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Astrobiology - Exobiology

Astrobiology is the study of the origin, evolution, distribution, and future of life in the universe: extraterrestrial life and life on Earth. Astrobiology addresses the question of whether life exists beyond Earth, and how humans can detect it if it does The term Exobiology is similar but more specific it covers the search for life beyond Earth, and the effects of extraterrestrial environments on living things.


This interdisciplinary field encompasses the search for habitable environments in our Solar System and habitable planets outside our Solar System, the search for evidence of prebiotic chemistry, laboratory and field research into the origins and early evolution of life on Earth, and studies of the potential for life to adapt to challenges on Earth and in outer space.


Astrobiology makes use of physics, chemistry, astronomy, biology, molecular biology, ecology, planetary science, geography, and geology to investigate the possibility of life on other orlds and help recogni!e biospheres that might be different from the biosphere on Earth


Earth is the only place in the universe kno n to harbor life. "o ever, recent advances in planetary science have changed fundamental assumptions about the possibility of life in the universe, raising the estimates of habitable !ones around other stars and the search for extraterrestrial microbial life


Still, as recently as #$$%, no one as sure hether planets existed around other stars. That as the year in hich the first strong evidence as obtained for the existence of extrasolar planets, or planets orbiting stars other than our Sun. Since that time, additional discoveries of extrasolar planets have poured in at an astonishing rate, so that the kno n extrasolar planets no far outnumber the planets of our o n solar system.

The &o ' signal

The &o ' signal as a strong narro band radio signal detected by (erry ). Ehman on August #%, #$**, hile he as orking on a SET+ pro,ect at the -ig Ear radio telescope of The .hio State /niversity, then located at .hio &esleyan /niversity0s 1erkins .bservatory in 2ela are, .hio. The signal bore the expected hallmarks of non-terrestrial and non-Solar System origin. +t lasted for the full *3second indo that -ig Ear as able to observe it, but has not been detected again

The &o ' signal

Astrobiology : Exoplanets

Astrobiology : Exoplanets

Astrobiology : Exoplanets

Astrobiology : Exoplanets

Astrobiology : Exoplanets

Astrobiology : Exoplanets

* Exoplanet candidates are discoveries that have yet to be confirmed as actual exoplanet discoveries. These candidates are !"#!$ li%ely to be actual exoplanet discoveries.

Astrobiology : Exoplanets

Astrobiology : Exoplanets

Astrobiology : Exoplanets

Astrobiology : Exoplanets

Astrobiology : Exoplanets 42+56

Astrobiology : "istoric timeline



Astrobiology : A fe


What are we searching for?

&hen e search for extraterrestrial life, or life beyond Earth e are looking for any sign of life, be it simple, complex, or intelligent. &e don8t care if it looks exactly like life e are familiar ith on Earth or if it is dramatically different. "o ever, e can8t really ans er the 7uestion of hat e are looking for unless e kno hat life is.

Astrobiology : A fe


What is life?

/nfortunately, defining life is no simple matter, not even here on Earth here e have bountiful examples of it -ecause of this definitional difficulty, the scientific search for extra-terrestrial life in the universe generally presumes a search for life that is at least some hat Earth-like and that e could therefore recogni!e based on hat e kno from studying life on Earth.

Astrobiology : A fe


What is life? (cont.)

Astrobiology : A fe


Is it reasonable to imagine life beyond Earth?

The scientific search for life in the universe is a relatively recent development in human history, but the idea of extraterrestrial life is not. &any ancient cultures told stories about beings living among the stars and the ancient 'ree%s engaged in serious philosophical debate about the possibility of life beyond Earth.


-asic )eferences

http:99en. ikipedia.org9 iki9Astrobiology http:99en. ikipedia.org9 iki91ortal:Astrobiology http:99en. ikipedia.org9 iki9&o ':signal http:99 .astrobio.net9 http:99cab.inta.es9es9inicio http:99planet7uest.,pl.nasa.gov9system9interactable9#9index.html http:99planet7uest.,pl.nasa.gov9system9interactable939timeline.html http:99exoplanet.eu9 http:99phl.upr.edu9pro,ects9habitable-exoplanets-catalog http:99exoplanetarchive.ipac.caltech.edu9 Life in the Universe, (. -ennett ; S. Shostak 43<#36

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