Social Work With Individuals and Groups

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DEFNITION: Social case work may be defined as the art of doing different things for and with different peoples by cooperation with them to achieve at one and the same time their own and societys betterment. OBJECTIVES: To understand and solve the internal problems of the individual. To strengthen his ego power. Remediation of problems in social functioning. Development of recourses to enhance social functioning.

HISTORICAL DEVELOPMENT OF SOCIAL CASE WORK: Social case work is the direct method of social work which use case by case approach for dealing with individuals or familys as regard their problems of social function. Case work as a mode of helping people on the basis of person to person relationship was present in every society from Ancient time onwards. It was first started in U.S.A on 1877 as charity. It is a professional way of helping. Professional case work was originated in USA in 20th century. Some organized efforts was started in USA to help poors, was the establishment of American charity organization society in1877. The charity organization of America on the pattern of London charity was started with the aim to the way and means of helping the poor and needy and thus to organize individualistic service grassed to their purpose. This society used volunteers who are called as Friendly visitor to visit the poors houses for the purpose of accessing their need for rendering materials assistance and giving them guidance and advice. The Friendly

visitor is subsequently called as Paid agent. These paid agents or helper s developed gradually the systematic procedure in performing their task. They started collecting data of needy individuals and families and they start helping them in many ways, after assessing their aim due to like this process is slowly and gradually become a professional method. Paid worker social worker Needy people clients Charity organization - agency 1. Social diagnosis Marry Rich men was the first book of social case work on 1917. Systematic procedure of helping needy people was given in this book. 2. Methodology of helping clients through systematic way of assessing their need and problem and helping them.

First Training program for case workers was in the form of summer courses. Need for more substance training was found necessary and school of social work attached to agencies came into existence. . Freudian Psychology, which emerged in 1920, had a strong impact on case work. They applied psycho analytical theory over individual. Psychoanalytical knowledge pertaining to human behavior was observed by the social case workers was found useful. During this period the case workers focused their attention on Psychic forces. During 1940s case workers where exposed to the formulation of ego Psychology based on the observation of human being as regard their difficulty for coping and adopting abilities of times of stress.

During next 2 decades social workers started/begin to examine sociological concepts like social role, social system, social class, etc. First professional social workers who do case work in Indian setting were trained in the American schools of social work. Case work was the one of the course started in Sir Dorabji Tata graduate school of social work currently is called as the Tata School for social work in 1936. It was started as one of the course and it became a method in social work by practice in helping people with their problem of social functioning. Church was first mode of social work. Then charity was formed. Next to the charity it is volunteer organized. PRINCIPLES OF CASE WORK: Principles of individualization. Principles of purposeful expression of feeling. Principles of controlled emotional involvement. Principles of acceptance. Principles of non-judgmental attitude. Principles of confidentiality. Principles of determination. Principles of developing and utilizing resource.

BASIC COMPONENTS OF CASE WORK: TOOLS: The tool is anything that serves as a means of operation in practice of trade, occupation or a profession. Case work tool enable the worker to help the client effectively and efficiently. Person Problem Place Process

LISTENING: This is a basic tool of case work it helps the case worker to understand the clients words and feelings it helps the case worker to listen the emotions of the clients. OBSTACLES: 1. DISTRACTION: Makes the case worker to go of the path of active listening. It blocks the effective listening. 2. SELECTIVE LISTENING: Mental tendency of listening to what one likes to listen. 3. EFFECTIVE LISTENING: Maintain eye contact Quiet place Non-judgmental Remove pre conceived idea about the client Listen to everything Understand what the client says and makes a mental note of it. OBSERVATION: This is a practice of observing the features about the people and the situation. The case worker should observe: General outward appearance Facial expression Body language Gesture, sign and symbols Mannerism Emotion and pattern of interaction

Every part of clients make up conveys a message. The client communicates verbally and non-verbally. The workers should be able to relate the non-verbal interaction.

INTERVIEW: It is the meeting of the case worker and client in the face to face conversation and it is not a casual one. Purpose: To obtain information To study and access the clients problem To give help SKILLS: Case worker should have professional approach. Case worker should have genuine feeling of bond and affection to be able to establish rapport. Case worker should be well trained to handle individuals Case worker should be able to motivate the client to remove his communication barrier. Case worker should be respective and sensitive as the way of his behavior affects the clients. INTERVIEWING PROCESS: PREPERATION FOR THE INTERVIEW: Determine the specific objective before interviewing- focus on the personal character of the client- establishes rapport -introduce yourself. Prepare the client for the interview. PHYSICAL SETTING: The place of the interview should be carefully chosen. It should be private and comfortable to both. It should be free from distraction. INTERVIEW PROCESS: Explore the facts given by the client. Ask relevant question. Get accurate information. Focus on the response of the client. The question should be clear and should reach the understanding of the client. Record the responses.

ENDING THE INTERVIEW: After adequate information has been received the session can be indeed to a sufficient level it can be ended. When the objective of the interview is fulfilled to a sufficient level then it can be terminated. TYPES: 1. Structured interview 2. Unstructured interview 3. In depth interview Structured interview: It is also known as controlled, directed or guided interview. A predetermined questionnaire is used. Unstructured interview: It is known as non-directed interview. The case worker develops new questions as the interview proceeds. In depth/focused interview: It is the combination of structured and unstructured interview. COLLATERAL CONTACTS: Significant individuals who are in contact with the client and who can provide relevant information in terms which helps the case worker to access the client are called collateral contacts. Eg: family members, friends, neighbourhood and colleagues. The collateral contacts can access the worker in accruing the client better. It can also act as a resource to solve the problem. CLIENT AND THE CASE WORKER RELATION AND USE OF PROFESSIONAL SELF:

The term relationship in social work was first used by Virginia Robinson in her book CHANGING PSYCHOLOGY IN SOCIAL CASE WORK in the year 1939. CHARACTRASTICS: Vital relationship between people arises out of shared and emotionally charged situation. All growth producing relationship of which case work relationship contains elements of acceptance and expectation, support, and stimulation. The identifying mark of professional relationship is its conscious purposiveness growing out of the knowledge of what must go into the achieving the goal. Case worker relationship begins as and when the client shares some part of his problem and the worker demonstrate and what he feels with his client and his professional competency in dealing with the problem. Case work relationship may have several therauptic values. Relationship needs and difficulties from outside the case work situation may be disturbed or interviewed and complicate the case work relationship. The case worker too has relationship reactions and part of the professional skill in their management. DIFFRENCE BETWEEN RELATIONSHIP: PROFESSION Duration It will end when problem ends. Time Limited according to problem. There is no limit. It will not come to an end. PROFESSIONAL AND SOCIAL


Place It will be in office or institution. Focus Client problem is focused. Role Client and case worker. Mutual role. Mutual satisfaction. It will be in home or club.

PURPOSE OR USE OF PROFESSIONAL RELATIONSHIP: Seeks better solution for clients problem. Stating reality and the emotional problems. Exploitation of need for solving the problem. Development of professional character.

COMPONENTS OF THE PROFESSIONAL RELATIONSHIP: ACTUAL EMPATHY: Ability of case worker to perceive and communicate accurately and sensitively to the clients feeling. NON POSSESSIVE WARMTH: Case workers respect, accept, like, care and be concerned for the client without dominating the client. GENUINESS: Case worker should be hones in his/her approach. SKILLS OF RELATIONSHIP EMPATHY: Respect the client. Accepts the client. Non-judgmental attitude. USES OF RELATIONSHIP IN HELPING PROCESS: It is the channel to which client in understandable.

It helps the worker to make the client to make involve. Relationship helps the client to relate himself to the worker. It acts as the treatment itself. It helps the client to ventilate. It helps the clients to make decision. It helps the worker to given suggestion. It helps the clients clarify the doubts without fear or anxiety.

TYPE OF TREATMENT: Support Clarification Insight Identification Recourse utilization Evaluation Environmental modification

RECORDING: 1. Process: Detailed interaction of what interaction took place. - Preserves a sequence of what client and social work said and also their expression. 2. Summary: Meaning and importance of what had happened and material gathered. It saves worker time. 3. Verbally: Reproduction data is individuals own words. Used more for accuracy and objectivity. No mechanical reproduction. It should be intelligent recording. 4. Narrative: Speak of days event, way we write letters, and way we are keeping diaries. Practically helps correlate visits more useful. 5. Detailed:

6. Analytical: Critically examine one or more items/situation. It returned around comparison of situations. Used in conclusions and recommendation. 7. Conduced:

UNIT III SOCIAL GROUP WORK: DEFNITION: The oxford English dictionary defines group as a number of persons or things regarded as faming unit an account of any client of mutual or common relation are classified to gather on account of common degree of similarity There are three criteria suggested by this definition: 1. To call a group as a group which has number of persons more then one. 2. Mutual or common relationship. 3. Similarity. DEFNITION: social group work is a method through with individuals in groups and in agency setting are helped by a worker who guides their interaction in program activities so that they may relay themselves to others and experience growth opportunities in occurdence with their needs and capacity to the end of the individuals, group, community development. -TRECKER social group work is method of social work which helps individuals to enhance their social functioning through

purposeful group experience and to cope more effectively with their personnel group or community problem. TRAKERS PRINCIPLES OF GROUP WORK: Principle of planned group function. Principle of specific objective. Principle of purposeful worker group relationship. Principle of continuous individualization. Principle of guided group interaction. Principle of democratic group self-determination. Principle of flexible functional organisation. Principle of progressive program experience. Principle of resource utilization. Principle of evaluation.

OBJECTIVES: Konapkas group work objectives are: INDIVIDUALIZATION: It helps the individual to free himself while being helped to interact with his fellowmen Development of sense of belonging Basic development of the capacity to participate Increase the capacity to contribute to the decision on ground of rational thinking and through group deliberation Increase respect for difference among people Development of warm and accepting social climate To participate in the activity of group for their intellectual Solves the problem of adjustment by development of individual through group work To learn to share the responsibility in group To give an opportunity in those who have potentiality

To make use of leisure time to the people in the group It prepare the people for social change Groups in commodity ROLES: To provide opportunity for the progress of the group To encourage the individual towards progress in the group To make individual to be conscious about their rights To enable the group with regard to determine the aim To encourage the goodwill among members To make the adjustment between the social needs To give proper attention to each individual To associate individual with their groups

SKILLS: COMMUNICATION: Body language, meaningful, easily understand, ability to convey the ideas, thoughts and feelings, listening. Mostly the group worker has the capability to listen to the problem of group for the both LISTENING: It is a skin by group worker have to listen and understand the group need When there is good communication OBSERVATION: Action, facial express To pay the attention, concentrate on the point and the generalize Emotional check ANELTICAL THINKING: Empathy Feeling with them refers to capacity of person to put ourselves in somebody else situation and understand the family and situation LEADERSHIP: Involve the member in group activity

Guiding group interaction Reasoning complex Analyzing the aspects

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