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The social workers conduct and comportment as a social worker. A. PROPRIETY: The social worker should maintain high standards

of personal conduct in the capacity or identity of social worker. B. COMPETENCE AND PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT: The social worker should strive to become and remain proficient in professional practice and the performance of professional functions. C. SERVICE: The social worker should regard as primary the service obligation of the social work profession. D. INTEGRITY: The social worker should act in accordance with the highest standards of professional integrity.

E. SCHOLORSHIP AND RESEARCH: The social workers engaged in study and research should be guided by the convention of scholarly inquiry. II. The social workers Ethical responsibilities to clients: F. PRIMAVY OF CLIENTS INTERESTS: The social workers primary responsibility is

to clients. G. RIGHTS AND PRE ROGATIVES OF CLIENTS: The social worker should make every effort to foster maximum self-determination on the part of the clients. H. CONFIDENTILATY AND PRIVACY: The social worker should respect the privacy of clients and hold in confidence all information obtained in the course of professional service. I. FEES:

When setting fees, the social worker should ensure that they are fair, reasonable, considerate, and commensurate with the service performed and with due regard for the clients ability to pay. III. The social workers Ethical responsibility to colleagues: J. RESPECT, FAIRNESS, COURTECY: The social workers should treat Colleagues with respect, fairness, courtesy, and good faith.

K. DEALING WITH COLLEASUE'S CLIENTS: The social worker has the responsibility to relate to the client of the colleagues with full professional consideration. IV. The social workers Ethical responsibility to Employers and Employing organization: L. COMMITMENTS TO EMPLOYING ORGANIZATION: The social worker should adhere to Commitments made to the employing organizations. V. The social workers Ethical responsibility to the social work profession: M. MAINTAINING THE INTEGRITY OF THE PROFESSION: The social worker should uphold and

Advance the values, ethics, knowledge and mission of the profession. N. COMMUNITY SERVICE: The social worker should assist the profession in making social services available to the great public. O. DEVELOPMENT OF KNOWLEDGE: The social worker should take responsibility for identifying, developing, and fully utilizing knowledge for professional practice. VI. The social workers Ethical responsibility to society: P. PROMOTING THE GENERAL WELFARE: The social worker should promote the general welfare of the society.

VALUES OF SOCIAL WORKERS Besides social work professions commitment during the formation of profession commitment to quality of life, social justice, human dignity and worth inclusion of values sets like equality, social justice, freeing of life style, rightful access to social resources and liberation of selfpowers are also evident. Herbert Bisno has classified values/philosophy as followed: VALUES/PHILOSOPHY RELATING TO INDIVIDUALS: The social work believes that human Suffering is undesirable and should be prevented or at least alleviated whenever possible. Human behavior is the result of interaction Between the biological organism and its environment. Family relationship is of primary importance In the early development of the individual. Though humans are moral being at birth, They tend to act irrationally also. Inherent dignity and worth of human being, inherent and inalienable right of human being to choose and achieve his own dignity.


There is serious political, social, and economic maladjustment in every culture. Evolutionary type of reform is both possible and desirable. Social worker believes in possibility of the intelligent direction of social change and hence there is a need for social planning. Appreciating the multi dimensionality of the problem and its multiple consequences. VALUES/PHILOSOPHY RELATING TO RELATIONSHIP: Social work reject the doctrine of laissez faire and survival of fittest. The rich and the powerful are not necessarily fit, while the poor/weak are not necessarily unfit. In social work socialized individuals are preferred to rugged individualism. A major responsibility for the members resets with the community. Accepting the clients / situation as it is and working at a pace convenient for them.

VALUES/PHILOSOPHY RELATING TO SOCIAL AGENCY: Social work agencies are basically resources to solve human problems. VALUES/PHILOSOPHY RELATING TO SOCIAL WORK PRACTICE: Social work has functionally dualistic Approach. It attempts to solve individual problems and at the same time simultaneously attempt to modify the social and institutional framework in required direction. Social work service should be provided by professionally trained workers in both public and private agencies. Social work accepts democracy as the fundamental ordering of the society. Knowledge, skill, ethical standards etc.

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