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General Baseball Knowledge Test -- 2014

This test is designed to determine your baseball acumen through questions about the game and some of its specific plays and situations. Some questions have more than one correct answer, so be as thorough as possible when reading and answering each question. Please take your time in completing the test while your !uali"ication "or the #ob will not be solely determined by the results o" this test it is a key "actor in our o$erall e$aluation. Have fun, and good luck! %ssign each position with the correct "ielder number &1-'( used in traditional scoring con$ention) a) atcher !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! b) Shortstop !!!!!!!!!!!!!! c) enter field !!!!!!!!!!!!! d) "irst base !!!!!!!!!!!!!! e) Second base !!!!!!!!!!!! f) g) h) i) #eft field !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! $itcher !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! %ight field !!!!!!!!!!!!!! Third base !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

*escribe what is meant by a +double switch,)

-%./ or -0123 %nswer appropriately "or each scenario listed below) &) ' ground ball strikes the third base bag and caroms into foul territory. !!!!! () ' line drive strikes the first base coach and caroms into fair territory. !!!!!! )) ' long fly ball hits the right field foul pole. !!!! *) ' ground ball lands in foul territory, but spins into fair territory in front of third base. !!!!!! +) ' bunt comes to rest on the first base line before being fielded. !!!!!! ,) ' ground ball rolls along the first base line and into foul ground before being touched by a fielder, after the batter has already reached first base. !!!!!! 0n a 4-0 count the pitch is wild and hits the batter on the leg5 .s it a walk or a hit by pitch3

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6ith a runner on "irst the batter hits a ground ball that strikes the runner as he is ad$ancing to second5 6hat is the correct umpire7s ruling3 &) -ead ball, and both the runner and batter are out. () -ead ball, the runner is award second base and the batter is awarded first base. )) -ead ball, the baserunner is ruled out and the batter is awarded first base. *) The ball is considered .live/ and the baserunners advance at their own discretion. 8ames as many ways as you can "or a batter to reach base without being credited with a base hit5 99999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999 0n which o" these plays is a batter not charged with an at-bat3 8ote the correct answer&s() &) Sacrifice fly +) atcher0s interference () "ielder0s choice ,) Sacrifice bunt )) 1ntentional walk 2) Hit by pitch *) "ielder0s error 3) %unner hit by batted ball *escribe the di""erence between a "ielder7s choice and a "orce out)

*escribe the di""erence between a wild pitch and a passed ball)

*escribe the di""erence between a pick o"" a caught stealing and a picked o""-caught stealing)

.n which situation&s( is the batter credited with an /B.3 8ote the correct answer&s() &) 4ith a runner on third and one out, a wild pitch is thrown that allows the runner to score. () 4ith the bases loaded and none out, the batter hits into a ,5*5) double play. The runner from third scores and the runner goes from second to third. )) 4ith a runner on third and one out, the batter hits a ground ball to the shortstop, who bobbles it for an error. The batter reaches base and the runner scores from third. *) 4ith runners on first and third and none out, the batter hits a ground ball to the shortstop, who steps on second base for the out. The batter reaches base and the runner scores from third.

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.n which situation&s( is the relie" pitcher awarded a sa$e3 8ote the correct answer&s() &) 6nters the game with a +5run lead in the 3th inning, with two runners on base, and finishes the game with his team0s lead intact. () 6nters the game with a *5run lead and the bases loaded with ( outs in the 7th inning, allows a two5 run single and then records the last out of the game as his team wins by ( runs. )) 6nters the game in the 3th with his team trailing by a run8 he allows no more runs, and his team comes back to win the game. *) 6nters the 2th with a &5run lead and leaves in the 3th with the lead still intact. +) 6nters the game to start the +th inning with his team ahead by one. He finishes the game and his team holds on to that one run lead and wins the game. .n which situation&s( is the relie" pitcher charged with a blown sa$e3 8ote the correct answer&s() &) 6nters a tie game in the 3th inning8 his team scores a run in the top of the 7th but he gives up the tying run in the bottom of the 7th and then leaves the game. () 6nters the game with a )5( lead in the 3th inning and allows a game5tying home run. His team then takes the lead in the top of the 7th inning before he leaves the game. )) 6nters the game with a )5( lead in the 3th inning with none out and a runner on third. Strikes out the ne9t two batters and then gives up a walk and is replaced. The subsequent reliever allows a base hit to tie the game. *) 6nters the game in the 3th inning with his team trailing, *5(. His team scores ) runs in the top of the 7th to take a +5* lead, but he gives up a (5run homer in the bottom of the 7th and his team loses, ,5+. .n which situation&s( is a relie" pitcher awarded a hold3 8ote the correct answers&s() &) 6nters the game in the +th inning replacing the starting pitcher with a ,5+ lead and two outs and there is a runner on (nd. He retires the batter for the )rd out. He pitches the ne9t inning and replaced in the 2th giving up no runs. His team wins the game ,5+. () 6nters the game in the 3th inning with the bases loaded and the score tied at two. He retires the only batter he faces and is replaced. His team goes on to win the game )5(. )) 6nters the game in the 2th inning with his team leading )5( and a runner on )rd base. He retires the batter and his team goes on to win +5(. *) 6nters the game in the game in the 7th inning with his team leading +5*, no out, and no one on base. He retires the first two batters he faces and then is replaced. The ne9t reliever gives up a single and then a homerun and loses the game. :ow is it possible "or a pitcher to record more than three strikeouts in a single inning3

.n each o" the "ollowing scenarios identi"y which runs are earned unearned or team unearned) &) 4ith one out in the inning, the batter hits a foul pop that is dropped for an error. The batter then singles, and the ne9t batter follows with a home run.

() :se the same scenario as above, but with two outs in the inning.

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)) 4ith one out and runners on first and third, the batter hits a ground ball to the shortstop, who bobbles it for an error8 both runners advance one base on the error and the batter is safe at first. The ne9t batter hits into an inning5ending ,5*5) double5play.

*) 4ith two outs and a runner on first, the batter hits a line drive at the leftfielder, who slips and drops the ball for an error. The runner scores from first and the batter also scores on the four5base error. The ne9t batter flies out to end the inning.

+) The leadoff batter hits an infield single and reaches second on the shortstop0s throwing error on the same play. He goes to third on a sacrifice bunt and scores on a sacrifice fly. The ne9t two batters single, to put runners at first and third, before the pitcher records the final out.

,) 4ith no outs and a runner on )rd, the batter hits a fly ball to the right fielder who throws the ball home. The runner is called safe when the catcher drops the throw. The official scorer gives the right fielder an assist on the play. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 2) 4ith two out and a runner on (nd, a ground ball is hit to the shortstop who throws to )rd late and the runner is safe. The ne9t batter drives in the runner from )rd. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 3) 4ith one out and a runner on &st, the batter bunts to the pitcher who throws to the first baseman who drops the ball for an error, the runner on &st moves to (nd. The batter is credited with a sacrifice bunt. The ne9t batter doubles and the runner on (nd scores before the last out of the inning. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 7) 4ith one out and a runner on &st, the batter grounds to the third baseman. The runner on &st is safe at (nd when the second baseman drops the throw from the third baseman for an error, an assist to the third baseman. The ne9t two batters single before the end of the inning. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! &;) 4ith two out and a runner on &st, on a stolen base attempt the runner steals (nd and advances to )rd on a throwing error by the catcher. The ne9t batter hits a triple, the batter after that makes an out. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Batter swings and hits a homerun5 0n the swing howe$er the bat tipped the end o" the catcher7s glo$e5 6hat would be the result o" the play3 &) <o pitch () atcher0s interference, batter awarded first base )) =atter0s team elects to keep the homerun *) Strike 6ith no out and runners on "irst and second the batter swings at strike three in the dirt blocked and picked up by the catcher5 To retire the batter the catcher has to) &) -o nothing, batter is out automatically () Tag the batter )) Throw to&st base *) 'ppeal to the &st base umpire 0n the 1-0 pitch home the batter runs "orward to the bo; to bunt5 :is right "oot is out o" the batter7s bo; when he bunts the ball "oul5 6hat is the call) &) Strike to batter () <o pitch )) =atter out for being out of batter0s bo9 *) =all 6ith a runner on 1st the batter hits a line dri$e single to center5 The runner on 1st hesitates and is thrown out at 2nd base on a throw "rom the center "ielder to the shortstop5 6hat is the ruling) &) Single, runner out at (nd () "orce play at (nd base, runner out )) -ouble *) "ielder0s choice, runner safe at (nd 6ith a runner on 2nd batter hits a line dri$e down the le"t "ield line5 The runner on 2nd ad$ances to 4rd as the batter goes to 2nd &no error on play(5 6hat is the ruling) &) double for batter, runner to )rd () single for batter, runner to )rd, batter to (nd )) triple *) double, fielder0s choice allowing the runner on (nd to go to )rd The batter hits a ground ball down the 4rd base line past the third baseman and strikes the third base ump &who is in "air ground( on the leg and bounces to the shortstop the batter reaches "irst base sa"ely5 6hat is the ruling) &) single () error on )= )) dead ball *) foul

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6ith a runner on 1st and going on the pitch batter hits a "ly ball to deep center "ield5 The runner rounds 2nd and sees the center "ielder has caught the ball5 .n a hurry to get back to 1st be"ore begin doubled o"" the runner cuts in "ront o" the base and gets back to1st #ust in time5 &) %unner is safe getting back to first () %unner is out, batter is safe )) =atter is out, runner is safe on fielder0s choice *) %unner is out for missing the (nd base, double play 8ote which instances that an in"ield "ly would be called &with less than two outs() &) %unner on &st () %unner on &st and (nd )) =ases loaded *) %unner0s on (nd and )rd +) %unners on &st and )rd % runner on 1st attempts a steal o" second base5 The runner reaches the bag sa"ely and but slides o$er the bag and is tagged out5 6hat is the result o" the play) &) The runner is safe on (nd and out on a fielder0s choice. () The runner is safe on (nd with a stolen base and out when because he0s off the bag. )) The runner is out on a caught stealing. .n which o" these "ollowing plays is team credited with a double play de"ensi$ely) &) 4ith runners on &st and (nd, the ball is hit to right field. The right fielder throws out the runner at home, and the batter is out at (nd on the throw from the catcher to the second baseman. (). 4ith a runner on &st, the batter strikes out and the runner is thrown out at (nd for a caught stealing. )). 4ith a runner on (nd, the batter hits ground ball to the shortstop who retires the batter at &st. The runner on (nd is out at )rd after trying to advance on the out at &st. *). 4ith a runner on &st, the ball is hit to the shortstop who throws to the second baseman for the out at (nd. 1n trying to complete the double play, the second baseman throws the ball past the first baseman. The batter advances to (nd on the throwing error, but is retired at )rd when the right fielder throws to the third baseman for the out. +). 4ith a runner on &st, the batter grounds to the first baseman who touches first base for the out. He then throws to the shortstop and the runner on &st gets into a rundown and eventually is out trying to get back to &st. .n which o" the "ollowing plays is a caught stealing credited) &). 4ith a runner on &st, the runner takes off for (nd. The pitcher throws behind the runner to the first baseman, who then throws to the shortstop and the runner is tagged out after a run down. (). 4ith a runner on &st, the pitch is thrown in the dirt. The runner was not moving on the pitch, but seeing the ball in the dirt attempts to reach (nd. He is thrown out, catcher to the second baseman. )). 4ith runners on &st and (nd, the runners take off on the pitch. The runner on (nd is thrown out at )rd, and the runner on &st is thrown out at (nd.

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.n which o" the "ollowing plays is the batter credited with a sacri"ice bunt or "ly) &). 4ith a runners on (nd and )rd, the batter hits a fly ball to the left fielder. The runner on )rd scores, but the runner on (nd is out at )rd when the left fielder throws the ball gets past the catcher and the pitcher throws to the third baseman. (). 4ith a runner on &st, the ball is bunted to the first baseman who throws to the (nd baseman covering first. The batter would have been out at &st, but is safe when the (nd baseman drops the throw. The runner on &st reaches (nd. )). 4ith a runner on )rd, the batter hits a pop fly down the )rd base line. The third baseman makes a great over the shoulder catch and falls into the stands, the runner on )rd scores on the play. *). 4ith a runner on (nd, the batter hits a deep fly ball to right field. The runner on (nd advances to )rd. +). 4ith a runner on )rd, the batter hits a fly ball to center field. The runner on )rd is safe but the catcher drops the throw and the center fielder is given an assist on the play.

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There are at least 10 discrepancies between the bo; score e;cerpts below5 1sing the bo; score on the right as the o""icial source list the discrepancies in the bo; score on the le"t5

&) () )) *) +) ,) 2) 3) 7) &;)

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@coring discrepancies continued &&) &() &)) &*) !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

." a de"ensi$e team intends to appeal the pre$ious play when must they do so3 &) =efore the ne9t pitch () =efore the ne9t inning )) =efore the ne9t game *) =efore the end of the regular season 1nder what in-game circumstances would a team lose its designated hitter3

6ith runners on "irst and second both runners break on the pitch and the catcher throws out the runner at third base with the runner "rom "irst ad$ancing sa"ely to second5 6hat is the correct 0""icial @coring on the play3 &) Steal of second, .out advancing/ at third () aught stealing at third, steal of second )) aught stealing at third, .runner0s fielder0s choice/ advancement to second *) -ouble caught stealing A;plain the circumstances where there can be a team unearned run3

B Tell us more about yoursel" as a baseball "an) 4here and when did you see your first live >#= game? 's a kid, who were your baseball heroes? <ame your favorite 55 and least favorite 55 uniforms in >#= history@ 4hat changes or improvements should your favorite team make this off season?

1f you were commissioner for a day, what would be your first official actAs)?

&B%nswers to these !uestions will 80T a""ect your score or o$erall e$aluation5(

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