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15th November

Dear Parent / Carer Year 7 Visit to France 2014 Thank you for your interest in the Paris trip for June 2014 and payment of the deposit. This visit has proved to be extremely popular and is over subscribed; however in order not to disappoint students we are pleased to confirm that we have managed to secure a second date to Paris which will take place from Tuesday 1st July to Friday 4th July. This will increase the number of students who are able to visit France to 88 and the accommodation, activities and cost will be identical to the trip in June. In order to confirm your child's place please complete the slip below so that we can allocate a place on one of the trips but please let us know if your child is unable to travel on the new dates. Students may name up to 3 friends who they would like to travel with and should staple forms together if the friendship group is agreed by all. (ALL students must be present when the forms are handed in.) This will ensure the group will travel together. Even with 88 places available, the two trips may still be oversubscribed, therefore we will now allocate places on a first come first served basis upon receipt of the below reply slip. The slips must be handed to Mrs York from 8.15 on Monday morning in order to secure your childs place. Forms should NOT be handed in to the school office or any other member of staff and will only be accepted from the named student. Please note that British nationals will travel on a group passport organised by the school and therefore, do not need their own passport. Non-British nationals must have their own passport and will be responsible for obtaining a visa if necessary. If your son/daughter secures a place on the trip, payment of the remaining instalments will be required by the following dates: Friday 6th December 50 Friday 23rd January Friday 21st February Friday 21st March 75 85 75

If your son/daughter does not secure a place on either visit his / her name will be held on a reserve list and your deposit will be returned next week. Yours sincerely

Mrs S York French Teacher

YEAR 7 VISIT TO PARIS 2014 Please select one of the following options; My child is able to travel on either date My child is not able to travel on the new date and can only travel on the original date (18th 22nd June)

Name of pupil............................................................................ Form Group 7...........

Signed....................................................................... (Parent/Guardian) _____________________________________________________________________ Please name up to 3 friends your child would like to travel with 1 2 3

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