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Time Allowed : 1 Hour (60 minutes)

Total No. of Questions : 100

REASON N! A" # T$ 1. A rickshaw driver starts from the stand drivers 2 km towards North, takes a left turn and drives for 5km. He then takes a left turn and drives for 8 km before taking a left turn again and driving for 5 km. The driver finall takes a left turn and drives 1 km before sto!!ing. How far and towards which direction should the driver drive to reach the stand again " a# c# $ km towards North ' km towards south b# d# % km towards &ast ' km towards (est e# 5 km towards North.

)irections *2+5#, -tud the following information carefull and answer the given .uestions . &ight !ersons &,/,0,H, 1, 2, 3 and 4 are seated around a s.uare table , two on each side. 1 There are three ladies but the are not seated ne5t to one another. 11. 2 is between 4 and / 111 0 is between 1 and / 16 H * a lad # is second to the left of 2 6 / a male is seated o!!osite to & a lad 61 there is a lad between / and 1 2. (ho are three females" a# &02 a# / b# &H0 b# 1 c# 2 c#0H2 d# 3 e# 4 d# 0&7 e# 348 $. (ho is seated between & and H" 9. How man !ersons are seated between & and H" a# :ne b# Two a# 0 b# 1 c# Three d# /our e# -i5 c# 2 d# H e# None of these 5. (ho is to the immediate left of /"

'. -avita ranks twelth in class of 9'. (hat is her rank from the bottom" a# $$ b# $9 c# $5 d# $' e# $%

)irections *%+ 8# ,+ &ach of the .uestions below consists of a .uestion and three statements number 1, 11 and 111 given below it. ;ou have to decide whether the data !rovided in the statements are sufficient to answer the .uestions. %. How man daughters does < have" 1. 11. 111. a# c# d# e# 8. 1. 11. 111. a# d# e# 7 and ) are sisters of 8. 8=s father T is husband of <. :ut of the three children which T has, onl one is a bo . :nl 1 and 111. :nl , 11 and 111 >uestion cannot be answered even with all 1, 11 and 111 :nl 1 and 11 (ho among A,7,?,),& and / each having a different height, is the tallest " 7 is taller than A but shorter than & :nl two of them are shorter than ?. ) is taller than onl /. :nl 1 and 11 b# :nl 1 and 111 c# :nl 11 and 111 b# All 1, 11 and 111 are re.uired to answer the .uestion.

All 1, 11 and 111 are re.uired to answer the .uestion. All 1, 11 and 111 are not sufficient to answer the .uestion

@. :ne morning Aust after sunrise, Narendra was standing facing a !ole. The shadow of the !ole fell e5actl to his right. (hich direction was he facing" a# North , i# ii# iii# iv# a# 7A a# A7 A, 7, ?, ), &, / and 0 are sitting in a circle facing at the centre and !la ing cards. & is neighbor of & C ) 0 is not between / C ? / is to the immediate right of A b# ?7 b# ?7 c# )? c#&A d# )& e# None of these b# (est c# -outh d# &ast e# North+&ast )irections *1B+11# -tud the following information carefull and answer the .uestions given below

1B. (hich of the following does not have the !ersons sitting adAacent to each other" 11. (hich of the following !airs has the second !erson sitting immediatel to the right of the first" d# )? e# None of these

12.(hat is the !osition of /" a# Third to the left of ? b# -econd to the right of ? c# To the immediate left of A e# None of these d# )ata inade.uate e# None of these d# To the immediate left of 7 1$.(ho are the neighbours of 7" a# A C / as shown" a# 7 0 ? 15. b# / 7 ? c# ? ) 0 d# & ) 0 e#None of these b# ? C ) c# / C ? 19 (hich of the following !ersons are sitting adAacent to each other from left to right in the order

1t is observed that a ver large number of seats in the engineering colleges in the countr (hich of the following ma be the !robable cause of the above effect "

remain vacant at the end of the admission session. a# b# c# d# e# 1'. There has been a considerable decrease in hiring economic slowdown in the recent ears. -tudents have alwa s !referred to com!lete graduation in three ears time instead of four ears for engineering. The 0overnment has recentl decided to !rovide !ost =.ualification !rofessional training to all engineering graduates at its own cost. There has alwa s been a ver !oor success rate among the engineering students. None of the above The condition of the roads in the cit has deteriorated considerabl during the first two of engineering graduates due to

months of monsoon and most of the roads have develo!ed big !ot holes, (hich of the following ma be a !ossible effe%t of the above cause" a# b# c# d# e# The munici!al cor!oration had re!aired all the roads in the cit before onset of monsoon A large number of !eo!le have develo!ed s!ine related inAuries after regularl commuting with good .ualit material. long distances b road within the cit . The munici!al cor!oration has been careful in choosing the contractors for re!airing roads <eo!le alwa s com!lain about !atholed roads during the monsoon months. None of the above in the !art.


There were number of rail accidents in 1ndia in the recent months, with large number of

fatalities and inAured !assengers. This has raised serious doubts about the railwa =s ca!abilit of !roviding safet to travelers. (hich of the following statements substantiates the views e5!ressed in the above statement " a# b# c# d# e# 1ndian Dailwa s is known to !rovide best !assenger comfort in the recent ears. <eo!le have no o!tion other than travelling b rail over long distances. The railwa tracks at man !laces have been found to be stressed due to wear and tear in 4ocal residents are alwa s the first to !rovide a hel!ing hand to the !assengers in the event None of the above

the recent times. of such disasters.

)irection *> 18+1@# /rom the given alternative words find the word which cannot be formed using letters of the given word. 18. &-TA 741-H8&NT b# &ssence c# -hame d# 8ental e# None of these. a#&state 1@.

D&<D18AN) b# De!air c# 8undane d# 8aiden e# <rimer

a# Demand

2B. 8&A-ED&8&NT a# 8aster b# -ummit c# 8antle d# Assure e# Desent

N&'ER (A# A" # T$ )irections , (hat will come in !lace of the .uestion mark *"# in the following .uestions " 21. 22 $9'$ 5 2@5 + 18'11 F " G588$ a# @@%B@1 '5 a# 1 5 $B8 99 b# 88%B%1 2' b# B.85 c# @8@B@B d# 8@@B'Be# None of these 28 5 1@5 H $@ G 5 F "

1 c# $ 2 2$. a# 5'82 H '$ 5 $' F " 5 1@ 1%B e# 19B b# d#

1 2 e# None of these






)irections , 1n the following number series onl one number is (rong. /ind out the wrong number. 29. a# % 222 e# 2B8'B8 12 9B 222 b# 1%92 1%$@B 12 c# 2B8'B8 9B d# 1%92

25. 8anisha bought e.ual number of Ds. 55, Rs.85 and Ds.1B5 tickets for a drama. -he s!ent total Ds.2@9B for all the tickets. How man of each t !e of ticket did she bu " a# 12 e# b# 18 c# 1' d# ?annot be determined 2'. None of these ears is

The sim!le interest accrued on an amount of Rs. 225BB at the end of four

Rs.1B8BB. (hat would be com!ound interest accrued on the same amount at the same rate at the end of two ears " a# d# 2%. Rs.19@B8 Rs.85'8 e# b# Rs.5%29 c# Rs.2'2$9 None of these

The res!ective ratio between the !resent age of Aarti and -avita is 5 , 5. Aarti is @ ears age after @ ears will be $$ ears will be $$ ears. The

ounger than 2ahnavi. 2anhavi=s come in !lace of 5 " a# 21 b# $% c# 1%

difference between savita=s and Aarti=s age is same as the !resent age of 2ahnavi. (hat will d#?annot be determined e#None of these

28. An HD com!an em!lo s 98BB !eo!le, out of which 95 !ercent are males and 'B !ercent of the males are either 25 ears or older. How man males are em!lo ed in HD ?om!an who are ounger than 25 ears "

a# 2@.



2$2B c#

12%8 d#



None of these

Harshita bought 2B !ens,, 8 !ackets of wa5 cra ons, ' calculators and % !encils bo5es. The

!rice of one !en is Rs.%, one !acket of wa5 colour is Rs.22, one calculator is Rs.1%5 and one !encil bo5 is Rs.19 more than the combined !rice of one !en and one !acket of wa5 cra ons. How much amount did Harshita !a to the sho!kee!er " a# $B. Rs.1$81 b# Rs.1815 c#Rs.1''% d#Rs.15%2 e# None of these The average marks in &nglish subAect of a class of 29 students is 5'. 1f the marks of three

students were misread as 99, 95 and '1 of the actual marks 98,5@ and '% res!ectivel , then what would be the correct average " a# $1. 5' b# 55 c# 5%.5 d# 58.5 e# None of these two !ercent of second number. -econd -i5 eleventh of a number is e.ual to twent

number is e.ual to the one+fourth of third number. The value of the third number is 29BB, (hat is the 95I of first number" a# 1B%.' b# 1$1.1 c# 115.9 d# 19$.8 e# None of these

)irections *$2+ $'#, -tud the table carefull to answer the .uestions that follow , Number of !eo!le visiting si5 different -u!er+markets and the !ercentage of 8en, (omen and ?hildren visiting those -u!er+markets Names of t)e su*er mar+ets A 7 ? ) & / $2. a# $$. a# $9. a# Total Num,er of -eo*le $95'B '5@BB 95'9B 555BB 92$5B 5@'5B 'en $5 $% $5 91 B' 29 -er%enta.e of /omen 55 9$ 95 2' %B '2 ()ildren 1B 1B 2B $$ 29 19

Number of men visiting -u!er+market ) forms a!!ro5imatel what !ercent of the total 12 b# 5.%5. c# 1$.5 d# 8.25 e# %.5

number of !eo!le visiting all the -u!er+markets together " Number of children visiting -u!er+market ? forms what !ercent of number of children @$.2@ b# 1'525 b# 9%.'5 c# 2'95@ c# 12$.51 $19@5 d# d# 1B@.$B 29$B' e# e# None of these None of these

visiting -u!ermarket / " *rounded off to two digits after decimal# (hat is the total number of children visiting -u!er+markets 7 and ) together "

$5. a# $'. a#

(hat is the average number of women visiting all the -u!er market together " 2982$.5 b# 2$$8%.5 c# 25912.5 d# 2B88'.5 e# None of these (hat is the res!ective ratio of number of women visiting -u!er+market A to those -u!er+ $$.$5 b# 2$5,$$' c# $$2,$%@ d# 1B$1,119' e# None of these

market ?"

$%. The sum of three consecutive numbers is 5%. (hich is the largest number among these three" a# 1% b# 18 c# 21 d# 2B e# 2'

$8. The average age of -ita, Dani and Abha is 25 ears. The sum of AbhaJs and DaniJs age is four times that of -itaJs age. (hat is -itaJs age" a# 28 ears b# 25 ears c# 2B ears d# 15 ears e#$B ears $@. 1n a class, $BI of the students are high achievers, 9BI of the remaining are average achievers and remaining 19 students are low achievers. How man high achievers are there in the class" a#19 b# 15 c# 1B d# @ e# 12 9B. 1f onl the length of a rectangular !lot is reduced to $K5 th of its original length , what will be the ratio of the original area to the revised area" a# 5, $ b# $, 5 c# 5, 8 d# 8, 5 e# ', 5

!ENERA# A/ARENESS 91. a# b# c# d# e# 92. a# b# ?# d# e# 9$. (hich of the following statement is true " 7anks cannot acce!t demand and time de!osits from !ublic 7anks can acce!t onl demand de!osits from !ublic. 7anks can acce!t onl time de!osits from !ublic. 7anks can acce!t both demand and time de!osits from !ublic. 7anks can acce!t demand and time de!osits onl from government. 1nterest !a able on savings bank accounts is + not regulated b D71. regulated b -tate 0overnments. regulated b ?entral 0overnments. regulated b D71. regulated b /inance minister. (hich of the following is the correct statement "

a# b# c# d# e# 99. A# a# d# 95. a# b# c# d# 9'. a# b# c# d# e# 9%. a# e# 98. a# b# c# d#

-tate 7ank of 1ndia is the sole authorit to is true and manage currenc in 1ndia. A nationaliLed bank is the sole authorit to issue and manage currenc in 1ndia. A co+o!erative bank sit he sole authorit to issue and manage currenc in 1ndia. D71 is the sole authorit to issue and manage currenc in 1ndia. None of the above. (hich of the following is K are commodit Kies on which subsid /ertiliLer :nl A :nl A C ? e# 7# b# 3erosene :nl 7 ?# c# is given to farmers K !oor 4<0 :nl ?

in 1ndia "

All A,7, C ?

Accounts are allowed to be o!erated b che.ues in res!ect of + 7oth -avings bank accounts and fi5ed de!osit accounts -avings bank accounts and current accounts 7oth -avings bank accounts and loan accounts 7oth -avings bank accounts and fi5ed de!osit accounts (hich of the following is correct statement " Normall no interest is !aid on current de!osit accounts. 1nterest is !aid on current accounts at the same rate as term de!osit accounts. The rate of interest on current account and savings account are the same. No interest is !aid on an de!osit b the bank. -avings de!osits are the same as current de!osits. The 4oka ukta of which of the following -tates had submitted a re!ort on illegal mining of Andhra <radesh None of these The usual de!osit accounts of banks are+ ?urrent accounts, electricit accounts and insurance !remium accounts ?urrent accounts, <ost :ffice savings bank accounts and term de!osit accounts. 4oan accounts, savings bank accounts and terms de!osit accounts ?urrent accounts, -aving bank accounts and term de!osit b# Tamil Nadu c# 3arnataka d# :rissa

iron are in the -tate "

e# 9@. a# b# c# d# e# 5B. a# b# c# d# e# 51. a# e# 52. a# b# c# d# e# 5$. a# 59.

?urrent bill accounts and term /i5ed de!osits and recurring de!osits are + re!a able after an agreed !eriod. re!a able on demand non re!a able re!a able after death of de!ositors re!a able on demand or after an agreed !eriod as !er bank=s choice. /inancial inclusion means !rovision of+ financial services namel , !a ments, remittances, savings, loans and insurance at ration at affordable cost to !ersons not et given the same. house at affordable cost to !ersons not et given the same. food at affordable cost to !ersons not et given the same. education at affordable cost to !ersons not et given the same. (hich of the following stated became the first state in the countr Andhra <radesh 3arnataka (hen a 7ank returns a che.ue un!aid, it is called + !a ment of the che.ue drawing of the che.ue cancelling of the che.ue dishonour of the che.ue taking of the che.ue The world=s highest =Dail 7ridge= is being will be on which of the following rivers " 2helum b# ?henab c# 1ndus d# Davi e# None of these b# 3erala c# 0uArat d# to launch D71s e+

affordable cost to !ersons not et given the same.

!a ment s stem for commercial ta5 !a ers " 8aharashtra

(hich of the following schemes is launched b the 0ovt. of 1ndia to !rovide an identit to

its all resident citiLens and also in identif ing !eo!le who are !oorest, often the last to stand u! to ask for their share in 0ovt. schemes or lack identit " a# <ublic <rovident /und -cheme

b# c# d# e# 55. a# b# c# d# e# 5'. a# d# 5%. a# e# 58. a# b# c# d# e# 5@. a# b# c# d# e#

1ndira 0andhi :ld Age <ension -cheme -ocial -ecurit -cheme for 0ramin )ak -evaks 8.0. National Dural &m!lo ment 0uarantee Act Aadhar ?ard -cheme (hich of the following t !es of accounts are known as =)emat Accounts= " Accounts which are Mero 7alance Accounts Accounts which are o!ened to facilitators re!a ment of loan taken from the bank. No other Accounts in which shares of various com!anies are traded in electronic form Accounts which are o!erated through internet banking facilit . None of the above (ho amongst the following won the (imbledon 8en=s /inals 2B1$ " Dafael Nadal And 8urra b# Novak )Aokovic e# c# Dobert 7ruce None of these

business can be conducted from there.

E!!er limit !rescribed for DT0- transaction is + Ds.1 lac b# Ds.2 lacs c# Ds.5 lacs d# Ds.5B lacs No u!!er limit is !rescribed (hat is the full form of =/1N:= a term we see fre.uentl /inancial 1nvestment Network and :!erations /armers 1nvestment in National :rganisation /armers 1nclusion News and :!erations /inancial 1nclusion Network and :!erations None of the above (hen the rate of inflation increases + <urchasing !ower of mone increases !urchasing !ower of mone decreases 6alue of mone increases !urchasing !ower of mone remains unaffected amount of mone in circulation decreases in financial news!a!ers "

'B. 6ishakha!atnam cit is in the state of a# d# Andhra <radesh 8aharashtra b# 3erala c# Tamilnadu e# :rissa (O'-&TER 0NO/#E1!E '1. a# d# '2. a# d# '$. a# '9. a# d# '5. a# e# ''. a# d# '%. a# d# '8. a# '@. a# To change selected te5t to all ca!ital letters, click the change case button, then click + E<<&D ?A-& 4ock E!!er e# b# E<<&D A44 c# ?A<- 4:?3 4arge -iLe

A !erson who used his or her e5!ertise to gain access to other !eo!le=s com!uters to get or do damage is a + b# anal st c# instant messenger e# s!ammer )6) c# D:8 d# D( e# D:hacker !rogrammer ?) b#

information illegall

Deusable o!tical storage will t !icall have the acron m + ?odes consisting of lines of var ing widths or lengths that are com!uter + readable are An A-?11 code a bar code e# b# None of these 7rowser !age c# -earch !age d# 7ookmark a magnetic ta!e c# an :?D scanner

known as +

A (eb site=s main !age is called its + Home <age b# None of these NNNNN are attem!ts b individuals to obtain confidential information from ou b falsif ing <hishing tri!s 6iruses e# b# ?om!uter viruses c# -! ware scams

their identit . <hishing scams b# e# c# multitasking c# time+ sharing

The simultaneous !rocessing of two or more !rograms b multi!le !rocessors is + multi!rogramming multi!rocessing DA8 b# (ork b# /lo!! Auto c# None of these ?<E d# Normal d# ?)+D:8 Doman e# e# D:8 None of these

(hat is the !ermanent memor built into our com!uter called " The default view in &5cel is NNNN view.

%B. a# %1. a# %2. a# d# %$. a# %9. a# c# %5. a# e# %'. a# c# d# %%. a# d# %8. a# %@.

A central com!uter that holds, collections of data and !rograms for man <?, workstations, su!ercom!uter e# b# minicom!uter c# la!to! to select a

and other com!uters is a *n# ,+ d# tabs None of these

;ou can N a search b !roviding more information the search engine can use refine b# e5!and hard disk c# load b# d# .uer c# e# slowdown

smaller, more useful set of results. A )6) is an e5am!le of a *n# + o!tical disc e# d# out!ut device solid+ state storage device ta5 b# cell c# bo5 None of these range e# b# d# b# ?<E c# None of these

The basic unit of a worksheet into which ou enter data in &5cel is called a + NNNNN is the !rocess of dividing the disk into tracks and sectors. Tracking ?rashing 7E81N1 8obile ?ommerce is best described as + The use of kiosks in marketing Esing notebook <?=s in marketing com!uter !rogramme b# DA8 3e e# 7lack b# e# Trans!orting !roducts None of the above motherboard 7u ing and selling goodsK services through wireless hand+ held devices The main circuit+ board of the s stem unit is the ?ontrol unit c# None of these b# 3ernel 7oot c# 3e 7 te d# 3it 7it e# 3ilo+7 te /ormatting Allotting e# E-7 None of these d# 81)1

(hich !orts connect s!ecial t !es of music instruments to sound cards "

The com!uter abbreviation 37 usuall means + ?onnection or link to other documents or (eb <ages that contain related information is c# h !erlink d# e+cash e# domain name

called + a# dial Ou! b# electronic commerce 8B. a# The !iece of hardware that converts our com!uter=s digital signal to an analog signal that red wire b# blue cord c# tower d# modem e# None of these

can travel over tele!hone lines is called a +

)irections *for >.81+ 8'# 1n these .uestions, select the word from the alternatives a#, b#, c# , d# and e# that is similar in meaning to the word given in ?A<1TA4 letters. 81. 1N/DA a# 4eft 82. -:41?1T:Ea# ?onsiderate 8$. 01-T a# Accessor 89. H:8&4; a# Deliable 85. <A?1/; a# <lacate b# Treat c# Harass d# DeAoice e# &ncourage b# Defined c# Amicable d# <lain e# -o!histicated b# -ubmission c# ?ontribution d# -ubstance e# <restige b# ?areless c# Deverential d# Nonchalant e# -omber b# Dight c# Above d# 7elow e# )istant

)irections *for >.8'+ @B# 1n these .uestions, select the word from the alternatives a#, b#, c# , d# and e# that is not similar in meaning to the word given in ?A<1TA4 letters. 8'. 2A?3<:T a# Award b# 7onanLa c# <ool c# 8onarch c# -ettled d# <unishment e# Deward d# Do al e# -u!reme e# 6agrant 8%. -:6&D&10N a# 6assal b# &m!eror 88. 6agabond a# 7eggar 8@. )1-?:D) a# Accord @B. &m!hasis a# 1nsistence b# 1ntensit c# )ecidedness d# :verlook e# Accentuate b# ?onflict c# ?ontention d# )ifference e# )is!ute b# Dascal d# Tram!

)irections *for >.@1+ @5# 1n these .uestions, select the most effective word from the alternatives a#, b#, c# , d# and e# to fill in the blank to make the sentence meaningfull com!lete. @1. He NNNNNNNNNNNNNN aslee! in the class while the lecturer was delivering the lecture. a# fallen b# falls c# fell d# went e# gone @2. The NNNNNNNNN has beautifull e5!ressed her feelings in her !oems. a# authoress b# announcer c# !oetess d# actress e# Aournalist

@$. -he readil acce!ted m invitation and cameNNNNNNNN with me to the function. a# across b# together c# along d# towards e# after @9. -&71 has givenNNNNNNNNNN to the general investor not to invest in such bogus schemes. a# instructions a# edge b# directives c# notice d# advice e# information c# brim d# rim e# margin. @5. The waiter filled m glass to theNNNNNNNNNNNNNN. b# border )irection *for > @' +1BB# <lease read each sentence carefull , to find out whether there is an grammatical error in it. The error, if an , ma be in one !art of the sentence, underlined b a#, b#, c#, d# or if there is no error answer is e#. @'. 1 have K ver ha!! K to hear K these good news. a# @%. 1n a K a# a# a# a# b# fit of rage K b# b# b# b# c# c# c# d# she teared u! K the reAection letter c# c# d# d# d# d# e# e# e# e# No &rror e#

@8. 8 father K cannot affordK to sending me K to 87A college. @@. (ould ou K like to Kcome with K us for a !icnic" 1BB. 8 sisterK insists thatK she allowed to K wear Aeans.

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