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She "Said I Love You Too" Dedicated to all true lov ers and friends Part-1 10th May

2066. I don't know whether I'm so good in English.But I wanted to write this badly!My story..I'm Dev Shankar,from Mumbai,A man of age 72..And I felt like sharing my life story.So I'm writing this. Here it begins!! First day in college Orientation day,the only day when students sit silently like a good child with their parents.After 3 hours of meeting, parents moved leaving their son/daughter in hostel,shedding a drop of tear , though they are gonna meet up someday.In a course of time,students were instructed to assemble in their respective classrooms.As I had to put my stuffs in the room,I went a bit late to the class and only last bench wasn't filled.A pakka North Indian guy was sitting there alone.I went near him and, Me : Hey! I'm Dev. And you? Raj : Hi! I'm Raj. Raj Sharma.Where are you from? Me : I'm from Chennai.Staying in hostel here.You? Raj : I'm from the same city.But it takes nearly 4 hours to reach this place from my home. So,I'm staying in hostel.Okay.There comes our class advisor .We will talk in a while. CA : A very warm morning my dear students.I'm Shiv,your Class advisor.I wish you all a very good luck.Now you may introduce yourselves one by one.. I felt that all the introductory speeches were so boring and decided to lie on the table.Suddenly I was woken up by a cute voice.Ok wait!Voices can't be cute.It was attractive i meant.There, I saw her....Priya,as she introduced herself.She was so charming and beautiful indeed.She looked homely,She had brown eyes,long curly hair,with some resting on

her shoulders,small ear rings and tiny bindhi on her forehead.She began her speech.. Priya : A Monday Morning to one and all seated here.I feel so proud to be here and i can't still believe that i have got a seat in one of the top colleges.I'm from Delhi,staying in hostel here.I always wanted to make a big friends circle and i wish i get a bunch here.My interests are killing time and my ambition is that i want to witness a Miracle before i die..That's it with me.Thanks for the opportunity. Claps.. I was mesmerized,dumb-struck,not by her speech,but by her beauty.Quite a few days passed on, i got some friends, started bunking classes and whenever i saw her i felt like something special in me,a feeling which can't be explained even by the dictionaries.Somehow, I wanted to talk to her and an opportunity came.I saw some books rolling down the steps.I took those books and lifted my face above and looked.It was her.. Me : Hey! Your books..(Meanwhile she was checking her books..) I'm Dev.Umm.. Your batch mate.Your speech was so good.And I'm a hosteler too.If you don't mind,can we exchange our contact numbers? Anyway, mine is 9840...... Priya : Idiot!! (She rushed off..) To Be Continued... She "Said I Love You Too" Part-2 11th May 2066. Everyone around were staring at me so badly.I couldn't stand there and I too rushed off! But I rushed to her. Me : Hey!(With lots of anger) Priya : What?! Me : What do you think of yourself? I just formally spoke to you.Yeah

Okay,asking your mobile number in our first convo was wrong. But only since I thought you were an easy going person I asked the same. Priya : (She remained silent)... Me : So you don't wanna talk to me right? Get off from my sight now! (She took off her sight from me and started moving).Wait!! I forgot something. IDIOT!! This time I rushed off first. I reached the class few minutes later and when I was about to sit, "Good Morning Sir" call made me to remain standing. It was Engineering Graphics Period. The only period in which both my Professor and myself don't know anything. As I sat down, I heard someone crying. Yes, it was her. I seriously don't know why most of the girls cry for silly things.Hell with them.Hell with her especially.Girls.A very dangerous word!.This is what they do after they finish their 12th grade..They enroll in some engineering college.. slog for 4 years... outperform the boys.. draw margins in assignments.. submit assignments a day in advance.. block 2-3 jobs when the guys struggle to get one.. and then finally give up the jobs to marry some rich guy from America.. this is the life-routine for most girls.. After an hour, Though I hate girls, I feel so low when I hurt them.. It was lunch break. She was sitting in one corner and having her lunch (Still depressed).. I went near her and when i was about to talk to her, Priya : Hey! Look.. I shouldn't have done that. I apologize for everything. Let's be good friends!! Okay??!! ( She gave her hands to shake) Me : I also have a confession to make! Apologies Priya. ( I shook hands with her) Finally we exchanged our contact numbers..As days passed on I noticed some changes in myself. I took mobile phone everywhere I

went...Literally everywhere.My daily routine was : 1.Wake up.Send and receive Good morning messages. 2.Go to class.Continue messaging. 3.Go to lunch.Continue messaging. 4.Return from the class.Continue messaging. 5.Go to Bed.Continue messaging. The addiction got worse each day. I ignored food, I ignored sleep, I ignored my studies, I ignored everything. All I cared in life was about her. I thought for days and realized that i fell for her..I didn't want to prolong my proposal.So I decided to tell it asap! One late night we were messaging. I decided to tell it that moment.. I closed my eyes and started typing the message.. Look Priya... Aren't your legs paining??? Coz you have been running through my mind...When I met you first, all I wanted is to be your life partner. And yes,I believe in love at first sight. Coz I started loving my Mom since she gave birth to me..I fell for you in my first sight..But I thought we need to understand about each other. I can't propose you and then befriend with you.We have a different word for that..So I wanted you to understand about me and I did the same. I don't know whether you are impressed. But I'm sure that I can't be without you in the next part of my life. You very well know that this entire message just mean these 3 words.. Yes Priya, I Love You.. I Love you so much..... Just like all Indian film actors say, I don't have any other option, but to wait..Gimme a good news Priya.. Love ya loads... I opened my eyes wide open and clicked the "Send" Button.I got a beep in few seconds... Phew!! It showed that message has been sent.. I kept on waiting.I didn't know how will she take it ! I wasn't scared but.. But All I wanted now is a reply from her..I became restless..I literally didn't know what to do.. I tried calling her..Every time, it said "Mobile you are trying to reach has been switched off or not reachable". It was

a Friday night and many thoughts were going through my mind. Maybe her mobile got switched off due to low battery and she slept off. But she had never done that.. If such a thing is gonna happen , she pre-informs me..Or maybe she was shocked and threw away the mobile out of frustration and anger..Wait!! But she always told me that she cares for her mobile very much and she keeps it very safe. I stopped thinking.. I came to a conclusion that nothing is gonna happen today and my room mate was also disturbed in his sleep and I put my mobile in silent and planned to sleep.. But, Whole night I was thinking about her and also of what is gonna happen the next day.. I kept glancing at my mobile.. As the mobile light slowly started fading, my eyes started closing..I kept murmuring "I love you Priya"..Suddenly my roommate woke up and shouted " I hate you Dev".. Me : Hey! Sorry dude..Carry on with your sleep.. I won't disturb you anymore. Rahul : Don't worry bro! You will get your love.. Go sleep now... His words gave me a little relief and I slept off !! I woke up when the clock struck 7:00. I realized that my mobile got switched off due to low battery. I searched for the charger..I started charging it and switched on the mobile. I was half asleep and suddenly I heard a beep.. It displayed " You have 10 missed calls from Priya " The time was 2:00 in the midnight.. I didn't know how to react.. I called her back.. I heard the ringing sound..

To Be Continued...

She "Said I Love You Too" Part-3 12th May 2066.

I heard the ringing sound... She picked up.. Me : Hello Priya... Priya : Dev, What happened to you last night? You went nuts?? Me : No, Priya.. I just told what I felt..Apologies if it had hurt you.. Priya : Yes Dev, It hurt me more.. But even I went nuts.. But I didn't want to r eply in text... Dev, Psst.. I Love You too .. I was on cloud nine at that moment.. Or may be even cloud "Infinity" if it ever existed.. Me : So Priya, Are you ready to live rest of the life with Me?? Priya : Yes, Idiot!! Me : Hahaa.. I remember that IDIOT thing still.. Priya : Okay Dev.. People have started teasing me here.. I'll catch you later.. Bye... Love ya.. Before I could Say I love you too Priya,she hung up. I don't know why these girl s are like this.. Girls are always girls.. Just like all lovers,even we met in many places.. Park, Restaurants , Cinema the atres etc.. 4 years passed so quick and we had to catch up with our own jobs and placements.. We both got placed.. In the same Company.. The onl y problem we had was to convey it to our family.. Just like all Indian movies, both our families weren't ready to accept our love.. Yes, I know what's going on in your mind at present! We did our best to convince them but they were stubborn in their decision.. So we decided to lead a new life.. I didn't know whether it was the right decision at that time.. We thought of our parents. It was only because of them we are in this wor ld! True indeed.. But we had no other option.. It took us nearly 2 years to settle.. And within that time, Our parents understood us and we were to gether.. Mind this one too!! Parents are always Parents.. You can't change them.. Life went so good then... We enjoyed our life as a couple.. We wer e blessed with a girl child.. We took up responsibilites.. Days passed.. Months passed.. And years passed.. Later I came to realise that even I' ll pass away some day ... I call it maturity rather than stupidity.. Love stories and movies which I have read and seen so far were either like the H eroine will die and Hero narrates the story or they run away and suicide at an instant.. Only quite a few were like my story where We had belief in God and faith.. True love never dies.. It is eternal.. 50 years since I got married, even now we love each other and can't live without each other... Pe

ople say Love is in the air.. Remember, Air is present everywhere... True love is present everywhere..Believe a little in God and faith .. Time will take care.. Mind it!! If it's not forever, it's not love.. Love is just a word until someone comes and give its meaning.. That marks the la st line of my love story.. Thanks for your reading till the end...

A Story By, Vicky Murali. (Excited to be alive)..

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