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SOCIETY Society derived from the Latin words Socius which means companionship or friendship It also means sociability

y Man needs society for living working enjoying life DEFINITION Society is the complex of organized associations and institutions with a community G.D.M.COLE Society refers not to the group of people but to the complex pattern of norms of interaction that arise among and between them LAPIERE Society is a web of social relationship - MACIVER CHARACTERISTICS OF SOCIETY Society consists of people Mutual interaction and mutual awareness Society depends on likeness Society rests on difference too Cooperation and division of Labour Society implies interdependence Society is dynamic: change is present Social control Culture own way of life-morals-values INDIVIDUAL AND SOCIETY Man is a social animal He lives in social groups communities and in society Only in the society man is surrounded by culture No human beings have normally developed in isolation

Instances like Kasper Hauser; wolf-children in India; isolated illegitimate child Anna put forth the fact that man develops human quality only in society COMMUNITY Refer to a racial community Religious community Linguistic community Professional community An association or group Entire humanity DEFINITION Community is a social group with some degree of we-feeling and living in a given areaBOGARDUS Community is area of social living marked by some degree of social coherence R.M.MACIVER Community is any circle of people who live together and belong together who share a whole set of interests - MANHEIM ELEMENTS OF COMMUNITY LOCALITY: Community is a territorial group Occupies some geographic area Reside in a definite locality Develop social contacts-gives protection-safety and security Helps to promote and fulfill their common interests Basic factor of a community COMMUNITY SENTIMENT: Feeling of belonging together Sense of we-feeling Kind of identification with the group

i) ii) iii) iv) v) vi) i) ii) iii)


SOCIETY Web of social relationships Definite geographical is not an essential aspect of society Society is abstract Community sentiment may or may not be present Society is wider Society involves both likeness and difference

COMMUNITY Consists of group of individuals living in a particular area Denotes a definite locality or geographical area Community is concrete Community sentiment is an essential element of community Community is smaller Likeness is more important than difference in a community RURAL COMMUNITY Human society cradled in the rural group Oldest and permanent of community of man Consists of people living in a limited physical area Psychological bond plays an important role Sociability solidarity and mutuality will be there in the rural community DEFINITION OF RURAL COMMUNITY A rural community consists of people living in a hamlet or village which forms the centre of their common activities DWIGHT SANDERSON A group of people permanently residing in a definite geographic area having developed a certain community consciousness and cultural-social-economic relations. J.H.KOLB & BRUNNER

CHARACTERISTICS OF RURAL COMMUNITY The Social Homogenity: simple & smooth-going Dominance of primary relations: face to face relationship Informal social control: less problematic Occupations : agriculture Importance of family: joint family system Role of neighbourhood: intimate Faith in religion Conservatism : traditional & orthodox ECONOMIC ORGANIZATION OF RURAL COMMUNITIES Agriculture Cottage industries and crafts Small-scale industries RURAL PROBLEMS Economic problems: poverty due to heavy load on land-traditional methods of cultivationunemployment etc Lack of educational facilities Traditionalism: illiterate-ignorant-superstitious Lack of adequate civic amenities: medical electricity-transport Defective rural administration Social problems: victims of evil habits & practices due to poverty & illiteracy URBAN COMMUNITY Represents the city life Mans greatest work of art Environment of bricks and bridges Product of man and his own achievement

It holds both and despair Vital center of every civilized society CHARACTERISTICS OF URBAN COMMUNITY Social heterogeneity: city life is complex Secondary relations: indifferent towards one another Anonymity of city life: ocean of strangers Secondary control: violations of rules Large scale division of labour and specialization Large scale social mobility Individuation: individualistic in their attitudes Voluntary association Social tolerance Unstable family URBAN PROBLEMS Problem of concentration: in a definite limited space Problem of facilities: overcrowding-housing problems-lack of water facility-fresh air etc Problem of slums: increasing industrialization and urbanization Problem of privacy: lack of privacy & intimacy Problem of vices: economic insecurity-mental illness gambling prostitution-crime-juvenile delinquency-alcoholism RURAL URBAN CONTRAST Marked by uniformity & unity Dominated by primary relations Simplicity & hospitality Informal means of social control Less mobility

Limited scope for division of labour Built of family units Women are tradition bound Not career conscious Conservative Small number of people Simple unigroup society Free from conflicts, tensions Known for diversity & complexity Dominated by secondary relations Artificiality Formal means for social control More mobility Wide spread division of labour Family is unstable Women employed outside family More career conscious Progressive More number of people Complex multigroup society Disorganization, mental illness TRIBAL COMMUNITY Earliest among the present inhabitants of India Still in primitive stage Far from the impact of modern civilization

Live in forests, hilly regions, mountainous places and deep valleys Termed as adivasis Constitute 8.8 of total population DEFINITIONS A tribe is a group of local communities which lives in a common area, speaks common dialect and follows a common culture GILLIN & GILLIN A tribe is a collection of families bearing a common name, speaking common dialect, occupying a common territory IMPERIAL GAZETTEER OF INDIA TRIBAL PROBLEMS Problem of geographic separation Cultural problems Social problems Economic problems:

1. Exploitation 2. Unprofitable agriculture 3. Problems of land ownership 4. Unemployment and under employment 5. Non availability of banking facilities

GROUPS Society consists of groups Social group exists when two or more people are in direct or indirect contact and communication Members in the group respond to one another in a meaningful way DEFINITION OF GROUP A social group is a system of social interaction HARRY.M.JOHNSON

Social group refers to two or more people between whom there is an established patterns of interaction MARSHAL JONES Social group is any collection of human beings who are brought into human relations with one another R.M.MACIVER AND PAGE A social group constitute whenever two or more individuals come together and influence one another OGBURN & NIMKOFF CHARACTERISTICS OF SOCIAL GROUPS Collection of individuals Interaction among members Mutual awareness We-feeling Group unity and solidarity Common interests Similar behaviour Group norms Size of the group Groups are dynamic Stability CLASSIFICATION OF SOCIAL GROUPS In groups &Out groups: Sumner differentiates between In group and Out group. In groups are We Groups and the Out groups are they groups. For eg: Hindus are In groups and other religious groups are Out groups In voluntary & voluntary groups: Charles Ellwood classifies as Involuntary groups includes groups such as family/city/state. Voluntary groups include political parties/trade unions/youth associations Horizontal & Vertical groups: Sorokin divided groups as Horizontal groups: nation/religious organization/political parties. Vertical groups are smaller divisions such as economic classes which give the individual his status in the society Contd


Cooley classified social groups as Primary & Secondary groups Primary Groups

Nucleus of all social organizations Small groups wherein a few persons come into direct contact with one another Meet face to face for mutual help/companionship and mutual aid Intimate / personal relationship will be among the members Socialize the individuals

CHARACTERISTICS OF PRIMARY GROUPS Dominance of face-to-face relations Small in size Physical proximity or nearness Stability of the group Similarity of background Limited self interest Intensity of shared interest Communication Direct cooperation IMPORTANCE OF PRIMARY GROUPS Great humanizing agent: socializing the child Development of personality Satisfaction of psychological needs Provision of stimulus United in process

Strengthens the democratic spirit Acts as an agent of social control SECONDARY GROUPS Interests of the members are diversified Members are numerous and scattered

CHARACTERISTICS OF SECONDARY GROUPS Dominance of secondary relations Largeness of size Voluntary membership No physical proximity Indirect communication Informal means of social control Limited influence of personality SOCIAL PROCESSES Fundamental ways in which men interact and establish relationships Mode of interaction Reciprocal relationships

DEFINITIONS: It is the manner in which the relations of the members of the group once brought together acquire a distinctive character MACIVER It is the characteristic ways in which interaction occurs A.W.GREEN It is the repetitive forms of behaviour which are commonly found in social life HORTON & HUNT


Social Processes includes:

Cooperation Competition Conflict Accommodation Assimilation COOPERATION One of the most basic and continuous social processes It is the very basis of social existence Working together for the pursuit of a common goal In Latin words CO means together and operari means to work It means joint work or working together for common rewards DEFINITIONS It is a form of social interaction wherein two or more persons work together to gain a common end ELDREDGE & MERRILL It is a continuous and common endeavour of two or more persons to perform a task or to reach a goal that is commonly cherished A.W.GREEN It is the process by which the individuals or groups combine their effort in a more or less organized way for the attainment of common objective - FAIRCHILD TYPES OF COOPERATION Direct Cooperation: The individuals involved perform the identical function (playing , worshipping together) Indirect Cooperation: People work individually for the attainment of a common end (farmers, tailors, spinners) Primary Cooperation: Every members works for the betterment of all (family, neighbourhood) Secondary Cooperation: Highly formalized and specialized (political, economic, religious) Tertiary Cooperation: Found between bigger groups(between two political parties) COMPETITION

Less violent form of opposition in which two or more persons or groups struggle for some end or goal Competition is more personal Most fundamental form of social struggle Natural result of universal struggle for existence It takes place whenever there is an insufficient supply of things that human beings commonly desire Whenever and wherever commodities which people want are available in a limited supply there is competition DEFINITIONS Competition is an interaction without social contact PARK & BURGES Competition is the striving of two or more persons for the same goal which is limited so that all cannot shareBIESANZ Competition is the struggle for possession of rewards which are limited in supply, goods, status, power, love-anything HORTON & HUNT CHARACTERISTICS OF COMPETITION Scarcity as a condition of competition Competition is continuous Competition is universal Competition is dynamic It is a cause for social change May be personal or impersonal May be constructive or destructive May be unconscious FORMS OR TYPES OF COMPETITION Social Competition : for higher status and position Economic Competition: compete for jobs, customers, clients, profits, wages, increments, promotions, money, wealth, property etc

Political Competition: competition for political power by the political parties. Cultural Competition: take place between two or more cultural groups CONFLICT Ever-present process in human relations One of the forms of struggle between individuals or groups Takes place whenever a person or group seeks to gain a reward by preventing others from effectively competing DEFINITIONS: Process of seeking to monopolise rewards by eliminating or weakening the competitors HORTON & HUNT Deliberate attempt to oppose, resist the will of another or others A.W.GREEN Social process in which individuals or groups seek their ends by directly challenging the antagonist by violence or threat of violence GILLIN & GILLIN CHARACTERISTICS OF CONFLICT Universal Personal Continuous Conditioned by culture Personal or impersonal Ways of resolving conflict Frustration and insecurity promote conflict TYPES OF CONFLICT George Simmel distinguished four types of conflict: WAR : a deep seated antagonist impulse in man FEUD: Intra-group conflict arise because of injustice by one group to another LITIGATION: judicial struggle by an individual or group to protect right to possessions

CONFLICT OF IMPERSONAL IDEAS: conflict carried on by the individuals not for themselves but for an ideal TYPES OF CONFLICT

CORPORATE CONFLICT: occurs among the groups within a society or between two societies. Eg-labourmgmt conflict PERSONAL CONFLICT: takes place within the groups. Eg. Student-teacher; between friends etc CLASS CONFLICT: it arises between social classes which have opposite interests. Eg rich and the poor RACIAL CONFLICT: physiological differences which are apparently seen among people. Eg whites and negroes CASTE CONFLICT: a sense of highness and lowness or superiority and inferiority which some caste groups develop GROUP CONFLICT: found between two or more groups of any kind. Eg political, social, economic, religious etc INTERNATIONAL CONFLICT: conflict between two or more nations for political, economic or religious

ACCOMMODATION One of the principal types of social processes Through this process social order arises Human social organization is fundamentally the result of an accommodation of conflicting elements Adjustments that man does continually to get along with other people or situations DEFINITIONS Acquired changes in the behaviour of individuals which help them to adjust to their environment J.M.BALDWIN Process in which man attains a sense of harmony with his environment MACIVER Adjustments which people in groups make to relieve the fatigue and tensions of competition and conflict LUNDBERG Adjustment of hostile individuals or groups OGBURN AND NIMKOFF CHARACTERISTICS OF ACCOMMODATION

Natural result of conflict Conscious or unconscious activity Universal Continuous METHODS OF ACCOMMODATION YIELDING TO COERCION: coercion involves use of force of threat of force for making the weaker party to accept the conditions of agreement COMPROMISE: when the contending parties are almost equal in power they attain accommodation ARBITRATION: third party involves when the contending parties does not come for compromise MEDIATION: involves a neutral agent for a peaceful settlement CONCILIATION: to develop friendship and come to an agreement TOLERATION: conflicts are avoided than settled or resolved CONVERSION: involves a sudden rejection of ones beliefs or conversion into some other religion SUBLIMATION: substitution of non-aggressive attitudes. (ahimsa) RATIONALISATION: excuses or explanations for ones behavior ASSIMILATION One of the types of interaction Form of social adjustment More permanent then accommodation Concerned with the absorption and incorporation of the culture by the another DEFINITIONS Fusion or blending of two previously distinct groups into one YOUNG & MACK Social process whereby attitudes of many persons are united, and thus develop into a united group BOGARDUS

Social process whereby individuals or groups come to share the same sentiments and goals BIESANZ Process whereby persons and groups acquire the culture of another group SAMUEL KOENIG CHARACTERISTICS Not confined to single field only: explain the fusion of two distinct cultural groups Slow and gradual process Unconscious process Two-way process FACTORS FAVOURING ASSIMILATION Toleration Intimate social relationship Intermarriage Cultural similarity Education Equal social and economic opportunity UNIT II CULTURE Most important concept in social science Unique possession of man Trail of human society Unique quality of man Includes our walks of life, modes of behavior, philosophy, ethics, morals, manners, customs and tradition. DEFINITION Handwork of man and the medium through which he achieves his ends B. Malinowski

CHARACTERISTICS Culture is learnt It is shared It is transmissive It is continuous Consistent and integrated It is dynamic and adoptable It is gratifying Varies from society to society CULTURE AND SOCIETY Culture is a system of behavior Society is a group of people who share common culture Society is an organized group of individual Culture is an organized group of learned responses of a particular society Society is composed of people who interact on the basic of beliefs , customs and values Culture bind the society CULTURAL LAG MATERIAL CULTURE: Manmade objects like tools, furnitures etc. NON MATERIAL CULTURE: Language, beliefs, habits, customs, etc. Cultural lag is the lag between the material and non-material culture(cultural gap) SOCIALISATION Society prescribe its own ways and means of giving social training to its new born members so that they develop their own personality this is called as socialization Process of molding and shaping the personality of the human infant Process whereby an individual become a functioning member of the society Often referred as transmission of culture DEFNITION Process by which the individual learns to commence to the norms of the group -W.F.Ogburu FUNCTION To mold individual To learn the social culture To learn and establish proper relationship To learn group norms To develop self and mind To develop human behavior To develop communication To make individual complete personality To make personality development To learn social roles To develop community feeling To adjust with social environment

SOCIAL CONTROL Control which the society exercises over the behavior of its member through various mechanism control Social control refers to the control of the society over the individual Implies a system of device through which society controls the activities of individual members DEFNITION Sum of those methods by which a society tries to influence human behavior to maintain a given order - Manhem NATURE AND PURPOSE It denotes some kind of influence Influence is essentially exerted by society or community The influence is exercised for promoting the welfare of all the individuals or of the group as the whole It is universal PURPOSE It brings about social conformity It brings about solidarity It assures the continuity of social group/society TYPES FORMAL: law, legislation, military, police force etc. Created deliberately Punishments are given for the violators INFORMAL: gossips, resentment, public opinion, sympathy, sense of justice No specific punishments Faith in religion, standard of living, are found to be more important in this type of control AGENCIES It is by: Law Education Public opinion Propaganda Coercion Customs Folkways Religion Morality Sactions(physical force to symbolic means) Miscellaneous norms(rites, rituals, and ceremonies) UNIT III SOCIAL STRATIFICATION

Classification of people based on certain criteria like appearance, way of behavior, community, caste, etc. Division of society into permanent groups CHARACTERISTICS Social It extend to time immemorial It is universal It is an diverse form FUNCTIONS It encourages hard work It ensure circulation of elite Serves an economic function Prevents waste of recourse Stabilizes and reinforces attitudes and strata Help to perform different jobs CASTE SYSTEM Important in stratification Closely related to Hindu religion FACTORS AFFECTING CASTE SYSTEM Geographic isolation Influence of religion rural social structure lack of education CHANGING PATTERN OF CASTE SYSTEM Declining hold power of and positions Influence of social legislation on caste system Impact of social reform movements Spread of education and influence of westernization Influence of industrialization Impact of urbanization Uniform legal system Impact of modern education Modern transportation and communication system Establishment of democracy Raise of non-Brahmin movement Advent of women to all sectors CLASS SYSTEM Subdivision of cast system Principle form of stratification universal in nature and represent a group of people CHARACTERISTICS It is a status of groups in society

It is an achieved status on occupation and income It is universal It has more of feelings of unity, equality, inferiority and so on Element of prestige prevails Elements of stability Based on mode of living, class changes It represents open group of people Classification of social classes Class consciousness (community sentiment)

MARRIAGE DEFNITION: It is a contract for the production and maintenance of children

CHARACTRASTICS: Universal. Relationship between women and men. It is a long lasting bond. It requires social approval. It provide for economic cooperation. It is associated with some kind of religious ceremony. It create mutual obligation.

IMPORTENCE OF MARRIAGE: Regulation of sex life. Marriage leads to establishment of family It contributes to emotional and intellectual interstimulation of partness. It aims to social solidarity.

FORMS OR TYPES: Polygyny: Marrying more than the one woman. They are 2 types are: Sororal: sisters of same family. Non Sororal: they may from different family. Polyandry: One woman with several men. They are 2 types they are: Fraternal: brothers from same family. Nonfraternal: from different family.

Monogamy: One man marries one woman. Endogamy: Rule marriage within one community not from out of community. Exogamy: They can marry outside their community group.

FAMILY: It is a primary group. It is a basic social institution from birth to death we belong to same family from generation to generation.

DEFINITION: Family is more or less durable association of husband and wife with or without children. NIMK OFF It is biological social unit composed of husband, wife, and children. - ELLIOTT AND MERRILL

CHARECTERSTICS: Mating relationship will be there. It is a form of marriage. It is universal. It is more on emotional basis Limited in size. Common residence. Economic provision will be there. Social regulation also will be there.

FUNCTION: Primary function of family: Reproduction Maintenance of childrens. Sociability Stable satisfaction of sex need. Production and rearing of children. Provision of home. Instrument of culture transmission which pass from generation to generation. Secondary function of family: Economic function. Educational function: As it provide basis for children learning. Religious function. Recreational function.

Visiting relation, family reunion, familys jointly going for vacation. CHANGES IN THE FUNCTIONS: Sex regulation function Reproductive function Protective function Parental and education function Economic function Recreational function

TYPES OF FAMILY ON THE BASIS OF MARRIAGE Polyganons Polygynous Polyandrous monogamous ON THE BASIS OF RESIDENTIAL Matrilocal Patrilocal Family of changing residence ON THE BASIS OF ANCESTER Matrilineal patrilineal ON THE BASIS OF NATURE OF AUTHORITY Matriarchal patriarchal ON THE BASIS OF SIZE AND STRUCTURE Joint family Nuclear family

Matriarchal Mother centered or mother dominated family Mother is the owner of the property

Characteristics: Inherent and succession Status of daughter is related to status of mother After marriage of daughter she will stay in her mothers house

Patriarchal family dominated by father

Characteristics inheritance for male children from father Patrilocal residence Authority for male members

Nuclear family It is universal social phenomenon

Definition A small group composed of husband and wife and immature children which constitute a unit apart from the rest of the community - DUMAN MITCHELL

Function Stable satisfaction of sex need Procreation and upbringing of children Socialization of children Provision of a home

Joint family Basic social institution Undividable family system

Definition It is a mode of combining smaller family into larger family through existence of three or more generation including grandfather, parents, children It consist of member related through blood and spread over several generation living together under a common roof and work under a common head

Characteristics Depth of generation Common roof Common kitchen Common property Exercise of authority by the head of the family

Arranged marriage

Merits Stable and durable Ensured economic progress and expenditure Serves as an social insurance company Helps self-control and promotes cooperation

Demerits Retain the development of the personality Demages individuals

Changes of joint family system: Influence of education Impact of industrialization Influence of urbanization Change in marriage system Influence of the west Awareness and empowerment of women

ECONOMIC SYSTEM: Capitalism is the economic system making the widest use of capital in the process of production. The salient features of capitalism was: Private property Large scale production Profit institution Competition Price mechanism Wage institution Money and credit Business Organisation Market economy(based on demand and supply)

POSETIVE ASPECTS: High standard of living Economic progress Exchange of culture Progress of civilization

Lessening of racial difference

NEGATIVE ASPECTS: PROPERTY: It is a thing are goods owned by an individual or group of individuals and it consist of service that society gives an individuals or groups of individual that execute right to possess use and dispose. CHARECTERSTICS: Transferable Actual use and enjoyment of objects by the owner Exercise of power Concrete external object It is an non-human aspect Greed of wealth Destruction of human value Materialism Artificiality Imbalanced social system

PRIVATE PROPERTY: it is owned by person or group of person used by owner by his own property subject to regulation of state government supervision and control will be there by state

ADVANTAGE: incentive to work satisfaction of natural instinct security against the future economic progress will be there

DISADVANTAGE: geed for property destruction of human value inequality economically inadequate

PUBLIC PROPERTY: owned by community or state used for public goods belong for state itself not subject to any regulation of an external groups

POLITICAL SYSTEM: It is an ancient form of system. CLASSIFICATION: According to Thinkers classification political system is classified into: Kingship Tyranny Aristocracy Polity and democracy According to Maxweber classification: Tradition Experimental personnel qualitys Legal

DEMOCRACY AS A POLITICAL SYSTEM: Democracy is form of government and also the test and most civilized form of political system DEFNITION: Democracy is a word with many leading and some emotional colour - BURN It is form of government in which the mass of population possess the right to share the exercise of sovereign power - GETTELL It is a government of people, by the people, for the people - ABRAHAM LINGON

PRINCIPLES: It guaranty all the individual the right to speak to criticize and disagree with others It stands on the principles of tolerance It believe in the method of peace Appose to use the treat of power It uphold the dignity of human personality It guaranty the fundamental right to freedom of speech, peaceful assembly proceeding, and to contest the election in harmonious way It function strictly according to the profession of the constitution It give adequate opportunity for all and equal justice

ESSENTIAL CONDITIONS: TYPES: DIRECT DEMOCRACY INDIRECT DEMOCRACY It requires some political maturity and education Eternal vigilance and the people must be alert It require efficient and elaborate system of self-governing Sprit of toleration A well-organized party system and peaceful atmosphere with proper leadership A strong sense of solidarity and we-feeling

POLITICAL PARTIES: DEFNITION: It is an association organized in support of some principle or policy of constitutional needs which endowers to make the determinant of government - MACIVER FUNCTIONS: It have the basic task of propagating their ideals, policies, and programs Second main task is to contest and win the elections

BY-PARTY SYSTEM: Two major parties are engaged in political revelatory to get into power. The advantage of it was: Government become more stable Allotment of portfolio may be simple and less complicated Ensure strong government

DISADVANTAGE: The choice before voter will become very much limited Cannot provide sufficient opportunities for all representative Possibility of majority party to conduct itself in a doctorial manner

MALTIPARTY SYSTEM: More than two party was present then it is called as multi party system ADVANTAGE: It provide opportunity for all shapes of opinion to be reflected in parliament

Provides wider choice for the voters Little opportunity for the cabinet to become doctoral

DISADVANTAGE: It leads to the establishment of state of confusion in the government Position of PM is very week Lack of administration efficiency

INDIA AS A WELFARE SYSTEM: WELFARE STATE: It means state that takes care of the welfare of the people and promotes general happiness and harmonious environment. A welfare state regarded itself as an agency of social service rather than instrument of power. DEFNITION: Welfare state is a state that provide for its citizens a wide range of social service -KENT Its a state which provides for health, insurance, other social service -CORUSE OXFORD DICTIONARY OBJECTIVE: To perform miracle of security and liberty Individualism Conservation To underwrite certain level of employment, income, education, medical aid, social security and housing for entire citizen

BACIC ELIMENTS: An extensive scheme of social security Provision of many free services by state Maintenance of full employment Improvement in quality of life India as welfare state

INDIA AS WELFARE STATE: As a welfare state India is committed to the welfare and holistic development of the people Justice, social, economic, and political aspect Liberty of thought, expression, relief Equality of status and opportunity for all Assuring the dignity of individual and unity and integrity of state

FUNDEMENTAL RIGHTS: Right to equality (Article 14 - 18) Right to freedom(Article 19 - 22) Right against exploitation(Article 23&24) Right to freedom of religious(Article 25 - 28) Right to culture and education(Article 29&30)

DIRECTIVE PRINCIPLE OF STATE POLICY: Employment to all citizen Equal salary for equal work for both men and women Free and compulsory education for children of age up to 14 Special aid for unemployed, old age, disabled Special assistance to the worker section of the society

WELFARE OF THE CHILDREN: Integrated child development service Service for children in need of case and protection Nutritional programs Crches for working and mother workers childrens

UNICEF PROGRAMMS: Welfare of the women Hostels for working women Functional literacy for adult womens Training for rehabilitation for womens Employment and income generation production unit Socio economic programs for women Vocational training

WELFARE OF DISABILITY: Programs for disabled for their early deduction and treatment Education Training Rehabilitation

WELFARE OF SCS/STS AND BACKWARD CLASS: The constitution is prescribed certain protective measure for these classes Number of protective schemes were introduced in five year plans

WELFARE OF MINORITES: Establishment of minorities finance and development corporation

SOCIAL DEVELOPMENT: Social development is the promotion of sustainable society by empowering marginalized groups, women and men to undertake their own development and to improve their social and economic position and acquire their rightful place in society Social development is defined on the basis of 3 criteria: Poverty eradication Employment and generation Social harmony The Human development reports of the United National developmental program has developed indices such as human developmental index which is based on three dimension of human development that includes Life longevity Knowledge (about literacy) Decent standard of living

Human poverty index which is based on basic survival, educational level, overall economic provisioning and sustainability GENDER RELATED DEVELOPMENT INDEX: This measures the above variable in terms of inequality between men and women.

3 COMPONENTS OF SOCIAL DEVELOPMENT: Fight against poverty Development of people themselves Right place in society

3 FIXED MEASHURING POINT FOR SOCIAL DEVELOPMENT: Genders Sustainable development Social cohesion

COLLECTIVE BEHAVIOUR: It refers to a group of behavior that is apparently not guided by usual norms of contact. DEFINITION: It is relatively unorganized pattern of social integration in human group. - N.J SAMLSER CHARACTERISTICS: FORMS: Mass behavior Crowd behavior MASS BEHSVIOUR: CHARECTRESTICS: FORMS: Rumors Faison and fade Unorganized Unstructured Not coordinated Individual chosen behavior of masses Temporary in nature Not regulated by any set of rules or procedures It became unpredictable It gather without any prior planning It is caused by rumors and miss information

Panic Mass hysteria CROWD BEHAVIOUR: Temporary collection of people reacting together for a cause CHARACTERISTICS: TYPES: FORMS: Mobs Riots Public opinion Propaganda Casual crowd Conventional crowd Expressive crowd Acting crowd Suggestibility Anonymity Spontaneity Lack of self-consciousness

TECHNIQUES: Name calling Glittering Transfer Testimony

SOCIAL MOVEMENT: DEFINITION: It is collective effort to promote or resist change. - HORTOZE HUNT CHARACTERISTICS: Oriented towards a social change collective action TYPES:

Reforms movement Revolutionary movement Reactionary movement Resistance movement Eutorpian movement

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