat#sfacto ) fo t$ose *$o bel#e-e soc#al espons#b#l#t) s$o"l! efe to p oact#-e be$a-#o . (3) $ocial responsibilit! as social responsiveness#

Acco !#ng to t$#s -#e*B soc#all) espons#ble be$a-#o s a e ant#c#pato ) an! p e-ent#-e at$e t$an eact#-e an! esto at#-e. T$e te ' soc#al espons#-eness $as beco'e *#!el) "se! #n ecent )ea s to efe to act#ons t$at go be)on! soc#al obl#gat#on an! soc#al eact#on. T$e c$a acte #st#cs of soc#all) espons#-e be$a-#o #ncl"!e ta6#ng stan!s on p"bl#c #ss"esB acco"nt#ng *#ll#ngl) fo act#ons to an) g o"pB ant#c#pat#ng f"t" e nee!s of soc#et) an! 'o-#ng to*a ! sat#sf)#ng t$e'B an! co''"n#cat#ng *#t$ go-e n'ent ega !#ng e4#st#ng an! ant#c#pate! soc#all) !es# able leg#slat#on.

T$e soc#al espons#-eness -#e* #s t$e b oa!est 'ean#ng of soc#al espons#b#l#t). It places 'anage s an! t$e# o gan#5at#ons #n a pos#t#on of espons#b#l#t) fa e'o-e! f o' t$e t a!#t#onal one of be#ng conce ne! solel) *#t$ econo'#c 'eans an! en!s. Soc#al espons#-eness app oac$ to soc#al espons#b#l#t) #s s"pe #o to a soc#al obl#gat#on o soc#al eact#on pe spect#-e. 8383" )rgani-ational Constituents O gan#5at#ons a e establ#s$e! bas#call) to se -e so'e :spec#f#e!; p" pose. T$e) a e also espons#ble to ce ta#n g o"ps. To *$o' #s an o gan#5at#on espons#ble9 In o !e to ans*e t$#s 1"est#onB one '"st !ef#ne DO gan#5at#onal const#t"entE. Const#t"ents a e people an! o gan#5at#ons t$at a e !# ectl) affecte! b) t$e be$a-#o" s of an o gan#5at#on an! t$at $a-e a sta6e #n #ts pe fo 'ance.1/ E4a'ples #ncl"!e o*ne sB 'anage sB e'plo)eesB c"sto'e sB s"ppl#e sB eg"lato sB etc. T$e people *$o o*n an! #n-est #n an o gan#5at#onB fo e4a'pleB *#ll be affecte! b) -# t"all) an)t$#ng t$e o gan#5at#on !oes. T$e be$a-#o an! act#on of t$e o*ne s *#ll #n t" n affect t$e f"nct#on#ng of t$e o gan#5at#on. In 'an) cases t$e #nfl"ence #s '"t"al bot$ t$e o gan#5at#on an! #ts const#t"ents affect eac$ ot$e .

)rgani-ational Constituents: ;riffin< RicJy< Management< $KK#< p3E$E3 83837 !reas of Social Responsibility = #ff#n a g"es t$at o gan#5at#ons t$at c$oose to e4e c#se soc#al espons#b#l#t) $a-e a n"'be of a eas #n *$#c$ to !o so. 1I /$0 %he Environment One c #t#cal a ea of soc#al espons#b#l#t) #s t$e nat" al en-# on'ent. T$#s a ea #n!#cates t$e effo t to be 'a!e b) o gan#5at#ons :Pa t#c"la l) b"s#ness establ#s$'ents; to 'a#nta#n t$e nat" al en-# on'ent. T$e nat" al en-# on'ent cons#sts of : T$e a# B 8ate B R#-e sB La6esB fo estB so#lB Vacant lotsB plantsB an#'alsB etc.B t$at a e p o-#!e! b) t$e nat" al en-# on'ent of an O gan#5at#on. In an #nte nat#onal conte4tB to!a)B p otect#ng t$e en-# on'ent f o' a# poll"t#on #s one of t$e 'aHo soc#al espons#b#l#t#es of an o gan#5at#on. An) o gan#5at#onB ope at#ng #n an) nat#on of t$e *o l!B $as a soc#al espons#b#l#t) of p otect#ng t$e en-# on'ent f o' !a'ages ca"se! b) #ts f"nct#ons. T$e !#ag a' belo* #ll"st ates t$e 'aHo a eas of soc#al espons#b#l#t) fo t$e soc#all) espons#ble o gan#5at#on.

T$e en-# on'ent A eas of Soc#al Respons#b#l#t) C"sto'e s E'plo)ees O*ne s 0In-esto s =ene al Soc#al *elfa e

A eas of Soc#al Respons#b#l#t): = #ff#nB R#c6)B 3anage'entB 1FFGBp I1I.


Customers O gan#5at#ons a e soc#all) espons#ble to*a ! t$e# c"sto'e s. C"sto'e s s$o"l! $a-e t$e #g$ts to: Safe p o!"cts :goo!s J Se -#ces;B

be #nfo 'e! abo"t all ele-ant aspects of a p o!"ctB be $ea ! #n t$e e-ent of a co'pla#ntB C$oose *$at t$e) *ant be se -e! #n t$e #g$t t#'e :be se -e! on t#'eB p otecte! f o' !ela)s.

O gan#5at#ons a e soc#all) espons#ble to 'a#nta#n goo! elat#ons *#t$ c"sto'e sB l#sten to t$e# co'pla#ntsB p o-#!e t$e' *#t$ 1"al#t) se -#cesB c$a ge t$e' easonable p #cesB t eat t$e' *#t$ espect. /70 Employees O gan#5at#ons s$o"l! also be soc#all) espons#ble #n t$e# !eal#ngs *#t$ t$e# e'plo)ees. T eat#ng e'plo)ees fa# l)B 'a6#ng t$e' a pa t of t$e tea'B an! espect#ng t$e# !#gn#t) an! bas#c $"'an nee!s *#ll c"lt#-ate a fa-o able *o 6#ng en-# on'entB an! "lt#'atel) enable t$e o gan#5at#on to $a-e a sat#sf#e! an! co''#tte! *o 6 fo ce. )&ners O gan#5at#ons '"st ta6e a soc#all) espons#ble stance to*a ! t$e# o*ne s o #n-esto s. To eal#5e t$#sB o gan#5at#onal 'anage s $a-e to 'a#nta#n p ope acco"nt#ng p oce!" esB #'ple'ent app op #ate e'plo)'ent s)ste'sB p o-#!e app op #ate : #g$t; #nfo 'at#on to t$e o*ne s abo"t t$e c" ent an! p oHecte! pe fo 'ance of t$e o gan#5at#onB an! 'anage t$e o gan#5at#on #n s"c$ a *a) as to safeg"a ! t$e #nte est of t$e o*ne s. ;eneral Social (elfare To!a)B #t #s a bel#ef of 'an) people t$at o gan#5at#onsB on top of t$e# legall) !e'a cate! a eas of b"s#nessB s$o"l! be #n-ol-e! #n p o'ot#ng t$e gene al soc#al *elfa e. S"c$ p act#ces 'a) #ncl"!e 'a6#ng cont #b"t#ons to c$a #t#esB p$#lant$ op#c o gan#5at#onsB an! not7fo 7p of#t fo"n!at#ons an! assoc#at#onsA s"ppo t#ng !e-elop'ent assoc#at#onsB p"bl#c spo tsA an! be#ng 'o e #n-ol-e! #n $ealt$ an! e!"cat#on.



839 Managing Social Responsibility

3an) * #te s a g"e t$at soc#al espons#b#l#t) #s a co'ple4 #ss"e. To !eal *#t$ #t a!e1"atel)B o gan#5at#onal 'anage s nee! to app oac$ #t l#6e an) ot$e b"s#ness p oble'. 3anage s s$o"l! -#e* soc#al espons#b#l#t) as a bas#c #ss"e of b"s#ness o gan#5at#onal act#-#t) t$at e1"# es ca ef"l plann#ngB !ec#s#on 'a6#ngB cons#!e at#onB an! e-al"at#on. T$e e a e t*o bas#c 'et$o!s of 'anag#ng soc#al espons#b#l#t).%G &o 'al act#-#t#es Info 'al act#-#t#es. :1; 'ormal organi-ational !ctivities

A -a #et) of fo 'al o gan#5at#onal act#-#t#es can be e'plo)e! #n 'anag#ng soc#al espons#b#l#t). T$ese effo ts can gene all) be catego #5e! #n to t$ ee bas#c a eas. Legal co'pl#ance Et$#cal co'pl#ance P$#lant$ op#c g#-#ng. $3$ egal compliance Legal co'pl#ance efe s to t$e e4tent to *$#c$ an o gan#5at#on co'pl#es *#t$ :a!$e e to; localB eg#onalB fe!e alB an! #nte nat#onal la*s. T$e 'anage'ent of t$#s co'pl#ance #s gene all) ent "ste! to t$e app op #ate 'anage s. &o e4a'pleB t$e f#nance 'anage #s gene all) espons#ble fo ens" #ng co'pl#ance *#t$ go-e n'ent f#nance eg"lat#onsB t$e p" c$as#ng off#ce #s gene all) espons#ble fo ens" #ng co'pl#ance *#t$ go-e n'ent p" c$as#ng eg"lat#onsB t$e $"'an eso" ces 'ange #s espons#ble fo ens" #ng co'pl#ance *#t$ eg"lat#ons elate! to ec "#t'entB select#onB e'"ne at#onB p o'ot#onB !#s'#ssalB an! ot$e pe sonnel act#-#t#es. T$e legal !epa t'ent :se -#ce; of an o gan#5at#on #s #n-ol-e! #n t$#s a ea as *ell. T$#s !epa t'ent 'a) p o-#!e gene al o-e s#g$t an! also #s l#6el) to ans*e 1"e #es f o' !#ffe ent 'anage s abo"t t$e app op #ate #nte p etat#on of -a #o"s la*s an! eg"lat#ons. $3" Ethical compliance Et$#cal co'pl#ance efe s to t$e e4tent to *$#c$ an o gan#5at#on an! #ts 'e'be s follo* bas#c et$#cal stan!a !s of be$a-#o . C" entl)B 'an) o gan#5at#ons $a-e al ea!) sta te! !o#ng 'an) t$#ngs #n t$e a eas of et$#cal co'pl#ance. So'e of t$e act#-#t#es #ncl"!e p o-#!#ng t a#n#ng #n et$#cs an! !e-elop#ng g"#!el#nes an! co!es of con!"ct. S"c$ act#-#t#es g eatl) se -e to en$ance et$#cal co'pl#ance. O gan#5at#ons can also establ#s$ fo 'al et$#cs co''#ttees *$#c$ 'a) $elp #n 'a#nta#n#ng ce ta#n le-els of et$#cal stan!a !s. $37 Philanthropic giving P$#lant$ op#c g#-#ng #n-ol-es t$e p o-#!#ng of f"n!s o ot$e eso" ces to c$a #t#es o ot$e *o t$) ca"ses. So'e o gan#5at#ons :espec#all)B b"s#ness o gan#5at#ons; allocate so'e pe cent of t$e# #nco'es :p of#ts; to $elp p$#lant$ op#c o gan#5at#ons. :%; Informal )rgani-ational !ctivities

In a!!#t#on to t$ose fo 'al 'et$o!s of 'anag#ng soc#al espons#b#l#t)B t$e e a e also so'e #nfo 'al 'ec$an#s's. T$e t*o 'ost #'po tant 'ec$an#s's a e #n!#cate! belo*. %he organi-ationGs culture

T$e bas#c c"lt" e an! lea!e s$#p p act#ces of an o gan#5at#on can pla) st ong ole to*a ! !ef#n#ng t$e nat" e of soc#al espons#b#l#t) a!opte! b) an o gan#5at#on an! #ts 'e'be s. So'e o gan#5at#ons $a-e a c"lt" e of go#ng #nto t$e co''"n#t) s" o"n!#ng t$e'. T$e 'e'be s of s"c$ o gan#5at#onsB fo e4a'pleB ca'pa#gn to const "ct an! epa# $o"ses of t$e poo #n t$e co''"n#t). (histleL blo&ing An #nfo 'al o gan#5at#onal act#-#t) t$at affects soc#al o gan#5at#on@s esponse to #t #s *$#stle blo*#ng.

espons#b#l#t) an! t$e

8$#stle7blo*#ng occ" s *$en an e'plo)ee !#scloses #llegal o "net$#cal con!"ct b) ot$e s *#t$#n t$e o gan#5at#on. 83= E%2IC! RE!S)1I1; !1D DECISI)1LM!5I1; $3 E%2ICS LP US DECISI)1 M!5I1; M)DE 3a6#ng !ec#s#ons no 'all) enta#l balanc#ng co'pet#ng #ss"es o #nte ests. &o !efens#ble !ec#s#on7'a6#ng #t #s "s"all) $elpf"l to sta t b) as6#ng t$e follo*#ng 1"est#ons: 8$o *#ns f o' t$#s !ec#s#on9 8$o loses f o' t$#s !ec#s#on9 B) $o* '"c$9 8#t$ *$at conse1"ences9 8$at *o"l! be a fa# o"tco'e on balance9 8$)9 8o"l! t$e o"tco'e of t$#s !ec#s#on be #n acco !ance *#t$ go-e n'ent pol#c)9 " %2E ')UR (!+ %ES% In t$#s connect#on Dthe M+way test of the things we thin , say or do E #s *o t$ 'ent#on#ng. O #g#nall)B He be t O. Ta)lo !es#gne! t$e D+7*a) testE #n 1F(%. Ta)lo se -e! as t$e P es#!ent of Rota ) Inte nat#onal !" #ng t$e o gan#5at#on@s f#ft#et$ ann#-e sa ) )ea B 1F,,B an! t ansfe e! t$e +78a) Test cop) #g$t to Rota ) Inte nat#onal at t$at t#'e :Ho!ges an! =antB %GG1:%;. T$e e a e fo" 'o al #!eas e'bo!#e! #n t$e +7*a) test of t$e Rota ) Inte nat#onal: Truth, )airness, <oodwill and 8enefits. Base! on t$ese -al"es t$ ee 1"est#ons $a-e to be a#se! #n t$e p ocess of 'a6#ng !ec#s#ons.
*s it the T(HTDF *s it )"*( to all concernedF =ill it build <00'=*::F =ill it be 8./.)*$*": to all concernedF Let@s loo6 at appl#cat#ons of t$e +7*a) test #n t$e conte4ts of p"bl#c se -#ce.

'ocus on facts: ,*s it the truthF #s t$e bas#c call fo honesty. One nee! not be #n t$e p"bl#c secto 'o e t$an a !a) to !#sco-e t$at !ec#s#ons base! on l#es o $alf7t "t$s #nt o!"ce !#saste . If o" t$o"g$ts o act#ons cannot $onestl) p o-#!e an aff# 'at#-e ans*e to t$#s f# st 1"est#onB #s t$e e an) po#nt #n p eten!#ng t$e) $a-e an et$#cal "n!e p#nn#ng9

'ocus on people /fairness0: ,is it fair to all concernedF goes *#t$ t$e principle of democratic governance. Ce ta#nl) t$e p #nc#ples of !e'oc at#c go-e nance en!o se fa# ness. In factB fa# ness 'a) mean treating people differently from one anotherB not to besto* spec#al p #-#leges o benef#tsB b"t to s"ppo t t$ose *$o *o"l! ot$e *#se s"ffe !#sc #'#nat#on. &a# ness also e1"# es empathy and sensitivity. T$e 1"est#onB C#s #t fa# to all conce ne!9@ enta#ls t$at *e *al6 #n t$e s$oes of t$ose to *$o' *e offe o" se -#cesB an! see o" '"t"al enco"nte as t$e) see #t :Ho!ges an! =ant %GG1;. 'ocus on good&ill- =ill it build goodwillF addresses the arena in which we ma e decision or conduct public service. T$e c#-#l se -ant o p"bl#c off#c#al s$o"l! 'a6e !ec#s#ons #n 'anne s t$at ea n $#'0$e espect an! conf#!ence of t$e p"bl#c. On cont a )B #f !ec#s#ons a e not gene at#ng goo!*#ll an! e#nfo ce p"bl#c espect an! t "stB t$e# eal *o t$ #s st#fle! o l#'#te!. 'ocus on the future /benefit0: =ill it be beneficial to all concernedF T$e c "4 of t$#s 1"est#on #s t$at !ec#s#ons s$o"l! benef#t t$e p"bl#c. Let "s not fo get t$atB #n t$e f#nal anal)s#sB people a e t$e $ea t of e-e ) act#-#t)B be #t #n t$e p"bl#c o p #-ate secto . So p"bl#c off#c#als o c#-#l se -ants s$o"l! see t$e $a ' on t$e p"bl#c at la geB *$#c$ es"lts f o' "net$#cal !ec#s#ons. In s"'B t$e M+way test 'a) se -e as sc eens t$ o"g$ *$#c$ to f#lte all o" t$o"g$ts an! !ee!s #n t$e p ocesses of 'a6#ng !ec#s#ons. It #s elo1"ent #n #ts s#'pl#c#t) an! st #6#ng #n #ts po*e .

Revie& ?uestions Ethics Defined 1. 2ef#ne DEt$#csE 2esc #be t$e follo*#ng t*o e4p ess#ons: Et$#cal be$a-#o Unet$#cal be$a-#o %. DEt$#cs a e elat#-eB not absol"teE. E4pla#n *$at )o" "n!e stan! b) t$e state'ent. 2o& Ethics are formed 1. E4pla#n eac$ of t$e follo*#ng bas#c !ete '#nants of #n!#-#!"al et$#cs. &a'#l) #nfl"ences Pee #nfl"ences E4pe #ences S#t"at#onal facto s Val"es an! 'o als %. Can )o" fo *a ! ot$e !ete '#nants t$at 'a) #nfl"ence :o s$ape; #n!#-#!"al et$#cs9 Ethics in Management 1. 2ef#ne et$#cs #n t$e conte4t of 'anag#ng o gan#5at#ons %. 2esc #be t$e te ' D sta6e$ol!e sE (. DT$e ole of et$#cs #n 'anage'ent !ec#s#on #s !#ff#c"ltE. 2o )o" ag ee *#t$ t$#s state'ent9 If )o" ag eeB e4pla#n t$e easons. +. 2#sc"ss eac$ of t$e follo*#ng a eas of spec#al conce n ega !#ng 'anage #al et$#cs: Relat#ons$#p of t$e o gan#5at#on to t$e e'plo)ee Relat#ons$#p of t$e e'plo)ee to t$e o gan#5at#on Relat#ons$#p of t$e o gan#5at#on to ot$e s ,. 2#sc"ss t$e et$#cal conte4t of 'anage'ent f o' t$ ee pe spect#-es: In!#-#!"al@s o*n pe sonal et$#cal stan!a !s O gan#5at#onal p act#ces T$e o gan#5at#on@s en-# on'ent .. DT$e sta t#ng po#nt #n an effo t to en$ance et$#cal be$a-#o $as to be top 'anage'entE E4pla#n. /. 8$at !#ffe ent 'et$o!s *o"l! )o" s"ggest to en$ance et$#cal be$a-#o s #n )o" o gan#5at#on9 I. 2ef#ne Dco!es of et$#csE 2esc #be t$e follo*#ng p$#losop$#cal app oac$es to co!es of et$#cs: T$e p #nc#ple of H"st#ce T$e p #nc#ple of #n!#-#!"al #g$ts T$e p #nc#ple of Ut#l#ta #an#s'

F. S"ppose )o" a e #nst "cte! to p epa e a ! aft of co!es of et$#cs fo )o" o gan#5at#on. 8$at bas#c #te's :top#cs; *o"l! )o" t ) to #nco po ate #n )o" ! aft co!es of et$#cs9 1G. 8$at a e t$e #'po tance of co!es of et$#cs to an o gan#5at#on9 2o )o" t$#n6 co!es of et$#cs t "l) eplace an #n!#-#!"al@s pe sonal H"!ge'ent abo"t *$at #s #g$t o * ong #n an) pa t#c"la s#t"at#on9 Social Responsibility 1. 2ef#ne DSoc#al espons#b#l#t)E %. 2#sc"ss t$e elat#ons$#p bet*een an a!'#n#st ato @s Det$#cal stan!a !sE an! Dsoc#al espons#b#l#t)E. (. 8e can t$#n6 of t$ ee !#ffe ent -#e*s #n !ef#n#ng soc#al espons#b#l#t). T$ese -#e*s a e: Soc#al espons#b#l#t) as soc#al obl#gat#on. Soc#al espons#b#l#t) as soc#al eact#on Soc#al espons#b#l#t) as soc#al espons#-eness. B #efl) !#sc"ss eac$ of t$ese app oac$es. 8$#c$ app oac$ #s t$e 'ost a!-ance! -#e* #n !ef#n#ng soc#al espons#b#l#t)9 8$)9 +. O gan#5at#onal const#t"ents a e people an! o gan#5at#ons t$at a e !# ectl) affecte! b) t$e be$a-#o s of an o gan#5at#on an! t$at $a-e a sta6e #n #ts pe fo 'ance. 2 a* a !#ag a' s$o*#ng t$e t)p#cal const#t"ents of an o gan#5at#on. Ta6e a sa'ple o gan#5at#on an! t ) to en"'e ate #ts const#t"ents. !reas of Social Responsibility 1. 8$at !o )o" "n!e stan! b) Da eas of soc#al espons#b#l#t)E9 %. 2#sc"ss t$e 'aHo a eas of soc#al espons#b#l#t) l#ste! belo*: T$e en-# on'ent C"sto'e s E'plo)ees O*ne s0#n-esto s =ene al soc#al *elfa e. (. O gan#5at#ons can t anslate t$e# abst act concepts of soc#al espons#b#l#t) #nto conc ete :spec#f#c; act#-#t#es. 8$at conc ete act#-#t#es co"l! be "n!e ta6en b) o gan#5at#ons #n !#sc$a g#ng t$e# soc#al espons#b#l#t)9 Ta6e )o" o gan#5at#on as a po#nt of efe ence an! s"ggest spec#f#c a eas of soc#al espons#b#l#t) )o" o gan#5at#on '"st sat#sf). Managing Social Responsibility 1. 8$at a e t$e t*o bas#c 'et$o!s of 'anag#ng soc#al espons#b#l#t)9 %. Un!e *$#c$ 'et$o! *o"l! )o" catego #5e t$e follo*#ng act#-#t#es9 Legal co'pl#ance Et$#cal co'pl#ance P$#lant$ op#c g#-#ng 2#sc"ss eac$ of t$ese 'et$o!s of 'anag#ng soc#al espons#b#l#t).

(. 2esc #be t$e ot$e t*o 'ec$an#s's g#-en belo*: T$e o gan#5at#on@s c"lt" e 8$#stle blo*#ng.

P!R% %(): PU: IC SER*ICE DE I*ER+ C2!P%ER 'I*E E%2I)PI!1 PU: IC SER*ICE DE I*ER+ !1D I%S E1*IR)1ME1% /Session K>$#0

)b4ectives !t the end of the sessions< students &ill able to:

!#sc"ss t$e# o gan#5at#ons@ e4pe #ence of c"sto'e $an!l#ng an! effect#-e se -#ce !el#-e ) #!ent#f) c$allenges of eff#c#ent an! effect#-e se -#ce !el#-e ) #n Et$#op#a !#sc"ss 'aHo c$anges occ" #n p"bl#c secto an! t$e efo ' "n!e goes #n Et$#op#a

93$ Public Service

P"bl#c se -#ce #s an) act#-#t) ca #e! o"t b) c#-#l se -#ce #nst#t"t#ons #n #'ple'ent#ng go-e n'ent pol#c#esB enfo c#ng la*sB soc#al nee!s of t$e soc#et) at la ge. T$e concept an! "n!e stan!#ng of p"bl#c se -#ce !el#-e ) #s -e ) #'po tantA fo bot$ t$e se -#ce p o-#!e s an! se -#ce ec#p#entsB to "n!e stan! )o" #g$t an! obl#gat#onB to #!ent#f) )o" c"sto'e s an! 6no* t$e# nee!sB to ene* t$e ba! #'ages )o"@-e #n !el#-e #ng se -#ces to t$e p"bl#c &o p"bl#c secto o gan#5at#ons to 'a6e t$e# c"sto'e s lo)al to t$e'B t$e# c"sto'e s !o not *ant to $ea t$e epl#es s"c$ as: It #s not ') p oble'A Can )o" co'e bac6 afte so'e t#'eA 8a#t o"ts#!e "nt#l )o" a e calle!A It #s t$e "leA So )B I can@t $elp )o"B etc.

5.1.1Fundamental elements of effective customer service

$3 Identify and understand your customers See6 !# ect fee!bac6 f o' )o" c"sto'e s b) as6#ng t$e' *$at t$e) nee!B *ant an! e4pectB so t$at )o" can obta#n an "n!e stan!#ng of t$e# p #o #t#es. No" *#ll also ga#n #ns#g$ts #nto *$at t$e) -al"e f o' t$e se -#ce0p o!"ctA t$#s *#ll enable 'o e effect#-e allocat#on of eso" ces an! se -#ces. T$#s p ocess of !ete '#n#ng c"sto'e e4pectat#ons *#ll #!ent#f) t$#ngs t$at a e bot$ eal#st#c an! "n eal#st#c fo t$e p"bl#c secto to p o-#!e. Afte #!ent#f)#ng se -#ce #'p o-e'ents t$at can be easonabl) p o-#!e!B ens" e t$e) a e #n l#ne *#t$ c"sto'e e4pectat#ons. E4pectat#ons s$o"l! be openl) !#sc"sse! an! 'anage!. "3 :uild a customer service strategy An effect#-e c"sto'e se -#ce st ateg) p"ts t$e c"sto'e at t$e cent e of t$e b"s#ness an! #ts co po ate7plann#ng p ocess. A c"sto'e se -#ce st ateg) cons#sts of a -#s#onB an act#on planB an #'ple'entat#on plan an! t$e 'eas" e'ent of #'p o-e'ent. 73 Recruit and manage the right people

It #s #'po tant to select e'plo)ees *$o $a-e t$e -al"es an! capab#l#t#es to 'eet c"sto'e stan!a !s. Clea B acc" ate Hob an! pe son !esc #pt#ons an! t$o o"g$ select#on an! #n!"ct#on p ocesses t$at #ncl"!e assess'ent of -al"es can ass#st #n ens" #ng a goo! o gan#5at#onal f#t. Us#ng e*a !s an! ac6no*le!g#ng staff fo goo! 1"al#t) se -#ce goes a long *a) to*a ! #'p o-#ng se -#ce !el#-e ) an! c"sto'e sat#sfact#on. 8$e e staff 'e'be s lac6 e4pe #ence an!0o co'petenc#es #n c"sto'e se -#ce p act#ces an !el#-e )B p o-#s#on s$o"l! be 'a!e fo t a#n#ngB 'ento #ng o coac$#ng. 8 3Develop customer service charters and6or service standards It #s *o t$*$#le cons#!e #ng t$e !e-elop'ent of c"sto'e se -#ce c$a te s an!0o se -#ce stan!a !s. Customer service charter A c"sto'e se -#ce c$a te p o-#!es an oppo t"n#t) to p"bl#cl) !oc"'ent an! ple!ge )o" agenc)@s co''#t'ent to be#ng a c"sto'e 7foc"sse! o gan#5at#on. T$#s state'ent #s a fo ' of '#ss#onB !e!#cate! to c"sto'e s. No" c$a te 'a) also state )o" agenc)@s f"n!a'ental se -#ce p #nc#plesB -al"esB stan!a !s an! fee!bac6 'ec$an#s's. Refe to Appen!#4 B fo g"#!el#nes on $o* to !e-elop a c"sto'e se -#ce c$a te . Service standards Se -#ce stan!a !s clea l) o"tl#ne t$e le-el of se -#ce a c"sto'e can e4pect *$en !eal#ng *#t$ an agenc) o se -#ce p o-#!e . T$e) a e 'eas" able #n!#cato s o le-els t$at a e ag ee! "pon to ens" e t$at p o!"cts o se -#ces a e of t$e !es# e! 1"al#t). Stan!a !s 'a) 'eas" e t$e o"tco'e of t$e se -#ce o t$e p ocess of g#-#ng t$e se -#ce. A goo! app oac$ #s to allo* )o" c"sto'e s to p o-#!e #np"t on *$at t$e# e4pectat#ons a e *#t$ ega ! to se -#ce stan!a !s. &o e4a'pleB a c"sto'e 'a) e4pect t$at a -o#ce'a#l *#ll be et" ne! *#t$#n %+ $o" s 7 #n t$#s caseB #t #s not necessa ) to co''#t to a se -#ce stan!a ! of et" n#ng a 'essage *#t$#n fo" $o" s. Se -#ce stan!a !s s$o"l! be co''"n#cate! to #nte nal an! e4te nal c"sto'e s. 93 Shape policy and practice &ith the help of your customers P"bl#c secto pol#c#es an! p act#ces s$o"l! be !e-elope! t$ o"g$ cons"ltat#on *#t$ o" 'an) co''"n#t) an! sta6e$ol!e g o"ps. T$e e4pe t#se an! op#n#on of o" c"sto'e sB co''e c#al ente p #ses an! t$e not7fo 7p of#t secto #s to be -al"e! an! s$o"l! not be #gno e!. Effect#-e co''"n#t) engage'ent e1"# es spec#al#st s6#llsB ca ef"l plann#ng an! coo !#nat#on at local an! state le-els. T$e c$allenge fo agenc#es #s to !e-elop pa tne s$#ps t$at *#ll allo* co''"n#t#es to be $ea ! an! t$e# e4pectat#ons 'et. T$#s *#ll g#-e "s t$e oppo t"n#t) to #nfo ' an! #nsp# e t$e f"t" e !# ect#on of t$e p"bl#c se -#ce. 93$3" Customer

T$e *o ! #s $#sto #call) !e #-e! f o' DC"sto'EB 'ean#ngB D$ab#tE. Acco !#ng to 8#6#pe!#aB Ca c"sto'e #s so'eone *$o p" c$ases o ents so'et$#ng f o' an #n!#-#!"al o an o gan#5at#on@. A c"sto'e #s so'eone *$o 'a6es a $ab#t to p" c$ase goo!s o se -#ces o t$e "lt#'ate benef#c#a ) of t$e se -#ce p o-#!e!.

93$3"3$ %ypes of Customers

T$e t)pes of c"sto'e s can be g o"pes #n to t*o: Inte nal C"sto'e s People *o 6#ng #n !#ffe ent !epa t'entsB b anc$esB etc E4te nal C"sto'e s In!#-#!"alsB b"s#ness peopleB g o"ps o"ts#!e t$e o gan#5at#onB etc

93" Changes in the Public Sector

In t$e past people 'a) $a-e t$o"g$t t$at t$e p"bl#c secto B pa t#c"la l) t$e c#-#l se -#ce #s p otecte! f o' o pe $aps #''"ne to c$ange. It #s !o"btf"l *$et$e 'an) people *o"l! a g"e s"c$ a case to!a). T$e p ess" e fo c$ange #s felt e-e )*$e eB !e-elope! an! !e-elop#ng co"nt #es al#6e. Befo e 'o-#ng on to cons#!e t$e necess#t) of c$angeB let "s f# st !ef#ne c$ange. Coffe)B Coo6 an! H"nsa6e :1FF+: .(I;B !ef#ne! c$ange as the process of alteration or transformation which individuals, groups, and organization undergo in response to internal and e!ternal factors.

93"3$ Reasons for changes in the public sector

T$e e a e 'an) facto s acco"nt#ng fo c$anges #n t$e p"bl#c secto . T$e 'aHo easons 'a) be establ#s$e! as follo*s *#t$o"t of co" se g#-#ng an #'p ess#on of e4$a"st#-eness. # i3 Reduction in public e,penditure The world recession in ION5s an! the disappointing deficit of &0.s forced governments to reduce public e!penditure. Not onl) !#! t$e s#5e of public e!penditure need to contract B b"t also the demand for efficiencyB rationalization an! !o*ns#5#ng ca'e to p#ct" e an! go-e n'ental pol#c) agen!a. ii3 Change in &orJ perception 2esp#te t$e ob-#o"s nee! fo 'one) to be able to 'a#nta#n bas#c stan!a !s of l#-#ngB t$e e a e three current ey factors #n t$e p"bl#c secto : respect, information and involvement or participation. These factors furnished momentum in propelling policy ma ers to change the wor ing culture and environment in the public sector in manner that incorporates the above+ elucidated factors.

iii3 Dissatisfaction &ith bureaucracy T$eo #sts t$at belong to t$e C'anage #al#st@ sc$ool bel#e-e t$at in order to obtain their objectives, bureaucracies need to institute management practices. G To p"t #t !#ffe entl)B t$e) bel#e-e t$at #t s$o"l! 'o-e from ,administration, which is an adherence to formalized processes and procedures, to ,management B *$#c$ #s conce ne! *#t$ t$e "se of eso" ces to ac$#e-e p e!ete '#ne! obHect#-es effect#-el) an! eff#c#entl). T$e concrete idea advanced in this theory is that managerial techni>ues similar to those used in the private sector should be applied to the civil service or public sector :A"co#nB 1FFG as c#te! #n Lo-ellB 1FF+: /;. T$#s 'o!e n 'anage'ent tec$n#1"e s"ppose! to be appl#e! #n p"bl#c secto #s 6no*n as /ew -ublic management. 1e& Public Management: #s a 'anage'ent p$#losop$) "se! b) go-e n'ents s#nce t$e 1FIGs to 'o!e n#5e t$e p"bl#c secto . Ne* P"bl#c 'anage'ent #s a b oa! an! -e ) co'ple4 te ' "se! to !esc #be t$e *a-e of p"bl#c secto efo 's t$ o"g$o"t t$e *o l! s#nce t$e 1FIGs. T$e 'a#n $)pot$es#s #n t$e NP37 efo ' *a-e #s t$at 'o e 'a 6et o #entat#on #n t$e p"bl#c secto *#ll lea! to g eate cost7eff#c#enc) fo go-e n'entsB *#t$o"t $a-#ng negat#-e s#!e effects on ot$e obHect#-es an! cons#!e at#ons :(iJipedia< the free encyclopedia0. iv3 International Pressures of Multilateral 'inancial Institutions and the Donors &trict borrowing conditionalities of the *1) and the =orld 8an have played an important role in spurring changes in the public sector. The &tructural "djustment and &tabilization -rograms of the =orld 8an and *1) do re>uireB Introduction of public sector reform measures such as Civil Service Reform, Privatization, Rationalization Measures and ere!ulation or de" monopolization.

93"3" 'actors that cause change in the Public Sector

C$anges #n o gan#5at#on a e st#'"late! b) a n"'be of internal and e!ternal forces :Stone an! & ee'anB 1FIFA = a) an! S'elte B 1FIFA HoltB 1FF(A Coffe)B Cooe! an! H"nsa6esB 1FF+; 93"3"3$ Internal forces P ess" es fo c$ange 'a) a #se f o' a n"'be of so" ces *#t$#n t$e o gan#5at#onB pa t#c"la l) f o' new strategies, technologiesB an! employee attitudes an! behavior. Ne* st ateg#es fo long7te ' g o*t$ 'a) t #gge c$anges #n t$e goals of t$e !epa t'ents C$ange #n #nte nal tec$nolog) *o"l! lea! to a c$ange #n wor routinesB training programsB an! compensation arrangements.

G Inno-at#-e s"ggest#ons co'#ng f o' e'plo)ees :-#a Kuality circlesB open+door policiesB suggestion systems etc# may cause changes. $hanges in the social mi! and racial structures may also cause changes E4a'ples: T$e ent ance of more women and minorities #nto t$e *o 6 fo ce 'a) lea! to #nt o!"ct#on of: fle!ible wor schedules benefits li e day care &pecial employee+training programs. 8o 6 !#ssat#sfact#on :as 'an#feste! #n high turnover rates o stri es; 'a) lea! to changes in management polices an! practices. 93"3"3" E,ternal 'orces An eno 'o"s -a #et) of e4te nal fo ces co'#ng f o': Technological environment, .conomic .nvironment, -olitical and legal .nvironment, &ocial conditions and competitive environment #n!"ce o gan#5at#onal c$anges. /$0 %he technological environment: A!-ances information and technologies :s"c$ as computers, robotics, television, .+mail technology, space communications, jet engines, atomic energy, and genetic engineering ; a e t ansfo '#ng t$e 'o!e n o gan#5at#on. C$anges #n eac$ of t$ese catego #es occ" at ! a'at#c spee!B an! co'pan#es !espe atel) t ) to 6eep pace. As 'o e p o!"ct#-e an! "sef"l tec$nolog#es beco'e a-a#lableB o gan#5at#ons *#ll be fo ce! to a!opt t$e' H"st to 6eep "p. /"0 %he economic environment: Econo'#c facto s o"ts#!e an o gan#5at#on affect its ability to function :#.e. ability to raise moneyB sell productsB hire >ualified laborB an! purchase necessary goods an! materials;. E4a'ples of Econo'#c con!#t#ons t$at can #n!"ce o gan#5at#onal c$anges o a!aptat#on a e: *nflation or deflationB growth or recessionB an! f"ll e'plo)'ent o "ne'plo)'ent 7 O gan#5at#onal c$ange occ" s as 'anage s a!apt to c$ang#ng econo'#c con!#t#ons. /70 %he political and legal environments: So'e of t$e pol#t#cal an! legal con!#t#ons t$at can affect t$e p ope f"nct#on#ng of b"s#ness an! p"bl#c secto o gan#5at#ons #ncl"!e: -rivatization6 'eregulation6

'iplomatic problems with foreign governments6 $hanges in the civil service6 0ther changes in federal and state laws6 1ultilateral embargo imposed by international organizations ()light embargo on :ibya%&udan, embargo on 8ritish beef e!port because of mad cow disease etc# and P ess" es f o' c#-#c soc#et#es :P ess" es f o' en-# on'ental assoc#at#ons on S$ell;

/80 Social Conditions3 3"lt#t"!es of soc#al facto s can also enta#l c$anges #n o gan#5at#onal f"nct#on. T$ese ta6e -a #o"s fo 's. &o e4a'pleB =en!e sens#t#-#t#es :t$e #g$ts of *o'en;B t$e #g$ts of '#no #t#esB $o'ose4"alB an! t$e p$)s#call) !#sa!-antage!. O gan#5at#ons a e affecte! b) c$ang#ng soc#al e4pectat#ons an! e'plo)ee !e'an!s pe ta#n#ng to s"c$ t$#ngs as parental leave or divorceB child care, job related stress counselingB drug testingB an! "*'& O gan#5at#ons '"st espon! an! a!apt to t$ese '"lt#ple soc#al fo ces #f t$e) a e to s" -#-e an! p ospe . /90 Competitive environment3 Co'pet#t#-e p ess" es can also b #ng abo"t s#gn#f#cant c$anges #n o gan#5at#onal ope at#ons. To s" -#-e an! p ospe B an o gan#5at#on '"st a!apt to a ne*B "p7an! co'#ng7co'pet#to B *$#c$ ente s t$e 'a 6etplace o offe s p o'#s#ng ne* p o!"cts o se -#ces to t$e soc#et). No*a!a)sB #''ensel) $#g$ n"'be of o gan#5at#ons faces st#ff #nte nat#onal co'pet#t#on. &o e4a'pleB Oapan?s #se to econo'#c stat"s #s t$e es"lt of *#nn#ng f#e ce co'pet#t#on #n so'e b"s#nesses.

937 Ethiopian Civil Service Reform Program

In No-e'be 1FF+B t$e off#ce of t$e P #'e 3#n#ste of Et$#op#a set "p a tas6fo ce to e4a'#ne t$e o-e all 'anage'entB a ange'ents0o gan#5at#on an! ope at#ons of t$e c#-#l se -#ce bot$ at cent al an! eg#onal le-els. As a es"ltB t$e tas6fo ce fo 'e! t$e bas#s fo fo '"lat#ng t$e C#-#l Se -#ce Refo ' P og a' *$#c$ *as la"nc$e! #n 1FF. *#t$ a planne! co'plet#on !ate of t$e )ea %GGG. 9373$ %2E *ISI)1 )' %2E E%2I)PI!1 CI*I SER*ICE RE')RM PR);R!M T$e =o-e n'ent $as !ecla e! t$e follo*#ng as t$e !es# e! o"tp"t of t$e C#-#l Se -#ce P og a' :3es$es$aB %GG%;. T$ese a e: (I# $ivil &ervice that puts all its energy and resources on the implementation of <overnment -olicy

(4# $ivil that operates efficiently and effectively (3# $ivil service that serves the .thiopian people in a just, ethical, transparent and efficient manner (M# $ivil service that is accountable to the elected representatives (Douse of -eople (epresentatives# (J# $ivil service in which reward and remuneration will be according to the individual performance and contribution (P# $ivil service that endeavors and contributes for promotion and strengthening of )ederalism (N# $ivil &ervice that promotes and fosters the private sector

9373" %he SubLprograms of ECSRP 9373"3$ %he %op Management System

Top 3anage'ent S)ste's Refo ' S"b7p og a' efe s to t$e p ocess of #'p o-#ng t$e pe fo 'ance of pol#t#cal lea!e s an! top 'anage'ent of c#-#l se -#ce o gan#5at#ons #n fo '"lat#ng #nst#t"t#onal -#s#onB '#ss#onB pol#c)B an! st ateg#c plans. It also #ncl"!es t$e p ocess of #'p o-#ng t$e o-e all o gan#5at#onal st "ct" e an! *o 6#ng s)ste's of c#-#l se -#ce s)ste' t$at *o"l! s"ppo t 'anage #al oles of top 'anage'ent *#t$ t$e o-e all a#' of ac$#e-#ng o gan#5at#onal effect#-eness an! eff#c#enc). T$#s efo ' s"b7p og a' $as t*o #'po tant #ss"es: #'p o-#ng t$e capac#t) of top 'anage'ent t$ o"g$ $"'an eso" ce !e-elop'ent p og a's an! c eat#ng con!"c#-e *o 6#ng en-# on'ent #n te 's of !es#gn#ng app op #ate #nst#t"t#onal st "ct" e an! c eat#ng effect#-e an! eff#c#ent *o 6#ng s)ste's. T$#s efo ' s"b7p og a' #s cons#!e e! to be t$e 'ost #'po tant of all CSRP a eas beca"se #t !ete '#nes t$e o"tco'es of ot$e s"b p og a's. )b4ectives of the subLprogram: T$e gene al obHect#-e of t$#s efo ' s"b7p og a' #s to 'a6e t$e pol#t#cal lea!e s an! top 'anage'ent of t$e c#-#l se -#ce 'o e effect#-e an! eff#c#ent b) establ#s$#ng ele-antB 'o!e n an! feas#ble *o 6#ng s)ste'sB p act#cesB an! 'anage'ent s)ste's #n t$e c#-#l se -#ce. T$e spec#f#c obHect#-es of t$e s"b7p og a' #ncl"!e: To !e-elop st ateg#c plans an! 'anage'ent capac#t) of pol#t#cal lea!e s an! top 'anage'ent of c#-#l se -#ceA To #'p o-e t$e lea!e s$#p oles of top 'anage'ent t$ o"g$ !es#gn#ng top 'anage'ent !e-elop'ent p og a'sA

To c eate an! #nst#t"t#onal#5e effect#-e s)ste' fo pol#c) anal)s#s an! e-al"at#on #n t$e c#-#l se -#ceA To !e-elop pe fo 'ance 'anage'ent stan!a !s an! !# ect#-esB establ#s$ #nfo 'at#on s)ste' #n t$e c#-#l se -#ceA To eo gan#5e t$e Co"nc#l of 3#n#ste s an! P #'e 3#n#ste Off#ce so t$at t$e) can !#sc$a ge t$e# st ateg#c coo !#nat#on an! follo* "p oles. To e-#e* t$e !"t#esB f"nct#onsB espons#b#l#t#esB an! elat#ons$#ps of t$e fe!e al e4ec"t#-e o gan #n l#g$t *#t$ t$e -#s#on an! '#ss#on of t$e CSRP.

)rgani-ation and the components of %op Management Systems Reform SubLprogram T$#s efo ' s"b7p og a' #s #'ple'ente! "n!e t$e a"sp#ces of t$e P #'e 3#n#ste Off#ce. In o !e to eal#5e #ts obHect#-esB t$e follo*#ng s#4 co'ponents0 p oHects *e e !es#gne!: #. St ateg#c Plann#ng an! 3anage'ent: T$#s a#'s to #nst#t"t#onal#5e st ateg#c plans an! 'anage'ent p #nc#plesB effect#-e *o 6#ng s)ste'sB an! e4e'pla ) p act#ces #n t$e c#-#l se -#ce t$ o"g$ cont#n"o"s t a#n#ng an! ope at#ng p oce!" es. ##. Top 3anage'ent 2e-elop'ent: T$#s co'ponent see6s to !e-elop t$e capac#t) of pol#t#cal lea!e s an! top 'anage'ent of c#-#l se -#ce b) fo '"lat#ng app op #ate top 'anage'ent !e-elop'ent pol#c). ###. #-. -. '#n#ste -#. Pol#c) 2e-elop'ent an! 3anage'ent Pe fo 'ance 3anage'ent Reo gan#5at#on of t$e Co"nc#l of 3#n#ste s an! Off#ce of t$e P #'e Re-#e* of leg#slate! 'an!ates of e4ec"t#-e o gan of t$e go-e n'ent

9373"3" 2uman Resource Management System Reform )b4ectives of Manpo&er !dministration Reform subLprogram T$#s s"b7p og a' $as t$e follo*#ng 'aHo obHect#-es: To s"ppo t t$e eff#c#enc)B effect#-eness an! p o!"ct#-#t) of c#-#l se -#ceA To ens" e 'o!e n an! non7#nte "pte! p"bl#c se -#ce !el#-e )A To !es#gn p oble' sol-#ng an! 'o!e n $"'an eso" ces 'anage'ent s)ste'sB app oac$es an! ope at#-e p oce!" esA

To establ#s$ an! #nst#t"t#onal#5e #nfo 'at#on s)ste' t$at *o"l! s"ppo t eff#c#entB effect#-e an! p o!"ct#-e 'anpo*e a!'#n#st at#on an! !ec#s#on 'a6#ng p ocess #n t$e c#-#l se -#ceA To p o-#!e capac#t) b"#l!#ng s"ppo t an! ass#stance to Reg#ons fo #'ple'ent#ng t$e ne* 'anpo*e a!'#n#st at#on pol#c#esB s)ste's an! !# ect#ons.

9373"37 E,penditure Management Reform T$e E4pen!#t" e 3anage'ent an! Cont ol P og a' #s one of t$e f#-e s"b7p og a's of C#-#l Se -#ce Refo ' P og a' ent "ste! *#t$ t$e obHect#-es !es#gn#ng efo ' #!eas fo #'p o-e! an! ne* s)ste's of f#nanc#al 'anage'entB an! cont ol t$at can be "se! at fe!e alB eg#onalB an! c#t) a!'#n#st at#on. )b4ectives of the Reform T$e obHect#-es of t$e E3CP efo ' a e to: 2e-elop a co'p e$ens#-e an! co'plete legal f a'e*o 6 fo c#-#l se -#ce f#nanc#al a!'#n#st at#on7p ocla'at#onsB eg"lat#ons an! g"#!el#nesA Int o!"ce a b"!geta ) s)ste' *$#c$ allo*s #nfo 'e! an! at#onal ann"al an! 'e!#"' te ' eso" ce allocat#on eflect#ng go-e n'ent obHect#-es0p #o #t#esA I'p o-e acco"ntab#l#t) to electe! bo!#es t$ o"g$ #nt o!"c#ng t anspa ent acco"nt#ngB epo t#ng an! cont ol s)ste'sA Install p ope a ange'ents fo t$e ac1"#s#t#onB safeg"a ! an! cont ol of cas$B f#nanc#al an! p$)s#cal assetsA St engt$en #nte nal an! e4te nal a"!#t !#sc#pl#neA I'p o-e f#nanc#al #nfo 'at#on s)ste'sA St engt$en t$e $"'an eso" ce capac#t) t$ o"g$ e4tens#-e t a#n#ng co" ses o gan#5e! "n!e !#ffe ent p oHects.

9373"38 Civil Service Ethics Reform )b4ectives: T$e Et$#cs Refo ' s"b7p og a' $as set t$e follo*#ng 'aHo obHect#-es: Iss"#ng co!es of et$#cs an! con!"ctB nat#onal an! #nst#t"t#onal c$a te s of c#t#5en@s #g$ts an! espons#b#l#t#esB an! e-#!ence an! p oce!" e "lesA Establ#s$'ent of t$e &e!e al Et$#cs an! Ant#7co "pt#on bo!)A

Un!e ta6#ng nat#onal ca'pa#gn to b"#l! p"bl#c a*a eness an! !e'an! fo $#g$ et$#cal p act#cesA B"#l! t$e capac#t) of 'e!#aB pol#ceB p"bl#c p osec"to an! H"!#c#a ) on t$e s6#lls necessa ) fo !etect#ngB #n-est#gat#ng an! a!H"!#cat#ng cases of co "pt#onA Con!"ct s" -e) of p"bl#c pe cept#on on t$e scope of co "pt#on #n t$e co"nt ).

Components of Ethics Reform subLprogram T$e lea! agenc) fo Et$#cs Refo ' s"b7p og a' #s t$e P #'e 3#n#ste Off#ce. T$#s s"b p og a' $as s#4 co'ponents0p oHects: #. Iss"#ng co!es of Et$#cs an! con!"ct Un!e t$#s p oHectB co!es of et$#cs an! con!"ct fo pol#t#cal appo#nteesB people@s ep esentat#-esB H"!gesB an! p"bl#c e'plo)ees *e e #ss"e! an! t$e co!e of et$#cs a e be#ng #'ple'ente!.

%he t&elve principles of the Ethiopian public service T$e et$#cs efo ' s"b7p og a' of t$e c#-#l se -#ce efo ' p og a' $as #ss"e! t$e co!e of et$#cs fo p"bl#c off#c#als an! c#-#l se -ants. T$e conte'plate! co!e of et$#cs $as been #nten!e! to set !o*n C "les of t$e ga'e@ #n t$e se -#ce !el#-e ) an! #'pose a stan!a ! fo et$#cal H"!g'ent. T$e p #nc#ples a e #n!#cate! $e e"n!e . $3 Integrity C#-#l se -ants an! p"bl#c off#c#als s$all con!"ct t$e# p"bl#cB p ofess#onal an! p #-ate l#-es #n a 'anne t$at *#ll 'a#nta#n an! st engt$en t$e p"bl#c@s t "st an! conf#!ence #n go-e n'ent. C#-#l se -ants s$all e4$#b#t t$e $#g$est stan!a !s of p ofess#onal co'petence an! p #-ate con!"ctB ca )#ng o"t t$e# !"t#es *#t$ ene g) an! goo!*#llB *#t$ eff#c#enc) an! effect#-eness. "3 oyalty C#-#l se -ants an! p"bl#c off#c#als *#ll !e!#cate t$e'sel-es to "p$ol!#ng t$e const#t"t#on an! t$e la*sB an! t "ste! to !#sc$a ge t$e# !"t#es b) fello* p"bl#c off#c#als 73 %ransparency T anspa enc) #s bas#call) !ef#ne! as openness an! acco"ntab#l#t) #n all a eas of b"s#ness C#-#l se -ants an! p"bl#c off#c#als s$o"l! be t anspa ent. 83 Confidentiality C#-#l se -ants an! p"bl#c off#c#als 'a) "se an! !#sclose #nfo 'at#on *$#c$ #s a 'atte of p"bl#c 6no*le!ge o *$#c$ t$e p"bl#c $as t$e #g$t to access. Ho*e-e B #n t$e co" se of t$e# off#c#al !"t#esB p"bl#c off#c#als *#ll $a-e access to #nfo 'at#on of a conf#!ent#al o p #-ate nat" eB *$#c$ #s not a"t$o #5e! fo !#sclos" e. 93 2onesty T$e conf#!ence an! t "st #nB an! espect fo B t$e go-e n'ent b) t$e go-e ne! !epen!s "pon c#-#l se -ants an! p"bl#c off#c#als be#ng $onest an! be#ng seen to be $onest. =3 !ccountability

C#-#l se -ants an! p"bl#c off#c#als a e $el! espons#ble fo t$e# !ec#s#ons an! act#onsB "lt#'atel) b) t$e go-e ne!. T$e) '"st be p epa e! to g#-e an acco"nt of t$e# !ec#s#ons an! act#ons an! s"b'#t t$e'sel-es to *$ate-e sc "t#n) #s app op #ate of t$e# off#ce. D3 Serving the public interest C#-#l se -ants an! p"bl#c off#c#als s$o"l! 'a6e !ec#s#ons an! act solel) #n t$e p"bl#c #nte est an! not #n t$e# p #-ate #nte ests. E3 E,ercising egitimate !uthority C#-#l se -ants an! p"bl#c off#c#als a e ent "ste! *#t$ po*e an! a"t$o #t). T$at po*e an! a"t$o #t) s$o"l! be e4e c#se! leg#t#'atel) *#t$#n t$e a"t$o #t) of off#ce. C#-#l se -ants '"st not ab"se t$e# po*e an! a"t$o #t) K3 Impartiality C#-#l se -ants an! p"bl#c off#c#als s$o"l! 'a6e !ec#s#ons an! act #n a fa# an! e1"#table 'anne . C$o#ces s$o"l! be 'a!e on t$e bas#s of 'e #tB an! a!-#ce offe e! s$o"l! be *#t$o"t Dfea o fa-o E $#3 Respecting the a& C#-#l se -ants an! p"bl#c off#c#als s$o"l! obe) t$e La* an! s$o"l! co'pl) *#t$ an) enact'entsB P ocla'at#ons o !# ect#-es app op #ate to t$e pe fo 'ance of t$e# !"t#es an! as #nst "cte! to !o so b) t$e ele-ant a"t$o #t). $$3 Responsiveness C#-#l se -ants an! p"bl#c off#c#als s$o"l! l#sten an! espon! to t$e nee!s of t$e# 6e) sta6e$ol!e sB #n a t#'el) 'anne B t eat#ng t$e' *#t$ espect an! co" tes). $"3 eadership C#-#l se -ants an! p"bl#c off#c#als s$o"l! p o'ote an! s"ppo t t$ese p #nc#ples b) ta6#ng t$e lea! an! sett#ng e4a'plesB !e'onst at#ng t$e $#g$est stan!a !s e4pecte! of ole 'o!els. ##. Establ#s$'ent of &e!e al Et$#cs an! Ant#7co "pt#on bo!): T$e &e!e al Et$#cs an! Ant#7co "pt#on Co''#ss#on *as establ#s$e! #n 'a) %GG1 *#t$ t$e obHect#-es of:
In coope at#on *#t$ ele-ant bo!#esB to st #-e to c eate an a*a e soc#et) *$e e co "pt#on *#ll not be con!one! o tole ate! b) p o'ot#ng et$#cs an! ant#7co "pt#on e!"cat#onA In coope at#on *#t$ ele-ant bo!#esB to p e-ent co "pt#on offences an! ot$e #'p op #et#esA an!B To e4poseB #n-est#gate an! p osec"te co "pt#on offences an! #'p op #et#es.


3ass 'e!#a capac#t) b"#l!#ng: T$#s a#'s to b"#l! an! st engt$en t$e capac#t) of 'ass 'e!#a to #n-est#gate an! epo t co "pt#on cases an! "net$#cal be$a-#o #n c#-#l se -#ce. Pa t#c"la l)B t$#s co'ponent #n-ol-es p epa at#on Ho" nal#s' c" #c"l"'B =o-e n'ent73e!#a elat#ons p otocolB Ho" nal#st an! p ess agenc#es co!e of et$#csB an! f ee!o' of #nfo 'at#on act. #-. Pol#ces@B p"bl#c p osec"to s@ an! H"!ges@ capac#t) b"#l!#ng: T$#s #n-ol-es !e-elop#ng t$e s6#llsB 6no*le!ge an! et$#cs of p osec"t#on $an!l#ng an! a!'#n#st at#on. -. Et$#cs E!"cat#on: T$#s #n-ol-es p o-#s#on of et$#cs an! ant#7co "pt#on e!"cat#on. It also fac#l#tates t$e 'eans to #nco po ate et$#cs an! c#-#c e!"cat#on #n t$e

Co"nt )?s fo 'al e!"cat#on c" #c"l"' an! t$e establ#s$'ent of et$#cs an! c#-#c e!"cat#on cl"bs #n sc$ools #n collabo at#on an! pa tne s$#p *#t$ t$e 3#n#st ) of E!"cat#on. -#. Co "pt#on s" -e): T$#s p oHect a#'s to "n!e ta6e s" -e) on t$e p e-alence of co "pt#on at t$e co"nt ) le-el. 9373"39 Civil service Delivery reform T$#s efo ' s"b p og a' see6s to #'p o-e t$e o-e all se -#ce !el#-e ) s)ste's #n t$e c#-#l se -#ce #nst#t"t#ons. Components of Service Delivery Systems Reform SubLprogram In o !e to ac$#e-e t$e abo-e 'ent#one! obHect#-esB t$#s efo ' s"b7p og a' $as been 'a#nl) #n#t#ate! to: #. 2es#gn an! #'ple'ent se -#ce !el#-e ) pol#c) #n t$e c#-#l se -#ce ##. P epa e !# ect#-e fo $an!l#ng se -#ce "se @s co'pla#nts #n t$e c#-#l se -#ce #nst#t"t#onsB an! ###. Un!e ta6e p#lot tests on selecte! #nst#t"t#ons.

9373 "393$ Service Delivery Policy in the Ethiopian Civil Service In Ap #l %GG1 :1FF( E.C.; t$e =o-e n'ent of t$e &e!e al 2e'oc at#c Rep"bl#c of Et$#op#a P"bl#s$e! a Se -#ce 2el#-e ) Pol#c)? fo t$e Et$#op#an C#-#l Se -#ce. Se -#ce !el#-e )B f o' p"bl#c secto o gan#5at#onsB efe s to t$ose act#-#t#es of go-e n'ent #nst#t"t#ons a#'e! at sat#sf)#ng t$e nee! an! ens" #ng t$e *ell be#ng of soc#et) as *ell as enfo c#ng la*sB eg"lat#ons an! !# ect#-es of t$e go-e n'ent. Se -#ce !el#-e ) s)ste's e1"# e s)ste'at#c 'et$o! *$e e b) act#-#t#es a e a ange! so t$at t$e se -#ce ec#p#ents can get t$e se -#ces t$e) nee! #n an effect#-eB eff#c#entB t anspa ent an e1"#table 'anne . T$e eff#c#enc) an! effect#-eness of t$e c#-#l se -#ce #s of -#tal #'po tance fo a s"ccessf"l #'ple'entat#on of t$e go-e n'ent pol#c#es an! st ateg#es. T$#s aga#n necess#tates t$e !e-elop'ent of c"sto'e se -#ce !el#-e ) pol#c) #n t$e c#-#l se -#ce. 9373"393"3 Problems and Dra&bacJs of %he Ethiopian Civil Service in %he Delivery of Services3 Va #o"s st"!#es #n t$e a ea #n!#cate t$at se-e al p oble's cont #b"te! to poo se -#ce !el#-e ) #n t$e Et$#op#an C#-#l Se -#ce a'ong *$#c$ t$e follo*#ng a e t$e 'aHo ones: pos#t#-e att#t"!e to*a !s p"bl#c se -#ce $as not !e-elope! to t$e !es# e! e4tentA #ns"ff#c#ent ecogn#t#on t$at c#t#5ens $a-e #g$ts to ece#-e se -#ces f o' go-e n'entA lac6 of acco"ntab#l#t) #n c#-#l se -#ce #nst#t"t#ons fo fa#l" e to 'eet e4pecte! pe fo 'ancesA

se -#ce !el#-e ) #n 'an) c#-#l se -#ce #nst#t"t#ons a e base! on long an! t#'e cons"'#ngB e4cess#-el) $#e a c$#cal o gan#5at#onal st "ct" e an! obsolete 'anage'ent p act#cesA se -#ces a e #n 'ost cases p o-#!e! #n a 'anne t$at s"#ts t$e a!'#n#st at#-e con-en#ence of t$e p o-#!e s at$e t$an 'eet t$e nee!s of t$e ec#p#entsA c#-#l se -#ce #nst#t"t#ons ten! to concent ate 'o e on conce ns fo #np"ts an! o"t#ne act#-#t#es t$an on ac$#e-#ng tang#ble o"tp"ts b) *a) of #'ple'ent#ng go-e n'ent pol#c#es an! p og a's as *ell as #'p o-#ng se -#cesA t$e p"bl#c #s sel!o' g#-en clea an! a!e1"ate #nfo 'at#on on t$e a-a#lab#l#t) of pa t#c"la se -#ces an! t$e con!#t#ons e1"# e! to get t$ese se -#cesA c#-#l se -#ce #nst#t"t#ons a e sole p o-#!e s of so'e se -#cesA 'ost of t$e #nst#t"t#ons !o not $a-e an) fo 'all) const#t"te! co'pla#nts $an!l#ng 'ec$an#s'A se -#ce "se s a e a el) cons"lte! abo"t t$e# nee!sA se -#ce !el#-e ) #'p o-e'ent #s not g#-en s"ff#c#ent attent#on #n t$e plann#ng p ocess of 'an) go-e n'ent #nst#t"t#onsA #n 'an) cases t$e le-el of #n#t#at#-e an! co''#t'ent to #'p o-e se -#ces lea-es '"c$ to be !es# e!A s$o tage of eso" ces const a#ns #'p o-e'ent of se -#ces to t$e !es# e! le-elA #ncons#stenc) of eg"lat#ons an! g"#!el#nes go-e n#ng #nst#t"t#ons t$at p o-#!e elate! se -#ces as *ell as lac6 of coo !#nat#on an! coope at#on a'ong -a #o"s !epa t'ents *#t$#n an #nst#t"t#on an! bet*een elate! #nst#t"t#ons often $a'pe eff#c#enc) #n se -#ce !el#-e )A $"'an eso" ce 'anage'ent s)ste' an! con!#t#ons of *o 6 #n t$e c#-#l se -#ce !o not 'ot#-ate e'plo)ees to p o-#!e 1"al#t) se -#ceA se -#ce "se s a e often "na*a e of t$e# #g$ts an! obl#gat#ons pe ta#n#ng to se -#ces an at t#'es ten! to eso t to #ll#c#t 'eans to get t$e se -#ces.

As a es"lt of t$ese an! ot$e p oble's an! ! a*bac6sB t$e c#-#l se -#ce $as so fa not been able to effect#-el) ca ) o"t go-e n'ent pol#c#es an! p og a's as *ell as to o gan#5e an! !el#-e ) cost effect#-e se -#ces. Conse1"entl) #ts ole #n p o'ot#ng econo'#c an! soc#al !e-elop'ent e'a#ns l#'#te!. Bes#!esB t$e fact t$at t$e c#-#l se -#ceB on se-e al occas#onsB $as not been able to p ope l) a!! ess t$e #g$ts of se -#ce "se s. Not gett#ng t$e p"bl#c se -#ces to pe fo ' #n a fa# an!

e1"#table 'anne $as cont #b"te! to t$e p e-a#l#ng negat#-e pe cept#on a'ong t$e p"bl#c abo"t t$e eff#cac) of go-e n'ent #nst#t"t#ons an! c#-#l se -ants. In gene alB #t #s bel#e-e! t$at absence of a clea an! cons#stent go-e n'ent pol#c) on se -#ce !el#-e ) #n t$e c#-#l se -#ce pa tl) acco"nts fo t$e p e-alence of t$e abo-e 'ent#one! p oble's an! ! a*bac6s. 9373"3937 %2E 1EED ')R %2E P) IC+ T$e state of se -#ce !el#-e ) #n c#-#l se -#ce #nst#t"t#ons calls fo f"n!a'ental #'p o-e'ent. T$e =o-e n'ent #s co''#tte! to b #ng#ng abo"t s"c$ an #'p o-e'ent. T$#s pol#c) on se -#ce !el#-e ) #s t$e f# st step to eal#5e s"c$ go-e n'ent co''#t'ent. T$e pol#c) #s spec#f#call) nee!e! to: c eate a*a eness a'ong c#-#l se -#ce #nst#t"t#ons an! t$e gene al p"bl#c abo"t go-e n'ent #ntent#ons an! e4pectat#ons ega !#ng se -#ce !el#-e ) an! 1"al#t) of se -#cesA p"bl#c#5e t$e #g$ts an! obl#gat#ons of bot$ se -#ce p o-#!e s an! ec#p#entsA ens" e t$at c#-#l se -#ces #nst#t"t#ons st #-e to !el#-e bette se -#ces *#t$#n t$e sa'e f a'e*o 6A enco" age an! p o'ote se -#ce !el#-e ) #'p o-e'ent t$ o"g$o"t t$e c#-#l se -#ceA ens" e cont#n"#ng #'p o-e'ent #n se -#ce !el#-e ).

9373"39383 SC)PE )' %2E P)CIC+ T$e &e!e al =o-e n'ent #s co''#tte! to t$e #'ple'entat#on of t$#s pol#c) #n all c#-#l se -#ce #nst#t"t#ons. T$e pol#c) #s !# ectl) appl#cable to fe!e al '#n#st #esB co''#ss#onsB p"bl#c a"t$o #t#es an! '"n#c#pal a!'#n#st at#ons as *ell as ot$e agenc#es f#nance! f o' t$e eg"la b"!get of t$e &e!e al =o-e n'ent. T$e &e!e al =o-e n'ent *#ll 'a6e "t'ost effo ts an! p o-#!e necessa ) s"ppo t to ass#st eg#onal states to fo '"late an! #'ple'ent t$e# o*n pol#c#es on se -#ce !el#-e ) b) a!apt#ng t$e contents of t$#s pol#c) to t$e# spec#f#c con!#t#ons. 9373"393393 ):MEC%I*ES )' %2E P) IC+ T$e o-e all obHect#-e of t$e pol#c) on Se -#ce 2el#-e ) #s to atta#n "se sat#sfact#on #n se -#ce !el#-e ) #n t$e c#-#l se -#ce. Its spec#f#c obHect#-es a e to ens" e:7 eff#c#enc) an! effect#-eness of se -#ce !el#-e ) #n t$e c#-#l se -#ce t$"s e!"c#ng t$e b" !en of p o-#!#ng an! ece#-#ng se -#ces an! t$e e b) fac#l#tat#ng econo'#c an! soc#al !e-elop'entA e1"#t) #n access to go-e n'ent p o-#!e! se -#ces an! #n t$e t eat'ent of se -#ce "se sA t$at #nst#t"t#ons a e 'anage! #n s"c$ a *a) as to p o-#!e bette 1"al#t) se -#ces an! a e acco"ntable fo fa#l" e to !o so.

9373"393= Policy Instruments6Directions T$e pol#c) #nst "'ents0!# ect#ons a e !es#gne! to atta#n t$e o-e all an! spec#f#c obHect#-es of t$e pol#c) t$ o"g$: 1. &o '"lat#on of '#ss#on state'ent %. P o'ot#ng pos#t#-e att#t"!e to*a !s se -#ng t$e p"bl#c. (. 2ef#n#ng el#g#ble "se s an! sett#ng a!-ance e1"# e'ents t$at $a-e to be f"lf#lle! b) t$e se -#ce secto s. +. &ac#l#tat#ng eas) access to se -#ces b) "se s. ,. Coo !#nat#ng elate! se -#ces. T$#s 'eans eff#c#ent coo !#nat#on of elate! se -#ces #n an a ange'ent *$e eb) co'ple'enta ) se -#ces #n !#ffe ent #nst#t"t#ons o !epa t'ents *#t$#n an #nst#t"t#on e coo !#nate! to e!"ce #ncon-en#ence to se -#ce "se s an!0o to a-o#! "nnecessa ) lost to t$e go-e n'ent. .. Establ#s$#ng co'pla#nts Han!l#ng 'ec$an#s's /. P o-#!#ng A!e1"ate #nfo 'at#on I. Cons"lt#ng *#t$ se -#ce "se s F. Sett#ng Se -#ce Stan!a !s? 1G. P o-#!#ng cost effect#-e se -#ces. 11. P o'ot#ng T anspa enc)

S%R!%E;IES3 1. Establ#s$#ng an E4ec"t#ng Bo!) %. C eat#ng A*a eness. (. Capac#t) B"#l!#ng +. Enco" ag#ng e'plo)ee pa t#c#pat#on ,. 3anag#ng se -#ce 2el#-e ) I'p o-e'ent t$ o"g$ esea c$ an! plann#ng. .. Establ#s$ a Nat#onal C#-#l Se -#ce A*a ! s)ste' /. Re*a !#ng e4e'pla ) pe fo 'e s I. 8o 6#ng #n pa tne s$#p *#t$ 'e'be s of t$e p"bl#c.

C2!P%ER SIN I1%R)DUC%I)1 %) CI%IFE1 CE1%ERED SER*ICE DE I*ER+ /CCSD0 /Session $$0
ObHect#-es At t$e en! of t$e sess#onsB st"!ents *#ll able to: state t$e #'po tance of CCS2 co'pa e an! cont ast t$e pop"la 'anage'ent tools of CCS2 e4pla#n t$e stat"s of CCS2 #n Et$#op#a #!ent#f) *$o #s c"sto'e of t$e c#-#l se -#ce

=3$ (hat is citi-enLCentered ServiceH

Se -#ce t$at #s c#t#5en cente e! ta6es acco"nt of c#t#5ens@ nee!s an! conce ns at e-e ) stage of t$e !es#gn an! !el#-e ) of go-e n'ent se -#ces. So"t$ Af #ca@s Bat$o Pele :C#t#5ens &# st; p #nc#ples p o-#!e an e4cellent pol#c) f a'e*o 6 an! #'ple'entat#on st ateg) fo c#t#5en7 cente e! !el#-e ). T$ese p #nc#ples a e: O Consultation: C#t#5ens s$o"l! be cons"lte! abo"t t$e le-el an! 1"al#t) of t$e p"bl#c se -#ces t$e) ece#-e an!B *$e e-e poss#bleB s$o"l! be g#-en a c$o#ce abo"t t$e se -#ces t$e) a e offe e!. a Service standards: C#t#5ens s$o"l! be tol! *$at le-el an! 1"al#t) of p"bl#c se -#ces t$e) *#ll ece#-e so t$at t$e) 6no* *$at to e4pect. a !ccess: All c#t#5ens s$o"l! $a-e e1"al access to t$e se -#ces to *$#c$ t$e) a e ent#tle!. a Courtesy: C#t#5ens s$o"l! be t eate! *#t$ co" tes) an! cons#!e at#on. a Information: C#t#5ens s$o"l! be g#-en f"llB acc" ate #nfo 'at#on abo"t t$e p"bl#c se -#ces t$e) a e ent#tle! to ece#-e. O )penness and transparency: C#t#5ens s$o"l! be tol! $o* nat#onal an! p o-#nc#al !epa t'ents a e "nB $o* '"c$ t$e) costB an! *$o #s #n c$a ge. a Redress: If t$e p o'#se! stan!a ! of se -#ce #s not !el#-e e!B c#t#5ens s$o"l! be offe e! an apolog)B a f"ll e4planat#on an! a spee!) an! effect#-e e'e!)A an!B *$en co'pla#nts a e 'a!eB c#t#5ens s$o"l! ece#-e a s)'pat$et#c pos#t#-e esponse. a *alue for money. P"bl#c se -#ces s$o"l! be p o-#!e! econo'#call) an! eff#c#entl) #n o !e to g#-e c#t#5ens t$e best poss#bl) -al"e fo 'one).

=3$3$ Citi-ens and Customers

T$e c" ent foc"s on c#t#5en7cente e! se -#ce $as been #nfl"ence! b) t$e Ne* P"bl#c 3anage'ent :NP3; 'o-e'entB acco !#ng to *$#c$ p"bl#c o gan#5at#ons s$o"l! follo* t$e e4a'ple of b"s#ness f# 's b) see6#ng $#g$71"al#t) se -#ce to Dc"sto'e s.E 8$#le 'an) go-e n'ents "se t$e te ' Dc"sto'e sE to $#g$l#g$t t$e# !e!#cat#on to goo! se -#ceB #t #s #'po tant to e'e'be t$at t$e ole of c"sto'e #s onl) one of t$e se-e al oles t$at Dc#t#5ensE pla). C#t#5ens can also be cl#entsB cla#'antsB co'pl#e sB an! capt#-es. =o-e n'ent lea!e s nee! to 6eep #n '#n! t$at t$ese -a #o"s oles '"st be econc#le! #n t$e p"bl#c #nte est. &o e4a'pleB *$#le c"sto'e s of go-e n'ent 'a) *ant lo*e a!'#ss#on fees to p"bl#c pa 6sB ot$e c#t#5ens 'a) *ant bette soc#al se -#ces o lo*e ta4es. T$e 6e) c$allenge fo p"bl#c se -ants #s to balance t$e potent#all) confl#ct#ng goals of cl#ent se -#ce sat#sfact#on *#t$ t$e p otect#on of t$e #nte ests of all nat#onals. T$#s #s t$e p #'a )

eason *$) p o-#!#ng $#g$ 1"al#t) se -#ce #s 'o e co'ple4 #n t$e p"bl#c secto t$an t$e p #-ate secto . T$e efo eB t$e t "e ole of p"bl#c se -ants #s not onl) to se -e ?c"sto'e s? b"t also to balance t$e #nte est an! p ese -e t$e #g$ts of c#t#5ens ::Cana!#an 2ep"t) 3#n#ste s@ Tas6 &o ce on Se -#ce 2el#-e ) 3o!elsB 1FF.;.

=3$3" Pursuing Citi-enLCenters Service

T$e #'ple'entat#on of t*o #'po tant concepts $elps to p o'ote c#t#5en7cente e! se -#ce. T$e no7* ong7!oo concept 'eans t$at no 'atte *$at po#nt of se -#ce c#t#5ens contact :e.g. a go-e n'ent *ebs#teB a go-e n'ent telep$one n"'be ;B t$e) s$o"l! be able to get t$e ass#stance t$e) nee!. T$e #!ea $e e #s t$at c#t#5ens s$o"l! not $a-e to t$#n6 abo"t *$#c$ !epa t'ent o e-en *$#c$ go-e n'ent p o-#!es t$e se -#ce t$e) a e see6#ng. T$e necessa ) coo !#nat#on an! #nteg at#on s$o"l! be p o-#!e! b) t$e go-e n'ent:s; #n-ol-e!. CITI\EN7CENTERE2 A secon! an! elate! concept #s t$at of a s#ngle *#n!o* :o #nteg ate! se -#ce !el#-e );. T$#s #n-ol-es b #ng#ng go-e n'ent se -#ces toget$e so t$at c#t#5ens can access t$e' #n a s#ngle sea'less p ocess *$e e t$e foc"s #s on c#t#5ens@ nee!s an! *ants. 3an) go-e n'ents a e #'p o-#ng se -#ce b) p o-#!#ng c#t#5ens *#t$ #nfo 'at#on t$ o"g$ eac$ of t$e 'a#n se -#ce7 !el#-e ) c$annels Y t$e Inte netB t$e telep$one an! #n7pe son se -#ce. A s'alle n"'be of go-e n'ents $a-e 'o-e! to*a ! t$e #nteg at#on an! at#onal#5at#on of t$ese c$annels to foste eff#c#ent an! effect#-e se -#ce. P o-#!#ng s"ccessf"l #nteg ate! se -#ce !el#-e ) ac oss go-e n'ent bo"n!a #es an! bet*een go-e n'ents an! p #-ate secto se -#ce p o-#!e s e1"# es t$e c eat#on an! #'ple'entat#on of collabo at#-e a ange'entsB espec#all) fo 'al pa tne s$#ps. =3" (hy Should Citi-enLCentered Service :e Important to MeH A esea c$ #n!#cates t$at *$#le c#t#5ens bel#e-e go-e n'ent $as a 'o e !#ff#c"lt tas6 t$an t$e p #-ate secto B t$e -ast 'aHo #t) st#ll e4pect se -#ce t$at #s as goo! as o bette t$an t$at p o-#!e! b) t$e p #-ate secto . T$#s #s a c$allenge t$at p"bl#c se -ants can 'eet b) *o 6#ng to close t$e gap bet*een t$e se -#ce t$e p"bl#c e4pects f o' go-e n'ent se -#ces on t$e one $an!B an! t$e# sat#sfact#on *#t$ t$e se -#ces t$e) ece#-e on t$e ot$e . =o-e n'ent se -#ce !el#-e ) s$o"l! be c#t#5en7cente e! fo at least t$ ee easons: 1 .It s$o"l! be conce#-e! an! e4ec"te! f o' t$e o"ts#!e7#nYnot #ns#!e7o"tY*#t$ t$e nee!sB pe spect#-es an! sat#sfact#on of c#t#5ens fo e'ost #n '#n!. %. 3an) of t$e cl#ents of go-e n'ent a e D#n-ol"nta ) cl#entsBE *$ose se -#ce elat#ons$#p *#t$ go-e n'ent !e #-es f o' t$e# obl#gat#ons as c#t#5ensB o f o' t$e #g$ts of ot$e c#t#5ens. (. T$ose *$o !el#-e go-e n'ent se -#ces s$o"l! al*a)s bea #n '#n! t$at t$e 1"al#t) of go-e n'ent se -#ce !el#-e ) can an! s$o"l! cont #b"te to st engt$en !e'oc at#c c#t#5ens$#pB an! t$e bon!s of conf#!ence an! t "st bet*een c#t#5ensB an! bet*een c#t#5ens an! t$e# !e'oc at#c go-e n'ents.

=37 %he conceptual frame &orJ on service delivery and CustomerLcentered Service delivery
T$e Concept"al & a'e*o 6 on Se -#ce 2el#-e ) an! C"sto'e Cente e! Se -#ce 2el#-e ) foc"ses on fo" co'ponents: C#t#5en E4pectat#ons of =o-e n'ent Se -#ce 2el#-e ): 6no*#ng c#t#5en0cl#ent e4pectat#onsB pe cept#ons an! p #o #t#esB an! #n-ol-#ng t$e' #n se -#ce #'p o-e'entsA 3eas" #ng an! Repo t#ng on Pe fo 'ance an! Acco"ntab#l#t) : 'eas" #ng p og ess #n clos#ng t$e se -#ce gap an! "s#ng t$at #nfo 'at#on to g"#!e t$e select#on of se -#ce #'p o-e'ent toolsA =o-e n'ent 2el#-e ) of Se -#ces: cont#n"o"sl) #'p o-#ng t$e capac#t) of p"bl#c o gan#5at#ons to !el#-e t$e se -#ce c#t#5ens e4pectA an! =o-e n'ent Se -#ce I'p o-e'ent Toolbo4: c$oos#ng t$e app op #ate '#4 of tools to close t$e se -#ce gapB as g"#!e! b) c#t#5en an! cl#ent p #o #t#es fo #'p o-e'ent.

In o !e to "n!e stan! t$e nat" e of t$e Sse -#ce gapS an! *$at tools to e'plo) to e!"ce #tB o gan#5at#on '"st f# st #!ent#f) t$e nee!s of t$e# cl#ents 3 B) obta#n#ng acc" ate cl#ent fee!bac6B o gan#5at#ons can t$en: ens" e t$e) a e p o-#!#ng *$at cl#ents *antB as oppose! to *$at t$e) t$#n6 an! t$e) *antA allocate eso" ces 'o e effect#-el) b) ta get#ng p #o #t) a easA an! Val#!ate eso" ce e1"ests.

=38 (ays of Improving Service and ?uality

8$#le p"bl#c secto se -#ces pe fo ' bette t$an *e t$o"g$tB t$e #nescapable fact #s t$at t$e e #s st#ll a gap bet*een t$e se -#ce c#t#5ens e4pect f o' go-e n'entB an! *$at t$e) get. In o !e to close t$#s gap *e '"st *o 6 on t$ose t$#ngs t$at *#ll 'a6e t$e 'ost !#ffe ence to o" cl#ents. Ne* p"bl#c secto 'anage'ent tec$n#1"es *#ll $elp "s to #'p o-e t$e 1"al#t) of se -#ce !el#-e ) #n p"bl#c secto . =383$ 1e& Public Sector Management %echniCues for enhancing Cuality of public service delivery 3anage'ent can be !ef#ne! as t$e "t#l#5at#on of sca e eso" ces :'one)B t#'e. tec$nolog)B 'ate #alB $"'an an! #nfo 'at#on; to ac$#e-e es"lts eff#c#entl)B econo'#call) an! effect#-el)B Eff#c#enc) efe s to t$e *a) eso" ces a e "t#l#5e!. It #s a 'eas" e of t$e at#o of #np"ts to t$e o"tp"t p o!"ce!. 8$#le #t 'a) be !#ff#c"lt fo t$e an6 an! f#le of t$e c#-#l se -#ce to cope *#t$

t$e 'et$o!olog#cal #ss"es of eff#c#enc)B #t *#ll s"ff#ce #f c#-#l se -ants *o 6 on t$e bas#s of '#n#'#5#ng *astage of all #np"ts. Econo') efe s to t$e act"al cost of ac$#e-#ng a pa t#c"la o"tp"t o es"lt. It !eals *#t$ 'one) e4pen!e! to ac1"# e eso" ces. It as6s t$e 1"est#onB SAt *$at cost9S T$e costs of p oHects an! p og a's s$o"l! be *atc$e! s"c$ t$at t$e #g$t 1"al#t) an! 1"ant#t) a e p" c$ase! at t$e #g$t p #ce. Effect#-eness efe s to t$e ac$#e-e'ent of t$e eason *$) a co" se of act#on :p og a'B p oHect o act#-#t); #s "n!e ta6en. If t$e Et$#op#an go-e n'ent spen!s b#ll#ons of B# to #'po t AI2S ! "gs *#t$o"t an) s"bstant#al !ec ease #n t$e n"'be of people l#-#ng *#t$ AI2SB #t 'eans t$e co" se of act#on #s not effect#-e. 3#n#st ) of Teleco''"n#cat#ons *#ll not be effect#-e #f t$e e a e no p$one l#nes o t$e e4#st#ng ones a e Ha''#ng o con-e sat#on #s al*a)s gett#ng c"t. P o!"ct#-#t) #s anot$e concept t$at ass#sts #n p"bl#c se -#ce !el#-e ). Ho* p o!"ct#-e #s )o" staff9 P o!"ct#-#t) #s an o"tp"t0#np"t at#o. It foc"ses on t$e p o!"ct#-#t) of eac$ facto of p o!"ct#on. Aga#nB calc"lat#ng t$e p o!"ct#-#t) of eac$ facto of p o!"ct#on #s not an eas) tas6. It 'a) e1"# e so'e t a#n#ng. B"t t$e f"n!a'ental #ss"e #s to ans*e t$e 1"est#onA *$at #s t$#s e'plo)ee?s $as ac$#e-e! on a !a#l)0*ee6l)0'ont$l) bas#s co"l! be an eas) *a) of #!ent#f)#ng a p o!"ct#-e o non7p o!"ct#-e one. $3 Decentrali-ation =o-e n'ents $a-e espon!e! to !e'an!s fo #nc ease! self7go-e n'ent b) s$a #ng po*e *#t$ an! !e-ol-#ng a"t$o #t) to lo*e t#e s of go-e n'entB an! t$#s t en! #s cont#n"#ng. T$e e4pe #ence of t$e last 1, )ea s s$o*s t$at t$e !e-ol"t#on of po*e s affects pol#t#cal stab#l#t)B p"bl#c se -#ce pe fo 'anceB e1"#t) an! 'ac o7econo'#c stab#l#t) :8o l! Ban6 %GGG;. At t$e o gan#5at#onal le-elB 'o e an! 'o e po*e s a e g#-en o gan#5at#ons #n t$e a ea of !ec#s#on 'a6#ng : ec "#t'entB p o'ot#on an! !#sc#pl#ne; as *ell as #n t$e b"!geta ) p act#ces. T$ o"g$ t$e co''e c#al#5at#on p og a''eB go-e n'ent $as g#-en a"t$o #t) to 'an) go-e n'ent o gans to gene ate an! e4pen! *#t$#n app o-e! g"#!el#nes. Ho*e-e B $o* !ecent al#5at#on affects o gan#5at#onal pe fo 'ance $as to be 'on#to e! closel) to a-o#! t$e ab"se of po*e . "3 Performance Management Pe fo 'ance 3anage'ent !esc #bes t$e s)ste'at#c app oac$ to pe fo 'ance #n-ol-#ng t$e sett#ng of pe fo 'ance obHect#-es an! ta gets fo p og a's. 3anage s espons#ble fo eac$ p og a' $a-e t$e f ee!o' to #'ple'ent t$e p ocesses to ac$#e-e t$ese obHect#-es an! ta gets. T$e act"al le-el of pe fo 'ance aga#nst ta gets #s 'eas" e! an! epo te!. T$e #nfo 'at#on #s passe! on to e-#e* bo!#es s"c$ as leg#slat#-e co''#tteesB o gan#5at#onal co''#ttees o e4te nal 'anage'ent a"!#to s. T$e e*a ! s)ste' #s to so'e e4tent t#e! to t$e ac$#e-e'ent of ta gets set.

Pe fo 'ance 3anage'ent #s t$e total s)ste' of 'anag#ng t$e ac$#e-e'ent of ass#gne! !"t#es an! tas6s. Pe fo 'ance 'anage'ent #s t$e total s)ste' of 'anag#ng t$e ac$#e-e'ent of ass#gne! !"t#es an! tas6s b) e'plo)ees a#'e! at t$e atta#n'ent of an o gan#5at#on@s '#ss#on. Pe fo 'ance can be concept"al#5e! f o' o gan#5at#onalB !epa t'ental0!#-#s#onalB o #n!#-#!"al pe spect#-es. SPe fo 'anceS f o' t$e o gan#5at#onal pe spect#-es #s !ef#ne! as t$e atta#n'ent of t$e 6e) es"lts e4pecte! f o' an o gan#5at#on as !e #-e! f o' #ts '#ss#on. & o' t$e #n!#-#!"al pe spect#-eB pe fo 'ance can be !ef#ne! as t$e ca )#ng o"t of ass#gne! !"t#es an! tas6s acco !#ng to e4pecte! stan!a !s :&agbe'# %GGG: 1(;. &#g" e ..1 s$o*s pe fo 'ance 'eas" e'ent #s a 'aHo co'ponent of t$e pe fo 'ance 'anage'ent s)ste'. At t$e o gan#5at#onal le-el a set of pe fo 'ance 'eas" es #s nee!e! to p o-#!e a balance! an! acc" ate p#ct" e of an o gan#5at#on@s pe fo 'ance. >a"l :1FFI; epo te! t$at T$e =a'b#a $a! t*o 'aHo st ateg#es fo !el#-e #ng #ts ne* p"bl#c se -#ce Refo ' P og a''es. T$ese a e: a es"lt o #ente! o gan#5at#onal pe fo 'ance 'anage'ent s)ste' fo sen#o 'anage s on t$e pe fo 'ance of t$e# "n#t. a s#'ple b"t co'p e$ens#-e 'on#to #ng an! epo t#ng p ocessB spec#f)#ng o-e all obHect#-esB #nten!e! o"tp"tsB planne! act#-#t#es an! e4pen!#t" es. &#g" e ..1 THE PER&OR3ANCE 3ANA=E3ENT SNSTE3
O R =A N I S AT I O N ?S V I S I O N O R = AN I S AT I O N ?S 3 I S S I O N :State'ent of P" pose; PRIORITIES :=o-e n'ent ObHect#-es; BU2=ET ALLOCATION :P #o #t#5e! eso" ces #n l#ne *#t$ =o-e n'ent obHect#-es; OR=ANI\ATION@S =OALS0>EN OBOECTIVES :8$at t$e o gan#5at#on nee!s to ac$#e-e =o-e n'ent obHect#-es; STRATE=IC AN2 ANNUAL ACTION PLAN 2EPART3ENTAL ACTION PLAN IN2IVI2UAL OBOECTIVES OR >EN TAS>S PER&OR3ANCE 3EASURES0IN2ICATORS0TAR=ETS PER&OR3ANCE 3ONITORIN= AN2 EVALUATION 3ERIT PAN

O gan#5at#onal pe fo 'ance 'eas" es #ncl"!eB p o!"ct#-#t) :o"tp"t0#np"t; p of#tab#l#t)B b ea6#ng e-enB eff#c#enc)B goal atta#n'entB an! e'plo)ee sat#sfact#onB 1"al#t) of se -#ce0p o!"ct a'ong ot$e s. E'plo)ee?s pe fo 'ance $as been 'eas" e! t$ o"g$ pe fo 'ance app a#sal tec$n#1"es. 73 :enchmarJing Benc$'a 6#ng #s anot$e "sef"l tool to co'pa e t$e pe fo 'ance bet*een !#ffe ent o gan#5at#onsB o !#ffe ent "n#ts *#t$#n a s#ngle o gan#5at#onB "n!e ta6#ng s#'#la p ocesses. Co'pa #sons can be "se! to #!ent#f) t$e best p act#ce so t$at 'anage s can e'"late t$ese p act#ces. A eg"la 'eet#ng of C$#ef E4ec"t#-es of 3#n#st #es a#'e! at s$a #ng goo! p act#ces co"l! cont #b"te to 1"al#t) #'p o-e'ent. It #s poss#ble to co'pa e app oac$es to c"sto'e se -#ceB staff 'anage'entB p"bl#c elat#onsB an! !ecent al#5at#on a'ong o gan#5at#ons. T$#s tec$n#1"e *as "se! #n t$e Un#te! >#ng!o' 2epa t'ent of E'plo)'ent #n #ts cont act b anc$ to p o-#!e cont#n"o"s #'p o-e'ents an! planne! #nno-at#on #n #ts ope at#on. %he :enchmarJing process To appl) benc$'a 6#ng tec$n#1"esB #t #s essent#al to cons#!e t$e follo*#ng se1"ent#al c)cles. a03 Define ob4ectives: obHect#-es to be !ef#ne! f o' *$at t$e o gan#5at#on e-eals abo"t $o* *ell o $o* poo l) #t #s pe fo '#ng. b0. Define performance measures: 'eas" es t$at e4p ess goals an! obHect#-es #n 1"ant#tat#-e te 's $a-e to be !ef#ne!. T$ese te 's can be "se! to co'p"te pe fo 'ance stat#st#cs fo a pa t#c"la o gan#5at#on t$at can be co'pa e! aga#nst s"#table #nte nal o e4te nal benc$'a 6s. c03 Collect data and measure performance: t$e c" ent pe fo 'ance of t$e o gan#5at#on $a-e to be 'eas" e! b) "s#ng t$e e4#st#ng pe fo 'ance !ata. d03 Evaluate conditions and performance: E-al"at#ng t$e ac$#e-e'ent aga#nst t$e #nten!e! obHect#-es. e03 Survey peers: obse -#ng t$e best ac$#e-e'ents an! p act#ces of ot$e o gan#5at#on to ta6e t$e efe ence po#nts. f03 Compare practices: Co'pa #ng t$e p act#ces of t$e o gan#5at#on *#t$ ot$e f #en! o gan#5at#on nee!e! to be "se! as a benc$'a 6. g30 Reengineer the processes: Reo gan#5#ng t$e o gan#5at#onal p ocess to '#n#'#5e t$e gap #!ent#f#e!. 83 %otal ?uality Management /%?M0 Total <"al#t) 3anage'ent :T<3; #s one of t$e 'anage'ent tec$n#1"es *$ose e'p$as#s #s on $#g$ 1"al#t) se -#ce an! c"sto'e sat#sfact#on. <"al#t) efe s to t$e !eg ee of e4cellence #n p o!"c#ng a !es# e! o"tp"t. It #s c$a acte #5e! b) '#n#'"' e o o !#ssat#sfact#on. T$e !es# e! o"tp"t co"l! be #n te 's of t#'el#nessB el#ab#l#t) acc" ac)B access#b#l#t)B con-en#ence *a#t#ng t#'e spec#f#cat#on an! esponse t#'eB a'ong ot$e s. <"al#t) can also be seen as confo 'ance to t$e e1"# e'ents of t$e c"sto'e . It co'p #ses bot$ eff#c#enc) an! effect#-eness :Step$en 1FF1:(FF;. It enco'passes t$e sal#ent feat" es of 3anage'ent B) ObHect#-es :3BO; also

foc"ses on tea' b"#l!#ngB effect#-e lea!e s$#p an! co''#t'ent. T$e s"btle !#ffe ence bet*een 3BO an! T<3 #s t$at 3BO foc"ses on ?*$at #s to be ac$#e-e!? *$#le T<3 foc"ses on ?$o* t$#ngs s$o"l! be !one? to ac$#e-e $#g$ 1"al#t) es"lts. In bot$ tec$n#1"esB goal atta#n'ent #s al'ost #'poss#ble o at least 'o e t#'e cons"'#ng *#t$o"t g o"p co$es#on an! goo! #nte pe sonal elat#ons$#p. T<3 #s a st "ct" e! s)ste' fo 'eet#ng an! e4cee!#ng c"sto'e nee!s an! e4pectat#ons b) c eat#ng o gan#5at#on7*#!e pa t#c#pat#on #n t$e plann#ng an! #'ple'entat#on of b ea6t$ o"g$s an! cont#n"o"s #'p o-e'ent of p ocesses. T<3 p ocesses a e !#-#!e! #nto fo" se1"ent#al catego #es: planB !oB c$ec6B an! act :t$e P2CA c)cle;. In t$e plann#ng p$aseB people !ef#ne t$e p oble' to be a!! esse!B collect ele-ant !ataB an! asce ta#n t$e p oble'?s oot ca"seA #n t$e !o#ng p$aseB people !e-elop an! #'ple'ent a sol"t#onB an! !ec#!e "pon a 'eas" e'ent to ga"ge #ts effect#-enessA #n t$e c$ec6#ng p$aseB people conf# ' t$e es"lts t$ o"g$ befo e7an!7afte !ata co'pa #sonA #n t$e act#ng p$aseB people !oc"'ent t$e# es"ltsB #nfo ' ot$e s abo"t p ocess c$angesB an! 'a6e eco''en!at#ons fo t$e p oble' to be a!! esse! #n t$e ne4t P2CA T$e bas#c concepts of T<3 a e: E-e )one $as a c"sto'e A!opt a pa tne #ng p$#losop$) *#t$ s"ppl#e s E-e )one #s espons#ble fo 1"al#t) &oc"s on p e-ent#ng p oble's not f#4#ng t$e' Tea'*o 6 P ocesses fa#l 'ost of t$e t#'e not people Top 3anage'ent '"st lea! 3#!!le 3anage'ent '"st s"ppo t G T<3 "ses 1"al#t) c# cles to g"a antee $#g$ 1"al#t) p o!"cts an! se -#ces. A 1"al#t) c# cle #s a g o"p of staff *$o 'eet eg"la l) to !#sc"ss 1"al#t) elate! *o 6 p oble's so t$at t$e) 'a) e4a'#ne an! gene ate sol"t#ons to t$e' :Oa -#s %GG1;. A g o"p of .7F people 'a) be g#-en t$#s espons#b#l#t). T$e 'a#n !"t) of t$e g o"p #s to c$allenge ass"'pt#ons an! e4#st#ng 'et$o!s an! p ocesses. A tea' lea!e #s e1"# e! to ens" e t$e ac$#e-e'ent of t$e tea's@ obHect#-es. A 1"al#t) c# cle s$o"l! be #nte este! #n "nalyzing the conte!t of the problem 'efine the real problem *dentify the courses *dentify the impact of the problem *dentify various optional solutions to the problem &uggest implementation process and procedures

T$e e #s t)p#call)B es#stance to an) c$ange f o' t$ose *$o *#ll benef#t f o' t$e c$ange b"t !o not 6no* an! t$ose t$ eatene! o a!-e sel) affecte! b)B t$e c$ange.

&o s"ccessf"l a!opt#on of T<3B t$e e '"st be pe ce#-e! nee! fo #tB app op #ate eso" ces an! s"ppo t#-e c"lt" e. 93 Public L Private Sector Partnership One of t$e *a)s #n *$#c$ go-e n'ents t #e! to #'p o-e se -#ce !el#-e )B #s t$ o"g$ p"bl#c7 p #-ate secto pa tne s$#p. Co''on 'et$o!s of p"bl#c 7 p #-ate secto pa tne s$#p a e: P #-at#5at#on 7 2oint ventures 7 $ontracting out services 7 $oncession 7 :easing &"n! cont #b"t#on b) p #-ate secto to p"bl#c secto p oHects 1. E!"cat#on f"n! %. =en!e an! !e-elop'ent p oHect P #-at#5at#on 1. 3anage'ent cont act Enabl#ng pol#c) en-# on'ent fo t$e p #-ate secto to f"nct#on. Info 'at#on tec$nolog) =3 :usiness Process Reengineering /:PR0 B"s#ness P ocess Reeng#nee #ng #s a f"n!a'ental et$#n6#ng an! a!#cal e!es#gn of b"s#ness p ocesses to ac$#e-e ! a'at#c #'p o-e'ents #n Cost < ?uality< %ime /speed0 and Service3 It co'b#nes a st ateg) of p o'ot#ng b"s#ness #nno-at#on *#t$ a st ateg) of 'a6#ng 'aHo #'p o-e'ents to b"s#ness p ocesses so t$at a co'pan) can beco'e a '"c$ st onge an! 'o e s"ccessf"l co'pet#to #n t$e 'a 6etplace3 T$e fo"n!e s of 'anage'ent tec$n#1"e B"s#ness P ocess Reeng#nee #ng *e e 3#c$eal Ha''e an! Oa'es A. C$a'p). In a se #es of boo6s #ncl"!#ng (eengineering the $orporationB (eengineering 1anagementB an! The "gendaB t$e) a g"e t$at fa too '"c$ t#'e #s *aste! pass#ng7on tas6s f o' one !epa t'ent to anot$e . T$e) cla#' t$at #t #s fa 'o e eff#c#ent to appo#nt a tea' *$o a e espons#ble fo all t$e tas6s #n t$e p ocess. B"s#ness p ocess eeng#nee #ng :BPR; began as a p #-ate secto tec$n#1"e to $elp o gan#5at#ons f"n!a'entall) et$#n6 $o* t$e) !o t$e# *o 6 #n o !e to ! a'at#call) #'p o-e c"sto'e se -#ceB c"t ope at#onal costs an! beco'e *o l!7class co'pet#to s

A 6e) st#'"l"s fo eeng#nee #ng $as been t$e cont#n"#ng !e-elop'ent an! !eplo)'ent of sop$#st#cate! #nfo 'at#on s)ste's an! net*o 6s. Lea!#ng o gan#5at#ons a e beco'#ng bol!e #n "s#ng t$#s tec$nolog) to s"ppo t #nno-at#-e b"s#ness p ocessesB at$e t$an ef#n#ng c" ent *a)s of !o#ng *o 6. T$e efo eB B"s#ness p ocess eeng#nee #ng #s one app oac$ fo e!es#gn#ng t$e *a) *o 6 #s !one to bette s"ppo t t$e o gan#5at#on?s '#ss#on an! e!"ce costs. Reeng#nee #ng sta ts *#t$ a $#g$7le-el assess'ent of t$e o gan#5at#on?s '#ss#onB st ateg#c goalsB an! c"sto'e nee!s. Bas#c 1"est#ons a e as6e!B s"c$ as S2oes o" '#ss#on nee! to be e!ef#ne!9 A e o" st ateg#c goals al#gne! *#t$ o" '#ss#on9 8$o a e o" c"sto'e s9 Ho*e-e B BPR face! so'e c #t#c#s's. T$e c #t#c#s's *e e fast to cla#' t$at BPR *as: a *a) to !e$"'an#5e t$e *o 6 placeB #nc ease 'anage #al cont olB an! to H"st#f) !o*ns#5#ngB #.e. 'aHo e!"ct#ons of t$e *o 6 fo ceB an! a eb# t$ of Ta)lo #s' "n!e a !#ffe ent label. B"t #f BPR #s #'ple'ente! p ope l)B #t can g#-e $"ge et" ns. &o #nstanceB #t $as $elpe! l#6e Procter and amble 3orporation an! eneral .otors 3orporation to s"ccee! afte f#nanc#al ! a*bac6s !"e to co'pet#t#on. It also $elpe! A'e #can A# l#nes so'e*$at get bac6 on t ac6 f o' t$e ba! !ebt t$at #s c" entl) $a"nt#ng t$e# b"s#ness p act#ce. Therefore, 8-( is about the proper method of implementation.


Sess#on 1%
ObHect#-es At t$e en! of t$e sess#onsB st"!ents *#ll able toA e4pla#n t$e essence of c"sto'e sat#sfact#on e4e c#se c"sto'e sat#sfact#on 'eas" e'ent

D3$ Introduction to Customer Satisfaction Surveying

C"sto'e sat#sfact#on efe s to $o* sat#sf#e! c"sto'e s a e *#t$ t$e p o!"cts o se -#ces t$e) ece#-e f o' )o" agenc). T$#s sat#sfact#on #s !ete '#ne! b) t$e 1"al#t) an! t)pe of c"sto'e e4pe #ence an! b) t$e# e4pectat#ons. Rega !less of t$e t)pe of p"bl#c se -#ce p o-#!e!B t$e e a e so'e co''on C! #-e s@ t$at #nfl"ence le-els of c"sto'e sat#sfact#on. 2 #-e s a e t$ose ele'ents of se -#ce t$at acco"nt fo a la ge p opo t#on of sat#sfact#on. Not onl) #t #s poss#ble to 'eas" e t$ese an! ot$e ! #-e sB b"t also s"c$ 'eas" e'ents can be #nst "'ental #n assess#ng an! #'p o-#ng o-e all le-els of sat#sfact#on. T$e e a e a n"'be of ! #-e s t$at #nfl"ence c"sto'e sat#sfact#onB b"t so'e esea c$e s $a-e #!ent#f#e! t$e follo*#ng e#g$t ! #-e s as be#ng of 6e) #'po tance fo c"sto'e s. T$ese a e: o-e all sat#sfact#onB access#b#l#t)B t#'el#nessB #nfo 'at#onB o"tco'eB 6no*le!geB e4t a '#le0co" tes) an! fa# ness *$#c$ a e 'eas" e! b) t$e e#g$t co e 1"est#ons of co''on 'eas" e'ent tool :C3T;. 7.2 Customer Satisfaction Survey 8e all 6no* c"sto'e sat#sfact#on #s essent#al to t$e s" -#-al of o" b"s#nesses. Ho* !o *e f#n! o"t *$et$e o" c"sto'e s a e sat#sf#e!9 T$e best *a) to f#n! o"t *$et$e )o" c"sto'e s a e sat#sf#e! #s to as6 t$e'. 8$en )o" con!"ct a c"sto'e sat#sfact#on s" -e)B *$at )o" as6 t$e c"sto'e s #s #'po tant. Ho*B *$enB an! $o* often )o" as6 t$ese 1"est#ons a e also #'po tant. Ho*e-e B t$e 'ost #'po tant t$#ng abo"t con!"ct#ng a c"sto'e sat#sfact#on s" -e) #s *$at )o" !o *#t$ t$e# ans*e s. 7.2.1 Points to be considered in conducting Customer satisfaction survey $3 2o& +ou !sJ (hether Customers !re Satisfied T$e e a e 'an) *a)s to as6 )o" c"sto'e s *$et$e o not t$e) a e sat#sf#e! *#t$ )o" co'pan)B )o" p o!"ctsB an! t$e se -#ce t$e) ece#-e!. No" can as6 t$e':

&ace7to7face As t$e) a e abo"t to *al6 o"t of )o" sto e o off#ceB as6 t$e'.

Call t$e' on t$e p$one If )o" $a-e t$e# p$one n"'be B an! t$e# pe '#ss#onB )o" can call t$e' afte t$e# -#s#t an! as6 $o* sat#sf#e! t$e) a e. 3a#l t$e' a 1"est#onna# e T$#s tec$n#1"e $as been "se! fo a long t#'e. T$e es"lts a e p e!#ctable. E'a#l t$e' a c"sto'e sat#sfact#on s" -e) Be ca ef"l to not -#olate Spa' la*s E'a#l t$e' an #n-#tat#on to ta6e a c"sto'e sat#sfact#on s" -e)

"3 (hen to Conduct a Customer Satisfaction SurveyH T$e best t#'e to con!"ct a c"sto'e sat#sfact#on s" -e) #s *$en t$e e4pe #ence #s f es$ #n t$e# '#n!s. If )o" *a#t to con!"ct a s" -e)B t$e c"sto'e ?s esponse 'a) be less acc" ate. He 'a) $a-e fo gotten so'e of t$e !eta#ls. S$e 'a) ans*e abo"t a late e-ent. He 'a) colo $#s ans*e s beca"se of conf"s#on *#t$ ot$e -#s#ts. S$e 'a) conf"se )o" *#t$ so'e ot$e co'pan). 73 (hat to !sJ In a Customer Satisfaction SurveyH T$e e #s a sc$ool of t$o"g$t t$at )o" onl) nee! to as6 a s#ngle 1"est#on #n a c"sto'e sat#sfact#on s" -e). T$at 1"est#on #sB S*#ll )o" b") f o' 'e aga#n9S 8$#le #t #s te'pt#ng to e!"ce )o" c"sto'e sat#sfact#on s" -e) to t$#s s"ppose! SessenceSB )o" '#ss a lot of -al"able #nfo 'at#on an! )o" can be eas#l) '#sle!. It #s too eas) fo a c"sto'e to ans*e )es to t$e S*#ll )o" b") f o' 'e aga#n9SB *$et$e t$e) 'ean #t o not. No" *ant to as6 ot$e 1"est#ons #n a c"sto'e sat#sfact#on s" -e) to get close to t$e e4pecte! be$a-#o an! to collect #nfo 'at#on abo"t *$at to c$ange an! *$at to 6eep !o#ng. B) all 'eans as6 t$e bas#c c"sto'e sat#sfact#on 1"est#ons:

Ho* sat#sf#e! a e )o" *#t$ t$e p" c$ase )o" 'a!e :of a p o!"ct o se -#ce;9 Ho* sat#sf#e! a e )o" *#t$ t$e se -#ce )o" ece#-e!9 Ho* sat#sf#e! a e )o" *#t$ o" co'pan) o-e all9

An! as6 t$e c"sto'e lo)alt) 1"est#onsS Ho* l#6el) a e )o" to b") f o' "s aga#n9 Ho* l#6el) a e )o" to eco''en! o" p o!"ct0se -#ce to ot$e s9 Ho* l#6el) a e )o" to eco''en! o" co'pan) to ot$e s9

Also as6 *$at t$e c"sto'e l#6e! an! !#!n?t l#6e abo"t t$e p o!"ctB )o" se -#ceB an! )o" co'pan). 83 2o& )ften Should +ou Conduct ! Customer Satisfaction SurveyH T$e best ans*e #s Soften eno"g$ to get t$e 'ost #nfo 'at#onB b"t not so often as to "pset t$e c"sto'e S. In eal te 'sB t$e f e1"enc) *#t$ *$#c$ )o" con!"ct a c"sto'e sat#sfact#on s" -e) !epen!s on t$e f e1"enc) *#t$ *$#c$ )o" #nte act *#t$ )o" c"sto'e s. 8e state ene*s ! #-e s l#censes fo f#-e7)ea pe #o!s. It *o"l! be s#ll) fo t$e' to as6 "s eac$ )ea *$at *e t$o"g$t of o" last ene*al e4pe #ence. Con-e sel)B #f *e s" -e) t$e co''"te s on o" ap#! t ans#t s)ste' once a )ea B *e *#ll '#ss #'po tant c$anges #n t$e# att#t"!es t$at 'a) be ! #-en b) seasonal e-ents.

93 (hat %o Do (ith !ns&ers from a Customer Satisfaction SurveyH Rega !less of $o* *e as6 o" c"sto'e s fo t$e# fee!bac6B *$at *e as6 t$e' #n t$e c"sto'e sat#sfact#on s" -e)B an! *$en *e s" -e) t$e'B t$e 'ost #'po tant pa t of t$e c"sto'e sat#sfact#on s" -e) #s *$at *e !o *#t$ t$e# ans*e s. NesB *e nee! to co'p#le t$e ans*e s f o' !#ffe ent c"sto'e s. 8e nee! to loo6 fo t en!s. 8e s$o"l! loo6 fo !#ffe ences b) eg#on an!0o p o!"ct. Ho*e-e B *e 'ost nee! to act on t$e #nfo 'at#on *e get f o' o" c"sto'e s t$o"g$ t$e s" -e). 8e nee! to f#4 t$e t$#ngs t$e c"sto'e s $a-e co'pla#ne! abo"t. 8e nee! to #n-est#gate t$e# s"ggest#ons. 8e nee! to #'p o-e o" co'pan) an! p o!"ct #n t$ose a eas t$at 'eans t$e 'ost to t$e 'ost of o" c"sto'e s. 8e nee! to not c$ange t$ose t$#ngs t$at t$e) l#6e. 3ost #'po tantl) *e nee! to g#-e t$e' fee!bac6 t$at t$e# ans*e s *e e app ec#ate! an! a e be#ng acte! "pon. T$at fee!bac6 can be #n!#-#!"al esponses to t$e c"sto'e s #f app op #ateB o #t can s#'pl) be f#4#ng t$e t$#ngs t$at t$e) tell "s nee! to be f#4e!. =3 (hat@s 1e,t in Customer Satisfaction SurveysH So $o* !o )o" 6no* *$at?s #'po tant9 Ho* !o )o" 6no* *$at eall) 'atte s to t$e'9 3o e #'po tantl)B $o* !o )o" 6no* *$#c$ t$#ngs to foc"s )o" l#'#te! eso" ces on f# st #n o !e to $a-e t$e b#ggest #'pact on #'p o-#ng c"sto'e sat#sfact#on9


! Practical ;uide for Measuring Customer Satisfaction

T$e Co''on 3eas" e'ent Tools :C3T; *$#c$ *e e !e-elope! an! "t#l#5e! b) Cana!#an p"bl#c secto a e t$e 'ost #'po tant tools #n 'eas" #ng c"sto'e sat#sfact#on to t$e local conte4t #n o !e to #'p o-e c"sto'e sat#sfact#on an! se -#ce !el#-e ) #n t$e p"bl#c secto . At a '#n#'"'B o gan#5at#ons0 agenc#es a e st ongl) enco" age! to assess c"sto'e sat#sfact#on

aga#nst t$e e#g$t co e 1"est#ons0state'ents #n C3T. Agenc#es a e f" t$e enco" age! to "se t$ose a!!#t#onal C3T 1"est#ons t$at 'a) be appl#cable an! ele-ant.

D373$ 5ey steps to Measure Customer Satisfaction

T$e e a e f#-e 6e) steps to 'eas" e c"sto'e sat#sfact#on. T$ese a e: Step $ Develop a plan Plann#ng #s a c #t#cal stage #n t$e 'eas" e'ent of c"sto'e sat#sfact#on.

(hy measure customer satisfactionH

It #s #'po tant to be clea abo"t *$) )o" a e 'eas" #ng c"sto'e sat#sfact#on: *$at p" pose !oes t$e 'eas" e'ent se -eB *$#c$ c"sto'e s !o )o" *ant to s" -e)B *$at #nfo 'at#on a e )o" see6#ng an! *$at o"tco'e #s )o" agenc) ant#c#pat#ng9 A e )o" !o#ng #t to: M I!ent#f) c"sto'e nee!s an! e4pectat#ons# M Re-#seB co ect o #'p o-e a p ocessA M ="#!e plann#ngB !ec#s#on 'a6#ngB an! eso" ce allocat#onA M Repo t aga#nst t$e c"sto'e sat#sfact#on ta get #n So"t$ A"st al#a@s St ateg#c PlanB #n conH"nct#on *#t$ )o" !epa t'entA M Re*a ! an! ecogn#5e e'plo)ees9 8$at *#ll )o" !o *#t$ t$e es"lts9 8#ll t$e) be: M p o-#!e! as fee!bac6 to )o" c"sto'e s :#ncl"!#ng #nfo 'at#on abo"t $o* t$e# fee!bac6 #s cont #b"t#ng to se -#ce #'p o-e'ent plans an! p #o #t#es;A M p esente! to t$e e4ec"t#-e 'anage'ent g o"p an!0o staffA M p o-#!e! as #nfo 'at#on fo se -#ce !el#-e ) #'p o-e'entsA M "se! #n f"t" e b"s#ness plann#ngA M "se! #n epo ts to E4Co''9 Be '#n!f"l of not o-e b" !en#ng c"sto'e s *#t$ f e1"ent e1"ests fo fee!bac6 an! #ncon-en#enc#ng t$e' *#t$ lengt$) 'eas" e'ent 'et$o!s. Be s" e to e4pla#n to c"sto'e s *$at *#ll $appen *#t$ t$e es"lts. Step 2 Determine the best approach for assessing customer satisfaction

T$e e #s no one best app oac$ fo assess#ng c"sto'e sat#sfact#on. No" s"ccess *#ll !epen! on a co'b#nat#on of facto s elate! to )o" agenc) an! t$e ans*e s to t$e 1"est#ons e4plo e! #n )o" plann#ng p$ase. Cons#!e at#ons #ncl"!e: c"sto'e seg'entat#onB !ata collect#on app oac$ an! 'et$o!B *$et$e to "se 1"al#tat#-e o 1"ant#tat#-e !ataB an! t$e s" -e) sa'ple s#5e. Con!"ct#ng a c"sto'e sat#sfact#on e4e c#se #s a 'aHo p oHect an! s$o"l! be !es#gne! an! anal)5e! b) people *#t$ stat#st#cal e4pe t#se. &" t$e #nfo 'at#on fo stat#st#cal e4pe ts on t$e best app oac$ fo assess#ng c"sto'e sat#sfact#onB #ncl"!#ng !ete '#n#ng t$e app op #ate sa'ple s#5e. Step 3: Ask for feedback - what to include As a gene al "le *$en 'eas" #ng c"sto'e sat#sfact#onB t$e follo*#ng s$o"l! be cons#!e e!: Sets o"t t$e p" pose of t$e fee!bac6 an! g"#!es t$e c"sto'e t$ o"g$ t$e 1"est#ons. As6s c"sto'e s to !esc #be t$e# e4pe #enceB nee!s an! !es# es :often on a scal#ng s)ste';. T$ese a e t$e f"n!a'ental 1"est#ons *#t$#n t$e s" -e)B p o-#!#ng #nfo 'at#on on cl#ent e4pe #encesB e4pectat#ons an! nee!s. Al*a)s be consc#o"s of t$e a'o"nt of t#'e t$at *#ll be e1"# e! b) t$e c"sto'e to co'plete t$e fee!bac6 U a t#'e l#'#t of 1GU1, '#n"tes #s co''on p act#ce. Be)on! t$#sB people 'a) feel t$at too '"c$ t#'e #s e1"# e!. Step 4: Turn customer feedback into useful information P epa #ng an! sto #ng fee!bac6 :!ata; #s #'po tant fo effect#-e anal)s#s an! e-#e*. It s$o"l! be ente e! an! sto e! #n a epos#to )B s"c$ as a !atabase o E4cel sp ea!s$eet. T$e anal)s#s of fee!bac6 '"st be "n!e ta6en b) a s6#lle! stat#st#cal anal)s#s p act#t#one . So'e !epa t'ents $a-e #nte nal e4pe ts t$at can "n!e ta6e t$#s anal)s#sB *$#le ot$e s enl#st t$e ass#stance of e4pe ts to p o-#!e t$#s se -#ce. B) anal)5#ng c"sto'e fee!bac6 :!ata;B )o" s$o"l! be able to #!ent#f) t$e t$#ngs t$at 'ost $ea-#l) #nfl"ence a c"sto'e @s sat#sfact#on. It #s #'po tant to anal)5e an! #nte p et t$e !ata to ens" e t$at s"ggest#ons fo 'ean#ngf"l #'p o-e'ents can be 'a!e. 2e-elop#ng eco''en!at#ons to #'p o-e se -#ce !el#-e ) on t$e bas#s of p #o #t) a eas fo #'p o-e'ent t$at $a-e t$e 'ost !# ect effect on o-e all c"sto'e sat#sfact#on U t$ese a e t$e ele'ents t$at *#ll !el#-e t$e g eatest #'pact fo )o" c"sto'e s. In !ec#s#on 'a6#ngB as6 )o" self: 8$at !o *e !o f# stB 8$at act#on0s *#ll p o-#!e t$e best #'p o-e'ent #n o-e all c"sto'e sat#sfact#onB 8$at #'p o-e'ent o en$ance'ents a e *o t$ 'a6#ngB 8$at can *e feas#bl) !o *#t$ c" ent eso" ces9 3ost #'po tantl)B #t #s essent#al to !o

so'et$#ng *#t$ t$e es"lts of )o" c"sto'e s" -e)s. E-en elat#-el) s'all #'p o-e'ents can s#gn#f#cantl) an! pos#t#-el) #'pact on o-e all cl#ent sat#sfact#on. In a!!#t#onB eac$ effo t at se -#ce #'p o-e'ent t$at #s base! on t$e fee!bac6 p o-#!e! b) )o" c"sto'e s *#ll se -e to st engt$en: O-e all c"sto'e elat#ons$#psA t$e le-el of t "st an! conf#!ence t$at *#ll beg#n to b"#l! as t$e) *#tness t$e #'pact of t$e# fee!bac6 on se -#ce !el#-e ).

Step 5

resent the results and impro!e customer ser!ice

It #s a!-#sable t$at t$e es"lts of 'eas" e'ent p ocesses be epo te! to e4ec"t#-eB sen#o 'anage'ent an! staffB so t$at all a e a*a e of t$e c" ent le-el of c"sto'e sat#sfact#on *#t$#n )o" agenc). 8#t$ e4ec"t#-e en!o se'entB t$#s *#ll enco" age a collect#-e espons#b#l#t) to #'ple'ent t$e se -#ce #'p o-e'ent act#ons. T$e c"sto'e s #n-ol-e! *o"l! also -al"e ece#pt an! ecogn#t#on of t$e es"ltsB as *ell as t$e act#on to be ta6en. P esentat#on 'et$o!s s$o"l! be ta#lo e! fo t$e a"!#enceA t$ese co"l! #ncl"!e fo 'al * #tten an! stat#st#cal epo ts :*$e e )o" c"sto'e base #s $ea-#l) #n-ol-e! o !eepl) connecte!;B e4ec"t#-e s"''a #esB pe sonal p esentat#onsB b oc$" esB ne*slette a t#clesB an! #nt anet an! Inte net post#ngs. S#'pleB g ap$#c p esentat#ons of !ata a e a po*e f"l *a) to !#spla) f#n!#ngs an! a e gene all) eas) to "n!e stan!. Ot$e 'et$o!s #ncl"!e: !esc #b#ng t en!sB s$o*#ng pe centagesB co'pa #ng g o"ps an! t$e# esponsesB an! "s#ng !#ag a's. 8$#le #t #s g eat to $a-e 'a!e t$e effo t to collect c"sto'e fee!bac6B t$e c #t#cal *o 6 #s #n t$e #'ple'entat#on of act#ons to #'p o-e )o" c"sto'e se -#ce. T$#s #s an ongo#ng nee!B not a one7off e-ent.

"#3#2 The Application of $ommon %easurement Tools &$%T'

T$e Co''on 3eas" e'ent Tool :C3T; $as been a!apte! f o' t$e Cana!#an p"bl#c se -#ce 'o!el an! #s fle4#ble eno"g$ to be "se! alone o #n co'ponents to s"ppo t )o" e4#st#ng c"sto'e sat#sfact#on 'et$o!olog#es an! 'eas" es. 8#t$#n t$e C3T )o" *#ll f#n! co e 1"est#onsA t$ese 1"est#ons a e base! on esea c$ #nto *$at ! #-es sat#sfact#on *#t$ p"bl#c secto se -#ce !el#-e )A b) "s#ng t$ese 1"est#onsB )o" *#ll be bette able to !ete '#ne an! assess le-els of sat#sfact#on an! p #o #t#es fo se -#ce #'p o-e'ent. T$e C3T 1"est#on ban6 also #ncl"!es an a!!#t#onal 1,G 1"est#ons t$at can be "se! ac oss !#ffe ent se -#ce !el#-e ) c$annels an! t)pes of se -#ce. It #s base! on p"bl#c secto best p act#ce an! #s $#g$l) eco''en!able. (hat are the eight core )uestions*statements to include+

To s#'pl#f) an! al#gn c"sto'e sat#sfact#on 'eas" e'ent p act#ces ac oss t$e p"bl#c secto B a set of e#g$t 1"est#ons an! state'ents : efe e! to as t$e co e 1"est#ons; $as been !e-elope!. T$ese co e 1"est#ons a#' to 'eas" e t$e 6e) ! #-e s of c"sto'e sat#sfact#on. Use of t$ese e#g$t 1"est#ons *#ll c eate cons#stenc) an! enable !# ect an! co'pa at#-e 'eas" e'ent of c"sto'e sat#sfact#on ac oss agenc#es. All agenc#es a e st ongl) enco" age! to "se t$ese to assess c"sto'e sat#sfact#on. T$e) a e 'a!e "p of t$ ee s"''a ) 1"est#ons an! f#-e ot$e 1"est#ons t$at 'eas" e t$e 6e) ! #-e s of c"sto'e sat#sfact#on. T$e s"ggeste! at#ng scale s$o"l! also be "se! to allo* fo eas) benc$'a 6#ng *#t$ ot$e !epa t'ents an! agenc#es. No" *#ll note t$at t$e at#ng scale c$anges acco !#ng to t$e conte4t of t$e 1"est#ons.

$he ei!ht core %uestions satisfaction& I' Summar( )uestions

Dri!ers ,uestions*Statements




*er( dissatisfied *er( satisfied

1 +verall Satisfaction

/ 2ccessibilit( 0 $imeliness

II' +ther Core )uestions


,o- satisfied -ere (ou -ith the +ver all %ualit( of service deliver(. +verall, ho- satisfied -ere (ou -ith the accessibilit( of the service3product. +verall, ho- satisfied -ere (ou -ith the amount of time it too4 to !et the service.
,uestions*Stateme nts

1 5

1 5 1 5



Stron!l( disa!ree 1 1 / 0 / 0 1 1

Stron!l( a!ree 5 5 52 52

5ot at all *er( Important important 1 1 / 0 1 / 0 1 5 5 52 52

1 Fairness 5 Information

6 7no-led!e 3 Competence

I -as treated fairl(. I -as informed of ever(thin! I had to do to !et the service3product. Staff -as 4no-led!eable and competent.

5 52

/ 0


8 9:tra mile 3 Courtes(

Dri!ers ; +utcome

Staff -ants the e:tra mile to ma4e sure I !ot -hat I needed. ,uestions*State ment In the end, did (ou !et -hat (ou needed.

0 1

5 52

0 1

5 52

Satisfaction <es 5o I !ot part of -hat I needed

3eas" e'ent an! s" -e)#ngB $o*e-e B a e not l#'#te! to t$ese e#g$t 1"est#ons. Agenc#es0o gan#5at#ons a e also enco" age to ta#lo 'eas" e'ent et$o!olog#es b) #ncl"!#ng a!!#t#onal 1"est#ons a-a#lable f o' t$e C3T 1"est#on ban6B *$#c$ can be fo"n! at www#grc#sa#gov#au#

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