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Michelle McGowan Gail Richard Composition I Rhetorical analysis, Final draft 10/7/13 The authors of the letter were

Paul, Ringo, John and George. The essay is to the alumni and friends of the ABCD department of excellence. The authors point is to get the alumnis to help pay for their party, and to invite them to the party. The letter it gives reasons why, they need help paying for the party, and why, the alumnis should come to the party. In this rhetorical analysis, I will discuss the audience, logos, ethos, and pathos of the letter. The audience for the letter is the alumnis and the ABCD department of excellence. The way that I determined the audience is by reading the top of the paper that states, Dear alumni and friends of the ABCD department of excellence. Also, I determined it by the letter. It kept including the alumnis in every sentence, to let them know that they were really reaching out to them, I stated in the first sentence by reading, I figured out that they are the audience. The authors demonstrated logos by trying to persuade the alumni and ABCD department of excellence to give money to help sponsor their party. They gave information regarding what they did for the class before them. Also another way they persuaded them is by

inviting them to the party. The statement that I didnt agree with is, we understand if a donation is not within your comfort zone or budget right now, but do hope you will join us to celebrate. That implies that if you dont have the money you can still come to the party, because they know that everybody does not have it in their budget. People may be compelled not to go, because they didnt make a donation to help. Also in logos it stands for the purpose of something. In the letter the four students purpose is to get them to donate money to help pay for their party. So the four of them state different things that went on at the class before party, which the alumni help pay for. Also, how they had hors doeuvres and cocktails there at the class before party. Ethos is the credibility or ethical appeal, it means convincing by the character of the author. Even though the letter has logos, the ethos is not strong because it is not on a letter head. The little credibility that goes to Paul, Ringo, John, and George. The ethos is established by them stating please RSVP by June 14th to any of the four of us. In the letter I was trying to figure out if some of the credibility went to the mailing address which is Dept. of excellence EOY party c/o Jane Doe, PhD 5555 Pretend Avenue Little Rock, AR 72205. Even though it was difficult finding who the credibility goes to, I strongly believe that it goes to the author, and the address where they are sending the donations to. The letter has a pathos appeal. Pathos is the emotional appeal, which means persuading by appealing to the readers emotions. The facts that the letter gave for the emotional appeal is they stated, what it lacked is the presence of alumni and those of you who work with us every day in the office. To me that is trying get to their hearts, to make them want to give a donation

and come. The emotional appeal is demonstrated in this letter is they were still nice enough to invite the alumnis who didnt have the money to give donations for them to throw their party. I believe that has an emotional appeal because even if you dont give, or have the money to help out, we would still want you to come out, and have a great time with us. I know I said in most of my other paragraphs that it was difficult finding the ethos, and audience for the letter, but in pathos it was simple. Even though the main point was for them to get money for their party, it was nice of the authors to invite them to the party. They gave great examples of why they need the money. Like I stated before they shouldnt have stated that we understand if a donation is not within your budget, you can still go. Because that would make them feel uncomfortable going, because they might feel bad that they wasnt able to contribute anything to make this party the best party ever. I believe that the four students got to their hearts, and mind to get them to donate. I also think the party will turn out great and everybody will come and have a great time.

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